News around the internet is reporting that Matt hardy received a 7inch gash in his head and required 36 stitches to seal up.
That's insane!
I knew hardy was tough, taking falls from high ladders through tables and stealing shows away from the main event stars, but this is more than your average blood splatter or blade job.
The gash was induced on accident via Rey Mysterio's leg brace, and sadly, Hardy was bleeding like a stuck pig all over the place, so much so that reporters and fans have stated that the smackdown taping was actually stopped at one point to put a new mat on the ring!
That's a lot of blood, so that much have been more than the Summerslam match where he came back to wrestle Edge in that one match where he bled nearly to death and lossed to Edge due to blood loss.
Sadly...Hardy is questionable for Cyber Sunday.
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