TNA Impact 12/30/10 Results
Robert Roode defeated Chris Sabin
Rob Van Dam defeated Robbie E
Sarita defeated Velvet Sky in a Leather Strap Match
Jeff Jarrett vs Amazing Red's Brother
Aj Styles & Rob Terry defeated Magnus & Douglas Williams
Matt Morgan & Devon defeated Ken Anderson & Bubba Ray
TNA Impact 12/30/10 Review
The last impact of 2010, and I was very tired this morning. I haven't made any sales on this site from amazon, I still have no job, and earlier this morning the only video of Superstars had an AWA track on it, so that's why there's no review for Superstars this week.
Here are my thoughts of TNA.
TNA had Foley chants piped in with this entrance music, it sounded so fake.
Mick Foley and Anderson got in the ring and started talking, I didn't care. Matt Morgan came out and he got involved too. The whole point of this was to further set up the match between Anderson and Matt Morgan. Of course, Anderson's concussion.
Robert Roode defeated Chris Sabin
This match wasn't half bad. It featured a lot of back and forth wrestling, and lots of spots where Sabin looked far better than Roode. I couldn't believe how good Roode reacted to a great deal of the offense from Sabin. Sabin tried to go to the top too many times, because Roode was able to catch him and deliver a nice spine buster and picked up the win. This was probably the best match I've seen on TNA in a long time.
The backstage segments with Orlando Jordan and Erik Young sucks. Shark boy showed up and it was funny.
Rob Van Dam defeated Robbie E
Not a good match here, and Rob Van dam looked winded early. Robbie E was buried here. It wasn't a very good match. You could imagine what happened here, RVD's move set isn't very big and Robbie E is just hanging on by a thread since losing the x-division title.
Post match, Jeff Hardy got on the screen and said RVD had to pass a test at Genesis. They didn't reveal who the opponent was, but if RVD won, he'd get a shot at Jeff Hardy.
Sarita defeated Velvet Sky in a Leather Strap Match
This was just weird. This leather strap match had some interesting points, but it wasn't a great wrestling match up. A lot of points looked like it legit hurt. This match had very little wrestling, it was just a brawl until Sarita won by hitting the 4th corner. The concept is ok, but in action it was just boring.
Jeff Jarrett vs Amazing Red's Brother
Amazin Red's supposed brother came out for the Double J challenge. It ended with Amazing Red smashing a guitar. This was stupid...I hate Jarrett, so maybe he's doing his job well.
Aj Styles & Rob Terry defeated Magnus & Douglas Williams
This match was boring to me. However, the ending was awesome. Aj Styles put Magnus through the Rolling Chaos Theory finisher and I was marking out huge. That was the best part of this match up. HOpefullly Aj loses at Genesis, cause i can't stand his gimmick.
Madison Rayne came to the ring in an evening gown. Mickie James came down and beat her up than stripped her of her dress. Yep. Hardcore Country! I don't care about these women.
Matt Morgan & Devon defeated Ken Anderson & Bubba Ray
This match wasn't that great either. There was some nice back and forth action. Ray and Bubba didn't fight much as Bubba kept running from Devon. Anderson and Morgan work well together. The ending was interesting, Matt Morgan tried to clobber Devon, I think, I don't know, but he ended up hitting Anderson in the back of the head, nearly knocking out Anderson.
Matt Morgan apparently had a heel swerve here? I don't know, it seemed weird. We'll see what will happen sooner than later.
The show was convoluted, there were a lot of things pushed forward here, but no sign of the x-division, and not a lot of great wrestling. It was better than most weeks of Impact, but not nearly as good as WWE's Raw this week.
Friday, December 31, 2010
TNA Impact 12/30/10 Results and Review
aj styles,
chris sabin,
jeff jarrett,
ken anderson,
matt morgan,
rob terry,
rob van dam,
robbie e,
robert roode,
tna impact results,
velvet sky
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Top 5 Best Selling Wrestling Merch December 2010
For those of you that are looking for pro wrestling items on, I've collected the best selling things that you can purchase today. Every month I'll update this blog with the best selling items from the last 30 days, and if you'd like to purchase them, you can click the links below and get them shipped to your home. Spend $25 and get free shipping.
The top 5 best selling pro-wrestling dvd's for the month of December 2010:
1. WWE: Top 50 Superstars of All Time
2. WWE: Bobby "The Brain" Heenan
3. WWE: Survivor Series 2010
4. Wrestling Ernest Hemingway (odd I know)
5. WWE: SummerSlam 2010 BLU RAY
For those looking for other wrestling items, here's the top 5 best selling wrestling books:
1. WWE Encyclopedia by Brian Shields
2. Cross Rhodes: Goldust, Out of the Darkness by Dustin Rhodes
3. Countdown to Lockdown: A Hardcore Journal by Mick Foley
4. Tales From A Dirt Road by Dutch Mantell
5. A Lion's Tale: Around The World In Spandex by Chris Jericho
For those looking for pro wrestling toys, these are the top 5 selling toys for the month of December:
1. WWE Sheamus Figure #7
2. WWE Tag Team Championship Belt
3. WWE Wrestling Jakk's Pacific John Cena Chain Gang Belt
4. WWE Superstar Match-Ups John Cena
5. WWE Unlikely Allies The Miz & Big Show Series #7
The above links are live, so you can click them and order yourself some of the best selling pro-wrestling items from December. Every order helps this blog out, specifically me, so that I can improve the site, get a domain name, and start a podcast. It costs you no extra, and helps me, so why not?
The top 5 best selling pro-wrestling dvd's for the month of December 2010:
1. WWE: Top 50 Superstars of All Time
2. WWE: Bobby "The Brain" Heenan
3. WWE: Survivor Series 2010
4. Wrestling Ernest Hemingway (odd I know)
5. WWE: SummerSlam 2010 BLU RAY
For those looking for other wrestling items, here's the top 5 best selling wrestling books:
1. WWE Encyclopedia by Brian Shields
2. Cross Rhodes: Goldust, Out of the Darkness by Dustin Rhodes
3. Countdown to Lockdown: A Hardcore Journal by Mick Foley
4. Tales From A Dirt Road by Dutch Mantell
5. A Lion's Tale: Around The World In Spandex by Chris Jericho
For those looking for pro wrestling toys, these are the top 5 selling toys for the month of December:
1. WWE Sheamus Figure #7
2. WWE Tag Team Championship Belt
3. WWE Wrestling Jakk's Pacific John Cena Chain Gang Belt
4. WWE Superstar Match-Ups John Cena
5. WWE Unlikely Allies The Miz & Big Show Series #7
The above links are live, so you can click them and order yourself some of the best selling pro-wrestling items from December. Every order helps this blog out, specifically me, so that I can improve the site, get a domain name, and start a podcast. It costs you no extra, and helps me, so why not?
buy cheap dvd,
cheap dvd,
discounted wrestling dvd,
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Wednesday, December 29, 2010
WWE Monday Night Raw 12/27/10 Results and Review
WWE Monday Night Raw 12/27/10 Results
Santino defeated Ted Dibiase
John Morrison defeated Alex Riley
Mark Henry defeated Tyson Kidd
Jerry "The King" Lawler defeated The Miz
Melina & Alicia Fox defeated Gail Kim & Eve
Daniel Bryan defeated Zack Ryder
Randy Orton defeated Sheamus
WWE Monday Night Raw 12/27/10 Review
Sorry for the delay, the library's computers were a bit more crowded then usual, so getting a 1 hour and 1/2 block of time was tough. But I managed to get Raw and review it for you 2 readers out there. Hopefully everyone had a better Christmas than I did. I didn't get any presents, no tree, and this site failed to sell anything on amazon. But that's ok, I had some little debbie's gingerbread cookies and some coffee and that was that. Here is my review of the last Raw of 2010!
THe show opened up with John Cena coming out and getting a huge ovation. The crowd exploded upon the start. It was crazy, I can't believe it. John Cena cut a promo and talked about how he probably deserved getting hit with chairs by Cm Punk, for SPILLING HIS DIET SODA! Yes. FOR THE SODA!I was laughing, but it seemed like the crowd wasn't sure.
CM Punk came out after prompting, and he cut a heel promo on John Cena. Punk addresses the soda, and the crowd completely goes into a frenzy with the You Suck chants. Punk's new shirt is awesome, in case anyone cares. CM Punk's mic work is golden here, and something worth listening and watching to. Punk's heel character is a great contrast to John Cena. This feud is going to be quite good as it's developing nicely. We'll see how it goes, because despite being PG it still had me hooked.
Santino defeated Ted Dibiase
This was a fast match with two or three moves. Santino got the win with a quick roll up, and that was that. The burial of Ted Dibiase in 2010 continues.
Post match, Ted and Maryse tried to jump the winners, but they turned the corner and they pulled of dual CObras! It's interesting I guess, if nothing else, it's funny to watch.
John Morrison defeated Alex Riley
This match was definitely something to watch. Despite Alex Riley's rookie status, he's a good wrestler with some great footwork and great reaction time. Morrison was far better here, and was near perfect yet again, but The Miz kept him from hitting some of his move set at one point, but Miz was thrown out. Morrison said that his match with Miz would be Falls Count Anywhere and it will be next week! This was a good entertaining match, with lots of back and forth, and with a great impact to end it. Alex Riley got obliterated in the end, and The MIz will have to face Morrison next week. I am going to bank on him winning and the two fighting at the Royal Rumble.
Mark Henry defeated Tyson Kidd
I can't believe Mark Henry is still employed after all these years. He was fed Tyson Kidd and Henry beat him with relative ease. It was a burial folks, Mark Henry beats Kidd.
Post match, Jackson Andrews was given the "World's Strongest Slam". I'm not sure why they buried Kidd's body guard here. He easily beat Andrew with a slam, and made him look like a chump. So much for that story line huh? I can't believe this bs.
Jerry "The King" Lawler defeated The Miz
Lawler once again got to face the Miz, this time not in a ladder match. It was just a singles match, with no title on the line. This was a slow moving match with The Miz taking control for a good portion of it. Lawler was NOT looking as good as he did with the Ladder match, but he did manage to make this one interesting. He was able to hit Miz at some opportune moments, at one point knocking Miz out as he fell from the middle rope to land face first into the steel steps. Alex Riley tried to attack, but as he was doing that, Morrison hit Miz and Lawler won by countout! LAWLER WINS! With a little help, Lawler goes out on top, which was interesting to say the least.
Melina & Alicia Fox defeated Gail Kim & Eve
Gail Kim, amazing performer. I can't believe that she's been jobbed out to Melina here. This match was a showcase of "Melina" rather than competitive match up. I loved how Gail Kim's offense looked and her Missile Dropkick fromt he top rope was picture perfect. Despite some great moves, and despite a great example of quality athleticism, I didn't like how it ended up being a way to move Melina's heel push. Melina got the pin, no one cared.
Natalya got in the ring and slapped Melina this time. No one cares.
Daniel Bryan defeated Zack Ryder
I love Zack Ryder's gimmick and wrestling style far better than the Jersey Shore guy in TNA, and would rather see him go and help the young man on TNA than to see him get jobbed out on every show. Zack Ryder here put on a slim show as Bryan was all over him. Daniel Bryan beat the snot out of Ryder than made him tap, and that was that.
While Michael Cole was delivering an announcement from the General Manager, The Miz jumped Jerry Lawler. No joke, he just beat the bricks off of Lawler, and that was that.
Randy Orton defeated Sheamus
Back and forth momentum swing here. When Orton was champion these two couldn't put together a watchable affair for me. But now that they are not in the title picture, they put on a great match? This is backwards. Despite the obvious oddity, the two put on a show here with a lot of great moments. Some high offense, some great counters, and Sheamus wasn't able to defend himself from the striking predator. Sheamus went for the shoulder block from outside the ring to the inside and BOOOM THE RKO! What a counter, and what a quick strike that was positioned perfectly. I couldn't believe the timing, once again these two put on a show. Sheamus the stronger of the two, kep hitting Orton with his offense, and with the sling shot attempt at the end of the match, his downfall came with an RKO timed perfectly. I can't believe how well the spot worked, and well, Orton wins. I was surprised that Sheamus being king hasn't worked well for him.
John Cena came out to the ring expecting CM Punk to surprise him. But instead, out came THE NEXUS. This time, they were lead out to the ring by David Otunga. That's right, DAVID OTUNGA, is looking to be the leader of the rookie group NEXUS. Otunga tried to get a friendship with John Cena. Cena decline and told Otunga off, and Otunga left the ring, a sad broken man.
As Nexus was turning away, they ran back to the ring and beat up John Cena! Yep, Nexus vs John Cena, and that was that. I'm not sure why they are continuing this story line, but whatever, I liked Cena trying to get taken out by Nexus, only to show off that he's SUPER MAN, but he didn't overcome the numbers game as he took the 450 splash, and a nice senton by Husky.
No sign of Wade Barrett here. As Nexus was going to the top of the stage, out came CM Punk. He walked out to the ring and took on a beaten and battered John Cena. He then hit The GTS on Cena. Is he the leader of the Nexus?
YES. CM PUNK is now the leader of the NEXUS! That's right, he simply got a chair and sat down, and then put on the Nexus arm band. He is NOW the LEADER OF THE NEXUS! I marked out huge, and with one arm raised, the NEXUS got in line. Is this now the Straightedge Society? Is the Nexus now stronger? I don't know, but what a way to create a new stable, a new leader, and nefound interest in Raw, and The Nexus. No one called this, I'm sorry, NO PODCAST, NO SMARK, NO ONE CALLED PUNK IN THE NEXUS.
Leader changes are great for wrestling stables. One of the biggest leader changes was DX. When Shawn Michaels was thrown out of DX for losing at Wrestlemania, HHH began to rise to the top of the WWE ranks. In fact, the next night on Raw after Chainsaw Charlie and Cactus Jack were complete buried by the New Age Outlaws in a dumpster match, we saw a cage match between the four and the debut of X-Pac.
Raw was good tonight, the ending was great. I loved the new dynamic, I like the new leader. Wade Barrett should return, Darren Young should also come back or get recruited. The Nexus could be like Raven's flock was, stronger and more dynamic. We'll find out what happens in the new year. I'm excited.

For those that are looking to pick up some WWE merch, check out here. For instance, they have the best ppv matches from 2009 available for cheap, and if you spend $25 they offer free shipping. Yep.
Santino defeated Ted Dibiase
John Morrison defeated Alex Riley
Mark Henry defeated Tyson Kidd
Jerry "The King" Lawler defeated The Miz
Melina & Alicia Fox defeated Gail Kim & Eve
Daniel Bryan defeated Zack Ryder
Randy Orton defeated Sheamus
WWE Monday Night Raw 12/27/10 Review
Sorry for the delay, the library's computers were a bit more crowded then usual, so getting a 1 hour and 1/2 block of time was tough. But I managed to get Raw and review it for you 2 readers out there. Hopefully everyone had a better Christmas than I did. I didn't get any presents, no tree, and this site failed to sell anything on amazon. But that's ok, I had some little debbie's gingerbread cookies and some coffee and that was that. Here is my review of the last Raw of 2010!
THe show opened up with John Cena coming out and getting a huge ovation. The crowd exploded upon the start. It was crazy, I can't believe it. John Cena cut a promo and talked about how he probably deserved getting hit with chairs by Cm Punk, for SPILLING HIS DIET SODA! Yes. FOR THE SODA!I was laughing, but it seemed like the crowd wasn't sure.
CM Punk came out after prompting, and he cut a heel promo on John Cena. Punk addresses the soda, and the crowd completely goes into a frenzy with the You Suck chants. Punk's new shirt is awesome, in case anyone cares. CM Punk's mic work is golden here, and something worth listening and watching to. Punk's heel character is a great contrast to John Cena. This feud is going to be quite good as it's developing nicely. We'll see how it goes, because despite being PG it still had me hooked.
Santino defeated Ted Dibiase
This was a fast match with two or three moves. Santino got the win with a quick roll up, and that was that. The burial of Ted Dibiase in 2010 continues.
Post match, Ted and Maryse tried to jump the winners, but they turned the corner and they pulled of dual CObras! It's interesting I guess, if nothing else, it's funny to watch.
John Morrison defeated Alex Riley
This match was definitely something to watch. Despite Alex Riley's rookie status, he's a good wrestler with some great footwork and great reaction time. Morrison was far better here, and was near perfect yet again, but The Miz kept him from hitting some of his move set at one point, but Miz was thrown out. Morrison said that his match with Miz would be Falls Count Anywhere and it will be next week! This was a good entertaining match, with lots of back and forth, and with a great impact to end it. Alex Riley got obliterated in the end, and The MIz will have to face Morrison next week. I am going to bank on him winning and the two fighting at the Royal Rumble.
Mark Henry defeated Tyson Kidd
I can't believe Mark Henry is still employed after all these years. He was fed Tyson Kidd and Henry beat him with relative ease. It was a burial folks, Mark Henry beats Kidd.
Post match, Jackson Andrews was given the "World's Strongest Slam". I'm not sure why they buried Kidd's body guard here. He easily beat Andrew with a slam, and made him look like a chump. So much for that story line huh? I can't believe this bs.
