I hate the tag lines. Th new TNA intro is exactly like the old RAW is War/Attitude era WWE intro, complete with rain, cages, and women. I hope this doesn’t suck.
The show starts with Aj Styles and Samoa Joe ranting about how no one helped them when they were beating up the Main Event Mafia. Joe is out there and he looked pissed too. It’s hilarious. These guys don’t need to open the show, we need more wrestling, less talk. The Motor City Machine Guns and the rest of the tna roster hits the ring to join the two, but the guns don’t really want to join the revolution of sorts. Samoa Joe slaps one member of the Machine Guns, and her comes the Main Event Mafia! They take turns on the mic and I’m bored, you should be bored too. The Main Event Mafia declares war tonight on Impact!
Christy Hemme & ODB defeated The Beautiful People
Not a horrible match, this had Hemme starting out and ODB coming in with quick tags, these two really have a good amount of talent and work together well. The Beautiful people are good at taking bumps, well about as good as I’ve seen from so called “model” wrestlers. Velvet Sky took advantage of a quick ref distraction and The Beautiful People took control of the match and things were looking bad for Hemme and ODB. The middle of this match was boring, and while The knockouts are usually good at wrestling, this time around they seemed a little out of it. The Beautiful People weren’t exactly all that good at all towards the end of this match and really showed that they need more in ring work. ODB looked great, and I’m always impressed by her athleticism if not by the stupid gimmick she has. ODB gets the win on this one, and it’s all over.
Eric Young defeated James Storm
Apparently the whole TNA war angle is NOT applicable to the tag team division. This match wasn’t all that bad, it was actually kind of cool. Eric Young defeated James Storm after a misfire distraction from his partner, and gets the win in a short match. There wasn’t a whole lot to mention in this one. It was quick, easy, and painless.
What happened to the Super Eric gimmick? I’m just saying.
The Motor City Machine Guns defeated Tanahashi & Volador
First and foremost, The Machine Guns need to get better intro music. They need something heavier than their treble heavy guitar hero style music. They need something from the band “Godsmack” like “I Stand Alone” or something like that. Trust me, I know these things.
This immediately broke into a high flying match with the foreign wrestlers making themselves look amazing, as both guys were doing the Japan/Lucha style to start the match up. The Machine Guns turned the table and they pulled off a win with The Cradle Shock and things were over fast. The start of this match was amazing, however, the turn in the middle and the ending was lame. This was too short of a match to warrant a lot of praises, so I’ll just say this one was watchable but not by much.
Samoa Joe & Aj Styles defeated Booker T & Kevin Nash
Kevin Nash is NOT in his prime and to see him out there trying to wrestle Aj is just lame to me. Styles did turn the tables around a little, however the show went to commercial break. When we return things were back in business with Booker T messing up Samoa Joe. Joe looked good returning some of the shots to Booker T, but Booker is just way too fast. He is just so good, Booker T is amazing here, and Joe looked winded at times, and then Kevin Nash came in and started to drop elbows onto Joe. The veterans looked great, even though Nash is older, he had some problems lifting Joe for the sidewalk slam, but other than that things were actually picking up a little. The end came when Booker T missed a scissors kick, then hit the Pele kick for the clean pin over Booker T.
Abyss defeated Kurt Angle via disqualification
This match started with Abyss really taking it to Kurt Angle. I liked that Angle wasn’t able to dominate this match at all. He was getting worked so much that he eventually left ringside and tried to leave through the crowd! After the commercial break, Kurt Angle attacked Abyss by hitting his legs and trying to make the big man go down. He was setting him up for the Ankle Lock submission. (Stolen from Ken Shamrock’s WWE Run) Abyss had a second wind but ran into a Blackhole Slam from Abyss and after the near fall, I had my doubts as to how this match was going to end. Angle hit the Olympic slam and that couldn’t get the big man down! Kurt Angle faked an injury, went outside grabbed a chair and leveled Abyss with it, and lost the match due to disqualification. He then went inside and locked on the Ankle Lock submission. Abyss kept trying to fight, but then Angle was trying to scrape Abyss’ back where he is supposedly burned on. Lame. Angle continues to beat up Abyss until Matt Morgan runs down and starts to level the former champ.
Didn’t Angle defeat Matt Morgan already? Yeah. This is lame to me. Out came the Main Event Mafia and started to beat down Matt Morgan, Morgan started to fight back but Kevin Nash came into the ring and knocked out Matt Morgan and Abyss with a steel chair! The fight member of the Main Event Mafia showed up as the TNA originals ran into the ring, and guess who he was?
BIG POPPA PUMP SCOTT STEINER comes back and joins the Main Event Mafia!
TNA Impact Results 10/30/08
Christy Hemme & ODB defeated The Beautiful People
The Motor City Machine Guns defeated Tanahashi & Volador
Samoa Joe & Aj Styles defeated Booker T & Kevin Nash
Abyss defeated Kurt Angle via disqualification
If you remember the old WCW days when the New World Order was mopping up every night, this is exactly like that. Basically the Veterans end up beating up everyone in the originals faction!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Overanalyzing Wrestling: Christian Edition

The funniest thing to come out of wrestling this week didn't happen on any show. The funny thing about wrestling behind the scene's is stranger than anything that can be presented on screen. So check this out, Boogeyman and Booker T are hanging out together and they go to a sports bar to watch an NFL game. They get asked to leave because Boogey has a cross necklace on and its against the dress code. Before anything could go down however, Booker and Boogey leave. Sad huh? Can you imagine if the bar owners fought Boogeyman and Booker T? That would be incredibly hilarious to me. Look for Boogeyman to make his return on Halloween...or not.
Did you hear about Evan Bourne? Kid's done for 4 months thanks a legit injury on ECW. That's right, Evan Bourne suffered a legit injury. He tore ligaments in his ankle. This means that Vinnie Mac is once again going to ground the cruiserweights, as if there were many to talk about. This is a sad thing for Bourne, he was getting a good push through the WWE ranks. I wonder how it is that the mexican Lucha Libre stars are able to have a high flying offense and yet they don't have nearly as many injuries as the WWE stars. It's just funny to me.
In recent comments made by Y2J, he said that punching Shawn Michael's wife was tough but that it all worked out. I remember when that went down, it was nuts, Chris Jericho got real heat on that one, that's for sure.
This week in wrestling has been lackluster so far, to say the least. I mean there was a few good moments, but overall I'm not as excited as I once was. I am not sure if I ever will be marking out as much as I did when I was a little kid watching Hogan and Andre battle it out. However, I'm still here, don't worry.
Here's a classic match for you guys from vaults of WCW:
War Games 1989 from The Great American Bash:
The Road Warriors, The Midnight Express and Steve Williams vs. The Fabulous Freebirds and The Samoan Swat Team
and Part 2:
Sir Jorge's WWE Store:
Check out our online store for big savings on wwe dvd, and wwe books. Our online store is powered by amazon.com so you're in good hands.
booker t.,
chris jericho,
midnight express,
over analyzing wrestling,
road warriors,
steve williams,
the great american bash,
wrestling video
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
ECW 10/28/08 Review and Results
I had no hopes for ECW this week, I just didn’t expect a whole lot, and plus…Teddy Long started the show with a laughable costume. So I wasn’t keen on seeing good stuff tonight.
Mark Henry, Bam Neely, and Chavo Guerrero defeated Evan Bourne, Finlay, and Matt Hardy
I know I haven’t been on Chavo’s side in a long time, but I think that with the right storyline we can see a turn in Chavo. In fact, we could see a positive crowd towards him. However, this is not the future and people hate Chavo out there. The match was good, each man got in his moves and once again Evan Bourne was going to town, however he looked to have injured his ankle as he threw himself out of the ring. Evan Bourne, after that real looking injury was getting manhandled by Neely and Mark Henry after a quick commercial break. The bad guys were looking great in this time, working as a team, quick tags and putting on a good show. I liked this match, it wasn’t as bad as I expected, however you’ve probably already seen this before, and while I appreciate the effort, it just seems recycled to me. The best parts of this match involved Evan Bourne and Matt Hardy, with both really getting the better of their opponents at different parts of the match. Hornswoggle doing a suicide dive into Tony Atlas was also hilarious. The end of the match happened when the ring was cleared out and Chavo dove off the top rope with a frog splash onto Matt Hardy, for the clean victory. Chavo might be getting a shot at the title sooner than later. I’d like to see him as a strong champion, but I doubt it will happen.
They are really showcasing all things John Cena! Seriously, this is hilarious. I hope he gets a heel turn.
Jack Swagger defeated Tommy Dreamer
Honestly, I don’t know why Tommy Dreamer still has a job. No offense to the man himself, but come on, he’s the only real ECW original still on the show and he hasn’t shown any of that old time Ecw flare. In fact, he doesn’t show the heart he did back then, as he now wrestles the safer wwe style. This match wasn’t all that great, Swagger looked good, but he lacks a little something, I’m not sure what. Tommy Dreamer did get in a lot of offense, trying to teach Swagger a lesson, but the much bigger wrestler was just too much for Dreamer. This match was laughable at best. So laughable that Dreamer even missed his running bulldog, screwing it up, Swagger still sold it. There was an impressive northern lights suplex counter by Swagger, which was the best thing I’ve seen in wrestling in a long time. In fact, Swagger’s counters make him look amazing compared to dreamer. Swagger wins clean, as he does some random gut wrench looking slam. Dreamer loses again.
The Dirt Sheet
Miz and Morrison took to the ring to do their online show live, the Dirt Sheet Hit the air. This was hilarious and disrespectful indeed. I liked it, but I would have much rather had more wrestling than just two matches.
ECW Results 10/28/08
Mark Henry, Bam Neely, and Chavo Guerrero defeated Evan Bourne, Finlay, and Matt Hardy
Jack Swagger defeated Tommy Dreamer
Sir Jorge's WWE Store:
Check out our online store for big savings on wwe dvd, and wwe books. Our online store is powered by amazon.com so you're in good hands.
Mark Henry, Bam Neely, and Chavo Guerrero defeated Evan Bourne, Finlay, and Matt Hardy
I know I haven’t been on Chavo’s side in a long time, but I think that with the right storyline we can see a turn in Chavo. In fact, we could see a positive crowd towards him. However, this is not the future and people hate Chavo out there. The match was good, each man got in his moves and once again Evan Bourne was going to town, however he looked to have injured his ankle as he threw himself out of the ring. Evan Bourne, after that real looking injury was getting manhandled by Neely and Mark Henry after a quick commercial break. The bad guys were looking great in this time, working as a team, quick tags and putting on a good show. I liked this match, it wasn’t as bad as I expected, however you’ve probably already seen this before, and while I appreciate the effort, it just seems recycled to me. The best parts of this match involved Evan Bourne and Matt Hardy, with both really getting the better of their opponents at different parts of the match. Hornswoggle doing a suicide dive into Tony Atlas was also hilarious. The end of the match happened when the ring was cleared out and Chavo dove off the top rope with a frog splash onto Matt Hardy, for the clean victory. Chavo might be getting a shot at the title sooner than later. I’d like to see him as a strong champion, but I doubt it will happen.
They are really showcasing all things John Cena! Seriously, this is hilarious. I hope he gets a heel turn.
Jack Swagger defeated Tommy Dreamer
Honestly, I don’t know why Tommy Dreamer still has a job. No offense to the man himself, but come on, he’s the only real ECW original still on the show and he hasn’t shown any of that old time Ecw flare. In fact, he doesn’t show the heart he did back then, as he now wrestles the safer wwe style. This match wasn’t all that great, Swagger looked good, but he lacks a little something, I’m not sure what. Tommy Dreamer did get in a lot of offense, trying to teach Swagger a lesson, but the much bigger wrestler was just too much for Dreamer. This match was laughable at best. So laughable that Dreamer even missed his running bulldog, screwing it up, Swagger still sold it. There was an impressive northern lights suplex counter by Swagger, which was the best thing I’ve seen in wrestling in a long time. In fact, Swagger’s counters make him look amazing compared to dreamer. Swagger wins clean, as he does some random gut wrench looking slam. Dreamer loses again.
The Dirt Sheet
Miz and Morrison took to the ring to do their online show live, the Dirt Sheet Hit the air. This was hilarious and disrespectful indeed. I liked it, but I would have much rather had more wrestling than just two matches.
ECW Results 10/28/08
Mark Henry, Bam Neely, and Chavo Guerrero defeated Evan Bourne, Finlay, and Matt Hardy
Jack Swagger defeated Tommy Dreamer
Sir Jorge's WWE Store:
Check out our online store for big savings on wwe dvd, and wwe books. Our online store is powered by amazon.com so you're in good hands.
bam neely,
chavo guerrero,
evan bourne,
mark henry,
mat hardy
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
WWE Raw 10/27/08 Review and Results
Chris Jericho opened the show, and he looked pissed! Of course we would get fallout from yesterdays ppv…and some epic matches…I hoped…Here is what went down.
Jericho & Batista will fight next week in a Steel Cage match for the world title!
Mike Adamle got a verbal lashing by Randy Orton! Adamle then punched Randy Orton, Orton threatened to quit if Adamle wasn’t fired next week!
This opening wasn’t half bad. I would have preferred wrestling, but something is going to happen between the two. Expect an Orton Adamle match sooner than later, or at least Adamle as ref or enforcer. Adamle really did look mad, and I thought Orton was going to knock him out, but instead he walked away like a wuss. The crowd was insane going with the “You Suck” chant, my personal favorite.
Kofi Kingston & Cm Punk defeated Ted Dibiase & Cody Rhodes (tag team title match)
Punk and Kingston were working well as a team and the announcers kept stressing that they could win the world tag titles in this match up. They really had team Priceless getting worked. It was a good match overall with Kingston and Punk really working over the champions, and the champs just looked like they didn’t prepare at all for this match up. Kingston and Punk had the crowd squarely behind them as they really tried to work over the champions. We then cut to commercial…and on the return from the break the team of Rhodes and Dibiase were in full control of CM Punk. This was a good part of the match, the tag champs didn’t rely on a lot of rest holds as usual, and really started to put the boots onto Kingston and Punk. They also did a lot of quick tags so that you didn’t get bored and the Crowd was firmly behind the good guys in this match up. It wasn’t boring at all, and we had a few surprise near falls by Kingston who was taking the majority of the punishment near the end of this match up. Punk got the hot tag and things really got exciting. The team then decimated the tag champions and Punk went through his moves and right when Dibiase was to land his move, Punk held onto the ropes and then delivered the GTS for the win! Kofi Kingston and CM Punk are your NEW World Tag Team Champions!
My only problem with this match is that the new champions are a “hot shot” team. This is NOT a tag team it’s simply two singles wrestlers the wwe threw together. I hate when they do this to the titles. Oh well, it was an exciting match up.
Goldust, Roddy Piper, and Honky Tonk Man were doing color commentary for the next match!
Santino vs. Charlie “Glamahaas” Haas (no contest)
Charlie came out dressed as Beth Phoenix, and paid for it as Santino started the match immediately fighting Haas. He then slapped The Honky Tonk man, that prompted the former IC champs to rush the ring, and Santino got hit in the head with a Honky Tonk Man Guitar! The champion was knocked out cold! The match was then thrown out!
Great segment, hilarious! It’s great to see The Honky Tonk man NOT job to Santino!
Kelly Kelly, Mickie James, and Candice Michelle defeated Layla, Katie Lea, and Jillian Hall
Another boring six man tag match. (I should say woman) This match was predictable and short. I didn’t even enjoy it, as by the time I started to really pay attention to this match up it was over. Who cares about the divas? Not me.
Rey Mysterio defeated Evan Bourne
I can’t believe they gave this away for free. This match seemed to be something that ppv matches are made out of. Mysterio was the one that looked bad in this match, although the two did end up getting into a stale mate of sorts, knowing exactly where the next move was coming from. The two were really challenged and you really didn’t know who was going to take this match. Evan Bourne took control with Mysterio making subtle mistakes and Bourne capitalizing. Mysterio however was right there to block some major offense, and eventually connected with The 619! I thought for sure this thing was over but Evan Bourne went for a rolling pin, but Rey countered for the clean victory! Match of the week already! This match was great, Mysterio really looked impressive against a younger Evan Bourne. This won’t be the last time we see these two wrestle against each other, I’m sure as these guys put together a good looking fast paced cruiserweight match up. WWE should bring back the Cruiserweight championship and put it on Evan Bourne, as he and Mysterio went to work for real!
Post match Kane came out to attack Rey and Bourne jumped in, the two lightweights went to work on Kane and Kane was really taking a beating for once! Mark Henry then came out and the two giants took Mysterio and Bourne and beat the crap out of them. I hate when this happens. I hate that the smaller wrestler always has to wrestle someone three times his size, and then get killed. I am a big fan of David and Goliath style matches, but this is getting ridiculous, I’m sorry, this is just stupid to me.
