Alberto Del Rio defeated Daniel Bryan
John Morrison defeated Cody Rhodes
Drew McIntyre vs. Ezekiel Jackson double count out
Sheamus defeated Kofi Kingston
Yoshi Tatsu & Mark Henry defeated Justin Gabriel & Heath Slater
John Morrison defeated Alberto Del Rio
Natalya & Friends defeated The Bad Girls
Sheamus defeated John Morrison to become the King of the Ring
The Miz defeated Jerry Lawler in a TLC match
WWE Monday Night Raw 11/29/10 Review
The king of the ring tournament was tonight and opened up with Alex Riley saying that a party is in order. Cm Punk is back in the booth for a 3 man raw announce team. The opening match would prove to start the night off right.
Alberto Del Rio defeated Daniel Bryan
Daniel Bryan really put on a match with Alberto Del Rio, and both men proved to be interesting to watch. Del Rio was really pushing around Daniel in this matchup, and after the halfway point, I wasn't sure if Daniel Bryan could come back from the beat down he was receiving. Bryan's picture perfect back suplex with a bridge was amazing, even if he didn't get the pinfall. Del Rio and Bryan were putting on a clinic of how pro-wrestling should be, and had the crowd going for quite some time. Once again, Bryan dove through the middle rope onto the outside and it looked like once again, he hurt his shoulder. Del Rio side stepped the missile dropkick, and Del Rio got his submission move and won the match! This was a classic wrestling match with lots of great moments, and Del Rio moves forward, I enjoyed it greatly.
R Truth challenged any member of Nexus to go one on one. Backstage, John Cena beat up was an interesting pov type camera angle too.
John Morrison defeated Cody Rhodes
This match was quite fast, and Cody Rhodes folded over and lost. Cody made a quick mistake and Morrison made him pay. This was an interesting bout, even if it seemed like a burial. MOrrison cut his lip wide open, and he was bleeding after the match, but he moves forward.
Drew McIntyre vs. Ezekiel Jackson double count out
These two fought to a double countout, which is strange, since Zeke has been on a roll as of late, and McIntyre is on his way to getting fired, if you ask me. Not a great match, not a terrible match, and the double countout means someone gets a bye.
The Miz cut a promo, and it wasn't half bad. Jerry Lawler got on the mic to retort though. Michael Cole tried to stop Jerry Lawler from getting involved with the Miz, cause he might get beat up.
It was announced that Lawler will fight Miz in a wwe title TLC match in the main event.
Sheamus defeated Kofi Kingston
Kofi put on a lot of great moves here, and it wasn't a burial match. It was relatively short, but it was easy for Sheamus. Kofi hit "Thunder in Paradise" which looked great, but Sheamus managed to comeback and hit the "bro-kick" on Kofi, and that was that. Sheamus moves forward.
Yoshi Tatsu & Mark Henry defeated Justin Gabriel & Heath Slater
Mark Henry and Yoshi Tatsu had their hands full during this match, as the Nexus members were making quick work of the makeshift team. Mid-match, John Cena came down and walkd through the crowd with tickets in hand! He then sat down with tickets in the front row! Once again WWE rehashed the Matt Hardy storyline...sadly. Nexus then had some hard times with Mark Henry, who was dominating the smaller men with ease. Mark Henry got the pinfall, and Cena ran in to get an AA on Slater, through a table and spilling Cm Punk's diet soda!!
John Morrison defeated Alberto Del Rio
Del Rio seemed poised to win this match up, and it looked like a done deal at one point, but Del Rio was distracted by Rey Mysterio and BOOOM John Morrison knocked him out and won! Morrison and Sheamus are in the finals of the King of the Ring Tournament!
Wade Barrett got on the mic but was surprised to see John Cena beat up Nexus and then hitting Justin Gabriel with an AA onto a car hood! WOO! Cena wants Nexus vs Cena in a thunderdome cage match, if you ask me...Uncensored 2010! BOOK IT!
Natalya & Friends defeated The Bad Girls
ANother terrible six man tag team match. Lame. The Divas are the worst.
Sheamus defeated John Morrison to become the King of the Ring
Sheamus didn't just roll over for Morrison. Morrison put on a good amount of action against the Celtic Warrior, but Sheamus outlasted the rock star and finished off Morrison to win the match. Not a great match, but impressive none the less, winning two matches. King Sheamus, not half bad. No sign of Triple H, that'd have been huge, but that's fine.
I'm not sure why I didn't see this one coming, I thought for some odd reason that Del Rio could get far in the tournament, but I guess it was telegraphed that Morrison and Sheamus would fight in the finals. If history does in fact repeat itself yet again, we'll see more from Morrison and Sheamus including a cage match somewhere down the line...just watch.
The Miz defeated Jerry Lawler in a TLC match
I wasn't sure if Lawler could actually win this one, but it could in fact happen. The Miz was dominant early on, and was just beating the crap out of King Lawler, and it started to look sad. Then King changed things up, with a steel chair, the equalizer! He bent a chair on the back of Miz and started a comeback trail against the MIz. Alex Riley got involved at several points in the match, and after some fight, he got punched out and thrown threw a TABLE! Lawler was definitely not getting buried in this match, that's for sure, and the crowd even started chanting Jerry at one point. Miz got socked out huge from the top rope, and he FLEW, I swear, FLEW through a table! The crowd went nuts, I marked out huge! King actually looked like he could win. Michael Cole at one point left the announce booth and tried to revive the MIz at one point. CM Punk was left on the mic alone, Lawler was crawling to the top getting the world title! Miz was out, Alex Riley was out, Michael COle stopped King from getting the belt! MICHAEL COLE STOPPED JERRY LAWLER! Lawler beat the crap out of Michael Cole and the MIz got back up and the two were fighting on top of the ladder for the WWE TITLE!!!! This match was stellar, I was going nuts for this match, and this was completely believable! I was marking out huge as the two fought for the title on top of the ladder, Lawler eventually fell off the top and Miz got the belt, of the BEST main events on WWE television this year! I kid you not, this was THAT good!
Great overall night in wrestling and that main event was just fabulous. CM Punk on the mic was great, Miz took some sick bumps, Cole getting beat up, oh man, so much greatness at the end of this show. I loved it, I absolutely loved it. Wow, what a night!
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