Jerry "The King" Lawler defeated The Miz
Lawler once again got to face the Miz, this time not in a ladder match. It was just a singles match, with no title on the line. This was a slow moving match with The Miz taking control for a good portion of it. Lawler was NOT looking as good as he did with the Ladder match, but he did manage to make this one interesting. He was able to hit Miz at some opportune moments, at one point knocking Miz out as he fell from the middle rope to land face first into the steel steps. Alex Riley tried to attack, but as he was doing that, Morrison hit Miz and Lawler won by countout! LAWLER WINS! With a little help, Lawler goes out on top, which was interesting to say the least.
Melina & Alicia Fox defeated Gail Kim & Eve
Gail Kim, amazing performer. I can't believe that she's been jobbed out to Melina here. This match was a showcase of "Melina" rather than competitive match up. I loved how Gail Kim's offense looked and her Missile Dropkick fromt he top rope was picture perfect. Despite some great moves, and despite a great example of quality athleticism, I didn't like how it ended up being a way to move Melina's heel push. Melina got the pin, no one cared.
Natalya got in the ring and slapped Melina this time. No one cares.
Daniel Bryan defeated Zack Ryder
I love Zack Ryder's gimmick and wrestling style far better than the Jersey Shore guy in TNA, and would rather see him go and help the young man on TNA than to see him get jobbed out on every show. Zack Ryder here put on a slim show as Bryan was all over him. Daniel Bryan beat the snot out of Ryder than made him tap, and that was that.
While Michael Cole was delivering an announcement from the General Manager, The Miz jumped Jerry Lawler. No joke, he just beat the bricks off of Lawler, and that was that.
Randy Orton defeated Sheamus
Back and forth momentum swing here. When Orton was champion these two couldn't put together a watchable affair for me. But now that they are not in the title picture, they put on a great match? This is backwards. Despite the obvious oddity, the two put on a show here with a lot of great moments. Some high offense, some great counters, and Sheamus wasn't able to defend himself from the striking predator. Sheamus went for the shoulder block from outside the ring to the inside and BOOOM THE RKO! What a counter, and what a quick strike that was positioned perfectly. I couldn't believe the timing, once again these two put on a show. Sheamus the stronger of the two, kep hitting Orton with his offense, and with the sling shot attempt at the end of the match, his downfall came with an RKO timed perfectly. I can't believe how well the spot worked, and well, Orton wins. I was surprised that Sheamus being king hasn't worked well for him.
John Cena came out to the ring expecting CM Punk to surprise him. But instead, out came THE NEXUS. This time, they were lead out to the ring by David Otunga. That's right, DAVID OTUNGA, is looking to be the leader of the rookie group NEXUS. Otunga tried to get a friendship with John Cena. Cena decline and told Otunga off, and Otunga left the ring, a sad broken man.
As Nexus was turning away, they ran back to the ring and beat up John Cena! Yep, Nexus vs John Cena, and that was that. I'm not sure why they are continuing this story line, but whatever, I liked Cena trying to get taken out by Nexus, only to show off that he's SUPER MAN, but he didn't overcome the numbers game as he took the 450 splash, and a nice senton by Husky.
No sign of Wade Barrett here. As Nexus was going to the top of the stage, out came CM Punk. He walked out to the ring and took on a beaten and battered John Cena. He then hit The GTS on Cena. Is he the leader of the Nexus?
YES. CM PUNK is now the leader of the NEXUS! That's right, he simply got a chair and sat down, and then put on the Nexus arm band. He is NOW the LEADER OF THE NEXUS! I marked out huge, and with one arm raised, the NEXUS got in line. Is this now the Straightedge Society? Is the Nexus now stronger? I don't know, but what a way to create a new stable, a new leader, and nefound interest in Raw, and The Nexus. No one called this, I'm sorry, NO PODCAST, NO SMARK, NO ONE CALLED PUNK IN THE NEXUS.
Leader changes are great for wrestling stables. One of the biggest leader changes was DX. When Shawn Michaels was thrown out of DX for losing at Wrestlemania, HHH began to rise to the top of the WWE ranks. In fact, the next night on Raw after Chainsaw Charlie and Cactus Jack were complete buried by the New Age Outlaws in a dumpster match, we saw a cage match between the four and the debut of X-Pac.
Raw was good tonight, the ending was great. I loved the new dynamic, I like the new leader. Wade Barrett should return, Darren Young should also come back or get recruited. The Nexus could be like Raven's flock was, stronger and more dynamic. We'll find out what happens in the new year. I'm excited.

For those that are looking to pick up some WWE merch, check out here. For instance, they have the best ppv matches from 2009 available for cheap, and if you spend $25 they offer free shipping. Yep.
alex riley,
daniel bryan,
gail kim,
john morrison,
mark henry,
monday night raw,
randy orton,
ted dibiase,
tyson kidd,
zack ryder
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Rare Wrestling Finds: WCW Starrcade 1990 Collision Course VHS

When I sold my wrestling collection, the one tape that garnered the most bids on ebay was WCW Starrcade 1990 in the original packaging. Someone in the UK paid $150 for it, and I originally got it for 99 cents. You can buy this one now online for around $30 in relatively good condition.
Starrcade 1990 was memorable for me because it was the first time on American television that I saw Konnan and Rey Mysterio SR face off against American opponents. I would see tapes later of them, but in this instance, it was a classic to see them wrestle in the United States, away from their Lucha Libre roots.
Also, Ric Flair's gimmick at the time was that he was a masked man, but no one knew. I guess that ruins the surprise for those that haven't seen the event. This was a great event, and it is not available on dvd, so you can order WCW Starrcade 1990 Collision Course VHS tape here.
WCW Starrcade 1990 Collision Course Card:
Bobby Eaton defeated The Z-Man
The Steiner Brothers (Rick and Scott) (USA) defeated Sgt. Krueger and Col. DeKlerk (South Africa) Tournament Quarterfinal
Konan and Rey Misterio (Mexico) defeated Chris Adams and Norman Smiley (United Kingdom)
Mr. Saito and The Great Muta (Japan) defeated The Royal Family (Rip Morgan and Jack Victory) (New Zealand) Tournament Quarterfinal
Victor Zangiev and Salman Hashimikov (Soviet Union) defeated Troy Montour and Danny Johnson (Canada)
Michael Wallstreet (with Alexandra York) defeated Terry Taylor
The Skyscrapers (Sid Vicious and Danny Spivey) defeated Big Cat and The Motor City Madman Tag team match
Tommy Rich and Ricky Morton (with Robert Gibson) defeated The Fabulous Freebirds (Jimmy Garvin and Michael Hayes) (with Little Richard Marley
The Steiner Brothers (USA) defeated Konan and Rey Misterio (Mexico) Tournament Semifinal
Mr. Saito and The Great Muta (Japan) defeated Victor Zangiev and Salman Hashimikov (Soviet Union) Tournament Semifinal
Lex Luger defeated Stan Hansen (c) Texas Lariat match for the NWA United States Heavyweight Championship
Doom (Ron Simmons and Butch Reed) (c) (with Teddy Long) and Arn Anderson and Barry Windham fought to a no-contest Street Fight for the NWA World Tag Team Championship
The Steiner Brothers (USA) defeated Mr. Saito and The Great Muta Tournament Final
Sting (c) defeated The Black Scorpion in a Title Vs Mask Steel cage match for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship with Dick the Bruiser as special guest referee
If you're interested in purchasing this Rare WCW vhs, click here to get Collision Course 1990.
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old school,
pro wrestling,
pro wrestling video,
rare vhs tapes,
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wrestling tapes,
wrestling video,
wwe dvd sale
Friday, December 24, 2010
The Week In Wrestling Christmas 2010 Edition
This week in wrestling a lot went down. Most of which I've already forgotten, but there are a few stand out points you might want to recall from this week's wrestling offerings.
First and foremost, I DO NOT watch ROH on a regular basis. I want to. However, when you utilize the library as your main internet source, you can't really watch ROH and review them. Plus, I'm already reviewing a ton of shows so I guess ROH and other federations will have to wait until I get a job and get cable again, which doesn't seem likely any time soon.
Best Match of the Week
Sheamus vs John Morrison Ladder Match
This match was by far the best match I've seen in a long time. These two put on one heck of a ladder match in both impact and psychology. Sheamus worked the leg of Morrison, hoping to ground his high flying attack and Morrison by sheer will hit Sheamus with anything and everything that might slow down the beast. Sheamus took some sick bumps and Morrison dove through the air in such a spectacular way. I call it match of the year, but others will disagree. It really was special, and the best match of this week.
Best Show of the Week
Without a doubt WWE Raw was the best show of this week. Smackdown this week was also good, and the extended tribute to the troops wasn't half bad, but Raw hit a gear that was all too good. I loved Cena, I liked how there was NO Nexus, and things just ran well. Ziggler has main event written all over him, Cena is enjoying his role, which makes me enjoy his work in ring and on the mic. Raw was definitely a hot show and the crowd made it so much more memorable.
Worst Moment of the Week
TNA IMPACT ends without finishing the main event. I hate how the main event is cut off of Impact. I don't want to watch reaction and don't want to bleed into another show to watch what should be the main event of IMPACT. Tna keeps making terrible moves, and I for some odd reason keep watching. I'm not blaming Bischoff or Hogan, but there is something wrong over at TNA and it shouldn't take some random blogger to point that out.
That's it for this week, I hope you guys enjoy your Christmas!
Whether you hate John Cena or Love John Cena, you're going to probably want to check out The John Cena Experience 3 DISC DVD set or the BLU RAY High Definition John Cena Experience. The set contains 16 matches from all over Cena's career but most importantly goes behind the scenes of his life to show you just how much effort he puts into working for the WWE. The commercial was quite interesting and the set looks like something you'd want to pick up. If you're interested in the John Cena Experience click here to purchase it for cheap, it helps this blog continue and hopefully gets me an internet connection at home, because right now I'm using the old library in my town.
Thanks for reading! Leave comments, send emails my way, and subscribe to the RSS FEED right here, as we head into another great year of wrestling.
First and foremost, I DO NOT watch ROH on a regular basis. I want to. However, when you utilize the library as your main internet source, you can't really watch ROH and review them. Plus, I'm already reviewing a ton of shows so I guess ROH and other federations will have to wait until I get a job and get cable again, which doesn't seem likely any time soon.
Best Match of the Week
Sheamus vs John Morrison Ladder Match
This match was by far the best match I've seen in a long time. These two put on one heck of a ladder match in both impact and psychology. Sheamus worked the leg of Morrison, hoping to ground his high flying attack and Morrison by sheer will hit Sheamus with anything and everything that might slow down the beast. Sheamus took some sick bumps and Morrison dove through the air in such a spectacular way. I call it match of the year, but others will disagree. It really was special, and the best match of this week.
Best Show of the Week
Without a doubt WWE Raw was the best show of this week. Smackdown this week was also good, and the extended tribute to the troops wasn't half bad, but Raw hit a gear that was all too good. I loved Cena, I liked how there was NO Nexus, and things just ran well. Ziggler has main event written all over him, Cena is enjoying his role, which makes me enjoy his work in ring and on the mic. Raw was definitely a hot show and the crowd made it so much more memorable.
Worst Moment of the Week
TNA IMPACT ends without finishing the main event. I hate how the main event is cut off of Impact. I don't want to watch reaction and don't want to bleed into another show to watch what should be the main event of IMPACT. Tna keeps making terrible moves, and I for some odd reason keep watching. I'm not blaming Bischoff or Hogan, but there is something wrong over at TNA and it shouldn't take some random blogger to point that out.
That's it for this week, I hope you guys enjoy your Christmas!
Whether you hate John Cena or Love John Cena, you're going to probably want to check out The John Cena Experience 3 DISC DVD set or the BLU RAY High Definition John Cena Experience. The set contains 16 matches from all over Cena's career but most importantly goes behind the scenes of his life to show you just how much effort he puts into working for the WWE. The commercial was quite interesting and the set looks like something you'd want to pick up. If you're interested in the John Cena Experience click here to purchase it for cheap, it helps this blog continue and hopefully gets me an internet connection at home, because right now I'm using the old library in my town.
Thanks for reading! Leave comments, send emails my way, and subscribe to the RSS FEED right here, as we head into another great year of wrestling.
TNA Impact 12/23/10 Results and Review
TNA Impact 12/23/10 Results
Jeff Jarrett defeated Amazing Red
Kaz & Robbie E defeated Generation ME
Angelina Love & Winter defeated Tara & Madison Rayne
Aj Styles vs Douglas Williams went to a draw
Matt Morgan, The Motor City machine Guns, and RVD vs Fortune
TNA Impact 12/23/10 Review
The show started with a recap of last week's show, and I liked the recap far better than the actual show. It's funny how TNA can make something look so great in the recap but can't keep the majority of wrestling fans attention during their 2 hour showcase. I hate the title screen, by the way, in case you were wondering.
The show started with Immortal or Fortune or somebody coming to the ring. I have no idea who is in this group, it's just so dang large, it's like NWO 3,000 and I don't understand why I should care since there are no real faces in the company.
The ring was set up for a "weigh" in of sorts. Mick Foley came out to talk about Anderson and what not. They are still talking about the "concussion" thing. I had a concussion once, it sucked, but I was back in action within a few weeks. Bischoff talked at length about how Foley sucks etc.
Jeff Jarrett defeated Amazing Red
Jarrett came out again for his MMA gimmick. Amazing Red came out to challenge Jeff and lost the match after a few moments. Yep, Red taps out and that was the end of the night.
Jarrett gets good heat, I admit that. however, Jarrett doesn't have a real opponent to knock him off his pedestal. Amazing Red could be used so much better in the x-division with Jay Lethal, and yet he's jobbed out here in a stupid match with jarrett. He said that his baby brother would come fight Jarrett next week. Hopefully it's Angle.
Kaz & Robbie E defeated Generation ME
The match wasn't half bad. it had a good amount of back and forth. Generation Me and Robbie took most of the match and in the end Kaz tagged in and pinned a random dude and was the #1 contender to the x-division title.
I just want to point out that Shark Boy hasn't been involved since the ppv, so there's a wasted thing. Robbie E is pushed aside now? Lethal is out of character now, he can barely talk on the mic since he isn't doing the Macho Man gimmick. The whole match up was just odd. The x-division title used to be a highlight of TNA and now, it's just an after thought.
Sarita and Velvet Sky fought in the dressing room. It was a nice cat Fight. I'd love to fight Sarita in the back room, it'd be fun.
Angelina Love & Winter defeated Tara & Madison Rayne
This match wasn't very good at all. It had a few moments that were good, but it was mostly brawling and random moves. Winter came out towards the end and started fighting Madison Rayne. Winter won the match after Angelina took a lot of punishment, but she nearly botched a sideslam, and it just looked bad. Angelina Love & Winter are the new Knockouts Tag Team Champions, and it's a shame. I haven't seen a positive Knockouts match up since Gail Kim and Awesome Kong were in TNA.
Aj Styles vs Douglas Williams went to a draw
This match wasn't great, but it did have a lot of action. Aj Styles was completely winded towards the end. Douglas Williams seemed just fine throughout the match up. The two were supposed to fight in an Iron Man match and it wasn't half bad. At one point Aj Styles got on the mic and asked for a rematch, and Williams said no, at first. Then after Styles continued, and got a rematch for Genesis. This whole segment was boring.
If Styles loses at the ppv, he's going to get fired.
I'm telling you, this segment was relatively boring to me.
Matt Morgan, The Motor City machine Guns, and RVD vs Fortune
this match was ok at best. It was rushed and despite the rush, it had little to no great thing. Robert Roode looked good as Beer Money is a good overall team together. Other than them, the rest was just tired. The tag teams did most of the fighting.
The show ended and you had to tune into Reaction to finish watching the show. I don't get Reaction so I didn't see it. So I don't know what happened. Sorry. TNA sucks, and they continue to baffle me as to why they do this. I don't care to even investigate what happened, so your guess is as good as mine as to what happened after the match was over.
TNA once again ruins wrestling for most fans.
Jeff Jarrett defeated Amazing Red
Kaz & Robbie E defeated Generation ME
Angelina Love & Winter defeated Tara & Madison Rayne
Aj Styles vs Douglas Williams went to a draw
Matt Morgan, The Motor City machine Guns, and RVD vs Fortune
TNA Impact 12/23/10 Review
The show started with a recap of last week's show, and I liked the recap far better than the actual show. It's funny how TNA can make something look so great in the recap but can't keep the majority of wrestling fans attention during their 2 hour showcase. I hate the title screen, by the way, in case you were wondering.
The show started with Immortal or Fortune or somebody coming to the ring. I have no idea who is in this group, it's just so dang large, it's like NWO 3,000 and I don't understand why I should care since there are no real faces in the company.
The ring was set up for a "weigh" in of sorts. Mick Foley came out to talk about Anderson and what not. They are still talking about the "concussion" thing. I had a concussion once, it sucked, but I was back in action within a few weeks. Bischoff talked at length about how Foley sucks etc.
Jeff Jarrett defeated Amazing Red
Jarrett came out again for his MMA gimmick. Amazing Red came out to challenge Jeff and lost the match after a few moments. Yep, Red taps out and that was the end of the night.
Jarrett gets good heat, I admit that. however, Jarrett doesn't have a real opponent to knock him off his pedestal. Amazing Red could be used so much better in the x-division with Jay Lethal, and yet he's jobbed out here in a stupid match with jarrett. He said that his baby brother would come fight Jarrett next week. Hopefully it's Angle.
