WWE Friday Night Smackdown 7/30/10 Results
Christian defeated Drew McIntyre
Big Show defeated Luke Gallows via dq
Dolph Ziggler defeated Kofi Kingston via dq
Michelle McCool defeated Tiffany
Jack Swagger vs Rey Mysterio
WWE Friday NIght Smackdown 7/30/10 Review
The show opened with a recap of last week's boring ass Kane promo. I'm tired of KANE and I'm tired of this thing leading to an Undertaker vs Kane battle....in fact, I'm sick of Smackdown.
The show had Kane cutting yet another promo, and it was stupid. I hate Kane.
Christian defeated Drew McIntyre
This match was given quite some time and it was interesting to see the back and forth movements from these two. Christian seemed like the obvious winner and McIntyre didn't really seem to be all there. Sure, he had a few great spots but nothing ppv quality. Christian was thrown into the ring post several times and I thought the standard Christian finish would've been given, but nope, he won with a roll up. Yep. A quick roll up finish for this one, and Christian wins. It was a fun match to watch, but I'm not sure why the match even took place.
Big Show defeated Luke Gallows via dq
This match sucked. Big SLOW sucks, and Luke Gallows is now a tired character. The Straightedge Society ganged up on Big SHow and beat him up and then tried to break his arm. That's the most of this match up. I guess Show will have a cast sooner than later. Whatever. This match was stupid, and I guess Show is going to take a break.
Dolph Ziggler defeated Kofi Kingston via dq
What is this a house show? This match was ok, I like Ziggler enough, but I've already seen this match. Ziggler managed to get some good offense, but it was Kofi that ended up getting the upper hand, so much so that he got himself disqualified. There's not much to say about this match other than it was your standard match up between these two. Oh well...Ziggler gets a shot at the Intercontinental championship.
Michelle McCool defeated Tiffany
This match was stupid. THe divas aren't that good, and even though Michelle McCool had to fight Tiffany a bit harder than other matches, this match ended with McCool winning. Hey, it's a divas match, not sure what people expected.
Jack Swagger vs Rey Mysterio
I'm not sure what the point of this match was. Yes it was NO DQ but it was stupid. THe match was fought out of the ring into the crowd into the Corpus Christi waters! Swagger ended up out int he ocean and yelling for help! Apparently Swagger couldn't swim? I don't know, Mysterio looked on and just watched him drown. I don't know...this is just stupid.
Kane came out and threw Mysterio into the water.
That was the end of Smackdown.
Worst smackdown in a long time.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
TNA Impact 7/29/10 Results and Review
TNA Impact 7/29/10 Results
Angelina Love defeated Sarita
Ink Inc defeated Orlando Jordan, a Mannequin and Erik Young
The Motor City Machine Guns defeated Beer Money in a steel cage match
Anderson & Hardy defeated Gunner, Murphy, and Matt Morgan
Rob Terry defeated kaz
Abyss defeated Tommy Dreamer in a hardcore match
TNA Impact 7/29/10 Review
The show started with Tommy Dreamer in ring with some other ECW alumni and they were talking about random crap. I don't know, but the crowd seemed to be going nuts for it.
Hogan came out and was for the whole ECW thing and then came out AByss to oppose them...I don't know, this whole thing was lame. Then the footage cut to backstage with the Beautiful People, and out of all of them, I like Madison Rayne best. Just sayin. There is a rift with them, and I'm not sure why they are continuing to build that team up.
Angelina Love defeated Sarita
I couldn't believe that we were seeing a throwback to the old Knockout division. This match had Sarita looking like a million bucks against Angelina Love. While the wrestling wasn't exactly the most technical in the world, the match did feature some greatness, and Sarita was starting to actually work and look good to me. Both as a wrestler and as a sexy woman...which is an odd thing to say, I know. That all being said, I don't like Angelina Love and her offense. Her head seems too big for her body and her fake boobs are ridiculous. She won this match after taking a large amount of offense, and I didn't care...at least there were some good points of interest.
Orlando Jordan and Erik Young are teaming up? What in the world? Lame. Who kidnapped SAMOA JOE???
Ink Inc defeated Orlando Jordan, a Mannequin and Erik Young
This was just a weird match up. Orlando jordan lost a squash match. Ink Inc beat up Orlando JOrdan and Erik Young brought a mannequin into the rin...and well, they tried to make it part of the match. I have no idea what the deal was, and it was just stupid to say the least. Erik Young is lame, fire him already.
Flair came out to introduce his new group and it seemed that beer Money was going to be the next two in the group. I don't know about you, but this whole thing sucked. The micwork sucks, and the group is taking a backseat to the ECW invasion, and I'm tired of the teasing and what not that has been part of this angle from the start. Aj Styles is ok, when he's not trying to imitate Flair. Kazarian sucks. Beer Money is good on their own, not with a group.
The Motor City Machine Guns defeated Beer Money in a steel cage match
THis match was your standard tag team match, only it was inside a steel cage. The best part about this match was that people were busted wide open! FINALLY SOME BLOOD! If you're going to have a cage match and the cage is going to act as a weapon, someone has to bleed. It doesn't have to be sick, but it adds a bit of flavor to the match that otherwise doesn't exist. As far as tag team steel cage matche sgo, there aren't a lot of them, but this one was definitely up to snuff. I liked it, and though it wasn't as great as the one that Steve Austin & Brian Pillman had againts Ricky Steamboat & Shane Douglas, this was definitely one of the best television matches I've seen in a long time. This thing went back and forth and I thought for sure Beer Money had it several times, and I thought for sure The Machine Guns were going over, but it took time and nearfalls and blood spilled, before this thing finally came to a close. With an accidental beer bottle to the head of the Robert Roode, this match was over with a nice ending to one of the best matches I've seen on free television in a long time.
Mr. Anderson and Matt Morgan brawled in ring with a mic. I liked this segment and it finally gave Morgan a dominant position against a more serious opponent. Jeff Hardy ran down to save Anerson from more abuse, and it lookedl ike Morgan is back to his giant status, although, he did get pummeled by Fat Ass Jeff Hardy.
Rob Terry defeated Kaz
A squash match that ended in twenty seconds...not sure why they had this match.
Anderson & Hardy defeated Gunner, Murphy, and Matt Morgan
Two security guys fought Anderson and Hardy? THis was just stupid to me, and I'm not sure what was the whole poitn of this. It was just another lame match, and Anderson and Hardy won, that's that. Morgan left the ring before anything crazy went down.
RVD and Abyss brawled and that prompted Tommy Dreamer to come out for a match.
Abyss defeated Tommy Dreamer in a hardcore match
Tommy Dreamer, for having a torn mcl, sure found a way to make it through a hardcore match with Abyss. I'm not sure why TNA made this the main event, and for the most part it was just Abyss getting the hell kicked out of him with a variety of weapons. Tommy didn't take a lot of punishment at first, but eventually (as I knew would happen) took some damage. Abyss sucks, but I guess this match wasn't the worst thing in the entire world, it just doesn't make sense to me why TNA would put so much effort into former ECW guys, especially now. Plus, I thought Dreamer wanted to retire? Whatever. The match eventually ended with Abyss slamming Dreamer into a barbed wire board, and that was that.
Raven ran down with a chair. Raven's fat now.
Raven then turned on Tommy Dreamer. He hit the EVenflow DDT on Tommy Dreamer and that was that...I guess.
Angelina Love defeated Sarita
Ink Inc defeated Orlando Jordan, a Mannequin and Erik Young
The Motor City Machine Guns defeated Beer Money in a steel cage match
Anderson & Hardy defeated Gunner, Murphy, and Matt Morgan
Rob Terry defeated kaz
Abyss defeated Tommy Dreamer in a hardcore match
TNA Impact 7/29/10 Review
The show started with Tommy Dreamer in ring with some other ECW alumni and they were talking about random crap. I don't know, but the crowd seemed to be going nuts for it.
Hogan came out and was for the whole ECW thing and then came out AByss to oppose them...I don't know, this whole thing was lame. Then the footage cut to backstage with the Beautiful People, and out of all of them, I like Madison Rayne best. Just sayin. There is a rift with them, and I'm not sure why they are continuing to build that team up.
Angelina Love defeated Sarita
I couldn't believe that we were seeing a throwback to the old Knockout division. This match had Sarita looking like a million bucks against Angelina Love. While the wrestling wasn't exactly the most technical in the world, the match did feature some greatness, and Sarita was starting to actually work and look good to me. Both as a wrestler and as a sexy woman...which is an odd thing to say, I know. That all being said, I don't like Angelina Love and her offense. Her head seems too big for her body and her fake boobs are ridiculous. She won this match after taking a large amount of offense, and I didn't care...at least there were some good points of interest.
Orlando Jordan and Erik Young are teaming up? What in the world? Lame. Who kidnapped SAMOA JOE???
Ink Inc defeated Orlando Jordan, a Mannequin and Erik Young
This was just a weird match up. Orlando jordan lost a squash match. Ink Inc beat up Orlando JOrdan and Erik Young brought a mannequin into the rin...and well, they tried to make it part of the match. I have no idea what the deal was, and it was just stupid to say the least. Erik Young is lame, fire him already.
Flair came out to introduce his new group and it seemed that beer Money was going to be the next two in the group. I don't know about you, but this whole thing sucked. The micwork sucks, and the group is taking a backseat to the ECW invasion, and I'm tired of the teasing and what not that has been part of this angle from the start. Aj Styles is ok, when he's not trying to imitate Flair. Kazarian sucks. Beer Money is good on their own, not with a group.
The Motor City Machine Guns defeated Beer Money in a steel cage match
THis match was your standard tag team match, only it was inside a steel cage. The best part about this match was that people were busted wide open! FINALLY SOME BLOOD! If you're going to have a cage match and the cage is going to act as a weapon, someone has to bleed. It doesn't have to be sick, but it adds a bit of flavor to the match that otherwise doesn't exist. As far as tag team steel cage matche sgo, there aren't a lot of them, but this one was definitely up to snuff. I liked it, and though it wasn't as great as the one that Steve Austin & Brian Pillman had againts Ricky Steamboat & Shane Douglas, this was definitely one of the best television matches I've seen in a long time. This thing went back and forth and I thought for sure Beer Money had it several times, and I thought for sure The Machine Guns were going over, but it took time and nearfalls and blood spilled, before this thing finally came to a close. With an accidental beer bottle to the head of the Robert Roode, this match was over with a nice ending to one of the best matches I've seen on free television in a long time.
Mr. Anderson and Matt Morgan brawled in ring with a mic. I liked this segment and it finally gave Morgan a dominant position against a more serious opponent. Jeff Hardy ran down to save Anerson from more abuse, and it lookedl ike Morgan is back to his giant status, although, he did get pummeled by Fat Ass Jeff Hardy.
Rob Terry defeated Kaz
A squash match that ended in twenty seconds...not sure why they had this match.
Anderson & Hardy defeated Gunner, Murphy, and Matt Morgan
Two security guys fought Anderson and Hardy? THis was just stupid to me, and I'm not sure what was the whole poitn of this. It was just another lame match, and Anderson and Hardy won, that's that. Morgan left the ring before anything crazy went down.
RVD and Abyss brawled and that prompted Tommy Dreamer to come out for a match.
Abyss defeated Tommy Dreamer in a hardcore match
Tommy Dreamer, for having a torn mcl, sure found a way to make it through a hardcore match with Abyss. I'm not sure why TNA made this the main event, and for the most part it was just Abyss getting the hell kicked out of him with a variety of weapons. Tommy didn't take a lot of punishment at first, but eventually (as I knew would happen) took some damage. Abyss sucks, but I guess this match wasn't the worst thing in the entire world, it just doesn't make sense to me why TNA would put so much effort into former ECW guys, especially now. Plus, I thought Dreamer wanted to retire? Whatever. The match eventually ended with Abyss slamming Dreamer into a barbed wire board, and that was that.
Raven ran down with a chair. Raven's fat now.
Raven then turned on Tommy Dreamer. He hit the EVenflow DDT on Tommy Dreamer and that was that...I guess.
angelina love,
beer money,
erik young,
ink inc,
jeff hardy,
ken anderson,
matt morgan,
motor city machine guns,
orlando jordan,
rob terry,
tna impact results,
tommy dreamer
WWE Superstars 7/29/10 Results and Review
WWE Superstars 7/29/10 Results
Croft defeated Chris Masters
Kozlov & Santino defeated William Regal & Primo Colon
MVP defeated Chavo Guerrero
WWE Superstars 7/29/10 Review
Another week another round up of reviews and results, and here it is, the latest and greatest from the show that is called WWE SUPERSTARS.
Kozlov & Santino defeated William Regal & Primo Colon
The wwe keeps showcasing this match, and I swear I've seen it a few times alerady. Regal keeps getting shoved into joke tag matches, and Santino and Kozlov apparently are a force to be reckon with. Maybe they'll get the tag titles, I don't know. This match was ok at best, Primo is still got some quality moves, if only they would showcase him more.
Croft defeated Chris Masters
The dudebusters are the worst tag team in wrestling today. Chris Masters looked like he was having an easy time with Croft and it just looked too easy at times.After a few near falls, it looked like Masters hurt himself and lost this match, and that was that. I don't care, you don't care, this match sucked.
MVP defeated Chavo Guerrero
I was surprised to see the WWE give Chavo such a long match against MVP. MVP was in control for a good portion of this match, with Chavo getting a little offense in here and there. Chavo has new shorter trunks, which is similar to his WCW career. MVP got the win in the end and for what it was, the match wasn't terrible.
This night of Superstars was nothing too incredible, but not a complete waste of time. There are no major plot points, and the end match was at least entertaining.
Croft defeated Chris Masters
Kozlov & Santino defeated William Regal & Primo Colon
MVP defeated Chavo Guerrero
WWE Superstars 7/29/10 Review
Another week another round up of reviews and results, and here it is, the latest and greatest from the show that is called WWE SUPERSTARS.
Kozlov & Santino defeated William Regal & Primo Colon
The wwe keeps showcasing this match, and I swear I've seen it a few times alerady. Regal keeps getting shoved into joke tag matches, and Santino and Kozlov apparently are a force to be reckon with. Maybe they'll get the tag titles, I don't know. This match was ok at best, Primo is still got some quality moves, if only they would showcase him more.
Croft defeated Chris Masters
The dudebusters are the worst tag team in wrestling today. Chris Masters looked like he was having an easy time with Croft and it just looked too easy at times.After a few near falls, it looked like Masters hurt himself and lost this match, and that was that. I don't care, you don't care, this match sucked.
MVP defeated Chavo Guerrero
I was surprised to see the WWE give Chavo such a long match against MVP. MVP was in control for a good portion of this match, with Chavo getting a little offense in here and there. Chavo has new shorter trunks, which is similar to his WCW career. MVP got the win in the end and for what it was, the match wasn't terrible.
This night of Superstars was nothing too incredible, but not a complete waste of time. There are no major plot points, and the end match was at least entertaining.
caylen croft,
chavo guerrero,
chris masters,
primo colon,
william regal,
wwe superstars
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
WWE NXT 7/26/10 Results and Review
WWE NXT 7/26/10 Results
Percy Watson defeated Zack Ryder
McGullicutty defeated Eli Cottonwood
Husky Harris defeated Kaval
WWE NXT 7/26/10 Review
There is supposed to be an elimination on this show, and that was the only reason why anyone was remotely interested. I think all of them could be eliminated, especially Eli Cottonwood, but whatever...let's see what happened.
The rookies all got on the mic, and tried to talk about random crap and why they shouldn't get eliminated, but we'd find out later tonight.
Percy Watson defeated Zack Ryder
Zack Ryder fought an ok match considering he was facing a rookie. Watson has some hops and nice skill overall, and he even showcased it upon winning this match up against Zack Ryder. It was interesting to see that Watson actually won this one with a nice move set and funny movements. Ryder, I guess is just another jobber.
McGullicutty defeated Eli Cottonwood
Cottonwood sucks. McGullicutty wins this one after a nice swinging neck breaker. Overall this match just showed how bad Cottonwood is, which is bad. He's just a tall goof, and not really impressive. Oh well.
Husky Harris defeated Kaval
Kaval and Harris are definitely two standout wrestlers in this season of NXT. Husky can really move, which is interesting to see. Kaval took some major offense, and eventually got crushed under the weight of Husky. This definitely was a good one, even with Laycool's interference.
The rankings came out and the last place finishers would get eliminated. Eli Cottonwood was the one eliminated and rightfully so, he sucks. Get him out of here!
This night of NXT wasn't all that great, and it seemed interesting that Husky was near the bottom. Eli Cottonwood got into a brawl with the other members after the announcement was made. Then the other guys started fighting each other as well, and the brawling brought back Cottonwood which might set up another Nexus?
Percy Watson defeated Zack Ryder
McGullicutty defeated Eli Cottonwood
Husky Harris defeated Kaval
WWE NXT 7/26/10 Review
There is supposed to be an elimination on this show, and that was the only reason why anyone was remotely interested. I think all of them could be eliminated, especially Eli Cottonwood, but whatever...let's see what happened.
The rookies all got on the mic, and tried to talk about random crap and why they shouldn't get eliminated, but we'd find out later tonight.
Percy Watson defeated Zack Ryder
Zack Ryder fought an ok match considering he was facing a rookie. Watson has some hops and nice skill overall, and he even showcased it upon winning this match up against Zack Ryder. It was interesting to see that Watson actually won this one with a nice move set and funny movements. Ryder, I guess is just another jobber.
McGullicutty defeated Eli Cottonwood
Cottonwood sucks. McGullicutty wins this one after a nice swinging neck breaker. Overall this match just showed how bad Cottonwood is, which is bad. He's just a tall goof, and not really impressive. Oh well.
Husky Harris defeated Kaval
Kaval and Harris are definitely two standout wrestlers in this season of NXT. Husky can really move, which is interesting to see. Kaval took some major offense, and eventually got crushed under the weight of Husky. This definitely was a good one, even with Laycool's interference.
The rankings came out and the last place finishers would get eliminated. Eli Cottonwood was the one eliminated and rightfully so, he sucks. Get him out of here!
This night of NXT wasn't all that great, and it seemed interesting that Husky was near the bottom. Eli Cottonwood got into a brawl with the other members after the announcement was made. Then the other guys started fighting each other as well, and the brawling brought back Cottonwood which might set up another Nexus?
husky harris,
percy watson,
wwe nxt
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
WWE Monday Night Raw 7/26/10 Results and Review
WWE Monday Night Raw 7/26/10 Results
Randy Orton defeated 1 Of the USO Brothers
Edge vs The Great Khali
The Nexus defeated Yoshi Tatsu, Evan Bourne, King Jerry Lawler, The Hart Dynasty, Goldust and Mark Henry
Alicia Fox defeated 1 of the Bellas
Ted Dibiase defeated John Morrison
The Miz & Sheamus defeated John Cena & Chris Jericho
WWE Monday Night Raw 7/26/10 Review
The show started with John Cena in ring, after a long promo that recapped the last few weeks. John Cena cut a random promo about Nexus...whatever...who cares.
Chris Jericho came out and helped Cena cut a promo. Sadly, I didn't care, despite the loud chants from the crowd. Jericho and Cena talked about random crap and how Cena wasn't quite different than Nexus....whatever...I hate this crap.
The GM chimed in, and said that Nexus would fight in an elimination match and Chris Jericho & John Cena would fight together as a team....oh man, I'm already bored.
