Boogeyman def. William Regal (Disqualification)
I’m not sure if they are burying Boogeyman or burying Regal! This was a slow match with a stupid ending. It made me realize how much I hate the wwe’s creative
direction. I did enjoy the reaction to Regal, but Boogeyman…I don’t know.
Brian Kendrick def. WWE Tag Team Champion Domino
I hate these single matches. They prove nothing. There is also no other major teams, so a tag team tournament wouldn’t even be possible. At least WCW had a lot of tag teams, and partners to get into a good groove to defend the titles. These guys are just lame. Kendrick wins over Domino.

Matt Hardy def. Mr. Kennedy
Matt Hardy and Ken Kennedy have a great match. This match had psychology, pacing, and great overall tone. The fans reacted accordingly, and it was a great match overall. Hardy defeats Kennedy clean, and it looks like he’s getting some major pull with the higher ups thanks to the fan reaction.
Jimmy Wang Yang def. Gregory Helms
Another great thing about WCW was their cruiserweight division. It was fast and furious, and had a lot of cruiserweights featured on all programs. Here in the WWE they don’t like the big man. JWY wins but how long did they wrestle and Helms win? A lot of times, and now, after Helms does not have the title, Yang wins?
Give me a break. This match was solid, but no clear definition. Where’s the champ too?
Finlay def. Miz (Count-out)
Miz wrestles Finlay but leaves after an interference. This match was a throwaway. It did not build anyone and it did not further any story. Miz is a horrible wrestler.
MVP def. Kane
Great MVP beats Kane. After how many times did Kane pulverize this guy? This is the type of thinking that is doing the job of ruining characters and the company.
I hope things get better.
The great announcement is the fact that the WWE Championship will be held in Steel Cage match! The Taker is injured so expect the title to finish into the hands of Batista again.

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