Are you annoyed yet?
Are you tired yet?
I know that I sure am. How in the world is MARK HENRY still active on the roster? This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen. They couldn't keep Sylvester, but they are keeping Mark Henry?
The guy seriously is just large for no apparent reason. He's got some muscle, but he wrestles like a large man with no move set....
While I do acknowledge that John Cena doesn't have the largest selection of moves, he puts butts in the seat. What does Mark Henry do? He makes me wish he were fired.
Why WWE? Why must you pollute Heatcw with such garbage?
I don't mind the other big men....but even they are annoying. Two charisma...just plain boring.
Oh and How did the Miz get into the title hunt? Why did fans vote for him? The world is an odd place.
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Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
The Roster Is Small Too

You know that the wwe has a thin roster when they begin to employ the little green guy and he is NOT with Finlay! He's in a match on Raw, and not the opener, with Coach! Come on!
Of all the things WWE is doing wrong, this has to be featured as #1 or ranks high in my view. Seriously, how bad can things get? Does the WWE need help? Can I fly over and create some stories? I could do better than their team of misfits over there.
Luckily socko came if that truly is the highlight of raw.
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Monday, October 29, 2007
No Y2J
Y2J failed to make his major debut, as he was at a book signing at Barnes & Noble.
How awesome is that?
The internet was completely wrong again, and I almost bought into the hype. Almost....
Instead HBK came out to save HHH in tonights raw, and Vince McMahon nearly got his head kicked in.
Overall a poor showing at raw, with some funny moments. The ratings should be way up this week considering all the WWE fans that were expecting Chris Jericho to come out.
So sad...that he didn't show.
I should really stop feeding the hype machine shouldn't I?
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How awesome is that?
The internet was completely wrong again, and I almost bought into the hype. Almost....
Instead HBK came out to save HHH in tonights raw, and Vince McMahon nearly got his head kicked in.
Overall a poor showing at raw, with some funny moments. The ratings should be way up this week considering all the WWE fans that were expecting Chris Jericho to come out.
So sad...that he didn't show.
I should really stop feeding the hype machine shouldn't I?
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Chris Jericho Return?
Will Chris Jericho Debut tonight?
All eyes are going to be on raw tonight as all sorts of internet rumors are being spread about the fact that tonight on Raw Chris Jericho will in fact come to save us from boring wwe programming.
I for one don't think he's going to show up, but remember the last time he showed up?
Oh man, that was crazy, I for sure was jumping for joy.
We'll see what happens tonight on Raw!
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Cyber Sunday is Completely Fixed

