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Big Show defeated Daniel Bryan
Alberto Del Rio defeated Brodus Clay
The Prime Time Players defeated Team CoBro
2-on-1 Handicap Match: Ryback defeated Dolph Ziggler & David Otunga
Non-Title: Antonio Cesaro defeated Justin Gabriel
Kane defeated Matt Striker
Non-Title: Sheamus defeated Wade Barrett
Divas Championship: Eve (c) def. Layla by pin after Eve (c)
Team Rhodes Scholars defeated Primo & Epico
Non-Title: Kofi Kingston defeated The Miz
WWE Monday Night Raw 10/15/12 Review
When it comes to the “A” show, the WWE surely know how to do it right. I found this night to be another mixed night of quality wrestling, boring backstage stuff, and wanting to boink the general manager. You know you’d want to as well!
Best Matches of the Night
My favorite matches of the night this time around are the Big Show beating Daniel Bryan. This match had a lot to offer, even for me. Bryan really hit everything he could on Show, but it was Show in the end that had the winning formula, choke slamming Bryan within an inch of his life.
Ryback defeating two main eventers, well not really, was a surprise. Ryback continued to plow through competitors, this time it was David Otunga and Ziggler that got completely blown away by the monster.
Kofi Kingston and the Miz! This match was ok, then it got into an insane ending where The Miz was clocked in the face by Kofi in what seemed like the hardest kick to the head I’ve ever seen. MIz, I thought was completely knocked out clean, but apparently he did not receive a concussion. I thought for sure he was gone.
My favorite of all the matches, had to go to the Antonio Cesaro match in which Justin Gabriel put on a highlight reel of his talent, only to get blown out of mid air with a European uppercut. I kid you not, the timing here was perfect and Gabriel was blown out of his boots by a huge uppercut that no one saw coming. Loved the match, loved the ending, great quality overall.
Bad Matches
The tag team division received no time, as they went through a spot fest that bored me.
The women still are tired and boring.
The backstage elements weren’t that great, and the first punk segment as well as the Miz’s highlight reel knockoff was stupid.
Overall all the talking was too much, and the action suffered, but then again, the ending was awesome.
Overall Show
Ryback and Punk will meet inside a Hell in the Cell match at the ppv, and while I’m not going to buy it, I know a lot of people will. The match up is an interesting one, as the two will face each other one on one for the first time.
If you’re not a fan of Ryback’s push, at least know that both John Cena and CM Punk have voted for him backstage to take this main event spot right now. Will Ryback win?
Well, I don’t know, but I will put money on Punk retaining through antics and maybe help from someone breaking into the cage. If he retains, look for Dolph Ziggler to steal the title.
The overall show was good, I liked it. The matches were brief, but some of them were definitely bright spots overall. The 3 Man Rock Band gimmick is funny, I’ll buy into it, that’s for sure. I want to play air guitar already!
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