Raw was on par with some great timing as Mister McMahon came out to talk about the Main Event for Judgment Day.
He was interrupted twice. Once by Shawn Michaels and once by Lashley.
This is not match related, so while I can tell you there was talking and rambling, there was little wrestling action, so what’s there to say? McMahon set up two matches:
HBK vs. Khali and Lashley vs. Vince McMahon & Shane McMahon & Umaga for the ECW Championship set for Judgment day
Lashley then beats down Jonathan Coachman for no apparent reason. This doesn’t prove anything.
The women’s match was next:
Candice & Mickie James defeated Victoria & Melina
This match was a bathroom break. I couldn’t believe that they put this on raw instead of something better. These ladies do not know how to wrestle, and while Mickie James & Victoria do, the other two are horrible. I don’t like this match, and I do not believe that this match should be taking place.
That being said, this match was the standard practice for the girls. They did ok to say the least, but I did not enjoy the match that much. The timing was off, and the moves were disjointed. I hope they do more to train and learn more in ring. Mickie James is improving, so I give her a lot of credit. She’s not as green as she used to be.
Santino defeated Chris Masters
Intercontinental Championship Match
Santino is a new comer from Italy and the fans really aren’t aware of this guy. I do not understand why Masters is getting a title shot, this makes no sense, and devalues the Intercontinental title.
Masters took control early, dominating most of the match, and continuing to pummel Santino with a variety of moves.
Then the finish came with a quick roll up surprise and the three count. If you weren’t watching, you missed it, it was that quick, and overall a poor excuse for a match.
After an extended break with nothing really going on.
The Highlanders lose to Umaga
A huge squash! This was so dumb, they buried the Highlanders in a matter of minutes. I hate the way tag teams are treated. At least WCW put some integrity in their tag teams and didn’t let them get squashed this bad.
Great Khali kills Shawn Michaels
In a weird turn of events, the Great Khali destroys HBK in a major squash.
I like this one. I don’t mind if Great Khali bulldozes his way through the competition, but can Cena do anything to retain the belt at Judgment Day? I don’t know, HBK just got demolished in a matter of moments.
A bunch of weird promos are shown.
The Hardy Boyz vs. The Worlds Greatest Tag Team
Finally a match!
Although this match was fast and furious and really did nothing for either team, it was still a great match up. The Greatest Tag Team and Hardyz are perfect together! They compliment each other quite well and the wrestling moves are amazing. The whole match really got the crowd and myself going! It’s a great match up.
Then Cade and Murdoch go in and mop up. Which is lame.
I’d like to see a Texas Bull Rope match to settle the score sooner than later. But I doubt we’ll see anything of that sorts.
The Hardyz win clean, and then take things elsewhere.
Edge defeated. Mr. Kennedy (Money In The Bank)
Edge outwitted Mr. Kennedy in a match that was for the world title shot! It was an incredible match up in theory, but the match wasn’t even that good. It was a good showcase, but knowing that Mr. Kennedy was injured I knew Edge would benefit.
So Edge gets a guaranteed title shot, at Kennedy’s expense, Kennedy will be out for at least 5 to 7 months! A tricep tear is serious.
WWE Champion John Cena vs. Randy Orton
This match ended in a no contest. So it was pointless. Not only was it a non title match it was interrupted by great Khali who laid out Cena for the second time in the last two weeks. This is no good, this is good, this has me tied up in an emotional knot.
Can Khali make good on his end? Will Cena finally drop the title? I sure hope so.
Overall the second hour of raw was great. A lot more focus on the matches, but that’s not to say it was all good. It was good in many ways, and I really enjoyed the second half. I even stayed up to see every last moment. I’m excited for the Khali angle.
I’m not excited about the Ric Flair Carlito Angle, and the rest is up to Smackdown to counter. This show was loaded, and delivered quite nicely, although the ending was not that great, but enough matches to hold me over until ECW’s show.

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