WWE Monday Night Raw 8/30/10 Results
Alex Riley & The Miz defeated Kaval & Daniel Bryan and Kofi Kingston & Michael McGullicutty in a triple threat tag team match
Melina & Eve defeated Laycool
John Morrison & R Truth vs Drew McIntyre & Dashing Cody Rhodes (no contest)
The Undertaker vs Bret Hart vs Wade Barrett (no contest)
Jack Swagger defeated Evan Bourne
NEXUS defeated Chris Jericho, John Cena, Sheamus, Randy Orton, Edge in an Elimination Match
WWE Monday Night Raw 8/30/10 Review
I'm tired. I'm really tired. But the 900th episode of Raw awaited me, so after a cup of coffee and a cup of tea, I'm ready to watch and review this piece of trash!
I'm tired.
Bret Hart started the show in ring talking...Kane came out and started talking and what not...who cares? This was more like the south park parody.
Kane attacked Bret, but out came Tyson Kid and the lights went out! Undertaker showed up to stop him, while Bret got out of the way. I DO NOT CARE ABOUT EITHER KANE OR THE UNDERTAKER! I DO NOT CARE WHATSOEVER! THIS FEUD IS SO TIRED AND STUPID! GET THEM OFF MY TV PLEASE!
THe GM made a match, with Bret Hart facing the Undertaker later tonight. I can't possibly see this go down....we'll see.
Alex Riley & The Miz defeated Kaval & Daniel Bryan and Kofi Kingston & Michael McGullicutty in a triple threat tag team match
I'm not sure why this match was booked, as it really didn't showcase all the guys that well. If nothing else it was interesting to see Daniel Bryan mixing it up in there, as he realy does have a lot of wrestling talent. The match was ok, but I can't stand Michael Cole's new heel role. THis match didn't really go far, and the crowd wasn't all for it, as I wasn't. THe match had a few good spots towards the end, mainly with Kaval looking to get the win, but it was The MIz that got the win after Kaval hit his finisher. The Miz hit the Skull Crushing Finale, and Kavel was out. Cole was marking out like a school girl....I'm sick of hearing COle...someone fire him PLEASE!
Post match, Daniel Bryan was hit with the briefcase and knocked out by Miz. This feud brewing could be the best thing WWE does in a long time.
Melina & Eve defeated Laycool
I think it was eve...I don't remember all the divas. Melina won this one, and it was fine by me. Melina sucks...I hate the divas, and you should too. There are NO good women's prowrestlers on mainstream wrestling right now.
Laycool challenged Melina...I was tired.
John Morrison & R Truth vs Drew McIntyre & Dashing Cody Rhodes (no contest)
This match didn't happen. There was a brawl and that was that. NO Contest? Whatever.
The Undertaker vs Bret Hart vs Wade Barrett (no contest)
Bret Hart came out to wrestle Undertaker, and before the match could start out came Wade Barrett. He said that he wanted to be in the match...so he jumped into this one and made it a triple threat. Oh boy....
Barrett got beat up, then was sent to the outside, and out of the blue came Kane when the lights went out and came on...Undertaker and Kane brawled....I guess the match is over?
I'm sick of these no finishes.
After Kane ran away from another light switch problem, Nexus surrounded the ring and were ready to Attack the Undertaker. Taker held his own but the Numbers seemed to be getting the best of him as the lights went out and guess what?!? Barrett Had Undertaker in his finisher and that was that.
Kane was on the stage looking on....terrible terrible booking.
Jack Swagger defeated Evan Bourne
Evan Bourne was buried here. NO, do not argue with me, he got buried by Jack Swagger. Who cares.
Alberto Del Rio got on the mic and cut a promo on Rey? But why? He then got into the ring and beat up Evan Bourne. Yep. That was that. Mark Henry came out and saved him...oh man, this was bad too.
CM Punk came out and cut a promo on how people have ruined Raw with reckless behavior and what not...they showed clips.
Stone Cold's music hit...but he didn't show.
I'm tired. THis is just filler...CM Punk is ok, but when not wrestling or in a feud with anyone but the Big Show, I don't care.
Big Show came out and cut a counter promo. He then beat up Luke Gallows and that was that.
NEXUS defeated Chris Jericho, John Cena, Sheamus, Randy Orton, Edge in an Elimination Match
Remember when someone high up in the WWE said that the Survivor Series concept was over? Yeah, well, it apparently seemed to work for Summerslam and now on Raw.
Jericho quit the match, he just walked away and got counted out. Edge got himself disqualified by pushing the ref. John Cena came in and did his super cena thing....YAWN.
SUPER Orton singlehandedly survived until he had to face Wade Barrett.
Wade Barrett won though...and Nexus won. Yep.
I do not get this booking. Cena defeated Nexus at Summerslam after taking a DDT to the FLOOR! Here he loses to Gabriel's finisher? Orton, on the other hand, RKO's everyone but can't get out of Barrett's finisher?
Is Orton not as good as Super Cena?
Is Super Cena not as good as he was at Summerslam?
This was 5 vs 5 and the odds were somehow better for Cena?
I'm lost. I hated this Raw.
Sorry, this 900th episode sucked. Face it.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 8/27/10 Results and Review
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 8/27/10 Results
Kane defeated Rey Mysterio
Kofi Kingston defeated Dolph Ziggler via countout
Jack Swagger defeated MVP via disqualification
CM Punk defeated JTG
ALberto Del Rio defeated Jobber #993
The Big Show defeated Luke gallows
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 8/27/10 Review
Kane defeated Rey Mysterio
This match sucked. I'm sick of seeing Rey Mysterio buried, I'm sick of seeing sucky ass Kane winning, and I'm sick of the Undertaker feud. This match was ok at best, but it was just another rehashing of matches that they previously had. This sucks.
Alberto Del Rio beat up Rey Mysterio after the match. I like him, he's a great heel at this point, someone you'd pay to see get beaten up.
CM Punk defeated JTG
This was an overtly easy match for Punk. Punk beat JTG without even trying very hard. Punk hit the Anaconda Vice on JTG and made him tap. I didn't hate this match, but I knew it was a squash.
Oh and by the way, Sarena is fired from WWE, I'll miss her big boobs on my screen every friday.
Kofi Kingston defeated Dolph Ziggler via countout
This was stupid. Yes, there were some great spots in this match, and yes these guys work well together, but I've already seen this match several times before. I didn't reallys ee the point of seeing it again, especially since I no longer care. This match eventually broke down with some impact and Dolph Ziggler lost via count out. NOt an epic, but I guess it worked for what it was. I am sick of this feud.
Jack Swagger defeated MVP via disqualification
This match was going relatively well, good back and forth action, with some nice moments, but then it went to hell. MVP apparently hit Swagger with a punch that caused him to lose the match. This was supposed to be a real "wrestling" match, but instead it was just stupid. WWE is just phoning it in at this point, it's painfully obvious.
ALberto Del Rio defeated Jobber #993
I hate jobber matches. This is what it was. It was a jobber match. I think he has a lot of talent, but until he's in a good feud, this is just stupid.
The Big Show defeated Luke gallows
This was a throwaway match. Luke Gallows went down fast with a punch to the face. I hated it. Big Show is tough, but does anyone care about this crap? I don't.
The end of the show was Kane and Undertaker talking back and forth and you know what? I don't give a flying you know what...who cares? These guys have already wrestled a million times, and they both suck now, so let's stop rehashing old storylines!
Smackdown completely sucked this week, and dare I say was WORST than TNA IMPACT. There I said it. WWE is phoning it in badly.
Kane defeated Rey Mysterio
Kofi Kingston defeated Dolph Ziggler via countout
Jack Swagger defeated MVP via disqualification
CM Punk defeated JTG
ALberto Del Rio defeated Jobber #993
The Big Show defeated Luke gallows
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 8/27/10 Review
Kane defeated Rey Mysterio
This match sucked. I'm sick of seeing Rey Mysterio buried, I'm sick of seeing sucky ass Kane winning, and I'm sick of the Undertaker feud. This match was ok at best, but it was just another rehashing of matches that they previously had. This sucks.
Alberto Del Rio beat up Rey Mysterio after the match. I like him, he's a great heel at this point, someone you'd pay to see get beaten up.
CM Punk defeated JTG
This was an overtly easy match for Punk. Punk beat JTG without even trying very hard. Punk hit the Anaconda Vice on JTG and made him tap. I didn't hate this match, but I knew it was a squash.
Oh and by the way, Sarena is fired from WWE, I'll miss her big boobs on my screen every friday.
Kofi Kingston defeated Dolph Ziggler via countout
This was stupid. Yes, there were some great spots in this match, and yes these guys work well together, but I've already seen this match several times before. I didn't reallys ee the point of seeing it again, especially since I no longer care. This match eventually broke down with some impact and Dolph Ziggler lost via count out. NOt an epic, but I guess it worked for what it was. I am sick of this feud.
Jack Swagger defeated MVP via disqualification
This match was going relatively well, good back and forth action, with some nice moments, but then it went to hell. MVP apparently hit Swagger with a punch that caused him to lose the match. This was supposed to be a real "wrestling" match, but instead it was just stupid. WWE is just phoning it in at this point, it's painfully obvious.
ALberto Del Rio defeated Jobber #993
I hate jobber matches. This is what it was. It was a jobber match. I think he has a lot of talent, but until he's in a good feud, this is just stupid.
The Big Show defeated Luke gallows
This was a throwaway match. Luke Gallows went down fast with a punch to the face. I hated it. Big Show is tough, but does anyone care about this crap? I don't.
The end of the show was Kane and Undertaker talking back and forth and you know what? I don't give a flying you know what...who cares? These guys have already wrestled a million times, and they both suck now, so let's stop rehashing old storylines!
Smackdown completely sucked this week, and dare I say was WORST than TNA IMPACT. There I said it. WWE is phoning it in badly.
alberto del rio,
cm punk,
dolph ziggler,
friday night smackdown,
jack swagger,
kofi kingston,
luke gallows,
rey mysterio jr.,
the big show
TNA Impact 8/26/10 Results and Review
TNA Impact 8/26/10 Results
Samoa Joe defeated Orlando Jordan
Kevin Nash defeated Double J
Beer Money defeated The FBI
The Motor City Machine Guns defeated The Young BUcks
Kurt Angle, The Pope, Jeff Hardy, and Anderson defeated Kaz, Aj Styles, Matt Morgan, and Douglas Williams
TNA Impact 8/26/10 Review
The show started with a recap of Fortune. I liked how they edit it all together, because it makes it far more important than it really is. They actually make it seem interesting, dare I say, worthwhile to watch?
Then things go to crap.
Dixie Carter is going to the ring!
Dixie in ring said that TNA has never been so successful...which is odd, because their ratings are at 1.0 which is what they were doing several years ago. She called out Ric Flair.
Ric Flair was ready to punch Dixie but out came Dixie's Real Life Husband? Yeah, apparently Dixie's Husband came out and Flair was going to whip him with his belt like they did with David Flair, but HOgan and his men came out...what a terrible segment.
Hogan came out and basically challenged FLair's guys with a group of psuedo Heels....and that was that..Fortune fought HOgan's idiots.
Samoa Joe defeated Orlando Jordan
Samoa JOe is back, and he's still fat. Joe sucks. Orlando Jordan went from being a major player in TNA, freaking out his opponents to getting squashed (no pun intended) by Samoa Joe. This match was stupid, and I'm tired of Orlando Jordan's character. This sucked. You didn't like it, you didn't care. FIRE JOE. Let him go serve tables at Applebees with Justin Credible.
Kevin Nash defeated Double J
Kevin Nash and Jarrett? Ugh...TNA basically screwed me over here. Both of these guys are far beyond their prime. I don't want to see either one of these guys wrestle. If you've seen 1 Kevin Nash match in TNA you've seen them all, and this was no different. A ref bump helped Sting interfere in this match and Nash wins. This match was worst than anything in WCW, there, I said it. STING SUCKS now, NASH IS OLD, JARRETT SUCKS TOO, this match was the dumbest thing I've seen in a long time in TNA or the old WCW.
Sting was beating up Jarrett when Hogan came in from behind and hit Sting with a chair. Yep....A Sting vs. Hogan feud? I'm sick of this stupid booking! How is this HELPING THE YOUNGER GUYS???
Beer Money defeated The FBI
I liked this match. I was surprised to see the FBI tonight against Beer Money. Despite the dominant BEER MONEY team, this match was further proof that if done right, the tag team division can be worthwhile. I liked the match, and thought that the FBI still had some fight in them. I think that with more teams, TNA has a winning combination, if they don't screw it up somehow.
Angelina Love and Velvet Sky were talking in ring? Ugh...they are going to be friends now? This is stupid...I hate this.....
The Motor City Machine Guns defeated The Young BUcks
Once again, the TNA tag division shows us that anything is possible. I thought this was the best tag team match I've seen in a long time. Seriously, this is the best tag team wrestling, even if it is all high spots. Sure, there's a lot of spots, and a lot of it has no in ring psychology, but still, it was fun to watch. If they can combine some psychology with all the spots, the TNA tag division might save the company. That's my two cents. Spot after spot, this match thrilled the fans, and after the smoked settled from so many high risk moves, the Motor City Machine Gun won this match.
Abyss fought EV2 backstage and into the arena. Abyss sucks.
Kurt Angle, The Pope, Jeff Hardy, and Anderson defeated Kaz, Aj Styles, Matt Morgan, and Douglas Williams
Jeff Hardy is getting fat. Angle is being hot shotted to the World Title. Anderson is stale. And fortune? Lame. This match was ok, I don't mind 8 man tags every now and again, unlike WWE which throws one at you at ever show, so it seems. This match showcased more tag team supremacy with Fortune working like a well oiled machine compared to the good guys, which struggled to get hot tags and maintain good action in this match up. This match ended with a lot of finishing moves, and bodies everywhere. Pope got a blind tag after an Angle Slam and pinned Kaz for the win.
The thing that was funny was that Angle was mad at the Pope. Why would he be mad? They were trying to win as a team, against Fortune, why would he be mad? They won? Is his EGO that big? Is he trying to be heel? This makes absolutely no sense.
Post match the rest of Fortune ran down and beat up the good guys. This was stupid. Is this WCW NITRO? Again? EV2 came running down too. This was a huge melee ending, and it was exactly why WCW started to fail. Sabu hit the worst spot I've seen in a long time, and threw Williams through a table, or rather jumped on him. The show ended with all the guys brawling....I hate TNA.
NOT a complete loss, but definitely a weak showing from the #2 pro-wrestling company, and it's even more unfortunate that the #2 company sucks so bad compared to WWE. Not to say that WWE is so good, because they have their problems too.
On a final note.
Condolences go out to the family of Luna Vachon. She passed away this week. Another wrestling death...she wasn't even 50 years old. sadly, her house and all her possessions burned down, and she was found dead at her mother's house. Sadly, all my childhood memories are dying....Luna, from what I hear was a friendly face and great person to talk to outside of the ring, and was NOT like her character. mad Dog must be sad too.
Samoa Joe defeated Orlando Jordan
Kevin Nash defeated Double J
Beer Money defeated The FBI
The Motor City Machine Guns defeated The Young BUcks
Kurt Angle, The Pope, Jeff Hardy, and Anderson defeated Kaz, Aj Styles, Matt Morgan, and Douglas Williams
TNA Impact 8/26/10 Review
The show started with a recap of Fortune. I liked how they edit it all together, because it makes it far more important than it really is. They actually make it seem interesting, dare I say, worthwhile to watch?
Then things go to crap.
Dixie Carter is going to the ring!
Dixie in ring said that TNA has never been so successful...which is odd, because their ratings are at 1.0 which is what they were doing several years ago. She called out Ric Flair.
Ric Flair was ready to punch Dixie but out came Dixie's Real Life Husband? Yeah, apparently Dixie's Husband came out and Flair was going to whip him with his belt like they did with David Flair, but HOgan and his men came out...what a terrible segment.
Hogan came out and basically challenged FLair's guys with a group of psuedo Heels....and that was that..Fortune fought HOgan's idiots.
Samoa Joe defeated Orlando Jordan
Samoa JOe is back, and he's still fat. Joe sucks. Orlando Jordan went from being a major player in TNA, freaking out his opponents to getting squashed (no pun intended) by Samoa Joe. This match was stupid, and I'm tired of Orlando Jordan's character. This sucked. You didn't like it, you didn't care. FIRE JOE. Let him go serve tables at Applebees with Justin Credible.
Kevin Nash defeated Double J
Kevin Nash and Jarrett? Ugh...TNA basically screwed me over here. Both of these guys are far beyond their prime. I don't want to see either one of these guys wrestle. If you've seen 1 Kevin Nash match in TNA you've seen them all, and this was no different. A ref bump helped Sting interfere in this match and Nash wins. This match was worst than anything in WCW, there, I said it. STING SUCKS now, NASH IS OLD, JARRETT SUCKS TOO, this match was the dumbest thing I've seen in a long time in TNA or the old WCW.
Sting was beating up Jarrett when Hogan came in from behind and hit Sting with a chair. Yep....A Sting vs. Hogan feud? I'm sick of this stupid booking! How is this HELPING THE YOUNGER GUYS???
Beer Money defeated The FBI
I liked this match. I was surprised to see the FBI tonight against Beer Money. Despite the dominant BEER MONEY team, this match was further proof that if done right, the tag team division can be worthwhile. I liked the match, and thought that the FBI still had some fight in them. I think that with more teams, TNA has a winning combination, if they don't screw it up somehow.
Angelina Love and Velvet Sky were talking in ring? Ugh...they are going to be friends now? This is stupid...I hate this.....
The Motor City Machine Guns defeated The Young BUcks
Once again, the TNA tag division shows us that anything is possible. I thought this was the best tag team match I've seen in a long time. Seriously, this is the best tag team wrestling, even if it is all high spots. Sure, there's a lot of spots, and a lot of it has no in ring psychology, but still, it was fun to watch. If they can combine some psychology with all the spots, the TNA tag division might save the company. That's my two cents. Spot after spot, this match thrilled the fans, and after the smoked settled from so many high risk moves, the Motor City Machine Gun won this match.
Abyss fought EV2 backstage and into the arena. Abyss sucks.
Kurt Angle, The Pope, Jeff Hardy, and Anderson defeated Kaz, Aj Styles, Matt Morgan, and Douglas Williams
Jeff Hardy is getting fat. Angle is being hot shotted to the World Title. Anderson is stale. And fortune? Lame. This match was ok, I don't mind 8 man tags every now and again, unlike WWE which throws one at you at ever show, so it seems. This match showcased more tag team supremacy with Fortune working like a well oiled machine compared to the good guys, which struggled to get hot tags and maintain good action in this match up. This match ended with a lot of finishing moves, and bodies everywhere. Pope got a blind tag after an Angle Slam and pinned Kaz for the win.
The thing that was funny was that Angle was mad at the Pope. Why would he be mad? They were trying to win as a team, against Fortune, why would he be mad? They won? Is his EGO that big? Is he trying to be heel? This makes absolutely no sense.
