Wrestling hasn't been doing anything other than best of shows, so instead of boring you with more best of crap...I decided to take a break until more wwe content starts popping up on screen....
First and foremost Monday, is HUGE
HHH vs. Ric Flair...I'm excited...You should be too.
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Saturday, December 29, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2008 Nintendo DS Review

WWE’s latest game for the Nintendo Ds looked to be a good idea. The back of the box read really well, and I was so pumped for the game to finally release. WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2008 for the DS is not what you might think.
Well, I received the game for Christmas, as my wife had gotten it for me, and I was too excited to play.
It looked pretty cool, the graphics were looking really nice and simple, and then the biggest problem ever occurred….
The game has some really good graphics, they are the best graphics I’ve ever seen on a hand held and they are about as 3-d as you’re going to get. They even rival anything on the Playstation 1.
If you’re a fan of great graphics, stop reading this review and buy the game.
However, if you’re a fan of gameplay, you might think twice.
The complete game completely utilizes the Stylus for the Ds. You have to use the stylus to do EVERYTHING in the game. For every one move you do, you have to select a multiple choice directive, then use the stylus to execute the move. The computer gives you time to do this, and that’s it.
The whole game is a series of choices between one, two, and three, and then a movement with the stylus. You can not move your character forwards or backwards, or use the buttons on the right hand side, those are useless.
The game is hell for fans of the N64 or PS2 classics.
I hated this game and wanted to strangle my DS.
My wife even said it was poor execution for a DS game.
Sadly…I didn’t like it.
But you might like the game. You might enjoy WWE Raw vs. Smackdown 2008 for the Nintendo Ds. If so, don’t wait, get it from Amazon.com and get free shipping…I am either really old and old school and don’t understand the DS or this game sucks.
Decide for yourself.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
I am Tired of Ric Flair Retirement Matches

I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of seeing Ric Flair about to retire, or in a retirement match.
Do you remember any other times that Ric Flair was suppose to retire?
Well lets rewind a little…not too far…
In 1993 at Starrcade, Ric Flair stated that if he didn’t beat Big Van Vader for the world title, he would retire.
He went on to win the belt that night, but it wasn’t the last time he would say such things.
He again was ready to retire in 1994 when he faced Hulk Hogan in a retirement steel cage match.
Now he’s back again and every match is a retirement match.
You for sure are going to be sad because the lackluster performances are going to rise.
Because Flair has a bad back and if you watch him bump, he always tends to land on his side not really his back, therefore risking more and more injury, which is sad on a lot of levels.
Flair will most likely continue to win, and win by slim margins until his contract is up…or….
He is going to replace JBL at the announce booth sooner than later.
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Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Setting Up The Fall of Hardy

