First and foremost I want to apologize to those very few people that came to this site looking for a TNA Impact review. I have family in town and couldn’t get the review done. However, I am back with he first Smackdown after the Royal Rumble right here.
The show opens up with Matt Hardy in ring…to a chorus of BOOOs. I’d boo the crap out of him too, such a terrible turn of events. Hardy says that Jeff is no longer his brother.
R Truth defeated The Kendrick
Brian Kendrick gave Truth a good cheap shot up front, but didn’t win overall. The match was short but not good at all. It was actually just like the last time they fought, only this time Ezekiel Jackson was barred from ringside, so no one cheap shotted him after the match. Standard match for Truth, and Kendrick loses yet again.
MVP defeated Chavo Guerrero
I thought Chavo had this match sewn up with the Frog Splash, but somehow MVP managed to move out of the way in time to get a win! That’s right, MVP wins again! Chavo landed on his stomach and face, and lost yet again.
Umaga defeated Jimmy Wang Yang
Yang is still employed? What the hell? This is the worst match ever. Umaga wins, did you really think anything else would happen? This sucks.
The Undertaker defeated Mark Henry
Standard Undertaker, Mark Henry match. Seriously, how many times did we see this match in recent years? Well, Mark Henry fought off the Undertaker for the most part and Undertaker got mad and started beating Mark Henry and eventually made him tap out to the triangle choke hold.
The Big Show defeated Festus
The Big Show beat up Festus in a quick match up, yet again.
Triple H defeated The Great Khali, and Kozlov
Triple H beat the other two guys. I got tired and nearly fell asleep. Nice to see that Triple H is still holding down the roster.
WWE Smackdown 1/30/09 Results
R Truth defeated The Kendrick
MVP defeated Chavo Guerrero
Umaga defeated Jimmy Wang Yang
The Undertaker defeated Mark Henry
The Big Show defeated Festus
Triple H defeated The Great Khali, and Kozlov
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Friday, January 30, 2009
WWE Smackdown 1/30/09 Review and Results Why Matt Why
big show,
brian kendrick,
chavo guerrero,
jimmy wang yang,
r truth,
smackdown results,
the undertaker,
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Chris Jericho and Mickey Rourke on Larry King
We found out this week that Chris Jericho and Mickey Rourke will lock up at Wrestlemania this year. The media blitz has already began, and maybe this is just a way for Vince McMahon to get the final word in on "The Wrestler". I don't know what's going to happen, but if anyone in the WWE right now can make this match good, it's Chris Jericho. However, I feel that this is wasting him in Wrestlemania, but I guess Jericho is taking one for the team, as the Wrestlemania thing to do is have at least one major gimmick match.
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Tuesday, January 27, 2009
ECW 1/27/09 Results and Review Matt Hardy Released
Theodore Long came out to inform everyone on ECW that Matt Hardy is now officially off the ECW roster and is now on Smackdown permanently. That’s fine with me. Jack Swagger came out and wanted to celebrate his new reign, and announced that this night would feature the celebration for the new ECW champion, and you know what? It’s about time that we had an undefeated champion on WWE programming.
The Boogeyman came out from under the ring and scared Jack Swagger away!
The Boogeyman defeated Ricky Ortiz via countout
I’m not sure what happened here. Ricky Ortiz was thrown out of the ring by The Boogeyman just stayed in the ring and looked scary; what a sorry excuse for a match. This was the dumbest match or attempt at a match ever.
Finlay defeated Paul Burchill
This match was a hard hitting brawl style match up. It featured a lot of hard shots between Burchill and Finlay, but didn’t really prove to be all that great overall. Horswoggle distracted Katie Lea for a short break in the action, and after that it was all Finlay. Too bad they never went anywhere with that whole Pirate Paul gimmick. Finlay hit his finisher, and Paul lost yet another match up. Nothing too great here, just another match up for Paul to lose; How long before Paul gets fired? I think it’s going to be sooner than later.
Mark Henry defeated Tommy Dreamer
This was a hard hitting match in which Tommy Dreamer proved yet again that he needs to retire. I’ve been rooting for Tommy Dreamer to retire for a long time now, and for whatever reasons the WWE still finds it in their heart to keep him employed. However, they make him lose these hard fought battles with nothing more than whimper to end it all. This match was heavily one sided, Dreamer gave everything he had, but Mark Henry caught Tommy Dreamer in mid air and dropped him with the world’s strongest slam and pinned Tommy Dreamer yet again! That’s right, Mark Henry defeats a dead fish called Tommy Dreamer.
Ecw on sci-fi 1/27/09 Results and Review
The Boogeyman defeated Ricky Ortiz via countout
Finlay defeated Paul Burchill
Mark Henry defeated Tommy Dreamer
Jack Swagger losing his belt was boring to me. I like Swagger, but he needs to stop with the lisp. Someone get the kid a speech coach and get a professional linguist to help him out a little bit. Overall, not the worse night in wrestling, but also not the best night in wrestling; ECW on sci-fi still has a lot in an hour show, which is a good thing in a bloated wwe marketplace.
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The Boogeyman came out from under the ring and scared Jack Swagger away!
The Boogeyman defeated Ricky Ortiz via countout
I’m not sure what happened here. Ricky Ortiz was thrown out of the ring by The Boogeyman just stayed in the ring and looked scary; what a sorry excuse for a match. This was the dumbest match or attempt at a match ever.
Finlay defeated Paul Burchill
This match was a hard hitting brawl style match up. It featured a lot of hard shots between Burchill and Finlay, but didn’t really prove to be all that great overall. Horswoggle distracted Katie Lea for a short break in the action, and after that it was all Finlay. Too bad they never went anywhere with that whole Pirate Paul gimmick. Finlay hit his finisher, and Paul lost yet another match up. Nothing too great here, just another match up for Paul to lose; How long before Paul gets fired? I think it’s going to be sooner than later.
Mark Henry defeated Tommy Dreamer
This was a hard hitting match in which Tommy Dreamer proved yet again that he needs to retire. I’ve been rooting for Tommy Dreamer to retire for a long time now, and for whatever reasons the WWE still finds it in their heart to keep him employed. However, they make him lose these hard fought battles with nothing more than whimper to end it all. This match was heavily one sided, Dreamer gave everything he had, but Mark Henry caught Tommy Dreamer in mid air and dropped him with the world’s strongest slam and pinned Tommy Dreamer yet again! That’s right, Mark Henry defeats a dead fish called Tommy Dreamer.
Ecw on sci-fi 1/27/09 Results and Review
The Boogeyman defeated Ricky Ortiz via countout
Finlay defeated Paul Burchill
Mark Henry defeated Tommy Dreamer
Jack Swagger losing his belt was boring to me. I like Swagger, but he needs to stop with the lisp. Someone get the kid a speech coach and get a professional linguist to help him out a little bit. Overall, not the worse night in wrestling, but also not the best night in wrestling; ECW on sci-fi still has a lot in an hour show, which is a good thing in a bloated wwe marketplace.
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
ecw championship,
ecw review,
mark henry,
paul burchill,
tommy dreamer
12 Rounds Poster and Movie Trailer
Love him or hate him, John Cena is the poster boy for the WWE. He has not only garnered respect for the world title and created of critics in the process, we have seen him in movies and television shows. He is now gearing up for another press tour soon, that will hopefully spark interest in his new movie 12 Rounds scheduled to come out later this spring. The movie's trailer made it's debut last night during Raw and here is the poster and trailer for the film. I wasn't a big fan of The Marine at all, but it looks like this one might have what it takes to gain that mainstream success that WWE films has been desperately trying to get since the release of their last few films. Speaking of which, I liked The Condemned a lot. This one is rated Pg-13 so we might not get to see all the over to top action that made the 80's and early 90's action films so great.

Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!

Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
john cena,
stone cold,
wrestling video,
wwe films
Monday, January 26, 2009
WWE Monday Night Raw 1/26/09 Results and Review Orton Reigns
Only 24 hours after the big Royal Rumble 2009, we get to see Raw live from somewhere...I don't know where, but it was on and in action. I'm really getting tired of hearing Randy Orton's music, that's for sure. The winner of the Royal Rumble opened up the show tonight on Raw. Orton came out with his lawyers and his therapist! He came out to a chorus of boo’s and was ready to explain why he did what he did last week.
The Miz and Morrison defeated Cryme Tyme
I’m not sure why there are two different sets of Tag Team championship belts. There’s no reason for that, considering that Miz and Morrison go on both shows regardless of their affiliation. Meanwhile, the other set of belts are on a tag team that doesn’t really defend them. I didn’t peg Miz and Morrison to win this match up, and they proved me wrong again. They won again, and they are still the world tag team champions. The match was fast and The Miz was definitely great, and it was awesome to see the tag team champs get more solid in a division that is lacking a lot of talent. Cryme Tyme should just call it a day.
Kofi Kingston defeated Kane in a Elimination Chamber qualifying match
Kane came out heavy in this match up. Kofi was getting hit with some stiff shots and clotheslines into the corner. However, Kofi managed to turn things around fast and the match ended swiftly, and if you blinked you missed it. Kofi Kingston defeated Kane.
Chris Jericho announced that he’s going to wrestle Mickey Rourke at Wrestlemania 25. that should be interesting to say the least.
John Cena defeated Shawn Michaels
HBK and John Cena battled it out yet again. If you’re a fan of this site at all, You know how much I hate getting the same match over and over again. I hated it in 1998 when Triple H and the Rock wrestled nine or ten times in a row. You’re standard Cena match was here, and while Shawn Michaels did enough of a good job to thwart repetition, it was still a Cena match when you took away the flashes of greatness. The same position that HBK was in a few weeks ago happened again here, with HBK being inches away from the ropes in the STF and eventually reached the ropes. I thought JBL would be pushing the ropes, but nothing happened. For a ten o’clock main event, this thing was doing well. The crowd was way into this one, even though I could’ve gone without it. JBL tried to convince Michaels to win the match at the midway point, but Cena countered and dropped HBK with the FU and it was all over. Cena wins another match. Are you surprised at all? As a result JBL can not be in the elimination chamber match up.
Beth Phoenix & Jillian defeated Melina & Kelly Kelly
Wow, I didn’t know this was going to happen. I hate the predictability of the WWE diva’s matches. They are easily the easiest match ups to predict. The match eventually went the way I thought it would, Beth Phoenix dropping Jillian on her face, and it was all over. Yep, it was all over. Boring divas match, standard stupidity.
Rey Mysterio defeated William Regal in an Elimination Chamber qualifying match
This match was not half bad. William Regal really does a good job of making his matches worthwhile. I enjoyed how good it turned out, and Rey Mysterio really did a good job out there. A lot of fast moves and good pacing, really made for a good match. I liked this one, even if it was a little short. Rey Mysterio finally wins one, that’s gotta be good for the fans.
Chris Jericho defeated CM Punk in an Elimination Chamber qualifying match
CM Punk and Chris Jericho? The Main Event? I’m down! The match was hard hitting at first, with Punk really pushing Jericho to the defensive. Punk had all the right moves early on, but it was Jericho that was impressing the heck out of me with reversals out of every single type of pinning combination imaginable, before hitting the Codebreaker right onto the face of Punk, and qualifies for the Elimination chamber match at No Way Out in my home town of Seattle, Washington.
Stephanie McMahon came out and confronted Randy Orton. Randy Orton told Stephanie McMahon that if she fires him, he will sue the crap out of WWE. The whole Raw roster came out to the ramp, and Orton started to threaten people. Orton then wanted to get fired and was yelling at the princess McMahon. She wasn't backing down at all, and it was getting crazy. SHANE MCMAHON SHOWED UP! EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT SHANE MCMAHON! He took off his jacket and was going to the inside of the ring. SHANE MCMAHON SPEARED RANDY ORTON! Then fought off legacy, and started to beat the crap out of Orton. However, Rhodes and Dibiase stopped him. Shane really held his own out there and was fighting Orton like a house on fire! Shane McMahon knocked out Randy Orton! This was the best thing to happen to Monday Night Raw in a long time! Shane McMahon will most likely wrestle Randy Orton at No Way out and set up a match up for Vince McMahon to fight him at Wrestlemania.
The entire RAW roster came out and separated the two factions, and Orton escaped with his life, but barely. Shane McMahon started to fight the Raw roster too!
WWE Monday Night Raw 1/26/09
The Miz and Morrison defeated Cryme Tyme
Kofi Kingston defeated Kane in a Elimination Chamber qualifying match
John Cena defeated Shawn Michaels
Beth Phoenix & Jillian defeated Melina & Kelly Kelly
Rey Mysterio defeated William Regal in an Elimination Chamber qualifying match
Chris Jericho defeated CM Punk in an Elimination Chamber qualifying match
Overall this edition of WWE Monday Night Raw 1/26/09 wasn’t half bad. I liked it a lot more than usual. I liked the qualifying matches, although I felt that all the matches were really short. I prefer longer matches, but it is Raw, so I didn’t expect a whole lot. I did like the tag team opener, and thought that Kofi Kingston is looking great still. The divas suck still and I don’t want to see them at all. I’m sorry, WWE’s Divas are terrible wrestlers. John Cena’s new movie “12 Rounds” looks worthwhile to me, but then the rating showed up, and I didn’t think it was worthwhile at all. A pg-13 rating? I know Cena’s suppose to walk the line, but come on! Stupid, this is stupid. I don’t want to see more pg-13 messes…they need to make another solid Rated R film, and then I’ll like it. If you haven’t seen the trailer, check it out, it’s worth it. The rest of Raw was ok at best. My only complaint is that the wrestling takes a backseat to pushing storylines, and you know what? That’s just the wwe way, I’m sure.
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
The Miz and Morrison defeated Cryme Tyme
I’m not sure why there are two different sets of Tag Team championship belts. There’s no reason for that, considering that Miz and Morrison go on both shows regardless of their affiliation. Meanwhile, the other set of belts are on a tag team that doesn’t really defend them. I didn’t peg Miz and Morrison to win this match up, and they proved me wrong again. They won again, and they are still the world tag team champions. The match was fast and The Miz was definitely great, and it was awesome to see the tag team champs get more solid in a division that is lacking a lot of talent. Cryme Tyme should just call it a day.
Kofi Kingston defeated Kane in a Elimination Chamber qualifying match
Kane came out heavy in this match up. Kofi was getting hit with some stiff shots and clotheslines into the corner. However, Kofi managed to turn things around fast and the match ended swiftly, and if you blinked you missed it. Kofi Kingston defeated Kane.
Chris Jericho announced that he’s going to wrestle Mickey Rourke at Wrestlemania 25. that should be interesting to say the least.
John Cena defeated Shawn Michaels
HBK and John Cena battled it out yet again. If you’re a fan of this site at all, You know how much I hate getting the same match over and over again. I hated it in 1998 when Triple H and the Rock wrestled nine or ten times in a row. You’re standard Cena match was here, and while Shawn Michaels did enough of a good job to thwart repetition, it was still a Cena match when you took away the flashes of greatness. The same position that HBK was in a few weeks ago happened again here, with HBK being inches away from the ropes in the STF and eventually reached the ropes. I thought JBL would be pushing the ropes, but nothing happened. For a ten o’clock main event, this thing was doing well. The crowd was way into this one, even though I could’ve gone without it. JBL tried to convince Michaels to win the match at the midway point, but Cena countered and dropped HBK with the FU and it was all over. Cena wins another match. Are you surprised at all? As a result JBL can not be in the elimination chamber match up.
Beth Phoenix & Jillian defeated Melina & Kelly Kelly
Wow, I didn’t know this was going to happen. I hate the predictability of the WWE diva’s matches. They are easily the easiest match ups to predict. The match eventually went the way I thought it would, Beth Phoenix dropping Jillian on her face, and it was all over. Yep, it was all over. Boring divas match, standard stupidity.
Rey Mysterio defeated William Regal in an Elimination Chamber qualifying match
This match was not half bad. William Regal really does a good job of making his matches worthwhile. I enjoyed how good it turned out, and Rey Mysterio really did a good job out there. A lot of fast moves and good pacing, really made for a good match. I liked this one, even if it was a little short. Rey Mysterio finally wins one, that’s gotta be good for the fans.