Batista & Shawn Michaels defeated Chris Jericho & JBL
Batista wrestled both JBL and Jericho in this match and he was doing alright for himself. The champion was holding his own against Jericho mainly, and JBL just watched in the corner as Batista tried to make this match somewhat memorable. Jericho and JBL however made sure that Batista was not going to be 100% next week during his cage match as they really took advantage of the rules in this one and were landing all sorts of stiff shots when the ref was distracted. This match wasn’t too bad, as Batista’s power moves were nice in comparison to the previous match of high spots and in ring acrobatics. Jericho was thrown into the announcers table, as JBL was looking on the outside, and Batista looked great at the break. Of course when the break was over Batista was getting worked again. He looked to be in trouble during this match and rightfully so, as he was taking on two opponents. However, Shawn Michaels came down the ramp and got into this match up. He didn’t do a whole lot, but he helped Batista to get the pin!
WWE Raw 10/27/08 Results
Santino vs. Charlie “Glamahaas” Haas (no contest)
Kofi Kingston & Cm Punk defeated Ted Dibiase & Cody Rhodes (tag team title match)
Kelly Kelly, Mickie James, and Candice Michelle defeated Layla, Katie Lea, and Jillian Hall
Rey Mysterio defeated Evan Bourne
Batista & Shawn Michaels defeated Chris Jericho & JBL
Overall, this edition of Raw wasn’t half bad. I liked it. However, there were a lot of dead spots in this night of wrestling. Maybe next week’s 3 hour show will be better. As for other WWE programming, I’m really looking forward to the Smackdown show as it will feature a Casket Match! I can’t wait for that. It’s like 1998 all over again!
Sir Jorge's WWE Store:
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Jericho & Batista will fight next week in a Steel Cage match for the world title!
Mike Adamle got a verbal lashing by Randy Orton! Adamle then punched Randy Orton, Orton threatened to quit if Adamle wasn’t fired next week!
This opening wasn’t half bad. I would have preferred wrestling, but something is going to happen between the two. Expect an Orton Adamle match sooner than later, or at least Adamle as ref or enforcer. Adamle really did look mad, and I thought Orton was going to knock him out, but instead he walked away like a wuss. The crowd was insane going with the “You Suck” chant, my personal favorite.
Kofi Kingston & Cm Punk defeated Ted Dibiase & Cody Rhodes (tag team title match)
Punk and Kingston were working well as a team and the announcers kept stressing that they could win the world tag titles in this match up. They really had team Priceless getting worked. It was a good match overall with Kingston and Punk really working over the champions, and the champs just looked like they didn’t prepare at all for this match up. Kingston and Punk had the crowd squarely behind them as they really tried to work over the champions. We then cut to commercial…and on the return from the break the team of Rhodes and Dibiase were in full control of CM Punk. This was a good part of the match, the tag champs didn’t rely on a lot of rest holds as usual, and really started to put the boots onto Kingston and Punk. They also did a lot of quick tags so that you didn’t get bored and the Crowd was firmly behind the good guys in this match up. It wasn’t boring at all, and we had a few surprise near falls by Kingston who was taking the majority of the punishment near the end of this match up. Punk got the hot tag and things really got exciting. The team then decimated the tag champions and Punk went through his moves and right when Dibiase was to land his move, Punk held onto the ropes and then delivered the GTS for the win! Kofi Kingston and CM Punk are your NEW World Tag Team Champions!
My only problem with this match is that the new champions are a “hot shot” team. This is NOT a tag team it’s simply two singles wrestlers the wwe threw together. I hate when they do this to the titles. Oh well, it was an exciting match up.
Goldust, Roddy Piper, and Honky Tonk Man were doing color commentary for the next match!
Santino vs. Charlie “Glamahaas” Haas (no contest)
Charlie came out dressed as Beth Phoenix, and paid for it as Santino started the match immediately fighting Haas. He then slapped The Honky Tonk man, that prompted the former IC champs to rush the ring, and Santino got hit in the head with a Honky Tonk Man Guitar! The champion was knocked out cold! The match was then thrown out!
Great segment, hilarious! It’s great to see The Honky Tonk man NOT job to Santino!
Kelly Kelly, Mickie James, and Candice Michelle defeated Layla, Katie Lea, and Jillian Hall
Another boring six man tag match. (I should say woman) This match was predictable and short. I didn’t even enjoy it, as by the time I started to really pay attention to this match up it was over. Who cares about the divas? Not me.
Rey Mysterio defeated Evan Bourne
I can’t believe they gave this away for free. This match seemed to be something that ppv matches are made out of. Mysterio was the one that looked bad in this match, although the two did end up getting into a stale mate of sorts, knowing exactly where the next move was coming from. The two were really challenged and you really didn’t know who was going to take this match. Evan Bourne took control with Mysterio making subtle mistakes and Bourne capitalizing. Mysterio however was right there to block some major offense, and eventually connected with The 619! I thought for sure this thing was over but Evan Bourne went for a rolling pin, but Rey countered for the clean victory! Match of the week already! This match was great, Mysterio really looked impressive against a younger Evan Bourne. This won’t be the last time we see these two wrestle against each other, I’m sure as these guys put together a good looking fast paced cruiserweight match up. WWE should bring back the Cruiserweight championship and put it on Evan Bourne, as he and Mysterio went to work for real!
Post match Kane came out to attack Rey and Bourne jumped in, the two lightweights went to work on Kane and Kane was really taking a beating for once! Mark Henry then came out and the two giants took Mysterio and Bourne and beat the crap out of them. I hate when this happens. I hate that the smaller wrestler always has to wrestle someone three times his size, and then get killed. I am a big fan of David and Goliath style matches, but this is getting ridiculous, I’m sorry, this is just stupid to me.
Batista & Shawn Michaels defeated Chris Jericho & JBL
Batista wrestled both JBL and Jericho in this match and he was doing alright for himself. The champion was holding his own against Jericho mainly, and JBL just watched in the corner as Batista tried to make this match somewhat memorable. Jericho and JBL however made sure that Batista was not going to be 100% next week during his cage match as they really took advantage of the rules in this one and were landing all sorts of stiff shots when the ref was distracted. This match wasn’t too bad, as Batista’s power moves were nice in comparison to the previous match of high spots and in ring acrobatics. Jericho was thrown into the announcers table, as JBL was looking on the outside, and Batista looked great at the break. Of course when the break was over Batista was getting worked again. He looked to be in trouble during this match and rightfully so, as he was taking on two opponents. However, Shawn Michaels came down the ramp and got into this match up. He didn’t do a whole lot, but he helped Batista to get the pin!
WWE Raw 10/27/08 Results
Santino vs. Charlie “Glamahaas” Haas (no contest)
Kofi Kingston & Cm Punk defeated Ted Dibiase & Cody Rhodes (tag team title match)
Kelly Kelly, Mickie James, and Candice Michelle defeated Layla, Katie Lea, and Jillian Hall
Rey Mysterio defeated Evan Bourne
Batista & Shawn Michaels defeated Chris Jericho & JBL
Overall, this edition of Raw wasn’t half bad. I liked it. However, there were a lot of dead spots in this night of wrestling. Maybe next week’s 3 hour show will be better. As for other WWE programming, I’m really looking forward to the Smackdown show as it will feature a Casket Match! I can’t wait for that. It’s like 1998 all over again!
Sir Jorge's WWE Store:
Check out our online store for big savings on wwe dvd, and wwe books. Our online store is powered by amazon.com so you're in good hands.
c.m punk,
charlie haas,
chris jericho,
cody rhodes,
evan bourne,
kelly kelly,
kofi kingston,
mickie james,
rey mysterio jr.,
shawn michaels,
ted dibiase
Sunday, October 26, 2008
WWE Cyber Sunday 08 Results and Review
The yearly interactive PPV hit the airwaves today, and here is a full review and results to how it all went down!
Cyber Sunday, Phoenix Az
Sunday, October 26th 2008
Rey Mysterio Jr defeated Kane (No Holds Barred)
39% of the voting got these two involve din a No Holds Barred Match up.
Kane really took advantage of the match rules, as he was literally bending Rey Mysterio in half. He was looking as strong as ever, not unlike his Raw matches this past week between him and the main eventers. Rey took a beating for the beginning of this match, and I thought for sure it was going to be all over for him. Rey really looked bad in this match, really selling that he’s a small guy, as Kane once again worked on the lower back of Rey. Mysterio mounted a comeback, sending the giant into the second ropes and prone to the 619 but it backfired as Kane knocked him out with a huge lariat. A chair came into play as it should, considering the rules, and Mysterio finally got a chance. Leaping off the top rope after a near fall things looked great for him, but Kane caught him with a huge right hand. Kane brought in the steel steps into the ring and might have been a bad idea because he landed head first into them several minutes later. Mysterio then grabbed a chair and swung for the fences and had Kane reeling, Mysterio hit the 619 afterwards then leaped off the top ropes with a splash, and got the pinfall over the big man! Mysterio defeated Kane, in a No Holds Barred Match!
The divas took turn showing off their Halloween costumes, and they all looked ugly to me. I’m sorry, they look sick, they have a TON of makeup on, and they just look lame.
Matt Hardy defeated Evan Bourne
69% of the voting went to Evan Bourne in this match up (I think)
Evan Bourne really took it to Hardy in this one. Hardy did a flurry of offense in this match up but overall it was Bourne who looked amazing in this match up. Evan Bourne hit every single move he had on Hardy, and Hardy still managed to kick out of things. I thought for sure Bourne was going to get the title, but Hardy kept coming back for more. Matt Hardy made Bourne look amazing, taking everything but the kitchen sink from Bourne. Bourne went to the top rope and the end was near, he then when for the shooting star press, but MISSED! Hardy had it all sewn up, it seemed, and went for the Twist of Fate, but got countered into a roll up, then after the near fall finally hit the Twist of Fate for the win! But not without nearly losing the title to bourne! This match was match of the night, and these two will most likely meet again sooner than later.
The Miz & Morrison defeated Cryme Tyme
35% of the voting went to Cryme Tyme facing The Miz & Morrison
I felt like I’ve seen this match before for free, so it was odd to think that this was going on in PPV format. Whatever the case is, this match had an interesting flow to it, with Cryme Tyme taking control of the first half of the match up. They really got the crowd involved too, as they really took it to the former champions. Things turned around though, and Miz and Morrison had a lot of quick tags coupled with rest holds. They also worked on Shad’s leg, isolating the big man in the ring with leg locks and half-Boston crabs. Once again, it should be noted that the team of Miz and Morrison were really doing well as a team here, as they were the obvious veterans. Shad tagged his partner in and things looked great for Cryme Tyme until Miz got the leg up on JTG, causing the tables to turn back into his favor. The rest of the match was a back and forth affair, and things looked good in the final stages for Cryme Tyme. Shad had things all sewn up but Miz jumped in for the interference, prompting Morrison to deliver his finisher and get the pinfall! I still felt that I’ve seen this match up for free on television, but I guess the fans voted it in, so things are ok, right? Yeah.
The Honky Tonk Man defeated Santino
35% of the voting went to The Honky Tonk Man!!!!
I was jumping out of my chair for this one, as Honky Tonk Man came out and looked amazing. I was marking out like a school girl for this one, and couldn’t believe that it was really Honky Tonk Man! I kid you not, this is NOT a joke, it was Honky Tonk Man and NOT Charlie Haas at all. The two locked up and here we went, a real Match up! Wow! I was seriously over joyed to see Honky Tonk out there and he hadn’t seemed to miss a step at all! He was looking great out there, and Santino was selling it like he was dying at every moment! This match ended when Beth Phoenix interfered costing Santino the match via DQ!
Afterwards, Goldust came out and so did Roddy Piper! They each took turns dropping Santino like a bad habit, and Santino took the Shake Rattle and Roll!! The Crowd went nuts and the former Intercontinental Champions celebrated in the ring, while Santino was on the floor selling the Shake Rattle and Roll!
The Undertaker defeated The Big Show
49% of the voting went to a Last Man Standing Match
This match started with the two going at it fist for fist. This opening resembled a box match way more than a wrestling match, at least for the opening moments. Taker was swinging for the fences during this match up and he really looked to be landing some stiff shots, but Big Show came back and threw Taker over the guard rail and into the crowd. Big Show looked to have this match in control, but Taker grabbed him and dropped him throat first into the guard rail. Undertaker then got back into the ring and started to resemble that old Undertaker that I grew up watching weekly. This was short lived as Big Show immediately ended the onslaught with a huge clothesline. He then systematically started to clamp down on the Undertaker and started to deliver some huge right hands. These looked really stiff, I’m not sure if they meant to make it look more “real” or not, but Show was definitely landing some heavy hands onto Undertaker. Undertaker seemed to be getting worked a lot in this match and then he got a DDT onto Big Show, and things started to look great for the dead man. But of course, it’s too easy to have Undertaker mount the initial comeback and win the match, so things spilled out onto the outside and Big Show hit taker with the announce table’s monitors! Then he went for a chair, and Undertaker looked dazed as Big Show was stalking his prey. Undertaker socked out a chair which was cool, but the Big Show threw Undertaker through the announcers table! He looked out, as the ref started the count. This match seemed similar to the last time they did the exact same match, at No Mercy. In fact, this match was almost a clone to that match in a lot of different ways. Out of the blue, when all hope was gone for The Undertaker, he slapped on that triangle choke onto Big Show and after a long bout of Show tapping out like a drunk man, Undertaker let go to a seemingly dead Big Show, and after stumbling a few times, got up before the 10 count and Big Show was still gone. Undertaker defeats Big Show in a last man standing match!
Mickie James won the diva costume contest as Laura Croft
I admit, Mickie James looked good; I never thought I would eat my words so fast.
Triple H defeated Jeff Hardy
57% of the vote went to Jeff Hardy
I was surprised that the voting went to Jeff Hardy, I really was hoping for Kozlov to finally get a shot at the title, since he has been begging for more competition. I hoped that the wrestling fans would be smarter than this, but of course, I’m wrong. The match started with the two men trying to chain wrestle, which favored Triple H rather than Hardy. Things started slow, and eventually started to pick up with Triple H taking over initially but Hardy reversing his attempts at overpowering him. This was good as usual, the two going at it as if they knew each other well; which they do. Triple H was focusing on Hardy’s shoulder, ramming it into the ring post then applying a triangle submission onto the arm and shoulder. The announce team kept saying that Triple H was working on the elbow, and not the shoulder, so we’ll just go with that. Triple H was landing everything, and things were going well for him, until Hardy dropped him with a great flying clothesline (great stuff there). He then started to change things with several dropkicks, a low dropkick, and his signature leg drop to the bread basket. Hardy really changed things up with such a quick momentous turn around of offense. Triple H started to finally look like he was beatable! That is until he slapped on the Crippler Crossface! That’s right folks, the Cripple Crossface was slapped on, shades of Chris Benoit for sure! Hardy looked bad in this too, he really looked like he was going to give up, and I couldn’t help but remember how great of a wrestler Chris Benoit was before the tragic events that surround his death and the death of his family. Whatever the case is, Triple H had Jeff Hardy in the Crippler Crossface for what seemed like forever! The fight went to the outside after Hardy reversed the crossface into a pin, and Hardy was the aggressor now. He lept off the steel steps and really got the crowd behind him, leaving Triple H to try to get back within the ten count. Hardy landed the Whisper in the Wind, then went back up and landed it again! Triple H looked defeated! Nope. Two count and it was close, and Triple H kicked out. Hardy then proceeded to give Triple H everything that he had, including the swanton bomb, and afterwards went back to deliver another one off the top, but Triple H put his knees up and hardy’s back seemed to bend in half. This counter looked really painful. Hardy then recovered and tried once again for a third Swanton, but Triple H caught up to him and dragged him off the top rope for the Pedigree and it was done. Jeff Hardy was once again buried by Triple H, the guy that holds back the roster; what a good match. Lots of near falls, it really kept me guessing, and Triple H really pulled that Pedigree out of nowhere! Triple H defeats Jeff Hardy once again and NO ONE was surprised by how it turned out.