Post match the rest of Fortune ran down and beat up the good guys. This was stupid. Is this WCW NITRO? Again? EV2 came running down too. This was a huge melee ending, and it was exactly why WCW started to fail. Sabu hit the worst spot I've seen in a long time, and threw Williams through a table, or rather jumped on him. The show ended with all the guys brawling....I hate TNA.
NOT a complete loss, but definitely a weak showing from the #2 pro-wrestling company, and it's even more unfortunate that the #2 company sucks so bad compared to WWE. Not to say that WWE is so good, because they have their problems too.
On a final note.
Condolences go out to the family of Luna Vachon. She passed away this week. Another wrestling death...she wasn't even 50 years old. sadly, her house and all her possessions burned down, and she was found dead at her mother's house. Sadly, all my childhood memories are dying....Luna, from what I hear was a friendly face and great person to talk to outside of the ring, and was NOT like her character. mad Dog must be sad too.
WWE Superstars 8/26/10 Results and Review
WWE Superstars 8/26/10 Results
William Regal defeated Goldust
The Dudebusters defeated Archer & Hawkins
Drew McIntyre defeated Chris Masters
WWE Superstars 8/26/10 Review
I'm sorry for the delays, I'm battling a cold, and there's been wild fires near my home, so the smokey air has played havoc on my eyes and senses. I'll try to be more precise in timing. Also, I might be interested in a "news" guy. If you feel like you can give me some wrestling news to post with witty comments that are some times going to offend, send me an email with your name, interest, and what kind of time frame you have. Rumors, news, rants, whatever, let me know what you have in mind. You won't get paid, You won't get laid, but you'll be one of the members of an exclusive club of wrestling writers...The Sir Jorge WWE crew. If I ever make a penny, I'll cut you in, until then, it would be a labor of love. Which is why I'm still doing the site. email me at sirjorge AT gmail dot com if you're interested.
Here's my superstars commentary.
Let me preface my review by stating that Superstars is the WWE versino of WCW Thunder, with one exception: NO MAJOR STORY LINE FOR PPV forwards from the show. At least Thunder had some good matches and would help the ppv's. I personally loved the Raven vs. DDP feud and that spilled into PPV, as the flock attacked both Chris Benoit and DDP, just to remind you.
William Regal defeated Goldust
For purists, this match was quite good, and the crowd seemed to be into it as well, unless the crowd noise was piped in on the production side. Regal did his ground based attack and Goldust stuck to his mixture of spots, but it was Regal that managed to get the win with a knockout knee lift. Not a crazy match, but an adequate one, with a good amount of hard hitting action. Regal might be on his way back to the big leagues, but time will tell.
The Dudebusters defeated Archer & Hawkins
These two teams are a terrible example of what the tag team division has become. Sure, it'd be nice to get more tag teams in the WWE, but this is all the WWE can offer? I'd rather not have a tag division, if this is how convoluted it is. I don't care if every tag match is the same, if they could just make interesting tag teams, I'd watch none the less...but alas....it just isn't happening. The Dudebusters win, but who cares?
Drew McIntyre defeated Chris Masters
Chris Masters hasn't been relevant for a long time. It's a shame because he was actually not half bad when he was on the juice. Now that he's not on the juice as much, he's just not that exciting, and to see Drew McIntyre winning over him, was not fun. I don't like DREW, and I am tired of seeing him wrestle. Drew wins with the Future Show DDT which was interesting to say the least.
William Regal defeated Goldust
The Dudebusters defeated Archer & Hawkins
Drew McIntyre defeated Chris Masters
WWE Superstars 8/26/10 Review
I'm sorry for the delays, I'm battling a cold, and there's been wild fires near my home, so the smokey air has played havoc on my eyes and senses. I'll try to be more precise in timing. Also, I might be interested in a "news" guy. If you feel like you can give me some wrestling news to post with witty comments that are some times going to offend, send me an email with your name, interest, and what kind of time frame you have. Rumors, news, rants, whatever, let me know what you have in mind. You won't get paid, You won't get laid, but you'll be one of the members of an exclusive club of wrestling writers...The Sir Jorge WWE crew. If I ever make a penny, I'll cut you in, until then, it would be a labor of love. Which is why I'm still doing the site. email me at sirjorge AT gmail dot com if you're interested.
Here's my superstars commentary.
Let me preface my review by stating that Superstars is the WWE versino of WCW Thunder, with one exception: NO MAJOR STORY LINE FOR PPV forwards from the show. At least Thunder had some good matches and would help the ppv's. I personally loved the Raven vs. DDP feud and that spilled into PPV, as the flock attacked both Chris Benoit and DDP, just to remind you.
William Regal defeated Goldust
For purists, this match was quite good, and the crowd seemed to be into it as well, unless the crowd noise was piped in on the production side. Regal did his ground based attack and Goldust stuck to his mixture of spots, but it was Regal that managed to get the win with a knockout knee lift. Not a crazy match, but an adequate one, with a good amount of hard hitting action. Regal might be on his way back to the big leagues, but time will tell.
The Dudebusters defeated Archer & Hawkins
These two teams are a terrible example of what the tag team division has become. Sure, it'd be nice to get more tag teams in the WWE, but this is all the WWE can offer? I'd rather not have a tag division, if this is how convoluted it is. I don't care if every tag match is the same, if they could just make interesting tag teams, I'd watch none the less...but alas....it just isn't happening. The Dudebusters win, but who cares?
Drew McIntyre defeated Chris Masters
Chris Masters hasn't been relevant for a long time. It's a shame because he was actually not half bad when he was on the juice. Now that he's not on the juice as much, he's just not that exciting, and to see Drew McIntyre winning over him, was not fun. I don't like DREW, and I am tired of seeing him wrestle. Drew wins with the Future Show DDT which was interesting to say the least.
chris masters,
curt hawkins,
drew mcintyre,
vance archer,
william regal,
wwe superstars
Thursday, August 26, 2010
WWE NXT 8/24/10 Results and Review
WWE NXT 8/24/10 Results
Cody Rhodes defeated MVP
WWE NXT 8/24/10 Review
NXT really was terrible.
The show started with the rookies talking and random crap...I was tired.
The show then progressed into a TRIVIA contest...I kid you not.
Cody Rhodes defeated MVP
This match was longer than average matches on NXT and was the ONLY match on NXT. Cody put on a good overall match up and actually had MVP's number on this one. MVP was able to hit some good overall moments, but Cody managed to win this one with CrossRhodes. I liked this match enough, and it's a shame that more wrestling doesn't occur on NXT.
What a waist of time.
Cody Rhodes defeated MVP
WWE NXT 8/24/10 Review
NXT really was terrible.
The show started with the rookies talking and random crap...I was tired.
The show then progressed into a TRIVIA contest...I kid you not.
Cody Rhodes defeated MVP
This match was longer than average matches on NXT and was the ONLY match on NXT. Cody put on a good overall match up and actually had MVP's number on this one. MVP was able to hit some good overall moments, but Cody managed to win this one with CrossRhodes. I liked this match enough, and it's a shame that more wrestling doesn't occur on NXT.
What a waist of time.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
WWE Monday Night Raw 8/23/10 Results and Review
WWE Monday Night Raw 8/23/10 Results
Edge defeated R Truth
Chris Jericho defeated The Great Khali
Melina defeated Jillian
The Miz defeated John Cena via dq
Kozlov & Santino defeated The USOS
Randy Orton defeated John MOrrison & Ted Dibiase Jr.
Sheamus defeated Zack Ryder
WWE Monday Night Raw 8/23/10 Review
I almost forgot that there was raw on, but I managed to check it out and this is what I thought of it...
Sheamus came out and ranted, and I didn't care. Michael Cole got on the computer and it was weird. A throne was put out and Sheamus was going to sit in it...what the heck? Stupid.
Edge defeated R Truth
Not the most technical match in the world, and not exactly a four star thriller either. This match was ok at best. I liked it for what it was, but I didn't believe it was worth much more than the time given. Truth put in some good offense and was fast on the counters, but Edge hit a short spear to win this one clean. Truth goes down without much recourse.
Chris Jericho defeated The Great Khali
Khali was looking very dominant in this match up and Jericho fight to get some offense in, but it was not boding well for the former champion. Eventually Khali made a mistake and Jericho put the Walls of Jericho on and Khali tapped. Not a terrible match, and actually a cool one to see...I guess, yes, I liked it. Jericho wins via submission.
Melina defeated Jillian
I didn't care about this match, and neither did you. Melina sucks, I hate the divas, I hate women's wrestling in the wwe.
Laycool was on the screen and they started talking and what not. I'm already tired....ugh.
The Miz defeated John Cena via dq
The Miz wasn't just laying down on this match. Cena wasn't exactly dominant but he wasn't getting an easy win on this one. Miz was completely taking it to Cena and was nearly victorious with the SKull Crushing Finale, but it just wasn't there for him. Cena eventually got the STFU and I thought this was over. Apparently, Michael Cole thought this was the greatest match ever, but this match had a lot of set up and slow moments, before Miz could hit counters on a very tired looking John Cena. Late in the match Daniel Bryan ran down and hit the Miz and threw him back in. John Cena hit the attitude adjustment and told Bryan to get in and handle his problems.
Post match The Miz got put into the Cattle Mutilation and MIZ was tapping out like a drunk man. It took 4 officials to break up the move. The Miz was completely taken out. I hate Michael Cole's commentary, I hate Michael Cole...gosh.
Kozlov & Santino defeated The USOS
This was a glorified jobber match. The only story that this match had was Tamina getting with Santino after the match, that's about it. The Usos are on their way out...screw em. The tag division is so depleted...ugh...I hate the tag division or lack there of.
Randy Orton defeated John MOrrison & Ted Dibiase Jr.
Randy Orton's super ORTOn character is not nearly as bad as Cena's yet. Speaking of Orton, I was watching these highlights of DDP and you know what? I see parallels! If Orton could only get on the mic as good as DDP, I think that the RKO and the Diamond Cutter can be the best finisher in wrestling. The best move here was the RKO that Orton hit off of John Morrison jumping off the top ropes! I loved it. It wasn't as good as Evan Bourne, but yes, it was really dang good. If you blinked you missed it.
Sheamus was going to pick his next opponent, and he picked....ZACK RYDER! Yep. ZACK RYDER!
Sheamus defeated Zack Ryder
IF Ryder would've won the title, he would've become instant FACE. But nope. Sheamus beat him with a Bro Kick or whatever...stupid ending stupid match. Sheamus won...what a joke of a match.
The general manager emailed as Sheamus and Wade Barrett were in the ring arguing about crap. Sheamus will now defend against Wade at night of champions...alongside 4 other guys too.
I'm tired.
I'm sick of Super Cena, tired of stupid Sheamus...tired of Nexus...tired of this stale programming.
Wade was surrounded by the 6 other opponents, and that was kind of interesting, they all beat him down together. Wade took a beating which was awesome...but I'm still sick of Super Cena. The guys all hit their finishers with Orton looking strongest with an RKO.
Orton is shooting up and this is great...if only he could talk! Not a terrible Raw, but far from best.
Edge defeated R Truth
Chris Jericho defeated The Great Khali
Melina defeated Jillian
The Miz defeated John Cena via dq
Kozlov & Santino defeated The USOS
Randy Orton defeated John MOrrison & Ted Dibiase Jr.
Sheamus defeated Zack Ryder
WWE Monday Night Raw 8/23/10 Review
I almost forgot that there was raw on, but I managed to check it out and this is what I thought of it...
Sheamus came out and ranted, and I didn't care. Michael Cole got on the computer and it was weird. A throne was put out and Sheamus was going to sit in it...what the heck? Stupid.
Edge defeated R Truth
Not the most technical match in the world, and not exactly a four star thriller either. This match was ok at best. I liked it for what it was, but I didn't believe it was worth much more than the time given. Truth put in some good offense and was fast on the counters, but Edge hit a short spear to win this one clean. Truth goes down without much recourse.
Chris Jericho defeated The Great Khali
Khali was looking very dominant in this match up and Jericho fight to get some offense in, but it was not boding well for the former champion. Eventually Khali made a mistake and Jericho put the Walls of Jericho on and Khali tapped. Not a terrible match, and actually a cool one to see...I guess, yes, I liked it. Jericho wins via submission.
Melina defeated Jillian
I didn't care about this match, and neither did you. Melina sucks, I hate the divas, I hate women's wrestling in the wwe.
Laycool was on the screen and they started talking and what not. I'm already tired....ugh.
The Miz defeated John Cena via dq
The Miz wasn't just laying down on this match. Cena wasn't exactly dominant but he wasn't getting an easy win on this one. Miz was completely taking it to Cena and was nearly victorious with the SKull Crushing Finale, but it just wasn't there for him. Cena eventually got the STFU and I thought this was over. Apparently, Michael Cole thought this was the greatest match ever, but this match had a lot of set up and slow moments, before Miz could hit counters on a very tired looking John Cena. Late in the match Daniel Bryan ran down and hit the Miz and threw him back in. John Cena hit the attitude adjustment and told Bryan to get in and handle his problems.
Post match The Miz got put into the Cattle Mutilation and MIZ was tapping out like a drunk man. It took 4 officials to break up the move. The Miz was completely taken out. I hate Michael Cole's commentary, I hate Michael Cole...gosh.
Kozlov & Santino defeated The USOS
This was a glorified jobber match. The only story that this match had was Tamina getting with Santino after the match, that's about it. The Usos are on their way out...screw em. The tag division is so depleted...ugh...I hate the tag division or lack there of.
Randy Orton defeated John MOrrison & Ted Dibiase Jr.
Randy Orton's super ORTOn character is not nearly as bad as Cena's yet. Speaking of Orton, I was watching these highlights of DDP and you know what? I see parallels! If Orton could only get on the mic as good as DDP, I think that the RKO and the Diamond Cutter can be the best finisher in wrestling. The best move here was the RKO that Orton hit off of John Morrison jumping off the top ropes! I loved it. It wasn't as good as Evan Bourne, but yes, it was really dang good. If you blinked you missed it.
Sheamus was going to pick his next opponent, and he picked....ZACK RYDER! Yep. ZACK RYDER!
Sheamus defeated Zack Ryder
IF Ryder would've won the title, he would've become instant FACE. But nope. Sheamus beat him with a Bro Kick or whatever...stupid ending stupid match. Sheamus won...what a joke of a match.
The general manager emailed as Sheamus and Wade Barrett were in the ring arguing about crap. Sheamus will now defend against Wade at night of champions...alongside 4 other guys too.
I'm tired.
I'm sick of Super Cena, tired of stupid Sheamus...tired of Nexus...tired of this stale programming.
Wade was surrounded by the 6 other opponents, and that was kind of interesting, they all beat him down together. Wade took a beating which was awesome...but I'm still sick of Super Cena. The guys all hit their finishers with Orton looking strongest with an RKO.
Orton is shooting up and this is great...if only he could talk! Not a terrible Raw, but far from best.
chris jericho,
great khali,
john cena,
john morrison,
r truth,
randy orton,
the miz,
wwe monday night raw,
zack ryder
Sunday, August 22, 2010
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 8/20/10 Results and Review
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 8/20/10 Results
Kofi Kingston defeated Dolph Ziggler via dq
Sarena & Luke Gallows defeated Big Show & Kelly Kelly
Christian defeated Drew McIntyre
Alberto Del Rio defeated Rey Mysterio
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 8/20/10 Review
Rey Mysterio came out to the ring and talked about random crap. I was bored. I'm sick of Rey Mysterio...dude needs to retire.
Amidst talking, out came Alberto Del Rio, finally! He made his debut at Mysterio's expense. Alberto Del Rio is a combination of Razor Ramon, and The Model Ric Martel.
Mysterio hit first and attacked, hitting Alberto Del Rio with the 619!
Kofi Kingston defeated Dolph Ziggler via dq
This match wasn't too bad, I liked it for what it was, a repeat of their last 3 matches. I felt like I've seen this match several times before, and this time around, when Vickie Guerrero interfered, Dolph was disqualified. This was really a waste of time, all things considered.
Post match, Kofi was screaming in terror when in front of Kofi! So Kofi did what any idiot would do....nothing. Ziggler attacked him afterwards and just beat him up.
Here's a question? Why would Ziggler attack? He won the match, and Kofi shouldn't have anymore title shots, so he should move on right? Right.
Hornswoggle returned, in the backstage area, dressed as a plant.
Sarena & Luke Gallows defeated Big Show & Kelly Kelly
This wasn't that great, but we finally saw Sarena in ring. She's not half bad, and the match wasn't a complete waste, but it was obvious that Show would go down. BIg Show was busy outside, while Sareta hit a gutbuster on Kelly, and it looked bad. I guess this is a first, a first in a while...I didn't hate the divas here.
Kane did a promo...but I didn't care about it. I'm sick of Undertaker vs Kane...I've seen it soo many times...I'm tired of it, and I hate Kane and dare I say...I hate Taker these days too.
Christian defeated Drew McIntyre
Again? THIS MATCH? I feel like Smackdown is just a cookie cutter, boring ass show. I'm sick of seeing this match, I'm sick of McIntyre, I'm sick of Christian going into the post with his shoulder. I'm sick of roll up wins without his finisher...ugh...this match was so boring. I've seen this before 100 times!
Post match Drew and Cody Rhodes beat up Christian. Who cares?
I don't.
Alberto Del Rio defeated Rey Mysterio
I liked this match. Only because Del Rio didn't suck completely. I've seen a lot of debut matches in my day, and most of them aren't good at all, but not this one. Del Rio was quite methodical and he had counters against Mysterio's offense at several stages. I liked it. Del Rio's finisher is a rolling Arm Breaker submission and it was definitely flashy. Del Rio's Debut ranks high in my book as one of the better debut's in professional wrestlign in recent memory.
Del Rio needs a good steady feud to catapult him to a higher level. He needs the IC Title too....but that's not going to happen, now is it?
Overall, the ending of Smackdown made the night. I liked it. I think Del Rio is one of the best heels, if they can continue to use him properly. This is WWE, so it might go wrong at several stages, that's for sure.
Kofi Kingston defeated Dolph Ziggler via dq
Sarena & Luke Gallows defeated Big Show & Kelly Kelly
Christian defeated Drew McIntyre
Alberto Del Rio defeated Rey Mysterio
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 8/20/10 Review
Rey Mysterio came out to the ring and talked about random crap. I was bored. I'm sick of Rey Mysterio...dude needs to retire.
Amidst talking, out came Alberto Del Rio, finally! He made his debut at Mysterio's expense. Alberto Del Rio is a combination of Razor Ramon, and The Model Ric Martel.
Mysterio hit first and attacked, hitting Alberto Del Rio with the 619!
Kofi Kingston defeated Dolph Ziggler via dq
This match wasn't too bad, I liked it for what it was, a repeat of their last 3 matches. I felt like I've seen this match several times before, and this time around, when Vickie Guerrero interfered, Dolph was disqualified. This was really a waste of time, all things considered.
Post match, Kofi was screaming in terror when in front of Kofi! So Kofi did what any idiot would do....nothing. Ziggler attacked him afterwards and just beat him up.