Randy Orton defeated 1 Of the USO Brothers
I didn't take the time to remember the USO brother that fought against Orton here. It's not important, and NO ONE CARES ABOUT THE USOS therefore, I just took this match for what it was; a jobber match. An RKO was hit and this match was over...who cares. Sheamus was watching, and gets paid to do nothing tonight.
Orton was jumped by one of the USO brothers and then Sheamus jumped in to attack but was thwarted by Orton. Orton hit a huge RKO and knocked out Sheamus.
THE MIZ ran down and was about to cash in the briefcase and he did!
I admit, I MARKED OUT HUGE! THE MIZ CASHED IN! THE MIZ CASHED IN! Orton came in and hit an RKO on THE MIZ and he was knocked out solid!
RKO once again hits! The cash in is done....dang....dang....I marked out huge, I've never been this excited in the modern era of wrestling.
The Summerslam rewind was The Honky Tonk Man from the 80's and my favorite moment as well. Ultimate Warrior winning the Intercontinental Championship!
Edge vs The Great Khali
The Great Khali and Edge put on a slow moving match up, and was interrupted by The Nexus. Edge ran away and that was that.
The Nexus got in the ring and no one did anything...they just stood there and Khali left.
The Nexus defeated Yoshi Tatsu, Evan Bourne, King Jerry Lawler, The Hart Dynasty, Goldust and Mark Henry
The Nexus won this match with relative ease. All members got some moves in and everyone was squashed. It was a sad state of affairs, and unfortunately, once again, at the cost of many up and coming stars. Bourne was the last to be eliminated and he got torn apart in the end. Too bad for him. Nexus is like NEW WORLD ORDER LITE right now, and they continue to just beat up everyone....oh well.
Alicia Fox defeated 1 of the Bellas
Alicia Fox wins again...I hate the divas division.
Ted Dibiase defeated John Morrison
John Morrison had this thing sewn up, and I couldn't believe how good he was in this match up. Dibiase was flopping all over the ring and at one point it looked like he was knocked out silly. Dibiase and Maryse tried to interfere but Morrison was helped by R Truth on the outside. After a failed cheating pinfall, Morrison and Truth collided and Dibiase got the win. Not a terrible match, but not exactly a great win.
Post match, Morrison and R Truth got into a heated debate and it looked bad. Morrison walked away and basically said Truth was not his friend...ouch.
The Miz & Sheamus defeated John Cena & Chris Jericho
This odd-couple tag team is a WWE tradition to end raw. I didn't care for it, as I am not buying either story lines, aside from the Miz cashing in all the time. This match was your standard tag team fare with no one getting an upper hand over the other until the end of the match up with Super Cena getting the crowd going and hitting all his moves. Jericho turned on Cena and hit the codebreaker and Miz and Sheamus got the win!
Post match, Cena and Jericho were fighting. Then Khali came out to calm things down and Edge came out and speared Khali. Then Truth and Morrison came out and were fighting. The whole Team Cena fighting thing was funny....wow...should make for an interesting Summerslam.
Randy Orton defeated 1 Of the USO Brothers
Edge vs The Great Khali
The Nexus defeated Yoshi Tatsu, Evan Bourne, King Jerry Lawler, The Hart Dynasty, Goldust and Mark Henry
Alicia Fox defeated 1 of the Bellas
Ted Dibiase defeated John Morrison
The Miz & Sheamus defeated John Cena & Chris Jericho
WWE Monday Night Raw 7/26/10 Review
The show started with John Cena in ring, after a long promo that recapped the last few weeks. John Cena cut a random promo about Nexus...whatever...who cares.
Chris Jericho came out and helped Cena cut a promo. Sadly, I didn't care, despite the loud chants from the crowd. Jericho and Cena talked about random crap and how Cena wasn't quite different than Nexus....whatever...I hate this crap.
The GM chimed in, and said that Nexus would fight in an elimination match and Chris Jericho & John Cena would fight together as a team....oh man, I'm already bored.
Randy Orton defeated 1 Of the USO Brothers
I didn't take the time to remember the USO brother that fought against Orton here. It's not important, and NO ONE CARES ABOUT THE USOS therefore, I just took this match for what it was; a jobber match. An RKO was hit and this match was over...who cares. Sheamus was watching, and gets paid to do nothing tonight.
Orton was jumped by one of the USO brothers and then Sheamus jumped in to attack but was thwarted by Orton. Orton hit a huge RKO and knocked out Sheamus.
THE MIZ ran down and was about to cash in the briefcase and he did!
I admit, I MARKED OUT HUGE! THE MIZ CASHED IN! THE MIZ CASHED IN! Orton came in and hit an RKO on THE MIZ and he was knocked out solid!
RKO once again hits! The cash in is done....dang....dang....I marked out huge, I've never been this excited in the modern era of wrestling.
The Summerslam rewind was The Honky Tonk Man from the 80's and my favorite moment as well. Ultimate Warrior winning the Intercontinental Championship!
Edge vs The Great Khali
The Great Khali and Edge put on a slow moving match up, and was interrupted by The Nexus. Edge ran away and that was that.
The Nexus got in the ring and no one did anything...they just stood there and Khali left.
The Nexus defeated Yoshi Tatsu, Evan Bourne, King Jerry Lawler, The Hart Dynasty, Goldust and Mark Henry
The Nexus won this match with relative ease. All members got some moves in and everyone was squashed. It was a sad state of affairs, and unfortunately, once again, at the cost of many up and coming stars. Bourne was the last to be eliminated and he got torn apart in the end. Too bad for him. Nexus is like NEW WORLD ORDER LITE right now, and they continue to just beat up everyone....oh well.
Alicia Fox defeated 1 of the Bellas
Alicia Fox wins again...I hate the divas division.
Ted Dibiase defeated John Morrison
John Morrison had this thing sewn up, and I couldn't believe how good he was in this match up. Dibiase was flopping all over the ring and at one point it looked like he was knocked out silly. Dibiase and Maryse tried to interfere but Morrison was helped by R Truth on the outside. After a failed cheating pinfall, Morrison and Truth collided and Dibiase got the win. Not a terrible match, but not exactly a great win.
Post match, Morrison and R Truth got into a heated debate and it looked bad. Morrison walked away and basically said Truth was not his friend...ouch.
The Miz & Sheamus defeated John Cena & Chris Jericho
This odd-couple tag team is a WWE tradition to end raw. I didn't care for it, as I am not buying either story lines, aside from the Miz cashing in all the time. This match was your standard tag team fare with no one getting an upper hand over the other until the end of the match up with Super Cena getting the crowd going and hitting all his moves. Jericho turned on Cena and hit the codebreaker and Miz and Sheamus got the win!
Post match, Cena and Jericho were fighting. Then Khali came out to calm things down and Edge came out and speared Khali. Then Truth and Morrison came out and were fighting. The whole Team Cena fighting thing was funny....wow...should make for an interesting Summerslam.
chris jericho,
evan bourne,
great khali,
hart dynasty,
john cena,
king jerry lawler,
monday night raw,
randy orton,
the miz,
yoshi tatsu
Saturday, July 24, 2010
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 7/23/10 Results and Review
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 7/23/10 Results
Dashing Cody Rhodes & Drew McIntyre defeated Christian & Matt Hardy
Dolph Ziggler defeated Kofi Kingston
Big Show defeated Joey Mercury
Rey Mysterio defeated Jack Swagger
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 7/23/10 Review
Another week, another set of reviews about to be finished, this is what I thought of Smackdown and what happened.
Kane started the show as the new champion, and I couldn't care less. I don't care about the Undertaker being dead, or Kane as champion, I just don't care. The Big Slow machine sucks, there I said it.
Dashing Cody Rhodes & Drew McIntyre defeated Christian & Matt Hardy
This match was slow moving, and while it was given time, I didn't care. These guys suck. The only person that is remotely interesting is Dashing Cody Rhodes. The match was your standard tag team fare, with both teams getting good overall offense, and the match ending with Hardy hitting Christian on accident and losing the match for his team.
Post match both Hardy and Christian shook hands and that was that.
Dolph Ziggler defeated Kofi Kingston
Two up and coming WWE main eventers, here, well...that's a stretch. This match was your standard back and forth match up, and it felt like I've already seen this match countless time before. Kofi's style worked well with Zigglers bumps and offense. I liked the match with Ziggler going over after taking a lot of punishment from Kingston in the late stages of this match. Is it just me or are there a lot of “clotheslines” in Kingston's offense? Vickie Guerrero helped distract Kofi and Ziggler hit the Zig-Zag and won this one. I didn't hate the match, and Ziggler continues to move up the WWE ladder.
Big Show defeated Joey Mercury
Joey Mercury wrestled the Big Show and actually got some offense in on the giant. However, the Big Show won this one with relative ease. The mask was taken off the masked man in the Straightedge Society and this match was easily over. Show wins again, and the Straightedge Society looks to be dying before our eyes.
Rey Mysterio defeated Jack Swagger
This was just part 2 of their ppv match, and once again Jack Swagger couldn't beat Rey Mysterio. Sure, there were some hard shots by Swagger on Mysterio, but overall, this match was just another match for these two. Swagger couldn't win here, and I knew he wouldn't, and Mysterio will go on to Summerslam. So far, this night of smackdown was boring me. This was a 2 out of 3 falls match and was just boring to me. I don't care that much about smackdown these days.
Dashing Cody Rhodes & Drew McIntyre defeated Christian & Matt Hardy
Dolph Ziggler defeated Kofi Kingston
Big Show defeated Joey Mercury
Rey Mysterio defeated Jack Swagger
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 7/23/10 Review
Another week, another set of reviews about to be finished, this is what I thought of Smackdown and what happened.
Kane started the show as the new champion, and I couldn't care less. I don't care about the Undertaker being dead, or Kane as champion, I just don't care. The Big Slow machine sucks, there I said it.
Dashing Cody Rhodes & Drew McIntyre defeated Christian & Matt Hardy
This match was slow moving, and while it was given time, I didn't care. These guys suck. The only person that is remotely interesting is Dashing Cody Rhodes. The match was your standard tag team fare, with both teams getting good overall offense, and the match ending with Hardy hitting Christian on accident and losing the match for his team.
Post match both Hardy and Christian shook hands and that was that.
Dolph Ziggler defeated Kofi Kingston
Two up and coming WWE main eventers, here, well...that's a stretch. This match was your standard back and forth match up, and it felt like I've already seen this match countless time before. Kofi's style worked well with Zigglers bumps and offense. I liked the match with Ziggler going over after taking a lot of punishment from Kingston in the late stages of this match. Is it just me or are there a lot of “clotheslines” in Kingston's offense? Vickie Guerrero helped distract Kofi and Ziggler hit the Zig-Zag and won this one. I didn't hate the match, and Ziggler continues to move up the WWE ladder.
Big Show defeated Joey Mercury
Joey Mercury wrestled the Big Show and actually got some offense in on the giant. However, the Big Show won this one with relative ease. The mask was taken off the masked man in the Straightedge Society and this match was easily over. Show wins again, and the Straightedge Society looks to be dying before our eyes.
Rey Mysterio defeated Jack Swagger
This was just part 2 of their ppv match, and once again Jack Swagger couldn't beat Rey Mysterio. Sure, there were some hard shots by Swagger on Mysterio, but overall, this match was just another match for these two. Swagger couldn't win here, and I knew he wouldn't, and Mysterio will go on to Summerslam. So far, this night of smackdown was boring me. This was a 2 out of 3 falls match and was just boring to me. I don't care that much about smackdown these days.
Friday, July 23, 2010
TNA Impact 7/22/10 Results and Review
TNA Impact 7/22/10 Results
Aj Styles defeated Rob Terry For the Global Title
Taylor Wilde & Angelina Love defeated Sarita & Madison Rayne
Kurt Angle defeated Super Mex
Jeff Hardy vs Samoa Joe fought to a time limit draw
Mr. Anderson defeated Matt Morgan
Beer Money defeated The Motor City Machine Guns in a street fight
TNA Impact 7/22/10 Review
The show opened up yet again with another promo of Abyss and it sucked. I hated it. It's stupid. ABYSS IS THE WORST TNA WRESTLER EVER! FIRE ALL THE TNA WRITERS FOR PROMOTING ABYSS!
FIRE ALL THE TNAWRITERS FOR THIS ECW invasion.....man, I'm so tired.
Extreme Invitation is the name of the show....I'm tired. Argh!
Aj Styles defeated Rob Terry For the Global Title
I know a lot of people hate Rob Terry, but I like him. I like that he's jacked and a freak. I like how others can really “bump” to his move set, which is really powerful. It's all run and gun not much else. I like it. Kaz was at ringside, and Styles was having a hard time with Terry early on. Terry was throwing AJ around quite well and I liked it. I like the throwback to simpler wrestling times with larger than life muscular wrestlers. Styles won after reversing a suplex and getting Kaz to hold Terry's leg. Not a bad ending, but not a great match up either. I liked it, it just wasn't insane.
Taylor Wilde & Angelina Love defeated Sarita & Madison Rayne
**Earl Hebner told Angelina Love that she was no longer the Knockouts Champion since they couldn't prove who was the one that interfered. No one cares about that title.
This match was interesting to me, only because I like Taylor Wilde...i'd “hit dat” if you know what I mean. Just sayin. Alright, this match was your standard match up featuring the women. It had less botches than usual, and there were a few nice spots. Sarita has some skills that's for sure, and the only highlight was seeing Sarita and Taylor Wilde try to put on some legit wrestling. I was hoping for a wardrobe malfunction, but oh well. Aneglina Love won this match, but it wasn't great.
Post match, the Motorcycle Rider showed up, helped the beautiful people and then left with Sarita, the Motorcycle girl and Taylor Wilde. Whatever.
Kurt Angle defeated Super Mex
Super Mex had this match won at several moments in the match. There were some sick moves shown here, and Hernandez looked really confident at different stages but out of nowhere Angle started to show signs of life. He hit the Angle Slam and this one looked like yet another win for Angle. Angle missed the moonsault which was interesting, and even though I knew who the winner would be, I was intrigued to see how much offense Hernandez got in before Angle squeeked by yet another ranked wrestler. Hernandez eventually tapped out to the Ankle Lock Submission.
Kevin Nash was in ring and wanted to talk to Jeff Jarrett. The two squared off with mic's in the ring.
Jeff Hardy vs Samoa Joe fought to a time limit draw
Samoa Joe was dominant for a good part of this match. For whatever reason, Jeff hardy continues to get put into ppv caliber match ups, but isn't given nearly enough time to make it interesting. Joe is interesting to watch, when there's a reason to, but right now, I don't care. WHO KIDNAPPED SAMOA JOE???? WHO KIDNAPPED HIM? I don't care. Hardy sucks. This match was half-speed for a lot of moments. Joe was able to maintain a good sense of in-ring presence and this match was given a time limit so it was interesting to see if the two were trying to just match the limit. The guys ended up fighting each other fast towards the end and they fought to a 15 limit draw.
I liked that they fought to a limit. That'll set up a future ppv match up, for sure.
Mr. Anderson defeated Matt Morgan
Mr. Anderson fought the near 7 footer in this match and looked like he was going down for the count. I thought for sure Morgan was going over here, but after a few minutes of Anderson playing hurt, he eventually hit the Mic Check and this thing was over.
Matt Morgan knocked out Anderson with the mic and bloodied him. Morgan sucks now.
Beer Money defeated The Motor City Machine Guns in a street fight
I'm sick of these two teams, I'm sorry. The guys brawled in a street fight match up and I liked it. I like street fights, so I went with it. The Machine Guns were fighting a good fight overall but beer Money stole the match after using the broken beer bottle and a super kick. I liked it. I liked several key big moves and tandem moves, alongside the cheating ways of Beer Money, now if only there were more teams to give the division a little more depth.
Dixie Carter was in ring with a mic and out came the former ECW guys and Mick Foley.
Dixie on the mic sucks....argh...the old-ass ecw guys are just old...it's kind of pathetic to see, just sayin. This was stupid, and I was yawning so hard...no one cares about these ecw guys, no one cares! Come on! FIRE ALL THE TNA WRITERS!
So, apparently there will be a one night stand? Or something? I don't know, the ending didn't make sense to me.
Aj Styles defeated Rob Terry For the Global Title
Taylor Wilde & Angelina Love defeated Sarita & Madison Rayne
Kurt Angle defeated Super Mex
Jeff Hardy vs Samoa Joe fought to a time limit draw
Mr. Anderson defeated Matt Morgan
Beer Money defeated The Motor City Machine Guns in a street fight
TNA Impact 7/22/10 Review
The show opened up yet again with another promo of Abyss and it sucked. I hated it. It's stupid. ABYSS IS THE WORST TNA WRESTLER EVER! FIRE ALL THE TNA WRITERS FOR PROMOTING ABYSS!
FIRE ALL THE TNAWRITERS FOR THIS ECW invasion.....man, I'm so tired.
Extreme Invitation is the name of the show....I'm tired. Argh!
Aj Styles defeated Rob Terry For the Global Title
I know a lot of people hate Rob Terry, but I like him. I like that he's jacked and a freak. I like how others can really “bump” to his move set, which is really powerful. It's all run and gun not much else. I like it. Kaz was at ringside, and Styles was having a hard time with Terry early on. Terry was throwing AJ around quite well and I liked it. I like the throwback to simpler wrestling times with larger than life muscular wrestlers. Styles won after reversing a suplex and getting Kaz to hold Terry's leg. Not a bad ending, but not a great match up either. I liked it, it just wasn't insane.
Taylor Wilde & Angelina Love defeated Sarita & Madison Rayne
**Earl Hebner told Angelina Love that she was no longer the Knockouts Champion since they couldn't prove who was the one that interfered. No one cares about that title.
This match was interesting to me, only because I like Taylor Wilde...i'd “hit dat” if you know what I mean. Just sayin. Alright, this match was your standard match up featuring the women. It had less botches than usual, and there were a few nice spots. Sarita has some skills that's for sure, and the only highlight was seeing Sarita and Taylor Wilde try to put on some legit wrestling. I was hoping for a wardrobe malfunction, but oh well. Aneglina Love won this match, but it wasn't great.
Post match, the Motorcycle Rider showed up, helped the beautiful people and then left with Sarita, the Motorcycle girl and Taylor Wilde. Whatever.
Kurt Angle defeated Super Mex
Super Mex had this match won at several moments in the match. There were some sick moves shown here, and Hernandez looked really confident at different stages but out of nowhere Angle started to show signs of life. He hit the Angle Slam and this one looked like yet another win for Angle. Angle missed the moonsault which was interesting, and even though I knew who the winner would be, I was intrigued to see how much offense Hernandez got in before Angle squeeked by yet another ranked wrestler. Hernandez eventually tapped out to the Ankle Lock Submission.
Kevin Nash was in ring and wanted to talk to Jeff Jarrett. The two squared off with mic's in the ring.
Jeff Hardy vs Samoa Joe fought to a time limit draw
Samoa Joe was dominant for a good part of this match. For whatever reason, Jeff hardy continues to get put into ppv caliber match ups, but isn't given nearly enough time to make it interesting. Joe is interesting to watch, when there's a reason to, but right now, I don't care. WHO KIDNAPPED SAMOA JOE???? WHO KIDNAPPED HIM? I don't care. Hardy sucks. This match was half-speed for a lot of moments. Joe was able to maintain a good sense of in-ring presence and this match was given a time limit so it was interesting to see if the two were trying to just match the limit. The guys ended up fighting each other fast towards the end and they fought to a 15 limit draw.