Batista defeated Chris Jericho to win the World Title
Special Guest Referee: Stone Cold Steve Austin
74% of the vote went to Stone Cold Steve Austin
Jericho looked like he was going to walk out of this match, until Stone Cold demanded he come back or else. Batista then lost control and Jericho really went to work on the left knee of Batista. Stone Cold wasn’t even counting anything, he just let things go, so this match might as well had no rules to speak of. He did however start counting the ten count when someone was outside, but he wasn’t too deliberate. Jericho was looking like a hunter, focusing on Batista’s leg and putting pressure on the contender. Jericho even had Batista in the Walls of Jericho and was set to get the victory, as he was looking like the old Lionheart that I first saw in ECW! Batista then turned things around with a nice spinning slam, and was trying to get the Batista Bomb onto Jericho, but Jericho got caught up in the ropes. Y2J then went to the top and leaped for it, but Batista caught him and things were looking grim for the champion, until Batista ran shoulder first into the ring post! Batista recovered and dove off the top rope with a shoulder tackle, ala John Cena! Jericho then walked right into another slam, but rolled over onto Batista for another near fall! A ref bump happened and Stone Cold was out on the floor, Jericho hit the code breaker and pinned batista with no ref! HBK ran down to count but he didn’t pull his hand down, which was a lot like Shane McMahon as the guest ref back at Survivor Series 98! Batista hit the spinebuster, and HBK flew down for the pin, but out ran JBL to stop him from counting. By this time, Stone Cold was gathering himself on the apron, and Jericho hit Batista’s leg once again with a chop block! Jericho then went to the outside to grab his championship belt, as Randy Orton ran down and knocked out Stone Cold! That’s right, ORTON took out Stone Cold! Jericho then hit Batista with the title belt, for a near fall. Stone Cold woke up and hit Randy Orton with the Stone Cold stunner! Then went to hit Jericho with it, Batista hit Jericho with the spinebuster and then grabbed him for the Batista Bomb and laid him out flat! Stone Cold then jumped up and counted the 1-2-3 and Batista is the NEW World Heavyweight CHAMPION! That’s right, Batista finally gets the world heavyweight championship!
WWE Cyber Sunday 08 Results
Rey Mysterio Jr defeated Kane (No Holds Barred)
Matt Hardy defeated Evan Bourne
The Miz & Morrison defeated Cryme Tyme
The Honky Tonk Man defeated Santino (via dq)
The Undertaker defeated The Big Show (Last Man Standing)
Mickie James won the diva costume contest as Laura Croft
Triple H defeated Jeff Hardy
Batista defeated Chris Jericho to win the World Title
Cyber Sunday, Phoenix Az
Sunday, October 26th 2008
Rey Mysterio Jr defeated Kane (No Holds Barred)
39% of the voting got these two involve din a No Holds Barred Match up.
Kane really took advantage of the match rules, as he was literally bending Rey Mysterio in half. He was looking as strong as ever, not unlike his Raw matches this past week between him and the main eventers. Rey took a beating for the beginning of this match, and I thought for sure it was going to be all over for him. Rey really looked bad in this match, really selling that he’s a small guy, as Kane once again worked on the lower back of Rey. Mysterio mounted a comeback, sending the giant into the second ropes and prone to the 619 but it backfired as Kane knocked him out with a huge lariat. A chair came into play as it should, considering the rules, and Mysterio finally got a chance. Leaping off the top rope after a near fall things looked great for him, but Kane caught him with a huge right hand. Kane brought in the steel steps into the ring and might have been a bad idea because he landed head first into them several minutes later. Mysterio then grabbed a chair and swung for the fences and had Kane reeling, Mysterio hit the 619 afterwards then leaped off the top ropes with a splash, and got the pinfall over the big man! Mysterio defeated Kane, in a No Holds Barred Match!
The divas took turn showing off their Halloween costumes, and they all looked ugly to me. I’m sorry, they look sick, they have a TON of makeup on, and they just look lame.
Matt Hardy defeated Evan Bourne
69% of the voting went to Evan Bourne in this match up (I think)
Evan Bourne really took it to Hardy in this one. Hardy did a flurry of offense in this match up but overall it was Bourne who looked amazing in this match up. Evan Bourne hit every single move he had on Hardy, and Hardy still managed to kick out of things. I thought for sure Bourne was going to get the title, but Hardy kept coming back for more. Matt Hardy made Bourne look amazing, taking everything but the kitchen sink from Bourne. Bourne went to the top rope and the end was near, he then when for the shooting star press, but MISSED! Hardy had it all sewn up, it seemed, and went for the Twist of Fate, but got countered into a roll up, then after the near fall finally hit the Twist of Fate for the win! But not without nearly losing the title to bourne! This match was match of the night, and these two will most likely meet again sooner than later.
The Miz & Morrison defeated Cryme Tyme
35% of the voting went to Cryme Tyme facing The Miz & Morrison
I felt like I’ve seen this match before for free, so it was odd to think that this was going on in PPV format. Whatever the case is, this match had an interesting flow to it, with Cryme Tyme taking control of the first half of the match up. They really got the crowd involved too, as they really took it to the former champions. Things turned around though, and Miz and Morrison had a lot of quick tags coupled with rest holds. They also worked on Shad’s leg, isolating the big man in the ring with leg locks and half-Boston crabs. Once again, it should be noted that the team of Miz and Morrison were really doing well as a team here, as they were the obvious veterans. Shad tagged his partner in and things looked great for Cryme Tyme until Miz got the leg up on JTG, causing the tables to turn back into his favor. The rest of the match was a back and forth affair, and things looked good in the final stages for Cryme Tyme. Shad had things all sewn up but Miz jumped in for the interference, prompting Morrison to deliver his finisher and get the pinfall! I still felt that I’ve seen this match up for free on television, but I guess the fans voted it in, so things are ok, right? Yeah.
The Honky Tonk Man defeated Santino
35% of the voting went to The Honky Tonk Man!!!!
I was jumping out of my chair for this one, as Honky Tonk Man came out and looked amazing. I was marking out like a school girl for this one, and couldn’t believe that it was really Honky Tonk Man! I kid you not, this is NOT a joke, it was Honky Tonk Man and NOT Charlie Haas at all. The two locked up and here we went, a real Match up! Wow! I was seriously over joyed to see Honky Tonk out there and he hadn’t seemed to miss a step at all! He was looking great out there, and Santino was selling it like he was dying at every moment! This match ended when Beth Phoenix interfered costing Santino the match via DQ!
Afterwards, Goldust came out and so did Roddy Piper! They each took turns dropping Santino like a bad habit, and Santino took the Shake Rattle and Roll!! The Crowd went nuts and the former Intercontinental Champions celebrated in the ring, while Santino was on the floor selling the Shake Rattle and Roll!
The Undertaker defeated The Big Show
49% of the voting went to a Last Man Standing Match
This match started with the two going at it fist for fist. This opening resembled a box match way more than a wrestling match, at least for the opening moments. Taker was swinging for the fences during this match up and he really looked to be landing some stiff shots, but Big Show came back and threw Taker over the guard rail and into the crowd. Big Show looked to have this match in control, but Taker grabbed him and dropped him throat first into the guard rail. Undertaker then got back into the ring and started to resemble that old Undertaker that I grew up watching weekly. This was short lived as Big Show immediately ended the onslaught with a huge clothesline. He then systematically started to clamp down on the Undertaker and started to deliver some huge right hands. These looked really stiff, I’m not sure if they meant to make it look more “real” or not, but Show was definitely landing some heavy hands onto Undertaker. Undertaker seemed to be getting worked a lot in this match and then he got a DDT onto Big Show, and things started to look great for the dead man. But of course, it’s too easy to have Undertaker mount the initial comeback and win the match, so things spilled out onto the outside and Big Show hit taker with the announce table’s monitors! Then he went for a chair, and Undertaker looked dazed as Big Show was stalking his prey. Undertaker socked out a chair which was cool, but the Big Show threw Undertaker through the announcers table! He looked out, as the ref started the count. This match seemed similar to the last time they did the exact same match, at No Mercy. In fact, this match was almost a clone to that match in a lot of different ways. Out of the blue, when all hope was gone for The Undertaker, he slapped on that triangle choke onto Big Show and after a long bout of Show tapping out like a drunk man, Undertaker let go to a seemingly dead Big Show, and after stumbling a few times, got up before the 10 count and Big Show was still gone. Undertaker defeats Big Show in a last man standing match!
Mickie James won the diva costume contest as Laura Croft
I admit, Mickie James looked good; I never thought I would eat my words so fast.
Triple H defeated Jeff Hardy
57% of the vote went to Jeff Hardy
I was surprised that the voting went to Jeff Hardy, I really was hoping for Kozlov to finally get a shot at the title, since he has been begging for more competition. I hoped that the wrestling fans would be smarter than this, but of course, I’m wrong. The match started with the two men trying to chain wrestle, which favored Triple H rather than Hardy. Things started slow, and eventually started to pick up with Triple H taking over initially but Hardy reversing his attempts at overpowering him. This was good as usual, the two going at it as if they knew each other well; which they do. Triple H was focusing on Hardy’s shoulder, ramming it into the ring post then applying a triangle submission onto the arm and shoulder. The announce team kept saying that Triple H was working on the elbow, and not the shoulder, so we’ll just go with that. Triple H was landing everything, and things were going well for him, until Hardy dropped him with a great flying clothesline (great stuff there). He then started to change things with several dropkicks, a low dropkick, and his signature leg drop to the bread basket. Hardy really changed things up with such a quick momentous turn around of offense. Triple H started to finally look like he was beatable! That is until he slapped on the Crippler Crossface! That’s right folks, the Cripple Crossface was slapped on, shades of Chris Benoit for sure! Hardy looked bad in this too, he really looked like he was going to give up, and I couldn’t help but remember how great of a wrestler Chris Benoit was before the tragic events that surround his death and the death of his family. Whatever the case is, Triple H had Jeff Hardy in the Crippler Crossface for what seemed like forever! The fight went to the outside after Hardy reversed the crossface into a pin, and Hardy was the aggressor now. He lept off the steel steps and really got the crowd behind him, leaving Triple H to try to get back within the ten count. Hardy landed the Whisper in the Wind, then went back up and landed it again! Triple H looked defeated! Nope. Two count and it was close, and Triple H kicked out. Hardy then proceeded to give Triple H everything that he had, including the swanton bomb, and afterwards went back to deliver another one off the top, but Triple H put his knees up and hardy’s back seemed to bend in half. This counter looked really painful. Hardy then recovered and tried once again for a third Swanton, but Triple H caught up to him and dragged him off the top rope for the Pedigree and it was done. Jeff Hardy was once again buried by Triple H, the guy that holds back the roster; what a good match. Lots of near falls, it really kept me guessing, and Triple H really pulled that Pedigree out of nowhere! Triple H defeats Jeff Hardy once again and NO ONE was surprised by how it turned out.
Batista defeated Chris Jericho to win the World Title
Special Guest Referee: Stone Cold Steve Austin
74% of the vote went to Stone Cold Steve Austin
Jericho looked like he was going to walk out of this match, until Stone Cold demanded he come back or else. Batista then lost control and Jericho really went to work on the left knee of Batista. Stone Cold wasn’t even counting anything, he just let things go, so this match might as well had no rules to speak of. He did however start counting the ten count when someone was outside, but he wasn’t too deliberate. Jericho was looking like a hunter, focusing on Batista’s leg and putting pressure on the contender. Jericho even had Batista in the Walls of Jericho and was set to get the victory, as he was looking like the old Lionheart that I first saw in ECW! Batista then turned things around with a nice spinning slam, and was trying to get the Batista Bomb onto Jericho, but Jericho got caught up in the ropes. Y2J then went to the top and leaped for it, but Batista caught him and things were looking grim for the champion, until Batista ran shoulder first into the ring post! Batista recovered and dove off the top rope with a shoulder tackle, ala John Cena! Jericho then walked right into another slam, but rolled over onto Batista for another near fall! A ref bump happened and Stone Cold was out on the floor, Jericho hit the code breaker and pinned batista with no ref! HBK ran down to count but he didn’t pull his hand down, which was a lot like Shane McMahon as the guest ref back at Survivor Series 98! Batista hit the spinebuster, and HBK flew down for the pin, but out ran JBL to stop him from counting. By this time, Stone Cold was gathering himself on the apron, and Jericho hit Batista’s leg once again with a chop block! Jericho then went to the outside to grab his championship belt, as Randy Orton ran down and knocked out Stone Cold! That’s right, ORTON took out Stone Cold! Jericho then hit Batista with the title belt, for a near fall. Stone Cold woke up and hit Randy Orton with the Stone Cold stunner! Then went to hit Jericho with it, Batista hit Jericho with the spinebuster and then grabbed him for the Batista Bomb and laid him out flat! Stone Cold then jumped up and counted the 1-2-3 and Batista is the NEW World Heavyweight CHAMPION! That’s right, Batista finally gets the world heavyweight championship!
WWE Cyber Sunday 08 Results
Rey Mysterio Jr defeated Kane (No Holds Barred)
Matt Hardy defeated Evan Bourne
The Miz & Morrison defeated Cryme Tyme
The Honky Tonk Man defeated Santino (via dq)
The Undertaker defeated The Big Show (Last Man Standing)
Mickie James won the diva costume contest as Laura Croft
Triple H defeated Jeff Hardy
Batista defeated Chris Jericho to win the World Title
big show,
chris jericho,
cryme tyme,
cyber sunday,
jeff hardy,
john morrison,
matt hardy,
mickie james,
ppv results,
rey mysterio jr.,
the miz,
the undertaker,
triple h,
Friday, October 24, 2008
WWE Smackdown 10/24/08 Review and Results

The opening promo was of course Triple H, and he was eventually interrupted by Jeff Hardy & Kozlov but Triple H buries them by giving Hardy the pedigree and hitting the Motorhead music. Lame.
Maryse & Natalya defeated Michelle McCool & Maria
Why is it that the divas usually show up first on the card? I don’t know about you but I’m tired of the divas. I know I gave them a lot of credit when I saw them in person, but I’m just sick of these girls sad attempt at wrestling. Natalya and McCOol looked great in this match up, at least initially. Mid match out came a Mariachi, and it was Jesse & Festus, which was hilarious to look at. Meanwhile the wrestling match was inside, but Festus was trying to romance Maria. This allowed for Michelle McCool to get rolled up by Maryse and lose the match! Then the bell rang and Festus chased out the mariachi band. What a waste of wrestling time, what a horrible, horrible segment in professional wrestling.
Carlito & Primo defeated Bam Neely & Chavo Guerrero
I never in a million years believed that Chavo and Bam had a change in hell to win this match. In fact, I just knew it wasn’t going to happen. Not only that, Carlito’s new wrestling gear is lame. The whole “brothers” angle is so stupid, considering Primo came out talking about how he wasn’t anything like his brother and that he wasn’t going to wrestle with him. A few weeks later, he we are getting both Colon brothers as a tag team, who of course will get separated down the line and one will go solo (ala the Hart Foundation). This match started out fast, The Colon’s tagging in and out fast, getting the better of Chavo Guerrero, but eventually Chavo took a breather and tagged in Bam. Bam Neely sucks, and starts arguing with Chavo. This causes a distraction and Carlito hits the backstabber for the win. The more important story here is that Chavo & Bam look to be on the outs. The Colon Brothers win again, and of course they would, did anyone doubt this? Horrible match if you ask me. It was watchable, but just barely.
Kizarny sucks! The promo sucks, and I hope that character gets buried immediately!
R. Truth & Kung Fu Naki defeated MVP & Shelton Benjamin
Kung Fu Naki started this match up against MVP and MVP looked really weak against the #1 smackdown announcer. MVP immediately tagged Shelton Benjamin, and things started to heat up. Kung Fu Naki wins this match up, and finally gets a push in WWE? I guess so! This match was not that great all, but it was worth watching. It was ok, but nothing special at all. A nice throwaway tag team match.
I hated The Great Khali kiss cam, and it’s just a waste of time to have such a monster wrestler, only come out for comedic value. This is lame, and I wanted to go to sleep. I did think that the letter from “Bruce” was hilarious!
Once again, I want to to take time out to say that I hate the new Kizarny gimmick and think this is a horrible idea for the WWE to do. Trust me, this can’t be good.
The Brian Kendrick defeated Super Crazy
Another predictable match if you ask me. Super Crazy opened the match like a bat out of hell, he was laying out Kendrick with everything he had in his move set. Seriously, Kendrick was taking a whole lot of punishment in the onset of this match up.However, when the Ref was looking at Super Crazy, The Kendrick gave Super Crazy a back heel kick over the ref’s back, then delivered The Kendrick for the easy win. Weird, fast match up but once again Kendrick wins. Ezekiel dropped crazy with “the Rock bottom” after the match.
Triple H vs. The Undertaker No Contest
Here we go folks, a rematch of the epic battle of Wrestlemania XVII is live on Smackdown, but of course it won’t live up to that huge Wrestlemania moment. The entrances alone took at least 20 minutes to get through. I had a strange feeling early on that this match wasn’t going to end well for either wrestler, but could the WWE pull a fast one on me? Word on the street is that these two wrestlers DO NOT like each other backstage, could they coexist for a worthwhile match on television? I had to ask myself that question when things went down.
