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Well, well, here we go folks, another edition of Raw and I’m not excited, but then again, when is the last time I was truly excited about discussing Raw? I don’t remember at all. Let’s discuss the night, and some of the matches, and random notes as only I can, because this is the longest episodic pro wrestling blog ever created! Or maybe not.
WWE Monday Night Raw October 15, 2018 Results and Review
I hate when wrestling shows start with a lot of talking. Once again, we start Raw with talking, and I personally hate it. The three idiots came out, Dolph, Drew, and Brown Shoeman. They recapped last week! Come on! Who are they recapping for? Anyways, this was boring to start, and I am not a fan.
Seth Rollins defeated Drew McIntyre by Countout
The WWE World Cup match here, and it wasn’t bad. It had some good momentum, but after some back and forth, and Dean Ambrose showing up, Seth Rollins would get the win via count out. This was a terrible finish, mind you. However, the match itself wasn’t a complete terrible thing. I do question why a surprise attack needs music to play, as Dean got his music played to help his pal. He should’ve just ambushed Dolph Ziggler outside, no music or anything. Rollins wins, that’s all.
The WWE must assume that no one watches their show, right? Why else would they recap the DX announcement from last week through a long portion of the show? Meh.
Dean was teasing a split from the Shield, after Rollins called him a lunatic. I will say that I love Renee Young’s pants, and her style. She is a very lovely, woman and those pants, man, she’s a dream girl to me in many ways.
There was a vignette featuring Kane and The Undertaker. It was shot in a boiler room of sorts. It was stupid. I’m tired of seeing these 50 plus year old, broken down, boring big guys.
Nia Jax and Ember Moon defeated Tamina and Dana Brooke
I don’t know what to tell you about this. You already know it was bad, right? Well, if you didn’t see Raw, you didn’t miss anything at all. This was clumsy, and somewhat boring. It was a short match, with a finish that you’d expect at this point. Dana Brooke got hit with the Eclipse and that was the end. Short match, with some good action, and Tamina picking up Nia on her shoulders, that was cool. Other than that, another match with an ending that featured Tamina and Nia Jax squaring up.
Ronda Rousey Promo
Ronda Rousey’s appeal is waning on me. I like her a lot, but in the WWE, she’s just meh, especially selling for The Bellas. She cut a promo. The Bellas came out, and there was an exchange, and out came security out of nowhere. So, Ronda decides to beat up the security guys with ease. The Bellas then ran away and that was that. I guess that’s the end of all that? They didn’t need this, we already know that The Bellas are useless, and by all accounts if the WWE books the way I think they will, we will see Ronda lose to the Bella Magic device.
Dolph Ziggler defeated Dean Ambrose
Thanks to Seth Rollins, Dean lashed out at his bro, and got a super kick for his effort, and a pinball win for Ziggler. Not a great match, but there’s enough of a push to watch it, even if Ambrose loses. This may spell doom for the Shield of course.
Balor defeated Jinder Mahal
Balor buries Mahal.
Trish and Lita Talk To Alexa Bliss and Mickie James
This was painful to watch.
AOP defeated A Random Jobber
It was supposed to be Angle, but it wasn’t.
Backstage The Riott Squad messed up Natalya’s dressing room door. Bullying. Meh.
Natalya defeated Ruby Riott
This wasn’t that great of a match, but it had some moments to consider. It was a short match, and Natalya did get the Sharpshooter victory, or was nearly there, but Sara Logan came in to fight that, and then chaos ensued with Bayley and Sasha Banks getting jumped. Riott Squad then beat up Natalya, and that was that.
Elias Segment
Apollo Crews interrupted this predictable segment. Crews then beat up Elias and that was that.
The Shield defeated The Wolves
Again, the same main event we see every week, and this time The Shield got to the win, and that was that. What can I say, it was a match, and that was that. Meh, to say the least. Another match won by the same three guys that take up all the time on Raw.
Afterwards Brown Shoeman beat up the squad, and Drew McIntyre walked away alone.
Overall, I’m just tired of the Shield and the same old booking on Raw.