This can possibly be the worst match up in WWE History. ECW is horrible. They should never revamp the past with the flair of WWE. The regional promotion of ECW should be OVW or something, where the guys learn more and are featured on television and strive to be in the big leagues. Instead they sink TEST and others into 2 or even just 1 match a week on ECW, and have the older members either fired or simply not featured on the show. RVD is sinking and I hope for his sake he leaves and goes to TNA.
Lashley is huge, but that's about it. He has no in ring charisma, and he looks like a freak. So I don't like him. Maybe if he could learn to speak on the mic, and get really upset. Otherwise, he's a horrible champion.

You know, I call the Big Show slow, but Batista is just as slow. Did you see Booker T slow down his style just to face the guy? Batista has so much weight on him from muscles, that I could only imagine what its like to be him. He's huge, and I'm not talking about fat, he's just all muscle, and that's not something that I admire. He can't wrestle. He knows some power moves, and that's about it. His timing is off. If Bret hart were still wrestling, he would take out a leg, and submit the monster in 25:48 of the match.

A dream match like none other would be this one. If you recall when Taker had the belt a few years back a loudmouth talker named John Cena wrestled him to a loss. He took on all that Taker had, and still came up short, but what a match it was on ppv! So what now? Fast forward a few years and now it's Cena's time to try and stop Undertaker from taking the beloved wwe title. This is the key, I hope this match happens, otherwise I don't want to see Wrestlemania. Two big men is not the way to go. But have the kids eating up CENA vs. TAKER and you're in for a ride.
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