Initially, Triple H had this match sewn up. He was landing a lot of stiff right hands onto Undertaker in the corner, all until the ref stepped in for a moment, allowing Undertaker to grab Triple H by the throat and then throwing him into the corner for the control of the match. This of course led into a rest hold, as is the norm for the main event veterans, they get tired quickly folks, pay no mind. The match moved into another Triple H “weakness hunting” match where he tried to find a limb to focus on. This is what Bret Hart used to do in his matches, and then lock in the sharpshooter for the win. The best moment of this match definitely had to be the double clothesline as these two made it look perfect! This double clothesline was as good as the big double clothesline from Wrestlemania VI between Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior! It didn’t get the two main event stars down as they both started to go back and forth, Triple H didn’t sell much to Taker’s snake eyes, and Taker didn’t sell the Harley Race high knee either. These two exchanged moves back and forth, but the Game was definitely the predator in this one. Everytime we were going to see a big move by either opponent, the other would counter. I’m not sure if these two were just not willing to put the other over, but it seemed that no one could get a real good move in. I thought this was going to end early, but then Triple H landed a middle rope suplex on taker and things were looking good for The Game. Triple H threw Taker over the top rope and the two started to battle on the outside. Taker got the best of the exchange and had Triple H ready to take The Last Ride, however Triple H reversed it into a neck breaker, for the two count! I was actually starting to enjoy Taker vs. Triple H for free on Smackdown! Triple H got a two count with a spinebuster, and this might have been the best match on Smackdown in a long time. Triple H had huge right hands going on Taker, and Taker got enough where with all to drop Triple H with The Last Ride, but didn’t capitalize! I was cheering for Taker, but out came The Big Show to interrupt this match up, and really screw up a ppv quality match up. Well, maybe quite not that good, but a decent one for television. Big Show took a chair shot from Triple H, then delivered a chokeslam to the champion. He followed that up by hitting Taker with a chair, and laying out the dead man completely. Both competitors were knocked out, there was no major ending, a dq finish, and this was lame. The crowd booed the crap out of Big Show.
Post match, after the commercial break, Kozlov came out and beat down a seemingly helpless Triple H. Finally, someone beat Triple H already, he's holding the roster down!
WWE Smackdown 10/24/08 Results
Maryse & Natalya defeated Michelle McCool & Maria
Carlito & Primo defeated Bam Neely & Chavo Guerrero
R. Truth & Kung Fu Naki defeated MVP & Shelton Benjamin
The Brian Kendrick defeated Super Crazy
Triple H vs. The Undertaker No Contest
This edition of Smackdown was actually going good. I really liked the last match, however I didn't like how it ended. I thought have Big Show interrupt this match up was stupid. I wanted to see a real winner, but alas, WWE screws us out of a real ending again. 2 hours, roughly 5 matches, and a lot of wrestlers left out of the show. Great...Just great.
Pick up the WWE Hell in A Cell 3 Disc Dvd Set cheap, click here.
bam neely,
big show,
brian kendrick,
chavo guerrero,
kung fu naki,
primo colon,
r truth,
shelton benjamin,
smackdown results,
super crazy,
the undertaker,
triple h
TNA Impact 10/23/08 Review and Results
Live from Las Vegas, NV Tna Impact finally gets it done like WWE…meaning the live part, not so sure about the show, but we’ll see won’t we?
Christy Hemme defeated Velvet Sky
This first match up was a little more than I expected out of Velvet Sky. However it was not her night as Chrisy Hemme really put the boots on her and eventually dropped a single leg guillotine leg drop off the top onto Sky for the victory! This match was somewhat short, but it was interesting enough to get my attention.
Backstage Kurt Angle & Booker T said that he would have an announcement that would change wrestling forever. He announces that there is a new faction in TNA Wrestling and the new faction consists of Kevin Nash, Booker T, Kurt Angle and……STING! They call themselves The Main Event Mafia!
Booker T’s briefcase contains, a NEW TNA championship belt. It’s red, it looks like a world boxing championship! It is called the TNA legends championship! That’s right, the LEGENDS CHAMPIONSHIP! Booker T follows up the announcement by claiming that he’s the sole Legends Champion, and the crowd goes into a Booker T chant.
Let’s rewind a little bit. Remember when Ted Dibiase couldn’t hold the WWF championship and after many bribes, futile attempts and story lines where Hogan would end up with the championship belt, he bought one? Remember? That’s right, well we are living in 2008 and we’re doing another similar story with Booker T. He went out and bought his own belt, then declared himself champion. The best thing about the Million Dollar Belt was that it helped bring in a young, fresh and hungry kid named The Ring Master…and he went on to be The King of The Ring 1996. That man is none other than Stone Cold Steve Austin. I’m just saying.
Sheik Abdul Bashir defeated Jay “Black Machismo” Lethal
The TNA x-division title was on the line in this match up, and Lethal had gotten this shot by winning the terror dome styled match at Bound for Glory. This match started out fast paced, and really was a great thing to see, as Lethal was doing everything in his power to make this match look good. He was jumping around, doing flips, and flying out of the ring into Abdul Bashir. He was making Sheik look really bad, and I thought for sure this was over when Lethal went to the top rope for the big elbow drop, but Abdul Bashir moved out of the way, and followed that up with a ddt to Lethal and it’s all over. Sheik Abdul Bashir defeats Lethal with the Weapon of Mass Destruction DDT.
Beer Money defeated Team 3-D, LAX, and Matt Morgan & Abyss
The tag team gauntlet was actually not half bad. The audience at home was suppose to text in what weapon should be legal in this match, and that didn’t come into play until later on. The match was like “War Games” where one member of another team would be introduced. So for a few minutes the freshest guy was doing every single move in his repertoire until someone realizes that they are in a match up. The best entrance was definitely Hernandez, who came in and really cleared house, but was thwarted by the teamwork of Team 3-D who set up the doomsday device, and that cooled the big man’s streak. Matt Morgan looks a lot better this week, as the arena is a little smaller, and the camera’s weren’t in their usual locations, so this guy really looked good. He came in and started throwing people over the top, left and right. He took out the majority of in ring participants, and it was down to one member of Beer Money and one member of 3D when Abyss came out, or at least it looked like that, but things changed. Morgan was immediately eliminated while the rest of the eliminated team members ganged up on Abyss on the outside of the ring. At this point they announced that Tables were legal in this match up. The crowd went nuts when Team 3-D brought in a table into the ring, and things weren’t looking good for Abyss as Devon and Bubba Ray had something special for him. They brought out the lighter fluid, and poured it all over the table, and this was really scary, considering that Abyss was legit injured at the ppv during this spot. Abyss jumps in and cleans house, only to get scared of the table, but he picks up a lighter, but gets beat by Devon. Beer Money jumps in and starts taking it to Team 3-D, Robert Roode ends up going through the table, although not on fire, and then things start to pick up. Team 3-D was set to win, but the ref was pulled, and that opened up James Storm to come in, spray beer into Team 3-D’s eyes, and Boom….Beer Money wins the tag team gauntlet via pinfall.
Awesome Kong defeated Taylor Wilde
This match was definitely a good idea, as I like seeing Taylor Wilde out there wrestling. She was sporting a knee brace, and it looks like she is going to really take a toll, as she is a smaller girl. Kong looked dominant, if only for a moment, but Wilde was really going to work on Kong. However, that was very short lived as she got caught with a huge Kong clothesline in mid air! The rest of the match was definitely back and forth, with Awesome Kong looking dominant as ever. Then after a distraction, Awesome Kong capitalized with the Awesome bomb and got the pinfall, winning the Knockouts Championship again.
Sting & Kevin Nash defeated Aj Styles & Samoa Joe
Samoa Joe and Sting started this match up, and Joe looked amazing against Sting. I’ve seen Sting’s matches since 1986 and you know what? He’s lost a few steps, he’s good, but he’s definitely not as fast as he once was. He is most likely off the juice, and a lot older. I thought Nash was dumb, he’s not as good as his “Big Sexy” days in WCW and definitely not as good as when he was wrestling Bret Hart. We then cut to break, and we see Aj Styles getting manhandled by Styles. Styles really looks great against anyone, and he really adapted his style to fit Sting. Nash got back in and Joe tagged in and Joe looked amazing again. Nash took a lot of bumps, which was odd, and I almost had to eat my words. Nash brings in the World Title, hits Samoa Joe with it, and wins this match via pinfall! That’s right, Nash and Sting defeat Samoa Joe!
Post match, The Main Event Mafia jumps Samoa Joe and Aj Styles! This was awesome and I finally get my wish. We finally have a new “stable” of sorts, and it’s almost like the old WCW days.
Mick Foley's big announcement is that he's the new Boss! That's right, he's the new general manager type? I don't know.
TNA Impact 10/23/08 Results
Christy Hemme defeated Velvet Sky
Shiek Abdul Bashir defeated Jay “Black Machismo” Lethal
Beer Money defeated Team 3-D, LAX, and Matt Morgan & Abyss
Awesome Kong defeated Taylor Wilde (Knockout’s Championship Match)
Sting & Kevin Nash defeated Aj Styles & Samoa Joe
Not that great. TNA Impact was better than usual, but still has a long way to go. I hope that they do more live events rather than pre-recording crap. I'm not sure how this will all turn out, but I'm sure there is greatness to be had.
Check out the TNA Ultimate Matches Dvd on sale now click here.
Christy Hemme defeated Velvet Sky
This first match up was a little more than I expected out of Velvet Sky. However it was not her night as Chrisy Hemme really put the boots on her and eventually dropped a single leg guillotine leg drop off the top onto Sky for the victory! This match was somewhat short, but it was interesting enough to get my attention.
Backstage Kurt Angle & Booker T said that he would have an announcement that would change wrestling forever. He announces that there is a new faction in TNA Wrestling and the new faction consists of Kevin Nash, Booker T, Kurt Angle and……STING! They call themselves The Main Event Mafia!
Booker T’s briefcase contains, a NEW TNA championship belt. It’s red, it looks like a world boxing championship! It is called the TNA legends championship! That’s right, the LEGENDS CHAMPIONSHIP! Booker T follows up the announcement by claiming that he’s the sole Legends Champion, and the crowd goes into a Booker T chant.
Let’s rewind a little bit. Remember when Ted Dibiase couldn’t hold the WWF championship and after many bribes, futile attempts and story lines where Hogan would end up with the championship belt, he bought one? Remember? That’s right, well we are living in 2008 and we’re doing another similar story with Booker T. He went out and bought his own belt, then declared himself champion. The best thing about the Million Dollar Belt was that it helped bring in a young, fresh and hungry kid named The Ring Master…and he went on to be The King of The Ring 1996. That man is none other than Stone Cold Steve Austin. I’m just saying.
Sheik Abdul Bashir defeated Jay “Black Machismo” Lethal
The TNA x-division title was on the line in this match up, and Lethal had gotten this shot by winning the terror dome styled match at Bound for Glory. This match started out fast paced, and really was a great thing to see, as Lethal was doing everything in his power to make this match look good. He was jumping around, doing flips, and flying out of the ring into Abdul Bashir. He was making Sheik look really bad, and I thought for sure this was over when Lethal went to the top rope for the big elbow drop, but Abdul Bashir moved out of the way, and followed that up with a ddt to Lethal and it’s all over. Sheik Abdul Bashir defeats Lethal with the Weapon of Mass Destruction DDT.
Beer Money defeated Team 3-D, LAX, and Matt Morgan & Abyss
The tag team gauntlet was actually not half bad. The audience at home was suppose to text in what weapon should be legal in this match, and that didn’t come into play until later on. The match was like “War Games” where one member of another team would be introduced. So for a few minutes the freshest guy was doing every single move in his repertoire until someone realizes that they are in a match up. The best entrance was definitely Hernandez, who came in and really cleared house, but was thwarted by the teamwork of Team 3-D who set up the doomsday device, and that cooled the big man’s streak. Matt Morgan looks a lot better this week, as the arena is a little smaller, and the camera’s weren’t in their usual locations, so this guy really looked good. He came in and started throwing people over the top, left and right. He took out the majority of in ring participants, and it was down to one member of Beer Money and one member of 3D when Abyss came out, or at least it looked like that, but things changed. Morgan was immediately eliminated while the rest of the eliminated team members ganged up on Abyss on the outside of the ring. At this point they announced that Tables were legal in this match up. The crowd went nuts when Team 3-D brought in a table into the ring, and things weren’t looking good for Abyss as Devon and Bubba Ray had something special for him. They brought out the lighter fluid, and poured it all over the table, and this was really scary, considering that Abyss was legit injured at the ppv during this spot. Abyss jumps in and cleans house, only to get scared of the table, but he picks up a lighter, but gets beat by Devon. Beer Money jumps in and starts taking it to Team 3-D, Robert Roode ends up going through the table, although not on fire, and then things start to pick up. Team 3-D was set to win, but the ref was pulled, and that opened up James Storm to come in, spray beer into Team 3-D’s eyes, and Boom….Beer Money wins the tag team gauntlet via pinfall.
Awesome Kong defeated Taylor Wilde
This match was definitely a good idea, as I like seeing Taylor Wilde out there wrestling. She was sporting a knee brace, and it looks like she is going to really take a toll, as she is a smaller girl. Kong looked dominant, if only for a moment, but Wilde was really going to work on Kong. However, that was very short lived as she got caught with a huge Kong clothesline in mid air! The rest of the match was definitely back and forth, with Awesome Kong looking dominant as ever. Then after a distraction, Awesome Kong capitalized with the Awesome bomb and got the pinfall, winning the Knockouts Championship again.
Sting & Kevin Nash defeated Aj Styles & Samoa Joe
Samoa Joe and Sting started this match up, and Joe looked amazing against Sting. I’ve seen Sting’s matches since 1986 and you know what? He’s lost a few steps, he’s good, but he’s definitely not as fast as he once was. He is most likely off the juice, and a lot older. I thought Nash was dumb, he’s not as good as his “Big Sexy” days in WCW and definitely not as good as when he was wrestling Bret Hart. We then cut to break, and we see Aj Styles getting manhandled by Styles. Styles really looks great against anyone, and he really adapted his style to fit Sting. Nash got back in and Joe tagged in and Joe looked amazing again. Nash took a lot of bumps, which was odd, and I almost had to eat my words. Nash brings in the World Title, hits Samoa Joe with it, and wins this match via pinfall! That’s right, Nash and Sting defeat Samoa Joe!
Post match, The Main Event Mafia jumps Samoa Joe and Aj Styles! This was awesome and I finally get my wish. We finally have a new “stable” of sorts, and it’s almost like the old WCW days.
Mick Foley's big announcement is that he's the new Boss! That's right, he's the new general manager type? I don't know.
TNA Impact 10/23/08 Results
Christy Hemme defeated Velvet Sky
Shiek Abdul Bashir defeated Jay “Black Machismo” Lethal
Beer Money defeated Team 3-D, LAX, and Matt Morgan & Abyss
Awesome Kong defeated Taylor Wilde (Knockout’s Championship Match)
Sting & Kevin Nash defeated Aj Styles & Samoa Joe
Not that great. TNA Impact was better than usual, but still has a long way to go. I hope that they do more live events rather than pre-recording crap. I'm not sure how this will all turn out, but I'm sure there is greatness to be had.
Check out the TNA Ultimate Matches Dvd on sale now click here.
aj styles,
awesome kong,
beer money,
black machismo,
jay lethal,
kevin nash,
matt morgan,
samoa joe,
sheik abdul bashir,
taylor wilde,
team 3d,
tna impact results
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Over Analyzing Wrestling: Kevin Nash Edition

Kevin Nash recently went on radio and said he was 99.9% sure that he would go back to WWE to finish off his career.
At first I was thinking that this is a complete lie, however, he sat in with his wife in an interview and they went back and forth talking to Dr. Keith Lopinski and wow…if this is true, then I don’t know what WWE is thinking.
Let’s go back a few years and look at the stages of Kevin Nash’s attempts to get back into wrestling….come along…
In 2002 Kevin Nash came back as part of the NWO angle and it sucked. Stone Cold killed the NWO and Kevin Nash stayed on to wrestling a few more matches. He wrestled some horrendous matches with Triple H and eventually even had a Hell in the Cell match up which was one of the worst pieces of crap I’ve ever seen in my life. The highlight of his wwe return was an Elimination Chamber match up in 2003 with Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Goldberg, Chris Jericho, and Randy Orton. However, he was quickly elminated and we never saw him come back.
Go back to WCW and remember his final years there. No, don’t , those were terrible. But remember in 1998 and even a good portion of 1999, and Nash was actually a good singles wrestler. I remember good feuds with Scott Hall and his awesome Match up with Bill Goldberg at Starrcade 1998. Nash would go on to lose the title and then suck up the rest of his years in WCW.
Rewind to his “Diesel” days and his best matches were with Bret Hart and The Undertaker. I loved his match with Hart as it featured Hart fighting the big man in some grueling matches and eventually winning. I also enjoyed his feud with Undertaker that carried Taker into Wrestlemania 12 then forward to Wrestlemania 13 for his winning of the WWF title at the time.