Kaz & Robbie E defeated Generation ME
The match wasn't half bad. it had a good amount of back and forth. Generation Me and Robbie took most of the match and in the end Kaz tagged in and pinned a random dude and was the #1 contender to the x-division title.
I just want to point out that Shark Boy hasn't been involved since the ppv, so there's a wasted thing. Robbie E is pushed aside now? Lethal is out of character now, he can barely talk on the mic since he isn't doing the Macho Man gimmick. The whole match up was just odd. The x-division title used to be a highlight of TNA and now, it's just an after thought.
Sarita and Velvet Sky fought in the dressing room. It was a nice cat Fight. I'd love to fight Sarita in the back room, it'd be fun.
Angelina Love & Winter defeated Tara & Madison Rayne
This match wasn't very good at all. It had a few moments that were good, but it was mostly brawling and random moves. Winter came out towards the end and started fighting Madison Rayne. Winter won the match after Angelina took a lot of punishment, but she nearly botched a sideslam, and it just looked bad. Angelina Love & Winter are the new Knockouts Tag Team Champions, and it's a shame. I haven't seen a positive Knockouts match up since Gail Kim and Awesome Kong were in TNA.
Aj Styles vs Douglas Williams went to a draw
This match wasn't great, but it did have a lot of action. Aj Styles was completely winded towards the end. Douglas Williams seemed just fine throughout the match up. The two were supposed to fight in an Iron Man match and it wasn't half bad. At one point Aj Styles got on the mic and asked for a rematch, and Williams said no, at first. Then after Styles continued, and got a rematch for Genesis. This whole segment was boring.
If Styles loses at the ppv, he's going to get fired.
I'm telling you, this segment was relatively boring to me.
Matt Morgan, The Motor City machine Guns, and RVD vs Fortune
this match was ok at best. It was rushed and despite the rush, it had little to no great thing. Robert Roode looked good as Beer Money is a good overall team together. Other than them, the rest was just tired. The tag teams did most of the fighting.
The show ended and you had to tune into Reaction to finish watching the show. I don't get Reaction so I didn't see it. So I don't know what happened. Sorry. TNA sucks, and they continue to baffle me as to why they do this. I don't care to even investigate what happened, so your guess is as good as mine as to what happened after the match was over.
TNA once again ruins wrestling for most fans.
aj styles,
amazing red,
beer money,
douglas williams,
generation me,
jeff jarrett,
motor city machine guns,
robbie e,
tna impact results
WWE Superstars 12/23/10 Results and Review
WWE Superstars 12/23/10 Results
DH Smith defeated Zack Ryder
The USO Brothers defeated Yoshi Tatsu & Darren Young
Kelly Kelly & Beth Phoenix defeated Laycool
WWE Superstars 12/23/10 Review
This has been one hell of a week for wrestling fans, and today we'll have 2 reviews one of this show and one of Impact, followed by a Christmas edition of this week in Wrestling. I was excited to have something to do as everyone else was working or asleep on Christmas eve. I for one haven't had a job in 16 months, and don't have a Christmas tree or presents, nevermind.
Zack Ryder came out to a chorus of boos and it was hilarious. Scott Stanford and Jerry Lawler were on commentary, and aren't half bad.
DH Smith defeated Zack Ryder
DH Smith sucks. I'm just going to say it here, he has NO major charisma at this point and neither does Tyson Kidd. He might be a legacy but he's no British Bulldog. This match could've been a four star classic, but only because Zack Ryder has an over the top character. This was a very solid match up, evenly matched and not half bad. However, it wasn't until the end did I get impressed. DH Smith hit a nice Saito Suplex to put DH Smith out, and it was picture perfect. Zack needs to be on the main roster, his character draws so much heat, oh well. DH Smith wins, I think he sucks, this match wasn't terrible.
Is anyone watching NXT? I'm not.
The USO Brothers defeated Yoshi Tatsu & Darren Young
This was probably one of the worst tag team matches I've seen in a long time. The USOS worked very well as a team and Young & Tatsu just weren't very good in ring. The match wasn't too long and it was just a job match. I still think Darren Young's "I'm the missing link" was awesome, but it's been a long time since then.
Kelly Kelly & Beth Phoenix defeated Laycool
The divas main evented this night of wrestling and it wasn't too terrible. I didn't think it was as good as this past weekend's match, but the women put on a good show for the live crowd and us at home. There was a lot of back and forth action, and it wasn't until Beth Phoenix took control towards the end where this match really got good. Phoenix is so good, and she was able to get a lot of good offense in before Michelle McCool stormed the ring to save Layla. Layla got hit by McCool on accident and Phoenix hit her GlamSlam and won the match up for her team. Laycool was put to rest in this one, and it was very impressive. The divas can really put on a good wrestling show when they are given time. Even the crowd agreed.
This night of Superstars wasn't terrible, it was a good overall match up and something that I enjoyed. Hopefully you liked it if you saw it, and if not, check it out sometime, there's actually good wrestling on the show from time to time.
Whether you hate John Cena or Love John Cena, you're going to probably want to check out The John Cena Experience 3 DISC DVD set or the BLU RAY High Definition John Cena Experience. The set contains 16 matches from all over Cena's career but most importantly goes behind the scenes of his life to show you just how much effort he puts into working for the WWE. The commercial was quite interesting and the set looks like something you'd want to pick up. If you're interested in the John Cena Experience click here to purchase it for cheap, it helps this blog continue and hopefully gets me an internet connection at home, because right now I'm using the old library in my town.
Thanks for reading! Leave comments, send emails my way, and subscribe to the RSS FEED right here, as we head into another great year of wrestling.
DH Smith defeated Zack Ryder
The USO Brothers defeated Yoshi Tatsu & Darren Young
Kelly Kelly & Beth Phoenix defeated Laycool
WWE Superstars 12/23/10 Review
This has been one hell of a week for wrestling fans, and today we'll have 2 reviews one of this show and one of Impact, followed by a Christmas edition of this week in Wrestling. I was excited to have something to do as everyone else was working or asleep on Christmas eve. I for one haven't had a job in 16 months, and don't have a Christmas tree or presents, nevermind.
Zack Ryder came out to a chorus of boos and it was hilarious. Scott Stanford and Jerry Lawler were on commentary, and aren't half bad.
DH Smith defeated Zack Ryder
DH Smith sucks. I'm just going to say it here, he has NO major charisma at this point and neither does Tyson Kidd. He might be a legacy but he's no British Bulldog. This match could've been a four star classic, but only because Zack Ryder has an over the top character. This was a very solid match up, evenly matched and not half bad. However, it wasn't until the end did I get impressed. DH Smith hit a nice Saito Suplex to put DH Smith out, and it was picture perfect. Zack needs to be on the main roster, his character draws so much heat, oh well. DH Smith wins, I think he sucks, this match wasn't terrible.
Is anyone watching NXT? I'm not.
The USO Brothers defeated Yoshi Tatsu & Darren Young
This was probably one of the worst tag team matches I've seen in a long time. The USOS worked very well as a team and Young & Tatsu just weren't very good in ring. The match wasn't too long and it was just a job match. I still think Darren Young's "I'm the missing link" was awesome, but it's been a long time since then.
Kelly Kelly & Beth Phoenix defeated Laycool
The divas main evented this night of wrestling and it wasn't too terrible. I didn't think it was as good as this past weekend's match, but the women put on a good show for the live crowd and us at home. There was a lot of back and forth action, and it wasn't until Beth Phoenix took control towards the end where this match really got good. Phoenix is so good, and she was able to get a lot of good offense in before Michelle McCool stormed the ring to save Layla. Layla got hit by McCool on accident and Phoenix hit her GlamSlam and won the match up for her team. Laycool was put to rest in this one, and it was very impressive. The divas can really put on a good wrestling show when they are given time. Even the crowd agreed.
This night of Superstars wasn't terrible, it was a good overall match up and something that I enjoyed. Hopefully you liked it if you saw it, and if not, check it out sometime, there's actually good wrestling on the show from time to time.
Whether you hate John Cena or Love John Cena, you're going to probably want to check out The John Cena Experience 3 DISC DVD set or the BLU RAY High Definition John Cena Experience. The set contains 16 matches from all over Cena's career but most importantly goes behind the scenes of his life to show you just how much effort he puts into working for the WWE. The commercial was quite interesting and the set looks like something you'd want to pick up. If you're interested in the John Cena Experience click here to purchase it for cheap, it helps this blog continue and hopefully gets me an internet connection at home, because right now I'm using the old library in my town.
Thanks for reading! Leave comments, send emails my way, and subscribe to the RSS FEED right here, as we head into another great year of wrestling.
beth phoenix,
darren young,
dh smith,
kelly kelly,
wwe superstars,
yoshi tatsu,
zack ryder
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Kaval Fired
WWE today announced that they have let go of NXT winner Kaval. That's right folks, Kaval is done. I'm not too surprised here, but it's sad to see such a solid worker get thrown out of the WWE.
I don't recall Kaval getting much of a fair shake outside of nearly getting the IC title at one point, but that's fine. Kaval will have shots at other companies, I'm sure, although he won't garner the paycheck that the mighty WWE could give him.
I'm sure another company would love to have him come in, including TNA, but alas, TNA needs a lot of work, to bring up their wrestling to the par it was a few years ago. Remember, TNA did have a 4 star classic for the X-Division title at one point.
Kaval will be missed on WWE tv by all two of you that liked him. I didn't think he was half bad, but apparently WWE doesn't or didn't want him, and according to twitter Kaval wanted out.
I don't recall Kaval getting much of a fair shake outside of nearly getting the IC title at one point, but that's fine. Kaval will have shots at other companies, I'm sure, although he won't garner the paycheck that the mighty WWE could give him.
I'm sure another company would love to have him come in, including TNA, but alas, TNA needs a lot of work, to bring up their wrestling to the par it was a few years ago. Remember, TNA did have a 4 star classic for the X-Division title at one point.
Kaval will be missed on WWE tv by all two of you that liked him. I didn't think he was half bad, but apparently WWE doesn't or didn't want him, and according to twitter Kaval wanted out.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
WWE Smackdown 12/21/10 Results and Review
WWE Smackdown 12/21/10 Results
Randy Orton defeated The Miz via DQ
Santino defeated Chavo Guerrero
Drew McIntyre defeated Kaval
Rey Mysterio & Kofi Kingston defeated Alberto Del Rio & Jack Swagger
John Cena defeated Dolph Ziggler & Vickie Guerrero
WWE Smackdown 12/21/10 Review
A special Tuesday night smackdown would be the start of something good, until I heard the worst Greenday track ever recorded. I hate the post "Warning" greenday sound, they went soft and sold out. I liked when they were they are? I don't know, pop.
Randy Orton defeated The Miz via DQ
The first match was The Miz facing off against Randy Orton in rematch from the ppv, although this was not a tables match. The Miz was running from Orton, and Orton was hitting Miz with heavy shots, and this thing looked like a burial job, if it weren't for The Miz constantly running out of the ring, scared.
Once Orton made a slight judgment error, The Miz started to mount a nice comeback with some rights and lefts, a suplex, some counters to Orton's signature turns, but Orton kept at it, and would eventually get the upper hand yet again. I'm not a big Orton fan, but he works really well with the Miz, and the two have a good timing, that really gets the crowd involved in their matches. I liked the pace the of this one. Alex Riley would help Miz regain the upper hand again, and this made Orton look all the more vulnerable, and Miz smarter for having Alex Riley helping him out.
Stryker stated that Orton was favoring his shoulder and neck, and the two other commentators disagreed, and after the men argued, Orton did exactly what Stryker said, he took a back drop and he favored his neck and looked injured. He would come back though, and hit a nice series of movies then his inside out DDT and was ready to deliver the RKO but Alex Riley interfered, only stopping the Viper the RKO was hit, giving Randy Orton the win via Disqualification after Riley ran in yet again! Yep. Riley saves the Miz.
Post match Randy Orton was all set to hit the punt but instead delivered a HUGE RKO to Alex Riley as Miz crawled his way out of the ring. Orton looked strong for once, and I like him 100 times better in this role than I did as the champion. This match was a quality encounter, even if there was a DQ finish, and I can only say that Miz has shocked me yet again, he's not a one trick pony, he has a lot of gusto and he proved it once again with a great match up here.
The Big Show once again was giving out cool stuff backstage as Santa Claus. Hornswoggle was also ther to give out presents. Eve joined them, and it looked interesting enough, but I knew what was coming. Dashing Cody Rhodes ran down and messed up the ring, beat up Hornswoggle, and made The Big Show very upset.
Edge cut a promo, and then Kane came out...I don't remember much of this encounter cause I was getting some more coffee.
Drew McIntyre defeated Kaval
Kaval was completely squashed here. Drew kicked him in the face which looked really sick, then hit the Future Shock DDT and this thing was over. Drew wins, Kaval gets buried, he needs to go back to TNA.
Santino defeated Chavo Guerrero
Despite Chavo's continual play up of his "Latino" heat gimmick, or rather the late Great Eddie Guerrero's gimmick, he just can't manage to get away from jobber status. Santino got a beating throughout this match but was able to deliver The Cobra to pin Chavo yet again. Chavo needs to just quit and join TNA or something, he hasn't been over in such a long time.
Rey Mysterio & Kofi Kingston defeated Alberto Del Rio & Jack Swagger
This match was a good fast paced match with lots of room to breathe. I'm surprised Del Rio was in this match as much as he was, while Swagger took most of the bumps here. Kofi and Rey are a good fast paced team and never let up on the offense. They hit all your crowd pleasing spots, and then with the 619 and Trouble In Paradise knocking out the bad guys, Kofi and Rey won. The two did a nice double High Cross body off the top rope, and boy, the 12 year old inside of me was going completely nuts for this match. This match was nothing more than a crowd pleaser, and a quality match up after the squash match before it.
John Cena defeated Dolph Ziggler & Vickie Guerrero
John Cena started this match up fast and I liked it. John was completely in control and Ziggler was bumping great like he was on Raw. Eventually Ziggler was able to capitalize on a Cena quick overlook and would work him over, and at one point Vickie Guerrero got in and got a couple of shots in against Cena. This once again is a testament to how good Ziggler is in ring, as he is one of the most competant workers that the WWE has. I can see Ziggler getting a world title run or at least getting over enough to get title shots because he was looking great against a much more experienced John Cena.
One of the best points of the match was a nice reversal on an Irish Whip from Ziggler in which he sent Cena into the ropes and Cena went for the shoulder block only to miss by a split second when Ziggler dropped and let Cena roll through the ropes onto the floor. It was such a well timed spot that I was marking out alongside the San Antonio crowd. I was going nuts, becuase this match, once again, was one of the best matches I've seen all year, and that's saying a lot.
Vickie Guerrero tagged in towards the end of the match and completely fell on her face as she tried to deliver a splash on Cena. Ziggler would eventually get back in and started to lose his cool as Cena was hitting his five moves of doom, and despite my hatred for him all year, I was marking out huge for the 5 Knuckle Shuffle! Ziggler countered the Attitude Adjustment and hit the Leg Drop (I forget what it's called) but wasn't able to win the match. Cena hit the STF and Vickie came in to argue with Cena and break up the submission attempt. CENA then kissed Vickie Guerrero and then hit the Attitude Adjustment on Ziggler and pinned the Intercontinental Champion two nights in a row!
This match was incredible fun and the kiss on Cena was awesome to see. Better yet was the attempt at an Attitude Adjustment on Vickie Guerrero! He was stopped by none other than CM PUNK! That's right CM PUNK jumped in with a chair and full wrestling gear and knocked out John Cena with a CHAIR!
A CM PUNK JOHN CENA FEUD?!?!?! I'm all in folks, I'm all freakin in if this is how they are going to build to that feud. Oh man, I love it. Smackdown, for once, was a great show, no filler all killer, I liked it a lot, and you should've liked it too. What a great couple of nights of wrestling.
Whether you hate John Cena or Love John Cena, you're going to probably want to check out The John Cena Experience 3 DISC DVD set or the BLU RAY High Definition John Cena Experience. The set contains 16 matches from all over Cena's career but most importantly goes behind the scenes of his life to show you just how much effort he puts into working for the WWE. The commercial was quite interesting and the set looks like something you'd want to pick up. If you're interested in the John Cena Experience click here to purchase it for cheap, it helps this blog continue and hopefully gets me an internet connection at home, because right now I'm using the old library in my town.
Thanks for reading! Leave comments, send emails my way, and subscribe to the RSS FEED right here, as we head into another great year of wrestling.
Randy Orton defeated The Miz via DQ
Santino defeated Chavo Guerrero
Drew McIntyre defeated Kaval
Rey Mysterio & Kofi Kingston defeated Alberto Del Rio & Jack Swagger
John Cena defeated Dolph Ziggler & Vickie Guerrero
WWE Smackdown 12/21/10 Review
A special Tuesday night smackdown would be the start of something good, until I heard the worst Greenday track ever recorded. I hate the post "Warning" greenday sound, they went soft and sold out. I liked when they were they are? I don't know, pop.
Randy Orton defeated The Miz via DQ
The first match was The Miz facing off against Randy Orton in rematch from the ppv, although this was not a tables match. The Miz was running from Orton, and Orton was hitting Miz with heavy shots, and this thing looked like a burial job, if it weren't for The Miz constantly running out of the ring, scared.