I liked that they fought to a limit. That'll set up a future ppv match up, for sure.
Mr. Anderson defeated Matt Morgan
Mr. Anderson fought the near 7 footer in this match and looked like he was going down for the count. I thought for sure Morgan was going over here, but after a few minutes of Anderson playing hurt, he eventually hit the Mic Check and this thing was over.
Matt Morgan knocked out Anderson with the mic and bloodied him. Morgan sucks now.
Beer Money defeated The Motor City Machine Guns in a street fight
I'm sick of these two teams, I'm sorry. The guys brawled in a street fight match up and I liked it. I like street fights, so I went with it. The Machine Guns were fighting a good fight overall but beer Money stole the match after using the broken beer bottle and a super kick. I liked it. I liked several key big moves and tandem moves, alongside the cheating ways of Beer Money, now if only there were more teams to give the division a little more depth.
Dixie Carter was in ring with a mic and out came the former ECW guys and Mick Foley.
Dixie on the mic sucks....argh...the old-ass ecw guys are just old...it's kind of pathetic to see, just sayin. This was stupid, and I was yawning so hard...no one cares about these ecw guys, no one cares! Come on! FIRE ALL THE TNA WRITERS!
So, apparently there will be a one night stand? Or something? I don't know, the ending didn't make sense to me.
aj styles,
angelina love,
beer money,
ken anderson,
kurt angle,
madison rayne,
matt morgan,
motor city machine guns,
rob terry,
taylor wilde,
tna impact results,
tommy dreamer
WWE Superstars 7/22/10 Results and Review
WWE Superstars 7/22/10 Results
MVP and Chris Masters defeated The Dudebusters
Chavo Guerrero defeated JTG
Primo defeated Yoshi Tatsu
The Hart Dynasty defeated The USOS
WWE Superstars 7/22/10 Review
Here we go, another episode of Superstars.
MVP and Chris Masters defeated The Dudebusters
This match wasn't much to talk about. The Dudebusters are working well together, but it's too bad they aren't on a bigger show. Mvp & Masters was just a random hot shot team and they actually did well working this match up to their advantage. The match sounded like the WWE funneled in cheering, but that was just me. Masters got the Masterlock in and then threw his opponent out of the ring and let MVP hit the Playmaker and that was that. This match was fast, easy to watch, and executed perfectly.
Chavo Guerrero defeated JTG
I feel like we've already seen this match many times over. JTG had a few moments in this match, but it was all Chavo here. Chavo eventually set up the former Cryme Tyme dude with a Frogsplash and won. The crowd was semi-into the match up and he actually got a small response. Maybe that's what they are doing with Chavo here, getting a few fans behind him. JTG continues to fall, and he'll be future endeavored soon.
Primo defeated Yoshi Tatsu
I didn't think this match was all that good, but Primo is improving a lot. He's got a new attitude, and he put on a show for the crowd. Yoshi had some nice kicks in and some good offense, but it was Primo that was able to get Yoshi into a Backcracker off the top rope, which isn't as cool as it sounds, was able to win the match up.
The Hart Dynasty defeated The USOS
Once again, the Hart Dynasty beat the USOS. Is the WWE purposely burying their only other legitimate tag team? The Hart Dynasty continues to win in glorified jobber matches and I'm not sure why. The tag division is a big joke, that's for sure.
This match sucked, this night of wrestling sucked. Superstars needs to go away.
MVP and Chris Masters defeated The Dudebusters
Chavo Guerrero defeated JTG
Primo defeated Yoshi Tatsu
The Hart Dynasty defeated The USOS
WWE Superstars 7/22/10 Review
Here we go, another episode of Superstars.
MVP and Chris Masters defeated The Dudebusters
This match wasn't much to talk about. The Dudebusters are working well together, but it's too bad they aren't on a bigger show. Mvp & Masters was just a random hot shot team and they actually did well working this match up to their advantage. The match sounded like the WWE funneled in cheering, but that was just me. Masters got the Masterlock in and then threw his opponent out of the ring and let MVP hit the Playmaker and that was that. This match was fast, easy to watch, and executed perfectly.
Chavo Guerrero defeated JTG
I feel like we've already seen this match many times over. JTG had a few moments in this match, but it was all Chavo here. Chavo eventually set up the former Cryme Tyme dude with a Frogsplash and won. The crowd was semi-into the match up and he actually got a small response. Maybe that's what they are doing with Chavo here, getting a few fans behind him. JTG continues to fall, and he'll be future endeavored soon.
Primo defeated Yoshi Tatsu
I didn't think this match was all that good, but Primo is improving a lot. He's got a new attitude, and he put on a show for the crowd. Yoshi had some nice kicks in and some good offense, but it was Primo that was able to get Yoshi into a Backcracker off the top rope, which isn't as cool as it sounds, was able to win the match up.
The Hart Dynasty defeated The USOS
Once again, the Hart Dynasty beat the USOS. Is the WWE purposely burying their only other legitimate tag team? The Hart Dynasty continues to win in glorified jobber matches and I'm not sure why. The tag division is a big joke, that's for sure.
This match sucked, this night of wrestling sucked. Superstars needs to go away.
chavo guerrero,
chris masters,
hart dynasty,
primo colon,
wwe superstars,
yoshi tatsu
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Shave Your Face WIth John Cena
Woa, here's John Cena surprising some random people...wish this happened to me. Even though I'm not the biggest Cena fan.
john cena,
wrestling news
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
WWE Monday Night Raw 7/19/10 Results and Review
WWE Monday Night Raw 7/19/10 Results
Randy Orton defeated Edge & Chris Jericho in a triple threat match
Eve defeated Maryse
Sheamus defeated Evan Bourne
Santino & Kozlov defeated Zack Ryder & William Regal
Wade Barrett defeated Mark Henry
WWE Monday Night Raw 7/19/10 Review
Randy Orton defeated Edge & Chris Jericho in a triple threat match
I was surprised to see the opening match was a triple threat to see who'd the #1 contender to Sheamus's WWE Title would be. This match started off a little slow, as most triple threat matches start, and slowly became harder hitting and harder hitting. Jericho and Edge were getting worked by Orton, and the crowd was completely behind Orton in this match up. Despite hitting some major moments, and getting rid of Jericho and Edge on several occasions, it wasn't too clear that Orton would win this match up. All three men were getting hit with power moves and getting tossed outside, but the crowd seemed firmly behind Randy Orton in this one. I actually wasn't sure who'd get the nod, but had a feeling that maybe it was Orton's time. In predictable fashion, Orton won out and will once again get a title shot at Summerslam.
Remember this folks, ORTON's first reign as champion came at Summerslam by defeating Chris Benoit!
Edge got on the mic after the match and started yelling and wanted Chris Jericho to come out. Jericho told Edge that the Nexus were behind Jericho and that he is going to make them beat up Edge.
Nexus came out and Wade Barrett said that Jericho was right. They then mauled and beat up Edge! Jericho was yelling and directing orders and Edge was getting beat up! Jericho and the Nexus? That was awesome! Nexus and Jericho teaming up? The Nexus has a new leader?
The Nexus stood there and watched Jericho, and Wade got back on the mic. Jericho punched Wade and then the Nexus group fought Jericho! Nexus beat up Jericho! YES YES YES! More beatdowns!
Too bad last night they looked like chumps.
The announcers still suck. Michael Cole is the worst. The King is ok, but Cole still sucks.
Sheamus tried to have a discussion with Wade Barrett but Wade walked away.
John Cena was backstage in an interview segment with Cole? Lame. Cena sucks, turn hell already! Seriously, turn heel!
Cena said he wanted Wade and the Nexus in the ring, and he said he has something to say to them. We'll see what happens...soon.
Eve defeated Maryse
Maryse is interesting enough, and she fought Eve. Maryse had a few moments in this one. Ted Dibiase was on commentary, and wasn't all that great. Eve got the win after a few minutes with Maryse's foot on the rope.
Post match, Dibiase argued with the ref, but out came John Morrison and hit or missed Starship Pain, and that was that.
I like the way WWE is writing as of late. They are building feuds by attacks, and storylines that feature “fighting” contingent on previous battles and controversies, rather than long building mic work. I like that. Morrison attacking Dibiase will build a nice feud, and let's all hope WWE can capitalize on it.
Sheamus came out and cut a promo. He talked about being dominant and all that stupid commentary that heels do, but it was interrupted by none other than The Miz. The Miz came out and started to talk to Sheamus about how he can cash it in and get the world title.
The general manager emailed in at this point, and I almost forgot that there was a weird general manager.
Sheamus defeated Evan Bourne
Evan Bourne did not just roll over and job out to Sheamus. Sheamus had some serious trouble in this match, with Bourne fighting through a lot of high spots and hitting the champion with everything he had. Sheamus did manage to cheat a few times, and hit some power moves, rest holds and his Bro-Kick to get the pinfall victory over Bourne. Not a terrible match, but I'm still not sold on Sheamus being good at all. I've yet to see him in an exciting match up, although Bourne did put on a good fight.
Post match, The Miz jumped in and hit Sheamus with the briefcase and was looking to cash in! The fans were going nuts, the ref was standing by, and Miz was trying to hit the Skullcrushing Finale, and it worked! Sheamus was out cold!
Miz cashed in the Money in the Bank after hitting the Skull Crushing Finale on SHEAMUS ON THE BRIEFCASE! I MARKED OUT HUGE and was going nuts, heart racing, marking out like a school girl! But the match was then waived and out ran R TRUTH! So Miz didn't cash in and fought off R Truth and took his case and ran away!
This sequence was awesome, Sheamus getting squarely knocked out was quite good, and Truth saved Sheamus here. Oh man, it was AWESOME!
Santino & Kozlov defeated Zack Ryder & William Regal
Once again we are fed this stupid match. I'm ok with Santino on Raw, but come on, his comedy routine is getting old now. Kozlov and Santino rolled through the jobbers of Raw and that was that. There wasn't too much to see here, except maybe Santino and the Cobra. Santino got the pin and that was that. I'm tired of these four guys.
Wade Barrett defeated Mark Henry
This match wasn't half bad. Wade Barrett fought hard and while Mark Henry wasn't an easy win for the Nexus leader, it was actually watchable and an ok match up. Barrett lifted Henry and hit his finisher but it looked horrible and botched. Henry could be a legit 400 pounds and it showed, even though Wade was able to put him on his shoulders and nearly deliver his finisher.
John Cena came out and faced the Nexus group. He said “I'm Sorry guys”. He then said that he wanted respect and that's about it.
Nexus said, No; to a truce.
Barrett wanted John Cena to join Nexus! That's right, John Cena was asked to join Nexus! Much like the New World Order was trying to get Benoit, and others to join, Cena was asked to join N.W.O 3000.
This was much like Foley joining the Corporation, Owen Hart joining the Nation of Domination, and the time Austin went corporate! Cena looked down and was about to join the Nexus crew....but....of course we couldn't have Super Cena do it, now could we? Nope. He didn't join.
John Cena, the chump, left the ring and said that he formulated a team that would take down Nexus at Summerslam. Who is on Team Cena?
Edge, John Morrison, R Truth, The Great Khali, Chris Jericho and Bret “The Hitman” Hart
That's right! Cena's Army vs. The Nexus at Summerslam! Nexus ran off, and this Summerslam in Los Angeles just got a lot hotter!
Look for a heel turn at Summerslam from Cena, or Hart, or someone. There's a 14 man tag at Summerslam! There's always a heel turn, always....don't forget.
The show ended with the groups watching each other, and that was the end of that.
Raw was ok at best. There was a lot of set up for the ppv in a few weeks, and there was an ok amount of matches. Nothing too crazy.
Randy Orton defeated Edge & Chris Jericho in a triple threat match
Eve defeated Maryse
Sheamus defeated Evan Bourne
Santino & Kozlov defeated Zack Ryder & William Regal
Wade Barrett defeated Mark Henry
WWE Monday Night Raw 7/19/10 Review
Randy Orton defeated Edge & Chris Jericho in a triple threat match
I was surprised to see the opening match was a triple threat to see who'd the #1 contender to Sheamus's WWE Title would be. This match started off a little slow, as most triple threat matches start, and slowly became harder hitting and harder hitting. Jericho and Edge were getting worked by Orton, and the crowd was completely behind Orton in this match up. Despite hitting some major moments, and getting rid of Jericho and Edge on several occasions, it wasn't too clear that Orton would win this match up. All three men were getting hit with power moves and getting tossed outside, but the crowd seemed firmly behind Randy Orton in this one. I actually wasn't sure who'd get the nod, but had a feeling that maybe it was Orton's time. In predictable fashion, Orton won out and will once again get a title shot at Summerslam.
Remember this folks, ORTON's first reign as champion came at Summerslam by defeating Chris Benoit!
Edge got on the mic after the match and started yelling and wanted Chris Jericho to come out. Jericho told Edge that the Nexus were behind Jericho and that he is going to make them beat up Edge.
Nexus came out and Wade Barrett said that Jericho was right. They then mauled and beat up Edge! Jericho was yelling and directing orders and Edge was getting beat up! Jericho and the Nexus? That was awesome! Nexus and Jericho teaming up? The Nexus has a new leader?
The Nexus stood there and watched Jericho, and Wade got back on the mic. Jericho punched Wade and then the Nexus group fought Jericho! Nexus beat up Jericho! YES YES YES! More beatdowns!
Too bad last night they looked like chumps.
The announcers still suck. Michael Cole is the worst. The King is ok, but Cole still sucks.
Sheamus tried to have a discussion with Wade Barrett but Wade walked away.
John Cena was backstage in an interview segment with Cole? Lame. Cena sucks, turn hell already! Seriously, turn heel!
Cena said he wanted Wade and the Nexus in the ring, and he said he has something to say to them. We'll see what happens...soon.
Eve defeated Maryse
Maryse is interesting enough, and she fought Eve. Maryse had a few moments in this one. Ted Dibiase was on commentary, and wasn't all that great. Eve got the win after a few minutes with Maryse's foot on the rope.
Post match, Dibiase argued with the ref, but out came John Morrison and hit or missed Starship Pain, and that was that.
I like the way WWE is writing as of late. They are building feuds by attacks, and storylines that feature “fighting” contingent on previous battles and controversies, rather than long building mic work. I like that. Morrison attacking Dibiase will build a nice feud, and let's all hope WWE can capitalize on it.
Sheamus came out and cut a promo. He talked about being dominant and all that stupid commentary that heels do, but it was interrupted by none other than The Miz. The Miz came out and started to talk to Sheamus about how he can cash it in and get the world title.
The general manager emailed in at this point, and I almost forgot that there was a weird general manager.
Sheamus defeated Evan Bourne
Evan Bourne did not just roll over and job out to Sheamus. Sheamus had some serious trouble in this match, with Bourne fighting through a lot of high spots and hitting the champion with everything he had. Sheamus did manage to cheat a few times, and hit some power moves, rest holds and his Bro-Kick to get the pinfall victory over Bourne. Not a terrible match, but I'm still not sold on Sheamus being good at all. I've yet to see him in an exciting match up, although Bourne did put on a good fight.
Post match, The Miz jumped in and hit Sheamus with the briefcase and was looking to cash in! The fans were going nuts, the ref was standing by, and Miz was trying to hit the Skullcrushing Finale, and it worked! Sheamus was out cold!
Miz cashed in the Money in the Bank after hitting the Skull Crushing Finale on SHEAMUS ON THE BRIEFCASE! I MARKED OUT HUGE and was going nuts, heart racing, marking out like a school girl! But the match was then waived and out ran R TRUTH! So Miz didn't cash in and fought off R Truth and took his case and ran away!
This sequence was awesome, Sheamus getting squarely knocked out was quite good, and Truth saved Sheamus here. Oh man, it was AWESOME!
Santino & Kozlov defeated Zack Ryder & William Regal
Once again we are fed this stupid match. I'm ok with Santino on Raw, but come on, his comedy routine is getting old now. Kozlov and Santino rolled through the jobbers of Raw and that was that. There wasn't too much to see here, except maybe Santino and the Cobra. Santino got the pin and that was that. I'm tired of these four guys.
Wade Barrett defeated Mark Henry
This match wasn't half bad. Wade Barrett fought hard and while Mark Henry wasn't an easy win for the Nexus leader, it was actually watchable and an ok match up. Barrett lifted Henry and hit his finisher but it looked horrible and botched. Henry could be a legit 400 pounds and it showed, even though Wade was able to put him on his shoulders and nearly deliver his finisher.
John Cena came out and faced the Nexus group. He said “I'm Sorry guys”. He then said that he wanted respect and that's about it.
Nexus said, No; to a truce.
Barrett wanted John Cena to join Nexus! That's right, John Cena was asked to join Nexus! Much like the New World Order was trying to get Benoit, and others to join, Cena was asked to join N.W.O 3000.
This was much like Foley joining the Corporation, Owen Hart joining the Nation of Domination, and the time Austin went corporate! Cena looked down and was about to join the Nexus crew....but....of course we couldn't have Super Cena do it, now could we? Nope. He didn't join.
John Cena, the chump, left the ring and said that he formulated a team that would take down Nexus at Summerslam. Who is on Team Cena?
Edge, John Morrison, R Truth, The Great Khali, Chris Jericho and Bret “The Hitman” Hart
That's right! Cena's Army vs. The Nexus at Summerslam! Nexus ran off, and this Summerslam in Los Angeles just got a lot hotter!
Look for a heel turn at Summerslam from Cena, or Hart, or someone. There's a 14 man tag at Summerslam! There's always a heel turn, always....don't forget.
The show ended with the groups watching each other, and that was the end of that.
Raw was ok at best. There was a lot of set up for the ppv in a few weeks, and there was an ok amount of matches. Nothing too crazy.
chris jericho,
evan bourne,
eve torres,
mark henry,
randy orton,
wade barrett,
william regal,
wwe monday night raw,
zack ryder
Monday, July 19, 2010
WWE Money In The Bank PPV 2010 Results and Review
WWE Money In The Bank 2010 Results
Kane won the Smackdown Money In The Bank Ladder Match
Alicia Fox defeated Eve
The Hart Dynasty defeated The USOS
Rey Mysterio defeated Jack Swagger
Kane defeated Rey Mysterio for the World Championship
Layla defeated Kelly Kelly
The Miz won the Raw Money In The Bank Ladder Match
Sheamus defeated John Cena in a steel cage match
WWE Money In The Bank 2010 Review
Kane won the Smackdown Money In The Bank Ladder Match
The first match was the Smackdown version of the Money In The Bank Ladder match and the stand out at first was none other than Big Show. Big Show was slapping everyone, and mopping up everyone, and even throwing a ladder at Kane, who took a mean bump with it. All of the competitors jumped Big Show then attacked one another. It was interesting to see that no one had the clear advantage, and each man got his own set of moves in before the final man was headed to the top of the ladder. There were some sick bumps from Christian, Kane, Drew McIntyre, and even Kofi Kingston in this one. Fat Ass Matt Hardy, my pick for the win, also put on some good moments, and the crowd rewarded him for his efforts. In fact, this first match really got the crowd going, and when Fat Ass Matt Hardy nearly had the briefcase the uproar was happening. This match was interesting, and it didn't seem like anyone had this thing won as time went on, it was truly up for grabs, and I for one wasn't sure who'd win necessarily. I mean, at one point it looked like Dashing Cody Rhodes or Kofi had this thing easily won.