Here's a question? Why would Ziggler attack? He won the match, and Kofi shouldn't have anymore title shots, so he should move on right? Right.
Hornswoggle returned, in the backstage area, dressed as a plant.
Sarena & Luke Gallows defeated Big Show & Kelly Kelly
This wasn't that great, but we finally saw Sarena in ring. She's not half bad, and the match wasn't a complete waste, but it was obvious that Show would go down. BIg Show was busy outside, while Sareta hit a gutbuster on Kelly, and it looked bad. I guess this is a first, a first in a while...I didn't hate the divas here.
Kane did a promo...but I didn't care about it. I'm sick of Undertaker vs Kane...I've seen it soo many times...I'm tired of it, and I hate Kane and dare I say...I hate Taker these days too.
Christian defeated Drew McIntyre
Again? THIS MATCH? I feel like Smackdown is just a cookie cutter, boring ass show. I'm sick of seeing this match, I'm sick of McIntyre, I'm sick of Christian going into the post with his shoulder. I'm sick of roll up wins without his finisher...ugh...this match was so boring. I've seen this before 100 times!
Post match Drew and Cody Rhodes beat up Christian. Who cares?
I don't.
Alberto Del Rio defeated Rey Mysterio
I liked this match. Only because Del Rio didn't suck completely. I've seen a lot of debut matches in my day, and most of them aren't good at all, but not this one. Del Rio was quite methodical and he had counters against Mysterio's offense at several stages. I liked it. Del Rio's finisher is a rolling Arm Breaker submission and it was definitely flashy. Del Rio's Debut ranks high in my book as one of the better debut's in professional wrestlign in recent memory.
Del Rio needs a good steady feud to catapult him to a higher level. He needs the IC Title too....but that's not going to happen, now is it?
Overall, the ending of Smackdown made the night. I liked it. I think Del Rio is one of the best heels, if they can continue to use him properly. This is WWE, so it might go wrong at several stages, that's for sure.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Eric Bischoff Lies
On Thursday Night Eric Bischoff said he hadn't seen anything worst than the EV2 beat down...oh really?
Here's some examples that you guys can take to the bank!
NWO vs. Four Horseman War Games 1997
1 Year after Sting left WCW or rather decided to be "The Crow" and still get paid. The Four Horseman reunited to fight off the invasion of the NWO and they gave the Enforcer spot to Curt Hennig (although I remember him as Henning, but whatever). Well, he turned on the Horseman and this nasty shot was cleverly produced...and well...I know wrestling is "fake" but then again? This is worst than the EV2 beat down, take a look:
Goldberg vs. Scott Hall Ladder Match (part 3)
Ok, so maybe this isn't that bad, but come on...Hall gets electrified...literally...or figuratively...I dunno.
Rey Mysterio, Eddie Guerrero & Billy Kidman vs. The Insane Clown Posse & Vampiro
Once again, Bischoff saw this...all I need to say is "INSANE CLOWN POSSE"!
Then there's this:
The Outsiders come in and it looks bad, looks like Eric himself takes a stiff shot to the gut, "YOU DON'T JACK US AROUND!"
These things are interesting, and I'm sure you guys can think of other things Bischoff has seen that are worst than that beat down. I know, the examples above are just not big...but the first one was. I was tired...give me a break.
I recall Vampiro being set on fire.
Hak vs Raven vs Bam Bam Bigelo
Hak vs Bigelow
Villano IV's neck being broken
Raven vs DDP on mtv live
So many other instances worst...but I guess no one remembers.
Here's some examples that you guys can take to the bank!
NWO vs. Four Horseman War Games 1997
1 Year after Sting left WCW or rather decided to be "The Crow" and still get paid. The Four Horseman reunited to fight off the invasion of the NWO and they gave the Enforcer spot to Curt Hennig (although I remember him as Henning, but whatever). Well, he turned on the Horseman and this nasty shot was cleverly produced...and well...I know wrestling is "fake" but then again? This is worst than the EV2 beat down, take a look:
Goldberg vs. Scott Hall Ladder Match (part 3)
Ok, so maybe this isn't that bad, but come on...Hall gets electrified...literally...or figuratively...I dunno.
Rey Mysterio, Eddie Guerrero & Billy Kidman vs. The Insane Clown Posse & Vampiro
Once again, Bischoff saw this...all I need to say is "INSANE CLOWN POSSE"!
Then there's this:
The Outsiders come in and it looks bad, looks like Eric himself takes a stiff shot to the gut, "YOU DON'T JACK US AROUND!"
These things are interesting, and I'm sure you guys can think of other things Bischoff has seen that are worst than that beat down. I know, the examples above are just not big...but the first one was. I was tired...give me a break.
I recall Vampiro being set on fire.
Hak vs Raven vs Bam Bam Bigelo
Hak vs Bigelow
Villano IV's neck being broken
Raven vs DDP on mtv live
So many other instances worst...but I guess no one remembers.
eddie guerrero,
fall brawl,
kevin nash,
new world order,
rey mysterio jr.,
scott hall,
the outsiders,
TNA Impact 8/19/10 Results and Review
TNA Impact 8/19/10 Results
Jeff Hardy defeated Rob Terry
Mr. Anderson defeated Jay Lethal
Angelina Love defeated Madison Rayne
Kurt Angle defeated Douglas Williams
AJ Styles defeated Tommy Dreamer
The Pope defeated Matt Morgan
TNA Impact 8/19/10 Review
The show starts with Abyss and Jeff Hardy backstage fighting.
I'm going to say this straight up, I HATE THESE TWO WRESTLING! They've wrestled a BILLION times! I've seen them fight in Monsters Ball matches, regular matches, and so much more. I'm tired of seeing them fight, it's boring.
Eric Bischoff was in ring and said he never has seen something so horrific as last week's attack on EV2!
You didn't see the NWO slam a steel cage door into the side of Flair's head? Just to name a quick one....or didn't you see Goldberg literally tazer Scott Hall?
I'm tired.
Jeff Hardy defeated Rob Terry
Jeff Hardy ran into the ring and was hitting Rob Terry with a variety of moves, trying to get the big man down, and it wasn't working too well. Rob Terry was throwing Hardy around in amazing fashion, and I personally liked it. I like Terry, despite the obvious look of steroid abuse. Hardy, managed to turn things around in the midpoint and hit Terry with some nice offense to hang in there. Hardy hit the Swanton but only landed his legs on Terry and won.
I didn't like the end of the match. BUt I did like the match enough.
Hulk Hogan was on a cell phone, and he was saying he was going to quit the show.
Mr. Anderson defeated Jay Lethal
This match was fast paced, and wasn't given a lot of time. Lethal has been on a streak, but somehow he loses clean to Anderson. That's right, Anderson didn't cheat in this one, he didn't use a foreign object, he just out smarted Lethal, which is a bit odd to me, considering that Jay Lethal was on the rise...but whatever.
Angelina Love defeated Madison Rayne
This match sucked. The Knockouts have NOT been good in a long time. Not since Gail Kim left have I cared about the Knockouts. The only thing that might gain some credence is if they unmask the motorcycle girl, other than that, I don't care.
Fortune was in the ring and things were looking good? They have 6 members now? What the heck? Yes, they have six members now. How is this like the Four Horseman?
EV 2 came out and basically set up a feud with Fortune...that's why there's 6 now, or 7 because it's a feud....i'm already sick of this feud. They're doing what WWE is doing...only lighter.
Kurt Angle defeated Douglas Williams
This match wasn't terrible, but I'm so tired of Angle steamrolling EVERY person in TNA. It's hard to imagine that he'll lose. I'm sick of this crap. He's getting close to getting a title shot...I don't care. I really don't give a crap about either one of these guys, and TNA keeps shoving it down my throat.
Kevin Nash & Sting came out to the ring and started mouthing off. Then came out Double J and this started a feud too....ugh...so sick of this crap.
The four guys were going to fight and the lights went out and guess what?
Fortune was in the ring and beating up the four guys.
The Pope D'Angelo Dinero defeated Matt Morgan
These two can probably put on a good match, but given such a short amount of time, it was interesting to see if they could make it work. This match was relatively boring to me, until the end. MOrgan smashed his nuts into the steel ring post, hit his two legged move on the outside and rolled up Morgan on the inside, so that was quite good.
The final four in the tournament are Hardy, Angle, Pope and Anderson and they'll fight at No Surrender?
This sucks. THe whole tournament thing sucks, FIRE ALL THE TNA WRITERS.
AJ Styles defeated Tommy Dreamer
This match was about as good as you can get from an old ass Tommy Dreamer. STyles put on an ok show, all things considered. There were nice reversals towards the end, and I liked that Dreamer was able to work through his injury. This match looked great towards the end, and then they ruined it.
THis match had TNA and EV2 fighting outside the ring, distracting the ref, and Styles wins after Abyss runs in and beats up Tommy Dreamer.
This sucked.
The show ended with a brawl.
WOW....this was just like WCW 2001...what a terrible night of wrestling, what a waste of time. If you missed it, good!
Jeff Hardy defeated Rob Terry
Mr. Anderson defeated Jay Lethal
Angelina Love defeated Madison Rayne
Kurt Angle defeated Douglas Williams
AJ Styles defeated Tommy Dreamer
The Pope defeated Matt Morgan
TNA Impact 8/19/10 Review
The show starts with Abyss and Jeff Hardy backstage fighting.
I'm going to say this straight up, I HATE THESE TWO WRESTLING! They've wrestled a BILLION times! I've seen them fight in Monsters Ball matches, regular matches, and so much more. I'm tired of seeing them fight, it's boring.
Eric Bischoff was in ring and said he never has seen something so horrific as last week's attack on EV2!
You didn't see the NWO slam a steel cage door into the side of Flair's head? Just to name a quick one....or didn't you see Goldberg literally tazer Scott Hall?
I'm tired.
Jeff Hardy defeated Rob Terry
Jeff Hardy ran into the ring and was hitting Rob Terry with a variety of moves, trying to get the big man down, and it wasn't working too well. Rob Terry was throwing Hardy around in amazing fashion, and I personally liked it. I like Terry, despite the obvious look of steroid abuse. Hardy, managed to turn things around in the midpoint and hit Terry with some nice offense to hang in there. Hardy hit the Swanton but only landed his legs on Terry and won.
I didn't like the end of the match. BUt I did like the match enough.
Hulk Hogan was on a cell phone, and he was saying he was going to quit the show.
Mr. Anderson defeated Jay Lethal
This match was fast paced, and wasn't given a lot of time. Lethal has been on a streak, but somehow he loses clean to Anderson. That's right, Anderson didn't cheat in this one, he didn't use a foreign object, he just out smarted Lethal, which is a bit odd to me, considering that Jay Lethal was on the rise...but whatever.
Angelina Love defeated Madison Rayne
This match sucked. The Knockouts have NOT been good in a long time. Not since Gail Kim left have I cared about the Knockouts. The only thing that might gain some credence is if they unmask the motorcycle girl, other than that, I don't care.
Fortune was in the ring and things were looking good? They have 6 members now? What the heck? Yes, they have six members now. How is this like the Four Horseman?
EV 2 came out and basically set up a feud with Fortune...that's why there's 6 now, or 7 because it's a feud....i'm already sick of this feud. They're doing what WWE is doing...only lighter.
Kurt Angle defeated Douglas Williams
This match wasn't terrible, but I'm so tired of Angle steamrolling EVERY person in TNA. It's hard to imagine that he'll lose. I'm sick of this crap. He's getting close to getting a title shot...I don't care. I really don't give a crap about either one of these guys, and TNA keeps shoving it down my throat.
Kevin Nash & Sting came out to the ring and started mouthing off. Then came out Double J and this started a feud too....ugh...so sick of this crap.
The four guys were going to fight and the lights went out and guess what?
Fortune was in the ring and beating up the four guys.
The Pope D'Angelo Dinero defeated Matt Morgan
These two can probably put on a good match, but given such a short amount of time, it was interesting to see if they could make it work. This match was relatively boring to me, until the end. MOrgan smashed his nuts into the steel ring post, hit his two legged move on the outside and rolled up Morgan on the inside, so that was quite good.
The final four in the tournament are Hardy, Angle, Pope and Anderson and they'll fight at No Surrender?
This sucks. THe whole tournament thing sucks, FIRE ALL THE TNA WRITERS.
AJ Styles defeated Tommy Dreamer
This match was about as good as you can get from an old ass Tommy Dreamer. STyles put on an ok show, all things considered. There were nice reversals towards the end, and I liked that Dreamer was able to work through his injury. This match looked great towards the end, and then they ruined it.
THis match had TNA and EV2 fighting outside the ring, distracting the ref, and Styles wins after Abyss runs in and beats up Tommy Dreamer.
This sucked.
The show ended with a brawl.
WOW....this was just like WCW 2001...what a terrible night of wrestling, what a waste of time. If you missed it, good!
Friday, August 20, 2010
WWE Superstars 8/19/10 Results and Review
WWE Superstars 8/19/10 Results
Yoshi Tatsu defeated Primo
Archer & Hawkins defeated MVP & JTG
Jack Swagger defeated Chris Masters
WWE Superstars 8/19/10 Review
I've had a long week, and not a great one. I'm still broke, and I'm still writing wrestling reviews to an audience of 1 or 2. No money is coming from ads, no one is buying anything from Amazon...but whatever.
Here's my thoughts on WWE SUPERSTARS IN HD!
Yoshi Tatsu defeated Primo
I'm a big fan of good wrestling, and this match had some fine wrestling. It's hard for jaded wrestling fans to enjoy premium wrestling, but this was actually quite good at times. Yoshi and Primo can go, and it's unfortunate that this type of wrestling doesn't make its way to ppv or the major shows, in a real storyline. I liked this match, and although there were a lot of rest holds, there was a good story being told. Yoshi won after a weak Spinning Heel Kick off the top, but after around 10 minutes, why not? I liked this match, even though it's a throwaway of sorts.
Archer & Hawkins defeated MVP & JTG
This match wasn't terrible, but I didn't care about either team. THe match had a few spots, mostly from Archer and MVP. JTG is still employed? I thought it was "Shads" time? I'm sick of these teams...and yet, I keep saying that there's no tag division...go figure. This match sucked. There was a nice botch towards the end with JTG and ARcher trying to set up a finisher, but they recovered without any fan reaction, and MVP and JTG lose again. Who cares?
Jack Swagger defeated Chris Masters
There's a guy at my local mall that looks like Jack Swagger. I make fun of him non stop. Chris Masters lost this one, without much fight. Sure, he had a few moments, but nothing that I would write home about. Masters did have a few shots, but you knew that Swagger was NOT losing this one, and he didn't. Swagger, hopefully will be on his way back towards the main event, as he's headlining Superstars rather than chasing the title, that he lost.
Overall Superstars has the most wrestling out of all the shows. No story lines, just wrestling. I liked it, but it's not a show that you can't miss out on. If you missed it, oh well, if you saw it, then you killed about 45 minutes.
Yoshi Tatsu defeated Primo
Archer & Hawkins defeated MVP & JTG
Jack Swagger defeated Chris Masters
WWE Superstars 8/19/10 Review
I've had a long week, and not a great one. I'm still broke, and I'm still writing wrestling reviews to an audience of 1 or 2. No money is coming from ads, no one is buying anything from Amazon...but whatever.
Here's my thoughts on WWE SUPERSTARS IN HD!
Yoshi Tatsu defeated Primo
I'm a big fan of good wrestling, and this match had some fine wrestling. It's hard for jaded wrestling fans to enjoy premium wrestling, but this was actually quite good at times. Yoshi and Primo can go, and it's unfortunate that this type of wrestling doesn't make its way to ppv or the major shows, in a real storyline. I liked this match, and although there were a lot of rest holds, there was a good story being told. Yoshi won after a weak Spinning Heel Kick off the top, but after around 10 minutes, why not? I liked this match, even though it's a throwaway of sorts.
Archer & Hawkins defeated MVP & JTG
This match wasn't terrible, but I didn't care about either team. THe match had a few spots, mostly from Archer and MVP. JTG is still employed? I thought it was "Shads" time? I'm sick of these teams...and yet, I keep saying that there's no tag division...go figure. This match sucked. There was a nice botch towards the end with JTG and ARcher trying to set up a finisher, but they recovered without any fan reaction, and MVP and JTG lose again. Who cares?
Jack Swagger defeated Chris Masters
There's a guy at my local mall that looks like Jack Swagger. I make fun of him non stop. Chris Masters lost this one, without much fight. Sure, he had a few moments, but nothing that I would write home about. Masters did have a few shots, but you knew that Swagger was NOT losing this one, and he didn't. Swagger, hopefully will be on his way back towards the main event, as he's headlining Superstars rather than chasing the title, that he lost.
Overall Superstars has the most wrestling out of all the shows. No story lines, just wrestling. I liked it, but it's not a show that you can't miss out on. If you missed it, oh well, if you saw it, then you killed about 45 minutes.
chris masters,
jack swagger,
primo colon,
vance archer,
wwe superstars,
yoshi tatsu
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
WWE NXT 8/16/10 Results and REview
WWE NXT 8/16/10 Results
Kofi Kingston defeated Alex Riley
Kaval defeated Huskie Harris
Zack Ryder defeated Mike McGullicutty
WWE NXT 8/16/10 Review
I'm still upset that Cena won two nights in a row.
Percy Watson was eliminated.
Zack Ryder defeated Mike McGullicutty
This was an ok match. Ryder took a lot of offense in this match, and was fighting back a few times. Towards the end of the match, this thing started to look like the rookie might have an edge, but nope, Zack Ryder got the better win here.
Kaval defeated Huskie Harris
This was definitely a great overall match up, and I liked it. Harris took a stiff kick to the face, and Kaval hit his finisher, winning. Both of these guys should be contracted stars, I liked this match.
Kofi Kingston defeated Alex Riley
Alex Riley isn't that good without the Miz's help. I liked this match was ok, but overall, but Riley needs work on his in ring skills.
Husky Harris was eliminated.
That's the end of that.
This show suckd. I'm tired.
I hate Cena.
Kofi Kingston defeated Alex Riley
Kaval defeated Huskie Harris
Zack Ryder defeated Mike McGullicutty
WWE NXT 8/16/10 Review
I'm still upset that Cena won two nights in a row.
Percy Watson was eliminated.
Zack Ryder defeated Mike McGullicutty
This was an ok match. Ryder took a lot of offense in this match, and was fighting back a few times. Towards the end of the match, this thing started to look like the rookie might have an edge, but nope, Zack Ryder got the better win here.
Kaval defeated Huskie Harris
This was definitely a great overall match up, and I liked it. Harris took a stiff kick to the face, and Kaval hit his finisher, winning. Both of these guys should be contracted stars, I liked this match.
Kofi Kingston defeated Alex Riley
Alex Riley isn't that good without the Miz's help. I liked this match was ok, but overall, but Riley needs work on his in ring skills.
Husky Harris was eliminated.
That's the end of that.
This show suckd. I'm tired.