Now back to the present, we have a very horrible looking Scott Hall. His hair is no longer black and he’s just not the same giant. I remember his horrible attempt at a match with Scott Hall as the Kings of Wrestling and even with the help of Macho Man Randy Savage at Turning Point 2004, he couldn’t get me to cheer for him. That ppv was so bad, I remember, I fell asleep watching it. Yep, that’s how bad TNA ppv’s are.
Nash’s statements leave me wondering if WWE has lost their mind. Why would you bring in an old, and tired Kevin Nash? He sucks. Sure he defeated Consequences Creed on Impact, but not by much at all. WWE has some bad wrestlers at the moment, but banking on a Kevin Nash return is NOT something that I would advice. Obviously, I'm no one to say anything about the business, but from a fan's perspective, it's stupid to bring in Nash. In fact, it's stupid for TNA to feature Nash in their main event, even if it is only to interfere with Sting's match up. It's just a bad move for WWE, if they were in fact ready to give Nash a ton of cash.
As a bonus, here's a flashback to when Kevin Nash was still a viable character in wrestling....he ended the long running streak at Starrcade 98 which was awesome at the time.
Here you go, the final part of Bill Goldberg vs. Kevin Nash from Starrcade 98
Sir Jorge's WWE Store:
Check out our online store for big savings on wwe dvd, and wwe books. Our online store is powered by amazon.com so you're in good hands.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
ECW 10/21/08 Review and Results
We’re still in Texas for ECW (I’m not, ECW is) and we’re opening the show with Matt Hardy trying to cut a promo! Not his strong suit.
Jack Swagger defeated Bret Bradery
I went to go get some coffee from the kitchen, and Swagger had already won this match up. So there you have it folks, another squash, and it took about a minute or so, because I wasn’t gone lone. Swagger wins a squash match, and I guess it doesn’t matter very much.
Once again, I have to chime in and say that I hate squash matches. We are not living in the 80’s and we are not watching Sunday’s Wrestling Challenge or Saturday Morning Superstars. We’re in 2008 and it’s NOT necessary to see jobbers getting killed on ECW. ECW! This is suppose to be EXTREME! I’m saddened by this portrayal of wrestling.
Shad defeated The Miz via disqualification
Shad of Cryme Tyme had a singles match up with The Miz, and will most likely face him and Morrison in the near future, but this time it was a solo match. The Miz doesn’t suck as bad as when he first came out of Reality Show Stardom, and into the wwe. He’s got a lot of rest moments, but overall, he’s actually got some good moves and gets some good heat from the crowd. It’s about time too, this guy is really paying his dues. The Miz & Morrison should be called “The Hollywood Brunettes” (thanx to the announce team for that). This match was ok, nothing too crazy, but better than the first match up. Shad really looked good, and Miz put on a good show with some great offense, in what seemed to be another throwaway match up. Shad looked really strong in this match up with a lot of lariats, power moves, and a clear size and reach advantage over Miz. John Morrison interfered at the end of the match, and got Miz disqualified!
Evan Bourne defeated Finlay and Mark Henry
Overall this match up wasn’t all that great. I expected way more out of this, considering that two of the three guys are veterans in the ring. Henry looked dominant throughout this match up. It was quite good in showing that Henry is NOT just a pushover as he was shown to be on Raw on Monday. Finlay surprised me, with a lot of offense towards the end, and both Evan Bourne & Finlay looked to be the heavy favorites going towards the end of the show. Bourne was grounded for a lot of the match, and Finlay seemed to have hurt his right arm during a melee with Mark Henry. Mark Henry dropped Finlay and Evan Bourne with the world’s strongest slam! Seriously, he looked impressive with both competitors on him and dropping them like a bad habit! Henry looked to have won the match but it wasn’t to be as Finlay turned things around with a DDT out of the corner of the ring, but looked visibly hurt again, his right arm hurting. Finlay legitimately looked hurt, and I wasn’t sure if he was just selling the earlier fight with Henry, or if he had strained his pectoral muscle. Henry took advantage of this and looked like he was on his way to an easy victory, with Finlay hurt and Bourne on the outside. Tony Atlas threw Hornswoggle in the ring, but Finlay stopped the assault, which prompted Evan Bourne to jump in and hit the shooting star press for the win! That’s right, Evan Bourne hits the shooting star press for a victory over Mark Henry and Finlay in this triple threat match!
ECW 10/21/08 Results
Jack Swagger defeated Bret Bradery
Shad defeated The Miz via disqualification
Evan Bourne defeated Finlay and Mark Henry
Not a bad set of matches. However this show was too short and really didn't feature some other talents. I would have preferred them not to use Swagger but used Ortiz or someone else that they have on the roster. Overall an ok night of wrestling, but like I said, way too quick for my tastes. I miss the old ECW, they could throw together a great amount of wrestling in an hour. But not wwe's version of ECW...sadly...I miss the old days.
So as a bonus here is a great match from the old ECW:
Raven & Cactus Jack vs. Tommy Dreamer
Sir Jorge's WWE Store:
Check out our online store for big savings on wwe dvd, and wwe books. Our online store is powered by amazon.com so you're in good hands.
Jack Swagger defeated Bret Bradery
I went to go get some coffee from the kitchen, and Swagger had already won this match up. So there you have it folks, another squash, and it took about a minute or so, because I wasn’t gone lone. Swagger wins a squash match, and I guess it doesn’t matter very much.
Once again, I have to chime in and say that I hate squash matches. We are not living in the 80’s and we are not watching Sunday’s Wrestling Challenge or Saturday Morning Superstars. We’re in 2008 and it’s NOT necessary to see jobbers getting killed on ECW. ECW! This is suppose to be EXTREME! I’m saddened by this portrayal of wrestling.
Shad defeated The Miz via disqualification
Shad of Cryme Tyme had a singles match up with The Miz, and will most likely face him and Morrison in the near future, but this time it was a solo match. The Miz doesn’t suck as bad as when he first came out of Reality Show Stardom, and into the wwe. He’s got a lot of rest moments, but overall, he’s actually got some good moves and gets some good heat from the crowd. It’s about time too, this guy is really paying his dues. The Miz & Morrison should be called “The Hollywood Brunettes” (thanx to the announce team for that). This match was ok, nothing too crazy, but better than the first match up. Shad really looked good, and Miz put on a good show with some great offense, in what seemed to be another throwaway match up. Shad looked really strong in this match up with a lot of lariats, power moves, and a clear size and reach advantage over Miz. John Morrison interfered at the end of the match, and got Miz disqualified!
Evan Bourne defeated Finlay and Mark Henry
Overall this match up wasn’t all that great. I expected way more out of this, considering that two of the three guys are veterans in the ring. Henry looked dominant throughout this match up. It was quite good in showing that Henry is NOT just a pushover as he was shown to be on Raw on Monday. Finlay surprised me, with a lot of offense towards the end, and both Evan Bourne & Finlay looked to be the heavy favorites going towards the end of the show. Bourne was grounded for a lot of the match, and Finlay seemed to have hurt his right arm during a melee with Mark Henry. Mark Henry dropped Finlay and Evan Bourne with the world’s strongest slam! Seriously, he looked impressive with both competitors on him and dropping them like a bad habit! Henry looked to have won the match but it wasn’t to be as Finlay turned things around with a DDT out of the corner of the ring, but looked visibly hurt again, his right arm hurting. Finlay legitimately looked hurt, and I wasn’t sure if he was just selling the earlier fight with Henry, or if he had strained his pectoral muscle. Henry took advantage of this and looked like he was on his way to an easy victory, with Finlay hurt and Bourne on the outside. Tony Atlas threw Hornswoggle in the ring, but Finlay stopped the assault, which prompted Evan Bourne to jump in and hit the shooting star press for the win! That’s right, Evan Bourne hits the shooting star press for a victory over Mark Henry and Finlay in this triple threat match!
ECW 10/21/08 Results
Jack Swagger defeated Bret Bradery
Shad defeated The Miz via disqualification
Evan Bourne defeated Finlay and Mark Henry
Not a bad set of matches. However this show was too short and really didn't feature some other talents. I would have preferred them not to use Swagger but used Ortiz or someone else that they have on the roster. Overall an ok night of wrestling, but like I said, way too quick for my tastes. I miss the old ECW, they could throw together a great amount of wrestling in an hour. But not wwe's version of ECW...sadly...I miss the old days.
So as a bonus here is a great match from the old ECW:
Raven & Cactus Jack vs. Tommy Dreamer
Sir Jorge's WWE Store:
Check out our online store for big savings on wwe dvd, and wwe books. Our online store is powered by amazon.com so you're in good hands.
cryme tyme,
ecw review,
evan bourne,
jack swagger,
mark henry,
the miz,
tv results
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
WWE Monday Night Raw 10/20/08 Review and Results
Here we go, I’m back full time and we were live in Texas! We didn’t have much of an intro, we went straight into the first match up. Let’s go!
Kelly Kelly & Candice Michelle defeated Jillian & Katie Lea Burchill
Some of the moves in this match really looked as though they were going in slow motion. Especially anything that Kelly and Michelle tried to do in tandem, it just didn’t work at all. It was slowed down and stupid, and I can’t really get into a half speed match up, even if it is the women’s division. I’m not sure why the WWE is pushing these women to try and wrestle, and then have a “costume contest” at Cyber Sunday, because they definitely have a shred of talent, it’s just wasted by slow wrestling, mediocre offense, and completely messed up moves. How many times can you botch something in the wwe before you get fired? Or told not to do the move anymore? The best moves came from Jillian, who took a lot of the offense from Candice and Kelly, so that was kind of cool. Watching her get jobbed out to the faces, but come on, could they do things at full speed next time? Maybe that’s why they opened the show, instead of main eventing, right? Kelly Kelly wins this one for her team, and things are all better for the divas somehow. Not the greatest opener at all, and really bored me at times, these divas really need to improve or else they are nothing more than eye candy.
Chris Jericho’s promo was interesting, but he doesn’t need this to get heat, I think he can do it all without anything like this, but that’s just what I think.
Jbl defeated Stone Cold Steve Haastin
As usual, Haas loses this one, but he was hilarious! This was really cool, but it was short lived. JBL won this match easily.
Rey Mysterio defeated Snitsky
This isn’t the first time I’ve seen Snitsky wrestle Mysterio before, and this sucks. Last time these two wrestled Mysterio was getting tossed around and had to fight for his life, but here he simply squashes what was usually billed as one of the monsters of WWE Raw. This match was a squash match and Mysterio wins this one with his usual moveset of random high spots, nothing major to report here. A fast, boring match, with Snitsky getting very little offense, meaning that Snitsky might get fired soon, trust me.
The Miz & John Morrison defeated CM Punk & Kofi Kingston
Punk and Kingston together seems like a stupid ploy by the WWE to hot shot another team towards the tag team titles. We’ll have to wait and see if that happens. Other than that, this match looked good on paper. However, I can’t help but notice that Punk is a little lower on the totem pole in the wwe. Remember, he used to get title shots, now he’s in the midcard with the ECW rejects of Morrison and Miz. Miz and Morrison looked strong in this match up, as they should, since they are a real tag team, not just two random idiots. Punk turned things around midway through the match and tagged in Kingston. The duo worked together well as a team throwing up some great tandem moves and it seemed as though Miz and Morrison might have taken the two lightly, as they were definitely on the receiving end of a few tag team moves. They even dumped Morrison onto Miz, who was on the outside of the ring. I thought I was going to have to eat my words on this one, as Punk and Kingston were working like a veteran tag team match. Of course, this match wasn’t without Morrison and his world famous rest holds, but that was ok, the pacing seemed ok to me. The fans started to really rally behind Kingston and Punk and once Punk got the hot tag, things were really looking great. Then the ending came, and Miz won with a roll up, forcing me to hate this match, and you will too. I can’t believe a roll up and this is over! Punk gets pinned by Miz, and the bad guys win again.
Santino gets funnier each week! Hacksaw was also great on the mic! This was the gem of the week! Great stuff, and I loved every second of it! I thought a match was going to happen, but instead, Santino hit Duggan with a guitar, and it was all over!
Cryme Tyme vs. Priceless (no contest)
This match was interesting, but I thought it was going to happen a few weeks ago. Manu and Priceless really started things off by beating up Cryme Tyme before the match even started. Manu looked impressive, that’s for sure. Dibiase and Rhodes both put the boots to Cryme Tyme and the fans were starting to boo them out of the building! The match never seemed to start, and the guys just beat up Cryme Tyme and left.
The Main Event
This was weird. I’m not sure how this was going to play out at all. So for the sake of argument and writing, I’m just going to try and write what I saw. It appeared that Chris Jericho & Batista were like tag team partners, but not really.
Chris Jericho & Batista went through a gauntlet match, and here is how it went down:
Batista defeated William Regal
Batista easily defeated William Regal, squashing the last King of the Ring winner. This was lame, Batista just buried Regal for what seemed like no major reason. Regal sucks now I guess.
Chris Jericho defeated William Regal
Chris Jericho then wrestled a weak and defeated William Regal. This seemed hilarious to me, as the WWE was burying Regal fast, and this match was faster than Batista’s match up. Jericho delivered the code breaker and Regal loses to Jericho in about 10 seconds time.
The second opponent was surprising to me, as I thought for sure that the WWE wasn’t going to just bury him, but I guess it was time. Mark Henry came down to wrestle Chris Jericho and I wasn’t 100% sure that Jericho was going to win this one.
Mark Henry defeated Chris Jericho via DQ
Chris Jericho wasn’t having the easiest of times with Henry. He was giving Henry all his moves, and it wasn’t working. Out of desperation Jericho grabbed the world title belt, hit Mark Henry with it and immediately got disqualified, and Mark Henry wins this match up via DQ!
Batista defeated Mark Henry
Mark Henry was a little off, thanks to the world title belt shot to the face, and Batista capitalized, winning the match up in about 10 seconds! This match made a little more sense, considering that Mark Henry had just taken a title shot to the face, so I’ll let it slide, even though it was short.
The next opponent was not something that I expected at all. Kane was called down to the ring for the third match up and Jericho had to go up first!
Kane defeated Chris Jericho
Chris Jericho was getting worked for the majority of this match, and Jericho finally got a leg up when Kane went to the top rope for a flying lariat. Jericho attempted to get a suplex on the big man, but was thrown off, and Kane got his flying clothesline! Jericho was really looking like a poor man’s champion, as he was getting beaten down by Kane, in a fairly easy match up for the big red machine. Jericho was thrown to the outside, Batista tried to distract him, and Jericho loses after Kane delivers a big boot! Jericho loses to Kane! What does this mean for the world title?
Batista defeated Kane
Kane lost a fast match to Batista. Batista just dropped the big red machine with a spear, and this was all over fast!
Batista wins the gauntlet!
WWE Monday Night Raw 10/20/08 Results
Cryme Tyme vs. Priceless (no contest)
The Miz & John Morrison defeated CM Punk & Kofi Kingston
Rey Mysterio defeated Snitsky
Jbl defeated Stone Cold Steve Haastin
Kelly Kelly & Candice Michelle defeated Jillian & Katie Lea Burchill
Batista defeated William Regal, Mark Henry, and Kane to win a gauntlet
Kelly Kelly & Candice Michelle defeated Jillian & Katie Lea Burchill
Some of the moves in this match really looked as though they were going in slow motion. Especially anything that Kelly and Michelle tried to do in tandem, it just didn’t work at all. It was slowed down and stupid, and I can’t really get into a half speed match up, even if it is the women’s division. I’m not sure why the WWE is pushing these women to try and wrestle, and then have a “costume contest” at Cyber Sunday, because they definitely have a shred of talent, it’s just wasted by slow wrestling, mediocre offense, and completely messed up moves. How many times can you botch something in the wwe before you get fired? Or told not to do the move anymore? The best moves came from Jillian, who took a lot of the offense from Candice and Kelly, so that was kind of cool. Watching her get jobbed out to the faces, but come on, could they do things at full speed next time? Maybe that’s why they opened the show, instead of main eventing, right? Kelly Kelly wins this one for her team, and things are all better for the divas somehow. Not the greatest opener at all, and really bored me at times, these divas really need to improve or else they are nothing more than eye candy.
Chris Jericho’s promo was interesting, but he doesn’t need this to get heat, I think he can do it all without anything like this, but that’s just what I think.
Jbl defeated Stone Cold Steve Haastin
As usual, Haas loses this one, but he was hilarious! This was really cool, but it was short lived. JBL won this match easily.
Rey Mysterio defeated Snitsky
This isn’t the first time I’ve seen Snitsky wrestle Mysterio before, and this sucks. Last time these two wrestled Mysterio was getting tossed around and had to fight for his life, but here he simply squashes what was usually billed as one of the monsters of WWE Raw. This match was a squash match and Mysterio wins this one with his usual moveset of random high spots, nothing major to report here. A fast, boring match, with Snitsky getting very little offense, meaning that Snitsky might get fired soon, trust me.