I used to think that Cyber Sunday could have a bunch of variables that were out of the control of the wrestlers, and it truly was the most unique spot in professional wrestling. I suspended belief and thought that they truly didn't know who their opponents would be and that it's not rigged whatsoever, and people do in fact have control over the things that they vote on.
I now do not believe that whatsoever.
Because THE MIZ was chosen to face ECW champion C.M Punk. How lame is that! Seriously! What fans out there voted 39% for the MIZ?!?!?! I just don't get it.
He's not that good!
Maybe fans just wanted to see someone get a beating from C.M Punk, or maybe it was just the WWE protecting their investments, but this was a travesty for guys that were still believing the magic of sorts....
Sadly...Cyber Sunday was very disappointing on many different levels.
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c.m punk,
c.m. punk,
cyber sunday,
ecw championship,
the miz,
Friday, October 26, 2007
Why Chris Jericho Won't Save Us
With a thin roster, and poor ratings, can Y2J really save the WWE?
I don't think so.
Here's two quick reasons why 1 Man can not save the WWE right now:
1. Jericho is old. That's right, he's older, not as agile, and relatively not that good anymore. Jericho is good when he has a good amount of talent to work with, and right now what is going to do? Feud with Orton? Wrestle HHH again for millionth time? He's older, and therefore is not going to be pushing the limits. In fact, he's never really pushed the limits to begin with.
2. Jericho is NOT HOGAN! Remember when Hogan went to WCW how much WCW grew from a smaller east coast based promotion into a huge force in the media and ratings? Remember when Hogan turned heel? Remember the NWO angle? Yes! Those things saved WCW when they weren't doing well. Y2J is huge, but does not possess that kind of prowess with the fans. He just doesn't.
I like Jericho, however, only as a cruiserweight or midcard level. I don't like his heavyweight, slower style. I just don't like it. I'd rather see him feud with Carlito or something. Have Carlito's cabana interrupted by Jericho, only to set off a feud.
Then slowly get Jericho into the main event spot, but not right away.
He's expected to show up on Monday.
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I don't think so.
Here's two quick reasons why 1 Man can not save the WWE right now:
1. Jericho is old. That's right, he's older, not as agile, and relatively not that good anymore. Jericho is good when he has a good amount of talent to work with, and right now what is going to do? Feud with Orton? Wrestle HHH again for millionth time? He's older, and therefore is not going to be pushing the limits. In fact, he's never really pushed the limits to begin with.
2. Jericho is NOT HOGAN! Remember when Hogan went to WCW how much WCW grew from a smaller east coast based promotion into a huge force in the media and ratings? Remember when Hogan turned heel? Remember the NWO angle? Yes! Those things saved WCW when they weren't doing well. Y2J is huge, but does not possess that kind of prowess with the fans. He just doesn't.
I like Jericho, however, only as a cruiserweight or midcard level. I don't like his heavyweight, slower style. I just don't like it. I'd rather see him feud with Carlito or something. Have Carlito's cabana interrupted by Jericho, only to set off a feud.
Then slowly get Jericho into the main event spot, but not right away.
He's expected to show up on Monday.
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Thursday, October 25, 2007
Matt Hardy Fatally Cut?

News around the internet is reporting that Matt hardy received a 7inch gash in his head and required 36 stitches to seal up.
That's insane!
I knew hardy was tough, taking falls from high ladders through tables and stealing shows away from the main event stars, but this is more than your average blood splatter or blade job.
The gash was induced on accident via Rey Mysterio's leg brace, and sadly, Hardy was bleeding like a stuck pig all over the place, so much so that reporters and fans have stated that the smackdown taping was actually stopped at one point to put a new mat on the ring!
That's a lot of blood, so that much have been more than the Summerslam match where he came back to wrestle Edge in that one match where he bled nearly to death and lossed to Edge due to blood loss.
Sadly...Hardy is questionable for Cyber Sunday.
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Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Lesnar UFC - I'm Back

First and foremost, I'm back in black.
Well, more like in blue.
UFC is going to be great...for one major ppv. Seriously, Brock Lesnar = ratings, in my opinion. Seriously, there's going to be a major sell out when Lesnar gets into the UFC octagon because everyone loves to see someone get their teeth kicked in.
You better believe that Lesnar has a glass jaw. Seriously, there's no way that he's going to be in there and last against those UFC guys. They don't pull punches, they hit hard!
When will the show be? When will he fight? I don't know. I have no idea.
I'm back as well. I am sorry for the long delay, I was moving my house, and my internet was down.
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Tuesday, October 23, 2007
I just wanted to say something quick about the ECW product. It's bad. The Miz is horrible, and yet he's in 3 different story lines on ECW, that's really bad. You know your roster is bad and your show is bad when you are using the MIZ for the drawing of heat and/or wrestling ability.
Not only that, I can't stand the title situation. Sure I like C.M Punk, he's alright, but he is becoming another clone fast. He just gets beat down for most of the match, then comes up with a miraculous win at the end.
It's just not worth it to me.
I'm bored with wrestling right now, but will continue to write.
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Not only that, I can't stand the title situation. Sure I like C.M Punk, he's alright, but he is becoming another clone fast. He just gets beat down for most of the match, then comes up with a miraculous win at the end.
It's just not worth it to me.
I'm bored with wrestling right now, but will continue to write.
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Friday, October 19, 2007
TNA Wrestling Sucks
I was watching Impact last night, and I just couldn't force myself to be disgusted with the amount of time they take for random conversation.
Not only that, the championship presentation was hilarious!
Christian Cage Comes out and says, "I'm not asking anymore, I am demanding a spot in the fight for the right spot! I want it tonight!"
So the counter to his statements are: "I know you want to fight for the chance to fight for the right to fight for the right, but Samoa Joe wants in too! So You two can fight for the right to fight for the right fight tonight!"
I wanted to strangle the writers of TNA.
Then Sting comes out...and he talks! Boring Sting promo...Angle comes out in the wheelchair...this is just horrible. What a finish too...
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Not only that, the championship presentation was hilarious!
Christian Cage Comes out and says, "I'm not asking anymore, I am demanding a spot in the fight for the right spot! I want it tonight!"
So the counter to his statements are: "I know you want to fight for the chance to fight for the right to fight for the right, but Samoa Joe wants in too! So You two can fight for the right to fight for the right fight tonight!"
I wanted to strangle the writers of TNA.
Then Sting comes out...and he talks! Boring Sting promo...Angle comes out in the wheelchair...this is just horrible. What a finish too...
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Wednesday, October 17, 2007
BIG V and Shane Douglas at Target

