They offered a lot of crap with no substance....lets look back at some of the worst of last night.

WOW! That is the world's worst move ever! The legends of wrestling are really easy to defeat with moves like this. WOW! A boot...well more like the other side of the boot seems to paralyze opponents. This is the worst.
How does beating an aging old timer make Orton look stronger?
Have Orton win a heated battle with Kennedy or Umaga or anyone else, then prove his strength, not get Slaughter to JOB again! This makes him look stupid.

See that? That is exactly why Booker DID NOT WANT to go to RAW. He's now wrestling an old time has been in Lawler. Sure Lawler was great, but he's a commentator, NOT a relevant wrestler at this point. Booker loses major credibility here and proves that Raw didn't need BOOKER and his King gimmick. I feel bad for the guy, he's trapped in the lower mid-card hell area with this bout of old time losses.

I am not even going to say that obvious. Apparently there are no other number one contenders to the Intercontinental championship.

The tag team division melted long ago and they just threw more trash on top of it. Two jobbers on raw? What happened to competition amongst tag teams....oh right...they aren't seen as important any longer. Why must I see this crap? Is it Saturday morning and 1990? Is Superstars on? Is this the main event? Why? Why WWE?

What's this? A Carlito Win? This makes no sense from a writing stand point. What now? Will Carlito get a title shot? Only to lose? Or will Orton interfere, costing Carlito the victory and propelling him into a feud or dare I say...Triangle Match! The winner of Orton vs. Carlito will face Cena later in the night! Nope. We'll probably see this one end fast and early since Carlito is hated by the WWE. What happened to him last week? How is he in the main event now?
Bad stuff huh?
What about the good you say?
Here are the best parts of last nights raw:

Kennedy vs. Lashley...good stuff.

Cody's got some major game. His 1st win was impressive, too bad Daivari isn't really relevant anymore.
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