Chris Jericho defeated CM Punk in an Elimination Chamber qualifying match
CM Punk and Chris Jericho? The Main Event? I’m down! The match was hard hitting at first, with Punk really pushing Jericho to the defensive. Punk had all the right moves early on, but it was Jericho that was impressing the heck out of me with reversals out of every single type of pinning combination imaginable, before hitting the Codebreaker right onto the face of Punk, and qualifies for the Elimination chamber match at No Way Out in my home town of Seattle, Washington.
Stephanie McMahon came out and confronted Randy Orton. Randy Orton told Stephanie McMahon that if she fires him, he will sue the crap out of WWE. The whole Raw roster came out to the ramp, and Orton started to threaten people. Orton then wanted to get fired and was yelling at the princess McMahon. She wasn't backing down at all, and it was getting crazy. SHANE MCMAHON SHOWED UP! EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT SHANE MCMAHON! He took off his jacket and was going to the inside of the ring. SHANE MCMAHON SPEARED RANDY ORTON! Then fought off legacy, and started to beat the crap out of Orton. However, Rhodes and Dibiase stopped him. Shane really held his own out there and was fighting Orton like a house on fire! Shane McMahon knocked out Randy Orton! This was the best thing to happen to Monday Night Raw in a long time! Shane McMahon will most likely wrestle Randy Orton at No Way out and set up a match up for Vince McMahon to fight him at Wrestlemania.
The entire RAW roster came out and separated the two factions, and Orton escaped with his life, but barely. Shane McMahon started to fight the Raw roster too!
WWE Monday Night Raw 1/26/09
The Miz and Morrison defeated Cryme Tyme
Kofi Kingston defeated Kane in a Elimination Chamber qualifying match
John Cena defeated Shawn Michaels
Beth Phoenix & Jillian defeated Melina & Kelly Kelly
Rey Mysterio defeated William Regal in an Elimination Chamber qualifying match
Chris Jericho defeated CM Punk in an Elimination Chamber qualifying match
Overall this edition of WWE Monday Night Raw 1/26/09 wasn’t half bad. I liked it a lot more than usual. I liked the qualifying matches, although I felt that all the matches were really short. I prefer longer matches, but it is Raw, so I didn’t expect a whole lot. I did like the tag team opener, and thought that Kofi Kingston is looking great still. The divas suck still and I don’t want to see them at all. I’m sorry, WWE’s Divas are terrible wrestlers. John Cena’s new movie “12 Rounds” looks worthwhile to me, but then the rating showed up, and I didn’t think it was worthwhile at all. A pg-13 rating? I know Cena’s suppose to walk the line, but come on! Stupid, this is stupid. I don’t want to see more pg-13 messes…they need to make another solid Rated R film, and then I’ll like it. If you haven’t seen the trailer, check it out, it’s worth it. The rest of Raw was ok at best. My only complaint is that the wrestling takes a backseat to pushing storylines, and you know what? That’s just the wwe way, I’m sure.
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
WWE Royal Rumble 2009 Results and Review Who Won The Rumble
Here we go, the first ppv from the Wwe this year and it is the fantastic event known as The Royal Rumble! What would go down and how would it go down? That’s all I could think about, and here is how it all occurred! Live from Detroit, Michigan
Jack Swagger defeated Matt Hardy
The show opened up with the ECW championship title. The crowd was definitely behind Matt Hardy in this one, but I didn’t think he would win this one. If you’re online a lot you might have read rumors that Hardy might be involved with Jeff Hardy’s misfortune. This match started a little slow, and it wasn’t anything insane to start with. Just a standard set up, which usually preludes a great second half of the match up. Hardy got a good position towards the middle of the match up, and created an interesting problem for Swagger. Hardy, however, couldn’t hold Swagger at bay too long and the All American American was showing that he wasn’t just a flash in the pan. Hardy hit a moonsault and I thought it was going to be all over, but it wasn’t, Swagger kicked out after a two count and that sucked the life out of the crowd, if only for a few minutes. Swagger hit the gut wrench suplex on Matt Hardy for the second win! Jack Swagger defeated Matt hardy yet again! Hardy loses to Jack Swagger!
Melina defeated Beth Phoenix for the Women’s Championship
Beth Phoenix looked to be the aggressor in this match up. She had Melina crawling towards the rope, early on in the match up, and really look dominant. If you missed it, Beth was hitting Melina’s head with her own foot! It was an odd, flexible attack, that you had to see to believe. The nd of this match came out of nowhere, when Beth Phoenix let her guard down for Melina to hit her with a roll up! Yep, a roll up! Lame. Phoenix spent most of the match working over Melina, only to lose the belt. Stupid.
John Cena defeated JBL
I don’t necessarily like John Cena, but JBl as champion? Come on! Cena was getting worked early on and Shawn Michaels looked like he was going to get involved in several times during the match, but stayed away for the most part. JBL looked good for once, and it was interesting to see him actually be good for once. I usually don’t like JBL but he was good overall in this match up! Weird, seriously, weird, he was the aggressor in this match up and John Cena was having a hard time keeping up with him initially. Cena mounted a huge comeback and was seriously pissed off at Shawn Michaels at some points during this match up. Michaels was being very subtle in his presence. JBL hit the CLOTHESLINE FROM HELL and John Cena managed to barely get a shoulder up during the two count. Shawn Michaels got in the ring during the ref bump, and was setting up Sweet chin music! He hit JBL hard in the face with the sweet chin music, nearly knocking JBL’s head off! Cena then had his back turned, and didn’t turn around for a while. HBK stood there and then hit John Cena with sweet chin music too! That’s righ, HBK hit both JBL and Cena with the sweet chin music! The crowd was a mix of boos and cheers, as people were in complete disbelief. JBL then was dragged by HBK on top of John Cena! A ref ran down for a TWO COUNT! The crowd erupted, I was rolling around, hoping for a victory soon, the match was getting really good! John Cena got the win though, and did you really think JBL would? Cena retains the title, surprise, surprise.
Edge defeated Jeff Hardy to win the WWE Championship
This match was held under No Disqualification rules. Edge has really done a great thing coming back at full force. He did a lot of good in this match up. Hardy tried his absolute best to keep Edge at bay, but Edge just kept coming back with more offense and more fight. Edge was on point in this match up and it was nice to see. Hardy, even with his many hits and misses, was able to get Edge floored several times. I also must note that Jeff Hardy came out with “el muerto” like face paint. Once the twist of fate hit on the apron, things got really out good. Hardy set up a ladder, Edge propped on a table, and Chavo tried to help stop the fall, and did. Hardy then pounced on Chavo, then threw him into the steel steps. He then propped Chavo onto a table and climbed the ladder! Hardy slipped on the ladder, and fell face first into Chavo breaking the table and practically killing Chavo. The match then got back into focus in the middle of the ring and Jeff Hardy tried to be the aggressor for a change. One thing I noticed in the closing moments of this match up was, that no one ever gets pinned after the Whisper in the Wind. Edge hit the impaler ddt on Hardy, and I thought it was all over! Hardy hit a facebuster suplex, then went to the top yet again but couldn’t finish off Edge. Hardy reversed the spear into the Twist of Fate! Vickie Guerrero came out and tried to help Edge, but it was to no avail. Hardy hit the swanton bomb! Vickie then pulled the ref! Matt Hardy then ran down and pushed Vickie into the ring! Matt then gave Jeff a Chair and told him to hit Edge! Matt then hit Jeff Hardy in the head with the steel chair! That’s right, MATT HARDY TURNED ON JEFF WITH A STEEL CHAIR TO THE HEAD! I kid you not! Matt Hardy helped Edge win the WWE Championship! MATT HARDY TURNED ON JEFF HARDY! Hardy lost the title after a major head shot to the face by Matt Hardy! The crowd was speechless.
Randy Orton won the 2009 Royal Rumble
***Note*** I can’t keep track of all the Entrants in the rumble, and can’t possibly give you the best review ever. But what I can do is two things. First and foremost the winner, I will give you the winner. Second, I will try to tell you the highlights including the number one and number 2 guy, and I will also give it my best shot to follow up with a proper review. Enjoy.
Rey Mysterio drew the number 1 pick. He was the number one entrant into the rumble.
John Morrison drew the Number 2 pick, and wasthe second entrant into the rumble.
Carlito Colon drew the number 3 pick, and was the third entrant into the rumble.
MVP drew the number 4 pick, and was fourth into the rumble.
The Great Khali drew the number 5 pick, and was fifth into the rumble.
Vladimir Kozlov drew the number 6 pick, and was sixth into the rumble.
Triple H drew the number 7 pick, and was seventh into the rumble.
Randy Orton drew number 8.
JTG drew number 9.
Ted Dibiase Jr. drew number 10.
Chris Jericho drew number 11.
Mike Knox drew number 12, his beard was number 12 and a half.
The Miz drew number 13, and his ego was 13 and a half.
Finlay drew number 14.
Cody Rhodes drew number 15.
The Undertaker drew number16.
Goldust drew number 17.
CM Punk drew number 18.
Mark Henry drew number 19.
Shelton Benjamin drew number 20.
William Regal drew number 21.
Kofi Kingston drew number 22.
Kane drew number 23.
R Truth drew number 24.
Rob Van Dam DREW NUMBER 25.
The Brian Kendrick drew number 26.
Dolph Ziggler drew number 27.
Santino drew number 28.
Jim Duggan drew number 29.
The Big Show drew number 30.
From this point further, I will be giving highlights to the rumble match, not play by play review.
Carlito looked amazing when he came into the match up. He was a house of fire, and he was making good on all of his high spots. MVP’s entry was great, the crowd was actually behind him. He thwarted a lot of god moves in the ring, only to get sucker punched by Carlito, but man, MVP was great in there. The great Khali came out and man, he was proving yet again that big men have an advantage in the royal rumble. Kozlov eliminated Khali right away, and then started working everyone in the ring at the time! Triple H stared down Kozlov when he came in and business was definitely about to pick up. The two men took center stage in this match up. Triple H eliminated Kozlov minutes after entering the rumble! I was surprised to see Randy Orton in the ring so soon. He immediately hit Triple H, creating an interesting fan reaction. I haven’t heard a crowd this hot for a Royal Rumble match since my favorite rumble, 1992. Chris Jericho’s entrance was great. He was cleaning house, dropping high spot after high spot, until Triple H met him, but that only prompted the Walls of Jericho! Then it got quiet again. No major eliminations to speak of. At about thirteen people in, we got the Miz attacking Triple H and winning? Weird. Just like the Diamond Cutter of old, we saw like eight RKO’s in this match up. Triple H hit the pedigree though to change things up. The Undertaker came charging through this math up, and started throwing people out left and right. Goldust came out and I was rooting for him! I wanted Goldust to win this one, or at least come back through for a change. He started to fight Cody Rhodes and nearly eliminated him! I hope we et a Cody Rhodes – Goldust feud sooner than later. Cody Rhodes eliminated Goldust. Triple H took the GTS! INSANE! THE GTS ON TRIPLE H! I was rooting like crazy for that one. Kofi Kingston hit like a trillion dropkicks. He was definitely looking fresh out there. It should be noted that Rey Mysterio was still in this match at this point. The Brothers of Destruction had a reunion of sorts and were hurting a bunch of people! ROB VAN DAM RETURNED! RVD RETURNED! RVD came in at this point, this is NOT a joke, RVD! Rob VAN DAM ROB VAN DAM! I kid you not, this was awesome, RVD came in with some educated feet and was not showing any ring rust at all! RVD, one leg went to Harvard the other went to Yale! RVD! Dolph Ziggler came and went, but not before introducing himself to Kane. Santino came in and was thrown out just as fast by Kane. Hilarious! Santino claimed that he wasn’t ready. Hacksaw Jim Duggan drew number 29 and the USA chants were amazing. He actually got some great offense in against Kane and the Undertaker. It looked amazing, and while Duggan hasn’t aged all that well, it was the feel good entry of this years Royal Rumble. I thought for sure that Christian Cage was going to be the number 30 entry in this year’s Royal Rumble, however, it just didn’t happen. It really didn’t happen, as Big Show was the number 30 entrant, and I was disappointed. I was really hoping to see Christian Cage make his debut in the Rumble. So that was it…30 men had entered and now it was just a matter of playing the waiting game. Hornswoggle showed up, and started biting Kane. Mysterio and Knox were eliminated at the same time. Finlay got tossed out, and things were not looking good for my pick for the winner. We got to see a Five Star Frog Splash! But then Chris Jericho threw him out, which prompted Undertaker to try and take out Jericho. Jericho hit the codebreaker, the Undertaker was reeling and Jericho ran after him, but BOOOM! Undertaker eliminates Chris Jericho! The Undertaker hit the chokeslam on every single member of priceless, including Orton. The most overused method to keep from getting eliminated was that old Shawn Michaels move! Everyone, including the Big Show was holding onto the top rope and not letting their feet touch. The final four people in this match were Orton, Cody Rhodes, Triple H, and Ted Dibiase Jr! That’s right, you read that right. Undertaker was pulled out by Big show, and it left a three on one handicap ending for the rumble! The final two were Triple H and Randy Orton, and after the smoke cleared Randy Orton won the royal rumble!
WWE Royal Rumble 2009 Results
Jack Swagger defeated Matt Hardy to retain the ECW championship
Melina defeated Beth Phoenix for the Women’s Championship
John Cena defeated JBL
Edge defeated Jeff Hardy to win the WWE Championship
Randy Orton won the 2009 Royal Rumble
Good stuff from the Royal Rumble 2009. Not much else I can say, you're probably tired of reading all this.
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
Jack Swagger defeated Matt Hardy
The show opened up with the ECW championship title. The crowd was definitely behind Matt Hardy in this one, but I didn’t think he would win this one. If you’re online a lot you might have read rumors that Hardy might be involved with Jeff Hardy’s misfortune. This match started a little slow, and it wasn’t anything insane to start with. Just a standard set up, which usually preludes a great second half of the match up. Hardy got a good position towards the middle of the match up, and created an interesting problem for Swagger. Hardy, however, couldn’t hold Swagger at bay too long and the All American American was showing that he wasn’t just a flash in the pan. Hardy hit a moonsault and I thought it was going to be all over, but it wasn’t, Swagger kicked out after a two count and that sucked the life out of the crowd, if only for a few minutes. Swagger hit the gut wrench suplex on Matt Hardy for the second win! Jack Swagger defeated Matt hardy yet again! Hardy loses to Jack Swagger!
Melina defeated Beth Phoenix for the Women’s Championship
Beth Phoenix looked to be the aggressor in this match up. She had Melina crawling towards the rope, early on in the match up, and really look dominant. If you missed it, Beth was hitting Melina’s head with her own foot! It was an odd, flexible attack, that you had to see to believe. The nd of this match came out of nowhere, when Beth Phoenix let her guard down for Melina to hit her with a roll up! Yep, a roll up! Lame. Phoenix spent most of the match working over Melina, only to lose the belt. Stupid.
John Cena defeated JBL
I don’t necessarily like John Cena, but JBl as champion? Come on! Cena was getting worked early on and Shawn Michaels looked like he was going to get involved in several times during the match, but stayed away for the most part. JBL looked good for once, and it was interesting to see him actually be good for once. I usually don’t like JBL but he was good overall in this match up! Weird, seriously, weird, he was the aggressor in this match up and John Cena was having a hard time keeping up with him initially. Cena mounted a huge comeback and was seriously pissed off at Shawn Michaels at some points during this match up. Michaels was being very subtle in his presence. JBL hit the CLOTHESLINE FROM HELL and John Cena managed to barely get a shoulder up during the two count. Shawn Michaels got in the ring during the ref bump, and was setting up Sweet chin music! He hit JBL hard in the face with the sweet chin music, nearly knocking JBL’s head off! Cena then had his back turned, and didn’t turn around for a while. HBK stood there and then hit John Cena with sweet chin music too! That’s righ, HBK hit both JBL and Cena with the sweet chin music! The crowd was a mix of boos and cheers, as people were in complete disbelief. JBL then was dragged by HBK on top of John Cena! A ref ran down for a TWO COUNT! The crowd erupted, I was rolling around, hoping for a victory soon, the match was getting really good! John Cena got the win though, and did you really think JBL would? Cena retains the title, surprise, surprise.