I hate Cena.
alex riley,
husky harris,
kofi kingston,
wwe nxt,
wwe results,
zack ryder
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
WWE Monday Night Raw 8/16/10 Results and Review
WWE Monday Night Raw 8/16/10 Results
Wade Barrett defeated Chris Jericho
Michael Tarver defeated Daniel Bryan
Justin Gabriel defeated Randy Orton via Count Out
David Otunga & SKip Sheffield defeated John Morrison & R Truth
Alicia Fox, Maryse, and Who cares! defeated Gail Kim, Melina, Eve Torres
Heath Slater defeated Edge via countout
John Cena defeated Darren "Black John Cena" Young
WWE Monday Night Raw 8/16/10 Review
The night after Summerslam had many expecting great things, and I for one wasn't. I'm sick of SUPER CENA always winning, and Summerslam sucked, despite throwing up a lot of great action.
Here are my thoughts on WWE RAW from last night....oh boy...
Wade Barrett and Nexus came out and Wade cut a promo. He said that there was going to be hell to pay. He was in mid-sentence when John Cena came out! Yep. Cena came out, and he didn't even look tired, despite taking a beating last night. I'm SOOOO SICK OF JOHN CENA! You don't even know...I'm like Bobby Heenan vs. Hulk Hogan, I hate the guy's character. Cena went through each Nexus star and broke them down with comedy...and I don't care.
The fake general manager emailed or whatever...who cares.
Nexus will fight in a series of matches against Team WWE guys...I'm so tired of this feud, they totally killed it for me last night with the SUPER CENA win...I'm so sick of this crap.
Wade said that if anyone loses, they'll get kicked out of Nexus.
Wade Barrett defeated Chris Jericho
This was a nice back and forth match. It had some good action, with some good power moves here and there, Jericho's speed getting the better of Wade and eventually the Walls of Jericho. Jericho couldn't put away the veteran with ease, and it looked as though Wade would be out first in his group. As Jericho went for the Codebreaker, Wade caught him in mid air and dropped Jericho on his head and won! It was a nice finish to a half-way decent match. I'm a believer, Wade Barrett is a good wrestler and I could see him going far outside of the Nexus group. Jericho loses again.
Some random comedians were in ring, including the Mac guy.
The Hart Dynasty was out in the ring and the General Manager emailed. The titles are now called the WWE Tag Team Championships, instead of two sets of belts. Bret Hart came out and introduced the team with the new titles, and they are quite nice. New Tag Team Titles! Wow.
Too bad there's no tag teams.
Michael Tarver defeated Daniel Bryan
This match was ok, and if it weren't for Michael Cole's comments, I wouldn't care. This match was forgettable, until The Miz came down to interfere and cost Bryan the match up.
Post match, Bryan lunged at The Miz and started fighting him. However, The Miz and Alex Riley attacked him and then hit the Skull Crushing Finale on the briefcase. Bryan was out cold...out cold. The Miz vs Bryan feud will be amazing and I hope that Daniel Bryan will get the U.S. Title. I'm sick of Michael Cole, I hope someone punches him in the face.
Justin Gabriel was scheduled to face Bret Hart. The general manager said that he didn't like Hart, and that Gabriel will fight a new opponent....none other than....Randy Orton
Justin Gabriel defeated Randy Orton via Count Out
Gabriel fought an ok match, but this match was all Orton towards the finish, which saw Sheamus run in and distract him. Orton chased him and after getting counted out hit an RKO on Gabriel then teed off on Sheamus with a steel chair. Orton went nuts on Sheamus, and that was that.
David Otunga & SKip Sheffield defeated John Morrison & R Truth
This was a relatively easy match up for Nexus. Otunga and Sheffield won this one with ease. I didn't hate it, and it was interesting to see nexus work well as a team. Not a long match, but it served its purpose.
Alicia Fox, Maryse, and Who cares! defeated Gail Kim, Melina, Eve Torres
The divas match...it sucked. I hate the divas. You should too.
When will women wrestlers actually get some good matches? I hate the WWE divas these days. Jon Lovitz was ringside.
Heath Slater defeated Edge via countout
This was stupid. Slater won via countout. Edge and Heath didn't really do much in ring, and Edge barely broke a sweat. Whatever...Slater wins, and Edge speared him after the match. What an easy night for the wwe guys.
John Cena defeated Darren "Black John Cena" Young
I don't know how the world didn't blow up, and why we are still alive. I don't understand what is going on here, but Black John Cena and John Cena Versino 1 fought each other. I knew what was going to happen. Super Cena can't lose. He's never going to lose and if he does, people will forget. Remember when John Cena told Batista that he couldn't beat him? Well, Cena lost to Batista a few years ago at Summerslam. I guess they forgot. This match was back and forth at several different points, and Cena might've lost, had he not been John Cena. Cena eventually got the STFU on Black Cena and won via submission...and I don't care.
Post match, the Nexus crew ran down to the ring and were ready to attack. They let Cena leave, and they attacked Black John Cena. Darren Young is out of Nexus. Then there was only 6.
What will Young Do? Who cares?
Nexus survives?
WHO CARES? I don't care about this story line.
I can't get behind Cena, I'm not an 8 year old. Hogan at least had awesome bad guys to face, cena? He just has no one left to beat, let him retire.
I'm so tired of this trash. Raw sucked.
I hate Nexus now I hate Cena, and man....wrestling was good for a few weeks and now it's back in the trash can.
Wade Barrett defeated Chris Jericho
Michael Tarver defeated Daniel Bryan
Justin Gabriel defeated Randy Orton via Count Out
David Otunga & SKip Sheffield defeated John Morrison & R Truth
Alicia Fox, Maryse, and Who cares! defeated Gail Kim, Melina, Eve Torres
Heath Slater defeated Edge via countout
John Cena defeated Darren "Black John Cena" Young
WWE Monday Night Raw 8/16/10 Review
The night after Summerslam had many expecting great things, and I for one wasn't. I'm sick of SUPER CENA always winning, and Summerslam sucked, despite throwing up a lot of great action.
Here are my thoughts on WWE RAW from last night....oh boy...
Wade Barrett and Nexus came out and Wade cut a promo. He said that there was going to be hell to pay. He was in mid-sentence when John Cena came out! Yep. Cena came out, and he didn't even look tired, despite taking a beating last night. I'm SOOOO SICK OF JOHN CENA! You don't even know...I'm like Bobby Heenan vs. Hulk Hogan, I hate the guy's character. Cena went through each Nexus star and broke them down with comedy...and I don't care.
The fake general manager emailed or whatever...who cares.
Nexus will fight in a series of matches against Team WWE guys...I'm so tired of this feud, they totally killed it for me last night with the SUPER CENA win...I'm so sick of this crap.
Wade said that if anyone loses, they'll get kicked out of Nexus.
Wade Barrett defeated Chris Jericho
This was a nice back and forth match. It had some good action, with some good power moves here and there, Jericho's speed getting the better of Wade and eventually the Walls of Jericho. Jericho couldn't put away the veteran with ease, and it looked as though Wade would be out first in his group. As Jericho went for the Codebreaker, Wade caught him in mid air and dropped Jericho on his head and won! It was a nice finish to a half-way decent match. I'm a believer, Wade Barrett is a good wrestler and I could see him going far outside of the Nexus group. Jericho loses again.
Some random comedians were in ring, including the Mac guy.
The Hart Dynasty was out in the ring and the General Manager emailed. The titles are now called the WWE Tag Team Championships, instead of two sets of belts. Bret Hart came out and introduced the team with the new titles, and they are quite nice. New Tag Team Titles! Wow.
Too bad there's no tag teams.
Michael Tarver defeated Daniel Bryan
This match was ok, and if it weren't for Michael Cole's comments, I wouldn't care. This match was forgettable, until The Miz came down to interfere and cost Bryan the match up.
Post match, Bryan lunged at The Miz and started fighting him. However, The Miz and Alex Riley attacked him and then hit the Skull Crushing Finale on the briefcase. Bryan was out cold...out cold. The Miz vs Bryan feud will be amazing and I hope that Daniel Bryan will get the U.S. Title. I'm sick of Michael Cole, I hope someone punches him in the face.
Justin Gabriel was scheduled to face Bret Hart. The general manager said that he didn't like Hart, and that Gabriel will fight a new opponent....none other than....Randy Orton
Justin Gabriel defeated Randy Orton via Count Out
Gabriel fought an ok match, but this match was all Orton towards the finish, which saw Sheamus run in and distract him. Orton chased him and after getting counted out hit an RKO on Gabriel then teed off on Sheamus with a steel chair. Orton went nuts on Sheamus, and that was that.
David Otunga & SKip Sheffield defeated John Morrison & R Truth
This was a relatively easy match up for Nexus. Otunga and Sheffield won this one with ease. I didn't hate it, and it was interesting to see nexus work well as a team. Not a long match, but it served its purpose.
Alicia Fox, Maryse, and Who cares! defeated Gail Kim, Melina, Eve Torres
The divas match...it sucked. I hate the divas. You should too.
When will women wrestlers actually get some good matches? I hate the WWE divas these days. Jon Lovitz was ringside.
Heath Slater defeated Edge via countout
This was stupid. Slater won via countout. Edge and Heath didn't really do much in ring, and Edge barely broke a sweat. Whatever...Slater wins, and Edge speared him after the match. What an easy night for the wwe guys.
John Cena defeated Darren "Black John Cena" Young
I don't know how the world didn't blow up, and why we are still alive. I don't understand what is going on here, but Black John Cena and John Cena Versino 1 fought each other. I knew what was going to happen. Super Cena can't lose. He's never going to lose and if he does, people will forget. Remember when John Cena told Batista that he couldn't beat him? Well, Cena lost to Batista a few years ago at Summerslam. I guess they forgot. This match was back and forth at several different points, and Cena might've lost, had he not been John Cena. Cena eventually got the STFU on Black Cena and won via submission...and I don't care.
Post match, the Nexus crew ran down to the ring and were ready to attack. They let Cena leave, and they attacked Black John Cena. Darren Young is out of Nexus. Then there was only 6.
What will Young Do? Who cares?
Nexus survives?
WHO CARES? I don't care about this story line.
I can't get behind Cena, I'm not an 8 year old. Hogan at least had awesome bad guys to face, cena? He just has no one left to beat, let him retire.
I'm so tired of this trash. Raw sucked.
I hate Nexus now I hate Cena, and man....wrestling was good for a few weeks and now it's back in the trash can.
black john cena,
chris jericho,
daniel bryan,
david otunga,
heath slater,
john cena,
justin gabriel,
michael tarver,
monday night raw,
randy orton,
skip sheffield,
wade barrett
Monday, August 16, 2010
WWE Summerslam 2010 Results and Review
WWE SUmmerslam 2010 Results
Dolph Ziggler vs Kofi Kingston (no contest)
Melina defeated Alicia Fox
Big Show defeated The Straightedge Society
Randy Orton defeated Sheamus via dq
Kane defeated Rey Mysterio
Team Cena defeated Team Nexus
WWE Summerslam 2010 Review
I was expecting great things for this one. I didn't see it live, but I saw it after the fact. I'm a little late on the review because of circumstances out of my control, but here we go, how it all went down and what I think of one of the big 4 this year. SUMMERSLAM 2010!WOOOOOT!
First and foremost, the intro was the best intro I've Seen for WWE in a very long time. Not since the "In A perfect World" promo. This was amazing, the introduction promo was just amazing, simply the greatest edited promo in a seriously long time. I loved it, I absolutely loved the introduction to the ppv. I can't believe how good WWE can be sometimes. TNA doesn't even match, ever, this is amazing. Oh man, what an incredible introduction.
"What if they succceed?"
That was the greatest line.
Dolph Ziggler vs Kofi Kingston (no contest)
The opening match was the Intercontinental championship match and Ziggler was not intimidated by Kingston. Kingston was hitting fast and furious, but Ziggler was able to counter at all moments. There were some nice nearfalls, and for the most part Vickie Guerrero was a non factor. I enjoyed this one, and I thought Ziggler finally made it to the big show. I'm a fan, I've been a fan for a while. Ziggler was about to win this match but out came the Nexus 7!
The Nexus hit the ring and booted Ziggler. They then surrounded Kofi Kingston and beat him down! This was NOT forecasted, and it was awesome. He got the biggest beat down. I loved it. I wanted to just yell FU KOFI! YES! NEXUS WAS BEATING THE HELL OUT OF KOFI! YES YES YES!
Nobody came to Kofi's aid, which was interesting to see. Kofi should turn heel since no one helped him.
Melina defeated Alicia Fox
Melina sucks. I hate her. I hate Alicia Fox and the divas. This match was terrible. Melina's outfit was terrible. This match was a boredom movement I'll never get back. Melina wins...whatever.
Laycool came in and beat her up. Yep. It's sad to say that the most exciting thing in the divas division is laycool beating down Melina...sad.
Big Show defeated The Straightedge Society
THis match was ok at best. Big Show got the obvious win as CM Punk ditched his pals and let Show win with a chokeslam. I like Big Show enough, and this match had some quality moments. Big Show apparently didn't have an injured hand afterall. I liked it, Punk and Show will have to fight one on one someday and the SES is looking to end in the near future, that's for sure. Not a bad match, and not a great one either. I love looking at Serina....sigh....she's so cute.
Sheamus wanted to borrow the casket that was backstage from Kane to throw Randy Orton into. Kane said No.
The Miz came out and cut a nice promo. He basically told everyone that he was the only Hope for defeating Nexus. He said he was the future.
MIZ said he would join Team Cena tonight!
Randy Orton defeated Sheamus via dq
This match was very back and forth. Orton didn't have the upper hand too long and neither did Sheamus. Sheamus looked frustrated at one point and after a lot of exchanges of power moves and rest holds, Sheamus went out and got a chair! He got himself disqualified as the ref fell out of the ring. Orton looked hurt, like he messed up his shoulder again, and as the match was over, Orton hit Sheamus with a big low blow and this thing opened up big time. The match had some standard moves for both men, and nothing too crazy, but the post match well....that was Orton's moment to shine.
Post match, Orton grabbed Sheamus and tossed him out of the ring, and he went to the announcers table! He took out the monitors and he lost it, which was a nice bit of work. He threw Sheamus on to the table then climbed up and hit an RKO on the table! RKO on Sheamus on the TABLE! The table didn't break, but he left Sheamus basically dead. Not a great match, not a boring match, but no championship change for Orton, and Sheamus walks away champion yet again.
Kane defeated Rey Mysterio
Mysterio was hitting a lot of shots on Kane. Kane wasn't dominant in this match, at least not for the whole part. Rey hit so much offense, that it almost seemed like he wouldn't win, based on how dominant the little guy was for a change. They never book him strong as the champion, but as a challenger? He hits moves that you just don't see often fromt he guy. He spent a lot of moments hitting kane with kicks, leaps off the ropes, and while Kane did fight back, it was a majorly one sided affair, at least for a good portion of this match up. There was a casket at ringside, and Kane was trying to throw him in at several times. Kane blocked the 619 and was thrown into the Casket at one point and this thing turned around but it was Kane that was able to keep pushing against Mysterio. Mysterio hit the 619 and this thing looked like it was in th ebag, but Kane once again countered and this thing finally ended with a sick thud. Kane retains, and boy was it brutal for Mysterio. Mysterio can now go and get his knee fixed yet again, because this feud should be over, in my book. I liked the match, but it looked obvious over time that Rey wouldn't win. I hate how they book him weak during championship runs and then dominant during challenges...lame.
Post match, Kane hit Mysterio with another chokeslam and was going to throw him in the casket after another chokeslam, but alas, what we all knew was coming! A tombstone that looked like Mysterio hit his head on the mat and was dead, and then....
Yeah, yeah yeah. Another Kane vs Undertaker feud? Could the WWE telegraphed this any more? Every wrestling writer in the WORLD wrote this out, even I called it on this petty blog. EVERYONE wrote this one, everyone knew about this.
Undertaker came out and looked at Mysterio, and looked like he was going to take him out. He went to REY and UNDERTAKER said that it was him, and asked "WHY DID YOU DO IT REY" and then he grabbed him out of the corner after saying, "I Believe you" and it looked like he was going to chokeslam him to hell, but nope, he turned his gaze on Kane! He then attacked Kane...yep....man, what a terrible piece of writing. Kane beat up Taker, and that was that.
It's nice to see WWE helping Los Angeles. Lucky kids...wow. Lincoln Heights!! WOW! My old stomping grounds.
Team WWE came out and the 7th man was NOT MIZ. It was none other than DANIEL BRYAN! That's right, not the MIZ, it was DANIEL BRYAN?!?!?!
Team Cena defeated Team Nexus
This match had it all in terms of entertainment. This match was a nice fired mo match up. Bret Hart even got in and did MORE than he did at wrestlemania! I loved it. He was in there like a champ and every move was awesome! I was cheering big time. Short Elbows, hammering away, wow...Bret was awesome! Hart got himself disqualified by hitting Sheffield with a chair! People were getting eliminated left and right, and no one had a clear advantage for a good amount of time. I couldn't believe I was excited about this match as it was going on. I was thrilled with it, and for once, remembered what it was like to be a fan a real pr-wrestling fan. I didn't know who was going to win, and Daniel Bryan was there, my goodness. Wow, Justin Gabriel nearly killed Edge with a kick at one point....wrestling is fake, but for a split second I thought it was real.
At one point Jericho hit Cena and that was the end of Jericho! Edge and Cena jumped in at the same time and they started arguing! This was definitely looking like the beginning of the end! Edge was shoved into Cena and was eliminated as well, and Edge speared CENA on his way out! YES YES YES!
Edge and Jericho started beating up Cena on the outside, and that meant that Daniel Bryan and Cena were the last two left in the match against three members of Nexus. I'm already sick of Michael Cole hating Daniel Bryan, it's stupid. It's completely stupid.
Daniel Bryan finally got a tag into the match and he was on fire! He hit everything so clean, and it was awesome. He tee'd off on Heath Slater and the crowd ate it up! He put on the CROSSFACE and made SLATER TAP OUT! YES YES YES! DANIEL BRYAN! It came down 2 to 2....
The Miz ran down and knocked the crap out of Daniel Bryan with his briefcase! That's right, DANIEL BRYAN WAS KNOCKED OUT COMPLETELY by THE MIZ! He knocked out Daniel BRYAN! YEP! YEP! BRYAN IS OUT.
That left John Cena vs Wade Barrett and Justin Gabriel! Cena got in some great offense but the numbers game was definitely rising, and making this thing go nuts, and Cena was just getting whipped and beaten down. Finally, Cena was getting put into his place. I'm glad. He was getting beaten the crap out of, and I loved every minute. FU CENA! FU CENA is all I could think about in my head. Wade Barrett hit Cena with a ddt on the floor, with the mats pulled up. Cena was dead now, there was nothing left...he should've been dead.
Justin Gabriel went for the 450 SPLASH and Cena got up and out of the way, and eliminated Gabriel, then as Barrett walked in, CENA put on the STFU on BARRETT AND WON!
I can't believe this!
John CENA IS SUPERMAN! HE can't lose...there's no reason for this, there's aboslutely no reason for this piece of crap...I can't believe this...I Hate cena...so stupid, FU CENA! FU!
COme on!
