Saturday, September 25, 2010

TNA Impact 9/23/10 Results and Review

WWE TNA Impact 9/23/10 Results

Rob Terry defeated Abyss via DQ
Chris Sabin defeated Jeremy Buck
Taylor Wilde & Hamada defeated The Beautiful People
Samoa Joe defeated The Pope
Aj Styles defeated Sabu in a ladder match

WWE TNA Impact 9/23/10 Review

Ugh...TNA...I have a head cold right now, and I am really excuse me if the reviews are sucking lately. I know I'm late on all of them, but you gotta give me some credit...or don't...I mean, i've got no job no life, and well....this is all I do with my bad pro-wrestling shows.

Rob Terry defeated Abyss via DQ

I might be the only one that is glad to see Rob Terry back in the mix. Backstage, Rob Van Dam was being restrained. soon as they said that Abyss was fighting Terry...I knew this was going to be a squash. I hate ABYSS. I ABSOLUTELY HATE ABYSS.

The match was stupid, it sucked. Abyss threw a gate at Terry. RVD started coming down to ringside, and he was all bandaged up...Abyss got scared.

UGH...This is the worst storyline in wrestling today.

RVD got on the mic and started talking about the TNA title etc....whatever. He wanted a title shot when a champion was declared. Who cares! RVD will get a shot at Abyss at bound for glory....i'm NOT excited to see it.

The Pope came out and started ranting and what was stupid. Bischoff punked out the Pope.

Chris Sabin defeated Jeremy Buck

Some will no doubt say this was a great match, but I say it was stupid. Sabin with a messed up neck defeated a healthy Jeremy Buck? I hated it. The match wasn't that great. Sure there were a few moments that were ok, but the post match beat down was way better than the match. It's nice to see a tag team get pushedin wrestling, it's rare.

Taylor Wilde & Hamada defeated The Beautiful People

This was stupid. Worst match ever? No. Bad match? Yep. I didn't like it, I thought it was stupid. I'd still hook up with Taylor Wilde, but as for wrestling? This is just stupid. TNA, in the past had a great deal of awesome talent and great women's wrestling, but now? Nope. Now it's stupid.

Samoa Joe defeated The Pope

Who kidnapped Samoa Joe? That's all I care about right now. This match wasn't that great, and the more I see Pope wrestle, the more I think he's not that great. He might be good on the mic, but he has little to no chemistry with some of the TNA guys. That's not a good thing for a guy that TNA is putting so much trust into. That being said, this match wasn't that great, and I found it kind of boring. Samoa Joe choked out the Pope.

Immediately after the match, sting, Nash, Joe and Jarrett had a brawl for no apparent reason. I hate it. I'm absolutely sick of the four.

Backstage, Tommy Dreamer was interviewed, he said that at Bound for Glory EV2.0 will face Fortune in a Lethal Lockdown match up. I'm sick of it.

Anderson and Angle were in ring talking to each one cared.

Aj Styles defeated Sabu in a ladder match

Aj Styles won this match with relative ease. Sabu is a shell of his former self. Seriously, he can't take the bumps required to make this match a really good one. I felt bad watching an old man like Sabu try to win this match. Styles didn't even help, he didn't exactly take a lot of great bumps, it was stupid. Pure stupidity.

Abyss cut a promo, beat up Jeff Hardy, beat up RVd, and then was beat up by Ink Inc. Yep. That's it.

TNA this week once again was the worst excuse for a pro-wrestling show. I am sick of Abyss, he sucks, and I'm sick of bad wrestling, bad story lines, and dare I say bad commentary. There's absolutely no reason for anyone to watch tna's beyond stupid.

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