Big Show didn't catch Christian at one point, and looked like a Botchamania classic. My major complaint with the match was that the spots were rushed at certain points, and the match looked sloppy with so many ladders in the ring. What made the Wrestlemania X ladder match so great was that there wasn't THAT many ladders. The ring and ringside area were flooded with Ladders and therefore this thing got crowded fast. There were also some misjudgments in height and length, and therefore some injuries looked inevitable. Hardy at one point took a shoulder to the pole and made the loudest thud I've heard for a spot of that nature. Kane, Kane was definitely a monster in this match and he immediately went to work. He even messed up the announce tables at a certain point in this match up. Kofi at one point did the Boom Drop on Drew McIntyre through the Spanish Announce table!
Best spot of the match was Ziggler falling off of a ladder into the arm of Big Show and in one fluid motion getting nearly thrown through the ring with an amazing choke slam. It was insane, the fluidity of the move was just amazing and Ziggler looked completely dead afterwards. Overall, the Big Show was the most impressive. I know, I'm waffling, but man, this match was just insane at certain points. Cody Rhodes at one point flew half way across the ring with a picture perfect drop kick off the top rope, hitting Kofi off a ladder. This thing was perfect, and then he knocked himself silly by hitting “Cross Rhodes” on Kofi into a ladder. I'm telling ya folks, this thing had some highlights! The guys buried Big show underneath all the ladders and only his Golden large ladder was left in ring, and this match started to get even more interesting with all the superstars fighting at the golden ladder. Kane chokeslammed EVERYONE and looked poised to get this one. Ziggler ran through the ropes and latched onto Kane on top of the large ladder and couldn't get the case, and then was chokeslammed on a pile of ladders with Big Show underneath them! After some last minute spots, KANE chokeslammed Drew McIntyre off the top of the ladder and won the match up. That's right, the Big Slow Machine wins the first ladder match...whatever....dude sucks.
Alicia Fox defeated Eve
This match sucked. No one cares about these women, and the match was stupid. Alicia won and retained her belt.
The Hart Dynasty defeated The USOS
Another cookie cutter match up, with no major pay off. This match took the life out of the crowd at first, and eventually warmed up. There wasn't anything great to mention here. There were a few good moments, but overall the match just felt the same as other matches these guys have already had in the past. Having the USOS lose is stupid, now who's going to feud with the Hart Dynasty? Who cares. The tag division sucks in WWE, and TNA isn't all that better...ugh...I miss the 80's.
Rey Mysterio defeated Jack Swagger
I feel like I've seen this match before, and it wasn't all that fascinating. I still maintain my position, stating that the best match of recent history with Rey Mysterio was his match up against Dolph Ziggler last year. But aside from my harping on the two greats, this match had a few good moments. The biggest impact came from Swagger getting ddt'd from the top rope and nearly getting knocked out, only to get the 619 and the Springboard pinfall win....well....springboard into the Ankle Lock submission! Rey Mysterio, after being booked like a little kid compared to the larger and more agile Jack Swagger, wins again. I wouldn't have called this match for Mysterio, but he's being booked like the “Houdini” of World Champions, and I guess that's a positive thing? I don't know. I've seen Mysterio wrestle a lot of matches and his latest reign just sucks, and this win sucks. Mysterio won with a Huricanrana pinfall, and that was that. Screw this match, and no offense to the 619 or Lucha Libre fans, but screw Rey Mysterio and his latest title reign. Swagger's build comes crashing down as Mysterio wins again.
Minutes after Rey Mysterio won via pinfall, KANE cashed in his MONEY IN THE BANK CONTRACT! The Crowd went nuts, and I for once in my life, marked out huge for Kane. I just marked out like a school girl for the big dull machine.
Kane defeated Rey Mysterio for the World Championship
Mysterio's leg was looking bad, and Kane immediately took to work against Mysterio. He nearly crippled Mysterio with a huge chokeslam and this was just a matter of time. Mysterio got locked into a Tombstone Piledriver and KANE wins the title after cashing in the MONEY IN THE BANK briefcase! That's right, KANE is the new World Champion! Rey Mysterio was left dead in ring, and KANE is the NEW CHAMPION!
Layla defeated Kelly Kelly
This match was terrible. Kelly Kelly just couldn't get this one won. Layla and Michelle McCool continued to dominate with Michelle constantly interfering. Kelly Kelly did manage a lot of offense, but it wasn't nearly enough to win the match. McCool took some hits, and she even took a nasty fall to the outside before Layla reversed a botched sunset flip to retain the women's championship. This match sucked, I hated this crap, this was stupid. The divas suck, face it.
The Miz won the Raw Money In The Bank Ladder Match
The Raw version of the ladder match didn't start off that hot. If nothing else, the main players were Mark Henry and Evan Bourne, at least early on. Evan Bourne was just fast, he was great early on and I knew something big was going to happen with him and a huge bump, but it wasn't happening early on, he had this thing sewn up, at least for a short time. Randy Orton was probably the favorite with the fans, with a lot of RKO chants, and some choice RKO signs. All men were taking bumps, but the surprise here for me was Mark Henry. Mark Henry was quite over with the fans, which was weird, it only took some 10 years? Oh and did you know that Maryse was in playboy? Yep. I saw the pics...steamy! Oh well. Maryse at one point climbed the ladder! That's right, she climbed the ladder! Morrison grabbed her and told her to leave, and Dibiase nearly got the case, which was a nice little moment, but I would have much rather seen Morrison do a Samoan Drop on Maryse! Sensational Sherri would've taken the bump! That's for sure. Mark Henry on the outside took Edge's, Jericho's and Morrison's finisher after he gave Evan Bourne his World's Strong Slam, so he and Bourne were out of it at the turning point of this match up.
This match didn't have nearly as many hard hitting spots, although they did manage a few. It seemed like these were a little more reserved at times in this match, and maybe that was to protect from injury. Orton hit an RKO on Morrison and Orton was immediately hit with a Shooting Star press! Jericho was tied up, and Evan Bourne reached the briefcase! He couldn't get the hook off and Jericho eventually recovered! No sign of Nexus by the way. Orton had this thing wrapped up after taking out Jericho and Edge through an RKO and a toss through some ladders. He had this thing sewn up but out ran Miz and Orton went flying, and it looked like Miz had this thing won! MIZ didn't play around and actually unhooked this thing and WON! THE MIZ WON THE RAW LADDER MATCH! THE MIZ! THE MIZ THE MIZ!
Sheamus defeated John Cena in a steel cage match
This match was stupid. First of all this match was a slow moving match up. The cage as a weapon came into play, but without any blood, this thing just didn't mean a whole lot to me. Ok, blood aside, this match was your standard John Cena match, and having a ref counting a three count in the ring was just plain dumb. I hate cage matches with a ref inside the ring, it is just not worth the effort. This match went on quite a while with a great deal of offense from both men. I am telling ya, this match was slow moving, and featured a lot of breaks and slow moves.
The Nexus ran down with bolt cutters and the ref ran down and stole it from them. The Nexus then threatened the ringside ref to give them the keys, but he threw them across the ringside area to the crowd! While they argued outside Sheamus and Cena fought, and there was a ref bump. The STFU was locked in and Sheamus was tapping like a drunk man, but it didn't matter. The Nexus was contained outside and Cena was frustrated, locked inside the cage with Nexus safely at bay. This took an odd turn, and I wasn't sure where it was going to go. Cena then was trying to climb the cage but Justin Gabriel climbed to fight him and threw him into the ring! Cena kept trying to escape but the Nexus kept fighting! Meanwhile, Sheamus was trying to climb out at the other side, and Sheamus won the match by getting down first and then running threw the crowd out of the ring.
The match sucked, it just sucked. Sure, Nexus cost Cena the match, but who cares?!? Sheamus ran away so Miz couldn't cash in the briefcase. Cena then looked on at Black John Cena and decided it was time to beat him up. Yep, I'm not sure how the Universe didn't collapse on itself, but John Cena beat up Black John Cena and Michael Tarver. John Cena then threw the ring steps at Michael Tarver.
The show then ended.
This night of wrestling started off hot, but ended terribly. The Raw ladder match sucked compared to the Smackdown one, and the rest of the night was just a blurry mess. This ppv was NOT that great, but at least the first match had so much impact, that it was worthwhile.
Kane won the Smackdown Money In The Bank Ladder Match
Alicia Fox defeated Eve
The Hart Dynasty defeated The USOS
Rey Mysterio defeated Jack Swagger
Kane defeated Rey Mysterio for the World Championship
Layla defeated Kelly Kelly
The Miz won the Raw Money In The Bank Ladder Match
Sheamus defeated John Cena in a steel cage match
WWE Money In The Bank 2010 Review
Kane won the Smackdown Money In The Bank Ladder Match
The first match was the Smackdown version of the Money In The Bank Ladder match and the stand out at first was none other than Big Show. Big Show was slapping everyone, and mopping up everyone, and even throwing a ladder at Kane, who took a mean bump with it. All of the competitors jumped Big Show then attacked one another. It was interesting to see that no one had the clear advantage, and each man got his own set of moves in before the final man was headed to the top of the ladder. There were some sick bumps from Christian, Kane, Drew McIntyre, and even Kofi Kingston in this one. Fat Ass Matt Hardy, my pick for the win, also put on some good moments, and the crowd rewarded him for his efforts. In fact, this first match really got the crowd going, and when Fat Ass Matt Hardy nearly had the briefcase the uproar was happening. This match was interesting, and it didn't seem like anyone had this thing won as time went on, it was truly up for grabs, and I for one wasn't sure who'd win necessarily. I mean, at one point it looked like Dashing Cody Rhodes or Kofi had this thing easily won.
Big Show didn't catch Christian at one point, and looked like a Botchamania classic. My major complaint with the match was that the spots were rushed at certain points, and the match looked sloppy with so many ladders in the ring. What made the Wrestlemania X ladder match so great was that there wasn't THAT many ladders. The ring and ringside area were flooded with Ladders and therefore this thing got crowded fast. There were also some misjudgments in height and length, and therefore some injuries looked inevitable. Hardy at one point took a shoulder to the pole and made the loudest thud I've heard for a spot of that nature. Kane, Kane was definitely a monster in this match and he immediately went to work. He even messed up the announce tables at a certain point in this match up. Kofi at one point did the Boom Drop on Drew McIntyre through the Spanish Announce table!
Best spot of the match was Ziggler falling off of a ladder into the arm of Big Show and in one fluid motion getting nearly thrown through the ring with an amazing choke slam. It was insane, the fluidity of the move was just amazing and Ziggler looked completely dead afterwards. Overall, the Big Show was the most impressive. I know, I'm waffling, but man, this match was just insane at certain points. Cody Rhodes at one point flew half way across the ring with a picture perfect drop kick off the top rope, hitting Kofi off a ladder. This thing was perfect, and then he knocked himself silly by hitting “Cross Rhodes” on Kofi into a ladder. I'm telling ya folks, this thing had some highlights! The guys buried Big show underneath all the ladders and only his Golden large ladder was left in ring, and this match started to get even more interesting with all the superstars fighting at the golden ladder. Kane chokeslammed EVERYONE and looked poised to get this one. Ziggler ran through the ropes and latched onto Kane on top of the large ladder and couldn't get the case, and then was chokeslammed on a pile of ladders with Big Show underneath them! After some last minute spots, KANE chokeslammed Drew McIntyre off the top of the ladder and won the match up. That's right, the Big Slow Machine wins the first ladder match...whatever....dude sucks.
Alicia Fox defeated Eve
This match sucked. No one cares about these women, and the match was stupid. Alicia won and retained her belt.
The Hart Dynasty defeated The USOS
Another cookie cutter match up, with no major pay off. This match took the life out of the crowd at first, and eventually warmed up. There wasn't anything great to mention here. There were a few good moments, but overall the match just felt the same as other matches these guys have already had in the past. Having the USOS lose is stupid, now who's going to feud with the Hart Dynasty? Who cares. The tag division sucks in WWE, and TNA isn't all that better...ugh...I miss the 80's.
Rey Mysterio defeated Jack Swagger
I feel like I've seen this match before, and it wasn't all that fascinating. I still maintain my position, stating that the best match of recent history with Rey Mysterio was his match up against Dolph Ziggler last year. But aside from my harping on the two greats, this match had a few good moments. The biggest impact came from Swagger getting ddt'd from the top rope and nearly getting knocked out, only to get the 619 and the Springboard pinfall win....well....springboard into the Ankle Lock submission! Rey Mysterio, after being booked like a little kid compared to the larger and more agile Jack Swagger, wins again. I wouldn't have called this match for Mysterio, but he's being booked like the “Houdini” of World Champions, and I guess that's a positive thing? I don't know. I've seen Mysterio wrestle a lot of matches and his latest reign just sucks, and this win sucks. Mysterio won with a Huricanrana pinfall, and that was that. Screw this match, and no offense to the 619 or Lucha Libre fans, but screw Rey Mysterio and his latest title reign. Swagger's build comes crashing down as Mysterio wins again.
Minutes after Rey Mysterio won via pinfall, KANE cashed in his MONEY IN THE BANK CONTRACT! The Crowd went nuts, and I for once in my life, marked out huge for Kane. I just marked out like a school girl for the big dull machine.
Kane defeated Rey Mysterio for the World Championship
Mysterio's leg was looking bad, and Kane immediately took to work against Mysterio. He nearly crippled Mysterio with a huge chokeslam and this was just a matter of time. Mysterio got locked into a Tombstone Piledriver and KANE wins the title after cashing in the MONEY IN THE BANK briefcase! That's right, KANE is the new World Champion! Rey Mysterio was left dead in ring, and KANE is the NEW CHAMPION!
Layla defeated Kelly Kelly
This match was terrible. Kelly Kelly just couldn't get this one won. Layla and Michelle McCool continued to dominate with Michelle constantly interfering. Kelly Kelly did manage a lot of offense, but it wasn't nearly enough to win the match. McCool took some hits, and she even took a nasty fall to the outside before Layla reversed a botched sunset flip to retain the women's championship. This match sucked, I hated this crap, this was stupid. The divas suck, face it.
The Miz won the Raw Money In The Bank Ladder Match
The Raw version of the ladder match didn't start off that hot. If nothing else, the main players were Mark Henry and Evan Bourne, at least early on. Evan Bourne was just fast, he was great early on and I knew something big was going to happen with him and a huge bump, but it wasn't happening early on, he had this thing sewn up, at least for a short time. Randy Orton was probably the favorite with the fans, with a lot of RKO chants, and some choice RKO signs. All men were taking bumps, but the surprise here for me was Mark Henry. Mark Henry was quite over with the fans, which was weird, it only took some 10 years? Oh and did you know that Maryse was in playboy? Yep. I saw the pics...steamy! Oh well. Maryse at one point climbed the ladder! That's right, she climbed the ladder! Morrison grabbed her and told her to leave, and Dibiase nearly got the case, which was a nice little moment, but I would have much rather seen Morrison do a Samoan Drop on Maryse! Sensational Sherri would've taken the bump! That's for sure. Mark Henry on the outside took Edge's, Jericho's and Morrison's finisher after he gave Evan Bourne his World's Strong Slam, so he and Bourne were out of it at the turning point of this match up.
This match didn't have nearly as many hard hitting spots, although they did manage a few. It seemed like these were a little more reserved at times in this match, and maybe that was to protect from injury. Orton hit an RKO on Morrison and Orton was immediately hit with a Shooting Star press! Jericho was tied up, and Evan Bourne reached the briefcase! He couldn't get the hook off and Jericho eventually recovered! No sign of Nexus by the way. Orton had this thing wrapped up after taking out Jericho and Edge through an RKO and a toss through some ladders. He had this thing sewn up but out ran Miz and Orton went flying, and it looked like Miz had this thing won! MIZ didn't play around and actually unhooked this thing and WON! THE MIZ WON THE RAW LADDER MATCH! THE MIZ! THE MIZ THE MIZ!
Sheamus defeated John Cena in a steel cage match
This match was stupid. First of all this match was a slow moving match up. The cage as a weapon came into play, but without any blood, this thing just didn't mean a whole lot to me. Ok, blood aside, this match was your standard John Cena match, and having a ref counting a three count in the ring was just plain dumb. I hate cage matches with a ref inside the ring, it is just not worth the effort. This match went on quite a while with a great deal of offense from both men. I am telling ya, this match was slow moving, and featured a lot of breaks and slow moves.
The Nexus ran down with bolt cutters and the ref ran down and stole it from them. The Nexus then threatened the ringside ref to give them the keys, but he threw them across the ringside area to the crowd! While they argued outside Sheamus and Cena fought, and there was a ref bump. The STFU was locked in and Sheamus was tapping like a drunk man, but it didn't matter. The Nexus was contained outside and Cena was frustrated, locked inside the cage with Nexus safely at bay. This took an odd turn, and I wasn't sure where it was going to go. Cena then was trying to climb the cage but Justin Gabriel climbed to fight him and threw him into the ring! Cena kept trying to escape but the Nexus kept fighting! Meanwhile, Sheamus was trying to climb out at the other side, and Sheamus won the match by getting down first and then running threw the crowd out of the ring.
The match sucked, it just sucked. Sure, Nexus cost Cena the match, but who cares?!? Sheamus ran away so Miz couldn't cash in the briefcase. Cena then looked on at Black John Cena and decided it was time to beat him up. Yep, I'm not sure how the Universe didn't collapse on itself, but John Cena beat up Black John Cena and Michael Tarver. John Cena then threw the ring steps at Michael Tarver.
The show then ended.
This night of wrestling started off hot, but ended terribly. The Raw ladder match sucked compared to the Smackdown one, and the rest of the night was just a blurry mess. This ppv was NOT that great, but at least the first match had so much impact, that it was worthwhile.
black john cena,
hart dynasty,
john cena,
ppv results,
rey mysterio jr.,
the miz,
wwe money in the bank
Saturday, July 17, 2010
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 7/16/10 Results and Review
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 7/16/10 Results
Dashing Cody Rhodes vs. Kofi Kingston (no contest)
Drew McIntyre defeated Christian
Kelly Kelly & Chris Masters defeated Layla & one of the dudebusters
Dolph Ziggler defeated Matt Hardy
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 7/16/10 Review
The last WWE show before their big ppv this weekend should be good, right? Right? Anybody? I was going to review this last night, but instead I was out to dinner with Mrs. Sir Jorge, so I missed it live. But I was able to watch it and here we go, my thoughts on Smackdown.
The first thing I noticed was the recap of Swagger beating up Big Show, looking strong, only to be made to look like a crying little wimp by Kane. Kane is behind it, huh?
Dashing Cody Rhodes vs. Kofi Kingston (no contest)
I'm quite interested in the new “Dashing” Cody Rhodes character, and it was nice to see him improve in ring against Kofi Kingston. Kofi had his spots, but Dashing Cody Rhodes seemed to have a lot of counters to the high spots of Kofi, until he fell backwards off the top rope and was hit with a nice crossbody!
Kane's pyro hit and out came Kane to stop the match, and once again, I hate WWE for not ending a match, I guess this match gets thrown out since Kane hit both Cody Rhodes and Kofi with chokeslams. I'm sick of Kane.