Dolph Ziggler vs Kofi Kingston (no contest)
Melina defeated Alicia Fox
Big Show defeated The Straightedge Society
Randy Orton defeated Sheamus via dq
Kane defeated Rey Mysterio
Team Cena defeated Team Nexus
WWE Summerslam 2010 Review
I was expecting great things for this one. I didn't see it live, but I saw it after the fact. I'm a little late on the review because of circumstances out of my control, but here we go, how it all went down and what I think of one of the big 4 this year. SUMMERSLAM 2010!WOOOOOT!
First and foremost, the intro was the best intro I've Seen for WWE in a very long time. Not since the "In A perfect World" promo. This was amazing, the introduction promo was just amazing, simply the greatest edited promo in a seriously long time. I loved it, I absolutely loved the introduction to the ppv. I can't believe how good WWE can be sometimes. TNA doesn't even match, ever, this is amazing. Oh man, what an incredible introduction.
"What if they succceed?"
That was the greatest line.
Dolph Ziggler vs Kofi Kingston (no contest)
The opening match was the Intercontinental championship match and Ziggler was not intimidated by Kingston. Kingston was hitting fast and furious, but Ziggler was able to counter at all moments. There were some nice nearfalls, and for the most part Vickie Guerrero was a non factor. I enjoyed this one, and I thought Ziggler finally made it to the big show. I'm a fan, I've been a fan for a while. Ziggler was about to win this match but out came the Nexus 7!
The Nexus hit the ring and booted Ziggler. They then surrounded Kofi Kingston and beat him down! This was NOT forecasted, and it was awesome. He got the biggest beat down. I loved it. I wanted to just yell FU KOFI! YES! NEXUS WAS BEATING THE HELL OUT OF KOFI! YES YES YES!
Nobody came to Kofi's aid, which was interesting to see. Kofi should turn heel since no one helped him.
Melina defeated Alicia Fox
Melina sucks. I hate her. I hate Alicia Fox and the divas. This match was terrible. Melina's outfit was terrible. This match was a boredom movement I'll never get back. Melina wins...whatever.
Laycool came in and beat her up. Yep. It's sad to say that the most exciting thing in the divas division is laycool beating down Melina...sad.
Big Show defeated The Straightedge Society
THis match was ok at best. Big Show got the obvious win as CM Punk ditched his pals and let Show win with a chokeslam. I like Big Show enough, and this match had some quality moments. Big Show apparently didn't have an injured hand afterall. I liked it, Punk and Show will have to fight one on one someday and the SES is looking to end in the near future, that's for sure. Not a bad match, and not a great one either. I love looking at Serina....sigh....she's so cute.
Sheamus wanted to borrow the casket that was backstage from Kane to throw Randy Orton into. Kane said No.
The Miz came out and cut a nice promo. He basically told everyone that he was the only Hope for defeating Nexus. He said he was the future.
MIZ said he would join Team Cena tonight!
Randy Orton defeated Sheamus via dq
This match was very back and forth. Orton didn't have the upper hand too long and neither did Sheamus. Sheamus looked frustrated at one point and after a lot of exchanges of power moves and rest holds, Sheamus went out and got a chair! He got himself disqualified as the ref fell out of the ring. Orton looked hurt, like he messed up his shoulder again, and as the match was over, Orton hit Sheamus with a big low blow and this thing opened up big time. The match had some standard moves for both men, and nothing too crazy, but the post match well....that was Orton's moment to shine.
Post match, Orton grabbed Sheamus and tossed him out of the ring, and he went to the announcers table! He took out the monitors and he lost it, which was a nice bit of work. He threw Sheamus on to the table then climbed up and hit an RKO on the table! RKO on Sheamus on the TABLE! The table didn't break, but he left Sheamus basically dead. Not a great match, not a boring match, but no championship change for Orton, and Sheamus walks away champion yet again.
Kane defeated Rey Mysterio
Mysterio was hitting a lot of shots on Kane. Kane wasn't dominant in this match, at least not for the whole part. Rey hit so much offense, that it almost seemed like he wouldn't win, based on how dominant the little guy was for a change. They never book him strong as the champion, but as a challenger? He hits moves that you just don't see often fromt he guy. He spent a lot of moments hitting kane with kicks, leaps off the ropes, and while Kane did fight back, it was a majorly one sided affair, at least for a good portion of this match up. There was a casket at ringside, and Kane was trying to throw him in at several times. Kane blocked the 619 and was thrown into the Casket at one point and this thing turned around but it was Kane that was able to keep pushing against Mysterio. Mysterio hit the 619 and this thing looked like it was in th ebag, but Kane once again countered and this thing finally ended with a sick thud. Kane retains, and boy was it brutal for Mysterio. Mysterio can now go and get his knee fixed yet again, because this feud should be over, in my book. I liked the match, but it looked obvious over time that Rey wouldn't win. I hate how they book him weak during championship runs and then dominant during challenges...lame.
Post match, Kane hit Mysterio with another chokeslam and was going to throw him in the casket after another chokeslam, but alas, what we all knew was coming! A tombstone that looked like Mysterio hit his head on the mat and was dead, and then....
Yeah, yeah yeah. Another Kane vs Undertaker feud? Could the WWE telegraphed this any more? Every wrestling writer in the WORLD wrote this out, even I called it on this petty blog. EVERYONE wrote this one, everyone knew about this.
Undertaker came out and looked at Mysterio, and looked like he was going to take him out. He went to REY and UNDERTAKER said that it was him, and asked "WHY DID YOU DO IT REY" and then he grabbed him out of the corner after saying, "I Believe you" and it looked like he was going to chokeslam him to hell, but nope, he turned his gaze on Kane! He then attacked Kane...yep....man, what a terrible piece of writing. Kane beat up Taker, and that was that.
It's nice to see WWE helping Los Angeles. Lucky kids...wow. Lincoln Heights!! WOW! My old stomping grounds.
Team WWE came out and the 7th man was NOT MIZ. It was none other than DANIEL BRYAN! That's right, not the MIZ, it was DANIEL BRYAN?!?!?!
Team Cena defeated Team Nexus
This match had it all in terms of entertainment. This match was a nice fired mo match up. Bret Hart even got in and did MORE than he did at wrestlemania! I loved it. He was in there like a champ and every move was awesome! I was cheering big time. Short Elbows, hammering away, wow...Bret was awesome! Hart got himself disqualified by hitting Sheffield with a chair! People were getting eliminated left and right, and no one had a clear advantage for a good amount of time. I couldn't believe I was excited about this match as it was going on. I was thrilled with it, and for once, remembered what it was like to be a fan a real pr-wrestling fan. I didn't know who was going to win, and Daniel Bryan was there, my goodness. Wow, Justin Gabriel nearly killed Edge with a kick at one point....wrestling is fake, but for a split second I thought it was real.
At one point Jericho hit Cena and that was the end of Jericho! Edge and Cena jumped in at the same time and they started arguing! This was definitely looking like the beginning of the end! Edge was shoved into Cena and was eliminated as well, and Edge speared CENA on his way out! YES YES YES!
Edge and Jericho started beating up Cena on the outside, and that meant that Daniel Bryan and Cena were the last two left in the match against three members of Nexus. I'm already sick of Michael Cole hating Daniel Bryan, it's stupid. It's completely stupid.
Daniel Bryan finally got a tag into the match and he was on fire! He hit everything so clean, and it was awesome. He tee'd off on Heath Slater and the crowd ate it up! He put on the CROSSFACE and made SLATER TAP OUT! YES YES YES! DANIEL BRYAN! It came down 2 to 2....
The Miz ran down and knocked the crap out of Daniel Bryan with his briefcase! That's right, DANIEL BRYAN WAS KNOCKED OUT COMPLETELY by THE MIZ! He knocked out Daniel BRYAN! YEP! YEP! BRYAN IS OUT.
That left John Cena vs Wade Barrett and Justin Gabriel! Cena got in some great offense but the numbers game was definitely rising, and making this thing go nuts, and Cena was just getting whipped and beaten down. Finally, Cena was getting put into his place. I'm glad. He was getting beaten the crap out of, and I loved every minute. FU CENA! FU CENA is all I could think about in my head. Wade Barrett hit Cena with a ddt on the floor, with the mats pulled up. Cena was dead now, there was nothing left...he should've been dead.
Justin Gabriel went for the 450 SPLASH and Cena got up and out of the way, and eliminated Gabriel, then as Barrett walked in, CENA put on the STFU on BARRETT AND WON!
I can't believe this!
John CENA IS SUPERMAN! HE can't lose...there's no reason for this, there's aboslutely no reason for this piece of crap...I can't believe this...I Hate cena...so stupid, FU CENA! FU!
COme on!
alicia fox,
big show,
daniel bryan,
dolph ziggler,
kofi kingston,
ppv 2010,
randy orton,
rey mysterio jr.,
Saturday, August 14, 2010
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 8/13/10 Results and Review
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 8/13/10 Results
Kane defeated Kofi Kingston
Dashing Cody Rhodes defeated Christian
The Big Show defeated Three Jobbers
Drew McIntyre defeated Fat Ass Matt Hardy
Jack Swagger defeated MVP
Rey Mysterio defeated Dolph Ziggler
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 8/13/10 Review
The last Smackdown before what looks to be one o the worst Summerslams in recent history, had to be good right? I don't know, I'm so tired of wrestling, yet I can't help myself from watching it.
No ROH review this week, because I couldn't find a source to watch it. That's about it.
Dolph Ziggler was out with Vickie Guerrero and she was the mic piece for Ziggler. It was boring, and Teddy Long said that Ziggler would face kofi at the ppv for the Intercontinental Title.
Then we got a promo for Rey Mysterio and Kane, spliced with the Undertaker.
Then we got a glorified squash match.
Kane defeated Kofi Kingston
Kane beat down Kofi left and right in this match. The big red machine was ALL over Kofi, and Kingston just got beat at all levels. Kane eventually hit the Tombstone and that was that. Goodbye Kofi.
Dashing Cody Rhodes defeated Christian
Christian worked Cody at every angle here, and was getting the majority of the offense...and you'll never guess how this match ended...yep! Cody threw Christian into the ring post and then hit Cross Rhodes and won the match. Christian is the Denzel Washington of Wrestling.
Well Denzel always plays cops/detectives...and Christian? He always gets thrown into the post and loses.
Ok, a terrible comparison.
The Big Show defeated Three Jobbers
The Big Show beat three jobbers. This was stupid.
Drew McIntyre defeated Fat Ass Matt Hardy
I've seen this match before, and it was better. This match was slow, and featured some minor botches. I didn't care about this match, you didn't care either, and it was over before I could even really understand why Fat Ass Matt Hardy keeps showing up on Smackdown. Drew still sucks. Matt is terrible. Ok, so there were some nice hits, but after Drew stomped Hardy's leg in the ring steps this match really hit a new low. Hardy lost to Drew McIntyre, hopefully they fire him.
Jack Swagger defeated MVP
MVP hasn't been good in a long time, and somehow, by some miracle he was able to beat Jack Swagger. Swagger looked strong throughout the match, MVP wasn't on his top game, and after some standard offense from Swagger, MVP rolled him up out of nowhere and that was that. Another throwaway match.
Rey Mysterio defeated Dolph Ziggler
I've seen these guys put on a 5 star match last year, so I was expecting way more out of this one. This match was NOT as good as their Intercontinental battle from last year (the first one). I think it was at Night of Champions. Rey Mysterio won this match after getting beat up throughout the match. Rey would eventually win in standard fashion with a roll up. I don't understand why they would bury Ziggler's title with a win from Mysterio.
Post match, Kane jumped out of a casket and tried to beat up Mysterio, and that was that.
Mysterio hit Kane and he fell into a casket.
Whatever....who cares.
Terrible night of wrestling, terrible week of wrestling, maybe Summerslam will be good....maybe.
Kane defeated Kofi Kingston
Dashing Cody Rhodes defeated Christian
The Big Show defeated Three Jobbers
Drew McIntyre defeated Fat Ass Matt Hardy
Jack Swagger defeated MVP
Rey Mysterio defeated Dolph Ziggler
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 8/13/10 Review
The last Smackdown before what looks to be one o the worst Summerslams in recent history, had to be good right? I don't know, I'm so tired of wrestling, yet I can't help myself from watching it.
No ROH review this week, because I couldn't find a source to watch it. That's about it.
Dolph Ziggler was out with Vickie Guerrero and she was the mic piece for Ziggler. It was boring, and Teddy Long said that Ziggler would face kofi at the ppv for the Intercontinental Title.
Then we got a promo for Rey Mysterio and Kane, spliced with the Undertaker.
Then we got a glorified squash match.
Kane defeated Kofi Kingston
Kane beat down Kofi left and right in this match. The big red machine was ALL over Kofi, and Kingston just got beat at all levels. Kane eventually hit the Tombstone and that was that. Goodbye Kofi.
Dashing Cody Rhodes defeated Christian
Christian worked Cody at every angle here, and was getting the majority of the offense...and you'll never guess how this match ended...yep! Cody threw Christian into the ring post and then hit Cross Rhodes and won the match. Christian is the Denzel Washington of Wrestling.
Well Denzel always plays cops/detectives...and Christian? He always gets thrown into the post and loses.
Ok, a terrible comparison.
The Big Show defeated Three Jobbers
The Big Show beat three jobbers. This was stupid.
Drew McIntyre defeated Fat Ass Matt Hardy
I've seen this match before, and it was better. This match was slow, and featured some minor botches. I didn't care about this match, you didn't care either, and it was over before I could even really understand why Fat Ass Matt Hardy keeps showing up on Smackdown. Drew still sucks. Matt is terrible. Ok, so there were some nice hits, but after Drew stomped Hardy's leg in the ring steps this match really hit a new low. Hardy lost to Drew McIntyre, hopefully they fire him.
Jack Swagger defeated MVP
MVP hasn't been good in a long time, and somehow, by some miracle he was able to beat Jack Swagger. Swagger looked strong throughout the match, MVP wasn't on his top game, and after some standard offense from Swagger, MVP rolled him up out of nowhere and that was that. Another throwaway match.
Rey Mysterio defeated Dolph Ziggler
I've seen these guys put on a 5 star match last year, so I was expecting way more out of this one. This match was NOT as good as their Intercontinental battle from last year (the first one). I think it was at Night of Champions. Rey Mysterio won this match after getting beat up throughout the match. Rey would eventually win in standard fashion with a roll up. I don't understand why they would bury Ziggler's title with a win from Mysterio.
Post match, Kane jumped out of a casket and tried to beat up Mysterio, and that was that.
Mysterio hit Kane and he fell into a casket.
Whatever....who cares.
Terrible night of wrestling, terrible week of wrestling, maybe Summerslam will be good....maybe.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Lance Cade DEAD

Former WWE superstar Lance Cade was found dead this morning. He was only 29 years old.
Smart Wrestling Fan spoke too soon.
Lance Cade is Dead folks.
TNA Impact 8/12/10 The Whole FN Show Results and Review
TNA Impact 8/12/10 Results
Kurt Angle defeated Aj Styles
Angelina Love defeated Madison Rayne
Matt Morgan defeated The Pope & Mr. Anderson in a triple threat match
Jeff Hardy defeated Shannon Moore
The Motor City Machine Guns defeated Beer Money
RVD defeated Abyss in a Stairway to Janice Match
TNA Impact 8/12/10 Review
Kurt Angle defeated Aj Styles
Yes, this match was ppv caliber, yes, there were some great spots. I didn't hate this match, but it was really hard for me to suspend disbelief and assume that Kurt could lose here. Aj's new tattoo is so stupid looking. There were botches, which was relatively rare to see from these two...well not that rare but still. Angle looked like he was injured on a ddt, but he was playing hurt to get an Angle Slam in on Styles. Angle is NOT looking good, as he was severely winded in this match going on 7 minutes. Aj Styles taps out in one of the most predictable matches I've ever seen in my life.
Angelina Love defeated Madison Rayne
This match sucked. I hate the knockouts. The best part was the biker woman was almost de-masked. They took her helmet off but she had a mask on, and ran away. I think it was Madison Rayne...I can't tell anyone apart in this division any longer. The Whole F'N show sucks.
Matt Morgan defeated The Pope & Mr. Anderson in a triple threat match
This match was terribly booked. This was a big cluster, and while there was a few spots that I thought could've ended up well, it just wasn't done very well or clean. Anderson didn't even break a sweat here. He hit the MIC check on The Pope and Morgan ran in to get the pinfall victory. What could've been a quality match was ruined by lazy wrestling from all men involved.
Jeff Hardy defeated Shannon Moore
Shannon Moore is the mystery opponent? This is stupid. The match went longer than it should've and it wasn't terrible, but no one cares about these two right now. Jeff is getting fatter. Shannon Moore was hit with the Swanton and that was that...Hardy wins against a glorified jobber.
The Motor City Machine Guns defeated Beer Money
I am the only person that HATES seeing essentially 7 matches between these guys. I AM SICK OF SEEING THESE TWO TEAMS! I like the tag division, but I HATE repetition to this extent. This match was ok, but it seemed rushed and was a majority of high spots with no major psychology. I'm sick of seeing this crap. this match sucked, I said it. Their last match sucked, and aside from maybe 1 of the matches, this series SUCKED! It's painfully obvious that there's a lack of tag teams in TNA and in pro wrestling altogether.
RVD defeated Abyss in a Stairway to Janice Match
Eric Bischoff was the guest referee. RVD and Abyss had an extreme match that didn't see that stupid Janice thing come into play. Oh and RVD won via PINFALL! WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP! FIRE ALL THE TNA WRITERS! SERIOUSLY FIRE ALL OF THEM! This match was a cluster of stupidity, with just such terrible spots...who cares! I'm sick of this crap..so sick of this crap...what a terribl show, what a terrible match what a terrible show...RVD needs to just start getting better opponents.
The TNA people kept talking about HULK HOGAN having a great surprise. They hyped it at every turn. HOGAN came out with PYRO and after the main event, HOGAN came out and was getting a nice ovation. It was so stupid! I'm sick of watching this piece of crap. HOgan praised RVD and ugh...I'm sorry, this is just so stupid.
HOGAN said SABU was the most dangerous man in the business? Hogan said that about Macho, Luger, The Giant, and so much more. Ugh...Hogan's tired.
EV2 was invited out. All the former ECW guys showed up and that was the surprise? The lights went out and.....
when the lights came back on FOLEY was laid out.
What was it? It was TNA beating up all the EV2.0 guys!
Sandman came down the crowd and he got laid out too.
People were getting pbladed, peaople were getting beat. Out came Abyss and he beat down RVD.
FIRE ALL THE TNA WRITERS! FIRE ALL OF THEM! THIS IS STUPID! EV2.0 vs TNA?!?!?! SERIOUSLY?! This angle is just like the Nexus vs WWE thing....THIS IS SO STUPID!
Remember ECW did an invasion already. It was a ppv called INVASION!
Ric Flair came down to the ring smiling and laughing.
They cut to Abyss and RVD. RVD was full of blood and that was that. He was left in the back bleeing.
Flair then tried to attack Dixie Carter! That's right, FLair was ready to attack DIXIE!