Once Orton made a slight judgment error, The Miz started to mount a nice comeback with some rights and lefts, a suplex, some counters to Orton's signature turns, but Orton kept at it, and would eventually get the upper hand yet again. I'm not a big Orton fan, but he works really well with the Miz, and the two have a good timing, that really gets the crowd involved in their matches. I liked the pace the of this one. Alex Riley would help Miz regain the upper hand again, and this made Orton look all the more vulnerable, and Miz smarter for having Alex Riley helping him out.
Stryker stated that Orton was favoring his shoulder and neck, and the two other commentators disagreed, and after the men argued, Orton did exactly what Stryker said, he took a back drop and he favored his neck and looked injured. He would come back though, and hit a nice series of movies then his inside out DDT and was ready to deliver the RKO but Alex Riley interfered, only stopping the Viper the RKO was hit, giving Randy Orton the win via Disqualification after Riley ran in yet again! Yep. Riley saves the Miz.
Post match Randy Orton was all set to hit the punt but instead delivered a HUGE RKO to Alex Riley as Miz crawled his way out of the ring. Orton looked strong for once, and I like him 100 times better in this role than I did as the champion. This match was a quality encounter, even if there was a DQ finish, and I can only say that Miz has shocked me yet again, he's not a one trick pony, he has a lot of gusto and he proved it once again with a great match up here.
The Big Show once again was giving out cool stuff backstage as Santa Claus. Hornswoggle was also ther to give out presents. Eve joined them, and it looked interesting enough, but I knew what was coming. Dashing Cody Rhodes ran down and messed up the ring, beat up Hornswoggle, and made The Big Show very upset.
Edge cut a promo, and then Kane came out...I don't remember much of this encounter cause I was getting some more coffee.
Drew McIntyre defeated Kaval
Kaval was completely squashed here. Drew kicked him in the face which looked really sick, then hit the Future Shock DDT and this thing was over. Drew wins, Kaval gets buried, he needs to go back to TNA.
Santino defeated Chavo Guerrero
Despite Chavo's continual play up of his "Latino" heat gimmick, or rather the late Great Eddie Guerrero's gimmick, he just can't manage to get away from jobber status. Santino got a beating throughout this match but was able to deliver The Cobra to pin Chavo yet again. Chavo needs to just quit and join TNA or something, he hasn't been over in such a long time.
Rey Mysterio & Kofi Kingston defeated Alberto Del Rio & Jack Swagger
This match was a good fast paced match with lots of room to breathe. I'm surprised Del Rio was in this match as much as he was, while Swagger took most of the bumps here. Kofi and Rey are a good fast paced team and never let up on the offense. They hit all your crowd pleasing spots, and then with the 619 and Trouble In Paradise knocking out the bad guys, Kofi and Rey won. The two did a nice double High Cross body off the top rope, and boy, the 12 year old inside of me was going completely nuts for this match. This match was nothing more than a crowd pleaser, and a quality match up after the squash match before it.
John Cena defeated Dolph Ziggler & Vickie Guerrero
John Cena started this match up fast and I liked it. John was completely in control and Ziggler was bumping great like he was on Raw. Eventually Ziggler was able to capitalize on a Cena quick overlook and would work him over, and at one point Vickie Guerrero got in and got a couple of shots in against Cena. This once again is a testament to how good Ziggler is in ring, as he is one of the most competant workers that the WWE has. I can see Ziggler getting a world title run or at least getting over enough to get title shots because he was looking great against a much more experienced John Cena.
One of the best points of the match was a nice reversal on an Irish Whip from Ziggler in which he sent Cena into the ropes and Cena went for the shoulder block only to miss by a split second when Ziggler dropped and let Cena roll through the ropes onto the floor. It was such a well timed spot that I was marking out alongside the San Antonio crowd. I was going nuts, becuase this match, once again, was one of the best matches I've seen all year, and that's saying a lot.
Vickie Guerrero tagged in towards the end of the match and completely fell on her face as she tried to deliver a splash on Cena. Ziggler would eventually get back in and started to lose his cool as Cena was hitting his five moves of doom, and despite my hatred for him all year, I was marking out huge for the 5 Knuckle Shuffle! Ziggler countered the Attitude Adjustment and hit the Leg Drop (I forget what it's called) but wasn't able to win the match. Cena hit the STF and Vickie came in to argue with Cena and break up the submission attempt. CENA then kissed Vickie Guerrero and then hit the Attitude Adjustment on Ziggler and pinned the Intercontinental Champion two nights in a row!
This match was incredible fun and the kiss on Cena was awesome to see. Better yet was the attempt at an Attitude Adjustment on Vickie Guerrero! He was stopped by none other than CM PUNK! That's right CM PUNK jumped in with a chair and full wrestling gear and knocked out John Cena with a CHAIR!
A CM PUNK JOHN CENA FEUD?!?!?! I'm all in folks, I'm all freakin in if this is how they are going to build to that feud. Oh man, I love it. Smackdown, for once, was a great show, no filler all killer, I liked it a lot, and you should've liked it too. What a great couple of nights of wrestling.
Whether you hate John Cena or Love John Cena, you're going to probably want to check out The John Cena Experience 3 DISC DVD set or the BLU RAY High Definition John Cena Experience. The set contains 16 matches from all over Cena's career but most importantly goes behind the scenes of his life to show you just how much effort he puts into working for the WWE. The commercial was quite interesting and the set looks like something you'd want to pick up. If you're interested in the John Cena Experience click here to purchase it for cheap, it helps this blog continue and hopefully gets me an internet connection at home, because right now I'm using the old library in my town.
Thanks for reading! Leave comments, send emails my way, and subscribe to the RSS FEED right here, as we head into another great year of wrestling.
alberto del rio,
beth phoenix,
chavo guerrero,
dolph ziggler,
drew mcintyre,
jack swagger,
john cena,
kofi kingston,
randy orton,
rey mysterio jr.,
vickie guerrero
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
WWE Monday Night Raw 12/20/10 Results and Review
WWE Monday Night Raw 12/20/10 Results
Melina defeated Alicia Fox and Eve
Daniel Bryan defeated William Regal
Santino & Tamina defeated Ted Dibiase & Maryse
John Cena defeated Dolph Ziggler
Jerry Lawler, Randy Orton, and John Morrison defeated The Miz, Alex Riley & Sheamus
WWE Monday Night Raw 12/20/10 Review
One night after WWE TLC 2010 we get Monday Night Raw, and The King said it best: We are here around Christmas and we start the show with The Grinch. Yep. The Miz was getting booed out of the building, and for anyone that saw the show last night, you know why The Miz is really hated right now.
The Miz got into the ring and started talking trash and what not. He kept rambling when the lights went out and Alex Riley came out as the "Ghost of Christmas Past"...I kid you not.
Michael Cole came out as another ghost...I kid you not. They were doing A Christmas Carol. I couldn't believe this. I liked the Muppet one though.
John Morrison came out and confronted the Miz. That's right, John Morrison came out and talkd to the Miz. He wasn't half bad, and the crowd was fully behind John Morrison. Alex Riley got into Morrison's face and got punched out for his action. Sheamus then ran down and beat up Morrison, and Riley got punched out by Jerry Lawler! Punk was in the booth, by the way.
I absolutely loved the psychology of Sheamus kicking Morrison in the knee, and was a nice touch to throwback to last night. I loved how The Miz, after last night's championship defense, had to wrestle tonight.
Melina defeated Alicia Fox and Eve
This match was atrocious. This match was seriously one of the worst matches I've seen in a long time. They can't wrestle, and it was painfully obvious throughout. This was sad, considering last night I was marking out huge for the divas table match. Alicia Fox nearly killed Melina with a powerbomb in the corner of the ring. Eve managed to get some offense in and nearly kicked Alicia Fox's head off. A standing moonsault was hit, which should've got the win for Eve. Eve dove off the top rope, while Melina rolled up Alicia Fox to get the win. The finish was well done, but the rest of the match was nothing to remember, that's for sure.
Post match, Melina slapped the heck out of Natalya and it looked like it hurt.
Daniel Bryan defeated William Regal
I was shocked to see a pur wrestling match on Raw. Daniel Bryan was facing off with William Regal and there was some nice counters and mat wrestling here. It wasn't your standard Daniel Bryan match as Regal had his number for a good portion of this match up. At one point during this bout, Regal and Bryan exchanged a series of European Uppercuts which was impressive to say the least. Neither man could get the upper hand but eventually Bryan hooked in his crossface lock and Regal tapped. This was one of the better matches I've seen on Raw, and defeats one of the better mat technicians still going today.
Santino & Tamina defeated Ted Dibiase & Maryse
Dibiase and Santino did most of this match up and it wasn't half bad. Dibiase was ahead of the game, but Santino was able to set up a few moves and eventually was going for the Cobra but stopped short of hitting Maryse. Tamina gave Maryse a superkick and then went to the top rope and you guessed it, she shit a nice throwback, Superfly Splash in tribute of Jimmy Superfly Snuka and won the match! A good entertaining match up with some nice moves, but mostly a throwaway affair. It was entertaining though, I liked it, for a change.
John Cena was completely over with a Texas crowd. THis was seriously the loudest Cena crowd that I've seen in a long time, and why not? I guess we'll have to just deal with it.
Vickie Guerrero, of all people came down to the ring. Vickie was getting completely booed out of the building whenever she tried to talk. The crowd was completely going nuts with the "you suck" chants, and it was amazing. The crowd was just so amazed at this. Vickie wanted Jerry Lawler to give her an apology from last week. Lawler and Cena exchanged jokes about Vickie Guerrero's weight and it was hilarious, although a bit cheesy.
The general manager chimed in, and I was marking out huge for the possibilities of a Dolph Ziggler vs John Cena title match. But there was not title on the line, but heck, I was marking out huge for this one. I guess I'm having a good day or something because up to this point I was marking out huge for Monday Night Raw.
John Cena defeated Dolph Ziggler
Dolph Ziggler started this match really hot, stomping out Cena with every other move. He was doing some great work in ring, but Cena was finding ways to stop the onslaught of offense. John Cena pushed forward and the crowd was 100% behind him. Cena hit a nice Fisherman's Suplex and I was watching a new livelier Cena here, alongside a smart Dolph Ziggler, who was ducking and diving the traditional Cena offense. The two went back and forth with some high flying offense, some nice rest spots, and overall an entertaining match up that led to Ziggler countering the Attitude Adjustment at one point, and Cena blocking the Sleeper Hold in another. Ziggler hit a nice sideslam, and this match was getting hotter than a lot of matches out of the Raw year. Ziggler's dropkick to the jaw of Cena toward the end of this match was picture perfect, and I once again am saying that given the right opportunity, Ziggler can move to the main event with ease. Cena was not a one trick pony here, he hit his moves, but also was wise enough to counter some moves, and the crowd ate it up. The STF was locked in and Ziggler tapped but Vickie provided the distraction, which allowed ZIggler to hit the Zig Zag on Cena and nearly pinned Cena for the 3 count! I was going nuts at this point, you were going nuts if you watched this match, and these two were putting on a show. Dolph Ziggler took the padding off the corner of the ring, and grabbed the Intercontinental Belt but was no match for the attitude adjustment, and Cena went completely nuts as Cena took out the champion, which was just a compelling match up. 3 Stars easily.
Post match, CM Punk left the broadcast booth and hit John Cena with a chair and walked away. That's right, Punk struck against Cena, and walkd away. Is CM Punk ready to compete? I don't know, but it was interesting to say the least.
Dolph Ziggler challenged John Cena to a rematch on Smackdown tomorrow and Vickie threw herself into the match. Yep.
Jerry Lawler, Randy Orton, and John Morrison defeated The Miz, Alex Riley & Sheamus
This match started fast and furious, and I enjoyed it. The Miz played up his scared persona, and Sheamus eventually got the green light to go into the match. Lawler was the weak link here, with the monster heels mopping up the king with relative ease. Lawler would get a comeback and eventually tag in Morrison to get the sides even up. Sheamus and Morrison really work well together, and Alex Riley was just getting punished. Sheamus focused on the knee of Morrison and The Miz eventually came in and fought the weakened #1 contender. Towards the end, Randy Orton got the tag and he started unleashing on The MIz. He hit his DDT, He was on a roll and it looked like this one was over, but it wasn't mean to be just yet. Morrison took care of Sheamus, Lawler was out, Miz managed to get the upper hand after Riley took an RKO. Lawler got the tag and unleashed on Miz, and Orton hit an RKO on MIZ which let JERRY LAWLER GET THE PIN ON THE MIZ! I MARKED OUT HUGE! Lawler pinned The Miz!!! I kid you not! The Miz was pinned and all was said and done!
They plugged WWE Smackdown, and added a match for Smackdown. The Miz would wrestle Randy Orton!
A great Raw overall. There were a lot of good matches here, and some quality wrestling. WWE really tried hard to make this night a good one. I loved it, you probably liked it, and it was a nice piece of wrestling for a change.
Ok folks, if you're reading this please do me a favor and check out here and purchase something, your purchase will help this blog keep going, and maybe even let me get internet access at home so I'm not marking out huge at the library. I'll be back for more reviews, posts and what not tomorrow, for Smackdown!
Melina defeated Alicia Fox and Eve
Daniel Bryan defeated William Regal
Santino & Tamina defeated Ted Dibiase & Maryse
John Cena defeated Dolph Ziggler
Jerry Lawler, Randy Orton, and John Morrison defeated The Miz, Alex Riley & Sheamus
WWE Monday Night Raw 12/20/10 Review
One night after WWE TLC 2010 we get Monday Night Raw, and The King said it best: We are here around Christmas and we start the show with The Grinch. Yep. The Miz was getting booed out of the building, and for anyone that saw the show last night, you know why The Miz is really hated right now.
The Miz got into the ring and started talking trash and what not. He kept rambling when the lights went out and Alex Riley came out as the "Ghost of Christmas Past"...I kid you not.
Michael Cole came out as another ghost...I kid you not. They were doing A Christmas Carol. I couldn't believe this. I liked the Muppet one though.
John Morrison came out and confronted the Miz. That's right, John Morrison came out and talkd to the Miz. He wasn't half bad, and the crowd was fully behind John Morrison. Alex Riley got into Morrison's face and got punched out for his action. Sheamus then ran down and beat up Morrison, and Riley got punched out by Jerry Lawler! Punk was in the booth, by the way.
I absolutely loved the psychology of Sheamus kicking Morrison in the knee, and was a nice touch to throwback to last night. I loved how The Miz, after last night's championship defense, had to wrestle tonight.
Melina defeated Alicia Fox and Eve
This match was atrocious. This match was seriously one of the worst matches I've seen in a long time. They can't wrestle, and it was painfully obvious throughout. This was sad, considering last night I was marking out huge for the divas table match. Alicia Fox nearly killed Melina with a powerbomb in the corner of the ring. Eve managed to get some offense in and nearly kicked Alicia Fox's head off. A standing moonsault was hit, which should've got the win for Eve. Eve dove off the top rope, while Melina rolled up Alicia Fox to get the win. The finish was well done, but the rest of the match was nothing to remember, that's for sure.
Post match, Melina slapped the heck out of Natalya and it looked like it hurt.
Daniel Bryan defeated William Regal
I was shocked to see a pur wrestling match on Raw. Daniel Bryan was facing off with William Regal and there was some nice counters and mat wrestling here. It wasn't your standard Daniel Bryan match as Regal had his number for a good portion of this match up. At one point during this bout, Regal and Bryan exchanged a series of European Uppercuts which was impressive to say the least. Neither man could get the upper hand but eventually Bryan hooked in his crossface lock and Regal tapped. This was one of the better matches I've seen on Raw, and defeats one of the better mat technicians still going today.
Santino & Tamina defeated Ted Dibiase & Maryse
Dibiase and Santino did most of this match up and it wasn't half bad. Dibiase was ahead of the game, but Santino was able to set up a few moves and eventually was going for the Cobra but stopped short of hitting Maryse. Tamina gave Maryse a superkick and then went to the top rope and you guessed it, she shit a nice throwback, Superfly Splash in tribute of Jimmy Superfly Snuka and won the match! A good entertaining match up with some nice moves, but mostly a throwaway affair. It was entertaining though, I liked it, for a change.
John Cena was completely over with a Texas crowd. THis was seriously the loudest Cena crowd that I've seen in a long time, and why not? I guess we'll have to just deal with it.
Vickie Guerrero, of all people came down to the ring. Vickie was getting completely booed out of the building whenever she tried to talk. The crowd was completely going nuts with the "you suck" chants, and it was amazing. The crowd was just so amazed at this. Vickie wanted Jerry Lawler to give her an apology from last week. Lawler and Cena exchanged jokes about Vickie Guerrero's weight and it was hilarious, although a bit cheesy.
The general manager chimed in, and I was marking out huge for the possibilities of a Dolph Ziggler vs John Cena title match. But there was not title on the line, but heck, I was marking out huge for this one. I guess I'm having a good day or something because up to this point I was marking out huge for Monday Night Raw.