Edge defeated Jeff Hardy to win the WWE Championship
This match was held under No Disqualification rules. Edge has really done a great thing coming back at full force. He did a lot of good in this match up. Hardy tried his absolute best to keep Edge at bay, but Edge just kept coming back with more offense and more fight. Edge was on point in this match up and it was nice to see. Hardy, even with his many hits and misses, was able to get Edge floored several times. I also must note that Jeff Hardy came out with “el muerto” like face paint. Once the twist of fate hit on the apron, things got really out good. Hardy set up a ladder, Edge propped on a table, and Chavo tried to help stop the fall, and did. Hardy then pounced on Chavo, then threw him into the steel steps. He then propped Chavo onto a table and climbed the ladder! Hardy slipped on the ladder, and fell face first into Chavo breaking the table and practically killing Chavo. The match then got back into focus in the middle of the ring and Jeff Hardy tried to be the aggressor for a change. One thing I noticed in the closing moments of this match up was, that no one ever gets pinned after the Whisper in the Wind. Edge hit the impaler ddt on Hardy, and I thought it was all over! Hardy hit a facebuster suplex, then went to the top yet again but couldn’t finish off Edge. Hardy reversed the spear into the Twist of Fate! Vickie Guerrero came out and tried to help Edge, but it was to no avail. Hardy hit the swanton bomb! Vickie then pulled the ref! Matt Hardy then ran down and pushed Vickie into the ring! Matt then gave Jeff a Chair and told him to hit Edge! Matt then hit Jeff Hardy in the head with the steel chair! That’s right, MATT HARDY TURNED ON JEFF WITH A STEEL CHAIR TO THE HEAD! I kid you not! Matt Hardy helped Edge win the WWE Championship! MATT HARDY TURNED ON JEFF HARDY! Hardy lost the title after a major head shot to the face by Matt Hardy! The crowd was speechless.
Randy Orton won the 2009 Royal Rumble
***Note*** I can’t keep track of all the Entrants in the rumble, and can’t possibly give you the best review ever. But what I can do is two things. First and foremost the winner, I will give you the winner. Second, I will try to tell you the highlights including the number one and number 2 guy, and I will also give it my best shot to follow up with a proper review. Enjoy.
Rey Mysterio drew the number 1 pick. He was the number one entrant into the rumble.
John Morrison drew the Number 2 pick, and wasthe second entrant into the rumble.
Carlito Colon drew the number 3 pick, and was the third entrant into the rumble.
MVP drew the number 4 pick, and was fourth into the rumble.
The Great Khali drew the number 5 pick, and was fifth into the rumble.
Vladimir Kozlov drew the number 6 pick, and was sixth into the rumble.
Triple H drew the number 7 pick, and was seventh into the rumble.
Randy Orton drew number 8.
JTG drew number 9.
Ted Dibiase Jr. drew number 10.
Chris Jericho drew number 11.
Mike Knox drew number 12, his beard was number 12 and a half.
The Miz drew number 13, and his ego was 13 and a half.
Finlay drew number 14.
Cody Rhodes drew number 15.
The Undertaker drew number16.
Goldust drew number 17.
CM Punk drew number 18.
Mark Henry drew number 19.
Shelton Benjamin drew number 20.
William Regal drew number 21.
Kofi Kingston drew number 22.
Kane drew number 23.
R Truth drew number 24.
Rob Van Dam DREW NUMBER 25.
The Brian Kendrick drew number 26.
Dolph Ziggler drew number 27.
Santino drew number 28.
Jim Duggan drew number 29.
The Big Show drew number 30.
From this point further, I will be giving highlights to the rumble match, not play by play review.
Carlito looked amazing when he came into the match up. He was a house of fire, and he was making good on all of his high spots. MVP’s entry was great, the crowd was actually behind him. He thwarted a lot of god moves in the ring, only to get sucker punched by Carlito, but man, MVP was great in there. The great Khali came out and man, he was proving yet again that big men have an advantage in the royal rumble. Kozlov eliminated Khali right away, and then started working everyone in the ring at the time! Triple H stared down Kozlov when he came in and business was definitely about to pick up. The two men took center stage in this match up. Triple H eliminated Kozlov minutes after entering the rumble! I was surprised to see Randy Orton in the ring so soon. He immediately hit Triple H, creating an interesting fan reaction. I haven’t heard a crowd this hot for a Royal Rumble match since my favorite rumble, 1992. Chris Jericho’s entrance was great. He was cleaning house, dropping high spot after high spot, until Triple H met him, but that only prompted the Walls of Jericho! Then it got quiet again. No major eliminations to speak of. At about thirteen people in, we got the Miz attacking Triple H and winning? Weird. Just like the Diamond Cutter of old, we saw like eight RKO’s in this match up. Triple H hit the pedigree though to change things up. The Undertaker came charging through this math up, and started throwing people out left and right. Goldust came out and I was rooting for him! I wanted Goldust to win this one, or at least come back through for a change. He started to fight Cody Rhodes and nearly eliminated him! I hope we et a Cody Rhodes – Goldust feud sooner than later. Cody Rhodes eliminated Goldust. Triple H took the GTS! INSANE! THE GTS ON TRIPLE H! I was rooting like crazy for that one. Kofi Kingston hit like a trillion dropkicks. He was definitely looking fresh out there. It should be noted that Rey Mysterio was still in this match at this point. The Brothers of Destruction had a reunion of sorts and were hurting a bunch of people! ROB VAN DAM RETURNED! RVD RETURNED! RVD came in at this point, this is NOT a joke, RVD! Rob VAN DAM ROB VAN DAM! I kid you not, this was awesome, RVD came in with some educated feet and was not showing any ring rust at all! RVD, one leg went to Harvard the other went to Yale! RVD! Dolph Ziggler came and went, but not before introducing himself to Kane. Santino came in and was thrown out just as fast by Kane. Hilarious! Santino claimed that he wasn’t ready. Hacksaw Jim Duggan drew number 29 and the USA chants were amazing. He actually got some great offense in against Kane and the Undertaker. It looked amazing, and while Duggan hasn’t aged all that well, it was the feel good entry of this years Royal Rumble. I thought for sure that Christian Cage was going to be the number 30 entry in this year’s Royal Rumble, however, it just didn’t happen. It really didn’t happen, as Big Show was the number 30 entrant, and I was disappointed. I was really hoping to see Christian Cage make his debut in the Rumble. So that was it…30 men had entered and now it was just a matter of playing the waiting game. Hornswoggle showed up, and started biting Kane. Mysterio and Knox were eliminated at the same time. Finlay got tossed out, and things were not looking good for my pick for the winner. We got to see a Five Star Frog Splash! But then Chris Jericho threw him out, which prompted Undertaker to try and take out Jericho. Jericho hit the codebreaker, the Undertaker was reeling and Jericho ran after him, but BOOOM! Undertaker eliminates Chris Jericho! The Undertaker hit the chokeslam on every single member of priceless, including Orton. The most overused method to keep from getting eliminated was that old Shawn Michaels move! Everyone, including the Big Show was holding onto the top rope and not letting their feet touch. The final four people in this match were Orton, Cody Rhodes, Triple H, and Ted Dibiase Jr! That’s right, you read that right. Undertaker was pulled out by Big show, and it left a three on one handicap ending for the rumble! The final two were Triple H and Randy Orton, and after the smoke cleared Randy Orton won the royal rumble!
WWE Royal Rumble 2009 Results
Jack Swagger defeated Matt Hardy to retain the ECW championship
Melina defeated Beth Phoenix for the Women’s Championship
John Cena defeated JBL
Edge defeated Jeff Hardy to win the WWE Championship
Randy Orton won the 2009 Royal Rumble
Good stuff from the Royal Rumble 2009. Not much else I can say, you're probably tired of reading all this.
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
beth phoenix,
jack swagger,
jeff hardy,
john cena,
matt hardy,
ppv results,
randy orton,
rob van dam,
royal rumble,
triple h,
Saturday, January 24, 2009
WCW Sting vs. Big Van Vader Video
Here’s a classic match up that began the feud between Big Van Vader and a young Sting! Sting was really going for the gusto in WCW and wasn’t exactly great just yet. Big Van Vader has basically steam rolled the competition in WCW and was being pushed as the biggest obstacle in WCW at the time.
I’m not sure when this match took place, but it looks like early 90’s WCW footage from a WCW Saturday Night or Clash of the Champions. I’m not sure; it doesn’t look like a ppv match up, but it’s worth checking out classic Sting in Action.
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
I’m not sure when this match took place, but it looks like early 90’s WCW footage from a WCW Saturday Night or Clash of the Champions. I’m not sure; it doesn’t look like a ppv match up, but it’s worth checking out classic Sting in Action.
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
big van vader,
classic wrestling clips,
wrestling video
Friday, January 23, 2009
WWE Smackdown 1/23/09 Results and Review Who Burned Hardy Edition
The show opens up with Edge in the ring saying that he wasn’t the one to blame! He wants everyone to know that Jeff Hardy shouldn’t have an excuse to lose, and that prompted Matt Hardy to run to the ring and charge! He chased Edge right outside the ring and through the crowd, the show cut to commercial.
Good opening, I like where this is going.
The Undertaker defeated Shelton Benjamin
This match was all Shelton Benjamin. Benjamin was fighting with everything he had, and Undertaker was just taking punishment left and right. We’re talking superplexes, ddt reversals, big high spots, and everything that was in the Benjamin arsenal was thrown at Undertaker, and it just wasn’t enough. Benjamin got locked up in a triangle choke hold and had no choice but to tap out! He tapped out and it was all over.
The Great Khali defeated Chavo Guerrero
Did anyone think that Chavo Guerrero had a chance in this match? I didn’t. Chavo Guerrero got totally annihilated in this match up. He got worked bad, and Khali dropped him on the back of his head with the Punjabi Plunge, and won the match clean. Chavo is really not that great any longer.
The Bella Twins vs. Michelle McCool & Natalya No Contest
This match was odd. Maria jumped down the ramp and fought off McCool for a sec. The match got thrown out. I didn’t really know what happened, and it was lame. A waste of time.
Jeff Hardy was interviewed by Jim Ross, and Jeff blames Edge for everything that has been happening. Edge claims he didn’t do it, we’ll see where this ends up.
Edge defeated Matt Hardy in a No DQ match
This match was actually really cool. It was a no disqualification match up and it turned out to be quite the match. The two wrestlers were throwing everything at each other, and it was great. We saw chairs, trash cans, and even a kendo stick used in this hard, heavy hitting match up. Edge was on his way to another loss at the hands of Matt Hardy, but out came Mark Henry! Henry was taken down by Matt Hardy, but after hitting the twist of fate on Edge, Matt Hardy was attacked by Jack Swagger! Hardy got dismantled very hard, by Mark Henry and Jack Swagger; prompting Edge to spear Hardy and win the match up! Matt Hardy loses a very hard fought match up.
The Miz & John Morrison defeated The Colon Brothers
We get a good tag team match for a change. However, I’m still not sure what brand Miz and Morrison is on. They are on every television show that the wwe produces, which is making me question some things over at Titan towers. The overall interest in this match was waning after the commercial, but it was a longer match than I’m used to out of the wwe. The Colon Brothers were good early on, throwing down some great tag team moves, and creating a nightmare for Miz and Morrison. However, after the hot tag to Carlito, things turned around as Carlito was showing that he can throwdown some great offense if you give him a chance. He is just so on, so fast, and perfect in the ring. His quick moves against Morrison were just amazing for a change. It wasn’t the longest set of moves, but it was just good overall. The Colon Brothers are just great, too bad they aren’t getting more competition in the tag division. I thought this thing was over after a spring board kick from Morrison to the head of Carlito, but Primo saved him! Then this thing went into near fall zone, as they kept going back and forth trying to heat the victory, but it just wasn’t going to end that way. Carlito hit the backstabber, but Miz tagged in blindly, and rolled up Carlito while he wasn’t looking for the pin! The Miz and Morrison win another match, and they are on a huge winning streak for being the World Tag team Champions. Finally, the tag division looks as good as it did when I was growing up in the 80’s.
Kozlov was scheduled to wrestle Triple H however, Vickie Guerrero decided she wanted to make this mach a handicap match and included The Big Show.
Kozlov & Big Show defeated Triple H
There’s not a whole lot to this match. Triple H was doing ok for a little while, but fighting off these two monsters proved to be way too much for The game.
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 1/23/09 Results
The Undertaker defeated Shelton Benjamin
The Great Khali defeated Chavo Guerrero
The Bella Twins vs. Michelle McCool & Natalya No Contest
Edge defeated Matt Hardy in a No DQ match
The Miz & John Morrison defeated The Colon Brothers
Good opening, I like where this is going.
The Undertaker defeated Shelton Benjamin
This match was all Shelton Benjamin. Benjamin was fighting with everything he had, and Undertaker was just taking punishment left and right. We’re talking superplexes, ddt reversals, big high spots, and everything that was in the Benjamin arsenal was thrown at Undertaker, and it just wasn’t enough. Benjamin got locked up in a triangle choke hold and had no choice but to tap out! He tapped out and it was all over.
The Great Khali defeated Chavo Guerrero
Did anyone think that Chavo Guerrero had a chance in this match? I didn’t. Chavo Guerrero got totally annihilated in this match up. He got worked bad, and Khali dropped him on the back of his head with the Punjabi Plunge, and won the match clean. Chavo is really not that great any longer.
The Bella Twins vs. Michelle McCool & Natalya No Contest
This match was odd. Maria jumped down the ramp and fought off McCool for a sec. The match got thrown out. I didn’t really know what happened, and it was lame. A waste of time.
Jeff Hardy was interviewed by Jim Ross, and Jeff blames Edge for everything that has been happening. Edge claims he didn’t do it, we’ll see where this ends up.
Edge defeated Matt Hardy in a No DQ match
This match was actually really cool. It was a no disqualification match up and it turned out to be quite the match. The two wrestlers were throwing everything at each other, and it was great. We saw chairs, trash cans, and even a kendo stick used in this hard, heavy hitting match up. Edge was on his way to another loss at the hands of Matt Hardy, but out came Mark Henry! Henry was taken down by Matt Hardy, but after hitting the twist of fate on Edge, Matt Hardy was attacked by Jack Swagger! Hardy got dismantled very hard, by Mark Henry and Jack Swagger; prompting Edge to spear Hardy and win the match up! Matt Hardy loses a very hard fought match up.
The Miz & John Morrison defeated The Colon Brothers
We get a good tag team match for a change. However, I’m still not sure what brand Miz and Morrison is on. They are on every television show that the wwe produces, which is making me question some things over at Titan towers. The overall interest in this match was waning after the commercial, but it was a longer match than I’m used to out of the wwe. The Colon Brothers were good early on, throwing down some great tag team moves, and creating a nightmare for Miz and Morrison. However, after the hot tag to Carlito, things turned around as Carlito was showing that he can throwdown some great offense if you give him a chance. He is just so on, so fast, and perfect in the ring. His quick moves against Morrison were just amazing for a change. It wasn’t the longest set of moves, but it was just good overall. The Colon Brothers are just great, too bad they aren’t getting more competition in the tag division. I thought this thing was over after a spring board kick from Morrison to the head of Carlito, but Primo saved him! Then this thing went into near fall zone, as they kept going back and forth trying to heat the victory, but it just wasn’t going to end that way. Carlito hit the backstabber, but Miz tagged in blindly, and rolled up Carlito while he wasn’t looking for the pin! The Miz and Morrison win another match, and they are on a huge winning streak for being the World Tag team Champions. Finally, the tag division looks as good as it did when I was growing up in the 80’s.
Kozlov was scheduled to wrestle Triple H however, Vickie Guerrero decided she wanted to make this mach a handicap match and included The Big Show.
Kozlov & Big Show defeated Triple H
There’s not a whole lot to this match. Triple H was doing ok for a little while, but fighting off these two monsters proved to be way too much for The game.
