The show started of with John Cena…lame.
The Colons defeated The Miz & John Morrison
Apparently the titles were on the line? This is the first time I’ve seen The Colon’s look strong and walk out victorious on smackdown. The two put up a good match up against the better team, and actually stole one, yeah, ,they stole one. Carlito picked up the victory after the back cracker, and got his woman back. The match took a little while, considering that they don’t usually put that much time into matches these days. I really thought this match was well done, and it’s a shame that it doesn’t happen more often. The Colons are still champs, although the titles should be unified so that only 1 team is the highest.
Vladimir Kozlov defeated The Undertaker
This match was quite the match up, and I guess we won’t need to see Undertaker and this dude at Wrestlemania now right? The match was intense, with a lot of moments going to Undertakers, tired bag of moves, and thins were going very well indeed for the Deadman. He eventually got up to the top rope and was ready to drop a lariat off the top, but was caught midway by Kozlov into a powerslam! He hooked the leg, and it was all over. That’s right, Kozlov has defeated The Undertaker clean! This is the second shocker of the week! I didn’t think Christian would lose on ECW and he did, and I didn’t think Undertaker would lose clean to Kozlov but he did. Wow, WWE is throwing some curve balls at me, and I’m starting to dig Smackdown. A good overall match, it was given time to develop, and I liked it. I still can’t believe Kozlov won without cheating or anything. A shocker indeed.
Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy were supposed to wrestle, but nothing happened. Jeff went to ringside, then walked away, and that was it. Lame. What a build up through advertising, for nothing.
Chavo Guerrero defeated Shelton Benjamin (non title match)
Chavo gets a nod in the right direction. This was a quick match up and the story wasn’t that great in the ring. The major story here was that Chavo was thrown into MVP, forcing a quick distraction as Shelton Benjamin tried to role up Chavo, only to lose in a reversal. Post match, MVP hit the Drive By on Benjamin, and the two are set on a path for a nice collision in the near future.
Big Show defeated John Cena
It was hard for me to get into this match up. I already saw these two wrestle at Wrestlemania and Cena won. Cena won the US Title off of big show, to be exact. This match was actually not half bad, and Big Show knows what to do with his huge frame. I actually started to believe the impossible, maybe Cena will lose for a change. Then he was mounting a come back and even did the Attitude Adjuster on Big Show! I thought this match was in the bag for Cena, then a quick distraction from Edge led to Big Show hitting Cena in the face with a closed fist, a chokeslam and BOOM. Big Show defeated John Cena with a pinfall.
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 2/28/09 Results
The Colons defeated The Miz & John Morrison
Vladimir Kozlov defeated The Undertaker
Chavo Guerrero defeated Shelton Benjamin (non title match)
Big Show defeated John Cena
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
Friday, February 27, 2009
TNA Impact 2/2609 Results and Review The Main Event Mafia Saga
I didn’t want to review TNA this week, because I’m so jaded. TNA hasn’t had a whole lot to offer in a long time. However, tonight, I thought something might happen, so I tuned in and here is what I saw.
The Beautiful People defeated Madison Rayne & Taylor Wilde
I’m not sure why, but I always think that The Beautiful People have been in porno movies. They just have that “porno” quality to me. I guess hat’s a good thing in regards to keeping me watching, good job Tna? This match was not half ad, the women in TNA can actually wrestle and they know a little bit about in ring psychology, which is something that is missing from a lot of wwe diva matches. Madison Rayne looks like a mix of Jenna Jameson and Jenny McCarthy, and officially turned heel after slapping Taylor Wilde, letting The Beautiful People pick up the victory.
Beer Money defeated The Rock N Rave Infection
What can I say? Beer Money has to be the best tag team in wrestling right now. They work well togther, they cheat to win, and they work stiff if need be. The majority of their matches usually end with something going awry for the other team, but overall, these guys are like a well oiled machine, and it’s something that TNA can capitalize on. WWE does not have a good tag team division, but if TNA could make the tag teams as important as the rest of the roster, we could see a huge upgrade of viewers of the product. I know I remember when WWF released The Best of WWF and it was all tag matches, that was interesting to me, and I would still watch tag teams if they were as good as Beer Money. Alas, that’s not going to happen anytime soon.
Sojourner Bolt & Rhaka Khan defeted Awesome Kong & Raisha Saeed
The Knockouts once again shined in this match up. The second on the show, and it wasn’t bad. Bolt seemed to be trying too hard, slipping up here and there. Khan is not ready for this level of involvement as she was looking green out there. Saeed, I bet is sexy under all that mystery, just a quick note. The match was good and fast, the spots weren’t insane, but overall, this was a good match up, better than any wwe divas match, that’s for sure. Bolt got the pin with a backslide, pinning combination.
Alex Shelley defeated Lethal Consequences and Chris Sabin in a 4 way ladder match
This match was too short. There weren’t many high spots, no bloodshed, and not a whole lot to this match up. It was obviously shorted because it was on television and no on ppv. The match went on and the guys tried to do their best, but it just wasn’t enough. Shelley sprinted up to the top, pulled the belt and successfully defended his x-division title. This match should’ve been given the full last section of the show or a ppv match up.
The whole show ended with a terrible contract signing. This show ended so bad that I wanted to just fall asleep.
TNA Impact 2/26/09 Results
The Beautiful People defeated Madison Rayne & Taylor Wilde
Beer Money defeated The Rock N Rave Infection
Sojourner Bolt & Rhaka Khan defeted Awesome Kong & Raisha Saeed
Alex Shelley defeated Lethal Consequences and Chris Sabin in a 4 way ladder match
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
The Beautiful People defeated Madison Rayne & Taylor Wilde
I’m not sure why, but I always think that The Beautiful People have been in porno movies. They just have that “porno” quality to me. I guess hat’s a good thing in regards to keeping me watching, good job Tna? This match was not half ad, the women in TNA can actually wrestle and they know a little bit about in ring psychology, which is something that is missing from a lot of wwe diva matches. Madison Rayne looks like a mix of Jenna Jameson and Jenny McCarthy, and officially turned heel after slapping Taylor Wilde, letting The Beautiful People pick up the victory.
Beer Money defeated The Rock N Rave Infection
What can I say? Beer Money has to be the best tag team in wrestling right now. They work well togther, they cheat to win, and they work stiff if need be. The majority of their matches usually end with something going awry for the other team, but overall, these guys are like a well oiled machine, and it’s something that TNA can capitalize on. WWE does not have a good tag team division, but if TNA could make the tag teams as important as the rest of the roster, we could see a huge upgrade of viewers of the product. I know I remember when WWF released The Best of WWF and it was all tag matches, that was interesting to me, and I would still watch tag teams if they were as good as Beer Money. Alas, that’s not going to happen anytime soon.
Sojourner Bolt & Rhaka Khan defeted Awesome Kong & Raisha Saeed
The Knockouts once again shined in this match up. The second on the show, and it wasn’t bad. Bolt seemed to be trying too hard, slipping up here and there. Khan is not ready for this level of involvement as she was looking green out there. Saeed, I bet is sexy under all that mystery, just a quick note. The match was good and fast, the spots weren’t insane, but overall, this was a good match up, better than any wwe divas match, that’s for sure. Bolt got the pin with a backslide, pinning combination.
Alex Shelley defeated Lethal Consequences and Chris Sabin in a 4 way ladder match
This match was too short. There weren’t many high spots, no bloodshed, and not a whole lot to this match up. It was obviously shorted because it was on television and no on ppv. The match went on and the guys tried to do their best, but it just wasn’t enough. Shelley sprinted up to the top, pulled the belt and successfully defended his x-division title. This match should’ve been given the full last section of the show or a ppv match up.
The whole show ended with a terrible contract signing. This show ended so bad that I wanted to just fall asleep.
TNA Impact 2/26/09 Results
The Beautiful People defeated Madison Rayne & Taylor Wilde
Beer Money defeated The Rock N Rave Infection
Sojourner Bolt & Rhaka Khan defeted Awesome Kong & Raisha Saeed
Alex Shelley defeated Lethal Consequences and Chris Sabin in a 4 way ladder match
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
ECW on Scifi 2/23/09 Results and Review
Mark Henry defeated Dj Gabriel
As soon as Mark Henry was announced as the guy who would fight Dj Gabriel, I knew things were going south for the Alex Wright wannabe. Mark Henry took a few moments to drop Dj and then hit the World’s Strongest Slam, and it was all over. Goodnight and Good luck Dj Gabriel. He’s not dancing now.
Tyson Kidd defeated Matt Boyce
What an easy victory for Tyson Kidd. The match was ok, but it was another jobber match. I don’t really see the point, I don’t think that this is the way you get talent over. He should wrestle someone more relevant, instead of these random no name idiots. Kidd once again looks crisp in ring, but he hasn’t had a real test yet.
Tommy Dreamer defeated Paul Burchill
Give The Boogeyman the assist in this match up, that featured Tommy Dreamer finally picking up a victory! That’s right, Tommy Dreamer finally gets a victory, getting the better of Burchill. The match was one sided, and it really took off when Boogeyman grabbed Katie Lea from under the ring! This gave enough of a distraction to let Dreamer get the victory. Is this the beginning of a comeback before Tommy Dreamer retires ECW Champion? I don’t know.
Jack swagger defeated Christian
What a match! This was an instant classic, the match took about half the show, and was good overall for Christian. Christian made Swagger work more than any other opponent in recent times. This was an interesting match up as time went on, and the crowd was turning red hot. Christian favored his shoulder towards the end, but he was doing everything he could as fast as he could to get a win. I kid you not, this is the best match I’ve seen in WWE in a long time. Christian and Swagger went back and forth in a match that you would swear was from the mid 90’s as Christian was working like he was about to win the world title at Wrestlemania. Christian was going for his finishing move but the shoulder got in his way and Jack Swagger hit the gutwrench powerbomb and defeats Christian clean! Best match up I’ve seen in a long time, seriously, this was a good one.
ECW on Scifi 2/23/09 Results
Mark Henry defeated Dj Gabriel
Tyson Kidd defeated Matt Boyce
Tommy Dreamer defeated Paul Burchill
Jack swagger defeated Christian
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
As soon as Mark Henry was announced as the guy who would fight Dj Gabriel, I knew things were going south for the Alex Wright wannabe. Mark Henry took a few moments to drop Dj and then hit the World’s Strongest Slam, and it was all over. Goodnight and Good luck Dj Gabriel. He’s not dancing now.
Tyson Kidd defeated Matt Boyce
What an easy victory for Tyson Kidd. The match was ok, but it was another jobber match. I don’t really see the point, I don’t think that this is the way you get talent over. He should wrestle someone more relevant, instead of these random no name idiots. Kidd once again looks crisp in ring, but he hasn’t had a real test yet.
Tommy Dreamer defeated Paul Burchill
Give The Boogeyman the assist in this match up, that featured Tommy Dreamer finally picking up a victory! That’s right, Tommy Dreamer finally gets a victory, getting the better of Burchill. The match was one sided, and it really took off when Boogeyman grabbed Katie Lea from under the ring! This gave enough of a distraction to let Dreamer get the victory. Is this the beginning of a comeback before Tommy Dreamer retires ECW Champion? I don’t know.
Jack swagger defeated Christian
What a match! This was an instant classic, the match took about half the show, and was good overall for Christian. Christian made Swagger work more than any other opponent in recent times. This was an interesting match up as time went on, and the crowd was turning red hot. Christian favored his shoulder towards the end, but he was doing everything he could as fast as he could to get a win. I kid you not, this is the best match I’ve seen in WWE in a long time. Christian and Swagger went back and forth in a match that you would swear was from the mid 90’s as Christian was working like he was about to win the world title at Wrestlemania. Christian was going for his finishing move but the shoulder got in his way and Jack Swagger hit the gutwrench powerbomb and defeats Christian clean! Best match up I’ve seen in a long time, seriously, this was a good one.
ECW on Scifi 2/23/09 Results
Mark Henry defeated Dj Gabriel
Tyson Kidd defeated Matt Boyce
Tommy Dreamer defeated Paul Burchill
Jack swagger defeated Christian
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
dj gabriel,
ecw review,
jack swagger,
mark henry,
paul burchill,
tommy dreamer,
tyson kidd
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
WWE Monday Night Raw 2/23/09 Results and Review The Hunt
The show opened up with Vickie Guerrero announcing that she is now the official Raw General Manager. Man, she’s getting more screen time than Eddie Guerrero (rip) ever did. I guess that’s a good thing for her family, but what about the kids? Why doesn’t anyone think of the kids? Whatever. John Cena came down the ramp to interrupt, and the crowd wasn’t completely booing here, once again Cena is getting that fan favorite status because he’s working with people that have so much heat, that even he looks great to adult and smart fans. Edge came out to yell at Cena, after Cena wanted a title match for later in the night.
Who needs the wwe draft? Screw the draft, and just have the talent work both shows. It works each time, and with the champions going back and forth, the tag teams going back and forth, and so many different talented workers going both shows, this could be a great thing. It worked for wcw in the late 90’s, wwe could do it too; assuming they don’t implode. The wwe doesn’t follow it’s own set aside rules concerning the draft, so why even continue to have talent brand separation? It makes no sense right now, and the next match once again illustrates the point.
Cm Punk defeated The Miz & John Morrison in a triple threat match
Cm Punk basically fought a handicap match against the tag team champions. While I never agree with the tag champions losing in a math together, I accepted this one for wha it was, because both The Miz and Morrison were fighting each other to get the pin. The match had great spots featuring Punk getting the upper hand with double moves. Best spot was definitely the bulldog to clothesline combination he hit on miz and Morrison, great stuff indeed. Punk defeats both guys in this triple threat match and he’ll go on to wrestlemania and wrestle in the Money in the Bank match.
Melina & Cryme Tyme defeated Santino, Dolph Ziggler, and Beth Phoenix
This match started off a little slow, and overall it was ok. Ziggler seemed interesting, like a throwback to an older state of wrestling. He could go far just on looks alone, but not with that goofy gimmick. Santino wouldn’t tag in, which made for comical exchanges between him and Ziggler. Santino finally got tagged in and was taken out by one move…sadly. Santino is funny, but he needs some wrestling skills to back his mouth up.
Shawn Michaels defeated JBL
It was announced during this match up that the winner would face Kozlov next week on Raw. Once again proving that the WWE does NOT need a draft. The match was a solid wrestling match, nothing too unexpected though. These two guys have formulaic matches, and HBK is becoming the new age Ric Flair, doing nothing new. At least when Bret Hart used to wrestle the same match, he would mix it up a little, it seems that there is nothing new with HBK. It’s still entertaining, and this match was a little longer than usual. Good stuff overall, a little shallow, but that’s that.
Mike Knox defeated Jamie Noble
Jamie Noble lost to Mike Knox in 29 seconds. What a waste of time. Noble should quit the WWE.
Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat was announced for the WWE Hall of Fame.
After the announcement was made Chris Jericho jumped out to get on the mic and verbally abuse Ricky Steamboat. He called him a loser and got even more heat from the crowd. I’m not sure where this is going, but Jericho better bet leading up to a match with someone in the hall of fame….say…Macho Man Randy Savage? It will never happen, but I’d pay good money to see it, if Macho could wrestle. I heard his back is messed up though.
John Cena defeated Chavo Guerrero
Once again, why have a draft? Whatever. John Cena made easy work out of Chavo Guerrero. It’s a sad thing to see such a talented wrestler, get such a bad shake of things. Chavo is a glorified jobber. By having Cena defeat him so quickly proves that Chavo isn’t ready to capture the U.S title on Smackdown and further proves that the WWE hates cruiserweights. Sadly, one of the worst things that happened to Chavo was the death of Eddie Guerrero, because Chavo sucks now…tremendously sucks.
Like the old west, there was a showdown in the ring at the end of Raw. Triple H came out to ringside with a sledge hammer and a back up sledge hammer and ran down Randy Orton and his cronies to the back of the arena! They kept running and Triple H gave chase until they seemingly were cornered!
