They're a small independent company that's been getting a 1.0 rating for the last five years. ..They keep trying to pull rabbits out of their hat with talent. 'Oh we're gonna bring in Sting and that's gonna turn the business around! ' Well, they brought in Sting, who's obviously a great talent, and guess what? Nothing happened. And then 'We're gonna bring in Christian Cage. It's a big surprise. He's hot in WWE and we got him and it's gonna turn things around.' Guess what? Nothing happened. Then 'We're gonna bring in Kurt Angle and he's the real deal. Things are gonna turn around!' Guess what? Nothing happened. Nothing's ever gonna happen until they get it.
Wow, the former executive over at WCW said some harsh things in regards to TNA's recent promotional acquisitions and he's 100% correct on a lot of things. TNA wrestling isn't that great. I've said that on countless occasions. While I appreciate the talent and Somoa Joe matches at times, I see a lot of disconnect in their shows.
I was watching their Impact show and they advertised a huge main event and when the chips were down and the time came, the match was 4 minutes long! This for a huge major hype throughout the show?
I know WWE isn't what it used to be, but come one, this is just sad for competition. There is nothing left to bet on. Although if you want to you can go online and bet or play bingo online while you are there at landmarkbingo.
When WCW was competing, at least they offered 3 hours with some good matches sandwiched in between bad segments.
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