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 1/23/09 Results
The Undertaker defeated Shelton Benjamin
The Great Khali defeated Chavo Guerrero
The Bella Twins vs. Michelle McCool & Natalya No Contest
Edge defeated Matt Hardy in a No DQ match
The Miz & John Morrison defeated The Colon Brothers
TNA Impact 1/23/09 Results and Review The End of the Original
TNA Impact came blazing through their 1/23/09 edition, and there was some good matches lined up.
Alex Shelley defeated Sonjay Dutt, Sheik Abdul Bashir, and Chris Sabin
TNA seems to love these style matches, where the titles are on the line in a cluster of a match with several opponents. These matches are usually high spot after high spot, with little or no psychology to speak of. This match was fast paced, and it did not appear that any one person had a clear advantage over the other. Booker T’s wife came down the ramp and was at ringside, which seemed odd. Shelley and Dutt put on a good showing in this match up and Sabin was helping Shelley retain in various moments of this match up. Shelley rolled up an opponent into an odd pinning situation and won this match, retaining his X Division title.
ODB defeated Sojourner Bolt via disqualification
Bolt started this match by attacking ODB’s leg, trying to isolate a body part, just like classic technical wrestlers of the past would do. ODB was getting the upper hand towards the end of this match up, but Awesome Kong came out and caused the disqualification. Kong hit the implant buster and ODB was out cold. Roxxi and Taylor Wilde came out for the save.
Booker T & Scott Steiner defeated Eric Young & Petey Williams
This was an interesting match up. Williams and Young really pushed things in t his math up and it looked like the main event mafia wasn’t that good after all. Steiner was bumping a lot more than usual. Booker T of course wasn’t going to let the win occur and really caused the break up of a lot of different pinning combinations. This was an elimination style tag team match, and after Eric Young was eliminated it was all downhill for Petey Williams. The main event mafia wins again.
Beer Money defeated Matt Morgan and Abyss in a First Blood Match
First blood matches are dumb to me. I used to like them back when I was younger, but that was only because there were some compelling fights that deserved it. This match didn’t really deserve that gimmick, and especially not on television for free. Maybe, and this is a low maybe, it might be worthwhile on a ppv. Even after heavy shots with chairs, no one was bleeding at all. Matt Morgan was ready to hit Beer Money with a chair and swerved everyone, he hit Abyss square in the face with a big chair shot, prompting Abyss to bleed. Matt Morgan has turned on Abyss, in a swerve that we saw coming for week!
Kurt Angle defeated Aj Styles in a Tables Match
Kurt Angle and Aj Styles fought in a Tables match up at the end of Impact. I wasn’t sure who would win this one, but it was good none the less. Aj Styles flew off the ring apron and Angle was immediately winded. This match was interesting to say the least, as the two have wrestled each other many different times. Kurt Angle was definitely the aggressor towards the end of this match up, forcing Aj Styles to try and comeback for the win. They eventually set up table and Angle took a nut shot onto a table sideways that looked bad. Styles built some momentum towards the end of the match, and the crowd was firmly behind him as he was setting up for a victory. Kurt Angle moved out of the way of Aj flying off the top rope, then hit the Angle Slam through the table and defeats AJ Styles!
Tna Impact 1/23/09 Results
Alex Shelley defeated Sonjay Dutt, Sheik Abdul Bashir, and Chris Sabin
ODB defeated Sojourner Bolt via disqualification
Booker T & Scott Steiner defeated Eric Young & Petey Williams
Beer Money defeated Matt Morgan and Abyss in a First Blood Match
Kurt Angle defeated Aj Styles in a Tables Match
This edition of TNA Impact wasn't all that great. I think there were too many backstage segments. Some of the matches were decent, but overall, this show wasn't all that fun for me. I felt there was still something missing overall. I can't really put my finger on it.
Pick up TNA's Bound For Glory IV on DVD by clicking here, and help a brotha out.
Alex Shelley defeated Sonjay Dutt, Sheik Abdul Bashir, and Chris Sabin
TNA seems to love these style matches, where the titles are on the line in a cluster of a match with several opponents. These matches are usually high spot after high spot, with little or no psychology to speak of. This match was fast paced, and it did not appear that any one person had a clear advantage over the other. Booker T’s wife came down the ramp and was at ringside, which seemed odd. Shelley and Dutt put on a good showing in this match up and Sabin was helping Shelley retain in various moments of this match up. Shelley rolled up an opponent into an odd pinning situation and won this match, retaining his X Division title.
ODB defeated Sojourner Bolt via disqualification
Bolt started this match by attacking ODB’s leg, trying to isolate a body part, just like classic technical wrestlers of the past would do. ODB was getting the upper hand towards the end of this match up, but Awesome Kong came out and caused the disqualification. Kong hit the implant buster and ODB was out cold. Roxxi and Taylor Wilde came out for the save.
Booker T & Scott Steiner defeated Eric Young & Petey Williams
This was an interesting match up. Williams and Young really pushed things in t his math up and it looked like the main event mafia wasn’t that good after all. Steiner was bumping a lot more than usual. Booker T of course wasn’t going to let the win occur and really caused the break up of a lot of different pinning combinations. This was an elimination style tag team match, and after Eric Young was eliminated it was all downhill for Petey Williams. The main event mafia wins again.
Beer Money defeated Matt Morgan and Abyss in a First Blood Match
First blood matches are dumb to me. I used to like them back when I was younger, but that was only because there were some compelling fights that deserved it. This match didn’t really deserve that gimmick, and especially not on television for free. Maybe, and this is a low maybe, it might be worthwhile on a ppv. Even after heavy shots with chairs, no one was bleeding at all. Matt Morgan was ready to hit Beer Money with a chair and swerved everyone, he hit Abyss square in the face with a big chair shot, prompting Abyss to bleed. Matt Morgan has turned on Abyss, in a swerve that we saw coming for week!
Kurt Angle defeated Aj Styles in a Tables Match
Kurt Angle and Aj Styles fought in a Tables match up at the end of Impact. I wasn’t sure who would win this one, but it was good none the less. Aj Styles flew off the ring apron and Angle was immediately winded. This match was interesting to say the least, as the two have wrestled each other many different times. Kurt Angle was definitely the aggressor towards the end of this match up, forcing Aj Styles to try and comeback for the win. They eventually set up table and Angle took a nut shot onto a table sideways that looked bad. Styles built some momentum towards the end of the match, and the crowd was firmly behind him as he was setting up for a victory. Kurt Angle moved out of the way of Aj flying off the top rope, then hit the Angle Slam through the table and defeats AJ Styles!
Tna Impact 1/23/09 Results
Alex Shelley defeated Sonjay Dutt, Sheik Abdul Bashir, and Chris Sabin
ODB defeated Sojourner Bolt via disqualification
Booker T & Scott Steiner defeated Eric Young & Petey Williams
Beer Money defeated Matt Morgan and Abyss in a First Blood Match
Kurt Angle defeated Aj Styles in a Tables Match
This edition of TNA Impact wasn't all that great. I think there were too many backstage segments. Some of the matches were decent, but overall, this show wasn't all that fun for me. I felt there was still something missing overall. I can't really put my finger on it.
Pick up TNA's Bound For Glory IV on DVD by clicking here, and help a brotha out.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Andre the Giant vs. Jake The Snake Roberts 1988
As a new thing for every Thursday, and off days, I will be posting videos and commentary about the world of wrestling. Today I have a good clip for you, at least for nostalgia's sake. We go back in time to when the WWE was known as the WWF and they had shining stars like Jake The Snake Robers and Andre The Giant. These two men wrestled several times through out the years, and my fondest memory of the two was when they wrestled at Wrestlemania V at Trump Plaza! Of course the main event that year was The Mega Powers exploding, and having Macho Man Randy Savage Wrestle Hulk Hogan for the world heavyweight championship!
Andre The Giant with Bobby Heenan in his corner takes on Jake The Snake Roberts with Damien at the Philadelphia Spectrum from way back in 1988. Enjoy the first of many videos and comments that I'll be posting.
Sir Jorge's WWE Store:
Check out our online store for big savings on wwe dvd, and wwe books. Our online store is powered by so you're in good hands.
Andre The Giant with Bobby Heenan in his corner takes on Jake The Snake Roberts with Damien at the Philadelphia Spectrum from way back in 1988. Enjoy the first of many videos and comments that I'll be posting.
Sir Jorge's WWE Store:
Check out our online store for big savings on wwe dvd, and wwe books. Our online store is powered by so you're in good hands.
andre the giant,
classic wrestling clips,
jake the snake roberts,
wrestling video,
wwe 24/7,
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
ECW 1/20/09 Results and Review The Swagger Era Continues
The show opened with Jack Swagger and Matt Hardy being interviewed in the middle of the ring. They each traded words before Hardy slugged Swagger and the fight was on. The two men will fight each other this weekend at the Royal Rumble for the ECW Title.
Ricky Ortiz defeated Adam Evans
Ricky Ortiz opened up the night of wrestling with a quick win on a jobber. This is boring. I haven’t liked jobber matches since I was a small child watching WWE Superstars and Wrestling Challenge on free television. This match was quick and Ortiz won without any problems.
The Boogeyman defeated Paul Burchill
The Boogeyman finally got a real opponent, and it was Paul Burchill. I didn’t know where this was going, as we have been seeing Boogeyman steamrolling opponents left and right. This match had Paul being the aggressor, fighting off the Boogeyman, but as the crowd started to chant Boogeyman things started to turn around. That’s right, there was a Boogeyman chant! Weird. Burchill’s sister came in and interfered with the match and cost Paul the win. The Boogeyman wns via disqualification!
John Morrison defeated Finlay, Mark Henry, and the Miz
ECW has been picking up the pace at the end with solid main events. This was no different, the four men in this match made things interesting to say the least. It had a lot of action, with every man getting spots in, including Mark Henry looking really strong for a change. The Miz and Morrison were in there working like a team, but Mark Henry looked to be the odds on favorite! Finlay was definitely out numbered as all his attempts to get some offense in were thwarted by Miz and Morrison. I never thought that the Miz would be over, but man, the guy has improved so much. Mark Henry all but quit the match near the end Finlay got a second wind and isolated The Miz and hit the Emerald Fusion, but couldn’t capitalize as Morrison stepped in to take the pinfall! John Morrison pins his own partner The Miz to win this match up!
Ecw 1/20/09 Results
Ricky Ortiz defeated Adam Evans
The Boogeyman defeated Paul Burchill
John Morrison defeated Finlay, Mark Henry, and the Miz
An adequate job on ECW, nothing too great, but not bad either.
If you haven’t picked up the Kennedy dvd, pick it up by clicking here. Behind Enemy Lines: Colombia on dvd now!
Ricky Ortiz defeated Adam Evans
Ricky Ortiz opened up the night of wrestling with a quick win on a jobber. This is boring. I haven’t liked jobber matches since I was a small child watching WWE Superstars and Wrestling Challenge on free television. This match was quick and Ortiz won without any problems.
The Boogeyman defeated Paul Burchill
The Boogeyman finally got a real opponent, and it was Paul Burchill. I didn’t know where this was going, as we have been seeing Boogeyman steamrolling opponents left and right. This match had Paul being the aggressor, fighting off the Boogeyman, but as the crowd started to chant Boogeyman things started to turn around. That’s right, there was a Boogeyman chant! Weird. Burchill’s sister came in and interfered with the match and cost Paul the win. The Boogeyman wns via disqualification!
John Morrison defeated Finlay, Mark Henry, and the Miz
ECW has been picking up the pace at the end with solid main events. This was no different, the four men in this match made things interesting to say the least. It had a lot of action, with every man getting spots in, including Mark Henry looking really strong for a change. The Miz and Morrison were in there working like a team, but Mark Henry looked to be the odds on favorite! Finlay was definitely out numbered as all his attempts to get some offense in were thwarted by Miz and Morrison. I never thought that the Miz would be over, but man, the guy has improved so much. Mark Henry all but quit the match near the end Finlay got a second wind and isolated The Miz and hit the Emerald Fusion, but couldn’t capitalize as Morrison stepped in to take the pinfall! John Morrison pins his own partner The Miz to win this match up!
Ecw 1/20/09 Results
Ricky Ortiz defeated Adam Evans
The Boogeyman defeated Paul Burchill
John Morrison defeated Finlay, Mark Henry, and the Miz
An adequate job on ECW, nothing too great, but not bad either.
If you haven’t picked up the Kennedy dvd, pick it up by clicking here. Behind Enemy Lines: Colombia on dvd now!
ecw review,
john morrison,
mark henry,
paul burchill,
ricky ortiz,
the miz
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
WWE Raw 1/19/09 Review and Results McMahon Returns
This was supposed to be a huge event, since Vince McMahon was scheduled to return to television. It’s about time too.
Randy Orton defeated Santino, Kofi Kingston,Ted Dibiase, Cody Rhodes, Kane in a battle royal
This was a fast match, with nothing really to say about it. Orton and his legacy team basically took care of business, and threw everyone out. Then Legacy sacrificed themselves so that Orton would win, and he did just that.
Beth Phoenix defeated Kelly Kelly
Beth Phoenix did a few moves and dropped Kelly Kelly within a few minutes. This was a non match, as the champion really looked dominant to say the least. There wasn’t much to the match, by the time I looked up it was over.
CM Punk defeated William Regal in a no dq match for the Intercontinental Championship
We’ve been waiting for this one a while. Punk and Regal in a no dq match up, in Punk’s home town! I wasn’t too sure if Punk would get the nod, because the WWE likes to embarrass people in their home town. Regal was putting on a clinic at points, with some great counters and great suplexes. Punk got dropped on his head trying to do a bulldog, as Regal countered into a belly to back twisting suplex! Seriously, it was incredible, Punk looked like his neck broke, but it was all good. Punk was definitely looking like the winner as he was nearly hitting the GTS as Regal could not fight out of it even with several stiff shots to the face! THE GTS hit and CM PUNK wins one of the hardest fought Intercontinental championship matches I’ve seen in many years.
Cena and JBL had a contract signing where the table in the ring DID NOT get broken! That’s a first.
Rey Mysterio defeated Mike Knox via disqualification
Mike Knox basically dismantled Rey Mysterio. He was ruthless and was basically killing Rey Mysterio. Mike Knox got disqualified after a while since he didn’t stop attacking Rey Mysterio. This was ridiculous, I’ve never liked big wrestlers knocking out Rey Mysterio, never. That’s why Mysterio gets injured. This was a mugging, an assault, a terrible match up. I kid, this was hard hitting, and was ok at best. Nothing to see here.
Cryme Tyme defeated Miz & Morrison
Not much of a match up. This was fast and breezy, Miz and Morrison lose this match and Cryme Tyme will get a title shot down the road. Not great at all.
Melina defeated Jillian
This match wasn’t all that great. It was fast and easy yet again. The divas suck at wrestling, but this match proved it more again. Melina did manage to defeat Jillian, however it wasn’t all that great. Jillian was on the winning end for a good part of the match up, but Melina turned the tables and things got a little better. Santino and Beth Phoenix brought out Rosa and she helped beat up Melina after the match.
Funny gag was when McMahon showed up, Ziggler had nothing to say! Great comic routine.
McMahon’s return was greeted in ring with Chris Jericho coming out pleading for his job back and trying to get Stephanie McMahon fired! Chris Jericho would get his job back if he would apologize to Stephanie McMahon, which he did. Then Stephanie told Jericho that he had to apologize to the fans! The boos poured in and Y2J gets his job back. Orton came out later but at that point I was too tired to care. Orton slapped McMahon as he was about to get fired, then got PUNTED right in the head!
Wwe Raw 1/19/09 Results
Randy Orton defeated Santino, Kofi Kingston,Ted Dibiase, Cody Rhodes, Kane in a battle royal
Beth Phoenix defeated Kelly Kelly
CM Punk defeated William Regal in a no dq match for the Intercontinental Championship
Rey Mysterio defeated Mike Knox via disqualification
Cryme Tyme defeated Miz & Morrison
Melina defeated Jillian
On the surface this show should have been the best Raw ever! However, the matches were way too short, I mean more so than usual. The Intercontinental championship match up was great, I loved that, but outside of that, this night of Raw was not good at all. Maybe ECW can make it better.
If you haven’t picked up the Kennedy dvd, pick it up by clicking here. Behind Enemy Lines: Colombia on dvd now!