This thing gt into comical places as Orton and Dibiase were chased out their Limousine. Triple H broke some glass, chased the idiots, and they fled in a car. That was the end of Raw…nothing more nothing less.
What is this wcw 2000? Come on man…what a stupid story line. Just have them fight already! Remember the Macho Man DDP feud? That is what we need.
WWE Monday Night Raw 2/23/09 Results
Cm Punk defeated The Miz & John Morrison in a triple threat match
Melina & Cryme Tyme defeated Santino, Dolph Ziggler, and Beth Phoenix
Shawn Michaels defeated JBL
Mike Knox defeated Jamie Noble
John Cena defeated Chavo Guerrero
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
Who needs the wwe draft? Screw the draft, and just have the talent work both shows. It works each time, and with the champions going back and forth, the tag teams going back and forth, and so many different talented workers going both shows, this could be a great thing. It worked for wcw in the late 90’s, wwe could do it too; assuming they don’t implode. The wwe doesn’t follow it’s own set aside rules concerning the draft, so why even continue to have talent brand separation? It makes no sense right now, and the next match once again illustrates the point.
Cm Punk defeated The Miz & John Morrison in a triple threat match
Cm Punk basically fought a handicap match against the tag team champions. While I never agree with the tag champions losing in a math together, I accepted this one for wha it was, because both The Miz and Morrison were fighting each other to get the pin. The match had great spots featuring Punk getting the upper hand with double moves. Best spot was definitely the bulldog to clothesline combination he hit on miz and Morrison, great stuff indeed. Punk defeats both guys in this triple threat match and he’ll go on to wrestlemania and wrestle in the Money in the Bank match.
Melina & Cryme Tyme defeated Santino, Dolph Ziggler, and Beth Phoenix
This match started off a little slow, and overall it was ok. Ziggler seemed interesting, like a throwback to an older state of wrestling. He could go far just on looks alone, but not with that goofy gimmick. Santino wouldn’t tag in, which made for comical exchanges between him and Ziggler. Santino finally got tagged in and was taken out by one move…sadly. Santino is funny, but he needs some wrestling skills to back his mouth up.
Shawn Michaels defeated JBL
It was announced during this match up that the winner would face Kozlov next week on Raw. Once again proving that the WWE does NOT need a draft. The match was a solid wrestling match, nothing too unexpected though. These two guys have formulaic matches, and HBK is becoming the new age Ric Flair, doing nothing new. At least when Bret Hart used to wrestle the same match, he would mix it up a little, it seems that there is nothing new with HBK. It’s still entertaining, and this match was a little longer than usual. Good stuff overall, a little shallow, but that’s that.
Mike Knox defeated Jamie Noble
Jamie Noble lost to Mike Knox in 29 seconds. What a waste of time. Noble should quit the WWE.
Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat was announced for the WWE Hall of Fame.
After the announcement was made Chris Jericho jumped out to get on the mic and verbally abuse Ricky Steamboat. He called him a loser and got even more heat from the crowd. I’m not sure where this is going, but Jericho better bet leading up to a match with someone in the hall of fame….say…Macho Man Randy Savage? It will never happen, but I’d pay good money to see it, if Macho could wrestle. I heard his back is messed up though.
John Cena defeated Chavo Guerrero
Once again, why have a draft? Whatever. John Cena made easy work out of Chavo Guerrero. It’s a sad thing to see such a talented wrestler, get such a bad shake of things. Chavo is a glorified jobber. By having Cena defeat him so quickly proves that Chavo isn’t ready to capture the U.S title on Smackdown and further proves that the WWE hates cruiserweights. Sadly, one of the worst things that happened to Chavo was the death of Eddie Guerrero, because Chavo sucks now…tremendously sucks.
Like the old west, there was a showdown in the ring at the end of Raw. Triple H came out to ringside with a sledge hammer and a back up sledge hammer and ran down Randy Orton and his cronies to the back of the arena! They kept running and Triple H gave chase until they seemingly were cornered!
This thing gt into comical places as Orton and Dibiase were chased out their Limousine. Triple H broke some glass, chased the idiots, and they fled in a car. That was the end of Raw…nothing more nothing less.
What is this wcw 2000? Come on man…what a stupid story line. Just have them fight already! Remember the Macho Man DDP feud? That is what we need.
WWE Monday Night Raw 2/23/09 Results
Cm Punk defeated The Miz & John Morrison in a triple threat match
Melina & Cryme Tyme defeated Santino, Dolph Ziggler, and Beth Phoenix
Shawn Michaels defeated JBL
Mike Knox defeated Jamie Noble
John Cena defeated Chavo Guerrero
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
beth phoenix,
c.m punk,
chavo guerrero,
cryme tyme,
dolph ziggler,
john cena,
john morrison,
mike knox,
monday night raw,
the miz
Monday, February 23, 2009
WCW Worldwide Sting & The British Bulldog vs Bobby Eaton & Chris Benoit 1993 Video
Here we go, another WCW classic video. World Championship Wrestling's Worldwide with a match up featuring some of the great acquisitions from WWF at the time. The British Bulldog, if you didn't know had gone over to WCW where "the big boys play". Worldwide 1993 and it's not crazy, or is it?
Sting & The British Bulldog vs. Beautiful Bobby Eaton & Chris Benoit
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
Sting & The British Bulldog vs. Beautiful Bobby Eaton & Chris Benoit
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
chris benoit,
classic wrestling clips,
the british bulldog,
wrestling video
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Stan Hansen vs. The Dynamite Kid Video
Remember the British Bulldogs? Now that was a tag team, but here is a classic bout you probably never saw. This match up is not with a major company and unless you were part of the vhs trade like I was at one point, you didn't see this one.
Here for you, Stan Hansen vs. Dynamite Kid!
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
Here for you, Stan Hansen vs. Dynamite Kid!
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
WCW Sting & The Great Muta vs The Steiner Brothers 1992 Japan Video
Here is something for you guys, on a Saturday! If you're a big fan of Sting now, you should really check this classic match up from 1992. It is The Great Muta teaming up with Sting to fight off The Steiner Brothers in Japan! This match is insane, you don't see this kind of great wrestling in the wwe right now.
I spent a lot of time tracking down these videos when I was younger. Before youtube you had to really work to get these on vhs, but now you can see them online and via dvd from various sorts of places.
So without further ado, here it is:
Sting & The Great Muta vs. Scott & Rick Steiner "The Steiner Brothers" from 1992
Live in Japan
World Championship Wrestling
and for the conclusion, here is Part 2:
So there you have it, a little piece of Wrestling history. Stick around this site for another classic clip tomorrow, and reviews of WWE Monday Night Raw, ECW on Sci Fi, Tna Impact, and of course Friday Night Smackdown!
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
I spent a lot of time tracking down these videos when I was younger. Before youtube you had to really work to get these on vhs, but now you can see them online and via dvd from various sorts of places.
So without further ado, here it is:
Sting & The Great Muta vs. Scott & Rick Steiner "The Steiner Brothers" from 1992
Live in Japan
World Championship Wrestling
and for the conclusion, here is Part 2:
So there you have it, a little piece of Wrestling history. Stick around this site for another classic clip tomorrow, and reviews of WWE Monday Night Raw, ECW on Sci Fi, Tna Impact, and of course Friday Night Smackdown!
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
classic wrestling clips,
tag teams,
the steiner brothers,
world championship wrestling
Friday, February 20, 2009
WWE Smackdown 2/20/09 Results and Review Now Way Out Fallout
The show started with Hardy and Edge exchanging words. Hardy looks dumb with so much make up on, I wish h would stop that. Edge looked confident as ever. This was dumb, I’d rather see a match, but whatever.
Michelle McCool & Maryse defeated Eve Torres & Maria
Once again, the bad girls of WWE win this opening tag team divas match on Smackdown. The girls really tried had to set up a good overall match. There were some great moments, and they are improving in the wrestling psychology stages, but overall there wasn’t a whole lot too this match up. The match was swift and once again the bad girls won, as was expected.
Mvp defeated Chavo Guerrero & Shelton Benjamin
MVP fought two guys in this match up after R Truth had to bow out of a tag team match up. The most interesting thing that happened during this match was Chavo turned on Shelton! That was great, Chavo refused to partner with Shelton after a while. Leaving Shelton to fight off Mvp alone, and by the time Shelton regained his composure after a huge Frog Splash from Chavo, MVP hit the drive by kick and lights out! MVP wins again!
Umaga defeated Scotty Goldman
Well, if you don’t already know, Goldman was fired earlier today. This match was his last televised match and he lost fast. Umaga beat the hell out of him and pinned him. The crowd was wowed by the timing of Umaga, that’s for sure; I agree it was impressive, but it is a far cry from seeing Umaga face a real opponent.
Jeff Hardy defeated Edge via disqualification
Jeff Hardy and Edge didn’t really disappoint. These two guys know how to put on a good show when in the main event. This match wasn’t half bad, lots of fast paced back and forth action. The end came with a disqualification thanks to Matt Hardy coming in and once again beating up Jeff Hardy, this time with a Twist of Fate! That’s right, another betrayal, and it’s all over. Bad news for Hardy because he probably won’t get another title shot until he manages to edge out Matt.
WWE Smackdown 2/20/09 Results
Michelle McCool & Maryse defeated Eve Torres & Maria
Mvp defeated Chavo Guerrero & Shelton Benjamin
Umaga defeated Scotty Goldman
Jeff Hardy defeated Edge via disqualification
Overall a terrible night in wrestling, there was a lot of story line and not that much wrestling. There were random moments with the Colons, lots of flash backs and random moments that really have nothing to do with wrestling as much as they have to do with story lines. It was like watching Raw this time, which can be good or bad depending on which way you look at it. We also learned that Undertaker will face Kozlov at Wrestlemania for the streak, which means it will be 17 and 0. That is unless JBL and HBK don't get involved. It was just a random night of wrestling, that's for sure.
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
Michelle McCool & Maryse defeated Eve Torres & Maria
Once again, the bad girls of WWE win this opening tag team divas match on Smackdown. The girls really tried had to set up a good overall match. There were some great moments, and they are improving in the wrestling psychology stages, but overall there wasn’t a whole lot too this match up. The match was swift and once again the bad girls won, as was expected.
Mvp defeated Chavo Guerrero & Shelton Benjamin
MVP fought two guys in this match up after R Truth had to bow out of a tag team match up. The most interesting thing that happened during this match was Chavo turned on Shelton! That was great, Chavo refused to partner with Shelton after a while. Leaving Shelton to fight off Mvp alone, and by the time Shelton regained his composure after a huge Frog Splash from Chavo, MVP hit the drive by kick and lights out! MVP wins again!
Umaga defeated Scotty Goldman
Well, if you don’t already know, Goldman was fired earlier today. This match was his last televised match and he lost fast. Umaga beat the hell out of him and pinned him. The crowd was wowed by the timing of Umaga, that’s for sure; I agree it was impressive, but it is a far cry from seeing Umaga face a real opponent.
Jeff Hardy defeated Edge via disqualification
Jeff Hardy and Edge didn’t really disappoint. These two guys know how to put on a good show when in the main event. This match wasn’t half bad, lots of fast paced back and forth action. The end came with a disqualification thanks to Matt Hardy coming in and once again beating up Jeff Hardy, this time with a Twist of Fate! That’s right, another betrayal, and it’s all over. Bad news for Hardy because he probably won’t get another title shot until he manages to edge out Matt.
WWE Smackdown 2/20/09 Results
Michelle McCool & Maryse defeated Eve Torres & Maria
Mvp defeated Chavo Guerrero & Shelton Benjamin
Umaga defeated Scotty Goldman
Jeff Hardy defeated Edge via disqualification
Overall a terrible night in wrestling, there was a lot of story line and not that much wrestling. There were random moments with the Colons, lots of flash backs and random moments that really have nothing to do with wrestling as much as they have to do with story lines. It was like watching Raw this time, which can be good or bad depending on which way you look at it. We also learned that Undertaker will face Kozlov at Wrestlemania for the streak, which means it will be 17 and 0. That is unless JBL and HBK don't get involved. It was just a random night of wrestling, that's for sure.
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
chavo guerrero,
jeff hardy,
matt hardy,
michelle mccool,
shelton benjamin,
smackdown review,
Tna Impact 2/19/09 Results and Review More Angle Less Sting
The last time I heard of an empty arena match it was for the Super Bowl half time and featured Mick Foley and the Rock. It was one of the worst pieces of crap that wrestling has ever thrown at us.
The Motor City Machine defeated Guns Lethal Consequences
These two teams really fought each other, and it was basically a TLC match up. There were a lot of hard spots, including ladders and chairs. This match was a classic spot fest, and was almost like ECW had a small child, because this is what it used to be like back on ECW tv. The Motor City Machine Guns took over and won this match up, and their lame theme song played. I hate their entrance music, it’s so soft; this was an ok match at best.
Shane Sewell and LAX defeated Brutus Magnus, Sheik Abdul Bashir, and Matt Morgan
I guess Matt Morgan is heel now. Whatever, this match started off slow, and picked up a little, as most matches of this magnitude tend to do. Overall, not a terrible match up, but I’m not sure why this match happened. It seemed like they basically smashed six guys together because they needed to get some air time, that’s about it. Hernandez hit the Border Toss on Bashir and Shane Sewell got tagged in for the quick top rope move and it was over!
Taylor Wilde defeated Angelina Love
This match was good. Pretty standard Knockouts match up. I am always surprised with these women and I’m never not interesting in their matches; that being said, this match was a little short and I wanted more to it, but I guess they need to clear some room, good overall.
Beer Money defeated Team Canada (Eric Young & Petey Williams)
Apparently this match was for the careers or the belts. Weird. The former Team Canada members were working perfectly together, making this an entertaining early match up. Beer Money did get the upper hand after a while, but it wasn’t as impressive as the younger guys, who were like a house on fire in this match up, throwing everything but the kitchen sink at Beer Money. Storm hit the Last Call on Petey Williams and it’s all over! Petey Williams is supposedly fired….I don’t know.
Sting vs. Kurt Angle (no contest)
I hate empty arena matches. Terry Funk fought Jerry Lawler in an empty arena match that was kind of cool, but these things usually suck. This match had both men outside of the ring, out to the floor and through the bleacher sections. Kurt Angle did a lot of taunting, which made the match stupid for me, because I don’t need to hear him talking. Sting was ready to knockout Kurt Angle with a chair, and Angle was crying and begging for Sting not to hit him, prompting Nash to come out and begging for it. Angle then asked to hit him, then Nash and Steiner stopped the match. So much for a clear cut winner…this sucked.
Tna Impact 2/19/09 Results
The Motor City Machine defeated Guns Lethal Consequences
Shane Sewell and LAX defeated Brutus Magnus, Sheik Abdul Bashir, and Matt Morgan
Taylor Wilde defeated Angelina Love
Beer Money defeated Team Canada (Eric Young & Petey Williams)
Sting vs. Kurt Angle (no contest)
One of the worst impacts of all time.
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
The Motor City Machine defeated Guns Lethal Consequences
These two teams really fought each other, and it was basically a TLC match up. There were a lot of hard spots, including ladders and chairs. This match was a classic spot fest, and was almost like ECW had a small child, because this is what it used to be like back on ECW tv. The Motor City Machine Guns took over and won this match up, and their lame theme song played. I hate their entrance music, it’s so soft; this was an ok match at best.
Shane Sewell and LAX defeated Brutus Magnus, Sheik Abdul Bashir, and Matt Morgan
I guess Matt Morgan is heel now. Whatever, this match started off slow, and picked up a little, as most matches of this magnitude tend to do. Overall, not a terrible match up, but I’m not sure why this match happened. It seemed like they basically smashed six guys together because they needed to get some air time, that’s about it. Hernandez hit the Border Toss on Bashir and Shane Sewell got tagged in for the quick top rope move and it was over!
Taylor Wilde defeated Angelina Love
This match was good. Pretty standard Knockouts match up. I am always surprised with these women and I’m never not interesting in their matches; that being said, this match was a little short and I wanted more to it, but I guess they need to clear some room, good overall.