This is not the first time that the up and comer has been set up to take a fall. Seriously, it has been fast, and it sucks to see things happen the way they do.
Aside from the main contenders that you know are going to chase the title and not win, setting up the up and comer, fan favorite for a title shot and then losing is a bad example of booking....or is it?
Jeff hardy is in line for a title shot, he pinned the champion last night on Raw.
Will he win at the Royal Rumble?
When has this happened in the past?
let's see.....
Shawn Michaels Survivor Series 92 - Shawn Michaels was beginning to get some major cheers back when he was the Intercontinental champion and he was set up for a major push, so much so that he hand Bret Hart battled it out for the World Title! Michaels didn't win, but he was an up and comer and was ready and hungry for the belt. He wouldn't win that title until four years later in a classic Iron Man Match up.
Sting & Lex Luger Circa 1996 - You might not remember this but in 1996 for a few months straight no one could beat the World Champion "The Giant" in Wcw. So they set up contenders that were up and coming as singles wrestlers in WCW to take on the big man, only to go down in some main event matches. Sure Sting and Luger had careers as solo wrestlers, but in 1996 they were a tag team chasing the titles and this caused some controversy within their own team.
Stunning Steve Austin 1993 - Steve Austin left the Hollywood Blondes and was making a name for himself as a singles wrestler, even gaining the upper hand and winning the U.S title at one point. However, when moving him to the main event cards (such as Spring Stampede) where he battled the likes of Ricky Steamboat and others, he just didn't make waves and didn't win. They pushed him hard only to be fire a few months later. He would go on to be huge.
The Ultimate Warrior Circa 1998 - What ended up being the laughing stock of Halloween Havoc 1998 was the Warrior and his match up with Hulk Hogan. The much anticipated match drew flies and the match was horrible, horrible! I can't believe they would try to out due the Wrestlemania VI classic. There's no point in watching that match.
Diamond Dallas Page October 1998 - After lengthy feuds with Randy Macho Man Savage, Raven, and others, DDP was ready for the big time and ready for the main event. His match with Bill Goldberg would be a classic and hard fought battle for both men, and what transpired was DDP not winning, although being billed as the man that could stop Goldberg. He didn't win the title.
The Undertaker January 1996 - The Undertaker hadn't received a title shot in 5 years, but he was a fan favorite and the crowds bought into his gimmick with so much dedication that Undertaker would sometimes get sole credit for the box covers back in the vhs rental era. He finally got his shot at the belt at Royal Rumble 96' against Bret Hart. He went on to lose via dq thanks to Diesel, and would come back to screw Diesel over the next month. However, Taker didn't get the title until March 1997, defeating Psycho Sid.
Owen Hart August 1994 - All year Owen Hart had been antagonizing his brother Bret. Claiming that his brother was in the spotlight. Owen defeated Bret at Wrestlemania X (10) clean, and then went on to challenge his brother in a Steel Cage match at Summerslam. Owen was being pushed hard to get a title run...it never happened. It will now never happen.
Rob Van Dam - Did you know that for a while there Rob Van Dam was in the main events? That's right, he was being pushed as a title contender at one point. The big match that I remember him in was the big feud with Stone Cold and Kurt Angle. Who would RVD splash? The three settled it in a triple threat match for the Gold, and while RVD never got the strap, he was being pushed as a serious main eventer...only to be left in midcard hell and later he would let his contract expire and take some time off.
You see, wrestling has a lot of set ups and falls. A lot of fan favorites get pushed hard at first to see if they can handle the pressure, and see if they can become charismatic. Jeff Hardy is being pushed hard right now, but unless he can prove himself on the mic, I don't see the WWE giving him a seriously Title run, or even giving him a close chance in the match.
But never say never, you might see a Jeff Hardy title reign, but I would highly doubt it.
Will Matt Hardy become the Owen Hart of the Hardy brothers? Will he go one to mid-card greatness and eventually set up a main event? Or will Jeff Hardy's push create another Rise and Fall, Flash in the Pan main event title position?
More importantly, if Wrestling falls into cycles like all other entertainment, are we simply seeing another transition in the Title History? There is no way Jeff Hardy is going over Orton, but then again, he went over HHH.
But this could be just a momentary lapse in judgment on the part of WWE because they are setting up some feuds for the new year...and Jeff hardy is still the Intercontinental Champion.
Remember when the IC Title meant you automatically got a title shot?
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bret hart,
jeff hardy,
matt hardy,
owen hart,
psycho sid,
randy orton,
Randy Savage,
shawn michaels,
the undertaker,
Setting Up The Fall of Hardy