The Miz & John Morrison defeated CM Punk & Kofi Kingston
Punk and Kingston together seems like a stupid ploy by the WWE to hot shot another team towards the tag team titles. We’ll have to wait and see if that happens. Other than that, this match looked good on paper. However, I can’t help but notice that Punk is a little lower on the totem pole in the wwe. Remember, he used to get title shots, now he’s in the midcard with the ECW rejects of Morrison and Miz. Miz and Morrison looked strong in this match up, as they should, since they are a real tag team, not just two random idiots. Punk turned things around midway through the match and tagged in Kingston. The duo worked together well as a team throwing up some great tandem moves and it seemed as though Miz and Morrison might have taken the two lightly, as they were definitely on the receiving end of a few tag team moves. They even dumped Morrison onto Miz, who was on the outside of the ring. I thought I was going to have to eat my words on this one, as Punk and Kingston were working like a veteran tag team match. Of course, this match wasn’t without Morrison and his world famous rest holds, but that was ok, the pacing seemed ok to me. The fans started to really rally behind Kingston and Punk and once Punk got the hot tag, things were really looking great. Then the ending came, and Miz won with a roll up, forcing me to hate this match, and you will too. I can’t believe a roll up and this is over! Punk gets pinned by Miz, and the bad guys win again.
Santino gets funnier each week! Hacksaw was also great on the mic! This was the gem of the week! Great stuff, and I loved every second of it! I thought a match was going to happen, but instead, Santino hit Duggan with a guitar, and it was all over!
Cryme Tyme vs. Priceless (no contest)
This match was interesting, but I thought it was going to happen a few weeks ago. Manu and Priceless really started things off by beating up Cryme Tyme before the match even started. Manu looked impressive, that’s for sure. Dibiase and Rhodes both put the boots to Cryme Tyme and the fans were starting to boo them out of the building! The match never seemed to start, and the guys just beat up Cryme Tyme and left.
The Main Event
This was weird. I’m not sure how this was going to play out at all. So for the sake of argument and writing, I’m just going to try and write what I saw. It appeared that Chris Jericho & Batista were like tag team partners, but not really.
Chris Jericho & Batista went through a gauntlet match, and here is how it went down:
Batista defeated William Regal
Batista easily defeated William Regal, squashing the last King of the Ring winner. This was lame, Batista just buried Regal for what seemed like no major reason. Regal sucks now I guess.
Chris Jericho defeated William Regal
Chris Jericho then wrestled a weak and defeated William Regal. This seemed hilarious to me, as the WWE was burying Regal fast, and this match was faster than Batista’s match up. Jericho delivered the code breaker and Regal loses to Jericho in about 10 seconds time.
The second opponent was surprising to me, as I thought for sure that the WWE wasn’t going to just bury him, but I guess it was time. Mark Henry came down to wrestle Chris Jericho and I wasn’t 100% sure that Jericho was going to win this one.
Mark Henry defeated Chris Jericho via DQ
Chris Jericho wasn’t having the easiest of times with Henry. He was giving Henry all his moves, and it wasn’t working. Out of desperation Jericho grabbed the world title belt, hit Mark Henry with it and immediately got disqualified, and Mark Henry wins this match up via DQ!
Batista defeated Mark Henry
Mark Henry was a little off, thanks to the world title belt shot to the face, and Batista capitalized, winning the match up in about 10 seconds! This match made a little more sense, considering that Mark Henry had just taken a title shot to the face, so I’ll let it slide, even though it was short.
The next opponent was not something that I expected at all. Kane was called down to the ring for the third match up and Jericho had to go up first!
Kane defeated Chris Jericho
Chris Jericho was getting worked for the majority of this match, and Jericho finally got a leg up when Kane went to the top rope for a flying lariat. Jericho attempted to get a suplex on the big man, but was thrown off, and Kane got his flying clothesline! Jericho was really looking like a poor man’s champion, as he was getting beaten down by Kane, in a fairly easy match up for the big red machine. Jericho was thrown to the outside, Batista tried to distract him, and Jericho loses after Kane delivers a big boot! Jericho loses to Kane! What does this mean for the world title?
Batista defeated Kane
Kane lost a fast match to Batista. Batista just dropped the big red machine with a spear, and this was all over fast!
Batista wins the gauntlet!
WWE Monday Night Raw 10/20/08 Results
Cryme Tyme vs. Priceless (no contest)
The Miz & John Morrison defeated CM Punk & Kofi Kingston
Rey Mysterio defeated Snitsky
Jbl defeated Stone Cold Steve Haastin
Kelly Kelly & Candice Michelle defeated Jillian & Katie Lea Burchill
Batista defeated William Regal, Mark Henry, and Kane to win a gauntlet
c.m punk,
kofi kingston,
mark henry,
monday night raw,
raw review,
rey mysterio jr.,
the miz,
william regal
Saturday, October 18, 2008
A Lion's Tale: Around the World in Spandex Now in Paperback

I was at Borders and Barne's and Noble this weekend and picked up the new Bret Hart book and it was SIGNED! That's right, it was a SIGNED COPY of the new Bret Hart Book! Rad!
But this post is about something even better! You can now get the Chris Jericho book in paperback format for 7.99! That's right, here's the details from amazon.com...and you can order it now! SO do it and help out a brotha!
This funny, insightful and compulsively readable autobiography by professional wrestling superstar Lion Heart Jericho matches fellow wrestler Mick Foley's bestselling Have a Nice Day! Jericho reached international stardom after joining the media juggernaut World Wrestling Entertainment (formerly WWF) in 1999, but this book neglects his many accomplishments since then, such as his legendary same-night defeat of wrestling powerhouses the Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin to become the WWE's first undisputed heavyweight champion. Instead, Jericho recounts the fascinating story of his early years—in effect, a short history of world wrestling trends since 1960—from his brutal early training in his native Canada through finally being invited to join the WWE. Jericho ignores or glosses over controversial topics like steroid use, preferring to keep things light and cheery. His hilarious and detailed descriptions of his many bouts, especially his 1995 calling card match in Japan before 10,000 fans, will leave readers hoping for a sequel. (
Chris Jericho is the first undisputed Heavyweight Champion of the WWE and WCW, and has been called one of the fifty greatest wrestlers of all time. Now retired, he is writing his memoir, telling the story of his journey from wrestling school in Canada to his time in leagues in Mexico and Japan to his big break in the WCW. He'll dish the dirt on how he worked his way through the ranks alongside major wrestling stars like Chris Benoit and Lance Storm to become a major superstar.
Friday, October 17, 2008
WWE Smackdown 10/17/08 Review and Results
Once again my affiliate of My Network screwed me over and I couldn’t get to see ALL of smackdown. I joined the show at 7:39 pm pst and it was R. Rtruth going against MVP.
R. Truth defeated MVP
I joined this match with R. Truth in full control of MVP, but that was quickly turned back towards MVP’s favor. He missed the drive by kick, and R Truth landed his scissors kick for the clean victory over MVP. Once again the wwe has buried MVP, and it’s sad to see such a good talent getting squashed like this. MVP loses clean to R. Truth!
I’m going to have to start managing my time better, so that I don’t miss any of Smackdown, what a load of crap, MY network sucks.
The new Kizarny character is already bugging me.
Ezekiel Jackson defeated Super Crazy
When this match started I immediately yawned. This couldn’t be good for Super Crazy at all. Crazy got squashed hard and fast with what looked like The Rock Bottom. This match was no longer than 2 minutes long. Way to bury your talent wwe, way to go, Super Crazy is most likely on his way out.
Undertaker and The Great Khali fought to a no contest
Wow, way to waste my time WWE. This match was all Khali, and right when things started to turn around, Big Show ran in with an interference, and beat down the Undertaker. Show then grabbed a chair and wanted Khali to hit Undertaker with it, and after some verbal assaults from Show to Khali, Khali left the ring and didn’t look back.
Post match, Undertaker hit Big Show with a chair in the back, knocking him outside of the ring.
Maria won a diva invitational of sorts
This divas match was weird. At a lot of points in this match there was a lot of standing around with dumb looks at the hard camera. Maria dressed as Poison Ivy was kind of hot. The rest of the match was nothing major, they all attacked each other in the corner trying to get the fuzzy dice. The goal was to get the dice, that were hanging on a pole, and they would get a shot at the diva’s title.
Maria looked hot, that’s for sure.
Jesse & Festus defeated Kenny Dykstra & Ryan Braddock
Festus changing thanks to the bell is a tired gag to me. I’m sick of seeing it and I don’t like it any longer. Seeing Kenny still in the wwe just reminds me of the old Spirit Squad gang, and sometimes wish there were more stables in the wwe right now. Ryan Braddock looks like a younger, smaller Bradshaw. I wasn’t the only one that thought this match kind of sucked, the audience was dead through most of it. Some moves from Festus did prompt a few “oooohs” but for the most part this crowd was not 100% behind this match up. Festus wins this match with a flapjack on Dykstra, and I for one am NOT surprised with the results.
The WWE Tag division hasn’t been this boring in a LONG time. Trust me, it can’t get any worse.
Kozlov defeated Jeff Hardy
Kozlov looked good in this match, and I couldn’t help but think of him as a new “Goldberg” like wrestler. Stepping into this match undefeated was definitely a big thing, especially since he has yet to face a challenger that posed a serious threat to him. Kozlov took control of this match early on and was seriously throwing Hardy some heavy hitting moves. Before the commercial break he was throwing Hardy shoulder first into the ringside pole! After the commercial break we were still getting Kozlov beating Hardy, and it wasn’t looking too good for the high flyer. Things really went sour after Kozlov dropped Hardy with his patented head butt, and this match was over. The match had Hardy losing clean, which baffles me greatly. Will Triple H bury Kozlov? I’m not sure how this is going to turn out, but I hope they don’t just bury Kozlov and then have Triple H claim he’s the greatest, I’m not sure if I want Kozlov winning the title, but I know that I don’t want this to turn out the way I think it will. Hardy losing clean is weird to me.
WWE Smackdown 10/17/08 Results
WWE Tag Team Champions Carlito & Primo defeated Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder (WWE Tag Team Championship Match)
R-Truth defeated Montel Vontavious Porter
Ezekiel Jackson defeated Super Crazy
Undertaker vs. The Great Khali (No Contest)
Maria defeated Natalya, Victoria, Maryse & Brie Bella (Divas Las Vegas) (Maria earns a Divas Championship Match)
Jesse & Festus defeated Ryan Braddock & Kenny Dykstra
Vladimir Kozlov defeated Jeff Hardy
Check this out, if you buy WWE's Hell in a Cell 3 Disc Dvd here, I get a few cents. Yep, I can finally order a REAL ppv instead of hacking it. It's not a half bad set, check out the new Hell in a Cell 3 Disc dvd available now!
R. Truth defeated MVP
I joined this match with R. Truth in full control of MVP, but that was quickly turned back towards MVP’s favor. He missed the drive by kick, and R Truth landed his scissors kick for the clean victory over MVP. Once again the wwe has buried MVP, and it’s sad to see such a good talent getting squashed like this. MVP loses clean to R. Truth!
I’m going to have to start managing my time better, so that I don’t miss any of Smackdown, what a load of crap, MY network sucks.
The new Kizarny character is already bugging me.
Ezekiel Jackson defeated Super Crazy
When this match started I immediately yawned. This couldn’t be good for Super Crazy at all. Crazy got squashed hard and fast with what looked like The Rock Bottom. This match was no longer than 2 minutes long. Way to bury your talent wwe, way to go, Super Crazy is most likely on his way out.
Undertaker and The Great Khali fought to a no contest
Wow, way to waste my time WWE. This match was all Khali, and right when things started to turn around, Big Show ran in with an interference, and beat down the Undertaker. Show then grabbed a chair and wanted Khali to hit Undertaker with it, and after some verbal assaults from Show to Khali, Khali left the ring and didn’t look back.
Post match, Undertaker hit Big Show with a chair in the back, knocking him outside of the ring.
Maria won a diva invitational of sorts
This divas match was weird. At a lot of points in this match there was a lot of standing around with dumb looks at the hard camera. Maria dressed as Poison Ivy was kind of hot. The rest of the match was nothing major, they all attacked each other in the corner trying to get the fuzzy dice. The goal was to get the dice, that were hanging on a pole, and they would get a shot at the diva’s title.
Maria looked hot, that’s for sure.
Jesse & Festus defeated Kenny Dykstra & Ryan Braddock
Festus changing thanks to the bell is a tired gag to me. I’m sick of seeing it and I don’t like it any longer. Seeing Kenny still in the wwe just reminds me of the old Spirit Squad gang, and sometimes wish there were more stables in the wwe right now. Ryan Braddock looks like a younger, smaller Bradshaw. I wasn’t the only one that thought this match kind of sucked, the audience was dead through most of it. Some moves from Festus did prompt a few “oooohs” but for the most part this crowd was not 100% behind this match up. Festus wins this match with a flapjack on Dykstra, and I for one am NOT surprised with the results.
The WWE Tag division hasn’t been this boring in a LONG time. Trust me, it can’t get any worse.
Kozlov defeated Jeff Hardy
Kozlov looked good in this match, and I couldn’t help but think of him as a new “Goldberg” like wrestler. Stepping into this match undefeated was definitely a big thing, especially since he has yet to face a challenger that posed a serious threat to him. Kozlov took control of this match early on and was seriously throwing Hardy some heavy hitting moves. Before the commercial break he was throwing Hardy shoulder first into the ringside pole! After the commercial break we were still getting Kozlov beating Hardy, and it wasn’t looking too good for the high flyer. Things really went sour after Kozlov dropped Hardy with his patented head butt, and this match was over. The match had Hardy losing clean, which baffles me greatly. Will Triple H bury Kozlov? I’m not sure how this is going to turn out, but I hope they don’t just bury Kozlov and then have Triple H claim he’s the greatest, I’m not sure if I want Kozlov winning the title, but I know that I don’t want this to turn out the way I think it will. Hardy losing clean is weird to me.
WWE Smackdown 10/17/08 Results
WWE Tag Team Champions Carlito & Primo defeated Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder (WWE Tag Team Championship Match)
R-Truth defeated Montel Vontavious Porter
Ezekiel Jackson defeated Super Crazy
Undertaker vs. The Great Khali (No Contest)
Maria defeated Natalya, Victoria, Maryse & Brie Bella (Divas Las Vegas) (Maria earns a Divas Championship Match)
Jesse & Festus defeated Ryan Braddock & Kenny Dykstra
Vladimir Kozlov defeated Jeff Hardy
Check this out, if you buy WWE's Hell in a Cell 3 Disc Dvd here, I get a few cents. Yep, I can finally order a REAL ppv instead of hacking it. It's not a half bad set, check out the new Hell in a Cell 3 Disc dvd available now!
big show,
brian kendrick,
jeff hardy,
smackdown results,
smackdown review,
the undertaker,
triple h
TNA Impact 10/16/08 Review and Results
I’m back in action, I’m actually sick though. I have seasonal allergies + a head cold, so I’m writing with somewhat blurred vision, and am giving it my best shot
The Motor City Machine Guns defeated Sonjay Dutt & Sheik Abdul Bashir
Finally, The Motor City Machine Guns get a victory and it was quite good. The duo threw up a lot of high spots on their way to winning this one, and I can’t help but notice that Dutt and Bashir aren’t half bad as a team. I’m not sure why the TNA booking pairs up these “hotshot” tag teams together to face the Machine Guns each week, but it’s a great thing to see that they finally got a victory! Seriously, this is great for The Motor City Machine Guns, since they were basically glorified jobbers. If you’ve seen other Machine Gun matches, then you’ll enjoy this one as it is a good opener, even though it is somewhat fast, it was still worth checking into and set up the show nicely.
Post match, Kurt Angle came down to the ring and basically trashed The Machine Guns, moments after their victory, taking away any glory from that might have been generated because of it. Angle then cuts a promo about Jeff Jarrett and how he is going to win the war, and that Double J just won the battle!
Sting’s Promo is the same cookie cutter promo that we heard last year after Sting won the TNA world title. Lame, Sting is good, but I don’t want to see him talk, I want to see him wrestle, instead he talks, making this my bathroom break. When I returned from the break, AJ Styles was talking about Respect, lame.
Booker T. defeated Hernandez
I’ll tell you one thing, you know a match is boring when you’re focused on what the wrestlers are wearing instead of the match itself. This match was kind of boring to me, and Booker T seemed lazy in this match up. I hate how all Booker T matches just have him relying on his wife for a distraction and the victory. I know that it is his gimmick to be lazy, but you know what other veteran got lazy in his old age? Hulk Hogan! Do you remember a GOOD Hulk Hogan match from WCW after he turned heel? Maybe one match in my memory was good from the WCW crew, and that was Hogan vs. Sting at Starrcade 97, other than that, I don’t remember anything good from Hogan back then. This is happening with booker T, and this is exhibit one in that case! Trust me. With that said guess who won.