Beer Money defeated Team Canada (Eric Young & Petey Williams)
Apparently this match was for the careers or the belts. Weird. The former Team Canada members were working perfectly together, making this an entertaining early match up. Beer Money did get the upper hand after a while, but it wasn’t as impressive as the younger guys, who were like a house on fire in this match up, throwing everything but the kitchen sink at Beer Money. Storm hit the Last Call on Petey Williams and it’s all over! Petey Williams is supposedly fired….I don’t know.
Sting vs. Kurt Angle (no contest)
I hate empty arena matches. Terry Funk fought Jerry Lawler in an empty arena match that was kind of cool, but these things usually suck. This match had both men outside of the ring, out to the floor and through the bleacher sections. Kurt Angle did a lot of taunting, which made the match stupid for me, because I don’t need to hear him talking. Sting was ready to knockout Kurt Angle with a chair, and Angle was crying and begging for Sting not to hit him, prompting Nash to come out and begging for it. Angle then asked to hit him, then Nash and Steiner stopped the match. So much for a clear cut winner…this sucked.
Tna Impact 2/19/09 Results
The Motor City Machine defeated Guns Lethal Consequences
Shane Sewell and LAX defeated Brutus Magnus, Sheik Abdul Bashir, and Matt Morgan
Taylor Wilde defeated Angelina Love
Beer Money defeated Team Canada (Eric Young & Petey Williams)
Sting vs. Kurt Angle (no contest)
One of the worst impacts of all time.
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
angelina love,
beer money,
big petey pump,
eric young,
kurt angle,
motor city machine guns,
shane sewell,
taylor wilde,
tna impact results
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
ECW on SciFi 2/17/09 Results and Review Christian Returns Again
Paul Burchill defeated The Boogeyman
The Boogeyman and Burchill open up the show, even though they tried this match before. Overall a quick match up with nothing too crazy, Burchill won with a quick roll up, in a fast match up. Nothing impressive at all. This wasn’t really a match at all it was just a random job.
John Morrison defeated Tommy Dreamer
Once again, Tommy Dreamer looks dazed and confused. He used to at least win some of these matches, but not anymore. He’s been getting beaten to a pulp each week on Ecw. I’m not sure if they are leading to a Tommy Dreamer ECW title run, but if they are, they are doing a terrible job building Dreamer to that. Morrison looked to be losing at one point, missing most of his high spots, and after The Miz was banned from ring side, I thought maybe things could change for the better. This was just momentary as he came back with his finishing maneuver, and it’s all over. Dreamer loses again.
Tyson Kidd defeated Caden Mathews
Another throwaway match on ECW; this show is turning into those free shows that WWF used to run on weekends at noon. You know, Wrestling Challenge and Superstars, two of my childhood favorite shows. This match was over before I finished my train of thought on the match up. You know who won.
Christian & Finlay defeated Jack Swagger & Mark Henry
Once again, nothing too crazy in this match, which is the standard for ECW, but maybe Christian will change it. Mark Henry and Swagger work well as a team, meanwhile Christian and Finlay seemed to be having trouble in paradise as neither one wanted to acknowledge the other too much. The Crowd was into this one when Captain Charisma got the hot tag, and they came alive for him, until Swagger caught him and dropped him with a picture perfect belly to belly suplex. Christian was getting ready to close this, but Tony Atlas distracted him, at least momentarily, prompting him to just drop a head butt. Hornswoggle jumped in and helped, then Finlay knocked out Henry, but it was Christian with the unprettier to get the three count yet again, and Swagger is pinned by Christian two weeks in a row! Does this mean that Christian is headed to being the new ECW CHAMPION? We’ll see.
ECW on SciFi 2/17/09 Results
Paul Burchill defeated The Boogeyman
John Morrison defeated Tommy Dreamer
Tyson Kidd defeated Caden Mathews
Christian & Finlay defeated Jack Swagger & Mark Henry
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
The Boogeyman and Burchill open up the show, even though they tried this match before. Overall a quick match up with nothing too crazy, Burchill won with a quick roll up, in a fast match up. Nothing impressive at all. This wasn’t really a match at all it was just a random job.
John Morrison defeated Tommy Dreamer
Once again, Tommy Dreamer looks dazed and confused. He used to at least win some of these matches, but not anymore. He’s been getting beaten to a pulp each week on Ecw. I’m not sure if they are leading to a Tommy Dreamer ECW title run, but if they are, they are doing a terrible job building Dreamer to that. Morrison looked to be losing at one point, missing most of his high spots, and after The Miz was banned from ring side, I thought maybe things could change for the better. This was just momentary as he came back with his finishing maneuver, and it’s all over. Dreamer loses again.
Tyson Kidd defeated Caden Mathews
Another throwaway match on ECW; this show is turning into those free shows that WWF used to run on weekends at noon. You know, Wrestling Challenge and Superstars, two of my childhood favorite shows. This match was over before I finished my train of thought on the match up. You know who won.
Christian & Finlay defeated Jack Swagger & Mark Henry
Once again, nothing too crazy in this match, which is the standard for ECW, but maybe Christian will change it. Mark Henry and Swagger work well as a team, meanwhile Christian and Finlay seemed to be having trouble in paradise as neither one wanted to acknowledge the other too much. The Crowd was into this one when Captain Charisma got the hot tag, and they came alive for him, until Swagger caught him and dropped him with a picture perfect belly to belly suplex. Christian was getting ready to close this, but Tony Atlas distracted him, at least momentarily, prompting him to just drop a head butt. Hornswoggle jumped in and helped, then Finlay knocked out Henry, but it was Christian with the unprettier to get the three count yet again, and Swagger is pinned by Christian two weeks in a row! Does this mean that Christian is headed to being the new ECW CHAMPION? We’ll see.
ECW on SciFi 2/17/09 Results
Paul Burchill defeated The Boogeyman
John Morrison defeated Tommy Dreamer
Tyson Kidd defeated Caden Mathews
Christian & Finlay defeated Jack Swagger & Mark Henry
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
ecw review,
jack swagger,
john morrison,
mark henry,
paul burchill,
the miz,
tommy dreamer,
tyson kidd
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
WWE Monday Night Raw 2/17/09 Results and Review
We start off the show with Vickie Guerrero introducing Edge as the new World Heavyweight Champion, to a chorus of boos from the disappointed audience. I still can’t believe that Edge won the title at No Way Out. John Cena joined them talking about rematch, and that made me cringe a little. I do remember the two wrestling or a year straight in a variety of gimmick matches.
Shane McMahon called out Randy Orton to an unsanctioned fight before the first commercial break.
Priceless & William Regal defeated C.M Punk & Cryme Tyme
This match had an interesting dynamic between Regal and Punk. The two were fighting each other tooth and nail, and the other team mates just kind of stood by on the apron. By the time Cryme Tyme came into this match up, I knew what was going on. Another burial of Cryme Tyme as Priceless picks up the victory in this match up. It wasn’t too bad, but it was just weird to see how this went down. I wasn’t too impressed with this match at all, and felt that the wwe could’ve given us a better match. However, the Regal and Punk feud is going to boil once again with another great match up sooner than later. Maybe Regal can bring back those brass knuckles he had back a couple of years before.
Chris Jericho came out to give a speech about Mickey Rourke but was interrupted by none other than Rowdy Roddy Piper, that’s right, Roddy Piper on Raw live; but that prompted Chris Jericho to sock Piper in the face. This was a good segment, but I’m not sure where this is all going, Jericho is seriously getting heat, but who’s going to shut him up? I’m not sure what’s going on with Jericho but he has to the most hated man in wrestling right now.
Kane defeated Jamie Noble
This was hilarious. Jamie Noble actually tried to fight Kane, but he was severely mismatched and was thrown nearly through the ring with a chokeslam. This match was fast and over before Noble could do anything. Why even keep him on the roster?
Mike Knox defeated Rey Mysterio Jr.
I knew this was going to go this route. Mysterio put on a good overall show, and he did have Mike Knox cornered and looking wobbly a few times. However, Knox was just overpowering a lot of the times and I thought for sure he would defeat Mysterio in this one. However, Knox rammed his shoulder into the ring post and Mysterio took advantage with a roll up, winning this match! I thought for sure Knox had Mysterio’s number in this one, but something ended up going well for him this time.
Melina defeated Beth Phoenix
This match was terrible. Seriously, this was one of the worst matches I’ve ever seen. The divas didn’t have a good match at all. Melina eventually won with a roll up, after the rest of the divas attacked Santino at ring side. With Beth Phoenix distracted Melina rolled her up and it was over.
Randy Orton defeated Shane McMahon in an unsanctioned street fight
Randy Orton was getting taking a lot of damage in this fight. McMahon was all over him, and was doing everything he could to maul the former Champion. Orton didn’t get much in early on and even towards the middle of the match up was not in control. The end of this fight came with Priceless coming down and helping Randy Orton out, but it got worse when Randy Orton punted Shane McMahon to oblivion and he couldn’t continue any longer. Then Randy Orton hit Stephanie McMahon with the RKO! That’s right folks, after all was said and done RANDY ORTON HIT STEPHANIE MCMAHON with a picture perfect RKO! This prompted Triple H to run down and clear the ring to check in on Stephanie. Is this going to prompt a Triple H vs. Randy Orton match at Wrestlemania? I think so.
WWE Monday Night Raw 2/17/09 Results
Priceless & William Regal defeated C.M Punk & Cryme Tyme
Kane defeated Jamie Noble
Melina defeated Beth Phoenix
Mike Knox defeated Rey Mysterio Jr.
Randy Orton defeated Shane McMahon in an unsanctioned street fight
The best part of this Raw was the ending, a good overall ending to an otherwise terrible Raw.
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Shane McMahon called out Randy Orton to an unsanctioned fight before the first commercial break.
Priceless & William Regal defeated C.M Punk & Cryme Tyme
This match had an interesting dynamic between Regal and Punk. The two were fighting each other tooth and nail, and the other team mates just kind of stood by on the apron. By the time Cryme Tyme came into this match up, I knew what was going on. Another burial of Cryme Tyme as Priceless picks up the victory in this match up. It wasn’t too bad, but it was just weird to see how this went down. I wasn’t too impressed with this match at all, and felt that the wwe could’ve given us a better match. However, the Regal and Punk feud is going to boil once again with another great match up sooner than later. Maybe Regal can bring back those brass knuckles he had back a couple of years before.
Chris Jericho came out to give a speech about Mickey Rourke but was interrupted by none other than Rowdy Roddy Piper, that’s right, Roddy Piper on Raw live; but that prompted Chris Jericho to sock Piper in the face. This was a good segment, but I’m not sure where this is all going, Jericho is seriously getting heat, but who’s going to shut him up? I’m not sure what’s going on with Jericho but he has to the most hated man in wrestling right now.
Kane defeated Jamie Noble
This was hilarious. Jamie Noble actually tried to fight Kane, but he was severely mismatched and was thrown nearly through the ring with a chokeslam. This match was fast and over before Noble could do anything. Why even keep him on the roster?
Mike Knox defeated Rey Mysterio Jr.
I knew this was going to go this route. Mysterio put on a good overall show, and he did have Mike Knox cornered and looking wobbly a few times. However, Knox was just overpowering a lot of the times and I thought for sure he would defeat Mysterio in this one. However, Knox rammed his shoulder into the ring post and Mysterio took advantage with a roll up, winning this match! I thought for sure Knox had Mysterio’s number in this one, but something ended up going well for him this time.
Melina defeated Beth Phoenix
This match was terrible. Seriously, this was one of the worst matches I’ve ever seen. The divas didn’t have a good match at all. Melina eventually won with a roll up, after the rest of the divas attacked Santino at ring side. With Beth Phoenix distracted Melina rolled her up and it was over.
Randy Orton defeated Shane McMahon in an unsanctioned street fight
Randy Orton was getting taking a lot of damage in this fight. McMahon was all over him, and was doing everything he could to maul the former Champion. Orton didn’t get much in early on and even towards the middle of the match up was not in control. The end of this fight came with Priceless coming down and helping Randy Orton out, but it got worse when Randy Orton punted Shane McMahon to oblivion and he couldn’t continue any longer. Then Randy Orton hit Stephanie McMahon with the RKO! That’s right folks, after all was said and done RANDY ORTON HIT STEPHANIE MCMAHON with a picture perfect RKO! This prompted Triple H to run down and clear the ring to check in on Stephanie. Is this going to prompt a Triple H vs. Randy Orton match at Wrestlemania? I think so.
WWE Monday Night Raw 2/17/09 Results
Priceless & William Regal defeated C.M Punk & Cryme Tyme
Kane defeated Jamie Noble
Melina defeated Beth Phoenix
Mike Knox defeated Rey Mysterio Jr.
Randy Orton defeated Shane McMahon in an unsanctioned street fight
The best part of this Raw was the ending, a good overall ending to an otherwise terrible Raw.
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
beth phoenix,
c.m punk,
cryme tyme,
jamie noble,
mike knox,
monday night raw,
randy orton,
rey mysterio jr.,
shane mcmahon,
william regal,
Sunday, February 15, 2009
WWE No Way Out 2009 Results and Review Elimination Chambers
This month’s ppv was all hype and really debatable delivery. I opted NOT to go see it live even though it was in my home town. I just ordered the ppv, it would’ve been cheaper that way for me. So tonight, here is how it all went down!
Up first was the Smackdown main event, which was odd. I didn’t know that they would have the first chamber match up at the beginning, but apparently it is so.
Triple H defeated Edge, Kozlov, Jeff Hardy, and The Big show in a WWE Championship Elimination Chamber Match
Edge started the match with Jeff Hardy. Hardy started fast and furious, getting the better of Edge, initiating the quick start that a ppv really should have. Jeff Hardy was quick, so quick that Edge got caught up in a school boy pin, and was eliminated! That’s right, Edge was eliminated immediately, and this promises that we will see an all new CHAMPION! That’s right, EDGE is eliminated early in the first elimination chamber match up.
Kozlov was the next guy in against Jeff Hardy. Kozlov immediately disabled a much tired Jeff Hardy. Hardy was obviously fatigued and was losing this one thanks to the Russian brawler. Hardy managed to turn the tables within the five minutes, and then out came The Big Show! That’s right, The Big Show came out and started to stomp the tired competitors out easily. He was throwing around Hardy like a ragdoll! Kozlov and Big Show was the best part of the middle of the match up. Kozlov was fighting Big show and showing that he had some chops. Triple H was the next guy in and started cleaning house right away. Things really picked up as a fresh Triple H was hitting everyone that was moving. Hardy was knocked out cold, and Triple H was on a road to winning by dropping everyone in the ring, and as Hardy tried to get in the mix he got a huge Lariat for his troubles. Undertaker came in shortly after this, and started to clear things up completely. He was killing it in there, and eventually dropped Kozlov off for the last ride and he was eliminated. Big Show took advantage after this and was taking out everyone. Jeff Hardy climbed to the top of one of the pods, and fell onto Big Show with a swanton, and Triple H pulled a cover out of it!
The final three were Undertaker, Jeff Hardy and Triple H!
I thought Jeff Hardy had this sewn up, but after a bad landing onto the Game who was on he outside, Undertaker delivered a monstrous Tombstone Piledriver to eliminate Hardy. The final two were The Undertaker and Triple H! I had money on Taker…just so you know. The two started off fast, and this was definitely a good bout. The Game had the early upper hand, but things spilled out onto the ramp, and then Triple H looked like he was going down with a HUGE Tombstone, but somehow, somehow he landed one leg on the ropes! That’s right, he got hit with a HUGE Tombstone, and I thought it was all over, but no…one foot on the rope stopped this thing. Moments later the Pedigree got hit! The Pedigree knocked out Taker but didn’t keep him down for the three count! Triple H then got a third or fourth wind, and after yet another Pedigree, Undertaker was pinned and our new champion is Triple H. That’s right, Triple H wins!