Drew McIntyre defeated Christian
This match was back and forth with some good overall action. Christian was definitely playing a sympathetic role to Drew's cheating ways. Drew got a nice upper hand to win the match after poking Christian in the eye and then hitting his Future Shock DDT. Not a terrible match, but nothing I'd remember in a few weeks. Drew McIntyre is still as exciting as a mayonaise sandwich on white bread.
CM Punk was trying to cut a promo but was interrupted by Big Show talking about the Ladder match. This promo was stupid, and having Big Show trying to climb a ladder wasted a lot of time for no apparent reason. The Straightedge Society was watching on, as the Big Show couldn't climb a ladder. Since the Big Show couldn't find a ladder that was his size, he got a super industrial ladder to support his weight!
The Straightedge Society attacked and climbed the Big Show's ladder and this got good. I liked the way this waste of time played out, and the ladder was awesome with Big Show eventually getting CM Punk to the top of the Ladder and then PULLING CM PUNK'S MASK COMPLETELY OFF!!!!!!!!!
Best line of the night, “CM PUNK LOOKS LIKE BIG SHOW JR!” it was awesome, if you missed it, you missed it.
Kelly Kelly & Chris Masters defeated Layla & one of the dudebusters
This match was stupid, the whole thing was just a waste of time. After Layla was focusing on Kelly for the most part, this match turned around when Rosa came out jumping rope. This match got Kelly Kelly to win and that was that. I hate this piece of crap division....Layla is hot, just sayin.
Fat Ass Matt Hardy cut a promo, it was boring.
More vignettes shown for the new guy...and I liked it. Hopefully the dude can wrestle.
Dolph Ziggler defeated Matt Hardy
Matt Hardy, despite being fat, still can go in the ring, at least for a few moments. I credit Dolph Ziggler with a lot here though. Ziggler is quite good, and he can really compliment any major wrestler, as he was fast, poignant, and just impressive against a fatter opponent. I liked the way this match was playing out, especially the counters from Hardy on Ziggler. Despite hitting most of his offense, Matt Hardy couldn't put this one away and therefore lost with Ziggler getting a very good victory.
I for one love Ziggler's character and think he's ready for the big time. Ziggler vs Mysterio #1 was the best match of 2009 I my view, and he continues to improve. Vickie Guerrero as his manager is a nice touch, and this match up was good, I liked it a lot.
Jack Swagger brought out his father to the ring and said he was hanging out with him and couldn't have beaten up the Undertaker. This was stupid, as Swagger said he was in a Chicken Wing eating contest.
Kane came out, and was ready to mop up Swagger. Swagger then went after Kane's leg and his dad was cheering him on, which was funny. Kane then chokeslammed Jack Swagger's dad! Rey Mysterio came out and helped Kane get the upper hand.
The show ended with Kane's pyro and he was “scary”...FML.
Oh and Kane tombstoned Swagger's dad.
***Since no one commented, and my "wrestling wrap up" post last week got little to no fan fare, I'm not doing one this week. Too bad suckers....I kid....PPV review will go up Monday before Raw airs...just in case you're wondering.
Dashing Cody Rhodes vs. Kofi Kingston (no contest)
Drew McIntyre defeated Christian
Kelly Kelly & Chris Masters defeated Layla & one of the dudebusters
Dolph Ziggler defeated Matt Hardy
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 7/16/10 Review
The last WWE show before their big ppv this weekend should be good, right? Right? Anybody? I was going to review this last night, but instead I was out to dinner with Mrs. Sir Jorge, so I missed it live. But I was able to watch it and here we go, my thoughts on Smackdown.
The first thing I noticed was the recap of Swagger beating up Big Show, looking strong, only to be made to look like a crying little wimp by Kane. Kane is behind it, huh?
Dashing Cody Rhodes vs. Kofi Kingston (no contest)
I'm quite interested in the new “Dashing” Cody Rhodes character, and it was nice to see him improve in ring against Kofi Kingston. Kofi had his spots, but Dashing Cody Rhodes seemed to have a lot of counters to the high spots of Kofi, until he fell backwards off the top rope and was hit with a nice crossbody!
Kane's pyro hit and out came Kane to stop the match, and once again, I hate WWE for not ending a match, I guess this match gets thrown out since Kane hit both Cody Rhodes and Kofi with chokeslams. I'm sick of Kane.
Drew McIntyre defeated Christian
This match was back and forth with some good overall action. Christian was definitely playing a sympathetic role to Drew's cheating ways. Drew got a nice upper hand to win the match after poking Christian in the eye and then hitting his Future Shock DDT. Not a terrible match, but nothing I'd remember in a few weeks. Drew McIntyre is still as exciting as a mayonaise sandwich on white bread.
CM Punk was trying to cut a promo but was interrupted by Big Show talking about the Ladder match. This promo was stupid, and having Big Show trying to climb a ladder wasted a lot of time for no apparent reason. The Straightedge Society was watching on, as the Big Show couldn't climb a ladder. Since the Big Show couldn't find a ladder that was his size, he got a super industrial ladder to support his weight!
The Straightedge Society attacked and climbed the Big Show's ladder and this got good. I liked the way this waste of time played out, and the ladder was awesome with Big Show eventually getting CM Punk to the top of the Ladder and then PULLING CM PUNK'S MASK COMPLETELY OFF!!!!!!!!!
Best line of the night, “CM PUNK LOOKS LIKE BIG SHOW JR!” it was awesome, if you missed it, you missed it.
Kelly Kelly & Chris Masters defeated Layla & one of the dudebusters
This match was stupid, the whole thing was just a waste of time. After Layla was focusing on Kelly for the most part, this match turned around when Rosa came out jumping rope. This match got Kelly Kelly to win and that was that. I hate this piece of crap division....Layla is hot, just sayin.
Fat Ass Matt Hardy cut a promo, it was boring.
More vignettes shown for the new guy...and I liked it. Hopefully the dude can wrestle.
Dolph Ziggler defeated Matt Hardy
Matt Hardy, despite being fat, still can go in the ring, at least for a few moments. I credit Dolph Ziggler with a lot here though. Ziggler is quite good, and he can really compliment any major wrestler, as he was fast, poignant, and just impressive against a fatter opponent. I liked the way this match was playing out, especially the counters from Hardy on Ziggler. Despite hitting most of his offense, Matt Hardy couldn't put this one away and therefore lost with Ziggler getting a very good victory.
I for one love Ziggler's character and think he's ready for the big time. Ziggler vs Mysterio #1 was the best match of 2009 I my view, and he continues to improve. Vickie Guerrero as his manager is a nice touch, and this match up was good, I liked it a lot.
Jack Swagger brought out his father to the ring and said he was hanging out with him and couldn't have beaten up the Undertaker. This was stupid, as Swagger said he was in a Chicken Wing eating contest.
Kane came out, and was ready to mop up Swagger. Swagger then went after Kane's leg and his dad was cheering him on, which was funny. Kane then chokeslammed Jack Swagger's dad! Rey Mysterio came out and helped Kane get the upper hand.
The show ended with Kane's pyro and he was “scary”...FML.
Oh and Kane tombstoned Swagger's dad.
***Since no one commented, and my "wrestling wrap up" post last week got little to no fan fare, I'm not doing one this week. Too bad suckers....I kid....PPV review will go up Monday before Raw airs...just in case you're wondering.
Friday, July 16, 2010
TNA Impact 7/15/10 Results and Review
TNA Impact 7/15/10 Results
Sarita defeated Taylor Wilde in a hardcore match
Brian Kendrick defeated Doug Williams in an I Quit Match
Samoa Joe defeated Rob Terry & Desmond Wolfe in a triple threat match
Beer Money defeated The Motor City Machine Guns in a ladder match
Jeff Hardy defeated Jay Lethal
TNA Impact 7/15/10 Review
There were so many spoilers for this week's Impact that if you weren't careful You would miss the surprise. I managed to get minimal spoilers, but still found out that this show was going to be somewhat epic, epic if this was 2001.
A new Top 10 was announced and it was pretty obvious. Jeff Hardy and Abyss were #1 and #2, and I don't know why. I'm SO SICK OF ABYSS! PLEASE WRITE HIM OFF THE SHOW! HE IS THE WORST CHARACTER IN TNA! THERE IS NO REASON TO HAVE ABYSS ON TV OR IN TNA HE SUCKS, I HATE ABYSS, THERE I SAID IT, I HATE ABYSS!
The show started with the worst gimmick and character in pro-wrestling, and he brought a side of beef to the ring, and it was stupid. That's how people get diseases, throwing meat into the ring....ugh..I'm so tired of Abyss. Abyss started calling out RVD and what not, whatever, FU ABYSS.
Sarita defeated Taylor Wilde in a hardcore match
This match was stupid, the Knockouts were taking stupid mistakes and this match was not necessary. Sartia took some sick shots and whether they were intentional or not, the two women were hurting each other in a way that definitely was like the old ECW. This street fight was just not that great, and had the worst finish ever. Sarita choked out Taylor Wilde with a purse and that was that, Taylor Wilde apparently was out cold. What a terrible match, there's no need for it.
Brian Kendrick defeated Doug Williams in an I Quit Match
This was one of the worst x-division matches I've seen in a long time. Kendrick and Williams can work, but with limited time and a gimmick like an “I Quit” gimmick, they couldn't really do much. Kendrick eventually won with a cobra clutch, but not before he countered a few of Williams finishers. This fast match was non-title and got Williams to quit. Seriously, this rushed match was terrible, I have no idea why TNA books such terrible matches with NO time to execute anything memorable.
Big Sexy Kevin Nash came to ringside after the match was over and got on the mic. Nash chokeslammed Kendrick to hell, then got on the mic. Nash basically said he was going to take out the x-division. Before he could take out Kendrick further, out came Jeff Jarrett to talk to Nash. I'm not sure what was going on with this, but whatever, Nash and Jarrett going to feud? I don't understand the TNA wrtiers.
Samoa Joe defeated Rob Terry & Desmond Wolfe in a triple threat match
Magnus got into the broadcast booth. This triple threat match was catering to Rob Terry and his big moves. Joe and Desmond fought each other at times, but it was Terry that was getting a lot of the focus, at least early on. Joe and Terry fought against Desmond and working as a team instead of fighting each other. Samoa Joe got the win by making Desmond Wolfe tap out, and that was that. The belt wasn't on the line, but I guess this wasn't half bad. Samao Joe gave some props to Rob Terry and that was that.
Beer Money defeated The Motor City Machine Guns in a ladder match
This match wasn't that great. Sure, it had a few moments and some nice quick moves and bumps, but it didn't matter to me. It's a best of 5! Who cares?!?! This is what happens when you don't have that many tag teams to make the division worthwhile. If you like high spots and fast paced wrestling, this match had that, but it didn't mean anything as it wasn't for the titles. Beer Money won after Sabin was hit in the head with a beer bottle.
The Pope D'Angelo Dinero defeated Matt Morgan
This fast match was a quick run through and had the Pope coming out on top against Matt Morgan. Morgan didn't just roll over either, but with limited time, a lot of this match just seemed rushed. Matt Morgan lost to the Pope's Codebreaker-esque finisher, and then got angry.
Post match Matt Morgan hit the Carbon Foot Print and was looking strong, after he had already lost against the pope. Mr. Anderson jumped into the ring and started taking out Matt Morgan. Anderson is going after Morgan now? Why? I guess.
The Beautiful People were arguing in ring, and Angelina Love came out and the group exchanged words. The Beautiful People seemed to be breaking up, and that's fine. Angelina Love was at the top of the ramp and was invited to fight....once again: FIRE ALL THE TNA WRITERS ALL OF THEM FIRE THEM! THIS WAS THE WORST, MOST ANNOYING SEGMENT OF TNA!
Angelina Love and Madison Rayne fought each other and that was that. The girl on the motorcycle showed up and beat up Angelina Love. Madison Rayne hit Angelina Love with a nic,e DDT on a steel chair, and I for once cared. The Mystery woman drove off and that was that. I still think that the TNA writers should be fired.
Jeff Hardy defeated Jay Lethal
This is somewhat of a dream match, just because both of these guys can turn on the wrestling quite well. This match was fast paced and featured some great high points, but it was painfually obvious that Lethal is in better shape. Hardy got sluggish towards the end of the match and was winded, his gut nearly falling out of his weird looking outfit. Jay Lethal managed to take most of the highlights in this match, at least in my view. I liked this match more than I would usually do, simply because of Lethal's quickness. Hardy won after the Swanton, ending the best TNA match I've seen since Kurt Angle defeated Amazing Red. If only more matches were like this one, maybe TNA would actually get more credibility. Sure, it wasn't the greatest match TNA has put on, but it was interesting enough to keep my attention.
Ric Flair was in ring and was announcing the first two members of Fortune, it was Kazarian and Aj Styles, but out came Desmond Wolfe. Desmond Wolfe on the mic was quite good, and though brief, was well worth the few seconds of air time. Abyss came down for whatever reason and Fortune ran out of the ring. Who cares about ABYSS? SERIOUSLY? WHY? THIS GUY SUCKS!
RVD was confronted by Abyss and RVD fought the big man quickly and took care of the big guy. Abyss overpowered the champ towards the end. This thing was getting bad, and right when Abyss was going to hit RVD with the nail bat, out came Mick Foley.
Foley came out and the ECW rushed Abyss. The ECW guys invaded the ring and just beat up Abyss and the security guys. Out came the TNA locker room and they got beat up as well. This is the worst Invasion angle ever played out. Why would the TNA locker room clear out? What do they care if Abyss gets beat up?
D-Lo Brown was out there, Al Snow, RVD turned in this invasion too. Anyone that had anything to do with ECW was now on the ECW side of things.
As far as Invasions goes, the ECW invasion of TNA is completely stupid. The way it has played out for no apparent reason is just stupid. Getting Jeff Jarrett to come out to try and stop things was dumb, the Police showed up? Two officers showed up and that is supposed to calm the situation?
Dixie Carter got on the mic and started yelling for them to stop. Dixie said that she invited the ECW guys and she turned! DIXIE TURNED ON TNA!
Two invasion angles going on in wrestling at the same time? What is this 1999?
I'm sick of this crap. ARGH!
Sarita defeated Taylor Wilde in a hardcore match
Brian Kendrick defeated Doug Williams in an I Quit Match
Samoa Joe defeated Rob Terry & Desmond Wolfe in a triple threat match
Beer Money defeated The Motor City Machine Guns in a ladder match
Jeff Hardy defeated Jay Lethal
TNA Impact 7/15/10 Review
There were so many spoilers for this week's Impact that if you weren't careful You would miss the surprise. I managed to get minimal spoilers, but still found out that this show was going to be somewhat epic, epic if this was 2001.
A new Top 10 was announced and it was pretty obvious. Jeff Hardy and Abyss were #1 and #2, and I don't know why. I'm SO SICK OF ABYSS! PLEASE WRITE HIM OFF THE SHOW! HE IS THE WORST CHARACTER IN TNA! THERE IS NO REASON TO HAVE ABYSS ON TV OR IN TNA HE SUCKS, I HATE ABYSS, THERE I SAID IT, I HATE ABYSS!
The show started with the worst gimmick and character in pro-wrestling, and he brought a side of beef to the ring, and it was stupid. That's how people get diseases, throwing meat into the ring....ugh..I'm so tired of Abyss. Abyss started calling out RVD and what not, whatever, FU ABYSS.
Sarita defeated Taylor Wilde in a hardcore match
This match was stupid, the Knockouts were taking stupid mistakes and this match was not necessary. Sartia took some sick shots and whether they were intentional or not, the two women were hurting each other in a way that definitely was like the old ECW. This street fight was just not that great, and had the worst finish ever. Sarita choked out Taylor Wilde with a purse and that was that, Taylor Wilde apparently was out cold. What a terrible match, there's no need for it.
Brian Kendrick defeated Doug Williams in an I Quit Match
This was one of the worst x-division matches I've seen in a long time. Kendrick and Williams can work, but with limited time and a gimmick like an “I Quit” gimmick, they couldn't really do much. Kendrick eventually won with a cobra clutch, but not before he countered a few of Williams finishers. This fast match was non-title and got Williams to quit. Seriously, this rushed match was terrible, I have no idea why TNA books such terrible matches with NO time to execute anything memorable.
Big Sexy Kevin Nash came to ringside after the match was over and got on the mic. Nash chokeslammed Kendrick to hell, then got on the mic. Nash basically said he was going to take out the x-division. Before he could take out Kendrick further, out came Jeff Jarrett to talk to Nash. I'm not sure what was going on with this, but whatever, Nash and Jarrett going to feud? I don't understand the TNA wrtiers.
Samoa Joe defeated Rob Terry & Desmond Wolfe in a triple threat match
Magnus got into the broadcast booth. This triple threat match was catering to Rob Terry and his big moves. Joe and Desmond fought each other at times, but it was Terry that was getting a lot of the focus, at least early on. Joe and Terry fought against Desmond and working as a team instead of fighting each other. Samoa Joe got the win by making Desmond Wolfe tap out, and that was that. The belt wasn't on the line, but I guess this wasn't half bad. Samao Joe gave some props to Rob Terry and that was that.
Beer Money defeated The Motor City Machine Guns in a ladder match
This match wasn't that great. Sure, it had a few moments and some nice quick moves and bumps, but it didn't matter to me. It's a best of 5! Who cares?!?! This is what happens when you don't have that many tag teams to make the division worthwhile. If you like high spots and fast paced wrestling, this match had that, but it didn't mean anything as it wasn't for the titles. Beer Money won after Sabin was hit in the head with a beer bottle.
The Pope D'Angelo Dinero defeated Matt Morgan
This fast match was a quick run through and had the Pope coming out on top against Matt Morgan. Morgan didn't just roll over either, but with limited time, a lot of this match just seemed rushed. Matt Morgan lost to the Pope's Codebreaker-esque finisher, and then got angry.
Post match Matt Morgan hit the Carbon Foot Print and was looking strong, after he had already lost against the pope. Mr. Anderson jumped into the ring and started taking out Matt Morgan. Anderson is going after Morgan now? Why? I guess.
The Beautiful People were arguing in ring, and Angelina Love came out and the group exchanged words. The Beautiful People seemed to be breaking up, and that's fine. Angelina Love was at the top of the ramp and was invited to fight....once again: FIRE ALL THE TNA WRITERS ALL OF THEM FIRE THEM! THIS WAS THE WORST, MOST ANNOYING SEGMENT OF TNA!
Angelina Love and Madison Rayne fought each other and that was that. The girl on the motorcycle showed up and beat up Angelina Love. Madison Rayne hit Angelina Love with a nic,e DDT on a steel chair, and I for once cared. The Mystery woman drove off and that was that. I still think that the TNA writers should be fired.
Jeff Hardy defeated Jay Lethal
This is somewhat of a dream match, just because both of these guys can turn on the wrestling quite well. This match was fast paced and featured some great high points, but it was painfually obvious that Lethal is in better shape. Hardy got sluggish towards the end of the match and was winded, his gut nearly falling out of his weird looking outfit. Jay Lethal managed to take most of the highlights in this match, at least in my view. I liked this match more than I would usually do, simply because of Lethal's quickness. Hardy won after the Swanton, ending the best TNA match I've seen since Kurt Angle defeated Amazing Red. If only more matches were like this one, maybe TNA would actually get more credibility. Sure, it wasn't the greatest match TNA has put on, but it was interesting enough to keep my attention.