RVD was so injured, he'll give up the title and they'll have a tournament.
Remember when Pope was going to get a title shot? Remember the 8 card stud tournament?
OH MY FREAKING....I give up...I haven't seen such a terrible night of wrestling in a long time. I can't believe this is modern professional wrestling. WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP!
Kurt Angle defeated Aj Styles
Angelina Love defeated Madison Rayne
Matt Morgan defeated The Pope & Mr. Anderson in a triple threat match
Jeff Hardy defeated Shannon Moore
The Motor City Machine Guns defeated Beer Money
RVD defeated Abyss in a Stairway to Janice Match
TNA Impact 8/12/10 Review
Kurt Angle defeated Aj Styles
Yes, this match was ppv caliber, yes, there were some great spots. I didn't hate this match, but it was really hard for me to suspend disbelief and assume that Kurt could lose here. Aj's new tattoo is so stupid looking. There were botches, which was relatively rare to see from these two...well not that rare but still. Angle looked like he was injured on a ddt, but he was playing hurt to get an Angle Slam in on Styles. Angle is NOT looking good, as he was severely winded in this match going on 7 minutes. Aj Styles taps out in one of the most predictable matches I've ever seen in my life.
Angelina Love defeated Madison Rayne
This match sucked. I hate the knockouts. The best part was the biker woman was almost de-masked. They took her helmet off but she had a mask on, and ran away. I think it was Madison Rayne...I can't tell anyone apart in this division any longer. The Whole F'N show sucks.
Matt Morgan defeated The Pope & Mr. Anderson in a triple threat match
This match was terribly booked. This was a big cluster, and while there was a few spots that I thought could've ended up well, it just wasn't done very well or clean. Anderson didn't even break a sweat here. He hit the MIC check on The Pope and Morgan ran in to get the pinfall victory. What could've been a quality match was ruined by lazy wrestling from all men involved.
Jeff Hardy defeated Shannon Moore
Shannon Moore is the mystery opponent? This is stupid. The match went longer than it should've and it wasn't terrible, but no one cares about these two right now. Jeff is getting fatter. Shannon Moore was hit with the Swanton and that was that...Hardy wins against a glorified jobber.
The Motor City Machine Guns defeated Beer Money
I am the only person that HATES seeing essentially 7 matches between these guys. I AM SICK OF SEEING THESE TWO TEAMS! I like the tag division, but I HATE repetition to this extent. This match was ok, but it seemed rushed and was a majority of high spots with no major psychology. I'm sick of seeing this crap. this match sucked, I said it. Their last match sucked, and aside from maybe 1 of the matches, this series SUCKED! It's painfully obvious that there's a lack of tag teams in TNA and in pro wrestling altogether.
RVD defeated Abyss in a Stairway to Janice Match
Eric Bischoff was the guest referee. RVD and Abyss had an extreme match that didn't see that stupid Janice thing come into play. Oh and RVD won via PINFALL! WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP! FIRE ALL THE TNA WRITERS! SERIOUSLY FIRE ALL OF THEM! This match was a cluster of stupidity, with just such terrible spots...who cares! I'm sick of this crap..so sick of this crap...what a terribl show, what a terrible match what a terrible show...RVD needs to just start getting better opponents.
The TNA people kept talking about HULK HOGAN having a great surprise. They hyped it at every turn. HOGAN came out with PYRO and after the main event, HOGAN came out and was getting a nice ovation. It was so stupid! I'm sick of watching this piece of crap. HOgan praised RVD and ugh...I'm sorry, this is just so stupid.
HOGAN said SABU was the most dangerous man in the business? Hogan said that about Macho, Luger, The Giant, and so much more. Ugh...Hogan's tired.
EV2 was invited out. All the former ECW guys showed up and that was the surprise? The lights went out and.....
when the lights came back on FOLEY was laid out.
What was it? It was TNA beating up all the EV2.0 guys!
Sandman came down the crowd and he got laid out too.
People were getting pbladed, peaople were getting beat. Out came Abyss and he beat down RVD.
FIRE ALL THE TNA WRITERS! FIRE ALL OF THEM! THIS IS STUPID! EV2.0 vs TNA?!?!?! SERIOUSLY?! This angle is just like the Nexus vs WWE thing....THIS IS SO STUPID!
Remember ECW did an invasion already. It was a ppv called INVASION!
Ric Flair came down to the ring smiling and laughing.
They cut to Abyss and RVD. RVD was full of blood and that was that. He was left in the back bleeing.
Flair then tried to attack Dixie Carter! That's right, FLair was ready to attack DIXIE!
RVD was so injured, he'll give up the title and they'll have a tournament.
Remember when Pope was going to get a title shot? Remember the 8 card stud tournament?
OH MY FREAKING....I give up...I haven't seen such a terrible night of wrestling in a long time. I can't believe this is modern professional wrestling. WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP!
WWE Superstars 8/12/10 Results and Review
WWE Superstars 8/12/10 Results
Michelle McCool defeated Kelly Kelly
Chavo Guerrero defeated Chris Masters
The Usos defeated Goldust & Yoshi Tatsu
WWE Superstars 8/12/10 Review
I'm dead tired this week. I still don't have a job, but wrestling is a nice escape from time to time.
The Usos defeated Goldust & Yoshi Tatsu
This match was dumb. Sure, it had a bunch of great spots...er...just spots. Goldust should be given a better run, a title run, and his old gimmick back with lots of vignettes and homophobia inducing manuevers. Remember when he cost Razor the title? That was awesome! Remember the Golden Casket match? oh man! Goldust can still go, someone give him a shot! The Usos are lame, fire them already.
Chavo Guerrero defeated Chris Masters
I don't care. You don't care. Guerrero is ok, but he needs to go to TNA or something. Sorry, Eddie carried the little guy, and yet he actually was interesting in WCW.
Michelle McCool defeated Kelly Kelly
The divas had a better match than I expected. McCool can wrestle, if given time and what not. I think Kelly Kelly needs to just go, her botches are becoming epic, and well...I'm tired of her. MCCool wins with her AJ Styles finisher, and that was that.
Superstars is the best pure wrestling show that the WWE pushes out, but that isn't necessarily a great thing, just sayin.
Michelle McCool defeated Kelly Kelly
Chavo Guerrero defeated Chris Masters
The Usos defeated Goldust & Yoshi Tatsu
WWE Superstars 8/12/10 Review
I'm dead tired this week. I still don't have a job, but wrestling is a nice escape from time to time.
The Usos defeated Goldust & Yoshi Tatsu
This match was dumb. Sure, it had a bunch of great spots...er...just spots. Goldust should be given a better run, a title run, and his old gimmick back with lots of vignettes and homophobia inducing manuevers. Remember when he cost Razor the title? That was awesome! Remember the Golden Casket match? oh man! Goldust can still go, someone give him a shot! The Usos are lame, fire them already.
Chavo Guerrero defeated Chris Masters
I don't care. You don't care. Guerrero is ok, but he needs to go to TNA or something. Sorry, Eddie carried the little guy, and yet he actually was interesting in WCW.
Michelle McCool defeated Kelly Kelly
The divas had a better match than I expected. McCool can wrestle, if given time and what not. I think Kelly Kelly needs to just go, her botches are becoming epic, and well...I'm tired of her. MCCool wins with her AJ Styles finisher, and that was that.
Superstars is the best pure wrestling show that the WWE pushes out, but that isn't necessarily a great thing, just sayin.
chavo guerrero,
chris masters,
kelly kelly,
michelle mccool,
wwe superstars,
yoshi tatsu
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
WWE NXT 8/10/10 Results and Review
WWE NXT 8/10/10 Results
Kaval, Lucky Cannon, and Percy Watson defeated Mike McGullicutty, Alex Riley, and Husky Harris
The Miz defeated John MOrrison
WWE NXT 8/10/10 Review
The show opened up with Michael Cole hitting a punching bag...I hate this crap....ugh this is so stupid.
I'm tired of NXT. They did some stupid punching gimmick.
During the break Miz and Morrison got into a verbal exchange....it was boring...Miz is over, but I'm tired of NXT.
Kaval, Lucky Cannon, and Percy Watson defeated Mike McGullicutty, Alex Riley, and Husky Harris
This was your standard nxt six man tag, much like the one on raw. Same style of match, same sort of high spots. The match was given a lot of time, and things ended up getting a little exciting towards the end. Kaval is awesome, he should win it all. Kaval won after hitting his finisher...man Layla is hot...Kaval is lucky.
The Miz defeated John MOrrison
This match wasn't half bad, and featured some good overall action. I wasn't too bored with this match, and Miz won after Morrison hurt his ankle with a missed kick. I liked it, and like how the Miz is being booked right now.
Lucky cannon was eliminated.
Next week they'll eliminate 2 more rookies.
I'm tired of Nxt...you should be too.
Kaval, Lucky Cannon, and Percy Watson defeated Mike McGullicutty, Alex Riley, and Husky Harris
The Miz defeated John MOrrison
WWE NXT 8/10/10 Review
The show opened up with Michael Cole hitting a punching bag...I hate this crap....ugh this is so stupid.
I'm tired of NXT. They did some stupid punching gimmick.
During the break Miz and Morrison got into a verbal exchange....it was boring...Miz is over, but I'm tired of NXT.
Kaval, Lucky Cannon, and Percy Watson defeated Mike McGullicutty, Alex Riley, and Husky Harris
This was your standard nxt six man tag, much like the one on raw. Same style of match, same sort of high spots. The match was given a lot of time, and things ended up getting a little exciting towards the end. Kaval is awesome, he should win it all. Kaval won after hitting his finisher...man Layla is hot...Kaval is lucky.
The Miz defeated John MOrrison
This match wasn't half bad, and featured some good overall action. I wasn't too bored with this match, and Miz won after Morrison hurt his ankle with a missed kick. I liked it, and like how the Miz is being booked right now.
Lucky cannon was eliminated.
Next week they'll eliminate 2 more rookies.
I'm tired of Nxt...you should be too.
alex riley,
john morrison,
lucky cannon,
percy watson,
the miz,
wwe nxt
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
WWE Monday Night Raw 8/9/10 Results and Review
WWE Monday Night Raw 8/9/10 Results
The Miz defeated Evan Bourne
Melina defeated Alicia Fox
Mike McGullicutty, Alex Riley, and Husky Harris defeated Kaval, Percy Watson, Lucky Cannon
R Truth & John Morrison defeated Zack Ryder & William Regal
The Bellas won a summertime slide match
Edge & Chris Jericho Bret Hart & John Cena in a Lumberjack match with nexus at ringside
WWE Monday Night Raw 8/9/10 Review
Bret Hart started the show and cut a promo. Jericho came out and Hart tried to talk to Jericho about staying with team Cena....ugh...I'm bored already.
Edge came out to join the fray.
He cut a promo asking him what's up?
Who cares.
Edge and Jericho punked Hart, and that rushed Natalya out to help them. Backstage Tyson Kidd and David Hart Smith was getting beat up by Nexus...will they join Team Cena? Probably.
The Miz defeated Evan Bourne
This match was quite fast and hard, and I liked it. Evan Bourne hit Miz with some amazing moves, and Miz was able to overcome the onslought. The Miz finally got the Skull Crushing Finale and he won. The match was probably one of the swifted and most interesting match on an entertainment level that I've seen in a long time.
Melina defeated Alicia Fox
This match was stupid, but Melina somehow took a lot of punishment. I'm not sure where they were going with this, but eventually Melina screamed and won with a nice finisher. They called it the Last Sunset Bomb or something...I don't care. Melina sucks....the divas suck...I'm not convinced.
Mark Henry was supposed to be in a match, but he got beat up by Nexus.
Sheamus came out and cut a promo...it sucked. The general manager said that if Orton loses there will be no rematch.
The two squared off in ring and just stared each other down and after Sheamus was ready to strike out came Orton and struck him...the two exchanged blows. Orton hit the back cracker and was in complete control. This segment between Sheamus and Orton better lead to an all high spots, counter power move match because if they do rest holds it's going to suck the life out of the crowd. This fast paced offense and back and forth nature of the beast can make for quite a match up. Orton nearly punted Sheamus but stopped himself...we'll see what happens at Summerslam indeed!
Mike McGullicutty, Alex Riley, and Husky Harris defeated Kaval, Percy Watson, Lucky Cannon
This six man tag wasn't half bad. It wasn't great, but eh...who cares? Kaval and Harris are the only two guys I was watching and they made this match worth watching. Lucky Kannon had some nice points of interest too.
Post match, Sheamus attacked everyone for no apparent reason.
R Truth & John Morrison defeated Zack Ryder & William Regal
This was a throwaway match up. Truth and Morrison worked well together and put away the jobbers with relative ease. They were working like a well oiled machine, and it was quite good overall. It was a fast paced, easy to watch match with no major reprucssions...and for once, Morrison hit Starship Pain, not missed it!
There was a Summerslam slide or something? I don't know...it was weird. There was a triple threat summertime spectacular match...I don't know what's going on...this is stupid.
Santino was the ref?
The Bellas won a summertime slide match
I don't know what to tell you about this. All the divas were in swim suits and they kind of had a match...I don't know, it was stupid to me. The bellas won, but who cares!?!? I can't even describe what I saw folks.
Post match it looked like Tamina was interested in Santino.
Edge & Chris Jericho Bret Hart & John Cena in a Lumberjack match with nexus at ringside
This match wasn't great. Nexus wouldn't beat up the heels, which was interesting. However, later in the match they did attack the heels! Hart grabbed Gabriel and knocked him down, and that was that. this was the most convoluted match up folks, seriously, one of the worst matches. I'm not even sure what happened, the Nexus guys took out Edge and Jericho and it was Cena and Hart vs the Nexus 7!
Out ran John Morrison and R Truth!
Edge and Jericho were on the ramp watching.
Then they decided to run down and help!
It was 7 on 7 as the show was ending and the crowd was going nuts. They all got into it and the crowd was going completely nuts, this is the most excited I've ever heard a crowd. The Nexus guys were then thrown out of the ring and they ran out, being chased by Team Cean!
That was that.
The ppv should finish the storyline or continue it, what do I know?
This night of Raw bored me, except the ending which was interesting. I guess the Miz is still worth watching too. Oh well, that's the end...I'm tired, I'm going to sleep now.
The Miz defeated Evan Bourne
Melina defeated Alicia Fox
Mike McGullicutty, Alex Riley, and Husky Harris defeated Kaval, Percy Watson, Lucky Cannon
R Truth & John Morrison defeated Zack Ryder & William Regal
The Bellas won a summertime slide match
Edge & Chris Jericho Bret Hart & John Cena in a Lumberjack match with nexus at ringside
WWE Monday Night Raw 8/9/10 Review
Bret Hart started the show and cut a promo. Jericho came out and Hart tried to talk to Jericho about staying with team Cena....ugh...I'm bored already.
Edge came out to join the fray.
He cut a promo asking him what's up?
Who cares.
Edge and Jericho punked Hart, and that rushed Natalya out to help them. Backstage Tyson Kidd and David Hart Smith was getting beat up by Nexus...will they join Team Cena? Probably.
The Miz defeated Evan Bourne
This match was quite fast and hard, and I liked it. Evan Bourne hit Miz with some amazing moves, and Miz was able to overcome the onslought. The Miz finally got the Skull Crushing Finale and he won. The match was probably one of the swifted and most interesting match on an entertainment level that I've seen in a long time.
Melina defeated Alicia Fox
This match was stupid, but Melina somehow took a lot of punishment. I'm not sure where they were going with this, but eventually Melina screamed and won with a nice finisher. They called it the Last Sunset Bomb or something...I don't care. Melina sucks....the divas suck...I'm not convinced.
Mark Henry was supposed to be in a match, but he got beat up by Nexus.
Sheamus came out and cut a promo...it sucked. The general manager said that if Orton loses there will be no rematch.
The two squared off in ring and just stared each other down and after Sheamus was ready to strike out came Orton and struck him...the two exchanged blows. Orton hit the back cracker and was in complete control. This segment between Sheamus and Orton better lead to an all high spots, counter power move match because if they do rest holds it's going to suck the life out of the crowd. This fast paced offense and back and forth nature of the beast can make for quite a match up. Orton nearly punted Sheamus but stopped himself...we'll see what happens at Summerslam indeed!
Mike McGullicutty, Alex Riley, and Husky Harris defeated Kaval, Percy Watson, Lucky Cannon
This six man tag wasn't half bad. It wasn't great, but eh...who cares? Kaval and Harris are the only two guys I was watching and they made this match worth watching. Lucky Kannon had some nice points of interest too.
Post match, Sheamus attacked everyone for no apparent reason.
R Truth & John Morrison defeated Zack Ryder & William Regal
This was a throwaway match up. Truth and Morrison worked well together and put away the jobbers with relative ease. They were working like a well oiled machine, and it was quite good overall. It was a fast paced, easy to watch match with no major reprucssions...and for once, Morrison hit Starship Pain, not missed it!
There was a Summerslam slide or something? I don't know...it was weird. There was a triple threat summertime spectacular match...I don't know what's going on...this is stupid.
Santino was the ref?
The Bellas won a summertime slide match
I don't know what to tell you about this. All the divas were in swim suits and they kind of had a match...I don't know, it was stupid to me. The bellas won, but who cares!?!? I can't even describe what I saw folks.
Post match it looked like Tamina was interested in Santino.
Edge & Chris Jericho Bret Hart & John Cena in a Lumberjack match with nexus at ringside
This match wasn't great. Nexus wouldn't beat up the heels, which was interesting. However, later in the match they did attack the heels! Hart grabbed Gabriel and knocked him down, and that was that. this was the most convoluted match up folks, seriously, one of the worst matches. I'm not even sure what happened, the Nexus guys took out Edge and Jericho and it was Cena and Hart vs the Nexus 7!
Out ran John Morrison and R Truth!
Edge and Jericho were on the ramp watching.
Then they decided to run down and help!
It was 7 on 7 as the show was ending and the crowd was going nuts. They all got into it and the crowd was going completely nuts, this is the most excited I've ever heard a crowd. The Nexus guys were then thrown out of the ring and they ran out, being chased by Team Cean!
That was that.
The ppv should finish the storyline or continue it, what do I know?
This night of Raw bored me, except the ending which was interesting. I guess the Miz is still worth watching too. Oh well, that's the end...I'm tired, I'm going to sleep now.
alicia fox,
bret hart,
chris jericho,
evan bourne,
john cena,
john morrison,
monday night raw,
r truth,
the miz,
wwe monday night raw
TNA Hardcore Justice 2010 Results and Review
TNA Hardcore Justice 2010 Results
THE FBI defeated Kid Kash, Simon Diamond, Johnny Swinger
Too Cold Scorpio defeated CW Anderson
Stevie Richards defeated Justin Credible w/ Nova & Fake Blue Meanie
Rhyno defeated Al Snow and Spike Dudley in a triple threat elimination match
The Dudleys w/ Joel Gertner defeated Balls Mahoney & Axel Rotten
Raven defeated Tommy Dreamer w/ special guest referee Mick Foley
RVD defeated SABU
TNA Hardcore Justice 2010 Review
The TNA ECW ppv started with a recap of the past of extreme wrestling. It's relatively the same as the one they showed on Impact. Once again, we see if TNA could make something out of nothing.