Randy Orton defeated Shane McMahon
The second match of the night was the Randy Orton Shane McMahon grudge match. Shane started things out fast, having Randy have to come back fast. The shots were not average, as Shane was working really stiff here. Shane McMahon had things going for him well with Randy Orton busted wide open, and McMahon getting ready to launch off the top rope. Legacy ran down and helped Orton, but it back fired quickly with Shane making a comeback. He climbed the third rope then flew for a huge elbow drop, but Orton moved and Shane McMahon took a huge bump trough the announce table! Later on in the match up, Randy Orton delivered a huge SuperPlex from the third rope through a table! That’s right, HUGE right through the table, breaking Shane in half. Still no pinfall though; McMahon got a second wind and started to hit Orton with a steel chair, and was set to punt the crap out of Orton’s head! He got a running start and ran straight into an RKO! Randy Orton then pinned McMahon and it was over. Hopefully we’ll see Vince take on Randy at Wrestlemania to get the ultimate revenge!
Jack Swagger defeated Finlay
This was a mil match up. It was very boring to say the least. It wasn’t all that great at all. It was a ground level technical match up, nothing too crazy here, which sucked the life out of the crowd. Swagger worked really hard though, and barely got out alive as Finlay had this sewn up with the Rolling Hills set up, but after a counter Swagger pinned Finlay and it was all over.
Shawn Michaels defeated JBL
JBL was in full charge over Shawn Michaels. HBK was getting really worked overall in this match up. Shawn was thrown outside the ring several times, and then his wife slapped JBL! A second wind got under the sails of HBK for the second half of this match up and he was looking like the old HBK! He was on fire and he was getting in good in this match up. He eventually hit sweet chin music and won! This match was formulaic and really lame. It wasn’t that great…trust me. HBK wins and this feud is hopefully over.
Edge defeated Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio Jr, Mike Knox, Kane, and John Cena
Kofi Kingston was suppose to be in this match up, but Edge ran down and knocked out Kofi Kingston! That’s right, Kofi Kingston was knocked out cold and Edge put himself into the World Championship Match Up!
Rey Mysterio and Jericho started things off in this match, and it wasn’t half bad. The two work well together, and things picked up greatly when Kane jumped in! Kane really pushed things once inside and was fresh, knocking around both Jericho and Rey Mysterio. Rey as climbing all over the cage and jumping some huge drops to hit people; that being said, he eliminated Kane! That’s right, Kane was eliminated by Rey Mysterio after a huge nearly twenty foot plunge of a seated senton! Nice work indeed, that’s for sure. The next person in was Mike Knox and he immediately went to work on Rey Mysterio. He nearly knocked him out right from the start, and then isolated him and Jericho. Chris Jericho randomly hit the code breaker on Mike Knox and eliminated him! That’s right, Jericho eliminated Mike Knox, and it left Mysterio and Jericho alone with Cena and Edge in the pods! After a few moments all participants were in! John Cena was hit with the Code Breaker, The 619, and a spear by edge, and was pinned! Cena is out, promising a new champion later on! Mysterio reversed The Walls of Jericho into a pin, and eliminated Chris Jericho! Edge and Rey Mysterio were the final two competitors in this match up! Rey Mysterio was trying everything to stay in this match including a reversed 619 to edge, some amazing results overall, but Edge somehow knocked out Rey Mysterio, and won via pinfall! That’s right, EDGE won the Raw side of things!
WWE No Way Out 2009 Results
Triple H defeated Edge, Kozlov, Jeff Hardy, and The Big show in a WWE Heavyweight Championship Elimination Chamber Match
Randy Orton defeated Shane McMahon
Jack Swagger defeated Finlay
Shawn Michaels defeated JBL
Edge defeated Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio Jr, Mike Knox, Kane, and John Cena in a WWE Championship elimination chamber match
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
Up first was the Smackdown main event, which was odd. I didn’t know that they would have the first chamber match up at the beginning, but apparently it is so.
Triple H defeated Edge, Kozlov, Jeff Hardy, and The Big show in a WWE Championship Elimination Chamber Match
Edge started the match with Jeff Hardy. Hardy started fast and furious, getting the better of Edge, initiating the quick start that a ppv really should have. Jeff Hardy was quick, so quick that Edge got caught up in a school boy pin, and was eliminated! That’s right, Edge was eliminated immediately, and this promises that we will see an all new CHAMPION! That’s right, EDGE is eliminated early in the first elimination chamber match up.
Kozlov was the next guy in against Jeff Hardy. Kozlov immediately disabled a much tired Jeff Hardy. Hardy was obviously fatigued and was losing this one thanks to the Russian brawler. Hardy managed to turn the tables within the five minutes, and then out came The Big Show! That’s right, The Big Show came out and started to stomp the tired competitors out easily. He was throwing around Hardy like a ragdoll! Kozlov and Big Show was the best part of the middle of the match up. Kozlov was fighting Big show and showing that he had some chops. Triple H was the next guy in and started cleaning house right away. Things really picked up as a fresh Triple H was hitting everyone that was moving. Hardy was knocked out cold, and Triple H was on a road to winning by dropping everyone in the ring, and as Hardy tried to get in the mix he got a huge Lariat for his troubles. Undertaker came in shortly after this, and started to clear things up completely. He was killing it in there, and eventually dropped Kozlov off for the last ride and he was eliminated. Big Show took advantage after this and was taking out everyone. Jeff Hardy climbed to the top of one of the pods, and fell onto Big Show with a swanton, and Triple H pulled a cover out of it!
The final three were Undertaker, Jeff Hardy and Triple H!
I thought Jeff Hardy had this sewn up, but after a bad landing onto the Game who was on he outside, Undertaker delivered a monstrous Tombstone Piledriver to eliminate Hardy. The final two were The Undertaker and Triple H! I had money on Taker…just so you know. The two started off fast, and this was definitely a good bout. The Game had the early upper hand, but things spilled out onto the ramp, and then Triple H looked like he was going down with a HUGE Tombstone, but somehow, somehow he landed one leg on the ropes! That’s right, he got hit with a HUGE Tombstone, and I thought it was all over, but no…one foot on the rope stopped this thing. Moments later the Pedigree got hit! The Pedigree knocked out Taker but didn’t keep him down for the three count! Triple H then got a third or fourth wind, and after yet another Pedigree, Undertaker was pinned and our new champion is Triple H. That’s right, Triple H wins!
Randy Orton defeated Shane McMahon
The second match of the night was the Randy Orton Shane McMahon grudge match. Shane started things out fast, having Randy have to come back fast. The shots were not average, as Shane was working really stiff here. Shane McMahon had things going for him well with Randy Orton busted wide open, and McMahon getting ready to launch off the top rope. Legacy ran down and helped Orton, but it back fired quickly with Shane making a comeback. He climbed the third rope then flew for a huge elbow drop, but Orton moved and Shane McMahon took a huge bump trough the announce table! Later on in the match up, Randy Orton delivered a huge SuperPlex from the third rope through a table! That’s right, HUGE right through the table, breaking Shane in half. Still no pinfall though; McMahon got a second wind and started to hit Orton with a steel chair, and was set to punt the crap out of Orton’s head! He got a running start and ran straight into an RKO! Randy Orton then pinned McMahon and it was over. Hopefully we’ll see Vince take on Randy at Wrestlemania to get the ultimate revenge!
Jack Swagger defeated Finlay
This was a mil match up. It was very boring to say the least. It wasn’t all that great at all. It was a ground level technical match up, nothing too crazy here, which sucked the life out of the crowd. Swagger worked really hard though, and barely got out alive as Finlay had this sewn up with the Rolling Hills set up, but after a counter Swagger pinned Finlay and it was all over.
Shawn Michaels defeated JBL
JBL was in full charge over Shawn Michaels. HBK was getting really worked overall in this match up. Shawn was thrown outside the ring several times, and then his wife slapped JBL! A second wind got under the sails of HBK for the second half of this match up and he was looking like the old HBK! He was on fire and he was getting in good in this match up. He eventually hit sweet chin music and won! This match was formulaic and really lame. It wasn’t that great…trust me. HBK wins and this feud is hopefully over.
Edge defeated Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio Jr, Mike Knox, Kane, and John Cena
Kofi Kingston was suppose to be in this match up, but Edge ran down and knocked out Kofi Kingston! That’s right, Kofi Kingston was knocked out cold and Edge put himself into the World Championship Match Up!
Rey Mysterio and Jericho started things off in this match, and it wasn’t half bad. The two work well together, and things picked up greatly when Kane jumped in! Kane really pushed things once inside and was fresh, knocking around both Jericho and Rey Mysterio. Rey as climbing all over the cage and jumping some huge drops to hit people; that being said, he eliminated Kane! That’s right, Kane was eliminated by Rey Mysterio after a huge nearly twenty foot plunge of a seated senton! Nice work indeed, that’s for sure. The next person in was Mike Knox and he immediately went to work on Rey Mysterio. He nearly knocked him out right from the start, and then isolated him and Jericho. Chris Jericho randomly hit the code breaker on Mike Knox and eliminated him! That’s right, Jericho eliminated Mike Knox, and it left Mysterio and Jericho alone with Cena and Edge in the pods! After a few moments all participants were in! John Cena was hit with the Code Breaker, The 619, and a spear by edge, and was pinned! Cena is out, promising a new champion later on! Mysterio reversed The Walls of Jericho into a pin, and eliminated Chris Jericho! Edge and Rey Mysterio were the final two competitors in this match up! Rey Mysterio was trying everything to stay in this match including a reversed 619 to edge, some amazing results overall, but Edge somehow knocked out Rey Mysterio, and won via pinfall! That’s right, EDGE won the Raw side of things!
WWE No Way Out 2009 Results
Triple H defeated Edge, Kozlov, Jeff Hardy, and The Big show in a WWE Heavyweight Championship Elimination Chamber Match
Randy Orton defeated Shane McMahon
Jack Swagger defeated Finlay
Shawn Michaels defeated JBL
Edge defeated Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio Jr, Mike Knox, Kane, and John Cena in a WWE Championship elimination chamber match
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
big show,
elimination chamber,
jack swagger,
no way out,
ppv results,
randy orton,
shane mcmahon,
triple h,
wwe championship
Saturday, February 14, 2009
The Best of Saturday Night's Main Event 3 Disc Dvd Set Out Now

Once again, the WWE decides to give us a great 3 disc collection. If you haven't already heard, this week WWE released a three disc compilation of Saturday Night's Main Event! That's right, a three disc set of the best of Saturday Night's Main Event! Here are the matches on this awesome box set.
Disc 1
Gene Okerlund - A Must See Attraction
WWE Championship Match
Hulk Hogan vs. `Cowboy' Bob Orton
Saturday Night's Main Event May 11, 1985
Uncle Elmer's Wedding
Saturday Night's Main Event October 5, 1985
`Rowdy' Roddy Piper vs. `Mr. Wonderful' Paul Orndorff
Saturday Night's Main Event October 5, 1985
A Trip to the Zoo
Saturday Night's Main Event October 5, 1985
Gene Okerlund - Field Reporting
Halloween Contest
Saturday Night's Main Event November 2, 1985
WWE Championship Match
Hulk Hogan vs. Terry Funk
Saturday Night's Main Event January 4, 1986
Randy Orton Reflects on his Dad
Boxing Match
Mr. T. vs. `Cowboy' Bob Orton
Saturday Night's Main Event March 1, 1986
Gene Okerlund - Settling the Score
Snake Pit Match
Jake `the Snake' Roberts vs. Ricky `the Dragon' Steamboat
Saturday Night's Main Event October 4, 1986
Jake `the Snake' Reflects on Saturday Night's Main Event
WWE Intercontinental Championship Match
`Macho Man' Randy Savage vs. Jake `the Snake' Roberts
Saturday Night's Main Event November 29, 1986
Gene Okerlund - The Steel Cage Match
Steel Cage Match
Hulk Hogan vs. `Mr. Wonderful' Paul Orndorff
Saturday Night's Main Event January 3, 1987
Gene Okerlund - The 8th Wonder of the World
Battle Royal
Saturday Night's Main Event March 14, 1987
Natalya Neidhart Reflects on her Dad
Best 2 out of 3 Falls
Hart Foundation vs. British Bulldogs
Saturday Night's Main Event May 2, 1987
Gene Okerlund - Insurance Policy
WWE Intercontinental Championship Match
Honky Tonk Man vs. `Macho Man' Randy Savage
Saturday Night's Main Event October 3, 1987
Mega Power Formation
Saturday Night's Main Event October 3, 1987
The Union of the Mega Powers
"Piledriver" Music Video
Saturday Night's Main Event October 3, 1987
`Macho Man' Randy Savage vs. Bret Hart
Saturday Night's Main Event November 28, 1987
* First Ever Match on SNME
Ricky Steamboat & The US Express vs. The Iron Sheik, Nikolai Volkoff & George "The Animal" Steele
Saturday Night's Main Event - May 11, 1985
* "Real American" Music Video
Saturday Night's Main Event - March 1, 1986
Disc 2
Gene Okerlund - Turning Back the Clock
WWE Championship Match
Hulk Hogan vs. King Kong Bundy
Saturday Night's Main Event January 2, 1988
Gene Okerlund - The Rematch
WWE Championship Match
Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant
Main Event February 5, 1988
Ted Dibiase Reflects on his Dad
`Macho Man' Randy Savage vs. `Million Dollar Man' Ted Dibiase
Saturday Night's Main Event March 12, 1988
Andre Passes Out
Saturday Night's Main Event March 12, 1988
Hulk Hogan vs. `The King' Harley Race
Saturday Night's Main Event March 12, 1988
Gene Okerlund - Macho Madness
`Macho Man' Randy Savage vs. Andre the Giant
Saturday Night's Main Event November 26, 1988
`Hacksaw' Jim Duggan Reflects on His Flag Match
Saturday Night's Main Event November 26, 1988
WWE Intercontinental Championship Match
Ultimate Warrior vs. Honky Tonk Man
Saturday Night's Main Event January 7, 1989
Beefcake Shaves Ron Bass' head
Saturday Night's Main Event January 7, 1989
Gene Okerlund - A Supreme Alliance
Twin Towers vs. Mega Powers
Main Event February 3, 1989
Gene Okerlund - A Grueling Encounter
Steel Cage Match for the WWE Championship
Hulk Hogan vs. Big Bossman
Saturday Night's Main Event May 27, 1989
Best 2 out of 3 Falls
Rockers vs. Brain Busters
Saturday Night's Main Event November 25, 1989
* Brother Love Interviews Hulk Hogan
Saturday Night's Main Event - November 26, 1988
* Dusty Rhodes vs. Big Bossman - Sapphire's Debut
Saturday Night's Main Event - November 25, 1989
Disc 3
Gene Okerlund - Hogan vs. The Genius
Mr. Perfect & The Genius Smash the WWE Title
Saturday Night's Main Event November 25, 1989
Hulk Hogan & Ultimate Warrior vs. Mr. Perfect & The Genius
Saturday Night's Main Event January 27, 1990
Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura on Horseback
Saturday Night's Main Event April 28, 1990
Hulk Hogan vs. Mr. Perfect
Saturday Night's Main Event April 28, 1990
Rockers vs. Hart Foundation
Saturday Night's Main Event April 28, 1990
Gene Okerlund - Intercontinental Competition
WWE Intercontinental Championship Match
Mr. Perfect vs. Tito Santana
Saturday Night's Main Event July 28, 1990
Saturday Night's Main Event October 13, 1990
20 Man Battle Royal
Saturday Night's Main Event April 27, 1991
Bret Hart vs. `Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase
Saturday Night's Main Event April 27, 1991
Gene Okerlund - FOX Takes Over
Undertaker & Ric Flair vs. Hulk Hogan & Sid
Saturday Night's Main Event February 8, 1992
Roddy Piper Shocks The Mountie
Saturday Night's Main Event February 8, 1992
WWE Intercontinental Championship Match
British Bulldog vs. Shawn Michaels
Saturday Night's Main Event November 14, 1992
Gene Okerlund - The Return
Street Fight
Shawn Michaels vs. Shane McMahon
Saturday Night's Main Event March 18, 2006
RKO on Hulk Hogan
Saturday Night's Main Event July 15, 2006
5 on 2 Elimination Match
D-Generation X vs. Spirit Squad
Saturday Night's Main Event July 15, 2006
Gene Okerlund - One of the Greatest Rivalries in Sports
WWE Championship Match
Edge vs. John Cena
Saturday Night's Main Event July 15, 2006
Gene Okerlund - Television History
* Alfred Hayes & Gene Okerlund Go On Safari
Saturday Night's Main Event - July 28, 1990
* Shawn Michaels Talks About Winning His First Intercontinental Title
* Matt Hardy Talks About Boxing Evander Holyfield
Seriously, this dvd is stacked. Click here to pick up the best of Saturday Night's Main Event, now!
best of wwf,
Saturday Nights Main Event,
wwe dvd,
Friday, February 13, 2009
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 11/13/09 Last Chance Before No Way Outt
Wooo, tomorrow is my birthday and we start tonight off with Vickie and Edge! Vickie doesn’t look that bad tonight, maybe she lost weight or something. I lost track of what was going on, but whatever…
Chavo Guerrero vs. MVP ended in a no contest
This match was mostly Chavo getting good shots in on MVP, however it just didn’t work out. MVP was mounting a comeback but Shelton Benjamin interfered, causing the match to get thrown out. Nothing to great here; lame even.