Ric Flair was in ring and was announcing the first two members of Fortune, it was Kazarian and Aj Styles, but out came Desmond Wolfe. Desmond Wolfe on the mic was quite good, and though brief, was well worth the few seconds of air time. Abyss came down for whatever reason and Fortune ran out of the ring. Who cares about ABYSS? SERIOUSLY? WHY? THIS GUY SUCKS!
RVD was confronted by Abyss and RVD fought the big man quickly and took care of the big guy. Abyss overpowered the champ towards the end. This thing was getting bad, and right when Abyss was going to hit RVD with the nail bat, out came Mick Foley.
Foley came out and the ECW rushed Abyss. The ECW guys invaded the ring and just beat up Abyss and the security guys. Out came the TNA locker room and they got beat up as well. This is the worst Invasion angle ever played out. Why would the TNA locker room clear out? What do they care if Abyss gets beat up?
D-Lo Brown was out there, Al Snow, RVD turned in this invasion too. Anyone that had anything to do with ECW was now on the ECW side of things.
As far as Invasions goes, the ECW invasion of TNA is completely stupid. The way it has played out for no apparent reason is just stupid. Getting Jeff Jarrett to come out to try and stop things was dumb, the Police showed up? Two officers showed up and that is supposed to calm the situation?
Dixie Carter got on the mic and started yelling for them to stop. Dixie said that she invited the ECW guys and she turned! DIXIE TURNED ON TNA!
Two invasion angles going on in wrestling at the same time? What is this 1999?
I'm sick of this crap. ARGH!
beer money,
brian kendrick,
desmond wolfe,
doug williams,
jay lethal,
jeff hardy,
motor city machine guns,
rob terry,
samoa joe,
taylor wilde,
tna impact results,
tommy dreamer
WWE Superstars 7/15/10 Results and Review
WWE Superstars 7/15/10 Results
Chavo Guerrero defeated JTG
Curt Hawkins and Vance Archer defeated Jobbers
The Bella Twins defeated Jillian & Maryse
Chris Jericho defeated Yoshi Tatsu
WWE Superstars 7/15/10 Review
I remember wanting to get up early on weekends to watch cartoons then eat sugary cereal and then watch WWF Challenge or WWF Superstars at noon on regular television. The latest incarnation of Superstars really is somewhat like that, only in that it shares the name and style. The show is just wrestling, and not a whole lot of storyline, which isn't too bad, but it lacks the enthusiasm that the other shows had. I for one, am not as enthused each Thursday to watch and review 3 hours of wrestling, but I somehow continue to do so, and sometimes, I wonder why. Here are my thoughts on Superstars for this week.
Chavo Guerrero defeated JTG
JTG is way over in comparison to Shad Gaspar. Remember, it was Shad's time? Yeah, well JTG seemed to have the gimmick and the legs to continue being featured on WWE tv. This match seemed odd, two lower card guys opening television? I guess. I like Chavo, but no one else seems to like him, and he's still pushing that “Chavito Heat” type of gimmick. It only worked because of his Uncle Eddie, and he needs an update. JTG and Chavo exchanged momentum in this match up, and both men had unique points of interest, and I wasn't sure who'd actually win this one. I could make arguments for each man winning, but after some botches and some obvious “light hits” it seemed obvious to me that Chavo had the upper hand. Chavo ended up winning with the Frog Splash and that was that.
Not exactly a great match, but I guess it's nice to see Chavo getting a win, even if the fan fare was chimed in during post production.
Curt Hawkins and Vance Archer defeated Jobbers
This was stupid, and while I loved the classic jobbers from yesteryear in WCW and WWF, I don't care for them anymore. The jobbers got beat up and that was that. Hawkins and Archer is the worst team in WWE right now, and this match made me care even less about them. Your typical jobber match, that's about it.
The Bella Twins defeated Jillian & Maryse
This match sucked. The divas are the worst example of women's wrestling ever. The match had a lot of Blonde action, with both Maryse and Jillian taking control of the Bellas at different points in this match up. The Twins switched places during the match, a roll up worked and the Bellas win another match up. This was boring, and really only further proves that the divas suck. A funny moment in the match was when Jillian and Maryse tried to do the switch.
Chris Jericho defeated Yoshi Tatsu
Yoshi gave Chris Jericho a good fight, and the contrast of styles was definitely working towards making this match a great main event for Superstars. The match had Tatsu looking strong throughout and when he almost got to the ropes during the Walls of Jericho, I thought for sure this match would have Jericho once again losing. Tatsu kept in there and looking like he was going to win this one, but nope, the veteran managed to get the submission win and that was that. Jericho wins a very competitive and dare I say, entertaining main event match.
Superstars was actually good this week. No, not great, but the main event and opening matches were well enough that I actually was entertained.
Chavo Guerrero defeated JTG
Curt Hawkins and Vance Archer defeated Jobbers
The Bella Twins defeated Jillian & Maryse
Chris Jericho defeated Yoshi Tatsu
WWE Superstars 7/15/10 Review
I remember wanting to get up early on weekends to watch cartoons then eat sugary cereal and then watch WWF Challenge or WWF Superstars at noon on regular television. The latest incarnation of Superstars really is somewhat like that, only in that it shares the name and style. The show is just wrestling, and not a whole lot of storyline, which isn't too bad, but it lacks the enthusiasm that the other shows had. I for one, am not as enthused each Thursday to watch and review 3 hours of wrestling, but I somehow continue to do so, and sometimes, I wonder why. Here are my thoughts on Superstars for this week.
Chavo Guerrero defeated JTG
JTG is way over in comparison to Shad Gaspar. Remember, it was Shad's time? Yeah, well JTG seemed to have the gimmick and the legs to continue being featured on WWE tv. This match seemed odd, two lower card guys opening television? I guess. I like Chavo, but no one else seems to like him, and he's still pushing that “Chavito Heat” type of gimmick. It only worked because of his Uncle Eddie, and he needs an update. JTG and Chavo exchanged momentum in this match up, and both men had unique points of interest, and I wasn't sure who'd actually win this one. I could make arguments for each man winning, but after some botches and some obvious “light hits” it seemed obvious to me that Chavo had the upper hand. Chavo ended up winning with the Frog Splash and that was that.
Not exactly a great match, but I guess it's nice to see Chavo getting a win, even if the fan fare was chimed in during post production.
Curt Hawkins and Vance Archer defeated Jobbers
This was stupid, and while I loved the classic jobbers from yesteryear in WCW and WWF, I don't care for them anymore. The jobbers got beat up and that was that. Hawkins and Archer is the worst team in WWE right now, and this match made me care even less about them. Your typical jobber match, that's about it.
The Bella Twins defeated Jillian & Maryse
This match sucked. The divas are the worst example of women's wrestling ever. The match had a lot of Blonde action, with both Maryse and Jillian taking control of the Bellas at different points in this match up. The Twins switched places during the match, a roll up worked and the Bellas win another match up. This was boring, and really only further proves that the divas suck. A funny moment in the match was when Jillian and Maryse tried to do the switch.
Chris Jericho defeated Yoshi Tatsu
Yoshi gave Chris Jericho a good fight, and the contrast of styles was definitely working towards making this match a great main event for Superstars. The match had Tatsu looking strong throughout and when he almost got to the ropes during the Walls of Jericho, I thought for sure this match would have Jericho once again losing. Tatsu kept in there and looking like he was going to win this one, but nope, the veteran managed to get the submission win and that was that. Jericho wins a very competitive and dare I say, entertaining main event match.
Superstars was actually good this week. No, not great, but the main event and opening matches were well enough that I actually was entertained.
bella twins,
chavo guerrero,
chris jericho,
curt hawkins,
vance archer,
wwe superstars,
yoshi tatsu
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
WWE NXT 7/13/10 Results and Review
NXT 7/13/10 Results
Lucky Cannon & Mark Henry defeated The Miz & Alex Riley
The Nexus won a 20 Man Battle Royal
NXT 7/13/10 Review
NXT once again shows up on SyFy, and I'm already sick of it. Will we have Nexus part 2? Or will they be the good guy faction? I don't know...remember New World Order Wolf Pack? And LWO, and others. Whatever.
The show started with The Pros and the Nexus crew on the ramp. The Miz and his Riley were introduced and the two came down to ringside, and away we go.
Lucky Cannon & Mark Henry defeated The Miz & Alex Riley
Mark Henry essentially beat up Riley in this match. He was hitting Riley hard style, and was trying to force him to tag The Miz. Miz wouldn't tag in and was getting worked by Lucky and Mark Henry in this match up. I'm not sure if this was a planned spot, but Lucky Cannon went over the top rope and landed squarely on the Ring Steps face first! The Miz eventually got in and was beating up Cannon, trying to avoid a face off with Mark Henry. Henry got the win after The Miz was taken out on the outside of the ring. Henry then stalked Miz, and Miz ran away like a chump.
They had a weird talk show segment with Percy, his guest was MVP. Percy called out the rest of the rookies, and they were planning a Nexus beat down. Then out came the pros! I knew this was going to happen. Stryker came out and wanted to schedule a match up with an over the top rope battle royal to see who'd win.
Wade Barrett got on the mic, and said that the Nexus wanted to get involved.
The Nexus won a 20 Man Battle Royal
A Battle Royal started and both Season 1 of NXT (The Nexus) and Season 2 were involved with all the pro's. When anyone was eliminated the Nexus would beat them up and take them out. The Nexus eventually jumped into the ring and started to dominate. The match eventually wore down and the last one to be in ring for the WWE guys was Dashing Cody Rhodes.
Rhodes offered a hand of friendship to the Nexus guys and no one would shake his hand. The Nexus started to beat up Dashing Cody Rhodes and was eventually thrown out of the ring, leaving only the Nexus to win the 20 man battle royal.
Post match, the Nexus continued to attack the pros and things were not going well for them.
I like how this night of NXT went, but only because The Nexus is moving forward through the shows. I hope they end up going to Smackdown and doing this all over again.
Matt Stryker got into the ring and on the mic, and tried to talk to Wade Barrett. Mysteriously, Stryker got a microphone and interrupted Wade Barrett, and that was about it.
The show was nothing amazing, and I'm not sure why the fans were chanting USA, and Nexus were just standing in ring.
Lucky Cannon & Mark Henry defeated The Miz & Alex Riley
The Nexus won a 20 Man Battle Royal
NXT 7/13/10 Review
NXT once again shows up on SyFy, and I'm already sick of it. Will we have Nexus part 2? Or will they be the good guy faction? I don't know...remember New World Order Wolf Pack? And LWO, and others. Whatever.
The show started with The Pros and the Nexus crew on the ramp. The Miz and his Riley were introduced and the two came down to ringside, and away we go.
Lucky Cannon & Mark Henry defeated The Miz & Alex Riley
Mark Henry essentially beat up Riley in this match. He was hitting Riley hard style, and was trying to force him to tag The Miz. Miz wouldn't tag in and was getting worked by Lucky and Mark Henry in this match up. I'm not sure if this was a planned spot, but Lucky Cannon went over the top rope and landed squarely on the Ring Steps face first! The Miz eventually got in and was beating up Cannon, trying to avoid a face off with Mark Henry. Henry got the win after The Miz was taken out on the outside of the ring. Henry then stalked Miz, and Miz ran away like a chump.
They had a weird talk show segment with Percy, his guest was MVP. Percy called out the rest of the rookies, and they were planning a Nexus beat down. Then out came the pros! I knew this was going to happen. Stryker came out and wanted to schedule a match up with an over the top rope battle royal to see who'd win.
Wade Barrett got on the mic, and said that the Nexus wanted to get involved.
The Nexus won a 20 Man Battle Royal
A Battle Royal started and both Season 1 of NXT (The Nexus) and Season 2 were involved with all the pro's. When anyone was eliminated the Nexus would beat them up and take them out. The Nexus eventually jumped into the ring and started to dominate. The match eventually wore down and the last one to be in ring for the WWE guys was Dashing Cody Rhodes.
Rhodes offered a hand of friendship to the Nexus guys and no one would shake his hand. The Nexus started to beat up Dashing Cody Rhodes and was eventually thrown out of the ring, leaving only the Nexus to win the 20 man battle royal.
Post match, the Nexus continued to attack the pros and things were not going well for them.
I like how this night of NXT went, but only because The Nexus is moving forward through the shows. I hope they end up going to Smackdown and doing this all over again.
Matt Stryker got into the ring and on the mic, and tried to talk to Wade Barrett. Mysteriously, Stryker got a microphone and interrupted Wade Barrett, and that was about it.
The show was nothing amazing, and I'm not sure why the fans were chanting USA, and Nexus were just standing in ring.
alex riley,
battle royal,
lucky cannon,
nxt 7,
the miz,
wwe nxt
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
WWE Monday Night Raw 7/12/10 Results and Review
WWE Monday Night Raw 7/12/10 Results
Alicia Fox defeated Gail Kim
The Usos defeated The Hart Dynasty
Mark Henry vs The Miz
Edge defeated Randy Orton
Santino, Goldust, Kozlov, and the Great Khali defeated Zack Ryder, William Regal, and DOINK THE CLOWN, Primo
The Nexus defeated John Cena
WWE Monday Night Raw 7/12/10 Review
The only thing that I cared about in the WWE offering of Raw is to NOT see another Super Cena match.
I don't know how adults felt when I was a kid and was cheering Randy Macho Man Savage, The British Bulldogs, The Killer Bees, The Hart Foundation, Andrew the Giant, Rowdy Piper and others. But I do know what I feel about John Cena kid fans, they're idiots. John Cena sucks. Come on, you know it, I know it, and everyone knows it, the latest incarnation of John Cena sucks. Cena cut a lame promo and I was too tired to write a full recap.
The Nexus guys came out to the ramp. Wade Barrett said that the Nexus will wait for later to beat up Cena.
Alicia Fox defeated Gail Kim
Alicia Fox is one of the worst diva's in a long time. Eve on the mic sucks too. Gail Kim is unfortunately the shining light of the division, but hasn't been allowed to prove it on the main shows as of late. This match had a few impact moves from Kim, and she strung together a few hits. The Scissors kick from Alicia Fox looks sick...not in a good way. This match sucked. I'm so sick of the divas.
The Usos defeated The Hart Dynasty
This is stupid. Why would they give this match away, when it's already book at the ppv? This match was ok at best, it was fast and showcased that the USOS are a serious threat. They of course, won the match after a big splash. It was just too easy for the USOS here. They'll most likely not win at the ppv.
Backstage Yoshi Tatsu got beat up by Nexus.
Ted Dibiase came out to the ring and cut a promo with Maryse about winning the Money in the Bank ladder match. That prompted John Morrison to come out. Morrison got beat up by Dibiase, but then the tables turned and Morrison looked poised to once again Miss his finisher, and if it wasn't for Maryse things might have been worse, she pulled Ted out of harms way.
The most intriguing thing about the Florence Henderson sketch with Santino was that there was a random Pepperoni Pizza in the background.
Edge defeated Randy Orton
Orton and Edge already fought this match on ppv, and this time around it was a replica of their previous match. I liked it for what it was, but I didn't really care for the feud, if they are still feuding. Edge seemed to have the upper hand towards the end of the match, and while Orton was looking threatening, I wasn't really convinced that he could take out the Rated R superstar tonight. The counters towards the end was a nice way to get the crowd into it, and for all intents and purposes this match was better than their last ppv match, especially since Orton didn't dislocate his shoulder this time around. Edge won with a little help from Chris Jericho in a nice Raw match, which is a great change of pace for the WWE.
Post match Jericho hit the Code Breaker on Edge.
Orton than hit the RKO on Jericho, and that prompted Evan Bourne to come out.
What happened next is the BEST MOVE EVER!
Evan Bourne went for Airbourne but was hit with the RKO! Airbourne into RKO! If you missed it, you missed it! AIRBOURNE INTO THE RKO! AMAZING!!! SICK!!!! BEST MOVE OF 2010! HOLY CRAP HOLY CRAP! Perfect TIMING! AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING! I KID YOU NOT! RKO RKO RKO! I was going nuts.

Nexus beat up John Morrison after he walked into a Skip Sheffield promo. Morrison sucks, I'm glad he got beat down. Screw Morrison.
The Miz cut a promo and said that he would win the Money in the Bank Ladder match. He then had a match with the World's Strongest Man, Mark Henry.
Mark Henry vs The Miz
This match was not very good, aside from The Miz utilizing weapons to knockout and beat up Mark Henry. Henry went head first into the General Manager's stand and was knocked out cold. I assume the match ended in a double countout? I don't know, I hate no finish endings.
Santino, Goldust, Kozlov, and the Great Khali defeated Zack Ryder, William Regal, and DOINK THE CLOWN, Primo
I kid you not folks, Doink the Clown was part of this match. The beginning saw Santino loading up the Cobra and it actually worked! He hit Regal with the Cobra! THE COBRA! Doink tagged in and this match turned into a Khali beat down as he beat up Doink! Doink took a huge chop to the head from Khali and this thing was over.
Evan Bourne got beat up by Nexus.
Sheamus walked up on Evan Bourne and laughed in his face. Then he came face to face with the Nexus crew. Sheamus ran off and was looking for Cena, and that was that.
The Nexus defeated John Cena
This match featured SUPER CENA for the majority of the match. It was funny to see him hit every power move he could on several members of the Nexus. Nexus wasn't getting the upper hand for the most part until Heath Slater hit Cena from behind and I was marking out. I'm sick of Cena, they should injure him and write him off the show. Just Gabriel got the pinfall victory after the 450 Splash.
A fallen Cena had the Nexus standing over him and it was awesome, finally the end of SUPER CENA, Screw CENA! He sucks! YES YES YES!
Post match, Cena sucker punched Wade then ran for a chair and cleared the ring. What a coward. Cena had blood falling down his face, and the Nexus got on the ring.
Sheamus ran down with a chair and helped John Cena! WTF?!?!? WHY?
Sheamus sucks too...and that's how the show ended with Nexus running away and Cena & Sheamus friends? Whatever.
Alicia Fox defeated Gail Kim
The Usos defeated The Hart Dynasty
Mark Henry vs The Miz
Edge defeated Randy Orton
Santino, Goldust, Kozlov, and the Great Khali defeated Zack Ryder, William Regal, and DOINK THE CLOWN, Primo
The Nexus defeated John Cena
WWE Monday Night Raw 7/12/10 Review
The only thing that I cared about in the WWE offering of Raw is to NOT see another Super Cena match.
I don't know how adults felt when I was a kid and was cheering Randy Macho Man Savage, The British Bulldogs, The Killer Bees, The Hart Foundation, Andrew the Giant, Rowdy Piper and others. But I do know what I feel about John Cena kid fans, they're idiots. John Cena sucks. Come on, you know it, I know it, and everyone knows it, the latest incarnation of John Cena sucks. Cena cut a lame promo and I was too tired to write a full recap.
The Nexus guys came out to the ramp. Wade Barrett said that the Nexus will wait for later to beat up Cena.
Alicia Fox defeated Gail Kim
Alicia Fox is one of the worst diva's in a long time. Eve on the mic sucks too. Gail Kim is unfortunately the shining light of the division, but hasn't been allowed to prove it on the main shows as of late. This match had a few impact moves from Kim, and she strung together a few hits. The Scissors kick from Alicia Fox looks sick...not in a good way. This match sucked. I'm so sick of the divas.