Just for the record, Mick Foley’s stupid promo where he says he is leaving, sucks. What a load of garbage, crap, do we really need a Foley outro? Screw this crap. Then when I was going to throw up my arms, Jeff Jarrett comes out and tells Foley that he’s not done yet, and the two go down the tunnel. Lame again.
Roxxi defeated Raisha Saeed
I personally like Roxxi. I might be alone in that sentiment, but I like a woman who can do hardcore wrestling. I don’t care what anyone says, bring back the old ECW flavor with women, and I’m going to mark out huge! This match was ok, nothing too crazy, Saeed is not half bad. I like her and I like Roxxi. The match featured a lot of stiff shots, and I’m not sure if they were going for that sort of smash mouth wrestling or not, but it looked like Saeed was taking liberties with Roxxi’s hardcore rhetoric. Saeed’s modified surfboard stomp was awesome, and her snap suplex is right on for a woman. Shades of Davy Boy Smith were heard as Roxxi hit the canvas with Saeed taking control of this match up for the beginning. That was short lived as Roxxi got the momentum later on in the match and did a perfect fall away slam! However, she lost her focus momentarily when she tried to mix it up with Awesome Kong, outside the ring. She then came back inside and gave Saeed the Voodoo drop for the win, and Roxxi defeates Raisha Saeed!
Post match, Awesome Kong jumped in and delivered the Implant Buster and Roxxi loses the post match battle as Kong and Saeed celebrate over their fallen foe.
Kevin Nash defeated Consequences Creed
Nash needs to stop letting his hair silver out. He needs his black hair back or his brown hair, because he really looks like an old man in this match up. Consequences Creed gets a few shots in and Nash bumps a little bit, but this match is your basic strong man match up. Nash tries to make things look good, but he’s so stiff, he’s just a giant goof. An old giant goof, and this match proved it. Nash shouldn’t wrestle too much any longer, he’s just not that good anymore, trust me, I know. The Cobra Clutch slam was interesting, and the Powerbomb from Nash is still amazing, have you seen that lately? He just releases and BOOOM, Nash wins this squash match against Consequences Creed. Way to bury your talent TNA, way to go.
Post match, Kevin Nash talks about how none of the young guys respect the veterans. Lame. For the record, I never wondered what it was like to be Kevin Nash. That’s for sure. Nash cusses a lot for a TNA promo, that’s for sure. I personally liked Nash better as The Russian from The Punisher movie. This promo was the SADDEST promo I’ve ever heard from a veteran wrestler. Seriously, the Kevin Nash promo sucked.
Kurt Angle defeated Matt Morgan
This match was giving away too early. I don’t care what you think about Matt Morgan, because I hate him, but he DOES NOT need to get buried by Kurt Angle like this. Morgan basically tears Angle a new one for 90% of this match and then out of nowhere Angle hits a weak Angle slam and wins the match up. Morgan hit Angle with everything and looked good for once, but nope, it was short lived as Angle defeated Matt Morgan clean, burying the big guy’s push and holding him back from getting over. Kurt Angle is worse than Triple H in this match, as Morgan was supposed to be getting the biggest push in TNA and look at this crap. Morgan sucks, but he doesn’t deserve this, and maybe I’m turning my opinion a little but come on, he gets buried clean by Angle? This is so stupid.
Post match, Abyss ran down to save Morgan from getting further beat down by Angle. Angle then attacked Abyss, and the announcers sell this post match finish as something crazy.
They then cut to JB outside of the arena trying to figure out what Double J and Mick Foley were talking about behind closed doors, and Foley announces that next week Live from Vegas there is going to be a huge announcement made. He said that the wrestling world will be shaken forever!
This edition of impact wasn’t horrible, but we’ll have to wait and see if the Live Las Vegas show pays off on the things that were set up here.
Tna Impact Results 10/16/08
Kurt Angle defeated Matt Morgan
The Motor City Machine Guns defeated Sonjay Dutt & Sheik Abdul Bashir
Booker T. defeated Hernandez
Roxxi defeated Raisha Saeed
Kevin Nash defeated Consequences Creed
Sir Jorge's WWE Store:
Check out our online store for big savings on wwe dvd, and wwe books. Our online store is powered by amazon.com so you're in good hands.
The Motor City Machine Guns defeated Sonjay Dutt & Sheik Abdul Bashir
Finally, The Motor City Machine Guns get a victory and it was quite good. The duo threw up a lot of high spots on their way to winning this one, and I can’t help but notice that Dutt and Bashir aren’t half bad as a team. I’m not sure why the TNA booking pairs up these “hotshot” tag teams together to face the Machine Guns each week, but it’s a great thing to see that they finally got a victory! Seriously, this is great for The Motor City Machine Guns, since they were basically glorified jobbers. If you’ve seen other Machine Gun matches, then you’ll enjoy this one as it is a good opener, even though it is somewhat fast, it was still worth checking into and set up the show nicely.
Post match, Kurt Angle came down to the ring and basically trashed The Machine Guns, moments after their victory, taking away any glory from that might have been generated because of it. Angle then cuts a promo about Jeff Jarrett and how he is going to win the war, and that Double J just won the battle!
Sting’s Promo is the same cookie cutter promo that we heard last year after Sting won the TNA world title. Lame, Sting is good, but I don’t want to see him talk, I want to see him wrestle, instead he talks, making this my bathroom break. When I returned from the break, AJ Styles was talking about Respect, lame.
Booker T. defeated Hernandez
I’ll tell you one thing, you know a match is boring when you’re focused on what the wrestlers are wearing instead of the match itself. This match was kind of boring to me, and Booker T seemed lazy in this match up. I hate how all Booker T matches just have him relying on his wife for a distraction and the victory. I know that it is his gimmick to be lazy, but you know what other veteran got lazy in his old age? Hulk Hogan! Do you remember a GOOD Hulk Hogan match from WCW after he turned heel? Maybe one match in my memory was good from the WCW crew, and that was Hogan vs. Sting at Starrcade 97, other than that, I don’t remember anything good from Hogan back then. This is happening with booker T, and this is exhibit one in that case! Trust me. With that said guess who won.
Just for the record, Mick Foley’s stupid promo where he says he is leaving, sucks. What a load of garbage, crap, do we really need a Foley outro? Screw this crap. Then when I was going to throw up my arms, Jeff Jarrett comes out and tells Foley that he’s not done yet, and the two go down the tunnel. Lame again.
Roxxi defeated Raisha Saeed
I personally like Roxxi. I might be alone in that sentiment, but I like a woman who can do hardcore wrestling. I don’t care what anyone says, bring back the old ECW flavor with women, and I’m going to mark out huge! This match was ok, nothing too crazy, Saeed is not half bad. I like her and I like Roxxi. The match featured a lot of stiff shots, and I’m not sure if they were going for that sort of smash mouth wrestling or not, but it looked like Saeed was taking liberties with Roxxi’s hardcore rhetoric. Saeed’s modified surfboard stomp was awesome, and her snap suplex is right on for a woman. Shades of Davy Boy Smith were heard as Roxxi hit the canvas with Saeed taking control of this match up for the beginning. That was short lived as Roxxi got the momentum later on in the match and did a perfect fall away slam! However, she lost her focus momentarily when she tried to mix it up with Awesome Kong, outside the ring. She then came back inside and gave Saeed the Voodoo drop for the win, and Roxxi defeates Raisha Saeed!
Post match, Awesome Kong jumped in and delivered the Implant Buster and Roxxi loses the post match battle as Kong and Saeed celebrate over their fallen foe.
Kevin Nash defeated Consequences Creed
Nash needs to stop letting his hair silver out. He needs his black hair back or his brown hair, because he really looks like an old man in this match up. Consequences Creed gets a few shots in and Nash bumps a little bit, but this match is your basic strong man match up. Nash tries to make things look good, but he’s so stiff, he’s just a giant goof. An old giant goof, and this match proved it. Nash shouldn’t wrestle too much any longer, he’s just not that good anymore, trust me, I know. The Cobra Clutch slam was interesting, and the Powerbomb from Nash is still amazing, have you seen that lately? He just releases and BOOOM, Nash wins this squash match against Consequences Creed. Way to bury your talent TNA, way to go.
Post match, Kevin Nash talks about how none of the young guys respect the veterans. Lame. For the record, I never wondered what it was like to be Kevin Nash. That’s for sure. Nash cusses a lot for a TNA promo, that’s for sure. I personally liked Nash better as The Russian from The Punisher movie. This promo was the SADDEST promo I’ve ever heard from a veteran wrestler. Seriously, the Kevin Nash promo sucked.
Kurt Angle defeated Matt Morgan
This match was giving away too early. I don’t care what you think about Matt Morgan, because I hate him, but he DOES NOT need to get buried by Kurt Angle like this. Morgan basically tears Angle a new one for 90% of this match and then out of nowhere Angle hits a weak Angle slam and wins the match up. Morgan hit Angle with everything and looked good for once, but nope, it was short lived as Angle defeated Matt Morgan clean, burying the big guy’s push and holding him back from getting over. Kurt Angle is worse than Triple H in this match, as Morgan was supposed to be getting the biggest push in TNA and look at this crap. Morgan sucks, but he doesn’t deserve this, and maybe I’m turning my opinion a little but come on, he gets buried clean by Angle? This is so stupid.
Post match, Abyss ran down to save Morgan from getting further beat down by Angle. Angle then attacked Abyss, and the announcers sell this post match finish as something crazy.
They then cut to JB outside of the arena trying to figure out what Double J and Mick Foley were talking about behind closed doors, and Foley announces that next week Live from Vegas there is going to be a huge announcement made. He said that the wrestling world will be shaken forever!
This edition of impact wasn’t horrible, but we’ll have to wait and see if the Live Las Vegas show pays off on the things that were set up here.
Tna Impact Results 10/16/08
Kurt Angle defeated Matt Morgan
The Motor City Machine Guns defeated Sonjay Dutt & Sheik Abdul Bashir
Booker T. defeated Hernandez
Roxxi defeated Raisha Saeed
Kevin Nash defeated Consequences Creed
Sir Jorge's WWE Store:
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booker t.,
consequences creed,
kevin nash,
kurt angle,
matt morgan,
mick foley,
motor city machine guns,
sheik abdul bashir,
sonjay dutt,
Monday, October 13, 2008
NO Raw Review, Maybe No ECW
Hey folks,
I'm currently out of town, and won't make the Raw review in time to post it. I usually record it and post the review on tuesday mornings, but this week I'm in Los Angeles visiting my mom and sister.
I might be able to get back to Seattle in time for the ECW review, and that will go up wednesday morning, but i'm not 100% sure just yet.
This week's Impact will get reviewed, and so will Smackdown.
Sorry for the minor inconvenience. However, why not buy something? It helps me get enough cash for a ppv this month, which would be nice.
Sir Jorge's WWE Store:
Check out our online store for big savings on wwe dvd, and wwe books. Our online store is powered by amazon.com so you're in good hands.
I'm currently out of town, and won't make the Raw review in time to post it. I usually record it and post the review on tuesday mornings, but this week I'm in Los Angeles visiting my mom and sister.
I might be able to get back to Seattle in time for the ECW review, and that will go up wednesday morning, but i'm not 100% sure just yet.
This week's Impact will get reviewed, and so will Smackdown.
Sorry for the minor inconvenience. However, why not buy something? It helps me get enough cash for a ppv this month, which would be nice.
Sir Jorge's WWE Store:
Check out our online store for big savings on wwe dvd, and wwe books. Our online store is powered by amazon.com so you're in good hands.
TNA Bound For Glory 2008 Results
Last night TNA Bound For Glory went down!
I didn't get it, so here are the TNA Bound For Glory 2008 results:
Black Machismo defeated Alex Shelley, Curry Man, Chris Sabin, Sonjay Dutt, Jimmy Rave, Petey Williams, Shark Boy, and Super Eric in a "Steel Asylum Match"
Rhino, ODB & Rhaka Khan defeated Kip James & The Beautiful People
Sheik Abdul Bashir defeated Consequences Creed (x division title match)
Taylor Wilde defeated Awesome Kong and Roxxi (knockouts title match)
Beer Money, Inc. defeated LAX, Team 3D, Abyss & Matt Morgan
Special Guest Referee: Steve "Mongo" McMichael
Booker T defeated AJ Styles and Christian Cage
Jeff Jarrett defeated Kurt Angle
Special Enforcer Mick Foley
Sting defeated Samoa Joe (world title match)
Sir Jorge's WWE Store:
Check out our online store for big savings on wwe dvd, and wwe books. Our online store is powered by amazon.com so you're in good hands.
I didn't get it, so here are the TNA Bound For Glory 2008 results:
Black Machismo defeated Alex Shelley, Curry Man, Chris Sabin, Sonjay Dutt, Jimmy Rave, Petey Williams, Shark Boy, and Super Eric in a "Steel Asylum Match"
Rhino, ODB & Rhaka Khan defeated Kip James & The Beautiful People
Sheik Abdul Bashir defeated Consequences Creed (x division title match)
Taylor Wilde defeated Awesome Kong and Roxxi (knockouts title match)
Beer Money, Inc. defeated LAX, Team 3D, Abyss & Matt Morgan
Special Guest Referee: Steve "Mongo" McMichael
Booker T defeated AJ Styles and Christian Cage
Jeff Jarrett defeated Kurt Angle
Special Enforcer Mick Foley
Sting defeated Samoa Joe (world title match)
Sir Jorge's WWE Store:
Check out our online store for big savings on wwe dvd, and wwe books. Our online store is powered by amazon.com so you're in good hands.
black machismo,
booker t.,
jay lethal,
jeff jarrett,
kurt angle,
mick foley,
ppv results,
samoa joe,
sonjay dutt,
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Dolph Ziggler Suspended
Dolph Ziggler, is not starting on the right foot right now as he's just been suspended for 30 days.
I saw him wrestle in a dark match in Seattle and he did fine, but he's not that great. He's really top heavy and not very flexible from what I could tell. Well, he's apparently on the juice because he's done for at least 30 days. That's not great for a new development star for sure. He's gone...don't believe me? Here's the quotes:
From WWE.com:
STAMFORD, Conn., October 10, 2008 - In accordance with its Wellness Program, WWE has suspended Nick Nemeth (Dolph Ziggler) for 30 days for his first violation of the company's policy.
Dolph(Nick) had been called up to the RAW brand quite recently after being away in Developmental for a while since the Spirit Squad disbanded.
Sir Jorge's WWE Store:
Check out our online store for big savings on wwe dvd, and wwe books. Our online store is powered by amazon.com so you're in good hands.
I saw him wrestle in a dark match in Seattle and he did fine, but he's not that great. He's really top heavy and not very flexible from what I could tell. Well, he's apparently on the juice because he's done for at least 30 days. That's not great for a new development star for sure. He's gone...don't believe me? Here's the quotes:
From WWE.com:
STAMFORD, Conn., October 10, 2008 - In accordance with its Wellness Program, WWE has suspended Nick Nemeth (Dolph Ziggler) for 30 days for his first violation of the company's policy.
Dolph(Nick) had been called up to the RAW brand quite recently after being away in Developmental for a while since the Spirit Squad disbanded.
Sir Jorge's WWE Store:
Check out our online store for big savings on wwe dvd, and wwe books. Our online store is powered by amazon.com so you're in good hands.
Friday, October 10, 2008
WWE Smackdown 10/10/08 Review and Results
Here we go, a big night in WWE history, and I was expecting big things, but I'm not sure if WWE likes me or you very much, as you will see.
The new smackdown music and intro sucks. It's annoying and lackluster, what a horrible piece of crap. I hate this piece of crap intro. WWE you've outdone yourselves in the crap department with this new intro. Sad, but true.
Vickie opening the show got a lot of heat! It was awesome, I was booing from my mom's house here in Los Angeles, Ca.
Brie Bella defeated Natalya
Somewhat impressive strength from Natalya, but this match was boring. Brie Bella used her twin to win this one. Hornswoggle came out and chased out Victoria, while Natalya was distracted, Brie or her twin jumped in and gave Natalya a crucifix to pin and it was over. Brie Bella wins a poor excuse for a women's wrestling match.
R. Truth defeated Shelton Benjamin (non title match)
Here we go, it's about time, R Truth is getting a shot at Shelton Benjamin! I hate to admit it, but I like "what's up" and am caught singing along quite often. This match should be a precursor to Truth getting the U.S championship later in the month and/or year. The match started with Benjamin really putting the boots to Truth, even giving some stiff shots to the face. He was controlling every aspect of this match early on, and it really looked like he was mad at Truth for stealing his thunder. Benjamin threw Truth outside and tried to really slow down the contender, and tried to prove that he was the "Gold" standard. Truth got back into this match after a back suplex, and slowly started to break down Shelton Benjamin, really making the gold standard fight for a second wind. I thought for sure Truth had this match won with the corkscrew flying forearm, which was really impressive, but it only got a two count. Truth kept fighting, and eventually rolled up Benjamin into a small package like maneuver for the three count! Benjamin gets beaten, and most likely will have to put the title on the line later on this month against R. Truth!