The Miz & John Morrison defeated The Colons
The second match on the card was a battle of the tag team champions. This match was cool, as the Colons really work well with Miz and Morrison. The stronger team definitely won this match up with great precision! Miz and Morrison are amazing together right now, as they are in tune with every single step that the Colons’ threw at them. Chavo and Primo put up a good match, with some great counters and swift moves, but overall they were no match for the tight team work of Miz and Morrison.
Because Miz and Morrison won this match, they got dates with the Bella Twins. This stemmed after a backstage segment in which we we found out that the Colon’s didn’t give the Bella Twins flowers for Valentines day. Crazy huh? Yeah.
R Truth defeated Ezekiel Jackson
Truth is on a roll, he endured a lot of punishment early on in this match. Ezekiel is very tough and has a very good smash mouth style. He really fought hard, but it was R Truth that did a counter, surprising the big man, and getting the quick win. What’s up!
Maria defeated Michelle McCool
With a little help from Eve, Maria wins. Michelle McCool was winning overall, and this match was terrible. Both of these women can’t really wrestle. Yep, it’s not great, the divas in wwe aren’t that great at what they do. They look great though, they look dang great. We got a roll up victory
Kozlov, Big Show, Triple H, and The Undertaker wrestled to a no contest
This match was interesting, whenever Undertaker wasn’t involved, we saw the heels team up against Triple H. However, Triple H was making sure to not let Undertaker fight him or make him look weak. When Triple H was stranded in the corner, Undertaker was in there cleaning house. How convenient huh? Everyone of the competitors seemed poised to win this match at various moments. However, it just wasn’t meant to be for all involved. Triple H and Undertaker finally got into it, if only briefly as Undertaker’s triangle choke on Big Show was broken by The game. The Undertaker tombstoned Triple H to hell, but Big Show got the last laugh with a HUGE chokeslam on Undertaker. Edge came down the ramp and speared the crap out of Big Show, and the ref threw the match out.
What a terrible Friday Night Smackdown. This is one of the worst Smackdown’s I’ve ever seen in my life. It’s a terrible way to put on a show before the big ppv this Sunday, at least it was free, right? Right?
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 11/13/09
Chavo Guerrero vs. MVP ended in a no contest
The Miz & John Morrison defeated The Colons
Maria defeated Michelle McCool
R Truth defeated Ezekiel Jackson
Kozlov, Big Show, Triple H, and The Undertaker wrestled to a no contest
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
Chavo Guerrero vs. MVP ended in a no contest
This match was mostly Chavo getting good shots in on MVP, however it just didn’t work out. MVP was mounting a comeback but Shelton Benjamin interfered, causing the match to get thrown out. Nothing to great here; lame even.
The Miz & John Morrison defeated The Colons
The second match on the card was a battle of the tag team champions. This match was cool, as the Colons really work well with Miz and Morrison. The stronger team definitely won this match up with great precision! Miz and Morrison are amazing together right now, as they are in tune with every single step that the Colons’ threw at them. Chavo and Primo put up a good match, with some great counters and swift moves, but overall they were no match for the tight team work of Miz and Morrison.
Because Miz and Morrison won this match, they got dates with the Bella Twins. This stemmed after a backstage segment in which we we found out that the Colon’s didn’t give the Bella Twins flowers for Valentines day. Crazy huh? Yeah.
R Truth defeated Ezekiel Jackson
Truth is on a roll, he endured a lot of punishment early on in this match. Ezekiel is very tough and has a very good smash mouth style. He really fought hard, but it was R Truth that did a counter, surprising the big man, and getting the quick win. What’s up!
Maria defeated Michelle McCool
With a little help from Eve, Maria wins. Michelle McCool was winning overall, and this match was terrible. Both of these women can’t really wrestle. Yep, it’s not great, the divas in wwe aren’t that great at what they do. They look great though, they look dang great. We got a roll up victory
Kozlov, Big Show, Triple H, and The Undertaker wrestled to a no contest
This match was interesting, whenever Undertaker wasn’t involved, we saw the heels team up against Triple H. However, Triple H was making sure to not let Undertaker fight him or make him look weak. When Triple H was stranded in the corner, Undertaker was in there cleaning house. How convenient huh? Everyone of the competitors seemed poised to win this match at various moments. However, it just wasn’t meant to be for all involved. Triple H and Undertaker finally got into it, if only briefly as Undertaker’s triangle choke on Big Show was broken by The game. The Undertaker tombstoned Triple H to hell, but Big Show got the last laugh with a HUGE chokeslam on Undertaker. Edge came down the ramp and speared the crap out of Big Show, and the ref threw the match out.
What a terrible Friday Night Smackdown. This is one of the worst Smackdown’s I’ve ever seen in my life. It’s a terrible way to put on a show before the big ppv this Sunday, at least it was free, right? Right?
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 11/13/09
Chavo Guerrero vs. MVP ended in a no contest
The Miz & John Morrison defeated The Colons
Maria defeated Michelle McCool
R Truth defeated Ezekiel Jackson
Kozlov, Big Show, Triple H, and The Undertaker wrestled to a no contest
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
chavo guerrero,
michelle mccool,
r truth,
smackdown results,
smackdown review,
the colons,
the miz,
the undertaker,
triple h,
Tna Impact 2/11/09 Results and Review Post Against All Odds
Team 3D defeated Sting & Kurt Angle
This was essentially what we saw at the ppv match up this past weekend. Only this time it wasn’t for the TNA heavyweight championship. Mid way through this match Kurt Angle and Sting started shoving each other. Then Kurt Angle refused to tag in Sting. Sting had to try and wrestle Team 3-D by himself. Kurt Angle was forced into the match and Team 3-D rolled him up for the win. Team 3-D wins.
Kurt Angle and Sting started fighting each other, and the rest of the Main Event Mafia came in and broke it up. Kurt angle then gets on the mic and starts running his mouth, about how he was suppose to win the title at Against All Odds. Jeff Jarrett comes out nd starts yelling at Kurt. Kurt Angle claims that Sting will lay down for him later on tonight.
TNA is trying to be WCW 2000. This same storyline happened back then.
Aj Styles and Booker T Brawled backstage in a terrible locker room fight. Remember when Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan had that huge blow out at Saturday Night’s Main Event? Now that was a locker room brawl.
Scott Steiner defeated Petey William in a head dress on a pole match
I hate matches that involve something on a pole. We saw this match on PPV this Sunday, and it wasn’t that great then either. This time there is a head dress on a pole, and is really looking stupid to m. Steiner basically controlled this match up completely. Williams gets a few shots in towards the middle of the match up. Steiner looked like he might lose, but nope, Petey Williams get beat when Steiner gives Williams a nice back suplex off the middle rope.
Sojourner Bolt won a knockouts gauntlet
I don’t like the way that TNA does gauntlet matches. This match was essentially a battle royal after a while. This match was interesting for a few moments, but over all it was sub standard. The knockouts are good, but they can’t carry this type of match, at least not for me. I guess it doesn’t help that I had to take a dump during the match. Sojourner Bolt wins and gets a shot at the knockout titles.
Then my dvr crapped out on me. Seriously, the dvr took a dump and I couldn’t watch the rest of the show.
It was getting good though.
Tna Impact 2/12/09 Results
Team 3D defeated Sting & Kurt Angle
Scott Steiner defeated Petey William in a head dress on a pole match
Sojourner Bolt won a knockouts gauntlet
Lethal Consequences defeated Motor City Machine Guns
Beer Money defeated Rhino & Abyss
Sting vs. Kurt Angle no contest
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
This was essentially what we saw at the ppv match up this past weekend. Only this time it wasn’t for the TNA heavyweight championship. Mid way through this match Kurt Angle and Sting started shoving each other. Then Kurt Angle refused to tag in Sting. Sting had to try and wrestle Team 3-D by himself. Kurt Angle was forced into the match and Team 3-D rolled him up for the win. Team 3-D wins.
Kurt Angle and Sting started fighting each other, and the rest of the Main Event Mafia came in and broke it up. Kurt angle then gets on the mic and starts running his mouth, about how he was suppose to win the title at Against All Odds. Jeff Jarrett comes out nd starts yelling at Kurt. Kurt Angle claims that Sting will lay down for him later on tonight.
TNA is trying to be WCW 2000. This same storyline happened back then.
Aj Styles and Booker T Brawled backstage in a terrible locker room fight. Remember when Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan had that huge blow out at Saturday Night’s Main Event? Now that was a locker room brawl.
Scott Steiner defeated Petey William in a head dress on a pole match
I hate matches that involve something on a pole. We saw this match on PPV this Sunday, and it wasn’t that great then either. This time there is a head dress on a pole, and is really looking stupid to m. Steiner basically controlled this match up completely. Williams gets a few shots in towards the middle of the match up. Steiner looked like he might lose, but nope, Petey Williams get beat when Steiner gives Williams a nice back suplex off the middle rope.
Sojourner Bolt won a knockouts gauntlet
I don’t like the way that TNA does gauntlet matches. This match was essentially a battle royal after a while. This match was interesting for a few moments, but over all it was sub standard. The knockouts are good, but they can’t carry this type of match, at least not for me. I guess it doesn’t help that I had to take a dump during the match. Sojourner Bolt wins and gets a shot at the knockout titles.
Then my dvr crapped out on me. Seriously, the dvr took a dump and I couldn’t watch the rest of the show.
It was getting good though.
Tna Impact 2/12/09 Results
Team 3D defeated Sting & Kurt Angle
Scott Steiner defeated Petey William in a head dress on a pole match
Sojourner Bolt won a knockouts gauntlet
Lethal Consequences defeated Motor City Machine Guns
Beer Money defeated Rhino & Abyss
Sting vs. Kurt Angle no contest
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
beer money,
kurt angle,
main event mafia,
scott steiner,
sojourner bolt,
team 3d,
tna impact results
Thursday, February 12, 2009
WWF Randy Savage vs Andre the Giant Saturday Nights Main Event 1988
Today, for our Classic wrestling match update, we are going to feature an excellent bout between two of the biggest stars from the 1980's. We go back now to 1988.
The night is Saturday Night's Main Event from The Arco Arena in Sacramento California!
The match up is between Macho Man Randy Savage and Andre the Giant!
So without further ado, here it is:
Randy Macho Man Savage w/ Miss Elizabeth vs. Andre The Giant w/ Bobby "The Brain" Heenan
Saturday Night's Main Event 1988
Arco Arena
Sacramento, Ca.
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
The night is Saturday Night's Main Event from The Arco Arena in Sacramento California!
The match up is between Macho Man Randy Savage and Andre the Giant!
So without further ado, here it is:
Randy Macho Man Savage w/ Miss Elizabeth vs. Andre The Giant w/ Bobby "The Brain" Heenan
Saturday Night's Main Event 1988
Arco Arena
Sacramento, Ca.
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
ECW 2/11/09 Results and Review The Return of Christian
The instant classic returns! Jack Swagger was randomly talking, and out comes CHRISTIAN! That’s right, Captain Charisma himself, Christian comes out to a standing ovation. Not the biggest pop I’ve ever heard but a good one, and here we have it. CHRISTIAN returns to WWE by talking smack to Jack Swagger. Then he hit Swagger with a huge right hand! Christian leaves to the Crowd going nuts!
Why would Christian want the ECW title? This seems lame. However, Christian wants the winner of Finlay & Swagger at No Way Out. This seems lame. Did Christian ask for t this? I hope that the WWE doesn’t just bury Christian or make him pay for his sin…well considering TNA as a sin. I don’t know.
The Miz defeated Tommy Dreamer
Tommy Dreamer once again gets beaten. This time by none other than The Miz! That’s right, THE MIZ has defeated Tommy Dreamer. Last week I posted a great matchup with Tommy Dreamer throwing someone through a ton of tables. However, this week, Dreamer can’t even defeat the Miz! Sure, I think that the tag team champions should always outsmart someone in a singles match or at least put on a good fight, but to defeat the guy that just one month ago said that he would capture the ECW title? I don’t know, this just seems odd; The Miz wins with a little help from John Morrison.
Tyson Kidd defeated Bao Nguyen
Apparently, the last of the Hart Family Dungeon trained wrestlers is Tyson Kidd. Tyson made his debut by defeating some random dude. This match was fast and nothing too crazy at all. Tyson Kidd and Jamie Noble will most likely get into a feud sooner than later. I seriously think this match was nothing special, although Tyson has some great moves and can go, but a jobber? Not impressed yet.
Christian defeated Jack Swagger
It’s hilarious how the fans weren’t too into this match, even though it was Christian returning. Christian threw up a good match, and I thought that was good. I liked the match overall, however Swagger looked like he was dogging it on purpose. Christian was trying to make a good thing out of a bad situation, having to wrestle Swagger, who obviously was tired. The whole thing turned out ok though as Finlay came down to interfere and BOOM! Christian wins on his first day back!
ECW Results 2/11/09
The Miz defeated Tommy Dreamer
Tyson Kidd defeated Bao Nguyen
Christian defeated Jack Swagger
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
Why would Christian want the ECW title? This seems lame. However, Christian wants the winner of Finlay & Swagger at No Way Out. This seems lame. Did Christian ask for t this? I hope that the WWE doesn’t just bury Christian or make him pay for his sin…well considering TNA as a sin. I don’t know.
The Miz defeated Tommy Dreamer
Tommy Dreamer once again gets beaten. This time by none other than The Miz! That’s right, THE MIZ has defeated Tommy Dreamer. Last week I posted a great matchup with Tommy Dreamer throwing someone through a ton of tables. However, this week, Dreamer can’t even defeat the Miz! Sure, I think that the tag team champions should always outsmart someone in a singles match or at least put on a good fight, but to defeat the guy that just one month ago said that he would capture the ECW title? I don’t know, this just seems odd; The Miz wins with a little help from John Morrison.
Tyson Kidd defeated Bao Nguyen
Apparently, the last of the Hart Family Dungeon trained wrestlers is Tyson Kidd. Tyson made his debut by defeating some random dude. This match was fast and nothing too crazy at all. Tyson Kidd and Jamie Noble will most likely get into a feud sooner than later. I seriously think this match was nothing special, although Tyson has some great moves and can go, but a jobber? Not impressed yet.
Christian defeated Jack Swagger
It’s hilarious how the fans weren’t too into this match, even though it was Christian returning. Christian threw up a good match, and I thought that was good. I liked the match overall, however Swagger looked like he was dogging it on purpose. Christian was trying to make a good thing out of a bad situation, having to wrestle Swagger, who obviously was tired. The whole thing turned out ok though as Finlay came down to interfere and BOOM! Christian wins on his first day back!