This is not the first time that the up and comer has been set up to take a fall. Seriously, it has been fast, and it sucks to see things happen the way they do.
Aside from the main contenders that you know are going to chase the title and not win, setting up the up and comer, fan favorite for a title shot and then losing is a bad example of booking....or is it?
Jeff hardy is in line for a title shot, he pinned the champion last night on Raw.
Will he win at the Royal Rumble?
When has this happened in the past?
let's see.....
Shawn Michaels Survivor Series 92 - Shawn Michaels was beginning to get some major cheers back when he was the Intercontinental champion and he was set up for a major push, so much so that he hand Bret Hart battled it out for the World Title! Michaels didn't win, but he was an up and comer and was ready and hungry for the belt. He wouldn't win that title until four years later in a classic Iron Man Match up.
Sting & Lex Luger Circa 1996 - You might not remember this but in 1996 for a few months straight no one could beat the World Champion "The Giant" in Wcw. So they set up contenders that were up and coming as singles wrestlers in WCW to take on the big man, only to go down in some main event matches. Sure Sting and Luger had careers as solo wrestlers, but in 1996 they were a tag team chasing the titles and this caused some controversy within their own team.
Stunning Steve Austin 1993 - Steve Austin left the Hollywood Blondes and was making a name for himself as a singles wrestler, even gaining the upper hand and winning the U.S title at one point. However, when moving him to the main event cards (such as Spring Stampede) where he battled the likes of Ricky Steamboat and others, he just didn't make waves and didn't win. They pushed him hard only to be fire a few months later. He would go on to be huge.
The Ultimate Warrior Circa 1998 - What ended up being the laughing stock of Halloween Havoc 1998 was the Warrior and his match up with Hulk Hogan. The much anticipated match drew flies and the match was horrible, horrible! I can't believe they would try to out due the Wrestlemania VI classic. There's no point in watching that match.
Diamond Dallas Page October 1998 - After lengthy feuds with Randy Macho Man Savage, Raven, and others, DDP was ready for the big time and ready for the main event. His match with Bill Goldberg would be a classic and hard fought battle for both men, and what transpired was DDP not winning, although being billed as the man that could stop Goldberg. He didn't win the title.
The Undertaker January 1996 - The Undertaker hadn't received a title shot in 5 years, but he was a fan favorite and the crowds bought into his gimmick with so much dedication that Undertaker would sometimes get sole credit for the box covers back in the vhs rental era. He finally got his shot at the belt at Royal Rumble 96' against Bret Hart. He went on to lose via dq thanks to Diesel, and would come back to screw Diesel over the next month. However, Taker didn't get the title until March 1997, defeating Psycho Sid.
Owen Hart August 1994 - All year Owen Hart had been antagonizing his brother Bret. Claiming that his brother was in the spotlight. Owen defeated Bret at Wrestlemania X (10) clean, and then went on to challenge his brother in a Steel Cage match at Summerslam. Owen was being pushed hard to get a title run...it never happened. It will now never happen.
Rob Van Dam - Did you know that for a while there Rob Van Dam was in the main events? That's right, he was being pushed as a title contender at one point. The big match that I remember him in was the big feud with Stone Cold and Kurt Angle. Who would RVD splash? The three settled it in a triple threat match for the Gold, and while RVD never got the strap, he was being pushed as a serious main eventer...only to be left in midcard hell and later he would let his contract expire and take some time off.
You see, wrestling has a lot of set ups and falls. A lot of fan favorites get pushed hard at first to see if they can handle the pressure, and see if they can become charismatic. Jeff Hardy is being pushed hard right now, but unless he can prove himself on the mic, I don't see the WWE giving him a seriously Title run, or even giving him a close chance in the match.
But never say never, you might see a Jeff Hardy title reign, but I would highly doubt it.
Will Matt Hardy become the Owen Hart of the Hardy brothers? Will he go one to mid-card greatness and eventually set up a main event? Or will Jeff Hardy's push create another Rise and Fall, Flash in the Pan main event title position?
More importantly, if Wrestling falls into cycles like all other entertainment, are we simply seeing another transition in the Title History? There is no way Jeff Hardy is going over Orton, but then again, he went over HHH.
But this could be just a momentary lapse in judgment on the part of WWE because they are setting up some feuds for the new year...and Jeff hardy is still the Intercontinental Champion.
Remember when the IC Title meant you automatically got a title shot?
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bret hart,
jeff hardy,
matt hardy,
owen hart,
randy orton,
Randy Savage,
rob van dam,
shawn michaels,
Monday, December 17, 2007
Ric Flair Done Tonight

Will Flair be done Tonight?
Apparently the Somoan Bulldozer (who hasn't beaten a face in a long time) is going to try his luck at ending Flair's career.
Can he do it?
There is no way a guy that has a 3 year extension is going to lose tonight. Look for a frustrated Umaga to get disqualified.
Flair is most likely going to extend his streak for a while, so don't look for him to lose anytime soon....at least not clean.
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Sunday, December 16, 2007
JBL Screws Y2J