The crowd kept saying ECW regardless of copyright.
Taz came out first!
Taz gave some lame speech..it sucked.
THE FBI defeated Kid Kash, Simon Diamond, Johnny Swinger
Most of these guys do not have their physiques. I didn't really want to watch this, and was already tired. This was a very interesting match, because it had real wrestling in it! There were a few botches, but for the most part there was a good overall pace and wrestling prowess that YOU DO NOT SEE regularly. TNA talent could learn a thing or two from these guys, even if some of them were obviously out of their prime. The match turned into a dance off....ugh...not my thing. So thsi match had some good moments, and it wasn't a complete loss, despite a little bit of ring rust. I liked it, it was entertaining, and the best six man tag I've seen in a long time.
The main event would be none other than RVD vs Sabu, since Jerry Lynn was injured.
Too Cold Scorpio defeated CW Anderson
Scorpio (Flash Funk) doesn't look like he has been kept up his workout regimen, but then again CW Anderson wasn't exactly ripped. This match was interesting, if only to showcase that these two could still work really well. I liked it, wow, I didn't think I would like it, but Scorpio is quite fast. Scorpio won with one of the most amazing moves I've ever seen! He did a Full BackFlip and hit a LEG DROP! That's right, a full flip leg drop!
Bill Alfonso was backstage with RVD.
Stevie Richards defeated Justin Credible w/ Nova & Fake Blue Meanie
Justin Credible had this match nearly won with a spinning Tombstone Piledriver, but was distracted. Other than some simple moves, this match wasn't all that great, and the crowd was dead until Stevie hit the Superkick and won this match up. I didn't like it that much, and it was a real downer until Credible hit Richards with the Singapore Cane! That was awesome for sure.
The lights went out, and guess who?
THE SANDMAN! (Taz of course ruined the surprise)
The Sandman showed up and Justin Credible tried to fight, but immediately got a Russian Leg Sweep and the caning of his life. That was that. Sandman is fat again..that's nice. I saw him in Los Angeles around 2001 and he was really skinny and looked nearly sick.
It's nice to see that Francine gaind some weight and has a kid now. Remember that one time that Francine showed her tits? I didn't see it, but RF Video had a vhs for sale, but alas...I never saw it.
Rhyno defeated Al Snow and Spike Dudley in a triple threat elimination match
Spike is slower now, and couldn't hang at a few moments in this match. Al Snow and Rhyno did a lot of the heavy lifting. Snow used Head during the match after a ref bump and Spike used a chair to try to get leverage, by throwing it at Al Snow ala Eddie Guerrero! Then Al snow pretended to be out. This match had a lot of dead spots, but eventually managed to have a good enough finish to get the crowd alive. Rhyno speared Spike and won, that was that. Not really a great match, and just a filler to me.
The Dudleys w/ Joel Gertner defeated Balls Mahoney & Axel Rotten
This match was hardcore, and nasty. There were a lot of unprotected head shots, lots of plunder, and another reason why maybe ECW wasn't all that great. There wasn't a whole lot of wrestling here, and just your average big man match with lots of weapons. It's a nice throwback, including tables and chairs and the likes, but come on, it wasn't all that great. Nice nostalgia piece at best, but it was just an ugly match. Oh and yes, they lit the table on fire and threw Balls Mahoney through it...yep.
Post match out came the Gangstas! New Jack and what I believe was Mustafa? Yep, New Jack was hitting anything that moved with stuff. I didn't care for this at all.
Raven defeated Tommy Dreamer w/ special guest referee Mick Foley
This match was terrible. It had a lot of slow points, lots of weapons. I believe LODI showed up or someone, I don't know. Some random dude hit a nice leg drop. The crowd started chanting Holy Shit at one point when Foley gave the mandible claw with barbed wire wrapped around his hand. I didn't hate it, but um...it was weird. raven handcuffed Tommy Dreamer, and thsi was a throwback to the chair shot heard round the world. This too was done by WWF with Mankind and The Rock...remember? Raven eventually won...but this match wasn't that great...I didn't like it. It was just pointless...whatever. Boring ass match. Beulah was there, that was cool.
RVD defeated SABU
Bill Alfonso at ringside
Sabu had his head shaved. RVD stalled a lot in this match to go outside and play up his older style. Maybe Sabu couldn't go that well, or maybe things were just not going well...I don't know. This match was slow moving and tired. Sabu and RVD did a nice match up for what it was, but it was painfully obvious that SABU is NOT in his prime and was having problems later in the match. A table finale after a string of extreme moves ended this one, and of course RVD goes over.
The show ended with a speech from Tommy Dreamer and a bunch of people in the ring.
Overall not the worst show ever, but it wasn't nearly as good as the ECW ppv's I actually did order back in the day. Oh well...I hope TNA made a few bucks or whatever was their plan for this, because it was an "ok" show at best.
THE FBI defeated Kid Kash, Simon Diamond, Johnny Swinger
Too Cold Scorpio defeated CW Anderson
Stevie Richards defeated Justin Credible w/ Nova & Fake Blue Meanie
Rhyno defeated Al Snow and Spike Dudley in a triple threat elimination match
The Dudleys w/ Joel Gertner defeated Balls Mahoney & Axel Rotten
Raven defeated Tommy Dreamer w/ special guest referee Mick Foley
RVD defeated SABU
TNA Hardcore Justice 2010 Review
The TNA ECW ppv started with a recap of the past of extreme wrestling. It's relatively the same as the one they showed on Impact. Once again, we see if TNA could make something out of nothing.
The crowd kept saying ECW regardless of copyright.
Taz came out first!
Taz gave some lame speech..it sucked.
THE FBI defeated Kid Kash, Simon Diamond, Johnny Swinger
Most of these guys do not have their physiques. I didn't really want to watch this, and was already tired. This was a very interesting match, because it had real wrestling in it! There were a few botches, but for the most part there was a good overall pace and wrestling prowess that YOU DO NOT SEE regularly. TNA talent could learn a thing or two from these guys, even if some of them were obviously out of their prime. The match turned into a dance off....ugh...not my thing. So thsi match had some good moments, and it wasn't a complete loss, despite a little bit of ring rust. I liked it, it was entertaining, and the best six man tag I've seen in a long time.
The main event would be none other than RVD vs Sabu, since Jerry Lynn was injured.
Too Cold Scorpio defeated CW Anderson
Scorpio (Flash Funk) doesn't look like he has been kept up his workout regimen, but then again CW Anderson wasn't exactly ripped. This match was interesting, if only to showcase that these two could still work really well. I liked it, wow, I didn't think I would like it, but Scorpio is quite fast. Scorpio won with one of the most amazing moves I've ever seen! He did a Full BackFlip and hit a LEG DROP! That's right, a full flip leg drop!
Bill Alfonso was backstage with RVD.
Stevie Richards defeated Justin Credible w/ Nova & Fake Blue Meanie
Justin Credible had this match nearly won with a spinning Tombstone Piledriver, but was distracted. Other than some simple moves, this match wasn't all that great, and the crowd was dead until Stevie hit the Superkick and won this match up. I didn't like it that much, and it was a real downer until Credible hit Richards with the Singapore Cane! That was awesome for sure.
The lights went out, and guess who?
THE SANDMAN! (Taz of course ruined the surprise)
The Sandman showed up and Justin Credible tried to fight, but immediately got a Russian Leg Sweep and the caning of his life. That was that. Sandman is fat again..that's nice. I saw him in Los Angeles around 2001 and he was really skinny and looked nearly sick.
It's nice to see that Francine gaind some weight and has a kid now. Remember that one time that Francine showed her tits? I didn't see it, but RF Video had a vhs for sale, but alas...I never saw it.
Rhyno defeated Al Snow and Spike Dudley in a triple threat elimination match
Spike is slower now, and couldn't hang at a few moments in this match. Al Snow and Rhyno did a lot of the heavy lifting. Snow used Head during the match after a ref bump and Spike used a chair to try to get leverage, by throwing it at Al Snow ala Eddie Guerrero! Then Al snow pretended to be out. This match had a lot of dead spots, but eventually managed to have a good enough finish to get the crowd alive. Rhyno speared Spike and won, that was that. Not really a great match, and just a filler to me.
The Dudleys w/ Joel Gertner defeated Balls Mahoney & Axel Rotten
This match was hardcore, and nasty. There were a lot of unprotected head shots, lots of plunder, and another reason why maybe ECW wasn't all that great. There wasn't a whole lot of wrestling here, and just your average big man match with lots of weapons. It's a nice throwback, including tables and chairs and the likes, but come on, it wasn't all that great. Nice nostalgia piece at best, but it was just an ugly match. Oh and yes, they lit the table on fire and threw Balls Mahoney through it...yep.
Post match out came the Gangstas! New Jack and what I believe was Mustafa? Yep, New Jack was hitting anything that moved with stuff. I didn't care for this at all.
Raven defeated Tommy Dreamer w/ special guest referee Mick Foley
This match was terrible. It had a lot of slow points, lots of weapons. I believe LODI showed up or someone, I don't know. Some random dude hit a nice leg drop. The crowd started chanting Holy Shit at one point when Foley gave the mandible claw with barbed wire wrapped around his hand. I didn't hate it, but um...it was weird. raven handcuffed Tommy Dreamer, and thsi was a throwback to the chair shot heard round the world. This too was done by WWF with Mankind and The Rock...remember? Raven eventually won...but this match wasn't that great...I didn't like it. It was just pointless...whatever. Boring ass match. Beulah was there, that was cool.
RVD defeated SABU
Bill Alfonso at ringside
Sabu had his head shaved. RVD stalled a lot in this match to go outside and play up his older style. Maybe Sabu couldn't go that well, or maybe things were just not going well...I don't know. This match was slow moving and tired. Sabu and RVD did a nice match up for what it was, but it was painfully obvious that SABU is NOT in his prime and was having problems later in the match. A table finale after a string of extreme moves ended this one, and of course RVD goes over.
The show ended with a speech from Tommy Dreamer and a bunch of people in the ring.
Overall not the worst show ever, but it wasn't nearly as good as the ECW ppv's I actually did order back in the day. Oh well...I hope TNA made a few bucks or whatever was their plan for this, because it was an "ok" show at best.
mick foley,
streaming tna ppv live,
tna hard justice,
tommy dreamer
Saturday, August 7, 2010
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 8/6/10 Results and Review
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 8/6/10 Results
Dashing Cody Rhodes defeated Matt Hardy
Dolph Ziggler defeated Kofi Kingston to win the Intercontinental Championship
The Straightedge Society defeated MVP, JTG, and Chris Masters
Rey Mysterio defeated Drew McIntyre
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 8/6/10 Review
Rey Mysterio started the show and was cutting a promo. He was talking about last week and getting thrown into the Gulf of Mexico. I didn't really like this, and I've never been a big fan of Mysterio on the mic. I don't think that MYSTERIO should ever be allowed on the mic...it's stupid. He claims he didn't take out Undertaker.
Drew McIntyre came out. Drew said that Rey was a criminal and basically that he sucked. I'm so sick of Drew McIntyre....and Smackdown took 15 minutes to open and it was terrible.
Dashing Cody Rhodes defeated Matt Hardy
I don't like Cody Rhodes and his new gimmick. It's not because he's a bad wrestler, it's because he looks like this kid I knew. He was screwing with all the chicks in my class, and in his grade and would never get his comeupin....to this day, he was just hitting it and quitin it....so I'm a little bitter about it. I'm sick of seeing Fat Ass Matt Hardy, fyi. This match was ok, with Cody actually working over Matt a lot better than most other wrestlers. Hardy looked winded early. This match took some nice spots and made watching it bearable, but it was the end that got me. Hardy looked legit knocked out at one point and then CrossRhodes was hit and that was that.
Laycool found a loophole into the WWE Women's Title trouble. They split the title belt in half...literally! YES LITERALLY! Ridiculous if you ask me, but whatever.
Dolph Ziggler defeated Kofi Kingston to win the Intercontinental Championship
If anyone deserves the IC title it's Ziggler. He should've won it last year at Night of Champions when he put on a 5 star classic, but whatever. He finally gets the title and by defeating Kofi Kingston. I personally don't like Kofi that much, but then again, many don't like Ziggler. This match was a little boring, with high spots missing. Ziggler basically had the majority of the offense here, and it looked lke this thing was over when Kingston hit Trouble in Paradise! Vickie went to work distracting the ref and Ziggler hit the ZIG ZAG for the win.
Post match, Kofi beat down Ziggler to within an inch of his life. I don't care. I'm not a huge Kofi fan.
The Straightedge Society came out and Punk was on the mic, good work as usual. Punk started going nuts, well he was a nuts leader before, but now he's even more nuts.
The Straightedge Society defeated MVP, JTG, and Chris Masters
This was your standard six man tag fare. Nothing too crazy here, moderately entertaining at times. PUnk kicked MVP while he wasn't looking and Luke Gallows pinned him. That was that. This match didn't completely bore me, but it was hard to get into when 4 out of the 6 guys were just jobbers.
Rey Mysterio defeated Drew McIntyre
Drew can wrestle, sometimes. He's not always on, and that's what bugs me the most about him. This match was nearly all McIntyre with Mysterio getting beat down for a good portion of this match up. Mysterio would eventually turn things around with some quickness and his patented move sets. While Drew dodged the 619, he could dodge the Huricanrana reversal to roll up pinfall victory and that was that. This match was long, and featured some nice easy going spots, and Rey won.
Mysterio was supposed to reveal who really got to Taker. But Kane came down with a casket and ran him away. Rey was about to SNITCH!
REY SNITCHED ON KANE, basically said that KANE did it.
On paper this show was solid, but in action? Not really. I was kind of bored with this week's edition of SMackdown and am glad I can finally stop writing.
Dashing Cody Rhodes defeated Matt Hardy
Dolph Ziggler defeated Kofi Kingston to win the Intercontinental Championship
The Straightedge Society defeated MVP, JTG, and Chris Masters
Rey Mysterio defeated Drew McIntyre
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 8/6/10 Review
Rey Mysterio started the show and was cutting a promo. He was talking about last week and getting thrown into the Gulf of Mexico. I didn't really like this, and I've never been a big fan of Mysterio on the mic. I don't think that MYSTERIO should ever be allowed on the mic...it's stupid. He claims he didn't take out Undertaker.
Drew McIntyre came out. Drew said that Rey was a criminal and basically that he sucked. I'm so sick of Drew McIntyre....and Smackdown took 15 minutes to open and it was terrible.
Dashing Cody Rhodes defeated Matt Hardy
I don't like Cody Rhodes and his new gimmick. It's not because he's a bad wrestler, it's because he looks like this kid I knew. He was screwing with all the chicks in my class, and in his grade and would never get his comeupin....to this day, he was just hitting it and quitin it....so I'm a little bitter about it. I'm sick of seeing Fat Ass Matt Hardy, fyi. This match was ok, with Cody actually working over Matt a lot better than most other wrestlers. Hardy looked winded early. This match took some nice spots and made watching it bearable, but it was the end that got me. Hardy looked legit knocked out at one point and then CrossRhodes was hit and that was that.
Laycool found a loophole into the WWE Women's Title trouble. They split the title belt in half...literally! YES LITERALLY! Ridiculous if you ask me, but whatever.
Dolph Ziggler defeated Kofi Kingston to win the Intercontinental Championship
If anyone deserves the IC title it's Ziggler. He should've won it last year at Night of Champions when he put on a 5 star classic, but whatever. He finally gets the title and by defeating Kofi Kingston. I personally don't like Kofi that much, but then again, many don't like Ziggler. This match was a little boring, with high spots missing. Ziggler basically had the majority of the offense here, and it looked lke this thing was over when Kingston hit Trouble in Paradise! Vickie went to work distracting the ref and Ziggler hit the ZIG ZAG for the win.
Post match, Kofi beat down Ziggler to within an inch of his life. I don't care. I'm not a huge Kofi fan.
The Straightedge Society came out and Punk was on the mic, good work as usual. Punk started going nuts, well he was a nuts leader before, but now he's even more nuts.
The Straightedge Society defeated MVP, JTG, and Chris Masters
This was your standard six man tag fare. Nothing too crazy here, moderately entertaining at times. PUnk kicked MVP while he wasn't looking and Luke Gallows pinned him. That was that. This match didn't completely bore me, but it was hard to get into when 4 out of the 6 guys were just jobbers.
Rey Mysterio defeated Drew McIntyre
Drew can wrestle, sometimes. He's not always on, and that's what bugs me the most about him. This match was nearly all McIntyre with Mysterio getting beat down for a good portion of this match up. Mysterio would eventually turn things around with some quickness and his patented move sets. While Drew dodged the 619, he could dodge the Huricanrana reversal to roll up pinfall victory and that was that. This match was long, and featured some nice easy going spots, and Rey won.
Mysterio was supposed to reveal who really got to Taker. But Kane came down with a casket and ran him away. Rey was about to SNITCH!
REY SNITCHED ON KANE, basically said that KANE did it.
On paper this show was solid, but in action? Not really. I was kind of bored with this week's edition of SMackdown and am glad I can finally stop writing.
chris masters,
cody rhodes,
dolph ziggler,
drew mcintyre,
friday night smackdown,
kofi kingston,
matt hardy,
rey mysterio jr.,
TNA Impact 8/5/10 Results and Review
TNA Impact 8/5/10 Results
Taylor Wilde & Hamada defeated The Beautiful People
AJ Styles defeated Rob Terry
The Motor City Machine Guns defeated Beer Money in an Destination X match
The Pope defeated Orlando Jordan
Ric Flair defeated Jay Lethal
Abyss & Raven vs Tommy Dreamer & RVD
TNA Impact 8/5/10 Review
Ugh...TNA started with a recap of last week and I was already tired of TNA. I've been doing a LOT of terrible wrestling and somehow, I have to deal with it all the time..nevermind, I was going to rant, but eh, no one cares.
The show opened up with the recap than went into Tommy Dreamer calling out Raven. He asked Raven why he beat up Dreamer.
The whole storyline is that Tommy Dreamer stole Raven's Girlfriend and that's it. He went on about how he was going to screw Dreamer's wife, and the two brawled on top of the stage while Abyss and RVD came out and wrestled. Foley came out with a barbed wire bat to the stomach.
Foley said that he was going to be the special guest referee for the night.
Is it just me or is Taz just phoning it in? He looked like he wasn't even trying tonight, and of course, he sucks.
I'm tired of this stuff...FIRE ALL THE TNA WRITERS!
Taylor Wilde & Hamada defeated The Beautiful People
I like Taylor Wilde, I think she'd be cool to hang out with and...uh...nevermind. Hamada can wrestle, so I was hoping for big things from this match for once. Lacey Von Erich is the WORST of the knockouts. No one could carry her, and Hamada was having a hard time wrestling a terribly rookie. Velvet Sky is my least favorite of the Beautiful People. The motorcycle woman came down and helped the beautiful people by giving lacey von erich a steel chair, but it was Taylor Wilde that kicked the chair into Von Erich and that was that. New champions!