The Usos defeated The Hart Dynasty
This is stupid. Why would they give this match away, when it's already book at the ppv? This match was ok at best, it was fast and showcased that the USOS are a serious threat. They of course, won the match after a big splash. It was just too easy for the USOS here. They'll most likely not win at the ppv.
Backstage Yoshi Tatsu got beat up by Nexus.
Ted Dibiase came out to the ring and cut a promo with Maryse about winning the Money in the Bank ladder match. That prompted John Morrison to come out. Morrison got beat up by Dibiase, but then the tables turned and Morrison looked poised to once again Miss his finisher, and if it wasn't for Maryse things might have been worse, she pulled Ted out of harms way.
The most intriguing thing about the Florence Henderson sketch with Santino was that there was a random Pepperoni Pizza in the background.
Edge defeated Randy Orton
Orton and Edge already fought this match on ppv, and this time around it was a replica of their previous match. I liked it for what it was, but I didn't really care for the feud, if they are still feuding. Edge seemed to have the upper hand towards the end of the match, and while Orton was looking threatening, I wasn't really convinced that he could take out the Rated R superstar tonight. The counters towards the end was a nice way to get the crowd into it, and for all intents and purposes this match was better than their last ppv match, especially since Orton didn't dislocate his shoulder this time around. Edge won with a little help from Chris Jericho in a nice Raw match, which is a great change of pace for the WWE.
Post match Jericho hit the Code Breaker on Edge.
Orton than hit the RKO on Jericho, and that prompted Evan Bourne to come out.
What happened next is the BEST MOVE EVER!
Evan Bourne went for Airbourne but was hit with the RKO! Airbourne into RKO! If you missed it, you missed it! AIRBOURNE INTO THE RKO! AMAZING!!! SICK!!!! BEST MOVE OF 2010! HOLY CRAP HOLY CRAP! Perfect TIMING! AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING! I KID YOU NOT! RKO RKO RKO! I was going nuts.

Nexus beat up John Morrison after he walked into a Skip Sheffield promo. Morrison sucks, I'm glad he got beat down. Screw Morrison.
The Miz cut a promo and said that he would win the Money in the Bank Ladder match. He then had a match with the World's Strongest Man, Mark Henry.
Mark Henry vs The Miz
This match was not very good, aside from The Miz utilizing weapons to knockout and beat up Mark Henry. Henry went head first into the General Manager's stand and was knocked out cold. I assume the match ended in a double countout? I don't know, I hate no finish endings.
Santino, Goldust, Kozlov, and the Great Khali defeated Zack Ryder, William Regal, and DOINK THE CLOWN, Primo
I kid you not folks, Doink the Clown was part of this match. The beginning saw Santino loading up the Cobra and it actually worked! He hit Regal with the Cobra! THE COBRA! Doink tagged in and this match turned into a Khali beat down as he beat up Doink! Doink took a huge chop to the head from Khali and this thing was over.
Evan Bourne got beat up by Nexus.
Sheamus walked up on Evan Bourne and laughed in his face. Then he came face to face with the Nexus crew. Sheamus ran off and was looking for Cena, and that was that.
The Nexus defeated John Cena
This match featured SUPER CENA for the majority of the match. It was funny to see him hit every power move he could on several members of the Nexus. Nexus wasn't getting the upper hand for the most part until Heath Slater hit Cena from behind and I was marking out. I'm sick of Cena, they should injure him and write him off the show. Just Gabriel got the pinfall victory after the 450 Splash.
A fallen Cena had the Nexus standing over him and it was awesome, finally the end of SUPER CENA, Screw CENA! He sucks! YES YES YES!
Post match, Cena sucker punched Wade then ran for a chair and cleared the ring. What a coward. Cena had blood falling down his face, and the Nexus got on the ring.
Sheamus ran down with a chair and helped John Cena! WTF?!?!? WHY?
Sheamus sucks too...and that's how the show ended with Nexus running away and Cena & Sheamus friends? Whatever.
alicia fox,
gail kim,
john cena,
mark henry,
primo colon,
randy orton,
the miz,
wwe monday night raw
WWE Monday Night Raw 7/12/10 Results and Review
WWE Monday Night Raw 7/12/10 Results
Alicia Fox defeated Gail Kim
The Usos defeated The Hart Dynasty
Mark Henry vs The Miz
Edge defeated Randy Orton
Santino, Goldust, Kozlov, and the Great Khali defeated Zack Ryder, William Regal, and DOINK THE CLOWN, Primo
The Nexus defeated John Cena
WWE Monday Night Raw 7/12/10 Review
The only thing that I cared about in the WWE offering of Raw is to NOT see another Super Cena match.
I don't know how adults felt when I was a kid and was cheering Randy Macho Man Savage, The British Bulldogs, The Killer Bees, The Hart Foundation, Andrew the Giant, Rowdy Piper and others. But I do know what I feel about John Cena kid fans, they're idiots. John Cena sucks. Come on, you know it, I know it, and everyone knows it, the latest incarnation of John Cena sucks. Cena cut a lame promo and I was too tired to write a full recap.
The Nexus guys came out to the ramp. Wade Barrett said that the Nexus will wait for later to beat up Cena.
Alicia Fox defeated Gail Kim
Alicia Fox is one of the worst diva's in a long time. Eve on the mic sucks too. Gail Kim is unfortunately the shining light of the division, but hasn't been allowed to prove it on the main shows as of late. This match had a few impact moves from Kim, and she strung together a few hits. The Scissors kick from Alicia Fox looks sick...not in a good way. This match sucked. I'm so sick of the divas.
The Usos defeated The Hart Dynasty
This is stupid. Why would they give this match away, when it's already book at the ppv? This match was ok at best, it was fast and showcased that the USOS are a serious threat. They of course, won the match after a big splash. It was just too easy for the USOS here. They'll most likely not win at the ppv.
Backstage Yoshi Tatsu got beat up by Nexus.
Ted Dibiase came out to the ring and cut a promo with Maryse about winning the Money in the Bank ladder match. That prompted John Morrison to come out. Morrison got beat up by Dibiase, but then the tables turned and Morrison looked poised to once again Miss his finisher, and if it wasn't for Maryse things might have been worse, she pulled Ted out of harms way.
The most intriguing thing about the Florence Henderson sketch with Santino was that there was a random Pepperoni Pizza in the background.
Edge defeated Randy Orton
Orton and Edge already fought this match on ppv, and this time around it was a replica of their previous match. I liked it for what it was, but I didn't really care for the feud, if they are still feuding. Edge seemed to have the upper hand towards the end of the match, and while Orton was looking threatening, I wasn't really convinced that he could take out the Rated R superstar tonight. The counters towards the end was a nice way to get the crowd into it, and for all intents and purposes this match was better than their last ppv match, especially since Orton didn't dislocate his shoulder this time around. Edge won with a little help from Chris Jericho in a nice Raw match, which is a great change of pace for the WWE.
Post match Jericho hit the Code Breaker on Edge.
Orton than hit the RKO on Jericho, and that prompted Evan Bourne to come out.
What happened next is the BEST MOVE EVER!
Evan Bourne went for Airbourne but was hit with the RKO! Airbourne into RKO! If you missed it, you missed it! AIRBOURNE INTO THE RKO! AMAZING!!! SICK!!!! BEST MOVE OF 2010! HOLY CRAP HOLY CRAP! Perfect TIMING! AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING! I KID YOU NOT! RKO RKO RKO! I was going nuts.
Nexus beat up John Morrison after he walked into a Skip Sheffield promo. Morrison sucks, I'm glad he got beat down. Screw Morrison.
The Miz cut a promo and said that he would win the Money in the Bank Ladder match. He then had a match with the World's Strongest Man, Mark Henry.
Mark Henry vs The Miz
This match was not very good, aside from The Miz utilizing weapons to knockout and beat up Mark Henry. Henry went head first into the General Manager's stand and was knocked out cold. I assume the match ended in a double countout? I don't know, I hate no finish endings.
Santino, Goldust, Kozlov, and the Great Khali defeated Zack Ryder, William Regal, and DOINK THE CLOWN, Primo
I kid you not folks, Doink the Clown was part of this match. The beginning saw Santino loading up the Cobra and it actually worked! He hit Regal with the Cobra! THE COBRA! Doink tagged in and this match turned into a Khali beat down as he beat up Doink! Doink took a huge chop to the head from Khali and this thing was over.
Evan Bourne got beat up by Nexus.
Sheamus walked up on Evan Bourne and laughed in his face. Then he came face to face with the Nexus crew. Sheamus ran off and was looking for Cena, and that was that.
The Nexus defeated John Cena
This match featured SUPER CENA for the majority of the match. It was funny to see him hit every power move he could on several members of the Nexus. Nexus wasn't getting the upper hand for the most part until Heath Slater hit Cena from behind and I was marking out. I'm sick of Cena, they should injure him and write him off the show. Just Gabriel got the pinfall victory after the 450 Splash.
A fallen Cena had the Nexus standing over him and it was awesome, finally the end of SUPER CENA, Screw CENA! He sucks! YES YES YES!
Post match, Cena sucker punched Wade then ran for a chair and cleared the ring. What a coward. Cena had blood falling down his face, and the Nexus got on the ring.
Sheamus ran down with a chair and helped John Cena! WTF?!?!? WHY?
Sheamus sucks too...and that's how the show ended with Nexus running away and Cena & Sheamus friends? Whatever.
Alicia Fox defeated Gail Kim
The Usos defeated The Hart Dynasty
Mark Henry vs The Miz
Edge defeated Randy Orton
Santino, Goldust, Kozlov, and the Great Khali defeated Zack Ryder, William Regal, and DOINK THE CLOWN, Primo
The Nexus defeated John Cena
WWE Monday Night Raw 7/12/10 Review
The only thing that I cared about in the WWE offering of Raw is to NOT see another Super Cena match.
I don't know how adults felt when I was a kid and was cheering Randy Macho Man Savage, The British Bulldogs, The Killer Bees, The Hart Foundation, Andrew the Giant, Rowdy Piper and others. But I do know what I feel about John Cena kid fans, they're idiots. John Cena sucks. Come on, you know it, I know it, and everyone knows it, the latest incarnation of John Cena sucks. Cena cut a lame promo and I was too tired to write a full recap.
The Nexus guys came out to the ramp. Wade Barrett said that the Nexus will wait for later to beat up Cena.
Alicia Fox defeated Gail Kim
Alicia Fox is one of the worst diva's in a long time. Eve on the mic sucks too. Gail Kim is unfortunately the shining light of the division, but hasn't been allowed to prove it on the main shows as of late. This match had a few impact moves from Kim, and she strung together a few hits. The Scissors kick from Alicia Fox looks sick...not in a good way. This match sucked. I'm so sick of the divas.
The Usos defeated The Hart Dynasty
This is stupid. Why would they give this match away, when it's already book at the ppv? This match was ok at best, it was fast and showcased that the USOS are a serious threat. They of course, won the match after a big splash. It was just too easy for the USOS here. They'll most likely not win at the ppv.
Backstage Yoshi Tatsu got beat up by Nexus.
Ted Dibiase came out to the ring and cut a promo with Maryse about winning the Money in the Bank ladder match. That prompted John Morrison to come out. Morrison got beat up by Dibiase, but then the tables turned and Morrison looked poised to once again Miss his finisher, and if it wasn't for Maryse things might have been worse, she pulled Ted out of harms way.
The most intriguing thing about the Florence Henderson sketch with Santino was that there was a random Pepperoni Pizza in the background.
Edge defeated Randy Orton
Orton and Edge already fought this match on ppv, and this time around it was a replica of their previous match. I liked it for what it was, but I didn't really care for the feud, if they are still feuding. Edge seemed to have the upper hand towards the end of the match, and while Orton was looking threatening, I wasn't really convinced that he could take out the Rated R superstar tonight. The counters towards the end was a nice way to get the crowd into it, and for all intents and purposes this match was better than their last ppv match, especially since Orton didn't dislocate his shoulder this time around. Edge won with a little help from Chris Jericho in a nice Raw match, which is a great change of pace for the WWE.
Post match Jericho hit the Code Breaker on Edge.
Orton than hit the RKO on Jericho, and that prompted Evan Bourne to come out.
What happened next is the BEST MOVE EVER!
Evan Bourne went for Airbourne but was hit with the RKO! Airbourne into RKO! If you missed it, you missed it! AIRBOURNE INTO THE RKO! AMAZING!!! SICK!!!! BEST MOVE OF 2010! HOLY CRAP HOLY CRAP! Perfect TIMING! AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING! I KID YOU NOT! RKO RKO RKO! I was going nuts.
Nexus beat up John Morrison after he walked into a Skip Sheffield promo. Morrison sucks, I'm glad he got beat down. Screw Morrison.
The Miz cut a promo and said that he would win the Money in the Bank Ladder match. He then had a match with the World's Strongest Man, Mark Henry.
Mark Henry vs The Miz
This match was not very good, aside from The Miz utilizing weapons to knockout and beat up Mark Henry. Henry went head first into the General Manager's stand and was knocked out cold. I assume the match ended in a double countout? I don't know, I hate no finish endings.
Santino, Goldust, Kozlov, and the Great Khali defeated Zack Ryder, William Regal, and DOINK THE CLOWN, Primo
I kid you not folks, Doink the Clown was part of this match. The beginning saw Santino loading up the Cobra and it actually worked! He hit Regal with the Cobra! THE COBRA! Doink tagged in and this match turned into a Khali beat down as he beat up Doink! Doink took a huge chop to the head from Khali and this thing was over.
Evan Bourne got beat up by Nexus.
Sheamus walked up on Evan Bourne and laughed in his face. Then he came face to face with the Nexus crew. Sheamus ran off and was looking for Cena, and that was that.
The Nexus defeated John Cena
This match featured SUPER CENA for the majority of the match. It was funny to see him hit every power move he could on several members of the Nexus. Nexus wasn't getting the upper hand for the most part until Heath Slater hit Cena from behind and I was marking out. I'm sick of Cena, they should injure him and write him off the show. Just Gabriel got the pinfall victory after the 450 Splash.
A fallen Cena had the Nexus standing over him and it was awesome, finally the end of SUPER CENA, Screw CENA! He sucks! YES YES YES!
Post match, Cena sucker punched Wade then ran for a chair and cleared the ring. What a coward. Cena had blood falling down his face, and the Nexus got on the ring.
Sheamus ran down with a chair and helped John Cena! WTF?!?!? WHY?
Sheamus sucks too...and that's how the show ended with Nexus running away and Cena & Sheamus friends? Whatever.
Monday, July 12, 2010
TNA Victory Road 2010 Results and Review
TNA Victory Road 2010 Results
Doug Williams defeated Brian Kendrick
Brother Ray defeated Jesse Neal and Brother Devon in a triple threat match
Angelina Love defeated Madison Rayne via disqualification
Kazarian & Aj Styles defeated Rob Terry & Samoa Joe
Hernandez defeated Matt Morgan in a steel cage match
Jay Lethal defeated Ric Flair
The Motor City Machine Guns defeated Beer Money
Kurt Angle defeated The Pope D'Angelo Dinero
Rob Van Dam defeated Abyss,Jeff Hardy, and Mr. Anderson
TNA Victory Road 2010 Review
I was fortunate enough to see the show, and therefore, here is my review of the latest TNA ppv offering.
The show opened up with a promo for Abyss. They did it just like they did the old Mankind promo's, and I'm tired of it already. Abyss sucks, face it folks, Abyss is such a stale character that hasn't been relevant for a long time.
Doug Williams defeated Brian Kendrick
The story here is that Williams is afraid of heights, which meant that Kendrick had the upper hand here. The match was even handed, going back and forth throughout the match up. Williams was working a more strong style, while Kendrick was throwing all his high spots at the champion, making for a nice flow. The match should've gotten better with near falls or something, but overall, this match started hot and fizzled out over time. The ending featured a bad landing from the “x” ropes Williams managed to choke out Kendrick, who looked dead after the fall. A boring ending to an otherwise mediocre match.
Post match, Kendrick looked legit knocked out, and it could've been from the fall off the top of the “x” sign ropes.
Brother Ray defeated Jesse Neal and Brother Devon in a triple threat match
This match was just terrible to watch. I was so bored with it, and even though it had a few hits, the majority just wasn't that good. I haven't been a fan of Team 3D since they were battling the Eliminators in ECW. Devon didn't show up after they introduced him, and it turned out that Devon was locked in his dressing room with and he couldn't get out. This match was just a few steps above an Impact match. The most exciting part of the match was seeing the ECW originals walking in the crowd, that's about it. Devon eventually ran down to the ring, and this match could've started to get good, but guess what? It didn't. Neal accidentally speared Devon and Brother Ray won via pinfall.
This is the worst feud going right now. I'm sick of it, that's for sure.
Angelina Love defeated Madison Rayne via disqualification **Love wins the title
First and foremost, Madison was wearing a flesh tone ring outfit, giving the perception that she was naked. I'm not sure if that was the intention of TNA, but it came across very sexy. Just sayin. The match was a systematic movement of botches, attempts at wrestling, and just terrible points of interest. I was really bored with this match, even though you could see everything that Madison Rayne has, including a shot of her nether-regions.
Out of the blue a woman riding a Motorcycle showed up in full black gear and a helmet on. Angelina Love was thrown outside and the masked woman attacked her, and then the Ref was beat up, causing the match to end in a disqualification.
Post match the Motorcycle riding woman took Madison Rayne with her to the backstage area. Angelina Love won, and I didn't care, and I'm sure no one else did either.
Kazarian & Aj Styles defeated Rob Terry & Samoa Joe
This hot shot tag team didn't make any sense to me. That's right, Rob Terry was feuding with Orlando Jordan and Samoa Joe is fresh off losing to RVD, so why are they tagging together out of the blue? I don't know, and guess what? WHO CARES?!?! Ugh, I'm so sick of TNA's booking, it just doesn't make sense to me, and doesn't interest me at all. Plus, WHO KIDNAPPED SAMOA JOE???
The match was mostly Joe & Terry and the two were in full control of this match up, while Styles and Kaz tried their best to fight the monster duo. Kaz and AJ were bumping all over the ring, and the dual offense of Terry & Joe definitely made the match fun to watch. I thought I was going to hate the match, but the pace was fast, the moves were definitely solid, and it just kept getting better over time, with Styles and Kaz just getting PWNED at all points. Samoa Joe caught Styles flying into the corner and slammed him in a move that should've broken the ring, it was sick. Terry is jacked as ever, and was throwing around Kaz and Styles like rag dolls, making for a nice throwback to the 80's Steroids era of wrestling. Desmond Wolfe ran down to interfere in the match, and helped turn the match around.
Desmond Wolfe was easily taken care of and the Flair wannabes took turns hitting their finishers to get Rob Terry out, and that was that. This match was actually very entertaining, and I liked it. They won the match with a nice flurry of finishers, and a little help from Desmond Wolfe.
Post match, Desmond Wolfe got a Muscle Buster for his troubles.