Once again, a return was ruined by stupid booking! Y2J lost at Armageddon thanks to interference from JBL for no apparent reason, prompting Orton to get the upper hand and the 1-2-3.
Sadly, the build up to the saving of the WWE from Orton was dead in this match and what will happen next?
What happened to saving us Y2J?
Not only that, Edge pulled a Sting or Doink, and there were 3 Edge's out there in the ring confusing the heck out of me! Winning the WWE title.
Tomorrow we'll have hell to pay and answers to get, because these things can't be good for the WWE.
Especially the lackluster ending to the Y2J vs. Orton match.
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JBL Screws Y2J

Once again, a return was ruined by stupid booking! Y2J lost at Armageddon thanks to interference from JBL for no apparent reason, prompting Orton to get the upper hand and the 1-2-3.
Sadly, the build up to the saving of the WWE from Orton was dead in this match and what will happen next?
What happened to saving us Y2J?
Not only that, Edge pulled a Sting or Doink, and there were 3 Edge's out there in the ring confusing the heck out of me! Winning the WWE title.
Tomorrow we'll have hell to pay and answers to get, because these things can't be good for the WWE.
Especially the lackluster ending to the Y2J vs. Orton match.
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Friday, December 14, 2007
Cibernetico To Have Live Sex

This is odder than Gangrel and his xxx future.
This one is just plain odd. Apparently Cibernetico and his wife will be having sex live on television, and that's just got bad news written all over it. I know that in Mexico television is uncensored, but it airs in the United States via Galavision and the cable channels. Will they censor the act?
Not only that, Cibernetico can't possibly think this is a good idea, nor can anyone of his friends or fellow wrestlers.
I know that bad things go down in the back stage areas and the underbelly of Mexican Lucha Libre, but this is in the public.
I don't know what make of it...but in order to even out the news a bit, here's a Dog Collar Match featuring Cibernetico, enjoy:
Part 1:
Part 2:
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Thursday, December 13, 2007
Rob Van Dam Stand Up Comedian

Just when you thought the educated feet of Rob Van Dam was the only thing he had going for him. He unleashes a comic book store on us, then we find out that he's a stand up comedian?
He's no Jerry Seinfeld, but hey...I'm sure he's got a few good jokes, but I can't imagine him not being High...he's not exactly the most affluent person in the world, and his mic skills aren't exactly those of one Hulk Hogan or Macho Man Randy Savage.
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Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Raw Rating Blows Down Doors

I wasn't the only one that liked this week's raw. WWE is announcing that the show did a 4.4 rating for their spectacular 3 hour epic edition of Raw. It really wasn't half bad, and this is good news for them, but can they continue to rise in the ratings?
Also, there are rumors floating around that TNA has been bought out by WWE. Those are just rumors right now, and I have no way of verifying if the two parties even spoke, but there are major rumors flying that the giant WWE may have a stake in TNA...
Consider that Universal (who runs NBC) has renewed WWE's Saturday Night's Main Event for another two years....
Universal runs TNA too....
Is WWE gearing up for the big Monopoly?
We'll see.
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Monday, December 10, 2007
WWE's Favorite Band In The Whole World
If you remember your Wrestlemania history, you'll recall that Wrestlemania 19 was held at Safeco field in Seattle, Wa. They packed that place to the rafters with wrestling fans on the notions that you would see The Rock vs. Stonecold, McMahon vs. Hogan, and many others that were scheduled to wrestle that night. It would prove to be an electric night of wrestling.
But for those of you that don't remember the ppv, and aren't fortunate enough to have the double disc dvd set, you'll be hard pressed to remember that in the event the announcer said the following words:
"And now...here for a special performance, the WWE's Favorite Band In The Whole Wide World...Limp Bizkit!"
And the band played a new song for the crowd that was cheering like crazy.
That was at the beginning of the show.
Then later on in the show, during the Undertaker's theme music, the boys in the Bizkit played the Undertaker's theme live and the Deadman gave Fred Durst a hug as if they were "cool" and were "friends" prompting me to wonder how low the WWE had gotten.
Is the WWE still fans of Limp Bizkit? If they drop a new album will WWE oblige in promoting them once again?