AJ Styles defeated Rob Terry
The television title was defended here, and Styles was hitting hard, but not as hard as Terry. I like Terry, he's a nice counter what is now the standard "wrestling body" and a nice throwback to the 80's. Terry was throwing Aj Styles around like a rag doll, and it was good. After some cheating tactics the former World Champion hit the 450 Splash and won the match. Where is Orlando Jordan? I thought he was feuding with Rob Terry? Oh well.
The Motor City Machine Guns defeated Beer Money in an Destination X match
I didn't like this match. Yes, they put on quite a show, but come on! It's cookie cutter and you KNEW who was going to win. I'm sick of seeing this stupid crap. I'm tired of watching high spots and no psychology, and while I like both teams, I don't want to see them wrestle each week. At least not each other. I need something NEW! PLEASE!
Bischoff and Hogan came out and ran down the card for next week, which was boring. Out came Kevin Nash and beat up Hogan. That prompted Jeff Jarrett to come out and beat up Kevin Nash. That prompted STING to come out in Red Makeup and he used the bat on Jarrett. Sting hit Hogan in the head with a chair. Jarrett was knocked out. The announcers kept talking about how the Wolfpack is back, NWO WOLFPACK...I don't care...I'm sick of these storylines.
The Pope defeated Orlando Jordan
Orlando Jordan finally is getting a shot at wrestling, instead of just freaking everyone out. The Pope was fighting well, while Orlando Jordan was doing his normal weirdo wrestling moves. The Pope eventually got the upper hand thanks to Erik Young. Erik Young ran down to the ramp and started picking up all the money that dropped from the ceiling. The Dinero Express was hit and that was that, the Pope wins.
This makes no dang sense to me. Pope is a franchise TNA player and they could make him into a major ratings draw, but nope. Matt Morgan sneak attacked him and that prompted Anderson to run down to the ring with a chair, and that was that. I'm tired of TNA and their dumb writing, FIRE ALL THE TNA WRITERS!
Ric Flair defeated Jay Lethal
This was embarrassing. I can't believe that Lethal would for this. This is a spectacle. Flair and Lethal fought in a street fight. I kid you not. Lethal in Jeans and Flair in his suit gets completely dismembered. This was sad. Flair wrestled Lethal in his underwear at one point! YES! In his underwear! Flair was busted open and was bleeding like a stuck pig. Flair, with one shoe, one sock and his underwear was fighting what appeared to be a much smarter Lethal. Thanks to Douglas Williams knocking out Lethal, Flair wins, bleeding all over the ring all over Lethal, and wow...This is sad, but you know what? The 12 year old in me was marking out like crazy.
Raven & Abyss vs Rob Van Dam & Tommy Dreamer (no contest?)
This match was terrible. Dreamer can barely work with his bum knee. RVD was ok, and Abyss was ok. Raven was a non issue. The end of this match featured 1/2 of the old ECW roster come into the ring and start beating up Abyss. The Gore got stopped, and out came 3-D! They were ready to hit 3-D but out came Raven with a chair and stopped it all. I used to love Raven, but he just looks fat now. Bring back the normal hair and lose some weight!
The lights went out completely and in the ring was The SANDMAN! AKA HAK! SANDMAN went to town with the Kendo stick! Sandman hasn't aged a bit! SANDMAN IS IN TNA!!! BUT WHO CARES? FIRE ALL THE TNA WRITERS! FIRE ALL THE WHATEVER FIRE EVERYONE! SOMEONE PLEASE STOP THIS STUPIDITY!
The show ended with everyone in ring celebrating...I'm so sick of TNA right now...I'll have a Hardcore Justice review coming Monday...So tired.
Taylor Wilde & Hamada defeated The Beautiful People
AJ Styles defeated Rob Terry
The Motor City Machine Guns defeated Beer Money in an Destination X match
The Pope defeated Orlando Jordan
Ric Flair defeated Jay Lethal
Abyss & Raven vs Tommy Dreamer & RVD
TNA Impact 8/5/10 Review
Ugh...TNA started with a recap of last week and I was already tired of TNA. I've been doing a LOT of terrible wrestling and somehow, I have to deal with it all the time..nevermind, I was going to rant, but eh, no one cares.
The show opened up with the recap than went into Tommy Dreamer calling out Raven. He asked Raven why he beat up Dreamer.
The whole storyline is that Tommy Dreamer stole Raven's Girlfriend and that's it. He went on about how he was going to screw Dreamer's wife, and the two brawled on top of the stage while Abyss and RVD came out and wrestled. Foley came out with a barbed wire bat to the stomach.
Foley said that he was going to be the special guest referee for the night.
Is it just me or is Taz just phoning it in? He looked like he wasn't even trying tonight, and of course, he sucks.
I'm tired of this stuff...FIRE ALL THE TNA WRITERS!
Taylor Wilde & Hamada defeated The Beautiful People
I like Taylor Wilde, I think she'd be cool to hang out with and...uh...nevermind. Hamada can wrestle, so I was hoping for big things from this match for once. Lacey Von Erich is the WORST of the knockouts. No one could carry her, and Hamada was having a hard time wrestling a terribly rookie. Velvet Sky is my least favorite of the Beautiful People. The motorcycle woman came down and helped the beautiful people by giving lacey von erich a steel chair, but it was Taylor Wilde that kicked the chair into Von Erich and that was that. New champions!
AJ Styles defeated Rob Terry
The television title was defended here, and Styles was hitting hard, but not as hard as Terry. I like Terry, he's a nice counter what is now the standard "wrestling body" and a nice throwback to the 80's. Terry was throwing Aj Styles around like a rag doll, and it was good. After some cheating tactics the former World Champion hit the 450 Splash and won the match. Where is Orlando Jordan? I thought he was feuding with Rob Terry? Oh well.
The Motor City Machine Guns defeated Beer Money in an Destination X match
I didn't like this match. Yes, they put on quite a show, but come on! It's cookie cutter and you KNEW who was going to win. I'm sick of seeing this stupid crap. I'm tired of watching high spots and no psychology, and while I like both teams, I don't want to see them wrestle each week. At least not each other. I need something NEW! PLEASE!
Bischoff and Hogan came out and ran down the card for next week, which was boring. Out came Kevin Nash and beat up Hogan. That prompted Jeff Jarrett to come out and beat up Kevin Nash. That prompted STING to come out in Red Makeup and he used the bat on Jarrett. Sting hit Hogan in the head with a chair. Jarrett was knocked out. The announcers kept talking about how the Wolfpack is back, NWO WOLFPACK...I don't care...I'm sick of these storylines.
The Pope defeated Orlando Jordan
Orlando Jordan finally is getting a shot at wrestling, instead of just freaking everyone out. The Pope was fighting well, while Orlando Jordan was doing his normal weirdo wrestling moves. The Pope eventually got the upper hand thanks to Erik Young. Erik Young ran down to the ramp and started picking up all the money that dropped from the ceiling. The Dinero Express was hit and that was that, the Pope wins.
This makes no dang sense to me. Pope is a franchise TNA player and they could make him into a major ratings draw, but nope. Matt Morgan sneak attacked him and that prompted Anderson to run down to the ring with a chair, and that was that. I'm tired of TNA and their dumb writing, FIRE ALL THE TNA WRITERS!
Ric Flair defeated Jay Lethal
This was embarrassing. I can't believe that Lethal would for this. This is a spectacle. Flair and Lethal fought in a street fight. I kid you not. Lethal in Jeans and Flair in his suit gets completely dismembered. This was sad. Flair wrestled Lethal in his underwear at one point! YES! In his underwear! Flair was busted open and was bleeding like a stuck pig. Flair, with one shoe, one sock and his underwear was fighting what appeared to be a much smarter Lethal. Thanks to Douglas Williams knocking out Lethal, Flair wins, bleeding all over the ring all over Lethal, and wow...This is sad, but you know what? The 12 year old in me was marking out like crazy.
Raven & Abyss vs Rob Van Dam & Tommy Dreamer (no contest?)
This match was terrible. Dreamer can barely work with his bum knee. RVD was ok, and Abyss was ok. Raven was a non issue. The end of this match featured 1/2 of the old ECW roster come into the ring and start beating up Abyss. The Gore got stopped, and out came 3-D! They were ready to hit 3-D but out came Raven with a chair and stopped it all. I used to love Raven, but he just looks fat now. Bring back the normal hair and lose some weight!
The lights went out completely and in the ring was The SANDMAN! AKA HAK! SANDMAN went to town with the Kendo stick! Sandman hasn't aged a bit! SANDMAN IS IN TNA!!! BUT WHO CARES? FIRE ALL THE TNA WRITERS! FIRE ALL THE WHATEVER FIRE EVERYONE! SOMEONE PLEASE STOP THIS STUPIDITY!
The show ended with everyone in ring celebrating...I'm so sick of TNA right now...I'll have a Hardcore Justice review coming Monday...So tired.
aj styles,
beer money,
jay lethal,
motor city machine guns,
orlando jordan,
ric flair,
rob terry,
rob van dam,
taylor wilde,
the beautiful people,
the pope,
tna impact results,
tommy dreamer
WWE Superstars 8/5/10 Results and Review
WWE Superstars 8/5/10 Results
Layla defeated Tiffany
Hawkins & Archer defeated The Dudebusters
Evan Bourne defeated Zack Ryder
WWE Superstars 8/5/10 Review
Another wrestling show another review, and I'm dead tired. As soon as I heard the divas music...I knew I was in for another hate filled night.
Layla defeated Tiffany
Layla in person is quite attractive, on tv? Not so much. Tiffany in person? not that hot to me. These two put on a sub-standard divas match and I didn't like it. I'm so sick of the divas division, they are some of the worst wrestlers ever. That being said, I didn't hate this match quite as much as I thought I would. There was some legit wrestling somewhere in this match, and that was a stunning thing. Layla worked on Tiffany's knee until she hit her finisher and that was that. This match took longer than many other divas matches I've seen and Layla came out on top without much interference from Michelle McCool.
Hawkins & Archer defeated The Dudebusters
The announce team said that this was an impressive win, but I didn't think it was. This match sucked, it was just another tag team match for me. Hawkins and Archer can actually wrestle, but they aren't growing on me or the crowd. They suck, and the Dudebusters? They are glorified jobbers.
Evan Bourne defeated Zack Ryder
The main event on Superstars doesn't get enough attention. There have been some solid matches on Superstars and this one was definitely a good one. Evan Bourne took a lot of punishment from Ryder and in the end Ryder made a crucial mistake, he fell off the top rope, or rather was thrown off and out came the Shooting Star Press and Bourne takes out Ryder. A great overall contest with some big moves, a good pace, and of course the Shooting Star Press.
Layla defeated Tiffany
Hawkins & Archer defeated The Dudebusters
Evan Bourne defeated Zack Ryder
WWE Superstars 8/5/10 Review
Another wrestling show another review, and I'm dead tired. As soon as I heard the divas music...I knew I was in for another hate filled night.
Layla defeated Tiffany
Layla in person is quite attractive, on tv? Not so much. Tiffany in person? not that hot to me. These two put on a sub-standard divas match and I didn't like it. I'm so sick of the divas division, they are some of the worst wrestlers ever. That being said, I didn't hate this match quite as much as I thought I would. There was some legit wrestling somewhere in this match, and that was a stunning thing. Layla worked on Tiffany's knee until she hit her finisher and that was that. This match took longer than many other divas matches I've seen and Layla came out on top without much interference from Michelle McCool.
Hawkins & Archer defeated The Dudebusters
The announce team said that this was an impressive win, but I didn't think it was. This match sucked, it was just another tag team match for me. Hawkins and Archer can actually wrestle, but they aren't growing on me or the crowd. They suck, and the Dudebusters? They are glorified jobbers.
Evan Bourne defeated Zack Ryder
The main event on Superstars doesn't get enough attention. There have been some solid matches on Superstars and this one was definitely a good one. Evan Bourne took a lot of punishment from Ryder and in the end Ryder made a crucial mistake, he fell off the top rope, or rather was thrown off and out came the Shooting Star Press and Bourne takes out Ryder. A great overall contest with some big moves, a good pace, and of course the Shooting Star Press.
curt hawkins,
evan bourne,
wwe superstars,
zack ryder
Ring of Honor 8/4/10 Results and Review
Ring of Honor 8/4/10 Results
The Dark City Fight Club defeated Mr. Ernesto Osiris & Shawn Daivari
Eddie Edwards defeated Frank Freddie
Kenny King defeated Delirious
Jay Briscoe defeated Claudio Castagnoli
Mark Briscoe defeated Chris Hero
Ring of Honor 8/4/10 Review
I promised some more Ring of Honor coverage, and the delay this week was due to the fact that I had to get my hands on some ROH, so it took me an extra day. I think I finally got it all figured out and will be adding ROH to my line up of reviews I do. this show aired 8/4/10 but I'm not sure when it was taped or anything like that. I don't have a lot of information on ROH and if you want to fill me in email me or hit me up on aim (thecorporatehero), just don't be a jerk about it. So here you go, my review of ROH television.
The Dark City Fight Club defeated Mr. Ernesto Osiris & Shawn Daivari
There is a tag team tournament going on called tag wars, and it's awesome to see a promotion actually enjoy watching tag team wrestling. The match started on the outside with both teams fighting each other and going at it into the barricades. This match had a few bad looking botches, but the Dark City Fight Club was quite good and reminded me of the Eliminators in ECW, and won with a combination neck breaker powerbomb, which was quite good. This match was standard wrestling fair, but it was cool to see tag teams represented as more than just "hot shotted" idiots.
The Eddie Edwards Ten Minute Hunt began, and the television champion Eddie Edwards wanted to see if anyone could fight him and defeat him. Not a bad thing, I can see a Ultimate warrior run down and win.
Eddie Edwards defeated Frank Freddie
I think the new comer said his name was Frank...or something...I don't know. The match started with Edwards pummeling the newcomer. Frank had some nice moves, and was hitting Edwards with some solid hits and moves, but thinks turned around after a flurry of offense from the new comer. Eddie Edwards caught Frank off the top rope with a powerbomb and turned it into a half-Boston Crab while kicking him in the head. They called it the Achilles Lock, and it was quite the submission, wow, not a bad match.
Kenny King defeated Delirious
Austin Aries was supposed to battle Delirious but he came out to the ring and said that he couldn't wrestle because he had laringitis. So he found a replacement, the young Kenny King. Kenny King won this match with what was called the Shotgun Knees. Austin Aries distracted Delirious by blowing smoke in his face and then distracting him in ring, and that was that.
Jay Briscoe defeated Claudio Castagnoli
A very nice back and forth match up with Claudio looking like one heck of a wrestler and Jay Briscoe looking like the second coming of PG-13, just sayin. Jay Briscoe hit a very nasty looking Death valley Driver right on Claudio's neck, and I thought this thing was done, but nope, Jay couldn't get the 3 count. Jay Briscoe won after reversing some pinfall attempts and that was that. This match wasn't terrible, but it wasn't a technical classic either.
Mark Briscoe defeated Chris Hero
Chris Hero looks to be ready for the big leagues, why he's not in TNA or WWE is beyond me. More than anyone else on the show he looks like he could fit in very well with the rest of the guys in the big leagues. This match was quite good, with lots of back and forth action, Hero looking like a champion, and Mark the sympathetic face outclassed by a more traditional pro-wrestler. Mark Briscoe won with a nice pinfall, and that was that.
Overall, this night of ROH wasn't half bad. I liked it. I'm not completely sold on the Briscoe Brothers, but there is some great tag team action, some good singles wrestling, and an overall good show. I didn't hate it, but that might be because I'm relatively new to watching ROH on a weekly basis, I might change my mind.
The Dark City Fight Club defeated Mr. Ernesto Osiris & Shawn Daivari
Eddie Edwards defeated Frank Freddie
Kenny King defeated Delirious
Jay Briscoe defeated Claudio Castagnoli
Mark Briscoe defeated Chris Hero
Ring of Honor 8/4/10 Review
I promised some more Ring of Honor coverage, and the delay this week was due to the fact that I had to get my hands on some ROH, so it took me an extra day. I think I finally got it all figured out and will be adding ROH to my line up of reviews I do. this show aired 8/4/10 but I'm not sure when it was taped or anything like that. I don't have a lot of information on ROH and if you want to fill me in email me or hit me up on aim (thecorporatehero), just don't be a jerk about it. So here you go, my review of ROH television.
The Dark City Fight Club defeated Mr. Ernesto Osiris & Shawn Daivari
There is a tag team tournament going on called tag wars, and it's awesome to see a promotion actually enjoy watching tag team wrestling. The match started on the outside with both teams fighting each other and going at it into the barricades. This match had a few bad looking botches, but the Dark City Fight Club was quite good and reminded me of the Eliminators in ECW, and won with a combination neck breaker powerbomb, which was quite good. This match was standard wrestling fair, but it was cool to see tag teams represented as more than just "hot shotted" idiots.
The Eddie Edwards Ten Minute Hunt began, and the television champion Eddie Edwards wanted to see if anyone could fight him and defeat him. Not a bad thing, I can see a Ultimate warrior run down and win.
Eddie Edwards defeated Frank Freddie
I think the new comer said his name was Frank...or something...I don't know. The match started with Edwards pummeling the newcomer. Frank had some nice moves, and was hitting Edwards with some solid hits and moves, but thinks turned around after a flurry of offense from the new comer. Eddie Edwards caught Frank off the top rope with a powerbomb and turned it into a half-Boston Crab while kicking him in the head. They called it the Achilles Lock, and it was quite the submission, wow, not a bad match.
Kenny King defeated Delirious
Austin Aries was supposed to battle Delirious but he came out to the ring and said that he couldn't wrestle because he had laringitis. So he found a replacement, the young Kenny King. Kenny King won this match with what was called the Shotgun Knees. Austin Aries distracted Delirious by blowing smoke in his face and then distracting him in ring, and that was that.
Jay Briscoe defeated Claudio Castagnoli
A very nice back and forth match up with Claudio looking like one heck of a wrestler and Jay Briscoe looking like the second coming of PG-13, just sayin. Jay Briscoe hit a very nasty looking Death valley Driver right on Claudio's neck, and I thought this thing was done, but nope, Jay couldn't get the 3 count. Jay Briscoe won after reversing some pinfall attempts and that was that. This match wasn't terrible, but it wasn't a technical classic either.
Mark Briscoe defeated Chris Hero
Chris Hero looks to be ready for the big leagues, why he's not in TNA or WWE is beyond me. More than anyone else on the show he looks like he could fit in very well with the rest of the guys in the big leagues. This match was quite good, with lots of back and forth action, Hero looking like a champion, and Mark the sympathetic face outclassed by a more traditional pro-wrestler. Mark Briscoe won with a nice pinfall, and that was that.
Overall, this night of ROH wasn't half bad. I liked it. I'm not completely sold on the Briscoe Brothers, but there is some great tag team action, some good singles wrestling, and an overall good show. I didn't hate it, but that might be because I'm relatively new to watching ROH on a weekly basis, I might change my mind.
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