A few weeks ago I was basically told on national podcast radio that I was wrong in assuming that Big V was next in line to Challenge C.M. Punk, but what happened? He's being set up for BIG V or rather Big V is set up for C.M. Punk! I was finally right! I am avenged!
Looks like I'm not a complete idiot when it comes to wwe.
I was watching ECW last night and it is starting to melt into HEATCW...seriously.

The best thing in wrestling this week...
Shane Douglas is training to be a manager at a Target. Take it or leave it.
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Tuesday, October 16, 2007
King Booker Fired

King Booker and his Queen have been fired!
That's right, WWE has come to terms with the release of both those characters/workers and now we are without one major King.
At least King Jerry Lawler is still around. Too bad too, because I was starting to really enjoy King Booker!
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Val Venis Still Employed?

Val Venis is still employed?
That's the first thing that popped into my head as he came out to wrestle. Val Venis used to be the resident porn star on WWE television, but now what is he? He no longer has long hair, he no longer is a "porn star" of sorts, and he is no general manager of any kind.
So what now?
I don't know about this one, but he managed NOT to get fired yet, and that's odd. Maybe he's training the youngsters like Hardcore Holly is teaching Cody Rhodes.
Raw was desperately predictable last night. But Val Venis? Still employed? That is news to me.
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Monday, October 15, 2007
American Gladiators and Hogan?
Tna's website was down last night, so I couldn't see the official results, so I went to another news website and found them. I still hate the 6 sided ring thing.
As for the topic of the moment, Hulk Hogan is coming back to television in a role that he was made for. He will be the new host of American Gladiators! That's right he's going to be the guy on the MIC saying weird stuff.
I don't know if this is a great move, but it's a move none the less for a guy that is now a reality television star.
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As for the topic of the moment, Hulk Hogan is coming back to television in a role that he was made for. He will be the new host of American Gladiators! That's right he's going to be the guy on the MIC saying weird stuff.
I don't know if this is a great move, but it's a move none the less for a guy that is now a reality television star.
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Friday, October 12, 2007
Angle is an Idiot

I was listening to a podcast, and they discussed this story at length. The story that Kurt Angle drove home drunk from a bar, and made it to his house safely.
However, the police came to his house and asked him:
"Did you drive home drunk"
Which Angle ADMITTED TO!
Now he's celebrity gossip and all over the news sites.
Sad huh?
First thing I learned about Cops visiting my house asking if I did anything is to deny it. That is unless I did something really bad, other than DUI.
But come on.
Wouldn't you have lied to the police? I don't know if Angle was just stupid, or dumb, but he should have said anything but what he said.
He's now booked for DUI and in trouble.
This from the same guy that refused to be on ECW because they weren't "Family" friendly. Nice example there Kurt....
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Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Hardy Wins No Kennedy Wins