John Cena defeated Dolph Ziggler
Dolph Ziggler started this match really hot, stomping out Cena with every other move. He was doing some great work in ring, but Cena was finding ways to stop the onslaught of offense. John Cena pushed forward and the crowd was 100% behind him. Cena hit a nice Fisherman's Suplex and I was watching a new livelier Cena here, alongside a smart Dolph Ziggler, who was ducking and diving the traditional Cena offense. The two went back and forth with some high flying offense, some nice rest spots, and overall an entertaining match up that led to Ziggler countering the Attitude Adjustment at one point, and Cena blocking the Sleeper Hold in another. Ziggler hit a nice sideslam, and this match was getting hotter than a lot of matches out of the Raw year. Ziggler's dropkick to the jaw of Cena toward the end of this match was picture perfect, and I once again am saying that given the right opportunity, Ziggler can move to the main event with ease. Cena was not a one trick pony here, he hit his moves, but also was wise enough to counter some moves, and the crowd ate it up. The STF was locked in and Ziggler tapped but Vickie provided the distraction, which allowed ZIggler to hit the Zig Zag on Cena and nearly pinned Cena for the 3 count! I was going nuts at this point, you were going nuts if you watched this match, and these two were putting on a show. Dolph Ziggler took the padding off the corner of the ring, and grabbed the Intercontinental Belt but was no match for the attitude adjustment, and Cena went completely nuts as Cena took out the champion, which was just a compelling match up. 3 Stars easily.
Post match, CM Punk left the broadcast booth and hit John Cena with a chair and walked away. That's right, Punk struck against Cena, and walkd away. Is CM Punk ready to compete? I don't know, but it was interesting to say the least.
Dolph Ziggler challenged John Cena to a rematch on Smackdown tomorrow and Vickie threw herself into the match. Yep.
Jerry Lawler, Randy Orton, and John Morrison defeated The Miz, Alex Riley & Sheamus
This match started fast and furious, and I enjoyed it. The Miz played up his scared persona, and Sheamus eventually got the green light to go into the match. Lawler was the weak link here, with the monster heels mopping up the king with relative ease. Lawler would get a comeback and eventually tag in Morrison to get the sides even up. Sheamus and Morrison really work well together, and Alex Riley was just getting punished. Sheamus focused on the knee of Morrison and The Miz eventually came in and fought the weakened #1 contender. Towards the end, Randy Orton got the tag and he started unleashing on The MIz. He hit his DDT, He was on a roll and it looked like this one was over, but it wasn't mean to be just yet. Morrison took care of Sheamus, Lawler was out, Miz managed to get the upper hand after Riley took an RKO. Lawler got the tag and unleashed on Miz, and Orton hit an RKO on MIZ which let JERRY LAWLER GET THE PIN ON THE MIZ! I MARKED OUT HUGE! Lawler pinned The Miz!!! I kid you not! The Miz was pinned and all was said and done!
They plugged WWE Smackdown, and added a match for Smackdown. The Miz would wrestle Randy Orton!
A great Raw overall. There were a lot of good matches here, and some quality wrestling. WWE really tried hard to make this night a good one. I loved it, you probably liked it, and it was a nice piece of wrestling for a change.
Ok folks, if you're reading this please do me a favor and check out here and purchase something, your purchase will help this blog keep going, and maybe even let me get internet access at home so I'm not marking out huge at the library. I'll be back for more reviews, posts and what not tomorrow, for Smackdown!
alicia fox,
daniel bryan,
dolph ziggler,
john cena,
john morrison,
king jerry lawler,
randy orton,
ted dibiase,
william regal,
wwe monday night raw
Monday, December 20, 2010
WWE TLC 2010 PPV Results and Review
WWE TLC 2010 PPV Results
Dolph Ziggler defeated Kofi Kingston and Jack Swagger in a triple threat Ladder Match
Beth Phoenix & Layla defeated Laycool in a Tag Team Tables Match
Santino & Kozlov defeated Nexus (Justin gabriel & Heath Slater) via DQ
John Morrison defeated Sheamus in a Ladder Match
The Miz defeated Randy Orton in a wwe title tables match
Edge defeated Kane and Rey Mysterio and Alberto Del Rio in a fatal four way tlc match
John Cena defeated Wade Barrett in a chairs match
WWE TLC 2010 PPV Review
Alright, the last WWE PPV of 2010, and anything could happen, so I was excited to see how the matches were going to go, and here is my review plus other random commentary by me.
Dolph Ziggler defeated Kofi Kingston and Jack Swagger in a triple threat Ladder Match
The match started hot, with a lot of focus being placed on Dolph Ziggler and once he was nuetralized, Swagger and Kofi fought each other but Ziggler came back into the ring and really put the boots to Kofi. At one point Swagger looked to hurt his right wrist, but it seemed to be ok. Ziggler and Kofi both were taking some sick bumps, and I'm surprised Ziggler wasn't busted open immediately because he took a shot to the face that just looked incredible. Kofi jumped through a ladder at one point, yes, through a ladder for a nice missile drop kick.
Vickie Guerrero got into the ring as all three men were knocked out, and I was marking out huge. Vickie was even getting a huge ovation for what she was doing, and I was aimpressed. Vickie was climbing to the top of the ladder and Kofi Kingston climbed up and signaled a heel turn but nope....VIckie was being tipped over and it looked like she was going to go over the top rope! The crowd went nuts for this, but Swagger came in and Ziggler came in and she wen away running! I was completely impressed with how many bumps the competitors were taking, at one point Swagger threw the ladder at Ziggler full force into his face, it looked sick. Even Kofi was bumping like crazy, and it was just impressive. I thought someone was going to legit get hurt, it was that bad, like a car crash, all three guys completely killed each other for the opening bout, it was about time, if you ask me.
Ziggler nearly got the belt, as Swagger and Kofi fought with an Ankle Lock hooked, but after Swagger was eliminated for a moment, Kofi and Ziggler fought each other at the top of the ladder and oh man, a sleeper hold was placed on Kofi and it looked like Kingston was done, but he managed to fight out of it, and of course the crowd was going nuts again. As Kofi nearly had the belt. Ziggler flew off the top, Kingston had this thing won, Swagger jumped in and climbed the ladder and Kofi and swagger were each one grabbing the belt and it fell!
ZIGGLER jumped at the belt and grabbed it and won! One of the better triple threat ladder matches I've seen and once again Ziggler retains! One of the best Intercontinental Champions in a long time, Ziggler managed to get this one, and took a serious beating. Seriously, he took a lot of damage and was able to win this one, amazing.
Beth Phoenix & Layla defeated Laycool in a Tag Team Tables Match
The divas were up next, and the two teams put on a decent match. The cameras kept cutting away when the women were close to the tables and were using them as a weapon, which was stupid. I guess the pg thing was tough to work around with so much violence. The tables weren't even a big deal for the most part, as Laycool was actually utilizing a lot of tag team moves to fight off their opponents. For once, I was actually impressed with Laycool. Beth Phoenix and natalya isolated Michelle McCool at one point and the two were about to throw her through a table, but were thwarted. Natalya and Phoenix took some sick bumps too, this is the first divas match that I actually cringed at some points as this was a legit contest of wrestling, which is amazing from the WWE women.
At one point, Michelle McCool kicked Phoenix straight into the face and she looked out cold, it was sick. Natalya eventually got both members of Laycool into a vulnerable position and locked in a double sharpshooter!!!! I KID YOU NOT! I was marking out huge for this. BOth women in a the sharpshooter tapping out like drunk women, it was amazing, I was marking out huge for the divas, for ones marking out huge. Beth Phoenix and Natalya eventually got locked into a numbers game as Laycool kept focusing on one woman, and got the upper hand, but it was Natalya that threw laycool on a table, and she got to the top rope and leaped onto both women in a nice splash and won this match! LAYCOOL went through a table, and you know what, this was DIVAS MATCH of the YEAR, DIVAS MATCH OF THE YEAR! For once, I was impressed with the divas, wow, what a match.
Santino & Kozlov defeated Nexus (Justin gabriel & Heath Slater) via DQ
Nexus lost this one, even though they had this thing going their way for a good part of the match. McGullicutty interfered and caused the dq finish, but this match wasn't half bad. I like Kozlov and Santino as a comedy act, and they are way over with the live crowd.
Post match, Nexus beat the living crap out of the tag team champions, and that was that.
John Morrison defeated Sheamus in a Ladder Match
This match started off slow, but Morrison picked up the pace with his high flying offense. He even at one point did a corkscrew over the top of a ladder off the third rope onto Sheamus, it was insane. I kid you not, that thing looked amazing, and Morrison is proof that you don't need to talk well to wrestle well. Sheamus managed to add some major offense against Morrison and focused on the knee of Morrison. The ladder came into play and once again, I was impressed at how much these two bumped. The psychology of this in ring match was great, Sheamus focusing on Morrison's leg was really good and something that the WWE hasn't been utilizing in matches in a long time.
A drop toe hold landed Sheamus's face into the ladder, and i was hoping and wishing that the WWE would allow blood. A bloody Sheamus would've been amazing here as he took a stiff shot to the face with the Ladd. Morrison nearly knocked him out with a nice kick, but it was short lived, because Sheamus hit the Irish Curse Back Breaker and things weren't looking for Morrison. Morrison threw a ladder at Sheamus's head and I was completely marking out huge, because this thing looked brutal.
Morrison fell on his knee towards the end of this match, and Sheamus and him fought on top of the ladder to get the contract, but the two were just fighting and fighting, and Sheamus kept hanging in there, even though Morrison seemed to be the weaker man in this match. The two guys were completely impressive here, and no matter how close each other got, the other had an answer, which was awesome. This was a great great Ladder Match, far better than the 1998 ladder match between The Rock and Triple H.
Morrison took some nasty spills towards the end of the match. It didn't look like he could pull himself together to win here, and Sheamus couldn't stop the guy from continually comingback for more punishment.
Sheamus was thrown off the top of a ladder with John Morrison through a STEEL LADDER! Morrison jumped off too, but holy crap, holy crap, Sheamus was completely broken in half here, and Morrison was barely walking. Holy crap, Sheamus completely got blown out with a nice kick to the face as the ladder was teetering and Morrison won, holy crap, holy crap. Match of the year here, holy crap holy crap, Morrison and Sheamus put on a 4 star classic folks, holy crap, holy crap.
The Miz defeated Randy Orton in a wwe title tables match
Randy Orton started this match hard, and he was fighting forward fast, with no major offense from Miz or Riley. Randy Orton was completely dominant in the first part of this match up, and was first to set up a table, but that was his undoing, at least the first part. Miz dropkicked a table into Orton and the pendulum swung in the other direction. The Miz was actually looking strong against orton in the mid-point of this match, which was interesting.
In what was one of the smartest moves I've seen in wrestling, a ref bump happened, and that let Alex Riley to come in and get powerbombed through a table! Miz then hit the Skull Crushing Finale on Orton and dragged him to where Riley went through the table, woke up the ref and BOOOM won the match! Right out of the page of Eddie Guerrero, what a great short cut, oh man, Miz wins, and boy oh boy what a finish, I loved it.
But the ref restarted the match!!!!
Orton restarted the match like a house on fire, and beat up Miz, but Miz threw Riley through the middle of the ropes while Orton was on the apron and BOOOM, Orton falls through a table! HOLY CRAP! GREATER FINISH! THE MIZ RETAINS and the kids are saddened! Wow! WoW! what a finish, I loved it, I absolutely loved it, wow.
Edge defeated Kane and Rey Mysterio and Alberto Del Rio in a fatal four way tlc match
This match started much like other matches, fast and with great impact. Towards the middle of the match it was Del rio and Mysterio that took center stage, and it was painfully obvious that Del Rio was scared of bumping with the ladder. At one point it even looked like he was injured at one point with the ladder. Meanwhile, Mysterio, Edge and Kane had no problems taking some serious bumps into and onto the ladder. Edge and Mysterio provided a lot of the fast paced wrestling, and it was interesting to see them work a legit match instead of random opponents.
Kane still sucks, and he was the worst point of this match for me. I didn't like it, but Del Rio's timid nature was a close second. Del Rio eventually got used to getting hit with the ladders and took some nice bumps, but it took him a good part of this match to get his bearings. Kane was teamed up on at one point, and then Del Rio got his. Edge nearly killed himself at one point diving off the top of a ladder through Kane through a table and hitting the outside barrier head first! Edge gave it all, wow.
The four men eventually left the ringside area and were fighting on the ramp. Mysterio got onto a table on the stage and launched off of one and into was an awkward leap. Mysterio then ran into the ring and I thought he was going to get the belt, but nope. Edge blocked a 619 with a steel chair! Smart move! I thought Edge was going to win at the mid-point of this match. Rey Mysterio and Edge flew off the tallest ladder and onto the floor which nearly killed em, I couldn't believe it. At this point, Ricardo Rodriguez started climbing the ladder! Yep, he climbed the ladder and was nearly at the belt when Kane showed up! Yep! Kane showed up and well, chokeslammed him straight to Hell! Then Del Rio was chokeslammed straight to hell! Then Edge, yep, chokeslammed straight to hell through a table! Rey was able to hit a 619 on Kane, then threw a chair at him, and once again Rey Mysterio was left alone with the ladders and maybe he could win the championship! I was marking out huge as a big Rey Mysterio fan, and he was alone and had energy! HOLY CRAP I was marking out huge as his hand hit the belt, but Del Rio managed to fight him.
Del Rio was on top of the tallest ladder and he went threw a table on the outside, and it looked like he got the wind knocked out of him and it was brutal. It looked sick, he fell what seemed like forever through a table. Mysterio got caught in mid air and boom, Tombstone piledriver, and Kane was the only one left with any strength at this point, and his head was bleeding. Everything looked easy towards the end for Kane and I didn't want him to win. He seemed to be poised to retain, and was nearly to the top of the ladder when Edge ran in with a chair and stopped his forward momentum. Kane was speared off the apron through a table and there was only one man left....EDGE.
Edge climbed the ladder and pulled the title down, to wint the World Heavyweight Championship, and the crowd went nuts, and so did I. I went nuts for Edge, he really gave it all. Props to Del Rio for falling a million feet through a solo table, it lookd bad, it looked bad.
Dashing Cody Rhodes came out and talked randomly in ring and out came The Big Show dressed as Santa. He was giving out copies of Knucklehead. Big Show ended up beating up Dashing Cody Rhodes, and leaving him in ring completely torn apart except for his underwear. The crowd loved it, I didn't hate it. Big Show is hilarious.
John Cena defeated Wade Barrett in a chairs match
Cm Punk joined the announce team here. This match was in fact the main event, and no titles were on the line. John Cena and Barrett wrestled to a stale mate for the early goings of this match. Cena hit a nice DDT on Wade Barrett and this match was swinging fully into John Cena's favor. The crowd was completely in love with Cena and it was completely audible, and if I were 8 years old, I'd be the biggest John Cena fan.
Barrett was first to attack with the chair, and it was ok, but without chairshots to the head, I don't really care about the stipulation. The two battled their way to the top of the ramp and were brawling, and eventually they got some chairs and came back in the ring. Cena hit a sick leg drop with a chair under it, kind of like the Sabu special, and Barrett looked like he was going to win this one easily.
John Cena set up 6 chairs and lifted Barrett on his shoulders then gave him the Attitude Adjustment through 6 chairs! I kid you not, the bump looked nice, and Wade Barrett was essentially put to rest, he was done folks, Cena wins yet again. Super John Cena, and I didn't hate it nearly as much. Cena wins. Now who does he have left to fight? No one.
Post match, Wade Barrett was crawling out of the ring, literally, crawling up the ramp, and out ran John Cena and hit Barrett with another chair shot, much to the dismay of Cm Punk. Cena than put some sort of wooden thing on top of barrett and then pulled a wall of chairs from the rafters crashing down onto Barrett! Yep. TLC ends with Super John Cena smiling, waving, saluting, drinking water, and kissing babies. He wins. Wow.
A quality, PPV, great one.
You can purchase WWE TLC 2009 PPV on DVD for now, and wait for this one to come out on dvd. Wow...what an event. I loved it, for once.
Dolph Ziggler defeated Kofi Kingston and Jack Swagger in a triple threat Ladder Match
Beth Phoenix & Layla defeated Laycool in a Tag Team Tables Match
Santino & Kozlov defeated Nexus (Justin gabriel & Heath Slater) via DQ
John Morrison defeated Sheamus in a Ladder Match
The Miz defeated Randy Orton in a wwe title tables match
Edge defeated Kane and Rey Mysterio and Alberto Del Rio in a fatal four way tlc match
John Cena defeated Wade Barrett in a chairs match
WWE TLC 2010 PPV Review
Alright, the last WWE PPV of 2010, and anything could happen, so I was excited to see how the matches were going to go, and here is my review plus other random commentary by me.
Dolph Ziggler defeated Kofi Kingston and Jack Swagger in a triple threat Ladder Match
The match started hot, with a lot of focus being placed on Dolph Ziggler and once he was nuetralized, Swagger and Kofi fought each other but Ziggler came back into the ring and really put the boots to Kofi. At one point Swagger looked to hurt his right wrist, but it seemed to be ok. Ziggler and Kofi both were taking some sick bumps, and I'm surprised Ziggler wasn't busted open immediately because he took a shot to the face that just looked incredible. Kofi jumped through a ladder at one point, yes, through a ladder for a nice missile drop kick.
Vickie Guerrero got into the ring as all three men were knocked out, and I was marking out huge. Vickie was even getting a huge ovation for what she was doing, and I was aimpressed. Vickie was climbing to the top of the ladder and Kofi Kingston climbed up and signaled a heel turn but nope....VIckie was being tipped over and it looked like she was going to go over the top rope! The crowd went nuts for this, but Swagger came in and Ziggler came in and she wen away running! I was completely impressed with how many bumps the competitors were taking, at one point Swagger threw the ladder at Ziggler full force into his face, it looked sick. Even Kofi was bumping like crazy, and it was just impressive. I thought someone was going to legit get hurt, it was that bad, like a car crash, all three guys completely killed each other for the opening bout, it was about time, if you ask me.