ECW Results 2/11/09
The Miz defeated Tommy Dreamer
Tyson Kidd defeated Bao Nguyen
Christian defeated Jack Swagger
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
ecw review,
jack swagger,
the miz,
tommy dreamer,
tyson kidd,
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
WWE Monday Night Raw 2/10/09 Review and Results Shane Returns Again
Nature Boy Ric Flair and Chris Jericho opened up the show, exchanging verbal jabs. Chris Jericho was really pushing his agenda, and it was great. He’s golden on the mic and Flair reacts right on point too. Chris Jericho played up the “satan” role here, meaning that it was like the 40 days of Christ’s temptation. Jericho kept telling Flair to tell the fans they suck, and Flair stood his ground. Wow, I can’t believe I just tried to compare the bible with wrestling, I’m such an idiot. Flair eventually decked Jericho, knocking him down with one solid right hand.
Beth Phoenix & Jillian defeated Kelly Kelly & Melina
No real surprise here folks, the only four divas that seem to ever wrestle each other wrestled each other in this quick match. Nothing too exciting happened until Beth Pheonix dropped Melina with the nice finisher, and picked up the win. I liked this one a lot, and thought it was ok for what it was. You really have to suspend belief with these women. Lame overall but Beth Phoenix’s win was great.
Wrestlemania III is profiled, and I remember it being one of the greatest wrestlemania’s of all time. It definitely is one of my favorites of all time. Seriously, it was amazing. Macho Man Randy Savage and Ricky Steamboat! Yeah Andre and Hogan was huge, but this was great, I loved the Intercontinental Championship in those days, and you know what? It was PG! Yeah suckers, what’cha know about that son? Sorry.
Team Priceless defeated Cryme Tyme
Not very deep here, the young tag team gets the upper hand in this match up. Yeah, once again, Cryme Tyme gets buried. It’s funny how they were once fan favorites and are now slowly unraveling to the point where they either split and go on their separate ways or the company lets them go and wishes them the best on their future endeavors. The match overall was short and to the point. Priceless dominated the majority of the match and eventually got the win. Nothing crazy here, just Cryme Tyme doing the job on tv.
Kane, Chris Jericho, and Mike Knox defeated Kofi Kingston, Rey Mysterio, and John Cena
This match was interesting, but I didn’t have as much fun until things fell apart for the good guys and left Kofi Kingston to fight off Chris Jericho. Kingston put up some great moments but as he was coming off the top rope, Jericho hit the Code Breaker and picked up the win! If you missed this split second move, you really missed out on one of the most well timed Code Breakers I’ve seen in a long time. Seriously, this was good. Cena hit the Attitude Adjustment, which wasn’t all that great at all. I hate that name. Jericho gets the pin, much to the dismay of Knox, and Kane.
Mark Henry defeated Shawn Michaels via disqualification
This was basically nothing short of a throwaway match. The two wrestlers barely did anything and the end came when Shawn Michaels hit sweet chin music on Henry, while Henry was holding a chair. This caused the disqualification and the match was over.
CM Punk defeated William Regal
I really thought this match could’ve been good, but nope. This was a short title defense from Punk and wasn’t as good as the match that he won the title in. Seriously, it wasn’t that good at all. William Regal hit Punk hard a few times and I thought he was legit knocked out, but somehow he managed to stay in there. Punk hit the GTS and pinned Regal yet again.
Wrestlemania 13 is profiled. The best thing that happened in that Wrestlemania was Brett Hart and Stone Cold, one of the best matches of all time. One of my favorite matches of all time, seriously, the best; there is No other feud was that great, no other match can really be on par with that Submission match up.
The Undertaker defeated Randy Orton via disqualification
Good overall match up. This was interesting indeed. Undertaker had everything figured out in this match and even countered the RKO attempt well. It was great stuff, I liked it. Undertaker was in full control of this match up overall, but when it came time for the Tombstone, Priceless ran out and started fighting Taker. This caused the disqualification, but then came out Shane McMahon!
Shane beat up legacy, Randy Orton ran away, and Ted Dibiase got knocked out with a chokeslam then got Shane McMahon going across the ring to hit him with a trashcan shot. It was just like Wrestlemania X-Seven. Shane is going to kill Orton this weekend, but probably won’t win the match.
WWE Monday Night Raw 2/10/09 Results
Beth Phoenix & Jillian defeated Kelly Kelly & Melina
Team Priceless defeated Cryme Tyme
Kane, Chris Jericho, and Mike Knox defeated Kofi Kingston, Rey Mysterio, and John Cena
Mark Henry defeated Shawn Michaels via disqualification
CM Punk defeated William Regal
The Undertaker defeated Randy Orton via disqualification
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
Beth Phoenix & Jillian defeated Kelly Kelly & Melina
No real surprise here folks, the only four divas that seem to ever wrestle each other wrestled each other in this quick match. Nothing too exciting happened until Beth Pheonix dropped Melina with the nice finisher, and picked up the win. I liked this one a lot, and thought it was ok for what it was. You really have to suspend belief with these women. Lame overall but Beth Phoenix’s win was great.
Wrestlemania III is profiled, and I remember it being one of the greatest wrestlemania’s of all time. It definitely is one of my favorites of all time. Seriously, it was amazing. Macho Man Randy Savage and Ricky Steamboat! Yeah Andre and Hogan was huge, but this was great, I loved the Intercontinental Championship in those days, and you know what? It was PG! Yeah suckers, what’cha know about that son? Sorry.
Team Priceless defeated Cryme Tyme
Not very deep here, the young tag team gets the upper hand in this match up. Yeah, once again, Cryme Tyme gets buried. It’s funny how they were once fan favorites and are now slowly unraveling to the point where they either split and go on their separate ways or the company lets them go and wishes them the best on their future endeavors. The match overall was short and to the point. Priceless dominated the majority of the match and eventually got the win. Nothing crazy here, just Cryme Tyme doing the job on tv.
Kane, Chris Jericho, and Mike Knox defeated Kofi Kingston, Rey Mysterio, and John Cena
This match was interesting, but I didn’t have as much fun until things fell apart for the good guys and left Kofi Kingston to fight off Chris Jericho. Kingston put up some great moments but as he was coming off the top rope, Jericho hit the Code Breaker and picked up the win! If you missed this split second move, you really missed out on one of the most well timed Code Breakers I’ve seen in a long time. Seriously, this was good. Cena hit the Attitude Adjustment, which wasn’t all that great at all. I hate that name. Jericho gets the pin, much to the dismay of Knox, and Kane.
Mark Henry defeated Shawn Michaels via disqualification
This was basically nothing short of a throwaway match. The two wrestlers barely did anything and the end came when Shawn Michaels hit sweet chin music on Henry, while Henry was holding a chair. This caused the disqualification and the match was over.
CM Punk defeated William Regal
I really thought this match could’ve been good, but nope. This was a short title defense from Punk and wasn’t as good as the match that he won the title in. Seriously, it wasn’t that good at all. William Regal hit Punk hard a few times and I thought he was legit knocked out, but somehow he managed to stay in there. Punk hit the GTS and pinned Regal yet again.
Wrestlemania 13 is profiled. The best thing that happened in that Wrestlemania was Brett Hart and Stone Cold, one of the best matches of all time. One of my favorite matches of all time, seriously, the best; there is No other feud was that great, no other match can really be on par with that Submission match up.
The Undertaker defeated Randy Orton via disqualification
Good overall match up. This was interesting indeed. Undertaker had everything figured out in this match and even countered the RKO attempt well. It was great stuff, I liked it. Undertaker was in full control of this match up overall, but when it came time for the Tombstone, Priceless ran out and started fighting Taker. This caused the disqualification, but then came out Shane McMahon!
Shane beat up legacy, Randy Orton ran away, and Ted Dibiase got knocked out with a chokeslam then got Shane McMahon going across the ring to hit him with a trashcan shot. It was just like Wrestlemania X-Seven. Shane is going to kill Orton this weekend, but probably won’t win the match.
WWE Monday Night Raw 2/10/09 Results
Beth Phoenix & Jillian defeated Kelly Kelly & Melina
Team Priceless defeated Cryme Tyme
Kane, Chris Jericho, and Mike Knox defeated Kofi Kingston, Rey Mysterio, and John Cena
Mark Henry defeated Shawn Michaels via disqualification
CM Punk defeated William Regal
The Undertaker defeated Randy Orton via disqualification
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
beth phoenix,
c.m punk,
chris jericho,
kelly kelly,
mark henry,
monday night raw,
randy orton,
raw review,
ric flair,
shane mcmahon,
shawn michaels,
the undertaker,
william regal
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Tna Against All Odds 2009 Results and Review
The February ppv for TNA had a stacked card. Well, Stacked for TNA, and it was interesting to say the least. Here is how it all happened live on PPV!
Alex Shelley defeated Eric Young
Eric Young finally got another shot at the x-division title shot, and this time it’s not with Sheik Abdul Bashir. It’s against Alex Shelley, and you know what? The Alex Shelley music sucks so bad, man they need to get him something heavier. This match started out really well. Eric Young had a few missteps and Shelley took advantage of that, making a go for it, and introduction Young to a world of pain, with a lot of rest holds and random submission holds. Eric Young got a second win, and started blocking Alex Shelley’s attempts to get the upper hand. Eric Young then turned things around with a top rope leg drop and then things started to look on the up and up for him, until he missed a moonsault! I definitely thought this match some serious legs, and things looked like they were over many different times. I haven’t seen a good match in a while, and it seems that at least once or twice a month TNA introduces to us what professional wrestling is all about. The super bulldog from Shelley was insane, and the huge frog splash was incredible to say the least. After the near falls from those two moves, there seemed to be a few misses, and I swore that Eric Young screwed up a little. While Eric Young was distracted Shelley took the advantage and rolled up Young, pulled the tights and won the match! Alex Shelley retains the X-division championship.
Big Poppa Pump defeated Petey Williams
I personally feel that this is a complete mismatch, but that’s just me. I don’t know about you, but these two are NOT evenly matched whatsoever. Scott Steiner was getting the best of Petey Williams, creating a David vs Goliath scenario that we see a lot in the WWE with Rey Mysterio. Petey did manage a lot of short dropkicks, ala Konnan, and Steiner definitely had to really sell them, because Williams was proving to be a little more agile than I thought he would be against Big Poppa Pump. Steiner was flustered midway through this match, and it showed as the match went on longer. Steiner has a lot of weight to carry and it didn’t look like Steiner was working on his Cardio too much. Williams was basically smothered throughout the match up. Steiner cinched on the Steiner Recliner on Williams, but Petey managed to get to the ropes and Steiner let him go. Steiner defeated Petey Williams with the first time I’ve seen a reverse Piledriver since Owen Heart screwed up Stone Cold’s neck! Steiner wins with one of the sickest piledriver’s I’ve ever seen. He then finishes things off after the match up with a huge Angle slam off the middle rope.
FYI Samoa Joe’s new face pain makes him look stupid. He calls out Scott Steiner.
Brutus Magnus defeated Chris Sabin
Magnus put out an open challenge. Sabin answered, but his theme music made him look like a chump. This match was kind of funny to me. Magnus is NOT as big as the monster he is trying to portray. His style is similar to Lex Luger’s old style, but he isn’t as big or as tall. He spent a lot of the time trying to look more monstrous than he really was. Magnus hit some finishing move and got the win. Sabin didn’t stand a chance, Sabin sucks and his music sucks.
Someone should tell TNA that they don’t need a 20 minute backstage interview with Team 3-D. They aren’t Hogan, they aren’t Ultimate Warrior, they aren’t charismatic enough to get that kind of position. Oh well.
Awesome Kong defeated ODB
Awesome Kong went right to work on ODB after an initial flurry from the latter. Things weren’t too unlike what we already see on impact, with ODB getting in a good amount of offense before Awesome Kong started to throw her weight around, literally. Awesome Kong then hit a succession of her signature moves, and finally the Implant buster and BOOM! Awesome Kong defeats ODB once again proving that she is the most dominant of all the TNA knockouts.
Booker T defeated Shane Sewell
Booker T looked weak in a lot of this match up. The former or current ref was going nuts after a few minutes of getting beat. His style isn’t lending well to the much taller and bigger Booker T. Once things were going his way, he dropped his guard and Booker T made him pay! Booker T took out the ref, and kept his “legends” title, in one of the worse feuds ever produced for professional wrestling today. Booker T won this one, and then was set to beat on the ref more, but out came Aj Styles! Aj Styles came out and started fighting off Booker! Booker was taking some major shots, and most likely will defend the legends belt against AJ Styles later on. In fact, to foreshadow that, Styles was standing in the ring with the Belt and got on the mic to yammer…lame.
Abyss defeated Matt Morgan
Abyss took a lot of punishment in this match up. The match went all over the arena and eventually got back to the inside of the ring. Matt Morgan was letting Abyss work stiff, as Abyss was hitting heavy handed, closed fists to the top of his head. Abyss was taking liberties at different moments. Eventually the match got more plunder involved and after a few referee bumps, things really got out of control. Abyss eventually landed a black hole slam onto a chair for the big win. Abyss went out and got some thumbtacks and spread them all over the ring, but Morgan left before any damage could be done. Overall a stupid match, with no major moments that I can remember; which hopefully means we’ll never see these idiots fight again.
Beer Money defeated Lethal Consequences
If you’ve seen one tag team title match between Beer Money and any other team on the TNA roster, than you’ve seen them all. This match didn’t exactly thrill too hard. Sure there were moments where you thought someone was going to win, but overall it was the standard Beer Money doing whatever they could to win. So by saying that much, you got a good overall tag team match up. Beer Money is a sure fire throwback to the glory days of Tag Team wrestling! These guys are going to go on to be one of the hall of famers…as far as teams are concerned. Lethal Consequences got a lot of tags in this match up, which is expected. Beer Money walked away yet again with the titles, proving that they are probably hands down the best tag team in TNA right now.
Sting defeated Kurt Angle, Devon Dudley, and Bubba Ray Dudley
I was under the impression that this match was a four way match up, but Team 3D kept it a tag team affair. For the most part it was just them beating the hell out of Sting and Kurt Angle. Right when I started writing that, they were left in the ring together, alone, and they started to go at each other. They just went back and forth, nothing too spectacular, just rights and lefts with Devon getting the early edge before Bubba Ray started shifting his weight around and getting the upper hand. Devon is obviously the more fit of the two as Bubba Ray got tired fast and the two ended their action with a double clothesline, picture perfect double Clothesline; their fight was short lived. The match took a turn for the fun when Sting got locked into a figure four right next to Kurt Angle who was locked into a Boston crab submission hold! He was trying to pin Sting, who was right next to him. Both competitors got out of the holds and they started fighting each other. Kurt Angle got the better of the battle, and I thought for sure he was going to take Sting in this match up, as he was setting Sting up to lose this one. Best spot of the night, definitely was the Doomsday Device that Team 3-D did on Kurt Angle. After the dust settled, Sting hit the scorpion death lock on Bubba Ray to win this one and retain the TNA World Title.
TNA Against All Odds ppv 2009 Results
Alex Shelley defeated Eric Young
Big Poppa Pump defeated Petey Williams
Brutus Magnus defeated Chris Sabin
Awesome Kong defeated ODB
Booker T defeated Shane Sewell
Abyss defeated Matt Morgan
Beer Money defeated Lethal Consequences
Sting defeated Kurt Angle, Devon Dudley, and Bubba Ray Dudley
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
Alex Shelley defeated Eric Young
Eric Young finally got another shot at the x-division title shot, and this time it’s not with Sheik Abdul Bashir. It’s against Alex Shelley, and you know what? The Alex Shelley music sucks so bad, man they need to get him something heavier. This match started out really well. Eric Young had a few missteps and Shelley took advantage of that, making a go for it, and introduction Young to a world of pain, with a lot of rest holds and random submission holds. Eric Young got a second win, and started blocking Alex Shelley’s attempts to get the upper hand. Eric Young then turned things around with a top rope leg drop and then things started to look on the up and up for him, until he missed a moonsault! I definitely thought this match some serious legs, and things looked like they were over many different times. I haven’t seen a good match in a while, and it seems that at least once or twice a month TNA introduces to us what professional wrestling is all about. The super bulldog from Shelley was insane, and the huge frog splash was incredible to say the least. After the near falls from those two moves, there seemed to be a few misses, and I swore that Eric Young screwed up a little. While Eric Young was distracted Shelley took the advantage and rolled up Young, pulled the tights and won the match! Alex Shelley retains the X-division championship.