Randy Orton defeated Santino, Kofi Kingston,Ted Dibiase, Cody Rhodes, Kane in a battle royal
This was a fast match, with nothing really to say about it. Orton and his legacy team basically took care of business, and threw everyone out. Then Legacy sacrificed themselves so that Orton would win, and he did just that.
Beth Phoenix defeated Kelly Kelly
Beth Phoenix did a few moves and dropped Kelly Kelly within a few minutes. This was a non match, as the champion really looked dominant to say the least. There wasn’t much to the match, by the time I looked up it was over.
CM Punk defeated William Regal in a no dq match for the Intercontinental Championship
We’ve been waiting for this one a while. Punk and Regal in a no dq match up, in Punk’s home town! I wasn’t too sure if Punk would get the nod, because the WWE likes to embarrass people in their home town. Regal was putting on a clinic at points, with some great counters and great suplexes. Punk got dropped on his head trying to do a bulldog, as Regal countered into a belly to back twisting suplex! Seriously, it was incredible, Punk looked like his neck broke, but it was all good. Punk was definitely looking like the winner as he was nearly hitting the GTS as Regal could not fight out of it even with several stiff shots to the face! THE GTS hit and CM PUNK wins one of the hardest fought Intercontinental championship matches I’ve seen in many years.
Cena and JBL had a contract signing where the table in the ring DID NOT get broken! That’s a first.
Rey Mysterio defeated Mike Knox via disqualification
Mike Knox basically dismantled Rey Mysterio. He was ruthless and was basically killing Rey Mysterio. Mike Knox got disqualified after a while since he didn’t stop attacking Rey Mysterio. This was ridiculous, I’ve never liked big wrestlers knocking out Rey Mysterio, never. That’s why Mysterio gets injured. This was a mugging, an assault, a terrible match up. I kid, this was hard hitting, and was ok at best. Nothing to see here.
Cryme Tyme defeated Miz & Morrison
Not much of a match up. This was fast and breezy, Miz and Morrison lose this match and Cryme Tyme will get a title shot down the road. Not great at all.
Melina defeated Jillian
This match wasn’t all that great. It was fast and easy yet again. The divas suck at wrestling, but this match proved it more again. Melina did manage to defeat Jillian, however it wasn’t all that great. Jillian was on the winning end for a good part of the match up, but Melina turned the tables and things got a little better. Santino and Beth Phoenix brought out Rosa and she helped beat up Melina after the match.
Funny gag was when McMahon showed up, Ziggler had nothing to say! Great comic routine.
McMahon’s return was greeted in ring with Chris Jericho coming out pleading for his job back and trying to get Stephanie McMahon fired! Chris Jericho would get his job back if he would apologize to Stephanie McMahon, which he did. Then Stephanie told Jericho that he had to apologize to the fans! The boos poured in and Y2J gets his job back. Orton came out later but at that point I was too tired to care. Orton slapped McMahon as he was about to get fired, then got PUNTED right in the head!
Wwe Raw 1/19/09 Results
Randy Orton defeated Santino, Kofi Kingston,Ted Dibiase, Cody Rhodes, Kane in a battle royal
Beth Phoenix defeated Kelly Kelly
CM Punk defeated William Regal in a no dq match for the Intercontinental Championship
Rey Mysterio defeated Mike Knox via disqualification
Cryme Tyme defeated Miz & Morrison
Melina defeated Jillian
On the surface this show should have been the best Raw ever! However, the matches were way too short, I mean more so than usual. The Intercontinental championship match up was great, I loved that, but outside of that, this night of Raw was not good at all. Maybe ECW can make it better.
If you haven’t picked up the Kennedy dvd, pick it up by clicking here. Behind Enemy Lines: Colombia on dvd now!
beth phoenix,
c.m punk,
cody rhodes,
cryme tyme,
john morrison,
kelly kelly,
kofi kingston,
randy orton,
raw review,
rey mysterio jr.,
the miz,
william regal
Friday, January 16, 2009
WWE Smackdown 1/16/09 Review and Results
The show started with Vickie Guerrero in the ring, and then Triple H came out to do his comedy angle. Triple H then tries to return Vickie Guerrero’s nude photos. Then he showcases the photos upon the titantron, but of course they were censored…because no one wants to see those uncensored would they? Gross.
Finlay & Matt Hardy defeated Jack Swagger & Mark Henry
ECW was definitely a plus this week, and already Jack Swagger is on Smackdown! Good for Swagger, hopefully the WWE can help him with his mic skills as that’s the only thing I can’t really stand from him. Matt Hardy is still way over with the crowd! This match was good, not great, but good enough for an opening match on Smackdown. The match was standard, and had come to an end with Matt Hardy pinning Jack Swagger after the Twist of Fate! This match was fast paced after the commercial break, and wasn’t half bad. Apparently they signed Matt Hardy to face Jack Swagger at the Royal Rumble!
R Truth defeated The Brian Kendrick
Wow, Kendrick has been on a major losing streak lately. Impressive was Truth in this match though, he is lightning fast and I was impressed for once. Kendrick didn’t get a whole lot of offense in, he did get a few things, but he couldn’t get up from the spinning heel kick of R Truth. Truth was great out there, the crowd was way into him, which was weird. The crowd was red hot for everything that Truth did, which was rad. Kendrick however is on the decline, what is to become of him? Who knows.
MVP defeated The Big Show in a Last Man Standing match
The Big Show had his hands full against The Big Show in a last man standing match. To make things interesting, Triple H would be the won that had something big invested into this match up. Triple H would lose his Royal Rumble spot if MVP did not beat The Big Show! MVP put up an initial fight, but this thing looked to be heavily one sided as Big Show stalked MVP and really put some stiff shots on him. I wasn’t sure who to root for in this one, because MVP was on a losing streak and I want him to stay that way for now, but at the same time I don’t want to see Triple H out of the Rumble, or do I? MVP was getting annihilated by The Big Show, and only a couple of flurries would assist MVP in this match up. This match was going straight to the top of the ramp, and Triple H came guns a blazing with a sledgehammer and knocked Big Show out completely! MVP then stood up and Big Show was out cold! MVP WINS! FINALLY MVP WINS!
Word on the street was that Victoria’s last match was this one, and if so, man it’s going to suck to not see Victoria wrestling. She’s on of the few divas that I actually liked because she could actually wrestle! Too bad the WWE doesn’t like her that much.
Michelle McCool defeated Victoria
What a piece of crap way to go out. Victoria put on a valiant effort but was overcome by McCool’s onslaught. McCool focused on the leg of Victoria and it was terrible. This match wasn’t that great, standard divas match, last time we’ll see Victoria in wwe, dangit. No further comment, the wwe divas suck.
Vickie signs up Triple H to wrestle Vladimir Kozlov for next week!

Jeff Hardy never made it to the Cutting Edge. He was involved in a “work” pyrotechnics accident.
This was probably the worst episode of Smackdown in a long time.
WWE Smackdown 1/16/09 Results
Finlay & Matt Hardy defeated Jack Swagger & Mark Henry
R Truth defeated The Brian Kendrick
MVP defeated The Big Show in a Last Man Standing match
Michelle McCool defeated Victoria
Oh and for those of you that really believe Jeff Hardy is injured...check out this entrance from 2003 featuring none other than Bill Goldberg.
He didn't seem to have a problem with the pyro, even though he was in the exact same position as Hardy! WWE thinks we're dumb. I hate that.
Don't forget to pick up this dvd set and enjoy some good savings. Man I'm excited! Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
Finlay & Matt Hardy defeated Jack Swagger & Mark Henry
ECW was definitely a plus this week, and already Jack Swagger is on Smackdown! Good for Swagger, hopefully the WWE can help him with his mic skills as that’s the only thing I can’t really stand from him. Matt Hardy is still way over with the crowd! This match was good, not great, but good enough for an opening match on Smackdown. The match was standard, and had come to an end with Matt Hardy pinning Jack Swagger after the Twist of Fate! This match was fast paced after the commercial break, and wasn’t half bad. Apparently they signed Matt Hardy to face Jack Swagger at the Royal Rumble!
R Truth defeated The Brian Kendrick
Wow, Kendrick has been on a major losing streak lately. Impressive was Truth in this match though, he is lightning fast and I was impressed for once. Kendrick didn’t get a whole lot of offense in, he did get a few things, but he couldn’t get up from the spinning heel kick of R Truth. Truth was great out there, the crowd was way into him, which was weird. The crowd was red hot for everything that Truth did, which was rad. Kendrick however is on the decline, what is to become of him? Who knows.
MVP defeated The Big Show in a Last Man Standing match
The Big Show had his hands full against The Big Show in a last man standing match. To make things interesting, Triple H would be the won that had something big invested into this match up. Triple H would lose his Royal Rumble spot if MVP did not beat The Big Show! MVP put up an initial fight, but this thing looked to be heavily one sided as Big Show stalked MVP and really put some stiff shots on him. I wasn’t sure who to root for in this one, because MVP was on a losing streak and I want him to stay that way for now, but at the same time I don’t want to see Triple H out of the Rumble, or do I? MVP was getting annihilated by The Big Show, and only a couple of flurries would assist MVP in this match up. This match was going straight to the top of the ramp, and Triple H came guns a blazing with a sledgehammer and knocked Big Show out completely! MVP then stood up and Big Show was out cold! MVP WINS! FINALLY MVP WINS!
Word on the street was that Victoria’s last match was this one, and if so, man it’s going to suck to not see Victoria wrestling. She’s on of the few divas that I actually liked because she could actually wrestle! Too bad the WWE doesn’t like her that much.
Michelle McCool defeated Victoria
What a piece of crap way to go out. Victoria put on a valiant effort but was overcome by McCool’s onslaught. McCool focused on the leg of Victoria and it was terrible. This match wasn’t that great, standard divas match, last time we’ll see Victoria in wwe, dangit. No further comment, the wwe divas suck.
Vickie signs up Triple H to wrestle Vladimir Kozlov for next week!

Jeff Hardy never made it to the Cutting Edge. He was involved in a “work” pyrotechnics accident.
This was probably the worst episode of Smackdown in a long time.
WWE Smackdown 1/16/09 Results
Finlay & Matt Hardy defeated Jack Swagger & Mark Henry
R Truth defeated The Brian Kendrick
MVP defeated The Big Show in a Last Man Standing match
Michelle McCool defeated Victoria
Oh and for those of you that really believe Jeff Hardy is injured...check out this entrance from 2003 featuring none other than Bill Goldberg.
He didn't seem to have a problem with the pyro, even though he was in the exact same position as Hardy! WWE thinks we're dumb. I hate that.
Don't forget to pick up this dvd set and enjoy some good savings. Man I'm excited! Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
brian kendrick,
jack swagger,
jeff hardy,
mark henry,
matt hardy,
michelle mccool,
r truth,
smackdown results,
smackdown review,
triple h
TNA Impact 1/15/09 Review and Results When Icons Collide
Kurt Angle came out to run his mouth. It was a long winded diatribe about how the Main Event Mafia is going to end the war. It wasn’t all that great. Hernandez came out and cashed in his world championship title shot! That’s right, he is going to face STING later tonight
Hernandez defeated Sting via disqualification
Sting came out strong against Hernandez. However, it took some time, as Hernandez really try to make a name for himself early on, but the veteran made sure to pace himself, turning the tables around and forcing Hernandez to wake up. The main event mafia was at ringside, so I didn’t think that Hernandez had much of a shot to win this one. Right after I typed that, the mafia jumped into the ring and forced the disqualification. Homicide ran down to help him out, but the Mafia’s numbers were just too much for him, and they eventually got the upper hand. Aj Styles ran down to help, but he too couldn’t overcome the numbers game and the Mafia was looking like the N.W.O of old! Brother Ray came back and things were looking all new as he was taking out everyone in the mafia!
Roxxi , Taylor Wilde, and Roxxi defeated The Kongtourage
The women of TNA once again come out and put on a show for those of you that saw it. I admit, I’m getting tired of seeing six man tag matches between these women. (More like six women tag matches, right?) This match overall was your standard match between these women, as they are no strangers to each other. The action spilled to the outside of the ring, an things were getting bad, but eventually ODB and Sojourner Bolt ended up in the middle of the ring and it didn’t look good for ODB as she was getting dominated in this match up, towards the close. I really liked Roxxi in this match up, she was really showing off as she was dropping bombs and haymakers on Kong’s team. Rhaka Khan was set to Chokeslam Roxxi but Roxxi turned it into the Voodoo Drop for the pinfall! That movie looks so good! Great match, I love the women of TNA, screw the divas, TNA has the best women wrestlers!
Lethal Consequences defeated Abyss & Matt Morgan
Once again Matt Morgan teamsup with Abyss, which was kind of weird considering what went down at the ppv on Sunday. This was the Matt Morgan show, as Matt Morgan would not tag in Abyss for the early moments of this job. He was dominating this match up with ease. Abyss got hit in the face immediately with a big boot, and the former tag champs were in sync to getting Abyss pinned and Morgan rocked! A double suicide dive took out Matt Morgan on the outside of the ring, Abyss was back inside getting assaultd via all sorts of offensive fury, and this was looking like a dream match. Matt Morgan dropped Creed with a fallaway slam ala Scott Hall, but Abyss dropped Jay Lethal with a powerbomb right on top of Matt Morgan! Lethal pinned Morgan getting the pinfall victory!
Post match, Matt Morgan fights Abyss, but out comes security! Where was security when the Main Event Mafia was killing people in the opening parts of tonight’s Impact? This is lame. Speaking of security, remember when Bam Bam Bigelow invaded WCW, to attack Bill Goldberg? That was awesome.
Aj Styles defeated Scott Steiner w/ Mick Foley as special Enforcer
The main event was supposed to be Kurt Angle and Aj Styles, but because Angle got beat down and thrown through a table at the beginning of this show, Aj Styles was out there fighting Scott Steiner. Steiner and Aj put on a mediocre match. Styles tried to carry the match, but Steiner isn’t that good, he hasn’t been good since the early 90’s when him and Rick Steiner put on shows left and right in WCW. Mick Foley was at ringside positioning himself as the enforcer. This match bored me after a while. Steiner’s power moves really limit Aj Styles from doing anything too great. There was a great bridge suplex towards the closing moments of this match, but it wasn’t the end all. Aj pounced on the ref, and Foley was forced into getting involved with the match. Steiner hit Foley in the back of the head with a lead pipe, knocking out Mick Foley. Then Steiner used the lead pipe to knock out Aj Styles but couldn’t get the pinfall! Steiner cinched in the Steiner Recliner and it did not look good for Aj Styles at this point. Petey Williams ran out to ringside and delivered a Missile Dropkick on Steiner, Aj got up and took advantage and won this match up via pinfall!
TNA Impact 1/15/09 Results
Hernandez defeated Sting via disqualification
Roxxi , Taylor Wilde, and Roxxi defeated The Kongtourage
Lethal Consequences defeated Abyss & Matt Morgan
Aj Styles defeated Scott Steiner w/ Mick Foley as special Enforcer
Overall this night of Impact sucked. I liked a couple of things, but it just seemed like the TNA people don't want to put on a good wrestling show. They spent the first hour with only one match, and the second hour rushing through spots to get to the main event. I'm not fascinated by the wrestling of TNA. They should switch back to the four sided ring, and stick to simple wrestling formulas. Not this NWO crap they are mirroring right now.
Pick up Kurt Angle: Champion Dvd from TNA Wrestling by clicking here and save a few bucks. Seriously, if you're going to buy wrestling dvd's click the links provided and help me out. You don't pay extra and I get a few cents to keep on keeping on.
Hernandez defeated Sting via disqualification
Sting came out strong against Hernandez. However, it took some time, as Hernandez really try to make a name for himself early on, but the veteran made sure to pace himself, turning the tables around and forcing Hernandez to wake up. The main event mafia was at ringside, so I didn’t think that Hernandez had much of a shot to win this one. Right after I typed that, the mafia jumped into the ring and forced the disqualification. Homicide ran down to help him out, but the Mafia’s numbers were just too much for him, and they eventually got the upper hand. Aj Styles ran down to help, but he too couldn’t overcome the numbers game and the Mafia was looking like the N.W.O of old! Brother Ray came back and things were looking all new as he was taking out everyone in the mafia!