Ziggler nearly got the belt, as Swagger and Kofi fought with an Ankle Lock hooked, but after Swagger was eliminated for a moment, Kofi and Ziggler fought each other at the top of the ladder and oh man, a sleeper hold was placed on Kofi and it looked like Kingston was done, but he managed to fight out of it, and of course the crowd was going nuts again. As Kofi nearly had the belt. Ziggler flew off the top, Kingston had this thing won, Swagger jumped in and climbed the ladder and Kofi and swagger were each one grabbing the belt and it fell!
ZIGGLER jumped at the belt and grabbed it and won! One of the better triple threat ladder matches I've seen and once again Ziggler retains! One of the best Intercontinental Champions in a long time, Ziggler managed to get this one, and took a serious beating. Seriously, he took a lot of damage and was able to win this one, amazing.
Beth Phoenix & Layla defeated Laycool in a Tag Team Tables Match
The divas were up next, and the two teams put on a decent match. The cameras kept cutting away when the women were close to the tables and were using them as a weapon, which was stupid. I guess the pg thing was tough to work around with so much violence. The tables weren't even a big deal for the most part, as Laycool was actually utilizing a lot of tag team moves to fight off their opponents. For once, I was actually impressed with Laycool. Beth Phoenix and natalya isolated Michelle McCool at one point and the two were about to throw her through a table, but were thwarted. Natalya and Phoenix took some sick bumps too, this is the first divas match that I actually cringed at some points as this was a legit contest of wrestling, which is amazing from the WWE women.
At one point, Michelle McCool kicked Phoenix straight into the face and she looked out cold, it was sick. Natalya eventually got both members of Laycool into a vulnerable position and locked in a double sharpshooter!!!! I KID YOU NOT! I was marking out huge for this. BOth women in a the sharpshooter tapping out like drunk women, it was amazing, I was marking out huge for the divas, for ones marking out huge. Beth Phoenix and Natalya eventually got locked into a numbers game as Laycool kept focusing on one woman, and got the upper hand, but it was Natalya that threw laycool on a table, and she got to the top rope and leaped onto both women in a nice splash and won this match! LAYCOOL went through a table, and you know what, this was DIVAS MATCH of the YEAR, DIVAS MATCH OF THE YEAR! For once, I was impressed with the divas, wow, what a match.
Santino & Kozlov defeated Nexus (Justin gabriel & Heath Slater) via DQ
Nexus lost this one, even though they had this thing going their way for a good part of the match. McGullicutty interfered and caused the dq finish, but this match wasn't half bad. I like Kozlov and Santino as a comedy act, and they are way over with the live crowd.
Post match, Nexus beat the living crap out of the tag team champions, and that was that.
John Morrison defeated Sheamus in a Ladder Match
This match started off slow, but Morrison picked up the pace with his high flying offense. He even at one point did a corkscrew over the top of a ladder off the third rope onto Sheamus, it was insane. I kid you not, that thing looked amazing, and Morrison is proof that you don't need to talk well to wrestle well. Sheamus managed to add some major offense against Morrison and focused on the knee of Morrison. The ladder came into play and once again, I was impressed at how much these two bumped. The psychology of this in ring match was great, Sheamus focusing on Morrison's leg was really good and something that the WWE hasn't been utilizing in matches in a long time.
A drop toe hold landed Sheamus's face into the ladder, and i was hoping and wishing that the WWE would allow blood. A bloody Sheamus would've been amazing here as he took a stiff shot to the face with the Ladd. Morrison nearly knocked him out with a nice kick, but it was short lived, because Sheamus hit the Irish Curse Back Breaker and things weren't looking for Morrison. Morrison threw a ladder at Sheamus's head and I was completely marking out huge, because this thing looked brutal.
Morrison fell on his knee towards the end of this match, and Sheamus and him fought on top of the ladder to get the contract, but the two were just fighting and fighting, and Sheamus kept hanging in there, even though Morrison seemed to be the weaker man in this match. The two guys were completely impressive here, and no matter how close each other got, the other had an answer, which was awesome. This was a great great Ladder Match, far better than the 1998 ladder match between The Rock and Triple H.
Morrison took some nasty spills towards the end of the match. It didn't look like he could pull himself together to win here, and Sheamus couldn't stop the guy from continually comingback for more punishment.
Sheamus was thrown off the top of a ladder with John Morrison through a STEEL LADDER! Morrison jumped off too, but holy crap, holy crap, Sheamus was completely broken in half here, and Morrison was barely walking. Holy crap, Sheamus completely got blown out with a nice kick to the face as the ladder was teetering and Morrison won, holy crap, holy crap. Match of the year here, holy crap holy crap, Morrison and Sheamus put on a 4 star classic folks, holy crap, holy crap.
The Miz defeated Randy Orton in a wwe title tables match
Randy Orton started this match hard, and he was fighting forward fast, with no major offense from Miz or Riley. Randy Orton was completely dominant in the first part of this match up, and was first to set up a table, but that was his undoing, at least the first part. Miz dropkicked a table into Orton and the pendulum swung in the other direction. The Miz was actually looking strong against orton in the mid-point of this match, which was interesting.
In what was one of the smartest moves I've seen in wrestling, a ref bump happened, and that let Alex Riley to come in and get powerbombed through a table! Miz then hit the Skull Crushing Finale on Orton and dragged him to where Riley went through the table, woke up the ref and BOOOM won the match! Right out of the page of Eddie Guerrero, what a great short cut, oh man, Miz wins, and boy oh boy what a finish, I loved it.
But the ref restarted the match!!!!
Orton restarted the match like a house on fire, and beat up Miz, but Miz threw Riley through the middle of the ropes while Orton was on the apron and BOOOM, Orton falls through a table! HOLY CRAP! GREATER FINISH! THE MIZ RETAINS and the kids are saddened! Wow! WoW! what a finish, I loved it, I absolutely loved it, wow.
Edge defeated Kane and Rey Mysterio and Alberto Del Rio in a fatal four way tlc match
This match started much like other matches, fast and with great impact. Towards the middle of the match it was Del rio and Mysterio that took center stage, and it was painfully obvious that Del Rio was scared of bumping with the ladder. At one point it even looked like he was injured at one point with the ladder. Meanwhile, Mysterio, Edge and Kane had no problems taking some serious bumps into and onto the ladder. Edge and Mysterio provided a lot of the fast paced wrestling, and it was interesting to see them work a legit match instead of random opponents.
Kane still sucks, and he was the worst point of this match for me. I didn't like it, but Del Rio's timid nature was a close second. Del Rio eventually got used to getting hit with the ladders and took some nice bumps, but it took him a good part of this match to get his bearings. Kane was teamed up on at one point, and then Del Rio got his. Edge nearly killed himself at one point diving off the top of a ladder through Kane through a table and hitting the outside barrier head first! Edge gave it all, wow.
The four men eventually left the ringside area and were fighting on the ramp. Mysterio got onto a table on the stage and launched off of one and into was an awkward leap. Mysterio then ran into the ring and I thought he was going to get the belt, but nope. Edge blocked a 619 with a steel chair! Smart move! I thought Edge was going to win at the mid-point of this match. Rey Mysterio and Edge flew off the tallest ladder and onto the floor which nearly killed em, I couldn't believe it. At this point, Ricardo Rodriguez started climbing the ladder! Yep, he climbed the ladder and was nearly at the belt when Kane showed up! Yep! Kane showed up and well, chokeslammed him straight to Hell! Then Del Rio was chokeslammed straight to hell! Then Edge, yep, chokeslammed straight to hell through a table! Rey was able to hit a 619 on Kane, then threw a chair at him, and once again Rey Mysterio was left alone with the ladders and maybe he could win the championship! I was marking out huge as a big Rey Mysterio fan, and he was alone and had energy! HOLY CRAP I was marking out huge as his hand hit the belt, but Del Rio managed to fight him.
Del Rio was on top of the tallest ladder and he went threw a table on the outside, and it looked like he got the wind knocked out of him and it was brutal. It looked sick, he fell what seemed like forever through a table. Mysterio got caught in mid air and boom, Tombstone piledriver, and Kane was the only one left with any strength at this point, and his head was bleeding. Everything looked easy towards the end for Kane and I didn't want him to win. He seemed to be poised to retain, and was nearly to the top of the ladder when Edge ran in with a chair and stopped his forward momentum. Kane was speared off the apron through a table and there was only one man left....EDGE.
Edge climbed the ladder and pulled the title down, to wint the World Heavyweight Championship, and the crowd went nuts, and so did I. I went nuts for Edge, he really gave it all. Props to Del Rio for falling a million feet through a solo table, it lookd bad, it looked bad.
Dashing Cody Rhodes came out and talked randomly in ring and out came The Big Show dressed as Santa. He was giving out copies of Knucklehead. Big Show ended up beating up Dashing Cody Rhodes, and leaving him in ring completely torn apart except for his underwear. The crowd loved it, I didn't hate it. Big Show is hilarious.
John Cena defeated Wade Barrett in a chairs match
Cm Punk joined the announce team here. This match was in fact the main event, and no titles were on the line. John Cena and Barrett wrestled to a stale mate for the early goings of this match. Cena hit a nice DDT on Wade Barrett and this match was swinging fully into John Cena's favor. The crowd was completely in love with Cena and it was completely audible, and if I were 8 years old, I'd be the biggest John Cena fan.
Barrett was first to attack with the chair, and it was ok, but without chairshots to the head, I don't really care about the stipulation. The two battled their way to the top of the ramp and were brawling, and eventually they got some chairs and came back in the ring. Cena hit a sick leg drop with a chair under it, kind of like the Sabu special, and Barrett looked like he was going to win this one easily.
John Cena set up 6 chairs and lifted Barrett on his shoulders then gave him the Attitude Adjustment through 6 chairs! I kid you not, the bump looked nice, and Wade Barrett was essentially put to rest, he was done folks, Cena wins yet again. Super John Cena, and I didn't hate it nearly as much. Cena wins. Now who does he have left to fight? No one.
Post match, Wade Barrett was crawling out of the ring, literally, crawling up the ramp, and out ran John Cena and hit Barrett with another chair shot, much to the dismay of Cm Punk. Cena than put some sort of wooden thing on top of barrett and then pulled a wall of chairs from the rafters crashing down onto Barrett! Yep. TLC ends with Super John Cena smiling, waving, saluting, drinking water, and kissing babies. He wins. Wow.
A quality, PPV, great one.
You can purchase WWE TLC 2009 PPV on DVD for now, and wait for this one to come out on dvd. Wow...what an event. I loved it, for once.
alberto del rio,
beth phoenix,
dolph ziggler,
jack swagger,
john cena,
john morrison,
kofi kingston,
randy orton,
the miz,
wade barrett
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Rare Wrestling Finds: WCW Starrcade 1997 VHS

You might not know that there are rare pro wrestling vhs tapes found on amazon and ebay, but there are a lot. Some of them are not too expensive while others can be really high in price. Here's one of the tapes that you'll want to add to your collection that is available today on amazon online, and it's relatively rare, the tape is WCW Starrcade 1997, without a doubt the biggest Starrcade ever.
WCW Starrcade 1997
The event was held on December 28, 1997 and was completely sold out at the MCI Center in Washington D.C. with 17,500 fans cramming into the arena for what was building for several years.
Eddie Guerrero defeated Dean Malenko (Cruiserweight Title Match)
Scott Norton, Vincent, and Randy Savage W/ Miss Elizabeth defeated The Steiner Brothers, and Ray Traylor w/ Ted Dibiase Sr.
Bill Goldberg defeated Steve "Mongo" McMichael
Saturn defeated Chris Benoit in a Raven's Rules Match
Buff Bagwell defeated Lex Luger
Diamond Dallas Page defeated Curt Henning (United States Title Match)
Larry Zbysko defeated Eric Bischoff by Disqualification
Sting defeated Hollywood Hulk Hogan w/ Bret Hart as special guest Referee (world title match)
Where to Buy the VHS Tape
There are only a few ways to obtain a real edition of the Time Warner Released video tape. I originally bought mine on ebay for around $9.99 when it first came out and WCW vhs tapes were readily available at Suncoast Video. If you're lucky you can find one with the original event without edits. The WWE has not released this on dvd, and any dvd you find is a pirated version.
If you want the real thing you can find it online here. Yes, you can buy Starrcade 1999 VHS tape on amazon. The going rate is as high as $69.99 last I checked, but it's well worth the money. The title match alone was epic, but the DDP vs Henning match is a rare gem of a match.
bill goldberg,
bret hart,
curt henning,
dean malenko,
eddie guerrero,
macho man randy savage,
vhs tape,
wwe dvd collection
Saturday, December 18, 2010
WWE Tribute To The Troops 12/18/10 Results and Review
WWE Tribute To The Troops 12/18/10 Results
Kofi Kingston & The Big Show defeated Jack Swagger & Dolph Ziggler
Rey Mysterio Jr, Randy Orton, and John Cena defeated Alberto Del Rio, The Miz, and Wade Barrett
WWE Tribute To The Troops 12/18/10 Review
The show started with Diddy Dirty Money doing their single...terrible.
Kofi Kingston & The Big Show defeated Jack Swagger & Dolph Ziggler
It's amazing to see the WWE outdoors, and more importantly to have a crowd that is so loud and appreciative of the WWE superstars. Every move was completely over with the crowd. Big Show slapped Ziggler and the crowd was louder than any arena. The bad guys tried to fight off the onslaught of Kofi and Big Show, but they were getting thrown around, to the crowd's delight, and eventually lost the battle and the match.
Trace Adkins did a "hardcore country" song, haha, he sucks.
Cedric The Entertainer did some stand up. It got a couple of laughs.
Rey Mysterio Jr, Randy Orton, and John Cena defeated Alberto Del Rio, The Miz, and Wade Barrett
Cena and the Miz started this match up and got the crowd going early. This match was really standard, but with such a strong crowd, it made it so cool to watch. I can not put into words how over John Cena is, and how much this crowd was into every single step of the match, even when tags were made and new guys went in. That being said, Orton and Mysterio were also completely over and the crowd was just amazing, it made me completely forget about all story lines and politics, and just absolutely marked out huge for everything. When Mysterio got tagged in, he was completely on, solid, and didn't miss a step at all, which was amazing, because he's not always so on point with his move set. Alex Riley got involved and helped Miz and his team get the upper hand.
Towards the end of the match the 50,000 plus crowd on hand was just completely chanting for Cena to get in the match, and when he finally made it, it was just pandamonium. Mysterio hit a double 619 on Del Rio and Barrett and an RKO and an Attitude Adjustment hit side by side caused the bad guys to go home with a loss, and the troops went nuts.
Kofi Kingston & The Big Show defeated Jack Swagger & Dolph Ziggler
Rey Mysterio Jr, Randy Orton, and John Cena defeated Alberto Del Rio, The Miz, and Wade Barrett
WWE Tribute To The Troops 12/18/10 Review
The show started with Diddy Dirty Money doing their single...terrible.
Kofi Kingston & The Big Show defeated Jack Swagger & Dolph Ziggler
It's amazing to see the WWE outdoors, and more importantly to have a crowd that is so loud and appreciative of the WWE superstars. Every move was completely over with the crowd. Big Show slapped Ziggler and the crowd was louder than any arena. The bad guys tried to fight off the onslaught of Kofi and Big Show, but they were getting thrown around, to the crowd's delight, and eventually lost the battle and the match.
Trace Adkins did a "hardcore country" song, haha, he sucks.
Cedric The Entertainer did some stand up. It got a couple of laughs.
Rey Mysterio Jr, Randy Orton, and John Cena defeated Alberto Del Rio, The Miz, and Wade Barrett
Cena and the Miz started this match up and got the crowd going early. This match was really standard, but with such a strong crowd, it made it so cool to watch. I can not put into words how over John Cena is, and how much this crowd was into every single step of the match, even when tags were made and new guys went in. That being said, Orton and Mysterio were also completely over and the crowd was just amazing, it made me completely forget about all story lines and politics, and just absolutely marked out huge for everything. When Mysterio got tagged in, he was completely on, solid, and didn't miss a step at all, which was amazing, because he's not always so on point with his move set. Alex Riley got involved and helped Miz and his team get the upper hand.
Towards the end of the match the 50,000 plus crowd on hand was just completely chanting for Cena to get in the match, and when he finally made it, it was just pandamonium. Mysterio hit a double 619 on Del Rio and Barrett and an RKO and an Attitude Adjustment hit side by side caused the bad guys to go home with a loss, and the troops went nuts.
This Week In Pro Wrestling 12/18/10
This is my first and new commentary post that I will be doing each week as a way to not only add content to this blog but also run down what were the highlights in professional wrestling this week.
Memorable Moments
This week started out with the Slammy Awards edition of Raw. They said it was 3 hours, but it was really only about 2 hours and 10 minutes or so. The most memorable thing from Raw had to be John Cena and David Otunga.
John Cena defeated David Otunga in a major beat down match, and although I've seen this match before, I found that the dynamic between Nexus and Otunga seems to be the better story than just Cena getting rehired. I would love to see Wade Barrett get ousted as the leader much like NWO got split, and Nexus beat up Wade Barrett, turning him into the ultimate good guy along Cena...the unlikely team. A swerve angle might work there too, but Cena not trusting the new Wade would be interesting to say the least.