Big Poppa Pump defeated Petey Williams
I personally feel that this is a complete mismatch, but that’s just me. I don’t know about you, but these two are NOT evenly matched whatsoever. Scott Steiner was getting the best of Petey Williams, creating a David vs Goliath scenario that we see a lot in the WWE with Rey Mysterio. Petey did manage a lot of short dropkicks, ala Konnan, and Steiner definitely had to really sell them, because Williams was proving to be a little more agile than I thought he would be against Big Poppa Pump. Steiner was flustered midway through this match, and it showed as the match went on longer. Steiner has a lot of weight to carry and it didn’t look like Steiner was working on his Cardio too much. Williams was basically smothered throughout the match up. Steiner cinched on the Steiner Recliner on Williams, but Petey managed to get to the ropes and Steiner let him go. Steiner defeated Petey Williams with the first time I’ve seen a reverse Piledriver since Owen Heart screwed up Stone Cold’s neck! Steiner wins with one of the sickest piledriver’s I’ve ever seen. He then finishes things off after the match up with a huge Angle slam off the middle rope.
FYI Samoa Joe’s new face pain makes him look stupid. He calls out Scott Steiner.
Brutus Magnus defeated Chris Sabin
Magnus put out an open challenge. Sabin answered, but his theme music made him look like a chump. This match was kind of funny to me. Magnus is NOT as big as the monster he is trying to portray. His style is similar to Lex Luger’s old style, but he isn’t as big or as tall. He spent a lot of the time trying to look more monstrous than he really was. Magnus hit some finishing move and got the win. Sabin didn’t stand a chance, Sabin sucks and his music sucks.
Someone should tell TNA that they don’t need a 20 minute backstage interview with Team 3-D. They aren’t Hogan, they aren’t Ultimate Warrior, they aren’t charismatic enough to get that kind of position. Oh well.
Awesome Kong defeated ODB
Awesome Kong went right to work on ODB after an initial flurry from the latter. Things weren’t too unlike what we already see on impact, with ODB getting in a good amount of offense before Awesome Kong started to throw her weight around, literally. Awesome Kong then hit a succession of her signature moves, and finally the Implant buster and BOOM! Awesome Kong defeats ODB once again proving that she is the most dominant of all the TNA knockouts.
Booker T defeated Shane Sewell
Booker T looked weak in a lot of this match up. The former or current ref was going nuts after a few minutes of getting beat. His style isn’t lending well to the much taller and bigger Booker T. Once things were going his way, he dropped his guard and Booker T made him pay! Booker T took out the ref, and kept his “legends” title, in one of the worse feuds ever produced for professional wrestling today. Booker T won this one, and then was set to beat on the ref more, but out came Aj Styles! Aj Styles came out and started fighting off Booker! Booker was taking some major shots, and most likely will defend the legends belt against AJ Styles later on. In fact, to foreshadow that, Styles was standing in the ring with the Belt and got on the mic to yammer…lame.
Abyss defeated Matt Morgan
Abyss took a lot of punishment in this match up. The match went all over the arena and eventually got back to the inside of the ring. Matt Morgan was letting Abyss work stiff, as Abyss was hitting heavy handed, closed fists to the top of his head. Abyss was taking liberties at different moments. Eventually the match got more plunder involved and after a few referee bumps, things really got out of control. Abyss eventually landed a black hole slam onto a chair for the big win. Abyss went out and got some thumbtacks and spread them all over the ring, but Morgan left before any damage could be done. Overall a stupid match, with no major moments that I can remember; which hopefully means we’ll never see these idiots fight again.
Beer Money defeated Lethal Consequences
If you’ve seen one tag team title match between Beer Money and any other team on the TNA roster, than you’ve seen them all. This match didn’t exactly thrill too hard. Sure there were moments where you thought someone was going to win, but overall it was the standard Beer Money doing whatever they could to win. So by saying that much, you got a good overall tag team match up. Beer Money is a sure fire throwback to the glory days of Tag Team wrestling! These guys are going to go on to be one of the hall of famers…as far as teams are concerned. Lethal Consequences got a lot of tags in this match up, which is expected. Beer Money walked away yet again with the titles, proving that they are probably hands down the best tag team in TNA right now.
Sting defeated Kurt Angle, Devon Dudley, and Bubba Ray Dudley
I was under the impression that this match was a four way match up, but Team 3D kept it a tag team affair. For the most part it was just them beating the hell out of Sting and Kurt Angle. Right when I started writing that, they were left in the ring together, alone, and they started to go at each other. They just went back and forth, nothing too spectacular, just rights and lefts with Devon getting the early edge before Bubba Ray started shifting his weight around and getting the upper hand. Devon is obviously the more fit of the two as Bubba Ray got tired fast and the two ended their action with a double clothesline, picture perfect double Clothesline; their fight was short lived. The match took a turn for the fun when Sting got locked into a figure four right next to Kurt Angle who was locked into a Boston crab submission hold! He was trying to pin Sting, who was right next to him. Both competitors got out of the holds and they started fighting each other. Kurt Angle got the better of the battle, and I thought for sure he was going to take Sting in this match up, as he was setting Sting up to lose this one. Best spot of the night, definitely was the Doomsday Device that Team 3-D did on Kurt Angle. After the dust settled, Sting hit the scorpion death lock on Bubba Ray to win this one and retain the TNA World Title.
TNA Against All Odds ppv 2009 Results
Alex Shelley defeated Eric Young
Big Poppa Pump defeated Petey Williams
Brutus Magnus defeated Chris Sabin
Awesome Kong defeated ODB
Booker T defeated Shane Sewell
Abyss defeated Matt Morgan
Beer Money defeated Lethal Consequences
Sting defeated Kurt Angle, Devon Dudley, and Bubba Ray Dudley
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
against all odds,
alex shelley,
awesome kong,
big petey pump,
chris sabin,
eric young,
kurt angle,
matt morgan,
scott steiner,
team 3d,
Saturday, February 7, 2009
WCW Paul Orndorff vs Robbie V 1993
Oh yeah, Saturday morning and I'm dead tired. This weekend we are getting TNA's ppv right? I don't know what's going on, I'm too tired at the time of this posting. I wanted to give you guys something to watch for Saturday so here's another classic clip from the WCW days.
Featured today is Paul Orndorff vs. Robbie V from WCW 1993.
What? You don't know who Robbie V is? Three Letters RVD!
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
Featured today is Paul Orndorff vs. Robbie V from WCW 1993.
What? You don't know who Robbie V is? Three Letters RVD!
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
Friday, February 6, 2009
WWE Smackdown 2/6/09 Results and Review Elimination Finals
WWE started off the night with some great action. There was an over the top battle royal to determine the last entrant into the Elimination Chamber at Now Way Out. It looked good overall, but there were some NO NAME idiots in there.
Vladimir Kozlov won an over the top battle royal
Did you really think Kizarni was going to win? Oh and what about Hawkins or Ryder? If that wasn’t enough they also had Jesse & Festus in there, and others. These guys aren’t even contenders, why would they put these idiots in the match? Filler. Lame. The match turned into the Kozllov show, as he was throwing people out left and right. The final five were The Colons, R Truth and Kozlov! Wait! I think that’s only four, man I’m dumb tonight. Kozlov and Truth were the last ones in the ring and they went at it. Truth got one shot in before getting a battering ram and then thrown over the top! Kozlov will join the elimination chamber match up.
Matt Hardy and Shane Helms brawled in the ring. This was not a match, just an open brawl.
MVP defeated Shelton Benjamin
This match was somewhat standard. It was mostly Shelton Benjamin trying to get things going for himself. MVP did get some good shots in, but overall this was a great match up for Shelton Benjamin. He didn’t win this one, but the match had him going for broke, as usual. MVP now gets a title shot for winning this match up.
John Morrison & The Miz, and The Brian Kendrick defeated R Truth and The Colon Brothers
This match was fast paced and exactly what you would expect from these competitors. The guys really tried to fit in a good match up overall. It wasn’t half bad, and after the dust settled from a melee of signature moves, The Kendrick nailed The Kendrick and it was all done. The bad guys win this match up.
Michelle McCool defeated Eve
This match was interesting to say the least. Eve is a new comer to the WWE and this was her first match. Overall, I wasn’t too impressed. She’s definitely green out there, and Michelle McCool didn’t help her cope at all. Michelle put an end to this miserable match up by locking in the Figure Four Leg Lock for the win.
Umaga defeated Kung Fu Naki
Umaga killed Kung Fu Naki. That’s basically it, there was nothing great about the match. Kung Fu Naki is still employed? What the heck is going on with the WWE? Umaga wins with four or five moves, nothing cool in this match at all.
Triple H & Undertaker defeated The Big Show
I was surprised with how long this match went for. Seriously, this match had some legs on it. It seemed to be a good thing, because the guys went out there and threw down some good overall hits. Triple H is looking a little tired though, and Edge was looking good. In fact, Edge carried this match alongside The Big Show. Those two really made for a good match up. Big Show even did a good splash! Undertaker and Triple H are not good together, and from what I know they hate each other backstage. Triple H was getting worked for the most part, but then Undertaker got the hot tag and things changed for the better. Big Show basically abandoned Edge and Undertaker had his way with him. A huge Tombstone later, and Edge was basically buried. Triple H and Undertaker were left standing, both of which barely had enough room for their ego’s in the ring.
WWE Smackdown 2/6/09 Results
Vladimir Kozlov won an over the top battle royal
MVP defeated Shelton Benjamin
John Morrison & The Miz, and The Brian Kendrick defeated R Truth and The Colon Brothers
Michelle McCool defeated Eve
Umaga defeated Kung Fu Naki
Triple H & Undertaker defeated The Big Show
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
Vladimir Kozlov won an over the top battle royal
Did you really think Kizarni was going to win? Oh and what about Hawkins or Ryder? If that wasn’t enough they also had Jesse & Festus in there, and others. These guys aren’t even contenders, why would they put these idiots in the match? Filler. Lame. The match turned into the Kozllov show, as he was throwing people out left and right. The final five were The Colons, R Truth and Kozlov! Wait! I think that’s only four, man I’m dumb tonight. Kozlov and Truth were the last ones in the ring and they went at it. Truth got one shot in before getting a battering ram and then thrown over the top! Kozlov will join the elimination chamber match up.
Matt Hardy and Shane Helms brawled in the ring. This was not a match, just an open brawl.
MVP defeated Shelton Benjamin
This match was somewhat standard. It was mostly Shelton Benjamin trying to get things going for himself. MVP did get some good shots in, but overall this was a great match up for Shelton Benjamin. He didn’t win this one, but the match had him going for broke, as usual. MVP now gets a title shot for winning this match up.
John Morrison & The Miz, and The Brian Kendrick defeated R Truth and The Colon Brothers
This match was fast paced and exactly what you would expect from these competitors. The guys really tried to fit in a good match up overall. It wasn’t half bad, and after the dust settled from a melee of signature moves, The Kendrick nailed The Kendrick and it was all done. The bad guys win this match up.
Michelle McCool defeated Eve
This match was interesting to say the least. Eve is a new comer to the WWE and this was her first match. Overall, I wasn’t too impressed. She’s definitely green out there, and Michelle McCool didn’t help her cope at all. Michelle put an end to this miserable match up by locking in the Figure Four Leg Lock for the win.
Umaga defeated Kung Fu Naki
Umaga killed Kung Fu Naki. That’s basically it, there was nothing great about the match. Kung Fu Naki is still employed? What the heck is going on with the WWE? Umaga wins with four or five moves, nothing cool in this match at all.
Triple H & Undertaker defeated The Big Show
I was surprised with how long this match went for. Seriously, this match had some legs on it. It seemed to be a good thing, because the guys went out there and threw down some good overall hits. Triple H is looking a little tired though, and Edge was looking good. In fact, Edge carried this match alongside The Big Show. Those two really made for a good match up. Big Show even did a good splash! Undertaker and Triple H are not good together, and from what I know they hate each other backstage. Triple H was getting worked for the most part, but then Undertaker got the hot tag and things changed for the better. Big Show basically abandoned Edge and Undertaker had his way with him. A huge Tombstone later, and Edge was basically buried. Triple H and Undertaker were left standing, both of which barely had enough room for their ego’s in the ring.
WWE Smackdown 2/6/09 Results
Vladimir Kozlov won an over the top battle royal
MVP defeated Shelton Benjamin
John Morrison & The Miz, and The Brian Kendrick defeated R Truth and The Colon Brothers
Michelle McCool defeated Eve
Umaga defeated Kung Fu Naki
Triple H & Undertaker defeated The Big Show
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
big show,
john morrison,
kung fu naki,
michelle mccool,
smackdown results,
smackdown review,
the miz,
the undertaker,
triple h,
TNA Impact 2/5/09 Results and Review Family Before Ego
This week, I was able to get Impact, and was really tired. I didn’t see Impact last week so this was all new to me, since they move from story to story on tna, and had to wake up to figure it all out.
Eric Young & Jay Lethal defeated The Motor City Machine Guns
Beer Money came out and attacked Lethal Consequences before the match could ever begin. The Motor City Machine Guns didn’t help, they just watched Beer Money beat up their opponents. The match continued though, and It wasn’t half bad, until the guys started missing their spots. Lethal most noticeably missed a big one. Consequences Creed was injured early on, so Eric Young took his place in this match up. I like Eric Young, he was eventually tagged as the fresh man, and he really looked good out there, hitting spots with ease and making them look good. Eric Young hit the death valley driver with both members of The Motor City Machine Guns on his back and won the match!
The Ref Shane defeated Sheik Abdul Bashir via dq
I hated this. Many TNA fans paid full price to see these two fight each other, with a good build up. Now they are fighting each other for no apparent reason? What the heck? I don’t like this at all. The match wasn’t too bad, standard Bashir match up. Bashir was all over the ref, and was in full control of this match up. This match just didn’t have me excited anymore. I just don’t care. Shane will wrestle Booker T this weekend, should be interesting to see Booker T win an easy match up. He’s not dropping the belt to Shane, trust me. The ref took a bump, and Booker T came out dressed as a ref and helped Bashir get the upper hand! The Ref had Bashir down for the three but Booker T wouldn’t count the pin! The match got thrown out, but I’m awarding the win to the Ref.
The Beautiful People defeated Roxxi & Taylor Wilde
I’ve seen this too many times before. These four women have been involved in matchups for a long time! It almost seems that we’ve gotten this match several times before, and that’s lame. If you’ve seen these women wrestle before, than you probably already saw his same match before. The Beautiful People were in full control of this match up. Roxxi went face first into the steps and didn’t recover until midway through the match up. The Beautiful People win an unlikely match here, and finally look like a dominant team. Cute Kip should’ve been in the Main Event Mafia instead of t his crap.
Post match a Governer Sarah Palin impersonater to hit the “Thrillah from Wasillah” which was a twisting northern lights suplex, aka the perfect plex. I think. It was stupid.
Brutus Magnus defeated Shark Boy
I can’t believe that Shark Boy is still with TNA! I haven’t seen that guy in the ring in a long time, and it looked like he still had that Stone Cold Steve Austin move set…or at least the vest. Magnus looked to be in control overall in this debut. It wasn’t a complete blow out, but Shark Boy lost this one. Lame.
Rhino vs. Matt Morgan No Contest
I lost track of what was going on here. I just know that these two were in a match up when Abyss interfered and caused the match to get thrown out. Nothing major here, Abyss looked scary, and it looks like he has Matt Morgan’s number.