Roxxi , Taylor Wilde, and Roxxi defeated The Kongtourage
The women of TNA once again come out and put on a show for those of you that saw it. I admit, I’m getting tired of seeing six man tag matches between these women. (More like six women tag matches, right?) This match overall was your standard match between these women, as they are no strangers to each other. The action spilled to the outside of the ring, an things were getting bad, but eventually ODB and Sojourner Bolt ended up in the middle of the ring and it didn’t look good for ODB as she was getting dominated in this match up, towards the close. I really liked Roxxi in this match up, she was really showing off as she was dropping bombs and haymakers on Kong’s team. Rhaka Khan was set to Chokeslam Roxxi but Roxxi turned it into the Voodoo Drop for the pinfall! That movie looks so good! Great match, I love the women of TNA, screw the divas, TNA has the best women wrestlers!
Lethal Consequences defeated Abyss & Matt Morgan
Once again Matt Morgan teamsup with Abyss, which was kind of weird considering what went down at the ppv on Sunday. This was the Matt Morgan show, as Matt Morgan would not tag in Abyss for the early moments of this job. He was dominating this match up with ease. Abyss got hit in the face immediately with a big boot, and the former tag champs were in sync to getting Abyss pinned and Morgan rocked! A double suicide dive took out Matt Morgan on the outside of the ring, Abyss was back inside getting assaultd via all sorts of offensive fury, and this was looking like a dream match. Matt Morgan dropped Creed with a fallaway slam ala Scott Hall, but Abyss dropped Jay Lethal with a powerbomb right on top of Matt Morgan! Lethal pinned Morgan getting the pinfall victory!
Post match, Matt Morgan fights Abyss, but out comes security! Where was security when the Main Event Mafia was killing people in the opening parts of tonight’s Impact? This is lame. Speaking of security, remember when Bam Bam Bigelow invaded WCW, to attack Bill Goldberg? That was awesome.
Aj Styles defeated Scott Steiner w/ Mick Foley as special Enforcer
The main event was supposed to be Kurt Angle and Aj Styles, but because Angle got beat down and thrown through a table at the beginning of this show, Aj Styles was out there fighting Scott Steiner. Steiner and Aj put on a mediocre match. Styles tried to carry the match, but Steiner isn’t that good, he hasn’t been good since the early 90’s when him and Rick Steiner put on shows left and right in WCW. Mick Foley was at ringside positioning himself as the enforcer. This match bored me after a while. Steiner’s power moves really limit Aj Styles from doing anything too great. There was a great bridge suplex towards the closing moments of this match, but it wasn’t the end all. Aj pounced on the ref, and Foley was forced into getting involved with the match. Steiner hit Foley in the back of the head with a lead pipe, knocking out Mick Foley. Then Steiner used the lead pipe to knock out Aj Styles but couldn’t get the pinfall! Steiner cinched in the Steiner Recliner and it did not look good for Aj Styles at this point. Petey Williams ran out to ringside and delivered a Missile Dropkick on Steiner, Aj got up and took advantage and won this match up via pinfall!
TNA Impact 1/15/09 Results
Hernandez defeated Sting via disqualification
Roxxi , Taylor Wilde, and Roxxi defeated The Kongtourage
Lethal Consequences defeated Abyss & Matt Morgan
Aj Styles defeated Scott Steiner w/ Mick Foley as special Enforcer
Overall this night of Impact sucked. I liked a couple of things, but it just seemed like the TNA people don't want to put on a good wrestling show. They spent the first hour with only one match, and the second hour rushing through spots to get to the main event. I'm not fascinated by the wrestling of TNA. They should switch back to the four sided ring, and stick to simple wrestling formulas. Not this NWO crap they are mirroring right now.
Pick up Kurt Angle: Champion Dvd from TNA Wrestling by clicking here and save a few bucks. Seriously, if you're going to buy wrestling dvd's click the links provided and help me out. You don't pay extra and I get a few cents to keep on keeping on.
aj styles,
lethal consequences,
matt morgan,
mick foley,
scott steiner,
taylor wilde,
tna impact results
Thursday, January 15, 2009
WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection Dvd Box Set

I haven't been this excited about a WWE release ever! This looks amazing! The WWE Starrcade Essential Collection features some of the best from the Starrcade era of WCW wrestling. They don't skimp out on you either, they really go way back when and include some of the best matches from highly collectible vhs tapes that i used to own.
I'm not kidding, the WWE Starrcade: Essential Collection spans 3 discs packed full of matches. This also includes commentary from the wrestlers that were involved! This is the premiere dvd set from WWE and you know what? I'm very excited. Buy this three disc set by clicking here. Don't think it'll be good? Here's the list of matches for WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection:
Here is the match list!
Disc 1
Starrcade December 29, 1996 - The Match of the Decade
"Rowdy" Roddy Piper vs. Hollywood Hulk Hogan
Starrcade December 13, 1989 - Iron Man Singles Tournament
Sting vs. The Great Muta
Starrcade December 28, 1992 - Unified World Tag Team Championship
Barry Windham / Brian Pillman vs. Ricky Steamboat / Shane Douglas
Starrcade December 27, 1998 - WCW World Heavyweight Championship
Goldberg vs. Kevin Nash
Starrcade December 29, 1991
Starrcade December 27, 1993 - 2 out of 3 Falls for the WCW United States Championship
Dustin Rhodes vs. Stunning Steve Austin
Disc 2
Starrcade November 26, 1987 - NWA World Tag Team Championship
Road Warriors vs. Arn Anderson / Tully Blanchard
Alternate Commentary: Todd Grisham / Road Warrior Animal
Starrcade December 29, 1996
Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Jushin Thunder Liger
Starrcade November 26, 1987 - Scaffold Match
Rock `n Roll Express vs. The Midnight Express
Starrcade December 26, 1988 - NWA World Heavyweight Championship
Ric Flair vs. Lex Luger
Starrcade December 27, 1995
Eddie Guerrero vs. Shinjiro Ootani
Starrcade December 26, 1988 - NWA World Tag Team Championship
Dusty Rhodes / Sting vs. Road Warriors
Starrcade December 28, 1992 - King of Cable Tournament Final
Sting vs. Big Van Vader
Starrcade November 24, 1983 - NWA World Tag Team Championship
Brisco Brothers vs. Jay Youngblood / Ricky Steamboat
Starrcade November 28, 1985 - NWA World Heavyweight Championship
Dusty Rhodes vs. Ric Flair
Starrcade December 28, 1997 - WCW Cruiserweight Championship
Eddie Guerrero vs. Dean Malenko
Disc 3
Starrcade December 13, 1989 - Iron Man Tag Team Tournament
Road Warriors vs. The Steiner Brothers
Starrcade December 17, 2000 - Ladder Match for a Contract for the World Cruiserweight Championship
3 Count vs. Jamie Knoble & Evan Karagias vs. Jung Dragons
Starrcade December 13, 1989 - Iron Man Singles Tournament
Sting vs. Ric Flair
Starrcade November 24, 1983 - Dog Collar Match
Greg Valentine vs. Roddy Piper
Starrcade November 27, 1986 - Scaffold Match
Road Warriors vs. The Midnight Express
Alternate Commentary: Todd Grisham / Road Warrior Animal
Starrcade December 28, 1997 - WCW World Heavyweight Championship
Sting vs. Hollywood Hulk Hogan
Starrcade November 24, 1983 - Steel Cage Match for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship
Ric Flair vs. Harley Race
Starrcade November 28, 1985 - Steel Cage "I Quit Match" for the NWA United States Championship
Magnum T.A. vs. Tully Blanchard
Starrcade December 27, 1993 - WCW World Heavyweight Championship - Ric Flair's Career Is On the Line
Ric Flair vs. Vader

Oh and if that is not enough. In February, we are getting The Best of Saturday Night's Main Event! You can order that by clicking here. Notice that MACHO MAN RANDY SAVAGE is on the COVER! LOOOOOOK!
Don't forget to pick up this dvd set and enjoy some good savings. Man I'm excited! Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
dusty rhodes,
Randy Savage,
world championship wrestling,
wwe dvd
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Ecw 1/13/09 Results and Review The Swagger Era Begins
ECW really knocked one out of the park with the Main Event of this night. You missed out if you didn't see it. Let the SWAGGER era begin!
Dj Gabriel & Alicia Fox Paul & Katie Lea Burchill
This match isn’t all that great. These two are ok in ring, and I don’t hate Dj Gabriel. I still think he’s just like Alex Wright, only with more muscle build. Alicia Fox is doing ok for being a new diva. Dj Gabriel scores the pin after a huge European uppercut! How long before Paul Burchill gets fired? That’s the real question I have at this point. Overall not that great of a mtach, the wrong guy went over. I wish Paul was still a pirate.
Tommy Dreamer came out in a suit and was crying on the mic. This was really lame, I don’t need to see a broken Tommy Dreamer crying on television. Dreamer says that if he can’t win the ECW title by June (when his contract expires) He will quit Ecw altogether.
The Boogeyman defeated Sammy Savard
I’m assuming that the wwe has no real reason for The Boogeyman to be in the ring then to freak out the kids. He once again defeats a random jobber and I’m tired of seeing this. I like the gimmick, but the WWE should use him like they did with Goldust when he first came to the wwe. Remember? He played up the mind games and really got a good amount of wins and even freaked out Razor Ramon at the height of his Intercontinental Title reign! Anyways, The Boogeyman wins with two moves, this match was lame, and not extreme at all.
Jack Swagger defeated Matt Hardy for the ECW Championship
It’s true Jack Swagger has been undefeated in the world of ECW and man has Matt Hardy really made that title worth something. I admit this is the first time that I’ve been really excited about the ECW title match, and rightfully so! This is how the title should be defended all the time. Swagger really pushed the limits here, he was working a little more old school than Hardy has been used to lately. He was really proving how good he really is in the wwe world. Swagger was really winning the crowd over at times too. As he was trying to set up a Superplex and Hardy delivered a powerbomb, things were looking all Hardy. Swagger managed to take a turnbuckle off before the bomb, and Hardy just couldn’t capitalize. The two were trying to fight each other off, and Hardy looked like he was going to win this one as he hit the Twist of Fate! Swagger kicked out, and Swagger wasn’t looking so hot towards the end, but then he managed to get Hardy right into the exposed turnbuckle after setting up Hardy for the electric chair! Swagger than hit the Gut Wrench Power Bomb and BOOM! We have a NEW ECW CHAMPION! That’s right, JACK SWAGGER has defeated MATT HARDY for the ECW championship and he pinned him 90 percent clean!
Ecw 1/13/09 Results
Dj Gabriel & Alicia Fox Paul & Katie Lea Burchill
The Boogeyman defeated Sammy Savard
Jack Swagger defeated Matt Hardy for the ECW Championship
Dj Gabriel & Alicia Fox Paul & Katie Lea Burchill
This match isn’t all that great. These two are ok in ring, and I don’t hate Dj Gabriel. I still think he’s just like Alex Wright, only with more muscle build. Alicia Fox is doing ok for being a new diva. Dj Gabriel scores the pin after a huge European uppercut! How long before Paul Burchill gets fired? That’s the real question I have at this point. Overall not that great of a mtach, the wrong guy went over. I wish Paul was still a pirate.
Tommy Dreamer came out in a suit and was crying on the mic. This was really lame, I don’t need to see a broken Tommy Dreamer crying on television. Dreamer says that if he can’t win the ECW title by June (when his contract expires) He will quit Ecw altogether.
The Boogeyman defeated Sammy Savard
I’m assuming that the wwe has no real reason for The Boogeyman to be in the ring then to freak out the kids. He once again defeats a random jobber and I’m tired of seeing this. I like the gimmick, but the WWE should use him like they did with Goldust when he first came to the wwe. Remember? He played up the mind games and really got a good amount of wins and even freaked out Razor Ramon at the height of his Intercontinental Title reign! Anyways, The Boogeyman wins with two moves, this match was lame, and not extreme at all.
Jack Swagger defeated Matt Hardy for the ECW Championship
It’s true Jack Swagger has been undefeated in the world of ECW and man has Matt Hardy really made that title worth something. I admit this is the first time that I’ve been really excited about the ECW title match, and rightfully so! This is how the title should be defended all the time. Swagger really pushed the limits here, he was working a little more old school than Hardy has been used to lately. He was really proving how good he really is in the wwe world. Swagger was really winning the crowd over at times too. As he was trying to set up a Superplex and Hardy delivered a powerbomb, things were looking all Hardy. Swagger managed to take a turnbuckle off before the bomb, and Hardy just couldn’t capitalize. The two were trying to fight each other off, and Hardy looked like he was going to win this one as he hit the Twist of Fate! Swagger kicked out, and Swagger wasn’t looking so hot towards the end, but then he managed to get Hardy right into the exposed turnbuckle after setting up Hardy for the electric chair! Swagger than hit the Gut Wrench Power Bomb and BOOM! We have a NEW ECW CHAMPION! That’s right, JACK SWAGGER has defeated MATT HARDY for the ECW championship and he pinned him 90 percent clean!
Ecw 1/13/09 Results
Dj Gabriel & Alicia Fox Paul & Katie Lea Burchill
The Boogeyman defeated Sammy Savard
Jack Swagger defeated Matt Hardy for the ECW Championship
dj gabriel,
ecw review,
jack swagger,
matt hardy,
paul burchill
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
WWE Raw 1/12/09 Review and Results Jericho Gets Fired
We open the show with JBL instructing Shawn Michaels that he must basically wrestle like his life depended on it, because he works for JBL not just for pride and glory.
Chris Jericho confronting Stephanie McMahon was kind of cool. I think the best talker in the WWE right now is Chris Jericho. If only all the wwe superstars right now had his mic skills, we would have a completely different wwe raw program. Stephanie McMahon FIRES Chris Jericho!
Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated The Miz
The Miz and Rey Mysterio put on a good match up. No, it’s not crazy, but it was adequate. Miz put up a good enough offensive, but he couldn’t get this one through. Mike Knox appeared after the match and started beating up Rey Mysterio! Surprise, surprise, the big man attacked Rey Mysterio. Mike Knox is now officially A-Train Jr.
William Regal defeated Cm Punk via disqualification
Cm Punk and William Regal once again put the Intercontinental title into the spotlight, creating something really cool. Seriously, this is the type of heavy hitting match that the title should have. If only it was a little longer. It was getting really good, until William Regal suffered a low blow in full view of the referee! That’s right, Regal, was hit with a right hand to the stomach and the ref thought it was below the belt and was disqualified, causing Regal to hold on yet again.
Randy Orton defeated Kane
Kane has slowly becoming one of the least feared “monsters” in professional wrestling right now. They have been making him lose yet again. This match wasn’t that great, Kane really pushed hard this week and was beating Orton for a good amount of time. However, Orton caught Kane with a leg drop as Kane was flying down and then went for the pin. Kane sucks now, sorry, maybe he’ll make a comeback, but right now he’s just sucking it up.
Post match, Ted Dibiase returned and joined Manu and Sim Snuka in attempting to pounce on Randy Orton! Team Priceless looked together once again and the tension was huge! Orton struck Manu, then Cody hit Sim Snuka and the melee ensued into having Ted Dibiase and Cody Rhodes joining Legacy, and kicking out Snuka and Manu! Yep.
The Divas match never happened. Melina got brutally attacked as she was coming down the stage. I didn’t care, and you shouldn’t care either.
Shawn Michaels defeated John Cena
A ppv caliber match up? I’m not one hundred percent sure if this is going to make anyone’s top ten list. This match was basically back and forth, with both men looking really strong. John Cena looked poised to take this one, as he was really on some great rolls in this match up. He really had things going for him, but Shawn Michaels had counters for all of John Cena’s big moves, and really made a showing. JBL was ringside, looking serious, and Shawn Michaels was out there like a man possessed! Wow, this match was a lot longer than any other Raw match in recent memory. They really went out there and put on a show that the live crowd could get behind, and something that even us Jaded fans could get behind! Shawn Michaels was really out there looking like he had some great hopes, and John Cena was hanging in there move for move which was great! I thought this one was over when Cena got hit with a powerbomb reversal off of a third rope FU attempt! This prompted HBK to miss the big elbow! This match then got really good with the STFU locked in right in front of JBL! Cena missed the FU and ran into JBL for a split second and then ran right into the SUPER KICK! HBK OVER CLEAN! HBK defeats John Cena in one of the longest matches on Raw in recent memory! Good stuff here folks, seriously, good stuff here.
