Alberto Del Rio defeated Kofi Kingston
Natalya defeated Layla
David Otunga defeated Edge in a lumberjack match
Dolph Ziggler defeated MVP
The Big Show defeated Kane
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 11/12/10 Review
The show started with Edge, and in HD he looks really old. He cut a promo about Wrestlemania. Eventually Nexus ran down, and Vickie Guerrero came down and said Nexus couldn't interfere.
Alberto Del Rio defeated Kofi Kingston
Kofi Kingston managd to not only take the match to Alberto Del Rio, he seemed poised to win this match up. However, Del Rio managed to keep his wits amidst a major increase in offense from Kofi, and hit his finisher, forcing Kofi to tap out. The match featured a lot of work from Kofi, but it was Del Rio's counters that really made this match shine.
Post match, Rey mysterio ran down and beat up Alberto Del Rio, and that was that.
Natalya defeated Layla
Natalya fought Layla alone in this match up. Natalya can wrestle, and you know what? So can Layla, despite the fact that she doesn't get much of a chance sometimes. Natalya got Layla into the sharpshooter and this match was over.
David Otunga defeated Edge in a lumberjack match
Edge carried David Otunga to a good mach. Otunga managed to get in a little bit of offense, but the match wasn't exactly a thriller. Edge managed to keep things lively, with lots of hits and misses. He even managed to hit some of the lumberjacks, making it even more interesting. Otunga was not going to win this one, that was the outlook, until, Kane came in and choke slammed Edge! Otunga wins!
Dolph Ziggler defeated MVP
MVP in a high profile match? Well, this wasn't exactly the world title, but it was a good shot at Ziggler. Dolph Ziggler improves with every opponent, and it seems that he's really pushing forward as the Intercontinental Champion. MVP managed to bring his A game and there were a lot of points where Ziggler looked down and out. This match really got going towards the finish, with Ziggler getting the win after a Zig Zag.
The Big Show defeated Kane
Kane and Big show put on a likeable match up. This thing was goign well with the two men exchanging power moves. Kane was distracted by Edge at one point, with Paul Bearer tied up in a wheel chair, and that allowed Big Show to get the win. Kane sucks. Hopefully Edge takes the belt, and we don't have to worry about this crap anymore.
Post match, Paul Bearer was rolled out of frame, while Kane cried in the ring.
This night of Smackdown was ok at best. There were a lot of low points, but it was better than the stink fest of Raw. Survivor Series looks intriguing, but I still have no job, and I am broke, so I doubt I will see it live.
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