I think only time will tell. But for now, I'm going to be laughing everytime I watch Wrestlemania 19 again.
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But for those of you that don't remember the ppv, and aren't fortunate enough to have the double disc dvd set, you'll be hard pressed to remember that in the event the announcer said the following words:
"And now...here for a special performance, the WWE's Favorite Band In The Whole Wide World...Limp Bizkit!"
And the band played a new song for the crowd that was cheering like crazy.
That was at the beginning of the show.
Then later on in the show, during the Undertaker's theme music, the boys in the Bizkit played the Undertaker's theme live and the Deadman gave Fred Durst a hug as if they were "cool" and were "friends" prompting me to wonder how low the WWE had gotten.
Is the WWE still fans of Limp Bizkit? If they drop a new album will WWE oblige in promoting them once again?

I think only time will tell. But for now, I'm going to be laughing everytime I watch Wrestlemania 19 again.
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Sunday, December 9, 2007
Bret Hart Hates WWE

I'm tired, and I'm sure you guys are tired of clicking links that say that Bret Hart will be at this monday's big 15th anniversary celebration for Raw. WWE still hasn't learned have they?
If the Montreal screw job was a work, then yes, this is ok, but if it wasn't a work, like many of us believe, then why would Bret Hart show up? He hates the WWE, he says in his latest book that he will never forgive Shawn Michaels, nor HHH for ruining wrestling for him.
Hart will NOT BE at Raw, he is NEVER coming back to a live television taping again.
If he does...Hell will freeze over. Let's stop link baiting wrestling fans. Let's move on now.
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Friday, December 7, 2007
The Triumph and Tragedy of WCCW Dvd

I wasn't really looking to check this dvd out, but it is really one of the better wrestling dvd's that I've seen in a long time. I had the chance to check out a preview of this dvd and it sure was the real deal. It had some great matches, it had an amazing story, and the message is definitely clear, and I recommend this dvd above most of the other wwe dvd's that have come out lately. Pick up your copy of this awesome dvd here. It truly is a great one, and showcases some great wrestling action and the message is definitely great.
To see this film for yourself, pick it up by clicking below:
Carlito Stays In WWE

Remember when I said that Carlito was 90% sure to leave?
Well he's not leaving, and to reward him WWE has given him a LADDER MATCH INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE SHOT!
That's right, this is going to go off! Carlito can work and hardy as we know works his butt off whenever there is a ladder involved.
This could mean that the title goes to Carlito, and then Hardy beats HHH or loses whatever, but no title has to be sacrificed in the process!
This monday night is shaping up to be quite cool.
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intercontinental championship,
monday night raw,
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Did Samoa Joe Shoot?

Everyone is discussing this hot topic and after hearing the comments that Samoa Joe made at the Turning Point ppv, I'm wondering myself; Did Samoa Joe shoot?
I don't know.
His comments were basically what every fan of TNA has been thinking for a long time.
The notion that the older, has beens from WCW and WWE glory are coming into TNA and thinking they could just do whatever they want without any sort of problems is ludicrous. Not only that, this comes in light of the fact that Scott Hall no showed.
From what I have heard, this also caused some problems back stage after Samoa Joe's rant went on.
In the back, they had a meeting, in which TNA management gathered all the wrestlers contracts and basically said that anyone that was not happy with the direction of TNA could speak up and they would void their contract on the spot.
Who left?
And everyone else stood there and shut their mouths.
Samoa Joe shooting seems like a low tactic by TNA to drum up controversy, in the same fashion that WCW did post 2000 and a major factor in how WCW fell and was eventually bought out by Vince McMahon.
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Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Vampiro Joins The Police Force

Just when you thought you heard it all, this piece of news hits you hard. Vampiro has joined the Mexican fight against crime. Crime is in fact out of control in Mexico and while they are in dire need of law enforcement, I don't know if Vampiro is the guy that's going to save the country from villains.
This seems like it would be out of a comic book of sorts, but I kid you not, Vampiro is joining the Guardian Angel's group in Mexico to combat crime. The guardian angels didn't work in the United States, they are not going to work in the meaner and more desperate streets of Mexico.
However, if Vampire dresses like his Lucha Libre persona, then maybe he can unleash some major punishment, including the Nail in the Coffin. (the michinoku driver)
This is laughable, but it is in fact news, and you can read the news bit Here.
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The Worst Return Ever

Chris Jericho's return is now officially the worst return in a very long time.
Y2J was supposed to come and make a big splash, but reports are coming in that Orton will go over Jericho at Armageddon and from what it looks like on Raw, Jericho just isn't that good.
I'm sure he's just going to do whatever WWE says. Orton is getting the monster push and him having the title is just ridiculous. He's not a good champion...For all the hype that Chris Jericho got on his return and the magazine cover, he is truly not shocking.
His first return was in fact incredible though. Interrupting The Rock, was great and the reaction that he received was deafening. However, his return was the worst kept secret in Wrestling, and now he's mediocre, and I'm waiting for something or someone else to come back and save us...because Y2J isn't doing well.
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Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Umaga is A Threat?