David Arquette coming back was interesting for me, although many people didn't see the point. It was a nice throwback, if you ask me, and from what I read about the backstage reaction, many people liked him.
Zack Ryder defeated Darren Young in an interesting match. If you missed it, than you are not in the minority at else. Supserstars is not exactly the A list show and the ratings for it are terrible. I managed to see it, and out of all the wrestling this week, I think I enjoyed this match too much for my own good.
TNA Impact
Jay Lethal and Robbie E put on one hell of a match. I actually loved it so much and what made it better than their ppv match was the fact that Christy Hemme ran down to help Jay Lethal. Hemme is hot, I'd love to meet her and she seems like she would have a lot of energy and would chat my ear off. Jay Lethal recapturing the X-Division title was a good thing, but where TNA will go with the title and whether there will be a follow up to the Shark Boy thing at the ppv, time will only tell.
WWE Smackdown
The Miz and Rey Mysterio really put on a show in the middle of the card. I enjoyed that match greatly and they booked it to make Miz seem a lot smarter than his "vulnerable" champion gimmick that he said the WWE was trying to push him. Mysterio is still very popular with the whole crowd, and despite losing, he came out on top, especially later on in the night.
I'm glad to see the WWE finishing the Edge and Kane angle, and hopefully their feud is done, because it has been terrible.
Best Match of the Week
The best match of this week was definitely Robbie E vs. Jay Lethal for the X-Division title. It wasn't a four star classic, but I think it had some good overall wrestling, a great superplex, and controlling cookie was rad. I think the feud could have a little more to it, but time will tell.
The rest of the week in wrestling wasn't that memorable to me, and while there was some solid wrestling, it's forgettable.
Old School Thoughts
For some reason, I was thinking about Kevin Sullivan. Remember him? I remember he had this awesome match at Bash at the Beach 1997 in which he fought Chris Benoit. Benoit and Him transformed real heat backstage into a great retirement match in which Kevin Sullivan truly left wrestling. It's one of my all time favorite matches, and props to Kevin Sullivan for staying away from the wrestling world after he lost the match.
Just look at the promo package between the two, holy crap...the two went fist to fist at one point at Nitro and one can only assume there was real anger for those strikes.
Wrestling Shop
For those of you that have extra change and would like to find something cool to buy that's wrestling related, consider purchasing The Rise and Fall of WCW on Dvd. It features a full documentary of WCW good and bad and some great matches from the WCW era past and present. It's an interesting one, and worth your time. You can buy it here.
Lastly, for those of you that are looking to get TLC on ppv this weekend, here is the latest updated card.
WWE Champion The Miz vs. Randy Orton (Tables Match)
World Heavyweight Champion Kane vs. Edge vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Alberto Del Rio (Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match)
John Cena vs. Wade Barrett (Chairs Match)
Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Jack Swagger (Triple Threat Ladder Match)
John Morrison vs. Sheamus (Ladder Match)
Divas Champion Natalya & Beth Phoenix vs. Team Lay-Cool (Divas Tag Team Tables Match)
You can purchase TLC PPV 2009 on dvd here.
Memorable Moments
This week started out with the Slammy Awards edition of Raw. They said it was 3 hours, but it was really only about 2 hours and 10 minutes or so. The most memorable thing from Raw had to be John Cena and David Otunga.
John Cena defeated David Otunga in a major beat down match, and although I've seen this match before, I found that the dynamic between Nexus and Otunga seems to be the better story than just Cena getting rehired. I would love to see Wade Barrett get ousted as the leader much like NWO got split, and Nexus beat up Wade Barrett, turning him into the ultimate good guy along Cena...the unlikely team. A swerve angle might work there too, but Cena not trusting the new Wade would be interesting to say the least.
David Arquette coming back was interesting for me, although many people didn't see the point. It was a nice throwback, if you ask me, and from what I read about the backstage reaction, many people liked him.
Zack Ryder defeated Darren Young in an interesting match. If you missed it, than you are not in the minority at else. Supserstars is not exactly the A list show and the ratings for it are terrible. I managed to see it, and out of all the wrestling this week, I think I enjoyed this match too much for my own good.
TNA Impact
Jay Lethal and Robbie E put on one hell of a match. I actually loved it so much and what made it better than their ppv match was the fact that Christy Hemme ran down to help Jay Lethal. Hemme is hot, I'd love to meet her and she seems like she would have a lot of energy and would chat my ear off. Jay Lethal recapturing the X-Division title was a good thing, but where TNA will go with the title and whether there will be a follow up to the Shark Boy thing at the ppv, time will only tell.
WWE Smackdown
The Miz and Rey Mysterio really put on a show in the middle of the card. I enjoyed that match greatly and they booked it to make Miz seem a lot smarter than his "vulnerable" champion gimmick that he said the WWE was trying to push him. Mysterio is still very popular with the whole crowd, and despite losing, he came out on top, especially later on in the night.
I'm glad to see the WWE finishing the Edge and Kane angle, and hopefully their feud is done, because it has been terrible.
Best Match of the Week
The best match of this week was definitely Robbie E vs. Jay Lethal for the X-Division title. It wasn't a four star classic, but I think it had some good overall wrestling, a great superplex, and controlling cookie was rad. I think the feud could have a little more to it, but time will tell.
The rest of the week in wrestling wasn't that memorable to me, and while there was some solid wrestling, it's forgettable.
Old School Thoughts
For some reason, I was thinking about Kevin Sullivan. Remember him? I remember he had this awesome match at Bash at the Beach 1997 in which he fought Chris Benoit. Benoit and Him transformed real heat backstage into a great retirement match in which Kevin Sullivan truly left wrestling. It's one of my all time favorite matches, and props to Kevin Sullivan for staying away from the wrestling world after he lost the match.
Just look at the promo package between the two, holy crap...the two went fist to fist at one point at Nitro and one can only assume there was real anger for those strikes.
Wrestling Shop
For those of you that have extra change and would like to find something cool to buy that's wrestling related, consider purchasing The Rise and Fall of WCW on Dvd. It features a full documentary of WCW good and bad and some great matches from the WCW era past and present. It's an interesting one, and worth your time. You can buy it here.
Lastly, for those of you that are looking to get TLC on ppv this weekend, here is the latest updated card.
WWE Champion The Miz vs. Randy Orton (Tables Match)
World Heavyweight Champion Kane vs. Edge vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Alberto Del Rio (Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match)
John Cena vs. Wade Barrett (Chairs Match)
Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Jack Swagger (Triple Threat Ladder Match)
John Morrison vs. Sheamus (Ladder Match)
Divas Champion Natalya & Beth Phoenix vs. Team Lay-Cool (Divas Tag Team Tables Match)
You can purchase TLC PPV 2009 on dvd here.
chris benoit,
kevin sullivan,
pro wrestling,
this week in pro wrestling,
wrestling news,
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 12/17/10 Results and Review
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 12/17/10 Results
Kofi Kingston & Kaval defeated Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger
Cody Rhodes defeated Chris Masters
The Miz defeated Rey Mysterio
Santino & Kozlov defeated Tyler Reks & Chavo Guerrero
The Miz & Alberto Del Rio vs. Edge & Rey Mysterio (no contest)
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 12/17/10 Review
Edge started the show to a huge ovation. I absolutely love Edge's music and his entrance. I really like Edge when he's not involved in hokie story lines and looking like an idiot. Edge started talking on the mic, and it was boring, but his entrance and music was awesome. A video recap of the last 4 weeks was shown and how stupid it really was. I don't know anyone that liked it at all, and hopefully their feud ends at TLC.
Backstage, Teddy Long set up a four way TLC match at the ppv. Well, let's be honest, he set up a triple threat match if Kane didn't show up, but of course I heard a spoiler on some random podcast, and knew that the stipulation would be made after all. So, Teddy Long set up a four way TLC match...which sounds a lot better to me, than the standard one. I hope it is great.
Kofi Kingston & Kaval defeated Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger
It's funny to see Kofi Kingston in the opening match, considering that just a few months back he was in the main event picture with Randy Orton. Remember that? Neither does Kofi.
There's this guy that works at the Jewelry store in the mall where I live and he looks exactly like Jack Swagger. I like the new Jack Swagger shirt, by the way, but the guy at the mall is named Zack, so I've been calling him "Zack" Swagger. For all I know, Jack Swagger is actually working at the mall, when he's not jobbing out on Smackdown.
Kofi Kingston will face Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger in a Ladder Match for the intercontinental championship. I for one am glad to see that on paper. Too bad Kaval is wasted on this night.
The match was your standard tag match, with Kaval taking a lot of damage up front. Kofi and Kaval both used a lot of fast paced maneuvers to try and thwart the harder, slower pace of Swagger and Ziggler. Kofi hit Trouble in Paradise at the end of the match to pin Ziggler with relative ease, and this match helps get Kaval in the winners circle for once. I doubt Kingston will get the belt, but Swagger as Intercontinental Champion? I can see that. Kofi has some sick height on his jumps, I'm hoping he dives off the top of a ladder on Sunday, we'll have to wait and see. At this point though, I think I miss Shelton Benjamin.
Post match, Jack Swagger decked Dolph Ziggler.
The Miz is on Smackdown, with Alex Riley. The Miz is one of the most media champion we've had in a very long time, and that's one of the coolest things about the Miz's title reign. No other champion has had the media blitz that The Miz has gotten, and he truly deserves it, since he worked amazingly hard to get to that spot. No one can take that away from him.
JTG got a full new promo! Str8 outta Brooklyn with JTG! He's acting the fool, which is funny and could actually work. He can talk, and getting him on the midcard could be positive.
Drew McIntyre was hitting on some random diva...oh man, cheating on Tiffany already? Oh that's Kelly Kelly! I heard she's a ring rat, and it's confirmed by a lot of wrestlers in shoot interviews.
Cody Rhodes defeated Chris Masters
I recall Chris Masters being a knockoff of Lex Luger's old gimmick, but lately, he's nothing more than a glorified jobber and this match proved once again that he's nothing more than that. This fast match really was one sided, with Cody Rhodes eventually hitting Cross Rhodes to get the victory. I like his finisher, I just wish he had a more prominent feud or title chase or something. Chris Masters can go to TNA and help Rob Terry or something.
The Miz defeated Rey Mysterio
I want to point out that no other WWE Champion in recent months has done as much as champion as the Miz. Randy Orton, Sheamus, and even Triple H were NEVEr on smackdown in the same capacity that Miz has been in his short weeks as champion. Rey Mysterio also was booked as a weak champion, and this is further proof that some of the "higher" champions don't wrestle on the "B" show, but Miz will do anything, and that's a great testament for him.
The Miz showed in this match that he's not just a random champion, he put on a great deal of offense. He countered some of Mysterio's moves, he fought hard and Mysterio was not quick enough to put the miz over, and beat him. THe Miz actually put on a great show and I loved it. Mysterio went for his splash but Miz put up his knees and Mysterio lost this one. This was definitely a high contender for match of the week.
Post match, Edge ran down after Alberto Del Rio beat up Rey, and The Miz started fighting Edge, and this prompted a match to be made with the four of them wrestling in a tag match. Miz is doing double duty tonight, which is another testament to how hard working he is for a new champion.
Layla and Michelle McCool came out and protested their tables match on the ppv, which was funny to hear. They got real heat, but I'm sure they'll go straight through tables this weekend, or so I hope. Beth Phoenix and Natlya came out with a painted Table, and they set it up in the middle of the ring, which was actually really cool to see. THe table was pink and completely altered. Phoenix and Natalya nearly put Layla through the table, but McCool saved her. This weekend will definitely be interesting to see.
Santino & Kozlov defeated Tyler Reks & Chavo Guerrero
This week, Chavo Guerrero got a much better partner to face the tag team champions. Have I mentioned already that I love the new Santino shirt? If I had money, I'd buy it, but I'm broke still. This match started relatively slow with Tyler Reks facing Kozlov. Guerrero got a tag in and eventually the match picked up pace with the cruiserweight in the ring. Santino got the tag and showed that he knew more wrestling than just his comedy pieces, and that was nice to see, although he's far from being a credible champion. I'm surprised that Chavo can't get over, no matter what WWE does. He should go back to his "White" gimmick. Kozlov was impressive in this match, and that's probably because he was facing opponents that complimented his style. Santino hit the Cobra and the crowd went nuts, and the tag team champions roll through yet another tag team of random opponents. Hey, it wasn't a classic, but it will have to do, I liked it enough.
Edge & Rey Mysterio vs Alberto Del Rio & The Miz
Not a terrible match, it had a lot of action. The Miz and Edge could probably put together a great deal of momentum in a feud. Edge managed to get the best of Miz here, especially by countering the Skull Crushing Finale with the Impaler DDT. Mysterio hit the 619 on Miz, and Edge hit the spear, but Kane hit the ring, and this match was another none finish.
There's nothing worse in wrestling than a stupid non finish to what's supposed to be a good match. This match was decent and managed to have a good deal of action, fast pacing, and interesting match ups. Kane beat up Edge, but out ran the Smackdown locker room to stop it?! I don't know why they would care. Meanwhile on the outside, it looked like Husky Harris and Rey Mysterio were fighting. The locker room split the two men, to try and get some sort of "order" but once again, I don't understand the logic behind them trying to keep the two apart.
That was Smackdown. Not exactly a great night in wrestling, but the show seemed to fly by, and I liked it enough, despite the mediocre points.
Kofi Kingston & Kaval defeated Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger
Cody Rhodes defeated Chris Masters
The Miz defeated Rey Mysterio
Santino & Kozlov defeated Tyler Reks & Chavo Guerrero
The Miz & Alberto Del Rio vs. Edge & Rey Mysterio (no contest)
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 12/17/10 Review
Edge started the show to a huge ovation. I absolutely love Edge's music and his entrance. I really like Edge when he's not involved in hokie story lines and looking like an idiot. Edge started talking on the mic, and it was boring, but his entrance and music was awesome. A video recap of the last 4 weeks was shown and how stupid it really was. I don't know anyone that liked it at all, and hopefully their feud ends at TLC.
Backstage, Teddy Long set up a four way TLC match at the ppv. Well, let's be honest, he set up a triple threat match if Kane didn't show up, but of course I heard a spoiler on some random podcast, and knew that the stipulation would be made after all. So, Teddy Long set up a four way TLC match...which sounds a lot better to me, than the standard one. I hope it is great.
Kofi Kingston & Kaval defeated Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger
It's funny to see Kofi Kingston in the opening match, considering that just a few months back he was in the main event picture with Randy Orton. Remember that? Neither does Kofi.
There's this guy that works at the Jewelry store in the mall where I live and he looks exactly like Jack Swagger. I like the new Jack Swagger shirt, by the way, but the guy at the mall is named Zack, so I've been calling him "Zack" Swagger. For all I know, Jack Swagger is actually working at the mall, when he's not jobbing out on Smackdown.
Kofi Kingston will face Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger in a Ladder Match for the intercontinental championship. I for one am glad to see that on paper. Too bad Kaval is wasted on this night.
The match was your standard tag match, with Kaval taking a lot of damage up front. Kofi and Kaval both used a lot of fast paced maneuvers to try and thwart the harder, slower pace of Swagger and Ziggler. Kofi hit Trouble in Paradise at the end of the match to pin Ziggler with relative ease, and this match helps get Kaval in the winners circle for once. I doubt Kingston will get the belt, but Swagger as Intercontinental Champion? I can see that. Kofi has some sick height on his jumps, I'm hoping he dives off the top of a ladder on Sunday, we'll have to wait and see. At this point though, I think I miss Shelton Benjamin.
Post match, Jack Swagger decked Dolph Ziggler.
The Miz is on Smackdown, with Alex Riley. The Miz is one of the most media champion we've had in a very long time, and that's one of the coolest things about the Miz's title reign. No other champion has had the media blitz that The Miz has gotten, and he truly deserves it, since he worked amazingly hard to get to that spot. No one can take that away from him.
JTG got a full new promo! Str8 outta Brooklyn with JTG! He's acting the fool, which is funny and could actually work. He can talk, and getting him on the midcard could be positive.
Drew McIntyre was hitting on some random diva...oh man, cheating on Tiffany already? Oh that's Kelly Kelly! I heard she's a ring rat, and it's confirmed by a lot of wrestlers in shoot interviews.
Cody Rhodes defeated Chris Masters
I recall Chris Masters being a knockoff of Lex Luger's old gimmick, but lately, he's nothing more than a glorified jobber and this match proved once again that he's nothing more than that. This fast match really was one sided, with Cody Rhodes eventually hitting Cross Rhodes to get the victory. I like his finisher, I just wish he had a more prominent feud or title chase or something. Chris Masters can go to TNA and help Rob Terry or something.
The Miz defeated Rey Mysterio
I want to point out that no other WWE Champion in recent months has done as much as champion as the Miz. Randy Orton, Sheamus, and even Triple H were NEVEr on smackdown in the same capacity that Miz has been in his short weeks as champion. Rey Mysterio also was booked as a weak champion, and this is further proof that some of the "higher" champions don't wrestle on the "B" show, but Miz will do anything, and that's a great testament for him.
