Bray Wyatt defeated Kane in a Ring of Fire Match
This wasn’t as exciting as I would have hoped. When the first ever Ring of Fire match was put together for the Undertaker and Kane, we all thought it was a fresh idea. However, it’s actually a boring concept. This match was ok and Wyatt’s win must have been nice at the time, I didn’t care for it though.
Cody Rhodes defeated Damien Sandow
Sandow lost this one, and it was an ok battle for a few minutes. It only lasted about 6 minutes, and it had a predictable finish. I didn’t like these two when they were together and didn’t like this blow off match either.
Alberto Del Rio defeated Christian in a World Heavyweight Championship Match
This match was ok at best. I loved Del Rio’s persona when he first came in. However, I don’t like his in ring work with Christian. Christian was on his way out here, and while he’s a stellar talent, I relegate him to tag team work with Edge not a solo act. That’s just my opinion though.
Natalya defeated Brie Bella
A five minute throw away match. I got bored fast, and while I think these two can throw something better together, the crowd seemed dead, and I was not a fan. Still not a fan.
Brock Lesnar defeated CM Punk
Now this is the match that stole the show. I was absolutely impressed with the delivery of this match. Punk threw everything but the kitchen sink at Lesnar, and it was believable that he could beat the giant. Lesnar on the other hand is an absolute beast. I truly believe that Punk took a serious beating here. You can see lacerations on his back, you can see swelling on his face, as well as Lesnars. This was by far one of the hardest matches I’ve seen from Lesnar thus far. Punk is one tough kid and you can hear Lesnar on screen say it to Heyman. Even though Punk loses this epic, he is made strong in how he is laid out. You can see that Punk is pissed with WWE creative here, especially when they play his music after he’s lost a match. The crowd was all over this match and I am saying that this was match of the year 2013. I think this is an example of how great Punk is. He made Lesnar nearly tap at one point, I loved it.
Dolph Ziggler and Kaitlyn defeated Big E and AJ Lee
Another boring match. AJ Lee is over rated.
Daniel Bryan defeated John Cena in a WWE Title Match w/ Triple H as Referee
Now this was another great match. However, it didn’t top CM Punk and Lesnar. This match had very good in ring psychology. Cena is on point here, and Bryan throws everything he has against the champion. The fact that Cena blocks a great deal of Bryan’s moves shows that there’s a lot of thought given to this match. Bryan’s win is great, but it’s what happens next that truly got the crowd in a mood.
Randy Orton cashes in money in the bank.
Orton beats Bryan, and that was the end of Bryan’s world title run.
Summerslam 2013 is well worth watching for 2 big matches. CM Punk should have been given a billion dollars here. Lesnar does a great deal of work too, but wow, Punk showcases the absolutely brilliance of his on screen character and real life toughness. John Cena and Bryan tore the house down as well, but is edged out by Punk’s absolutely brilliant performance. I can’t wait to see him in UFC.
If you want to check this mess out, you should BUY THE SUMMERSLAM 2013 BLU RAY HERE. You can pick it up cheap and dissect the Punk vs. Lesnar match. There should’ve been a sequel, that’s for sure.