But for those of you that don't remember the ppv, and aren't fortunate enough to have the double disc dvd set, you'll be hard pressed to remember that in the event the announcer said the following words:
"And now...here for a special performance, the WWE's Favorite Band In The Whole Wide World...Limp Bizkit!"
And the band played a new song for the crowd that was cheering like crazy.
That was at the beginning of the show.
Then later on in the show, during the Undertaker's theme music, the boys in the Bizkit played the Undertaker's theme live and the Deadman gave Fred Durst a hug as if they were "cool" and were "friends" prompting me to wonder how low the WWE had gotten.
Is the WWE still fans of Limp Bizkit? If they drop a new album will WWE oblige in promoting them once again?

I think only time will tell. But for now, I'm going to be laughing everytime I watch Wrestlemania 19 again.
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