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What a lousy set up for the Royal Rumble, just two weeks out. Some stupid cat outside woke me up and I wanted to shout at it. Instead, I chased it down stairs and then gave it food. I was up at 5 in the morning, and had a chance to sit in for Hulu’s version of Raw. I remember a few things, as the WWE still has some things to talk about, but overall it wasn’t a great show at all.
Roman Reigns Sucks
I agree with Don Tony and Kevin Castle on this one, this guy is NOT charismatic like the Rock. Furthermore, Big Show needs to retire. He is sucking up the place and the “Big Show” sucks chants are overwhelming. Roman Reigns has the look, but his mic work is horrendous, and I can’t get behind that. The whole “shield” gimmick he’s holding onto seems off, and it just needs improvement. Let him wrestle more, no more talking on the mic, Goldberg worked well without talking, this can work well without talking.
Seth Rollins defeated John Cena in a Lumberjack Match
Seth Rollins has the most annoying voice in the world. John Cena losing yet again is a good touch, but the interjection of the heels showcases how bad the roster is right now. The monster heels that came out were laughable, and if that’s all the WWE has, they are definitely anorexic in the back. Rollins and Cena can put on an ok match up, but it feels like they were phoning it in. It was a substandard match, and it worked to push the two forward into Royal Rumble.
Brock Lesnar Is A Beast
Lesnar as champion is stupid. However, I would love to see him beat the snot out of Rollins. I don’t know what to expect from the match coming up, other than Lesnar dropping the title and getting a more stable champion. This lackluster display from Lesnar is dumb. However, the ending where he went through the table was great. Not only that, getting the curb stomp was cool, so maybe Lesnar doesn’t suck? I don’t know, I have mixed feelings. However, the release suplexes were incredible. I love that aspect of Lesnar's strength. It feels seamless and dropping Rollins and Cena fast was a great moment for sure.
The show felt forced, tired, and they were obviously killing time. I can’t imagine how the 3 hour show is because if this is 90 minutes of the “best” parts, it definitely lacks a lot of compelling elements. I don’t like the way it all is turning out, and definitely feel that there’s been better episodes. I wish there was more wrestling on the show. It feels like the WWE is just doing the parody of themselves leading to the Rumble. As a long time wrestling fan, I’m disappointed, but I still watch, and that’s the problem the WWE has. We are all just watching this train wreck.
WWE inducting the Macho Man Randy Savage is great. McMahon not explicitly addressing the Stephanie rumors still begs attention. I heard Vince wasn’t on the documentary too much, which points to deep seeded animosity. Whatever the case is, it’s nice to see Savage get recognition, he deserves it.
Well, until next time, this has been your old pal Sir Jorge talking about WWE and what not. If you are going to shop on Amazon, please utilize the links on the page. Otherwise, I’ll write more when I get a shot at seeing more wrestling. Right now, I do not have cable, but will be moving to Indianapolis in the summer and I should have it then.
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