Randy Orton def. The Miz
Team Rhodes Scholars def. Tyson Kidd & Justin Gabriel
Team Hell No def. Big Show & Dolph Ziggler
Antonio Cesaro def. Ted DiBiase
Heath Slater (with Jinder Mahal & Drew McIntyre) def. Brodus Clay
Layla def. Natalya
Lumberjack Match: Non-Title: Sheamus def. Wade Barrett
WWE Smackdown 10/19/12 Thoughts

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WWE Smackdown to me is still the B show, so I have to remember to treat it that way when I watch it. The beginning segments bored me, but then we got into a match, and for the most part that’s what I remember from the show.
The Miz took a sick shot from Orton towards the end of the match, and his losing streak is once again indicative that we may not see The Miz much longer. He’s come a long way, but he’s going straight down in these recent months. Orton looked solid, even though I still don’t like him.
The tag team division needs more teams; I’m tired of the same old jobber squads facing Rhodes Scholars.
Daniel Bryan and Kane are definitely fun to watch, and they made Big Slow and Ziggler look good overall. I loved the way things would turn out later in the show.
3MB is cool in my view. If you’re not sold on it, watch Heath Slater’s picture perfect missile dropkick off the top rope, and you might think differently. Brodus Clay was an awesome character, but I think they are giving up on him, this is yet another loss for the big man.
The women’s match sucked.
The lumberjack match at the end was cumbersome to say the least. The guys worked an ok match, but I’m tired of seeing Barrett become another jobber for a roster full of them.
The Best Match
This week’s best match goes to Antonio Cesaro for knocking the hell out of Ted Dibiase. I’m impressed by Cesaro’s old school style and hope he gets a good opponent that will challenge for the belt.
Team Hell No versus Big Show and Ziggler was a great match showcasing everyone’s powerful fan reaction. I liked how it all turned out and especially the way Big Show is held strong even in defeat.
The Worst Match
The absolute worst is the women’s match. I’m sick of them. The knockouts at least put on a decent match up.
The tag match and the Lumberjack match were not my favorites, so they tie for the worst. Although I hate Orton, so that’s not saying much.
Overall Show
Overall, the B show did ok, it was entertaining but they have a long way to go before they can match up the intensity that I get from Raw each week. We’ll see how things turn out in the near future. For now, enjoy your weekend.
Highlight of the Night
The best part of the show came at the end, when Dolph Ziggler was ready to cash in his Money in the Bank briefcase but unfortunately as he was ready to pounce on a helpless Sheamus Big Show knocked him completely out, and that was the end of the show. I loved it. I usually hate on the Big Slow but this was great.
BOOOM BOOOM BOOM Kofi won the title on wednesday, I didn't watch.
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