Hernandez defeated Matt Morgan in a steel cage match
This match was a classic steel cage match, and it featured blood! This match wasn't pg, and it shouldn't be. The two men fought each other quite well and each man took major bumps into the cage, and through power moves at various stages of the match up. Hernandez got the biggest bump as he flew off the top of the cage, only to miss Morgan. Morgan got a pair of handcuffs and cuffed Hernandez to the ring ropes, but Super Mex broke the cuffs and spread the cage door hard and busted through to win the match! Not a terrible match, and definitely a throwback to the old style cage matches from WWE, I liked it.
Christy Hemme has a HUGE forehead, but I'd still hook up, if I had a chance.
Jay Lethal defeated Ric Flair
Jay Lethal did a lot of standard 80's and early 90's style wrestling in this match. Taking pages from many other matches that Flair has been a part of, Lethal kept hitting standard wrestling moves instead of flying through the year often. Flair wasn't exactly putting on a show tonight, and he was winded early. Lethal eventually started to work Flair's leg and eventually strapped on the Figure Four leg lock and Flair quit. That was that. This match was barely passable, and Lethal was really excited, about beating up a 50 year old man.
The Motor City Machine Guns defeated Beer Money
This match was given plenty of time, and the guys put on a show as they always do. I don't remember being too intrigued, but I give the two teams a lot of credit. Both teams had points where this thing was over, but I felt like I've seen this match too many times. I'm actually getting tired of seeing the Machine Guns fight Beer Money, and that's why I didn't care too much about this match. Yes, there were double team moves, high spots, nearfalls, and some good quality tag team wrestling, but I just didn't find myself caring too much. The Eye of the Storm was a nice move towards the end.
There was a ref bump, out ran Earl Hebner to equalize the match up. The Machine Guns kept getting close. The match ended in an odd fashion. One member Beer Money pinned One member of The Machine Guns, While one member of the Machine Guns pinned one member of Beer Money, and both Brian Hebner and Earl Hebner counted 3 which meant that both teams won?!?
The match was restarted, since there were no definitive winners. After the match was restarted, the Motor City Machine Guns hit a tandem move and finally got the pinfall win to capture the TNA Tag Team Championship Belts.
Kurt Angle defeated The Pope D'Angelo Dinero
This wasn't a four star epic, but it had enough gusto to make a very interesting match from two good overall competitors. The match was back and forth with neither man really getting too much of an advantage in the match up. You got your traditional Angle moments with suplexes, rough tackles and mat wrestling. Dinero kept fighting and hit his move set, but the end came with Dinero getting trapped in the Ankle Lock several times, and eventually giving up. This match was telegraphed for Angle to win, and anyone that thought he would lose, is dumb. Angle will not lose a match for a long time, that's for sure.
Rob Van Dam defeated Abyss,Jeff Hardy, and Mr. Anderson
This match was probably the safest main event I've seen in a long time. The match didn't have a lot of high spots, and while there were a few cool moments, this match just looked like it was phoned in. I didn't think this match was all that great, and actually ended with such a stupid ending, that even the crowd wasn't that insane. It was a quiet crowd in a lackluster finish, that saw all men on top of each other and Rob Van Dam with the pinfall win. The dead crowd showcased how crappy this match was. Seriously, there is nothing really worth mentioning throughout the match, and I felt cheated as a wrestling fan.
Post match Abyss grabbed his Nail Board and was ready to attack RVD, he didn't hit him, but wanted to. Abyss was left in the ring with the board and that was that. The show ended with Abyss in ring, and that was that. I hated this crap. One of the worst ppv's of the year, and I am not surprised that I hated it. TNA hasn't done anything worth while in a few months and dare I say years? Man, TNA sucks.
Doug Williams defeated Brian Kendrick
Brother Ray defeated Jesse Neal and Brother Devon in a triple threat match
Angelina Love defeated Madison Rayne via disqualification
Kazarian & Aj Styles defeated Rob Terry & Samoa Joe
Hernandez defeated Matt Morgan in a steel cage match
Jay Lethal defeated Ric Flair
The Motor City Machine Guns defeated Beer Money
Kurt Angle defeated The Pope D'Angelo Dinero
Rob Van Dam defeated Abyss,Jeff Hardy, and Mr. Anderson
TNA Victory Road 2010 Review
I was fortunate enough to see the show, and therefore, here is my review of the latest TNA ppv offering.
The show opened up with a promo for Abyss. They did it just like they did the old Mankind promo's, and I'm tired of it already. Abyss sucks, face it folks, Abyss is such a stale character that hasn't been relevant for a long time.
Doug Williams defeated Brian Kendrick
The story here is that Williams is afraid of heights, which meant that Kendrick had the upper hand here. The match was even handed, going back and forth throughout the match up. Williams was working a more strong style, while Kendrick was throwing all his high spots at the champion, making for a nice flow. The match should've gotten better with near falls or something, but overall, this match started hot and fizzled out over time. The ending featured a bad landing from the “x” ropes Williams managed to choke out Kendrick, who looked dead after the fall. A boring ending to an otherwise mediocre match.
Post match, Kendrick looked legit knocked out, and it could've been from the fall off the top of the “x” sign ropes.
Brother Ray defeated Jesse Neal and Brother Devon in a triple threat match
This match was just terrible to watch. I was so bored with it, and even though it had a few hits, the majority just wasn't that good. I haven't been a fan of Team 3D since they were battling the Eliminators in ECW. Devon didn't show up after they introduced him, and it turned out that Devon was locked in his dressing room with and he couldn't get out. This match was just a few steps above an Impact match. The most exciting part of the match was seeing the ECW originals walking in the crowd, that's about it. Devon eventually ran down to the ring, and this match could've started to get good, but guess what? It didn't. Neal accidentally speared Devon and Brother Ray won via pinfall.
This is the worst feud going right now. I'm sick of it, that's for sure.
Angelina Love defeated Madison Rayne via disqualification **Love wins the title
First and foremost, Madison was wearing a flesh tone ring outfit, giving the perception that she was naked. I'm not sure if that was the intention of TNA, but it came across very sexy. Just sayin. The match was a systematic movement of botches, attempts at wrestling, and just terrible points of interest. I was really bored with this match, even though you could see everything that Madison Rayne has, including a shot of her nether-regions.
Out of the blue a woman riding a Motorcycle showed up in full black gear and a helmet on. Angelina Love was thrown outside and the masked woman attacked her, and then the Ref was beat up, causing the match to end in a disqualification.
Post match the Motorcycle riding woman took Madison Rayne with her to the backstage area. Angelina Love won, and I didn't care, and I'm sure no one else did either.
Kazarian & Aj Styles defeated Rob Terry & Samoa Joe
This hot shot tag team didn't make any sense to me. That's right, Rob Terry was feuding with Orlando Jordan and Samoa Joe is fresh off losing to RVD, so why are they tagging together out of the blue? I don't know, and guess what? WHO CARES?!?! Ugh, I'm so sick of TNA's booking, it just doesn't make sense to me, and doesn't interest me at all. Plus, WHO KIDNAPPED SAMOA JOE???
The match was mostly Joe & Terry and the two were in full control of this match up, while Styles and Kaz tried their best to fight the monster duo. Kaz and AJ were bumping all over the ring, and the dual offense of Terry & Joe definitely made the match fun to watch. I thought I was going to hate the match, but the pace was fast, the moves were definitely solid, and it just kept getting better over time, with Styles and Kaz just getting PWNED at all points. Samoa Joe caught Styles flying into the corner and slammed him in a move that should've broken the ring, it was sick. Terry is jacked as ever, and was throwing around Kaz and Styles like rag dolls, making for a nice throwback to the 80's Steroids era of wrestling. Desmond Wolfe ran down to interfere in the match, and helped turn the match around.
Desmond Wolfe was easily taken care of and the Flair wannabes took turns hitting their finishers to get Rob Terry out, and that was that. This match was actually very entertaining, and I liked it. They won the match with a nice flurry of finishers, and a little help from Desmond Wolfe.
Post match, Desmond Wolfe got a Muscle Buster for his troubles.
Hernandez defeated Matt Morgan in a steel cage match
This match was a classic steel cage match, and it featured blood! This match wasn't pg, and it shouldn't be. The two men fought each other quite well and each man took major bumps into the cage, and through power moves at various stages of the match up. Hernandez got the biggest bump as he flew off the top of the cage, only to miss Morgan. Morgan got a pair of handcuffs and cuffed Hernandez to the ring ropes, but Super Mex broke the cuffs and spread the cage door hard and busted through to win the match! Not a terrible match, and definitely a throwback to the old style cage matches from WWE, I liked it.
Christy Hemme has a HUGE forehead, but I'd still hook up, if I had a chance.
Jay Lethal defeated Ric Flair
Jay Lethal did a lot of standard 80's and early 90's style wrestling in this match. Taking pages from many other matches that Flair has been a part of, Lethal kept hitting standard wrestling moves instead of flying through the year often. Flair wasn't exactly putting on a show tonight, and he was winded early. Lethal eventually started to work Flair's leg and eventually strapped on the Figure Four leg lock and Flair quit. That was that. This match was barely passable, and Lethal was really excited, about beating up a 50 year old man.
The Motor City Machine Guns defeated Beer Money
This match was given plenty of time, and the guys put on a show as they always do. I don't remember being too intrigued, but I give the two teams a lot of credit. Both teams had points where this thing was over, but I felt like I've seen this match too many times. I'm actually getting tired of seeing the Machine Guns fight Beer Money, and that's why I didn't care too much about this match. Yes, there were double team moves, high spots, nearfalls, and some good quality tag team wrestling, but I just didn't find myself caring too much. The Eye of the Storm was a nice move towards the end.
There was a ref bump, out ran Earl Hebner to equalize the match up. The Machine Guns kept getting close. The match ended in an odd fashion. One member Beer Money pinned One member of The Machine Guns, While one member of the Machine Guns pinned one member of Beer Money, and both Brian Hebner and Earl Hebner counted 3 which meant that both teams won?!?
The match was restarted, since there were no definitive winners. After the match was restarted, the Motor City Machine Guns hit a tandem move and finally got the pinfall win to capture the TNA Tag Team Championship Belts.
Kurt Angle defeated The Pope D'Angelo Dinero
This wasn't a four star epic, but it had enough gusto to make a very interesting match from two good overall competitors. The match was back and forth with neither man really getting too much of an advantage in the match up. You got your traditional Angle moments with suplexes, rough tackles and mat wrestling. Dinero kept fighting and hit his move set, but the end came with Dinero getting trapped in the Ankle Lock several times, and eventually giving up. This match was telegraphed for Angle to win, and anyone that thought he would lose, is dumb. Angle will not lose a match for a long time, that's for sure.
Rob Van Dam defeated Abyss,Jeff Hardy, and Mr. Anderson
This match was probably the safest main event I've seen in a long time. The match didn't have a lot of high spots, and while there were a few cool moments, this match just looked like it was phoned in. I didn't think this match was all that great, and actually ended with such a stupid ending, that even the crowd wasn't that insane. It was a quiet crowd in a lackluster finish, that saw all men on top of each other and Rob Van Dam with the pinfall win. The dead crowd showcased how crappy this match was. Seriously, there is nothing really worth mentioning throughout the match, and I felt cheated as a wrestling fan.
Post match Abyss grabbed his Nail Board and was ready to attack RVD, he didn't hit him, but wanted to. Abyss was left in the ring with the board and that was that. The show ended with Abyss in ring, and that was that. I hated this crap. One of the worst ppv's of the year, and I am not surprised that I hated it. TNA hasn't done anything worth while in a few months and dare I say years? Man, TNA sucks.
brian kendrick,
brother ray,
doug williams,
jeff hardy,
jesse neal,
ken anderson,
kurt angle,
matt morgan,
motor city machine guns,
ric flair,
rob van dam,
tna victory road stream
Saturday, July 10, 2010
The Week In Wrestling 7/10/10

The week is done, and I've decided to start writing up commentary for the “week in wrestling, featuring news, comments, and discussion.
First up, let's talk about some wrestling news.
Wrestling News
Dragon Gate USA ran a ppv last night and I didn't see it, but am interested in seeing the independent wrestling promotion's attempt at competing with the bigger wrestling companies. I might be able to sneak a peak courtesy of a few friends I have online, but it's doubtful.
Triple H is slated to be out for a few months after getting surgery on a torn tendon in his upper arm. Needless to say, I'm NOT missing Triple H and his tendency to hold down the roster. Hopefully he's enjoying his family and time away from the ring.
Eric Bischoff said in an interview this week that the ball is basically in Daniel Bryan's court, in regards to joining the TNA roster. He also said that Paul Heyman and Dixie have talked about possibly working together, but it's not likely. All in all, Daniel Bryan's impact in just a few weeks is much better and bigger than a majority of the planned angles in WWE and it's refreshing to see interest in a smaller wrestler, from all the major companies.
Ricky Steamboat got beat down and is in the hospital, really. This is a sad news post, but at least he made it, or is recovering well. From what I know, which isn't much, the injury was NOT a result of the beat down he took from Nexus.
The WWE Ricky Steamboat 3-Disc DVD set is out, and if you purchase it from this link here, the site gets 4% of the sale. So if you want to support the site, and want to get the dvd go for it, I'd appreciate it greatly, as I'm barely scraping by right now.

This weekend, TNA will present Victory Road 2010 live on PPV. I can't afford the ppv, but am going to be watching and reviewing it. The review will be delayed, but if I can find a stream for it, I'd take advantage. It's most likely not going to happen for me live, as I can't drop $40 on a ppv right now. If you stream it, right on, I'll be giving my commentary for the card.
Speaking of cards, here's the TNA Victory Road 2010 Full PPV Card as announced so far.
Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Abyss vs. (c) Rob Van Dam
Ric Flair vs. Jay Lethal
#10 Kurt Angle VS #8 "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero
Matt Morgan vs. Hernandez
(Win by either Submission or claiming the Ultimate X)
Kendrick vs. (c) Douglas Williams
Beer Money vs. The Motor City Machineguns
Angelina Love vs. (c) Madison Rayne
AJ Styles & Kazarian vs. To Be Announced
Brother Ray vs. Jesse Neal vs. Brother Devon
It actually looks like a solid card, and one that you might not want to miss. I'm not sure why Kurt Angle and the Pope weren't featured on Impact, considering they have a match on sunday. I also am not sure why Samoa Joe was kidnapped. No sign of Erik Young, Suicide, and others. TNA will have to put on a 4 star show this weekend, considering their last ppv outing completely sucked.
Where's Taylor Wild and Sarita?
Where's Orlando Jordan?
Where's Big Rob Terry and his Global Championship Belt?
Where's 1/3 of the X-Division wrestlers?
TNA is completely lopsided. How many consecutive weeks did they feature all these entities and yet they have none of them on their last show before the ppv? What a waste of an Impact, that's for sure.
Comments and Responses
Shane said in regadrs to Monday Night Raw
Judging by comments dropped in the show I see the Nexus getting a strong heel leader (mainly, Jericho or Edge as the main candidates) and eventually it boiling down to a feud between Wade Barret and the new leader. Maybe for a title. Was Wade Barret stripped of his title match opportunity? Poor choice for the WWE, a Money In The Bank-type surprise championship from Wade Barret could strengthen the NXT and give the whole locker room reason to hate them.
Could Jericho or Edge be the leader of the Nexus? Maybe. I don't know if the WWE will in fact go down that road, considering that the two aren't necessarily showing any signs of it. A feud between Jericho and Barrett could be nice, and maybe able to be thrown together. Wade does not have a title shot, but if he can muscle or cheat his way into the Money In the Bank main event and win the title, that'd be epic. I wouldn't put the notion past the WWE to have Nexus attack the Money in the Bank Raw match and get Wade to claim the briefcase and cash it in on the champion in the same night. Now that'd be good overall, but highly doubtful.
Jupiterhill said in regards to Monday Night Raw
The more I saw the three factions going at it, I was thinking it will boil down to a WWE version of War Games. I know they have been toying with it for a while, and if not I see it culminating in a Survivor Series style match.
I'm not sure why they did it, but with R-Truth out of the MITB match, I could see Otunga or Barret take his spot. I mean they are under contract now so why don't they wrestle.
I'm not sure if anybody noticed, but Darren Young never tapped out of Cena's STF. I know it wouldn't have mattered, but the heel ALWAYS taps when locked into submission when it doesn't matter. Are they making Darren Young the black John Cena? Wait I mean... well having Cena like powers?
Overall I wasn't real impressed and I wished I saved the DVR space for ROH instead. By the way, I might be interested in writing reports for Superstars and NXT, and possibly Ring of Honor. I'll have to see how my internet works. I might try this week, unless you already have someone for it.
War Games in WWE? I sure hope so. Two rings, two major teams trying to go at it. My favorite War Games moment and one that is eerily similar to what's going on now is when Sting had an evil clone and quit the match, only to return and beat up the whole New World Order, at the time, and then never come back as the same.
War Games with the reunited Four Horseman fighting the New World Order was also a classic moment in the invasion angle of the late 90's. Could the invasion angle actually work out to a double cage main event? I would probably bet on a Hell in the Cell match, before War Games. As for the invasion, remember that 10 man tag where Austin turned? I'd expect that more than anything else.
R-Truth getting injured by Miz is odd. I heard on various podcasts that he could be legit injured or he failed the Wellness Policy. Who will replace him? I'm not sure, I really don't know. I just hope they don't throw in random people like they did when Shawn Michaels was injured at No Way Out 98, and the WWE gave us Savio Vega in replacement for Michaels.
Darren Young did not tap, and that was interesting. I'm not sure how the world didn't end, considering that Black John Cena and John Cena were fighting. I don't know if that even matters, but if the WWE is smart, they'll let Young say something smug about that.
Thank you overall for your comments and interest in the guest blogger position, but I'm taking the reigns on that one, despite some serious contenders. I am trying to figure out the ROH schedule and I'll add reviews for that and more, if I get more video sources on a regular basis.
Super Cena and WCW Uncensored
Coming this Monday night, the Nexus 7 Will face off against John Cena in a handicap match. I have my reservations about this match, and it reminds me too much of the Macho Man & Hogan vs the complete Dungeon of Doom and Ric Flair match that WCW did at Uncensored 1996.
Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage defeated Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Meng, The Barbarian, Lex Luger, Kevin Sullivan, Z-Gangsta and The Ultimate Solution in a tri-level cage match.
Can Super John Cena fight off 7 guys? Well, Hogan and Savage took out 8 guys in a cage match, so anything is possible right?
I am sick of John Cena winning all the time and I'm sick of his gimmick. His actions on Monday were NOT PG and I'm just getting tired of WWE's super hero. Sure, I marked out huge for Hogan in the 80's, but that was the 80's and I was a little kid, I'm much older now, I need something more than a super hero in professional wrestling. A heel, rapping, John Cena would fit perfectly here and he's advanced to a place where he can possibly get over as a major heel and antihero.
That's the end of this week.
That's the end of this week folks, hopefully you enjoyed some wrestling and what not. Check out the TNA ppv if you can, let me know your comments after I review it. Ever week I'll be doing this weekend report after the Smackdown Review so keep tuned. If you haven't already check out the RSS FEED by clicking HERE.
Lastly, please support the site by visiting AMAZON.COM and bookmarking it. It helps the site and I can start moving towards my own dot com and start working on a podcast. I'll also try and hook you guys up with free stuff along the way too.
black john cena,
dragon gate,
end of the week,
john cena,
questions and more,
ricky steamboat,
streaming tna ppv live,
tna victory road stream,
triple h,
victory road,
wrestling news
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