Look what I found!
Last night Kennedy Lost to Jeff Hardy...but according to as of 6:11 AM
* Candice Michelle, Mickie James & Maria def. Women's Champion Beth Phoenix, Melina & Jillian Hall
* Snitsky def. Val Venis
* Triple H def. Randy Orton & Umaga (disqualification)
* The Highlanders def. Paul London & Brian Kendrick
* Mr. Kennedy def. Jeff Hardy
Do you see what it states? It says Mr. Kennedy defeated Jeff hardy.
This definitely begs to question whether or not the programmers and even watched RAW last night or if the whole match up was a mistake. Did Hardy accidentally pin Kennedy for the 3 count?
What happened?
Or did the team just get fired for making a mistake like this on their site?
It's funny to catch these things from a billion dollar company.
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Hardy Wins No Kennedy Wins
Look what I found!
Last night Kennedy Lost to Jeff Hardy...but according to as of 6:11 AM
Do you see what it states? It says Mr. Kennedy defeated Jeff hardy.
This definitely begs to question whether or not the programmers and even watched RAW last night or if the whole match up was a mistake. Did Hardy accidentally pin Kennedy for the 3 count?
What happened?
Or did the team just get fired for making a mistake like this on their site?
It's funny to catch these things from a billion dollar company.
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Last night Kennedy Lost to Jeff Hardy...but according to as of 6:11 AM
* Candice Michelle, Mickie James & Maria def. Women's Champion Beth Phoenix, Melina & Jillian Hall
* Snitsky def. Val Venis
* Triple H def. Randy Orton & Umaga (disqualification)
* The Highlanders def. Paul London & Brian Kendrick
* Mr. Kennedy def. Jeff Hardy
Do you see what it states? It says Mr. Kennedy defeated Jeff hardy.
This definitely begs to question whether or not the programmers and even watched RAW last night or if the whole match up was a mistake. Did Hardy accidentally pin Kennedy for the 3 count?
What happened?
Or did the team just get fired for making a mistake like this on their site?
It's funny to catch these things from a billion dollar company.
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Monday, October 8, 2007
No Jericho, Orton Champ? This Sucks

First and foremost I'm NOT a big Randy Orton fan. I think he's a horrible wrestler, and a horrible actor, and beating down legends is a stupid way to get over.
However, given the state of wrestling right now, I like this. I like that John Cena, the wwe's poster boy is out of the picture.
I like that HHH & Orton are in the title picture, and that there's opportunities for some variety in the WWE. A heel champion means that a face will have to chase the title, and most likely get it within now and wrestlemania.
As for Jericho, all the internet sites were talking about how he was going to come out and surprise everyone.
I totally didn't fall for that piece of junk news, and continued to maintain my purpose in regards to waiting to see what happens.
Orton will most likely come out and say "I told you so" tonight on Raw, only to get interrupted by THE GAME and then the fight is on.
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chris jericho,
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randy orton,
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Cena's Done

John Cena is injured.
No, it's not a joke.
John Cena ripped a pectoral muscle completely.
This of course is a thing that happens when you use STEROIDS!
I have no evidence to support such a thing, but the Man who has carried the WWE for 13 months and recently for a long time while HHH was gone, and Mysterio was Gone and Undertaker was
Cena gone means a NEW CHAMPION soon! I hope it's not Orton though, I don't want to see it.
How did Cena get injured? Mr. Kennedy's hip toss apparently did the trick, but I think it's just the harsh schedule that Cena has put his body through.
Notice that Edge hasn't returned yet, and there's no real announcement of pending return, unless he's part of the 222 thing...which would be kind of cool! EDGE!!!!
I can hear the music going....
I'm tired.
Cena was getting stale anyways.
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Monday, October 1, 2007
Triple H vs. McMahon? Again? NO!
This Already Happened!
Seriously, why is this the main event, rather why is this the most promoted thing on Raw?
Shouldn't Triple H be more mad at Carlito for beating him?
Is Carlito not even involved at this point?
Why is the WWE rehashing old ideas?
Seriously, is there no decent writers? Why don't they hire fans?
This is the dumbest, dumbest idea I've ever seen in my life. Triple H vs. McMahon again?
I'm fed up.
I'll tune in, only because I want to bash the event more.
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monday night raw,
triple h,
vince mcmahon,
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