Umaga sucks.
But more than just a bad and horrible wrestler at this point, he is the focus of my question of the week. Y2J is coming out and he pics a great opponent for Orton, HBK, but Orton picks Umaga for Y2J to face. Sure he has never faced him before, but Umaga isn't even good at this point anymore. Umaga has been losing to all the faces since Wrestlemania, and he's no longer a legitimate threat to the faces.
Can we write Umaga off the show now? Or repackage him as a legit threat?
Y2J looked crsip last night, and Umaga did pull his own weight, but I was not liking the match up and felt Y2J should have been challenged. But that's alright, because we saw an Orton RKO!
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Monday, December 3, 2007
Wrestlemania 24 To End Illiteracy
I'm a big fan of literacy, and I loved how Rey Mysterio jr. and the WWE partnered a few years back to help get kids to start reading more. You even were given a free poster from WWE and a book for signing up with their reading program online. I remember the poster was really bad, with Rey Mysterio jumping over a bunch of books as if they were a hurdle to jump over to get to the prize.
I also did receive a complimentary copy of their road trips book which featured Big Show and Rey Mysterio on the cover.
But i didn't know the promotion went so well, then I checked out the news piece below: (rss subscribers click here to see article) It is an article about wwe partnering up to promote literacy once again. That's pretty cool.
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I also did receive a complimentary copy of their road trips book which featured Big Show and Rey Mysterio on the cover.
But i didn't know the promotion went so well, then I checked out the news piece below: (rss subscribers click here to see article) It is an article about wwe partnering up to promote literacy once again. That's pretty cool.
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Edge Interview with Marvel Comics

Right before his major return to WWE Edge was interviewed for Marvel Comics, and he had a few things to say about Comic Books and other subjects. Topics ranging from Who he would like to wrestle in the Marvel Universe, His Favorite Comic Books growing up, and a variety of other things. Here's a an excerpt:
Marvel.com: How did you get to be a Marvel fan?
Edge: I've always loved comics, basically since I can remember. Comics along with [the band] KISS were really the first things that I discovered. For some reason I latched onto those things. I loved the artwork and, also as long as I can remember, I've been able to draw.......
You can check out the whole interview Here, thanks to Marvel Online. It's probably one of the better things they have done in recent news from the comic book giant.
Edge of course has returned and is involved in the worst story line in wrestling histories...ranking right up there with the Katie Vick Storyline.
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Sunday, December 2, 2007
DDP vs. Goldberg Halloween Havoc 98
In 1998, my favorite Goldberg match happened. It happened at Halloween Havoc 1998, and it was the main event. The way the match flowed, the near falls, the Diamond Cutter, I thought for sure it was the end of the streak. I had no idea if Goldberg's streak was to end that month, or not, because the match was so convincing.
DDP vs. Goldberg is by far one of the best Bill Goldberg matches ever. He didn't just plow through DDP in a few seconds, he actually worked and DDP's style meshed so well that this match is one of my favorites of all time.
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bill goldberg,
diamond dallas page,
wrestling video
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Eddie Guerrero Spins In Grave
I don't know about you guys, but when I saw this recap last night, things finally clicked.
Eddie Guerrero is spinning in his grave! Seriously, this is bad. Who grenlighted this?
Why didn't Chavo Guerrero jump in and say NO! This is disgusting, but this is getting people talking, so maybe WWE knows what their doing...it's sick though, really sick.
Lita at least looked somewhat good, and she is a wild cat! Vickie? I don't know...I just don't know what to think, this is bad.
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eddie guerrero,
vickie guerrero,
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