WWE Monday Night Raw 1/12/09 Results
Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated The Miz
William Regal defeated Cm Punk via disqualification
Randy Orton defeated Kane
Shawn Michaels defeated John Cena
Check out Edge: A Decade of Decadence 3 Disc Dvd on sale now! Click here to purchase EDGE's Three Disc DVD Set cheap now! Seriously, it's not half bad, and you can get it cheap!
Chris Jericho confronting Stephanie McMahon was kind of cool. I think the best talker in the WWE right now is Chris Jericho. If only all the wwe superstars right now had his mic skills, we would have a completely different wwe raw program. Stephanie McMahon FIRES Chris Jericho!
Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated The Miz
The Miz and Rey Mysterio put on a good match up. No, it’s not crazy, but it was adequate. Miz put up a good enough offensive, but he couldn’t get this one through. Mike Knox appeared after the match and started beating up Rey Mysterio! Surprise, surprise, the big man attacked Rey Mysterio. Mike Knox is now officially A-Train Jr.
William Regal defeated Cm Punk via disqualification
Cm Punk and William Regal once again put the Intercontinental title into the spotlight, creating something really cool. Seriously, this is the type of heavy hitting match that the title should have. If only it was a little longer. It was getting really good, until William Regal suffered a low blow in full view of the referee! That’s right, Regal, was hit with a right hand to the stomach and the ref thought it was below the belt and was disqualified, causing Regal to hold on yet again.
Randy Orton defeated Kane
Kane has slowly becoming one of the least feared “monsters” in professional wrestling right now. They have been making him lose yet again. This match wasn’t that great, Kane really pushed hard this week and was beating Orton for a good amount of time. However, Orton caught Kane with a leg drop as Kane was flying down and then went for the pin. Kane sucks now, sorry, maybe he’ll make a comeback, but right now he’s just sucking it up.
Post match, Ted Dibiase returned and joined Manu and Sim Snuka in attempting to pounce on Randy Orton! Team Priceless looked together once again and the tension was huge! Orton struck Manu, then Cody hit Sim Snuka and the melee ensued into having Ted Dibiase and Cody Rhodes joining Legacy, and kicking out Snuka and Manu! Yep.
The Divas match never happened. Melina got brutally attacked as she was coming down the stage. I didn’t care, and you shouldn’t care either.
Shawn Michaels defeated John Cena
A ppv caliber match up? I’m not one hundred percent sure if this is going to make anyone’s top ten list. This match was basically back and forth, with both men looking really strong. John Cena looked poised to take this one, as he was really on some great rolls in this match up. He really had things going for him, but Shawn Michaels had counters for all of John Cena’s big moves, and really made a showing. JBL was ringside, looking serious, and Shawn Michaels was out there like a man possessed! Wow, this match was a lot longer than any other Raw match in recent memory. They really went out there and put on a show that the live crowd could get behind, and something that even us Jaded fans could get behind! Shawn Michaels was really out there looking like he had some great hopes, and John Cena was hanging in there move for move which was great! I thought this one was over when Cena got hit with a powerbomb reversal off of a third rope FU attempt! This prompted HBK to miss the big elbow! This match then got really good with the STFU locked in right in front of JBL! Cena missed the FU and ran into JBL for a split second and then ran right into the SUPER KICK! HBK OVER CLEAN! HBK defeats John Cena in one of the longest matches on Raw in recent memory! Good stuff here folks, seriously, good stuff here.
WWE Monday Night Raw 1/12/09 Results
Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated The Miz
William Regal defeated Cm Punk via disqualification
Randy Orton defeated Kane
Shawn Michaels defeated John Cena
Check out Edge: A Decade of Decadence 3 Disc Dvd on sale now! Click here to purchase EDGE's Three Disc DVD Set cheap now! Seriously, it's not half bad, and you can get it cheap!
c.m punk,
john cena,
monday night raw,
randy orton,
raw review,
rey mysterio jr.,
shawn michaels,
the miz,
tv results,
william regal
Sunday, January 11, 2009
TNA Genesis 2009 ppv Results and Review
Here we go folks, the first ppv for the TNA wrestling brand, and it should be a slobber knocker right? Who knows…one thing is for sure, it’s been brewing for a while, this one.
Lax & Eric Young defeated Sonjay Dutt, Jimmy Rave, and Tanahashi
*note, my sound was messed up and TNA didn’t put up the names of those involved in this opening match, so I had to just guess what was going on.
The match started fast paced, and stayed that way overall. The guys in this match are all veterans of the x-division and tag team openers on ppv. Homicide looked great and with Hernandez, just looked so crisp overall, they re so great as a team, I can’t imagine them not being a team forever. Things change though, we’ll see how it all pans out. The first half of the match was all LAX those dudes had this match in complete control. Eric Young once again looks so good, I can’t believe they wasted him in the prince justice brotherhood for so long. This match was mostly x-division style. If you’re a fan of high spot matches, you’d enjoy this match greatly, it was mostly high spots and fast paced action. Midway through the match up I realized that this was an elimination style tag team match. Thanks Comcast for the sound sucking on the ppv. The ending of this match was basically all Hernandez, as he put away three guys in a row.
Alex Shelley defeated Chris Sabin
This match opened up with a stalemate, with each skater reversing the others slow motion tests of strength. Then things started to open up, as is the case with all x-division match ups. Sabin looked stronger to me in this match up, Shelley seemed to be desperate to keep up, but that caused mistakes and things were just one sided mid match up. Then it really opened up and things were just changing. Alex Shelley was my early on favorite in this match up, but it seemed that Sabin was getting little comebacks left and right. I thought for sure Alex Shelley was going to win with a picture perfect frog splash, but sabin fought back and was hitting some major power moves to get closer and closer to winning this match up. Alex Shelley managed to pick up the win on this match, and somewhat surprising to Sabin, and is the NEW x-division champion! Shelley played injured, then rolled up Sabin for the win. They hugged afterwards, showing no major hurt feelings.
Shane Sewell defeated Sheik Abdul Bashir
This match up was brewing for a long time, and it’s about tiem we got this thing to happen. Sheik has to be one of the most hated wrestlers in professional wrestling today. Shane started this match like a man possessed, immediately fighting Bashir tooth and nail, not letting any rest happen in this match. Bashir was getting worked over like a jobber early on. It’s actually exciting to see a match of this capacity, due to the build up that was created from the weeks of set up. Sheik Bashir had a few moments of action, and was looking to be set to win this one, but Shane kept turning things around and it just looked like he was headed for an easy win. The crowd was getting behind him too, and this could be the birth of an all new good professional wrestling talent for a change! As soon as the figure four leg lock was applied, the crowd went crazy with whole sections going, “Wooo!”. Bashir got out and then started to punish the former ref within near disqualification realms. At this point Bashir got frustrated with Earl Hebner, shoved him, and Hebner swung at Bashir! The chase was on, and Shane got back in with a surprise sunset flip for the pinfall victory! The referees came out to ringside and won this match, that’s right, Shane defeats Sheik Abdul Bashir!
Beer Money Inc. defeated Matt Morgan & Abyss and Jay Lethal & Consequences Creed
Due to the impact match, this three way dance was for the TNA tag team titles, and why not? A very exciting match up we had here, but it was slow to move forward. As the match progressed, each team kept trying to one up one another and score the pinfall, but then Abyss came in and just killed! Ok, maybe not kill, but him and Matt Morgan really proved to be the guys to watch in this match. Beer Money though, proved that hey are the best team a they were really trying to stay focused and prove their thing. Matt Morgan was starting to look weak, s Beer Money finally was getting owned. Abyss grabbed one of the belts, and then accidentally knocked out Matt Morgan! Robert Roode has this thing sewn up, but then Machismo hit the big elbow, before getting a super kick to the face! Robert Roode once again rolled over onto Matt Morgan and scored the victory! That’s right, Beer Money inc win again!
Post match, Matt Morgan seemed really frustrated with Abyss and really swerved the crowd. Ok, we saw it coming, but still. Matt Morgan got really mad at Abyss and started yelling at him. The camera cut to backstage, and that was that.
ODB, Roxxi, and Taylor Wilde defeated Raisha Saeed, Rhaka Khan, and Sojourner Bolt
This six man tag might have been a replacement for the women’s title match, or just another match on the card. I’m not sure. I didn’t really hear what was going on as my sound kept cutting out. I love the knockouts of tna, they prove time and time again that they are the best thing going as far as female professional wrestling. Forget the wwe divas, they suck compared to this. Awesome kong’s team lost this one. It prompted Awesome Kong to come out and push ODB the fight was on! The rest of the matches participants started fighting, and Kong stood over Odb before delivering a huge choke slam!
Kurt Angle defeated Jeff Jarrett
I haven’t seen a match with this much force in a long time. Not since probably an old Bret Hart, Mr Perfect match up. Jarrett came in ther working stiff and Angle was meeting him right there. Jarrett hasn’t looked this great in years. Seriously, he was out there like a house of fire, it was awesome. Kurt Angle took a nasty spill outside and then Jarrett followed him by nearly beheading himself on the floor outside, as dove over the top! Seriously, it looked scary, and he just face planted the floor. Kurt Angle looked to be too far away to catch him. Jeff Jarrett was busted open, and Angle pounced yet again! There was another nasty spot as Kurt Angle dropped Jarrett through a table off the TNA Genesis stage, and it looked sick, seriously, this looked so sick. I thought Jarrett was broken in half, as the table slipped on the floor and broke in half, but it just looked sick. If you saw it, you know what I’m talking about. This match was getting really good, and double J introduced the guitar! Angle managed to avoid the initial set up of the guitar and looked to be the aggressor at this point. Angle nearly behead Jarrett with a steel chair, then planted him back into near submission with the Ankle Lock submission! This thing looked to be over as Double J was in serious looking pain, and right in the center of the ring! Double J escaped, and managed to reverse the Angle slam into a ddt, then when for the guitar, but cut the neck off, only to reach for the Steel Chair that Angle used previously. Double J hit Angle square in the face with the steel chair and I thought for sure this thing was over. Kurt Angle was covered, but rolled Jarrett into a pinning situation, and this thing looked to be in his favor as it stunned Double J long enough to lose this match up. That’s right, Kurt Angle defeats Jeff Jarrett with a surprise roll up from a pinning position. A lateral press into a pin and it was all over.
Post match up, Kurt Angle beat up Double J and then stomped his ankle into a steel chair. Things looked bad, and then he left the ring.
Sting defeated Rhino
The whole night they have been saying that Rhino was missing and that no one could find him. So when things went downhill and he showed up bleeding and hurt, I wasn’t surprised at all. This match was a standard methodical Sting match. Rhino did get in some great offense up front, but he was no match for sting, as he easily wins this one. Someone give Sting some competition, because this is just not that great for me. Sorry.
Kevin Nash was not in our main event. So the Main Event Mafia gets a new person to come in and that person is Kip James!
Brother Devon, Aj Styles, and Mick Foley defeated Booker T, Kip James and Scott Steiner
What can I say? These six man tag matches aren’t that great to me. I don’t like them all that much because it seems like I’ve already seen every single combination of tag team turmoil that I can possibly see in these modern times. This was a normal tag match, then it got really bad, and Jim Cornette declared it a HARDCORE match. That’s right, texas tornado no rules match and things go nuts. Foley goes through a table Aj goes through a table, socko comes into play right into Booker T’s mouth. A trash can shot happens somewhere in here, and THE PLUNDER ALERT siren is going off, as Foley gets his butt kicked by the mafia. Mick Foley gets the pinfall here, and it was lame. FIRE ALL THE TNA WRITERS!
TNA Genesis 2009 Results
Lax & Eric Young defeated Sonjay Dutt, Jimmy Rave, and Tanahashi
Alex Shelley defeated Chris Sabin
Shane Sewell defeated Sheik Abdul Bashir
Beer Money Inc. defeated Matt Morgan & Abyss and Jay Lethal & Consequences Creed
ODB, Roxxi, and Taylor Wilde defeated Raisha Saeed, Rhaka Khan, and Sojourner Bolt
Kurt Angle defeated Jeff Jarrett
Sting defeated Rhino
Brother Devon, Aj Styles, and Mick Foley defeated Booker T, Kip James and Scott Steiner
Overall an Ok ppv. I didn’t expect too much from TNA. They aren’t known for their super cards at all. This isn’t going to top the Royal Rumble this year, but I think that it’s going to be better, personally. The best match here for me was the referee killing the Sheik, and of course the knockouts, wow, good stuff yet again from the women of TNA. If you missed this one, you didn’t miss much, in my humble opinion.
Check out TNA Wrestling dvd’s online by clicking here. Save some major cash by buying TNA Wrestling dvd’s and enjoy the wcw of 2009.
Lax & Eric Young defeated Sonjay Dutt, Jimmy Rave, and Tanahashi
*note, my sound was messed up and TNA didn’t put up the names of those involved in this opening match, so I had to just guess what was going on.
The match started fast paced, and stayed that way overall. The guys in this match are all veterans of the x-division and tag team openers on ppv. Homicide looked great and with Hernandez, just looked so crisp overall, they re so great as a team, I can’t imagine them not being a team forever. Things change though, we’ll see how it all pans out. The first half of the match was all LAX those dudes had this match in complete control. Eric Young once again looks so good, I can’t believe they wasted him in the prince justice brotherhood for so long. This match was mostly x-division style. If you’re a fan of high spot matches, you’d enjoy this match greatly, it was mostly high spots and fast paced action. Midway through the match up I realized that this was an elimination style tag team match. Thanks Comcast for the sound sucking on the ppv. The ending of this match was basically all Hernandez, as he put away three guys in a row.
Alex Shelley defeated Chris Sabin
This match opened up with a stalemate, with each skater reversing the others slow motion tests of strength. Then things started to open up, as is the case with all x-division match ups. Sabin looked stronger to me in this match up, Shelley seemed to be desperate to keep up, but that caused mistakes and things were just one sided mid match up. Then it really opened up and things were just changing. Alex Shelley was my early on favorite in this match up, but it seemed that Sabin was getting little comebacks left and right. I thought for sure Alex Shelley was going to win with a picture perfect frog splash, but sabin fought back and was hitting some major power moves to get closer and closer to winning this match up. Alex Shelley managed to pick up the win on this match, and somewhat surprising to Sabin, and is the NEW x-division champion! Shelley played injured, then rolled up Sabin for the win. They hugged afterwards, showing no major hurt feelings.
Shane Sewell defeated Sheik Abdul Bashir
This match up was brewing for a long time, and it’s about tiem we got this thing to happen. Sheik has to be one of the most hated wrestlers in professional wrestling today. Shane started this match like a man possessed, immediately fighting Bashir tooth and nail, not letting any rest happen in this match. Bashir was getting worked over like a jobber early on. It’s actually exciting to see a match of this capacity, due to the build up that was created from the weeks of set up. Sheik Bashir had a few moments of action, and was looking to be set to win this one, but Shane kept turning things around and it just looked like he was headed for an easy win. The crowd was getting behind him too, and this could be the birth of an all new good professional wrestling talent for a change! As soon as the figure four leg lock was applied, the crowd went crazy with whole sections going, “Wooo!”. Bashir got out and then started to punish the former ref within near disqualification realms. At this point Bashir got frustrated with Earl Hebner, shoved him, and Hebner swung at Bashir! The chase was on, and Shane got back in with a surprise sunset flip for the pinfall victory! The referees came out to ringside and won this match, that’s right, Shane defeats Sheik Abdul Bashir!