Jeff Hardy defeated MVP
They are continually burying MVP and just like last week, I was under the impression that they would once again force MVP to lose. MVP used to be a viable heel in the wwe, but lately he's been fed to all comers, and is like the Tommy Dreamer of Smackdown as of late. Sure he gets some higher profile matches, but he is quickly buried by Triple H, and others lately. It's a sad downfall for MVP. Jeff Hardy hasn't really done a whole lot either, just losing to everyone. Gregory Helms came on the screen in his bubble and said that the P in MVP means "Please" as in "Please win a match, I'm just saying".
This match had Hardy in control early on, and he was proving that he was still a major player in the Smackdown crew. He was taking it to MVP and MVP really had to regroup at the commercial break. After the break, Hardy was still at it, but MVP gave Hardy one heck of a counter. While MVP was in the corner and getting set up for the special hardy dropkick with the top rope as leverage, MVP put his legs up, sending Hardy flying across the dream and the tables turned fast! MVP swooped in with some rest holds, forcing Hardy to slow down and just try to survive the endless submissions of MVP. MVP had things going his way until out of the blue he throws up a Whisper in the Wind and the tides turn towards Hardy's favor yet again! Hardy gets to the top rope and hits the Swanton Bomb, pins MVP and wins clean! MVP again loses, Hardy is back on the winning road!
The Colon's and Jesse & Festus defeated Ryan Braddock, Ryder, Hawkins, and Kenny Dykstra
This match only really served to bury Kenny, as far as I'm concerned. The Colon's were good, but it was Festus who really cleaned house in this match up and picked up the win. This match was NOT a technical classic, and overall was boring to mee. I didn't really like how horrible this one was executed, but what I did enjoy was seeing Kenny get beat down by the giant Festus. Not a bad ending, and overall, one of my favorite moments of Smackdown thus far.
The Great Khali defeated three jobbers
Great Khali defeated three guys. Lame. Nothing to see here folks, lame.
Triple H vs. The Big Show went to a NO Contest
The final match at smackdown didn't really end properly. Seriously, this could have been great, but things went awry when Triple H interfered, causing things to go downhill for anyone that spent time watching this smackdown event.
Overall this was a pretty dumb Smackdown.
WWE Smackdown 10/10/08 Results
Brie Bella defeated Natalya
R. Truth defeated Shelton Benjamin (non title match)
Jeff Hardy defeated MVP
The Colon's and Jesse & Festus defeated Ryan Braddock, Ryder, Hawkins, and Kenny Dykstra
The Great Khali defeated three jobbers
Triple H vs. The Big Show went to a NO Contest
Sir Jorge's WWE Store:
Check out our online store for big savings on wwe dvd, and wwe books. Our online store is powered by amazon.com so you're in good hands.
The new smackdown music and intro sucks. It's annoying and lackluster, what a horrible piece of crap. I hate this piece of crap intro. WWE you've outdone yourselves in the crap department with this new intro. Sad, but true.
Vickie opening the show got a lot of heat! It was awesome, I was booing from my mom's house here in Los Angeles, Ca.
Brie Bella defeated Natalya
Somewhat impressive strength from Natalya, but this match was boring. Brie Bella used her twin to win this one. Hornswoggle came out and chased out Victoria, while Natalya was distracted, Brie or her twin jumped in and gave Natalya a crucifix to pin and it was over. Brie Bella wins a poor excuse for a women's wrestling match.
R. Truth defeated Shelton Benjamin (non title match)
Here we go, it's about time, R Truth is getting a shot at Shelton Benjamin! I hate to admit it, but I like "what's up" and am caught singing along quite often. This match should be a precursor to Truth getting the U.S championship later in the month and/or year. The match started with Benjamin really putting the boots to Truth, even giving some stiff shots to the face. He was controlling every aspect of this match early on, and it really looked like he was mad at Truth for stealing his thunder. Benjamin threw Truth outside and tried to really slow down the contender, and tried to prove that he was the "Gold" standard. Truth got back into this match after a back suplex, and slowly started to break down Shelton Benjamin, really making the gold standard fight for a second wind. I thought for sure Truth had this match won with the corkscrew flying forearm, which was really impressive, but it only got a two count. Truth kept fighting, and eventually rolled up Benjamin into a small package like maneuver for the three count! Benjamin gets beaten, and most likely will have to put the title on the line later on this month against R. Truth!
Jeff Hardy defeated MVP
They are continually burying MVP and just like last week, I was under the impression that they would once again force MVP to lose. MVP used to be a viable heel in the wwe, but lately he's been fed to all comers, and is like the Tommy Dreamer of Smackdown as of late. Sure he gets some higher profile matches, but he is quickly buried by Triple H, and others lately. It's a sad downfall for MVP. Jeff Hardy hasn't really done a whole lot either, just losing to everyone. Gregory Helms came on the screen in his bubble and said that the P in MVP means "Please" as in "Please win a match, I'm just saying".
This match had Hardy in control early on, and he was proving that he was still a major player in the Smackdown crew. He was taking it to MVP and MVP really had to regroup at the commercial break. After the break, Hardy was still at it, but MVP gave Hardy one heck of a counter. While MVP was in the corner and getting set up for the special hardy dropkick with the top rope as leverage, MVP put his legs up, sending Hardy flying across the dream and the tables turned fast! MVP swooped in with some rest holds, forcing Hardy to slow down and just try to survive the endless submissions of MVP. MVP had things going his way until out of the blue he throws up a Whisper in the Wind and the tides turn towards Hardy's favor yet again! Hardy gets to the top rope and hits the Swanton Bomb, pins MVP and wins clean! MVP again loses, Hardy is back on the winning road!
The Colon's and Jesse & Festus defeated Ryan Braddock, Ryder, Hawkins, and Kenny Dykstra
This match only really served to bury Kenny, as far as I'm concerned. The Colon's were good, but it was Festus who really cleaned house in this match up and picked up the win. This match was NOT a technical classic, and overall was boring to mee. I didn't really like how horrible this one was executed, but what I did enjoy was seeing Kenny get beat down by the giant Festus. Not a bad ending, and overall, one of my favorite moments of Smackdown thus far.
The Great Khali defeated three jobbers
Great Khali defeated three guys. Lame. Nothing to see here folks, lame.
Triple H vs. The Big Show went to a NO Contest
The final match at smackdown didn't really end properly. Seriously, this could have been great, but things went awry when Triple H interfered, causing things to go downhill for anyone that spent time watching this smackdown event.
Overall this was a pretty dumb Smackdown.
WWE Smackdown 10/10/08 Results
Brie Bella defeated Natalya
R. Truth defeated Shelton Benjamin (non title match)
Jeff Hardy defeated MVP
The Colon's and Jesse & Festus defeated Ryan Braddock, Ryder, Hawkins, and Kenny Dykstra
The Great Khali defeated three jobbers
Triple H vs. The Big Show went to a NO Contest
Sir Jorge's WWE Store:
Check out our online store for big savings on wwe dvd, and wwe books. Our online store is powered by amazon.com so you're in good hands.
brie bella,
jeff hardy,
kenny dykstra,
r truth,
ryan braddock,
shelton benjamin,
smackdown results,
the colons,
triple h
Thursday, October 9, 2008
TNA Impact 10/9/08 Review and Results
Greetings from the sunnyville of California. Los Angeles to be exact, where I'm away from my mom's house. I'm glad she's got cable, otherwise I wouldn't be getting this review up. We open the show with Christian, Booker T and Aj Styles all trying to figure out what side Christian Cage is on. I don't like this angle at all, but then again, why not? Might as well.
Cute Kip defeated Rhino (No Dq Match)
Here we go, a no dq match between the newly gayed up Cute Kip and the War Machine Rhino. I haven't seen Rhino go to war in recent months, so I don't know what to say about all this, but hey, Cute Kip can wrestle if given a chance, so I had high hopes for this one. This match was boring, for a no dq match up. The match was basically rest holds for the most part, but late in the match The Beautiful People sprayed something in Rhino's eyes, then Cute Kip jumped rhino, and put him through a very weak looking table, and won this match easily.
Consequences Creed defeated Petey Willians (Big Petey Pump), Sonjay Dutt w/ So Cal Val, and Black Machismo Jay Lethal
They really wanted to load this match up, and we have a 4 way match up. The early favorite for me seemed to be Jay Lethal as he was getting the most offense in early on. Granted, Sonjay Dutt was focusing on Lethal with all his offense, leaving Consequences Creed and Petey Williams fighting each other inside the ring. We got a lot of spots, low drop kicks, big drop kicks, springboard clotheslines, neck breakers, and quick covers for two counts. No one seemed to get the clear cut advantage in the middle of the match up and it just seemed disorienting to try and keep up with all the wrestlers involved in this match up. In the midst of random finishing move attempts, Consequences Creed cleaned up house and got the pin, and things went down well. However, the camera's cut to Sheik Abdul Bashir in the background and made some stupid promo. Consequences Creed will go and wrestle Sheik Abdul Bashir at the next ppv. I liked Consequences Creed when he first came to TNA but now, he just doesn't seem the same. He should most likely lose at the ppv, making a gimmick match for a second shot at the TNA title, only to win it, and then feud with Sheik Bashir in a "USA" vs "Foreigner" feud, as they did in the late 70's and 80's and even a little in the early 90's with Hulk Hogan and Sgt. Slaughter. (I'm talking about Wrestlemania 7)
Why can't TNA fire Karen's Angle! I hate this, and I don't know anyone that likes this segment! Seriously, what a horrible piece of crap segment. Foley is on the show, and it's just stupid, I hate this segment.
The Blue Print Matt Morgan & The Abyss defeated Beer Money
Beer Money isolated Matt Morgan's knee after his initial onslaught of offense. He did look really good, dropping Beer Money with power moves easily, but he ended up getting worked over with a bum knee. Abyss got a hot tag and started cleaning house! Beer Money tried to make things go their way, but even with an injured Matt Morgan, Beer Money lossed this one when Abyss gave them the black hole slam and BOOM, we have ourselves some winners. This match wasn't all that bad, but it wasn't that great. It was somewhat boring at times, and while it was fast, it didn't really do it for me. Maybe it was because I was tired.
Raisha Saeed & Awesome Kong defeated Roxxi & Taylor Wilde
Smart knockouts match up, and a major step up from what I saw in WWE's diva's division. As much as WWE can improve on their diva's matches, they just don't measure up to these Knockout division matches. This one was great, Roxxi and Taylor WIlde were really working well as a team, and Roxxi was really putting a lot into this match up, I was really impressed with how much offense she got in on Kong and Saeed. Kong eventually gets thrown over the top rope, and Saeed gets double teamed, but in the middle of the match Taylor Wilde accidentally kicks Roxxi in the face! This caused some confusion, and while Roxxi looked like she was going to win this one after a missed monsault from Saeed, Kong jumped in and delivered the Implant Buster on Roxxi to win this tag match up! We immediately go to commercial, so that was that.
Christian Cage Special Guest Referee came out for the next match up!
A.J Styles defeated Booker T.
In what was easily an Impact classic, Booker T lost to A.J. styles and while we were suppose to see what side Christian was on, we actually never get to. Instead we get him added to the ppv match up, and now we won't ever know, unless a threeway featuring all three wrestlers is going to prove something. This match was good, lots of good high spots from styles, and booker t looked as fresh as ever. I liked this match up, but hated the commentary.
The end of impact bored me, with Samoa Joe and Sting brawling. I hate contract signings, they never turn out well.
TNA Impact Results 10/9/08
Cute Kip defeated Rhino (no dq match)
Consequences Creed defeated Petey Willians (Big Petey Pump), Sonjay Dutt w/ So Cal Val, and Black Machismo Jay Lethal
The Blue Print Matt Morgan & The Abyss defeated Beer Money
Raisha Saeed & Awesome Kong defeated Roxxi & Taylor Wilde
A.J. Styles defeated Booker T
Sir Jorge's WWE Store:
Check out our online store for big savings on wwe dvd, and wwe books. Our online store is powered by amazon.com so you're in good hands.
Cute Kip defeated Rhino (No Dq Match)
Here we go, a no dq match between the newly gayed up Cute Kip and the War Machine Rhino. I haven't seen Rhino go to war in recent months, so I don't know what to say about all this, but hey, Cute Kip can wrestle if given a chance, so I had high hopes for this one. This match was boring, for a no dq match up. The match was basically rest holds for the most part, but late in the match The Beautiful People sprayed something in Rhino's eyes, then Cute Kip jumped rhino, and put him through a very weak looking table, and won this match easily.
Consequences Creed defeated Petey Willians (Big Petey Pump), Sonjay Dutt w/ So Cal Val, and Black Machismo Jay Lethal
They really wanted to load this match up, and we have a 4 way match up. The early favorite for me seemed to be Jay Lethal as he was getting the most offense in early on. Granted, Sonjay Dutt was focusing on Lethal with all his offense, leaving Consequences Creed and Petey Williams fighting each other inside the ring. We got a lot of spots, low drop kicks, big drop kicks, springboard clotheslines, neck breakers, and quick covers for two counts. No one seemed to get the clear cut advantage in the middle of the match up and it just seemed disorienting to try and keep up with all the wrestlers involved in this match up. In the midst of random finishing move attempts, Consequences Creed cleaned up house and got the pin, and things went down well. However, the camera's cut to Sheik Abdul Bashir in the background and made some stupid promo. Consequences Creed will go and wrestle Sheik Abdul Bashir at the next ppv. I liked Consequences Creed when he first came to TNA but now, he just doesn't seem the same. He should most likely lose at the ppv, making a gimmick match for a second shot at the TNA title, only to win it, and then feud with Sheik Bashir in a "USA" vs "Foreigner" feud, as they did in the late 70's and 80's and even a little in the early 90's with Hulk Hogan and Sgt. Slaughter. (I'm talking about Wrestlemania 7)
Why can't TNA fire Karen's Angle! I hate this, and I don't know anyone that likes this segment! Seriously, what a horrible piece of crap segment. Foley is on the show, and it's just stupid, I hate this segment.
The Blue Print Matt Morgan & The Abyss defeated Beer Money
Beer Money isolated Matt Morgan's knee after his initial onslaught of offense. He did look really good, dropping Beer Money with power moves easily, but he ended up getting worked over with a bum knee. Abyss got a hot tag and started cleaning house! Beer Money tried to make things go their way, but even with an injured Matt Morgan, Beer Money lossed this one when Abyss gave them the black hole slam and BOOM, we have ourselves some winners. This match wasn't all that bad, but it wasn't that great. It was somewhat boring at times, and while it was fast, it didn't really do it for me. Maybe it was because I was tired.
Raisha Saeed & Awesome Kong defeated Roxxi & Taylor Wilde
Smart knockouts match up, and a major step up from what I saw in WWE's diva's division. As much as WWE can improve on their diva's matches, they just don't measure up to these Knockout division matches. This one was great, Roxxi and Taylor WIlde were really working well as a team, and Roxxi was really putting a lot into this match up, I was really impressed with how much offense she got in on Kong and Saeed. Kong eventually gets thrown over the top rope, and Saeed gets double teamed, but in the middle of the match Taylor Wilde accidentally kicks Roxxi in the face! This caused some confusion, and while Roxxi looked like she was going to win this one after a missed monsault from Saeed, Kong jumped in and delivered the Implant Buster on Roxxi to win this tag match up! We immediately go to commercial, so that was that.
Christian Cage Special Guest Referee came out for the next match up!
A.J Styles defeated Booker T.
In what was easily an Impact classic, Booker T lost to A.J. styles and while we were suppose to see what side Christian was on, we actually never get to. Instead we get him added to the ppv match up, and now we won't ever know, unless a threeway featuring all three wrestlers is going to prove something. This match was good, lots of good high spots from styles, and booker t looked as fresh as ever. I liked this match up, but hated the commentary.
The end of impact bored me, with Samoa Joe and Sting brawling. I hate contract signings, they never turn out well.
TNA Impact Results 10/9/08
Cute Kip defeated Rhino (no dq match)
Consequences Creed defeated Petey Willians (Big Petey Pump), Sonjay Dutt w/ So Cal Val, and Black Machismo Jay Lethal
The Blue Print Matt Morgan & The Abyss defeated Beer Money
Raisha Saeed & Awesome Kong defeated Roxxi & Taylor Wilde
A.J. Styles defeated Booker T
Sir Jorge's WWE Store:
Check out our online store for big savings on wwe dvd, and wwe books. Our online store is powered by amazon.com so you're in good hands.
aj styles,
awesome kong,
big petey pump,
booker t.,
consequences creed,
cute kip,
jay lethal,
matt morgan,
raisha saeed,
so cal val,
sonjay dutt,
taylor wilde,
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