The Miz showed in this match that he's not just a random champion, he put on a great deal of offense. He countered some of Mysterio's moves, he fought hard and Mysterio was not quick enough to put the miz over, and beat him. THe Miz actually put on a great show and I loved it. Mysterio went for his splash but Miz put up his knees and Mysterio lost this one. This was definitely a high contender for match of the week.
Post match, Edge ran down after Alberto Del Rio beat up Rey, and The Miz started fighting Edge, and this prompted a match to be made with the four of them wrestling in a tag match. Miz is doing double duty tonight, which is another testament to how hard working he is for a new champion.
Layla and Michelle McCool came out and protested their tables match on the ppv, which was funny to hear. They got real heat, but I'm sure they'll go straight through tables this weekend, or so I hope. Beth Phoenix and Natlya came out with a painted Table, and they set it up in the middle of the ring, which was actually really cool to see. THe table was pink and completely altered. Phoenix and Natalya nearly put Layla through the table, but McCool saved her. This weekend will definitely be interesting to see.
Santino & Kozlov defeated Tyler Reks & Chavo Guerrero
This week, Chavo Guerrero got a much better partner to face the tag team champions. Have I mentioned already that I love the new Santino shirt? If I had money, I'd buy it, but I'm broke still. This match started relatively slow with Tyler Reks facing Kozlov. Guerrero got a tag in and eventually the match picked up pace with the cruiserweight in the ring. Santino got the tag and showed that he knew more wrestling than just his comedy pieces, and that was nice to see, although he's far from being a credible champion. I'm surprised that Chavo can't get over, no matter what WWE does. He should go back to his "White" gimmick. Kozlov was impressive in this match, and that's probably because he was facing opponents that complimented his style. Santino hit the Cobra and the crowd went nuts, and the tag team champions roll through yet another tag team of random opponents. Hey, it wasn't a classic, but it will have to do, I liked it enough.
Edge & Rey Mysterio vs Alberto Del Rio & The Miz
Not a terrible match, it had a lot of action. The Miz and Edge could probably put together a great deal of momentum in a feud. Edge managed to get the best of Miz here, especially by countering the Skull Crushing Finale with the Impaler DDT. Mysterio hit the 619 on Miz, and Edge hit the spear, but Kane hit the ring, and this match was another none finish.
There's nothing worse in wrestling than a stupid non finish to what's supposed to be a good match. This match was decent and managed to have a good deal of action, fast pacing, and interesting match ups. Kane beat up Edge, but out ran the Smackdown locker room to stop it?! I don't know why they would care. Meanwhile on the outside, it looked like Husky Harris and Rey Mysterio were fighting. The locker room split the two men, to try and get some sort of "order" but once again, I don't understand the logic behind them trying to keep the two apart.
That was Smackdown. Not exactly a great night in wrestling, but the show seemed to fly by, and I liked it enough, despite the mediocre points.
Friday, December 17, 2010
TNA Impact 12/16/10 Results and Review
TNA Impact 12/16/10 Results
Jay Lethal defeated Robbie E to win the X-Division Title
Erik Young & Orlando Jordan defeated Generation Me
Tara & Madison Rayne defeated Mickie James & Miss Testmaker
RVD defeated Rob Terry
Bubba Ray Dudley defeated Amazing Red
Jeff Hardy & Kaz defeated Ken Anderson & Matt Morgan
TNA Impact 12/16/10 Review
Matt Morgan and Ken Anderson had some was stupid. Jeff Hardy came out and cut a stupid promo and he sounded like he was on drugs. He kept rambling or something, I don't know, I was just tired, and sleepy, so I went to make a sandwich. I later came back and the 3 idiots were still having their opening, and that was that.
The first match on card was none other than the X Division title match.
Jay Lethal defeated Robbie E to win the X-Division Title
Despite Robbie E being a heel, the announcers were positive on him for some weird reason. It was stupid to have the commentators high on Robbie E one minute, and then immediately goes into stupidity.
The match started and Cookie was interfering from the start, but out ran Christy Hemme and handcuffed herself to Cookie! Yep! So now the match would just be the two wrestlers and not the manager and the wrestler, which is a great thing. Lethal's combinations and elbow drop from the top rope was great, even if RObbie kicked out. Robbie took to the top rope at one point and was caught by Lethal and he hit a very very nice superplex. This match was actually starting to gain steam and for once in recent times, I loved it. Cookie tried to hand some spray into the ring, but Hemme stopped her, and Lethal hit the Lethal Injection and Robbie E loses the belt to Lethal! Not a four star classic, but one of the best matches I've seen in a long time. Letal and Hemme look cute together, and dare I say, Hemme is hot.
There was a great deal of backstage segments between matches. There was some interview segments, some interesting different points of interest, nothing too fascinating, and then Douglas Williams got beat up by Aj Styles in the women's locker room. It looked bad. Williams was knocked out cold, and he eventually left. Erik Young and Orlando Jordan did a bunch of weird segments too, it was gross.
Erik Young & Orlando Jordan defeated Generation Me
Any momentum that Tna Impact had going into this tag team match up, was lost when this match happened. This match was lopsided and was terrible. Orlando Jordan won the match with a submission and he was dressed up as a hooters girl, I kid you not. Generation Me is buried here, and just jobbed out for no apparent reason. It was terrible.
Tara & Madison Rayne defeated Mickie James & Miss Testmaker
This was a terrible match, but it had an interesting continuation of the Tara and Mickie feud. Mickie James was knocked out cold, and eventually lost the match. It was terrible.
Rob Terry is back, and he said screw you to Kaz. It was interesting, as they might be able to build up into a feud.
Bubba Ray Dudley defeated Amazing Red
Amazing Red was completely buried here, or not completely. Red was able to get in a little bit of offense, but he's being wasted here. He got obliterated by Bubba then afterwards he was getting beat up too.
Notice that there is no follow up with Shark Boy, even though he was at the ppv.
Devon came out and saved Amazing Red.
RVD defeated Rob Terry
Despite having a nice back and forth match, and despite my love for RVD in the past, this match wasn't his best. Rob Terry returning didn't get the job done as RVD put on his four moves of doom and hit the frog splash and won this match. Rob Terry got in a lot of great moves, but RVD no sold a lot of it, which was stupid to me. Oh well.
I liked Rob Terry and Orlando Jordans feud set up earlier this year, but they dropped the ball on all levels, and this match was just a throwaway. Let's hope they go back to that earlier feud or else, I'm going back to sleep.
Jeff Jarrett beat up some random idiot from the crowd. It was sad. Jarrett needs to get completely killed by someone.
Jeff Hardy & Kaz defeated Ken Anderson & Matt Morgan
This match actually had some good points to it. Anderson, despite playing up his injury, was in there like a house on fire. He was able to throw in some great offense, and Matt Morgan also had a lot of great points. He hit a huge leg drop towards the end of the match, and was able to help Anderson carry this match. Hardy looked drunk, Kaz was a sidenote. A ref bump set up Anderson going to the top rope, but he was thrown off by Rob Terry! Terry turns heel?!? The twist of Hate was hit and the ref counted 3! The bad guys win again.
This match sucked, this match was stupid, but no, there was a swerve heel turn and Rob Terry turned heel!
TNA Impact wasn't as bad as past weeks. I liked the opening match a lot, the end was ok too. I don't agree with Anderson needing to be busted open, but he looked good in this match and so was Morgan. I finally enjoyed watching TNA, even if it wasn't their best offering.
Lastly, I ask any reader out there that uses amazon online to utilize the links on the site to purchase TNA or WWE goods. Thank You.
Jay Lethal defeated Robbie E to win the X-Division Title
Erik Young & Orlando Jordan defeated Generation Me
Tara & Madison Rayne defeated Mickie James & Miss Testmaker
RVD defeated Rob Terry
Bubba Ray Dudley defeated Amazing Red
Jeff Hardy & Kaz defeated Ken Anderson & Matt Morgan
TNA Impact 12/16/10 Review
Matt Morgan and Ken Anderson had some was stupid. Jeff Hardy came out and cut a stupid promo and he sounded like he was on drugs. He kept rambling or something, I don't know, I was just tired, and sleepy, so I went to make a sandwich. I later came back and the 3 idiots were still having their opening, and that was that.
The first match on card was none other than the X Division title match.
Jay Lethal defeated Robbie E to win the X-Division Title
Despite Robbie E being a heel, the announcers were positive on him for some weird reason. It was stupid to have the commentators high on Robbie E one minute, and then immediately goes into stupidity.
The match started and Cookie was interfering from the start, but out ran Christy Hemme and handcuffed herself to Cookie! Yep! So now the match would just be the two wrestlers and not the manager and the wrestler, which is a great thing. Lethal's combinations and elbow drop from the top rope was great, even if RObbie kicked out. Robbie took to the top rope at one point and was caught by Lethal and he hit a very very nice superplex. This match was actually starting to gain steam and for once in recent times, I loved it. Cookie tried to hand some spray into the ring, but Hemme stopped her, and Lethal hit the Lethal Injection and Robbie E loses the belt to Lethal! Not a four star classic, but one of the best matches I've seen in a long time. Letal and Hemme look cute together, and dare I say, Hemme is hot.
There was a great deal of backstage segments between matches. There was some interview segments, some interesting different points of interest, nothing too fascinating, and then Douglas Williams got beat up by Aj Styles in the women's locker room. It looked bad. Williams was knocked out cold, and he eventually left. Erik Young and Orlando Jordan did a bunch of weird segments too, it was gross.
Erik Young & Orlando Jordan defeated Generation Me
Any momentum that Tna Impact had going into this tag team match up, was lost when this match happened. This match was lopsided and was terrible. Orlando Jordan won the match with a submission and he was dressed up as a hooters girl, I kid you not. Generation Me is buried here, and just jobbed out for no apparent reason. It was terrible.
Tara & Madison Rayne defeated Mickie James & Miss Testmaker
This was a terrible match, but it had an interesting continuation of the Tara and Mickie feud. Mickie James was knocked out cold, and eventually lost the match. It was terrible.
Rob Terry is back, and he said screw you to Kaz. It was interesting, as they might be able to build up into a feud.
Bubba Ray Dudley defeated Amazing Red
Amazing Red was completely buried here, or not completely. Red was able to get in a little bit of offense, but he's being wasted here. He got obliterated by Bubba then afterwards he was getting beat up too.
Notice that there is no follow up with Shark Boy, even though he was at the ppv.
Devon came out and saved Amazing Red.
RVD defeated Rob Terry
Despite having a nice back and forth match, and despite my love for RVD in the past, this match wasn't his best. Rob Terry returning didn't get the job done as RVD put on his four moves of doom and hit the frog splash and won this match. Rob Terry got in a lot of great moves, but RVD no sold a lot of it, which was stupid to me. Oh well.
I liked Rob Terry and Orlando Jordans feud set up earlier this year, but they dropped the ball on all levels, and this match was just a throwaway. Let's hope they go back to that earlier feud or else, I'm going back to sleep.
Jeff Jarrett beat up some random idiot from the crowd. It was sad. Jarrett needs to get completely killed by someone.
Jeff Hardy & Kaz defeated Ken Anderson & Matt Morgan
This match actually had some good points to it. Anderson, despite playing up his injury, was in there like a house on fire. He was able to throw in some great offense, and Matt Morgan also had a lot of great points. He hit a huge leg drop towards the end of the match, and was able to help Anderson carry this match. Hardy looked drunk, Kaz was a sidenote. A ref bump set up Anderson going to the top rope, but he was thrown off by Rob Terry! Terry turns heel?!? The twist of Hate was hit and the ref counted 3! The bad guys win again.
This match sucked, this match was stupid, but no, there was a swerve heel turn and Rob Terry turned heel!
TNA Impact wasn't as bad as past weeks. I liked the opening match a lot, the end was ok too. I don't agree with Anderson needing to be busted open, but he looked good in this match and so was Morgan. I finally enjoyed watching TNA, even if it wasn't their best offering.
Lastly, I ask any reader out there that uses amazon online to utilize the links on the site to purchase TNA or WWE goods. Thank You.
erik young,
generation me,
jay lethal,
jeff hardy,
ken anderson,
madison rayne,
matt morgan,
mickie james,
orlando jordan,
rob terry,
robbie e,
tna impact results
WWE Superstars 12/16/10 Results and Review
WWE Superstars 12/16/10 Results
JTG defeated Curt Hawkins
Zack Ryder defeated Darren Young
Drew McIntyre defeated Yoshi Tatsu
WWE Superstars 12/16/10 Review
Before I get into the review, I'd like to ask any reader out there to utilize the links on this site to purchase items from them. I could use any help I can get in terms of making extra money, as I have no job, and there's no presents or even a tree at my house this year. We just have no money to spare. I get internet access from the library, so these reviews and shows are thanks to my local public library. If they close down, I wouldn't have a blog anymore.
And now, the review:
JTG defeated Curt Hawkins
JTG needs to get back with Shad and they need to reform their tag team. This match wasn't half bad, but the commentary and the "piped" in sounds were terrible. The match started slowly, but eventually went forward and started to pick up steam after Hawkins made this into a snooze fest. JTG has some good offense, and after hitting The Shout Out, Hawkins was put away.
This match wasn't that great, but JTG could be finally getting a push. He can talk on the mic, he has a persona, and maybe people like him enough to see him as a contender for one of the mid-card titles, maybe.
NXT looks ok this season, but I never watch, cause I can't stand internet shows.
Zack Ryder defeated Darren Young
Darren Young is really making a name for himself, and I really like him. I could see him showing up to help thwart NXT and I loved when he returned and said that he wasn't the weak link, he was the missing link, and BOOOM got taken out. I'd love to see him comeback and mop up. He's got a new hairstyle. I wanted to note that Superstars, during this match, had a different camera and it was really stupid, it was too close, and the cuts were odd, it was a weird looking thing.
The match was fast moving, and wasn't half bad. Zack Ryder hit a nice stand up neck breaker, and he continued to be his persona through out his offense. Darren Young can really take a beating, which is interesting. Ryder hit the Rough Ryder (leaping leg drop) and Darren Young once again loses. I liked the match enough, but Ryder deserves more. He should be fighting for a midcard belt too.
Drew McIntyre defeated Yoshi Tatsu
Drew McIntyre and Yoshi Tatsu were given a good amount of time, and it wasn't half bad, it was interesting and went back and forth. Drew eventually won, but it was just didn't matter, he sucks. I think he sucks, and well, Tatsu's gimmick can only get him so far. The match eventually finished and that was that, just another win.
Overall Superstars wasn't that good, it had a couple of good moments, but overall it just wasn't worth watching. I could've done without it. I wish the WWE would tie in more stories from Raw and Smackdown on to the show, and then maybe I could care more for it. As a pure wrestling show, it's not half bad, so I guess they have that going for it.
I would please ask anyone that shops on, to use the links in the sidebar, and support this site.
JTG defeated Curt Hawkins
Zack Ryder defeated Darren Young
Drew McIntyre defeated Yoshi Tatsu
WWE Superstars 12/16/10 Review
Before I get into the review, I'd like to ask any reader out there to utilize the links on this site to purchase items from them. I could use any help I can get in terms of making extra money, as I have no job, and there's no presents or even a tree at my house this year. We just have no money to spare. I get internet access from the library, so these reviews and shows are thanks to my local public library. If they close down, I wouldn't have a blog anymore.
And now, the review:
JTG defeated Curt Hawkins
JTG needs to get back with Shad and they need to reform their tag team. This match wasn't half bad, but the commentary and the "piped" in sounds were terrible. The match started slowly, but eventually went forward and started to pick up steam after Hawkins made this into a snooze fest. JTG has some good offense, and after hitting The Shout Out, Hawkins was put away.
This match wasn't that great, but JTG could be finally getting a push. He can talk on the mic, he has a persona, and maybe people like him enough to see him as a contender for one of the mid-card titles, maybe.
NXT looks ok this season, but I never watch, cause I can't stand internet shows.
Zack Ryder defeated Darren Young
Darren Young is really making a name for himself, and I really like him. I could see him showing up to help thwart NXT and I loved when he returned and said that he wasn't the weak link, he was the missing link, and BOOOM got taken out. I'd love to see him comeback and mop up. He's got a new hairstyle. I wanted to note that Superstars, during this match, had a different camera and it was really stupid, it was too close, and the cuts were odd, it was a weird looking thing.
The match was fast moving, and wasn't half bad. Zack Ryder hit a nice stand up neck breaker, and he continued to be his persona through out his offense. Darren Young can really take a beating, which is interesting. Ryder hit the Rough Ryder (leaping leg drop) and Darren Young once again loses. I liked the match enough, but Ryder deserves more. He should be fighting for a midcard belt too.
Drew McIntyre defeated Yoshi Tatsu
Drew McIntyre and Yoshi Tatsu were given a good amount of time, and it wasn't half bad, it was interesting and went back and forth. Drew eventually won, but it was just didn't matter, he sucks. I think he sucks, and well, Tatsu's gimmick can only get him so far. The match eventually finished and that was that, just another win.
Overall Superstars wasn't that good, it had a couple of good moments, but overall it just wasn't worth watching. I could've done without it. I wish the WWE would tie in more stories from Raw and Smackdown on to the show, and then maybe I could care more for it. As a pure wrestling show, it's not half bad, so I guess they have that going for it.
I would please ask anyone that shops on, to use the links in the sidebar, and support this site.
curt hawkins,
darren young,
drew mcintyre,
wwe superstars,
yoshi tatsu,
zack ryder
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