Beer Money Inc. defeated Matt Morgan & Abyss and Jay Lethal & Consequences Creed
Due to the impact match, this three way dance was for the TNA tag team titles, and why not? A very exciting match up we had here, but it was slow to move forward. As the match progressed, each team kept trying to one up one another and score the pinfall, but then Abyss came in and just killed! Ok, maybe not kill, but him and Matt Morgan really proved to be the guys to watch in this match. Beer Money though, proved that hey are the best team a they were really trying to stay focused and prove their thing. Matt Morgan was starting to look weak, s Beer Money finally was getting owned. Abyss grabbed one of the belts, and then accidentally knocked out Matt Morgan! Robert Roode has this thing sewn up, but then Machismo hit the big elbow, before getting a super kick to the face! Robert Roode once again rolled over onto Matt Morgan and scored the victory! That’s right, Beer Money inc win again!
Post match, Matt Morgan seemed really frustrated with Abyss and really swerved the crowd. Ok, we saw it coming, but still. Matt Morgan got really mad at Abyss and started yelling at him. The camera cut to backstage, and that was that.
ODB, Roxxi, and Taylor Wilde defeated Raisha Saeed, Rhaka Khan, and Sojourner Bolt
This six man tag might have been a replacement for the women’s title match, or just another match on the card. I’m not sure. I didn’t really hear what was going on as my sound kept cutting out. I love the knockouts of tna, they prove time and time again that they are the best thing going as far as female professional wrestling. Forget the wwe divas, they suck compared to this. Awesome kong’s team lost this one. It prompted Awesome Kong to come out and push ODB the fight was on! The rest of the matches participants started fighting, and Kong stood over Odb before delivering a huge choke slam!
Kurt Angle defeated Jeff Jarrett
I haven’t seen a match with this much force in a long time. Not since probably an old Bret Hart, Mr Perfect match up. Jarrett came in ther working stiff and Angle was meeting him right there. Jarrett hasn’t looked this great in years. Seriously, he was out there like a house of fire, it was awesome. Kurt Angle took a nasty spill outside and then Jarrett followed him by nearly beheading himself on the floor outside, as dove over the top! Seriously, it looked scary, and he just face planted the floor. Kurt Angle looked to be too far away to catch him. Jeff Jarrett was busted open, and Angle pounced yet again! There was another nasty spot as Kurt Angle dropped Jarrett through a table off the TNA Genesis stage, and it looked sick, seriously, this looked so sick. I thought Jarrett was broken in half, as the table slipped on the floor and broke in half, but it just looked sick. If you saw it, you know what I’m talking about. This match was getting really good, and double J introduced the guitar! Angle managed to avoid the initial set up of the guitar and looked to be the aggressor at this point. Angle nearly behead Jarrett with a steel chair, then planted him back into near submission with the Ankle Lock submission! This thing looked to be over as Double J was in serious looking pain, and right in the center of the ring! Double J escaped, and managed to reverse the Angle slam into a ddt, then when for the guitar, but cut the neck off, only to reach for the Steel Chair that Angle used previously. Double J hit Angle square in the face with the steel chair and I thought for sure this thing was over. Kurt Angle was covered, but rolled Jarrett into a pinning situation, and this thing looked to be in his favor as it stunned Double J long enough to lose this match up. That’s right, Kurt Angle defeats Jeff Jarrett with a surprise roll up from a pinning position. A lateral press into a pin and it was all over.
Post match up, Kurt Angle beat up Double J and then stomped his ankle into a steel chair. Things looked bad, and then he left the ring.
Sting defeated Rhino
The whole night they have been saying that Rhino was missing and that no one could find him. So when things went downhill and he showed up bleeding and hurt, I wasn’t surprised at all. This match was a standard methodical Sting match. Rhino did get in some great offense up front, but he was no match for sting, as he easily wins this one. Someone give Sting some competition, because this is just not that great for me. Sorry.
Kevin Nash was not in our main event. So the Main Event Mafia gets a new person to come in and that person is Kip James!
Brother Devon, Aj Styles, and Mick Foley defeated Booker T, Kip James and Scott Steiner
What can I say? These six man tag matches aren’t that great to me. I don’t like them all that much because it seems like I’ve already seen every single combination of tag team turmoil that I can possibly see in these modern times. This was a normal tag match, then it got really bad, and Jim Cornette declared it a HARDCORE match. That’s right, texas tornado no rules match and things go nuts. Foley goes through a table Aj goes through a table, socko comes into play right into Booker T’s mouth. A trash can shot happens somewhere in here, and THE PLUNDER ALERT siren is going off, as Foley gets his butt kicked by the mafia. Mick Foley gets the pinfall here, and it was lame. FIRE ALL THE TNA WRITERS!
TNA Genesis 2009 Results
Lax & Eric Young defeated Sonjay Dutt, Jimmy Rave, and Tanahashi
Alex Shelley defeated Chris Sabin
Shane Sewell defeated Sheik Abdul Bashir
Beer Money Inc. defeated Matt Morgan & Abyss and Jay Lethal & Consequences Creed
ODB, Roxxi, and Taylor Wilde defeated Raisha Saeed, Rhaka Khan, and Sojourner Bolt
Kurt Angle defeated Jeff Jarrett
Sting defeated Rhino
Brother Devon, Aj Styles, and Mick Foley defeated Booker T, Kip James and Scott Steiner
Overall an Ok ppv. I didn’t expect too much from TNA. They aren’t known for their super cards at all. This isn’t going to top the Royal Rumble this year, but I think that it’s going to be better, personally. The best match here for me was the referee killing the Sheik, and of course the knockouts, wow, good stuff yet again from the women of TNA. If you missed this one, you didn’t miss much, in my humble opinion.
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beer money,
eric young,
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ppv results,
shane sewell,
sonjay dutt,
Friday, January 9, 2009
WWE Smackdown 1/9/09 Review and Results Jeff Hardy’s Accident Edition

We open up tonight’s Smackdown with a story about Jeff Hardy and his girlfriend getting involved in a hit and run accident. Of course, this has been a long speculated and talked about story line, and no one should really be too concerned. Just keep that in mind.
Triple H defeated John Morrison in a tables match
I don’t know why this was the start of the show, but it was. John Morrison and Triple H squared off in a Tables match! This match wasn’t too long, and Morrison definitely didn’t just roll over for the former champion. This match was mostly John Morrison for the first part, and while Triple H looked strong, he couldn’t just simply win with a clothesline or anything. He actually had to do a few power moves, before this contest was over. Morrison and HHH fought on the top rope of the far corner, and Morrison was immediately sent over the top and through a table lying at ring side, and Morrison loses. Triple H wins the first match up, but out came Miz and Chavo Guerrero to beat him up before a second match could start.
The Undertaker defeated Shelton Benjamin
I had no major hope for Shelton Benjamin. Benjamin took a long time working on The Undertakers leg, and he was moving for the kill throughout the second half of this match up, but things weren’t bidding well after he missed a move coming into the corner of the ring, and that’s when the Undertaker pounced! The Undertaker reversed a move right into the Tombstome piledriver! The undertaker then pinned Shelton for the win, and boy, The Undertaker is looking older than ever. This guy should just quit while he’s on top still. I’m just saying.
The Bella Twins defeated Victoria & Michelle McCool
The Bella Twins win this match up, and cause havoc for Victoria and Michelle McCool. The twins are not that impressive to me at all, and I really don’t like them that much. Michelle McCool was a poor sport again and she attacked Victoria. McCool sucks, she’s not that good, but hey, I kind of like her attitude these days. This match wasn’t all that great, and while I enjoyed it, it wasn’t all hat great overall. The divas need a lot of work in ring before they match the prowess of the superior Tna Knockouts division.
Triple H defeated The Miz & Chavo Guerrero in a handicap match
Once again, Triple H was getting worked. He looked tired and while he did fight back a few times, he wasn’t winning the whole time. Miz and Guerrero did a fine job wrestling the former champ, but it was short lived. The Miz reached for Chavo, but Chavo left The Miz alone and Triple H capitalized. Triple H hit the Pedigree and BOOM it was over yet again. The Miz was left out there to dry, it was awesome, Triple H wins again…what a surprised huh?
The MVP Lounge had Mr. Kennedy as a guest, but midway through they repossessed MVP’s furniture, it was hilarious. The Boogeyman came out and plowed MVP into oblivion! MVP then nearly gets wormed, but manages to escape without it. The Boogeyman is insane, he looks freaky!
The Colon’s defeated The Brian Kendrick & Ezekiel Jackson
The Colon’s put their tag team championship titles on the line against The Brian Kendrick and Ezekiel Jackson! That’s right, they finally got a shot at the titles, creating a cool match up. The Colon’s looked brilliant in this match, creating such a great amount of distance between themselves and their opponents. Carlito hasn’t looked this good since he had the Intercontinental championship, or when he was feuding with Chris “The Masterpiece” Masters. Kendrick got the closest nearfall in history with a roll up, but it was Carlito that dropped Kendrick with the back stabber to win the match up and defend their titles! That’s right, Kendrick and Ezekiel DO NOT win this match up.
The Big Show defeated Triple H in a last man standing match
The Big Show took some major punishment at points in this match up, but it wasn’t enough to get the man down. Triple H suffered a beating to Triple H and after two other matches, Triple H just couldn’t hold on for a win. Triple H loses this match and Big show once again looked dominant. That’s right, Triple H isn’t superman, which is a real shocker to me. He can’t hold down the roster when he’s knocked out cold by The Big Show; Big Show beats Triple H on this night!
WWE Smackdown 1/9/09 Results
Triple H defeated John Morrison in a tables match
The Undertaker defeated Shelton Benjamin
The Bella Twins defeated Victoria & Michelle McCool
Triple H defeated The Miz & Chavo Guerrero in a handicap match
The Colon’s defeated The Brian Kendrick & Ezekiel Jackson
The Big Show defeated Triple H in a last man standing match
The overall show wasn’t all that bad. I liked it. Triple H can’t win all the time. The Jeff hardy angle is stupid. I can’t stand it. Seriously, it’s lame, I can’t believe that they are using this to introduce Christian. At least that’s what I’ve been reading online. Whatever the case is, they are trying way too hard to build a story line, and probably will force Hardy to drop the title.
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TNA Impact 1/8/09 Review and Results
It’s been a couple of weeks since I ventured into a full review of TNA and that’s all because they haven’t had a full show, until now. Hopefully in 2009 TNA doesn’t suck as bad as they were doing all last year. It’s been a tough road, but I’m sure they’ll figure something out.
Alex Shelley defeated Eric “Showtime” Young
The match opened up fast and furious. Shelley was all over Young, creating some high spots right out of the box. It started off quite well, and Shelley wasn’t letting up at all. All points were going for Alex Shelley as he was dropping bombs onto Eric Young. Young was definitely not doing so well in this match up, and it just seemed like he was jobbing, until Young turned things around with a quick counter out of the corner and just went for it! However, Chris Sabin turned things around for Shelley as he interfered, hitting Eric Young and allowing Shelley to hit sliced bread, creating another win for Alex Shelley in this x-division championship, semi-final match up.
Post match, Referee Shane was getting beat up by Sheik Abdul Bashir! However he went nuts and exploded, he started fighting back, and he might get fired? Whatever, he’s the best thing I’ve seen in a long time, and if he gets a match against Bashir, it would be rad. Jim Cornette fires Referee Shane, and turns him into a full time wrestler and he will get to wrestle Abdul Bashir one on one at Genesis!
Awesome Kong defeated Madison Rayne
Awesome Kong had an easy match against the new woman’s wrestler Madison Rayne. This wasn’t even close, Rayne didn’t get any offense in before getting dropped with the Awesome Bomb. Kong wins again, proving that she’s the biggest obstacle to the Women’s championship.
Matt Morgan defeated Robert Roode
I hate when wrestling shows do this, they split the tag teams and have singles match ups as a preliminary warm up to the weekend’s ppv tag team contest. Roode was doing great in this match, and while Morgan started this match with a lot more gusto, Roode was in control for the majority of this match up. Robert Roode either faked a knee injury or legitimately or tried to pull a fast one.
Jay “Black Machismo” Lethal & Consequences Creed defeated Beer Money Inc. for the the TNA Tag Team Championship Titles
Beer Money got thrown into an impromptu match thanks to feast or fired! The Tag team championship titles were on the line here, and this was definitely reminiscent of the WWE money in the bank match ups and opportunities. Lethal gets the last laugh in this match up as he trips up half of beer money into the steel briefcase, then uses the briefcase to knockout one of the members of Beer Money Inc. creating a NEW TNA World Tag Team Champions! Creed and Lethal are your new TNA Tag Team Champions!
Kurt Angle defeated BG James
I don’t know anyone that really thought BG James would win in this match against Kurt Angle. BG had a few hits in this match, but overall, Kurt Angle dominated this match up and really put the boots to BG. There wasn’t anything to this match other than a Kurt Angle highlight show. The Main Event Mafia comes out, sans Sting, and they bring out a chair, and stomp on it, trying to break the ankle of BG ala Brian Pillman and Stone Cold Steve Austin…remember that? You better remember.
Overall not a bad show, but not a great show. It seemed that there was just too much story and not enough wrestling, as usual.
Tna Impact 1/8/09 Results
Alex Shelley defeated Eric “Showtime” Young
Awesome Kong defeated Madison Rayne
Matt Morgan defeated Robert Roode
Jay “Black Machismo” Lethal & Consequences Creed defeated Beer Money Inc. for the the TNA Tag Team Championship Titles
Kurt Angle defeated BG James
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Alex Shelley defeated Eric “Showtime” Young
The match opened up fast and furious. Shelley was all over Young, creating some high spots right out of the box. It started off quite well, and Shelley wasn’t letting up at all. All points were going for Alex Shelley as he was dropping bombs onto Eric Young. Young was definitely not doing so well in this match up, and it just seemed like he was jobbing, until Young turned things around with a quick counter out of the corner and just went for it! However, Chris Sabin turned things around for Shelley as he interfered, hitting Eric Young and allowing Shelley to hit sliced bread, creating another win for Alex Shelley in this x-division championship, semi-final match up.
Post match, Referee Shane was getting beat up by Sheik Abdul Bashir! However he went nuts and exploded, he started fighting back, and he might get fired? Whatever, he’s the best thing I’ve seen in a long time, and if he gets a match against Bashir, it would be rad. Jim Cornette fires Referee Shane, and turns him into a full time wrestler and he will get to wrestle Abdul Bashir one on one at Genesis!
Awesome Kong defeated Madison Rayne
Awesome Kong had an easy match against the new woman’s wrestler Madison Rayne. This wasn’t even close, Rayne didn’t get any offense in before getting dropped with the Awesome Bomb. Kong wins again, proving that she’s the biggest obstacle to the Women’s championship.
Matt Morgan defeated Robert Roode
I hate when wrestling shows do this, they split the tag teams and have singles match ups as a preliminary warm up to the weekend’s ppv tag team contest. Roode was doing great in this match, and while Morgan started this match with a lot more gusto, Roode was in control for the majority of this match up. Robert Roode either faked a knee injury or legitimately or tried to pull a fast one.
Jay “Black Machismo” Lethal & Consequences Creed defeated Beer Money Inc. for the the TNA Tag Team Championship Titles
Beer Money got thrown into an impromptu match thanks to feast or fired! The Tag team championship titles were on the line here, and this was definitely reminiscent of the WWE money in the bank match ups and opportunities. Lethal gets the last laugh in this match up as he trips up half of beer money into the steel briefcase, then uses the briefcase to knockout one of the members of Beer Money Inc. creating a NEW TNA World Tag Team Champions! Creed and Lethal are your new TNA Tag Team Champions!
Kurt Angle defeated BG James
I don’t know anyone that really thought BG James would win in this match against Kurt Angle. BG had a few hits in this match, but overall, Kurt Angle dominated this match up and really put the boots to BG. There wasn’t anything to this match other than a Kurt Angle highlight show. The Main Event Mafia comes out, sans Sting, and they bring out a chair, and stomp on it, trying to break the ankle of BG ala Brian Pillman and Stone Cold Steve Austin…remember that? You better remember.
Overall not a bad show, but not a great show. It seemed that there was just too much story and not enough wrestling, as usual.
Tna Impact 1/8/09 Results
Alex Shelley defeated Eric “Showtime” Young
Awesome Kong defeated Madison Rayne
Matt Morgan defeated Robert Roode
Jay “Black Machismo” Lethal & Consequences Creed defeated Beer Money Inc. for the the TNA Tag Team Championship Titles
Kurt Angle defeated BG James
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