Kevin Thorn def. Tommy Dreamer
The Vampire theme is a good one for professional wrestling, but Kevin Thorn is flying solo and he has no major help to bring him over. An aging Tommy Dreamer isn't the way to build a character, but for ECW it seems that they are going to throw it at the audience and hope for the best.
CM Punk def. Stevie Richards
CM Punk is interesting, but Stevie Richards? Come on...this is ridiculous. This is the worst thing in the world. That guy outlasted: Raven, Lance Storm, Justin Credible and others, and guess what? He still has no major gimmick. No "Right To Censor" no anything good. A snoozefest for Punk...which is weird.
Marcus Cor Von def. Rob Van Dam
Rob Van Dam is such a great star. The burial of Rob Van Dam on ECW continues, as he is not being used in the main event scene. I'd like to see another Rob Van Dam vs. John Cena match, as well as other matches, but things don't turn out the way I want them nor do they turn out like the majority of the ECW fans like them. Rob Van Dam loses to "Monty Brown" and it's sad.
The whole show was action packed, but the wrestling wasn't all that great. The highlights saw CM PUNK turn on the originals and force a heel shift, which is interesting but useless on television because the fans were steadily behind him. They should have waited for a Title shot or something along those lines.
ECW is still going down the tubes.

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