Shelton Benjamin vs. Ric Flair
The opening match for this night wasn't the greatest technical endeavor, and it actually looked as though Flair was older than he is now! He did well with Benjamin, but Benjamin wasn't exactly over with the crowd, and the match was stagnant in the middle.
Jonathan Coachman vs. Tajiri
This match was horrible.
Handicap Match
Chris Jericho vs. Christian & Trish Stratus
Continuing the heat from Wrestlemania XX this match was quite interesting to say the least. It featured an on screen romance, but Y2J got the last laugh in this feud. The match was passable, with nothing that great to mention. Christian is lost in TNA, that's all I can say.
Women's Championship Match
Victoria vs. Lita
I like both opponents here, but I don't like women's matches. It was ok, but I miss the woman's hardcore match, now that was a good one.
Intercontinental Championship Match (hardcore rules)
Randy Orton (c) vs. Cactus Jack
This match wasn't a fast paced marvel, and it really showed how green Randy Orton was back in the day. This was the year that he won the world championship at Summerslam and turned face, although the crowd didn't really like that. The match was good, but only because Orton took a lot of punishment. The ending didn't make a whole lot of sense, and I didn't enjoy it greatly. The match could have been a lot better.
The Hurricane & Rosey vs. La Resistance
This match was, well, boring. The crowd wasn't into it, and guess what? I wasn't either. At this point the Hurricane wasn't getting the fan fair that he received back around Wrestlemania X8
Edge vs. Kane
This match was over so quickly that I didn't have a chance to remember what happened. Edge had a cast, that's all I recall.
World Heavyweight Championship Match
HHH vs. Chris Benoit vs. HBK Shawn Michaels
Lightning strikes twice in a near replica of the Wrestlemania affair. This match was good, but not the best of 2004, and it actually got a little boring after it all. I still liked it.
Overall this PPV was not as good as Wrestlemania, and it showed. The prowess of having both raw and smackdown rosters at one show wasn't capitalized correctly.
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