Kurt Angle and sting vs. Team 3-D
This match turned into a no contest when the main event mafia interfered. Not a whole lot to speak of here. Sorry. The tension builds between Kurt Angle and Sting, that’s about it.
TNA Impact 2/5/09 Results
Eric Young & Jay Lethal defeated The Motor City Machine Guns
The Ref Shane defeated Sheik Abdul Bashir via dq
The Beautiful People defeated Roxxi & Taylor Wilde
Brutus Magnus defeated Shark Boy
Rhino vs. Matt Morgan No Contest
Kurt Angle and sting vs. Team 3-D no contest
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
Eric Young & Jay Lethal defeated The Motor City Machine Guns
Beer Money came out and attacked Lethal Consequences before the match could ever begin. The Motor City Machine Guns didn’t help, they just watched Beer Money beat up their opponents. The match continued though, and It wasn’t half bad, until the guys started missing their spots. Lethal most noticeably missed a big one. Consequences Creed was injured early on, so Eric Young took his place in this match up. I like Eric Young, he was eventually tagged as the fresh man, and he really looked good out there, hitting spots with ease and making them look good. Eric Young hit the death valley driver with both members of The Motor City Machine Guns on his back and won the match!
The Ref Shane defeated Sheik Abdul Bashir via dq
I hated this. Many TNA fans paid full price to see these two fight each other, with a good build up. Now they are fighting each other for no apparent reason? What the heck? I don’t like this at all. The match wasn’t too bad, standard Bashir match up. Bashir was all over the ref, and was in full control of this match up. This match just didn’t have me excited anymore. I just don’t care. Shane will wrestle Booker T this weekend, should be interesting to see Booker T win an easy match up. He’s not dropping the belt to Shane, trust me. The ref took a bump, and Booker T came out dressed as a ref and helped Bashir get the upper hand! The Ref had Bashir down for the three but Booker T wouldn’t count the pin! The match got thrown out, but I’m awarding the win to the Ref.
The Beautiful People defeated Roxxi & Taylor Wilde
I’ve seen this too many times before. These four women have been involved in matchups for a long time! It almost seems that we’ve gotten this match several times before, and that’s lame. If you’ve seen these women wrestle before, than you probably already saw his same match before. The Beautiful People were in full control of this match up. Roxxi went face first into the steps and didn’t recover until midway through the match up. The Beautiful People win an unlikely match here, and finally look like a dominant team. Cute Kip should’ve been in the Main Event Mafia instead of t his crap.
Post match a Governer Sarah Palin impersonater to hit the “Thrillah from Wasillah” which was a twisting northern lights suplex, aka the perfect plex. I think. It was stupid.
Brutus Magnus defeated Shark Boy
I can’t believe that Shark Boy is still with TNA! I haven’t seen that guy in the ring in a long time, and it looked like he still had that Stone Cold Steve Austin move set…or at least the vest. Magnus looked to be in control overall in this debut. It wasn’t a complete blow out, but Shark Boy lost this one. Lame.
Rhino vs. Matt Morgan No Contest
I lost track of what was going on here. I just know that these two were in a match up when Abyss interfered and caused the match to get thrown out. Nothing major here, Abyss looked scary, and it looks like he has Matt Morgan’s number.
Kurt Angle and sting vs. Team 3-D
This match turned into a no contest when the main event mafia interfered. Not a whole lot to speak of here. Sorry. The tension builds between Kurt Angle and Sting, that’s about it.
TNA Impact 2/5/09 Results
Eric Young & Jay Lethal defeated The Motor City Machine Guns
The Ref Shane defeated Sheik Abdul Bashir via dq
The Beautiful People defeated Roxxi & Taylor Wilde
Brutus Magnus defeated Shark Boy
Rhino vs. Matt Morgan No Contest
Kurt Angle and sting vs. Team 3-D no contest
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
brutus magnus,
eric young,
jay lethal,
kurt angle,
matt morgan,
motor city machine guns,
shane sewell,
sheik abdul bashir,
taylor wilde,
team 3d,
tna impact results
Thursday, February 5, 2009
ECW Tommy Dreamer vs Brian Lee Scaffold Match
I give Tommy Dreamer a lot of crap on this site. It's true, Tommy Dreamer is not the greatest professional wrestler on the ECW roster anymore. However, rewind a few years, many years not just a few and you begin to see a different side of Tommy Dreamer. For instance, did you know that Tommy Dreamer and Brian Lee fought in a crazy match called a Scaffold Match?
Now the Scaffold Match is nothing new. Jim Cornette blew out both his knees in the 80's during a scaffold Match and in XPW someone nearly died when he fell a few stories onto the ring ropes and straight into the ambulance.
So without further ado, here I present for you a little way to honor Tommy Dreamer and his accomplishments by showing him fighting Brian Lee in a Scaffold Match.
Tommy Dreamer vs. Brian Lee from the ECW Arena (Viking Hall) mid 90's for sure.
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
Now the Scaffold Match is nothing new. Jim Cornette blew out both his knees in the 80's during a scaffold Match and in XPW someone nearly died when he fell a few stories onto the ring ropes and straight into the ambulance.
So without further ado, here I present for you a little way to honor Tommy Dreamer and his accomplishments by showing him fighting Brian Lee in a Scaffold Match.
Tommy Dreamer vs. Brian Lee from the ECW Arena (Viking Hall) mid 90's for sure.
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
brian lee,
classic wrestling clips,
scaffold match,
tommy dreamer,
wrestling video
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
ECW 2/3/09 Results and Review Swagger Finlay Continue
I watched this half asleep. I work full time, and try to review wrestling at the same time, meanwhile working on seven other blogs about random topics. I’m definitely stretching myself thin, and I’m not making any extra cash doing it…oh well. That’s not why I started, but whatever.
ECW kicked things off in traditional fashion with the same old crap.
Paul Burchill defeated Tommy Dreamer
Tommy Dreamer came out to try and impress the crowd, and even though they are firmly behind the underdog here, they do not help him overall. Burchill landed his finishing move, the neck breaker, and Tommy Dreamer is out cold and loses yet again. This was all Dreamer until the neck breaker, which is sad on a lot of different accounts. I don’t even know what to tell you in regards to this one, it wasn’t that fun to watch, as I remember when Tommy Dreamer was relevant in the old ECW. Maybe we’ll see a classic Tommy Dreamer match up tomorrow, in our “throwback” Thursdays segment.
The Boogeyman defeated Jamie Noble
Did anyone see this one coming? Yep. The Boogeyman defeated Jamie Noble in a throwaway match up. Jamie Noble got worked, and although there were a few moments of lucidity, the majority of the match was spent with Boogey knocking out Jamie Noble long enough to win this match. Jamie Noble is still employed? Yeah, apparently so.
Finlay defeated Jack Swagger
Swagger finally gets his first loss and it was at the hands of Finlay! That’s right Jack swagger put up a good fight against Finlay, but at the end of the match up, it was all Finlay. Finlay had Hornswoggle interfere to help him out, and the Celtic Cross proved too much for the All American American Jack Swagger! That’s right, Jack Swagger defeated by Finlay on ecw! Swagger is NO longer undefeated! WOOO!
ECW 2/3/09 Results
Paul Burchill defeated Tommy Dreamer
The Boogeyman defeated Jamie Noble
Finlay defeated Jack Swagger
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
ECW kicked things off in traditional fashion with the same old crap.
Paul Burchill defeated Tommy Dreamer
Tommy Dreamer came out to try and impress the crowd, and even though they are firmly behind the underdog here, they do not help him overall. Burchill landed his finishing move, the neck breaker, and Tommy Dreamer is out cold and loses yet again. This was all Dreamer until the neck breaker, which is sad on a lot of different accounts. I don’t even know what to tell you in regards to this one, it wasn’t that fun to watch, as I remember when Tommy Dreamer was relevant in the old ECW. Maybe we’ll see a classic Tommy Dreamer match up tomorrow, in our “throwback” Thursdays segment.
The Boogeyman defeated Jamie Noble
Did anyone see this one coming? Yep. The Boogeyman defeated Jamie Noble in a throwaway match up. Jamie Noble got worked, and although there were a few moments of lucidity, the majority of the match was spent with Boogey knocking out Jamie Noble long enough to win this match. Jamie Noble is still employed? Yeah, apparently so.
Finlay defeated Jack Swagger
Swagger finally gets his first loss and it was at the hands of Finlay! That’s right Jack swagger put up a good fight against Finlay, but at the end of the match up, it was all Finlay. Finlay had Hornswoggle interfere to help him out, and the Celtic Cross proved too much for the All American American Jack Swagger! That’s right, Jack Swagger defeated by Finlay on ecw! Swagger is NO longer undefeated! WOOO!
ECW 2/3/09 Results
Paul Burchill defeated Tommy Dreamer
The Boogeyman defeated Jamie Noble
Finlay defeated Jack Swagger
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
ecw review,
jack swagger,
jamie noble,
paul burchill,
tommy dreamer
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
WWE Monday Night Raw 2/2/09 Results and Review McMahon Returns Again
Another new week in wrestling and here we go! Shane McMahon started the show off tonight with news that Randy Orton wants a shot at Shane McMahon at No Way Out and Shane O is going to fight Randy Orton at No Way Out in my home town of Seattle in a NO HOLDS BARRED Match!
William Regal & Layla defeated C.M. Punk & Mickie James
This match was supposed to be a prelude to No Way Out in a small way. Mickie James finally got back in the ring, but to me she looked rusty. Regal was working stiff yet again, hitting Punk with some hard shots, and forcing Punk to really try and recover from an onslaught from Regal that his traditional style. Punk took a nasty fall outside of the ring, then as he was going back in, Regal hit him with a running knee to the head, pinning him afterwards for the win. Regal gets the one up for his team.
Cryme Tyme defeated Ted Dibiase & Cody Rhodes via disqualification
This match looked like it was going to be Cryme Tyme taking the victory as it looked like things were going well for the duo. However, Rhodes and Dibiase got frustrated and ignored the ref’s five count and pounced on one half of Cryme Tyme and eventually got themselves disqualified. Not much of a match, that’s for sure.
Chris Jericho came out to run his mouth but was interrupted by John Cena and it wasn’t half bad.
Mike Knox & Kane defeated Rey Mysterio & Kofi Kingston
Kofi Kingston and Rey Mysterio really aren’t a bad team. They combined their speed and high flying style and really tried to stop the Big Red Machine and Mike Knox from running through them with ease. I’ll still go on record saying that I don’t like seeing the “David and Goliath” type of matches that the WWE consistently book Rey Mysterio in. Mike Knox looked to have this match in the bag when he was dominating Kofi Kingston, but somehow Kingston managed to keep kicking out. Kane and Mike Knox would be great in the old style of wrestling that the wcw and wwf were pushing, to me their style together seems lost in modern professional wrestling. Unless the Wwe really starts pushing their tag team division with more than just a couple of teams; Kane caught Rey Mysterio coming off the top rope and immediately dropped him on the back of his head, nearly knocking him out completely. Kane and Mike Knox were touted as being impressive as a team. They are crazy, that’s for sure. Definitely one of the better matches I’ve seen in a while, despite the fact that I don’t like the match up so much.
Beth Phoenix defeated Candice Michelle
Beth Phoenix is definitely the best WWE Diva on Raw. If she ever got to go to TNA she’d fit right in with their Knockouts. She can wrestle, which is something that I enjoy about watching her matches. It’s interesting to see where Beth Phoenix will go with such a shallow amount of female wrestlers in the WWE. We’ll have to wait and see.
Ric Flair will be on Raw next week from Oakland, California!
John Cena defeated Chris Jericho
Chris Jericho didn’t start this one like he would’ve liked to. John Cena was all over him, wasting half of his move set within the first five minutes of the match. Oddly enough the crowd seemed behind him and chanting his name, proving yet again that he’s not half bad, huh? Jericho seemed to get the upper hand towards the closing of this match hitting the Lionsault, and nearly getting the three count. However, Cena was going for broke on Jericho, even countering the Code Breaker! Cena was locked into the Walls of Jericho and I thought it was over, but Cena reversed it into the STF and got Jericho to tap, winning this match. That was Raw.
Raw was ok at best. I was too tired too enjoy it.
WWE Monday Night Raw 2/2/09 Results
William Regal & Layla defeated C.M. Punk & Mickie James
Cryme Tyme defeated Ted Dibiase & Cody Rhodes via disqualification
Mike Knox & Kane defeated Rey Mysterio & Kofi Kingston
Beth Phoenix defeated Candice Michelle
John Cena defeated Chris Jericho
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
William Regal & Layla defeated C.M. Punk & Mickie James
This match was supposed to be a prelude to No Way Out in a small way. Mickie James finally got back in the ring, but to me she looked rusty. Regal was working stiff yet again, hitting Punk with some hard shots, and forcing Punk to really try and recover from an onslaught from Regal that his traditional style. Punk took a nasty fall outside of the ring, then as he was going back in, Regal hit him with a running knee to the head, pinning him afterwards for the win. Regal gets the one up for his team.
Cryme Tyme defeated Ted Dibiase & Cody Rhodes via disqualification
This match looked like it was going to be Cryme Tyme taking the victory as it looked like things were going well for the duo. However, Rhodes and Dibiase got frustrated and ignored the ref’s five count and pounced on one half of Cryme Tyme and eventually got themselves disqualified. Not much of a match, that’s for sure.
Chris Jericho came out to run his mouth but was interrupted by John Cena and it wasn’t half bad.
Mike Knox & Kane defeated Rey Mysterio & Kofi Kingston
Kofi Kingston and Rey Mysterio really aren’t a bad team. They combined their speed and high flying style and really tried to stop the Big Red Machine and Mike Knox from running through them with ease. I’ll still go on record saying that I don’t like seeing the “David and Goliath” type of matches that the WWE consistently book Rey Mysterio in. Mike Knox looked to have this match in the bag when he was dominating Kofi Kingston, but somehow Kingston managed to keep kicking out. Kane and Mike Knox would be great in the old style of wrestling that the wcw and wwf were pushing, to me their style together seems lost in modern professional wrestling. Unless the Wwe really starts pushing their tag team division with more than just a couple of teams; Kane caught Rey Mysterio coming off the top rope and immediately dropped him on the back of his head, nearly knocking him out completely. Kane and Mike Knox were touted as being impressive as a team. They are crazy, that’s for sure. Definitely one of the better matches I’ve seen in a while, despite the fact that I don’t like the match up so much.
Beth Phoenix defeated Candice Michelle
Beth Phoenix is definitely the best WWE Diva on Raw. If she ever got to go to TNA she’d fit right in with their Knockouts. She can wrestle, which is something that I enjoy about watching her matches. It’s interesting to see where Beth Phoenix will go with such a shallow amount of female wrestlers in the WWE. We’ll have to wait and see.
Ric Flair will be on Raw next week from Oakland, California!
John Cena defeated Chris Jericho
Chris Jericho didn’t start this one like he would’ve liked to. John Cena was all over him, wasting half of his move set within the first five minutes of the match. Oddly enough the crowd seemed behind him and chanting his name, proving yet again that he’s not half bad, huh? Jericho seemed to get the upper hand towards the closing of this match hitting the Lionsault, and nearly getting the three count. However, Cena was going for broke on Jericho, even countering the Code Breaker! Cena was locked into the Walls of Jericho and I thought it was over, but Cena reversed it into the STF and got Jericho to tap, winning this match. That was Raw.
Raw was ok at best. I was too tired too enjoy it.
WWE Monday Night Raw 2/2/09 Results
William Regal & Layla defeated C.M. Punk & Mickie James
Cryme Tyme defeated Ted Dibiase & Cody Rhodes via disqualification
Mike Knox & Kane defeated Rey Mysterio & Kofi Kingston
Beth Phoenix defeated Candice Michelle
John Cena defeated Chris Jericho
Don't miss out on WWE Starrcade: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set!
beth phoenix,
c.m punk,
chris jericho,
cody rhodes,
cryme tyme,
john cena,
kofi kingston,
mickie james,
monday night raw,
raw review,
rey mysterio jr.,
ted dibiase,
william regal
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