Santino Marella def. Intercontinental Champion Umaga (new champion)
Umaga came out which was odd for a show. He came out to the promo of Vince McMahon who was ranting about Bobby Lashley. He then stated that Umaga would wrestle anyone! When no one responded McMahon said it would be for the Intercontinental championship. Then when no one responded he called on a supposed fan, but he was an obvious plant.
The match was on, and he went straight for the jugular. He was throwing in offense and was on a roll until McMahon stopped the match to announce that it would be a no holds barred match. This was odd, and Umaga got some major shots in, and looked like another easy win for him until Lashley showed up to ruin the party. Santino was laid out and Lashley took out the Intercontinental Champion and rolled Santino on top of him for the win.
Raw was in Italy, by the way, and Santino is a hometown boy so he wins the intercontinental championship.
However, this is bad for the belt. The guy didn't look so good out there and I wonder if that was Mcmahon's intention because he basically just buried the importance of the belt. Why would it be so easy to beat Umaga? Oh I forgot, it is because lashley is the new Hulk Hogan, he can not lose. The match was boring, the surprise title change was good though.
World's Greatest Tag Team def. Ric Flair & Carlito
One of the best young players in the game is being buried on raw with Ric Flair. He is a great talent and he showed off his stuff before losing to Haas and Benjamin, the jobbers in the tag-title scene. This is so stupid. Why are they burying Carlito? Give the guy the Intercontinental championship and quit playing WWE!
Johnny Nitro def. Eugene
A throwaway match if I have ever seen one. It is stupid to have such a stupid match on a good show. Nitro is a good wrestler at this point, but Eugene's novelty has worn really thin at this point. That is why I think that this match was a dumb idea. Eugene should be repackaged and Nick Dinsmore should be better.
Torrie Wilson wins a WWE Diva Fashion Show
This was a throw away match. As much as I like the Divas, I hate this waste of talent. This was dumb, so I played Super Mario Kart.
Lance Cade def. Jeff Hardy
Lance Cade sucks. However, the WWE is trying to make a compelling argument for their potential win at Backlash over the Hardy's. Cade is like JBL in many ways, but he is not as charismatic. He is a huge guy though. Hardy did his best, but fell short in this attempt. The Hardys will meat Cade and the underpayed Murdoch at Backlash. This was a poor set up.
Chris Masters def. Super Crazy
Two wrestlers that are under appreciated were displayed on raw as well. Super Crazy lost to Chris Masters. Masters seems a lot smaller than his debut, and Crazy is holding onto the high paying contract at this point. He is the only guy to outlast the other Mexican wrestlers. Crazy is better in Mexico. Masters was once in a match with Shawn Michaels, which was a great event, this was not.
WWE Champion John Cena def. Edge and Randy Orton (Non-Title Handicap Match)
Making the Champion strong does not mean that they need to have some random handicap match to make things better. Edge and Orton look like idiots losing to the Champion. In order to make a compelling case for Backlash, Cena has to start losing, or else his appeal with the children is going to start waning, and the cheers are going to once again turn into boos as they were before Wrestlemania in many ways.
The raw even was lackluster at some points and did a horrible job trying to get into WWE Backlash 2007. This was a major dissapointment for me, and wished I would have just gone to bed earlier. The highlight was the Intercontinental match, which was a poor showing, but interesting developments none the less.
The announcement for next is WWE Champion John Cena vs. HBK Shawn Michaels in a Wrestlemania Rematch!

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